• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,607 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter LXV


I stepped out from the hallway into the living room, pausing to examine Diamond Tiara snoring in a corner with a dog as I nodded before continuing to sit next to Cloudkicker and Twilight.

“What did your mom and Aunt want?” Cloudkicker asked as she held her hooves to the fireplace.

“Catching me up on all I’ve missed in Equestria. Cadence getting married, Tirek, Discord, Chrysalis all that fun stuff,” I explained as Twilight frowned slightly.

“I see,” Twilight commented as she shifted to look at me. “I was there for all of those. Wonder why she didn’t ask me to tell you too.”

“Not sure,” I said and looked away. “Mom is asleep right now so you can ask her in the morning, Twily. Where’s Trixie and Blossomforth?”

“Trixie is currently scouring the castle for alcohol, Blossomforth is attempting to keep her out of trouble while I keep warm,” Cloudkicker answers as she cracked her neck. “Carrot is currently upstairs with Spike and Golden, Raindrops is out flying with Rainbow and Fluttershy, Rarity and Lavender are in the kitchen talking fashion apparently. I also chose to stay and watch Diamond use Winona as a pillow and Twilight decided to get to know me better apparently as she put it. Applejack and Pinkie are with the rest of Applejack’s family for tonight.”

“I see.”

I watched idly as Twilight levitated another log on as I shifted closer to the fireplace. One of the things I missed most was having a fireplace in my house. Humans don’t really have them in houses anymore, that idea died off years ago once better ways to heat houses were created unfortunately.

“Weird to know we’re related,” Twilight muttered as I shrugged. “Distantly of course but still family. But more closer than Pinkie and Applejack are. You have to come visit more now.”

“Yeah sure,” I waved a hoof. “I still have Wallflower and Fuchsia to show around Equestria so we will be back. And besides, Equestria goes through a lot more national emergencies so I’ll be able to help out with that if you need me.”

“It’s been pretty peaceful recently. Tirek is in Tartarus, Chrysalis is who knows where and I haven’t seen nor heard anything from Starlight recently,” Twilight commented and stretched her wings. “So that’s a plus I suppose at least. I was hoping she would come to Ponyville and apologize but there’s been nothing yet.”

“I have a feeling I’m not gonna like knowing what you’re talking about,” I muttered as Cloudkicker snickered and Twilight nodded.

“It’s complicated and I’m tired. I’m gonna go sleep and I’ll tell you later about what happened. Goodnight,” Twilight stood up and stretched her forelegs before trotting away.

“Just wait until Trixie finds out Rainbow drank all the alcohol in here earlier,” I mused as we both laughed. “She wasn’t even drunk, kinda makes me wonder about our Rainbow being an alcoholic.”

“Me too. She isn’t that great at hiding stuff though unless she’s determined enough,” Cloudkicker said as I put the fire out. “Now I’m cold, thanks.”

“Well, I’m warm and so is our bed so you’ll be fine,” I bumped my flank against hers and smirked as we both stood up. “You wanna carry Diamond?”

“You can. Don’t want to accidentally drop her,” Cloudkicker admitted as I level Diamond on my back and made eye contact with Winona.

“You can come too,” I said after a moment and tapped the ground. “Come.”

“You’re pretty good with pets,” Cloudkicker noted as I scratched Winona’s ear.

“Dogs are easy. Feed and love them, they’ll love you back and stay loyal,” I answered and started trotting away.

“True that.”

I flopped on my bed with a yawn, stretching my hind legs out as the other two watched from the floor as Trixie shakily levitated a card in front of Cloudkicker.

“You’re getting better with magic,” I noted and Trixie gave a smug nod. “Did you find any alcohol?”

“No, I did not,” Trixie huffed and crossed her forelegs. “I blame Rainbow or Applejack. I’m not entirely sure how different cider is from our worlds alcohol but based on how much they were talking about it, they are suspects.”

“It’s pretty much similar to beer,” I answered. “Except much sweeter, ponies naturally have a sweet tooth.”

“That explains Pinkie Pie,” Cloudkicker commented casually as she hovered above me before sitting down and I shuddered. How Pinkie didn’t die from diabetes yet was beyond me. That girl has to consume insane levels of sugar each day.

“I think she’s gonna outlive us all in a weird twist of fate,” Trixie muttered and finished putting away her playing cards on the nightstand before joining us on my left. “Goodnight.”

“Are you seriously going to sleep? I wanted to go over what we were doing when we get back home tomorrow afternoon,” Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow and the two looked at me as I levitated the blanket over us.

“I’m going to go check and see if Alula is home. She went to stay with Grandma and Grandpa when the whole anon a miss stuff started. If she is, I’ll call you or something,” Cloudkicker rolled on her side and paused. “You have chocolate on your face.”

“Oh. Thanks,” I levitated a nearby towel as she licked it off and I turned red as she snorted. “Thanks? I think?”

“Did you just lick Sunset?” Trixie demanded.


“I’m not entirely sure how I should feel about being licked like that,” I muttered before kissing Cloudkicker and Trixie gagged dramatically into a hoof. “I literally kissed you last night Trixie, I don’t know why you’re being dramatic.”

“Because it’s not moi.”

I rolled my eyes and ran a hoof down Cloudkickers wing as Trixie rolled her eyes again.

“Get a room,” Trixie snickered and we both gave her a look. “If you say what I think you’re going to, I swear to all things holy.”

“We’re in a room right now,” Cloudkicker reminded her flatly.

“Knew it,” Trixie groaned and flopped on her stomach after throwing her hooves up. “I walked into that one.”

“Yes, yes you did,” I agreed with a small smile. “Remind me not to touch your wings without asking.”


“Technically it’s like a form of rape without asking in pegasus culture. Pegasi get angry if it happens,” I explained as both their eyes widened. “It’s like a unicorn horn or a earth ponies hooves. Touching a unicorns horn without asking is a major no and only ponies who are dating allowed to.”

“What happens if it is touched?” Trixie asked curiously and looked at her horn.

“Feels kinda nice. Imagine getting electrocuted,” I explained. “But in a good way. Most ponies see it as well, a form of masturbating for a unicorn to touch their own horn unless to check for cracks.”

“Oh. What happens if a unicorn horn breaks?” Cloudkicker asked and I grimaced.

“It’s painful. Imagine breaking a bone but it’ll never heal. Plus, unicorn horns don’t grow back or anything. Once it’s gone, it’d gone forever. I’ve personally never met a hornless unicorn but I know they are out there.”

The two nodded and I wrapped a hoof around them before nuzzling them both.

“Anymore questions?” I asked and they both shook their heads before kissing my cheek. “Wow, Trixie actually kissed me. I feel I should be like Spike that one time Rarity kissed his apparently and he literally framed it.”

“I have no words,” Cloudkicker shook her head as she placed a hoof on my horn and I tensed up. “Sorry?”

“No it’s fine,” I sighed and yawned. “Felt weird at first. I haven’t had anyone touch me on my horn in ages. Last pony was what’s her face, Lemon Dust. That earth pony from Mooresville.”


Trixie let out a snore as we both looked at her curled in a ball.

“She reminds me of a soccerball,” I mused and poked her as Cloudkicker snorted.

“I don’t even know what to say except goodnight,” Cloudkicker commented as she wrapped a hoof around me and rested it on Trixie’s side. “Sleep well.”

“Yeah you too.”

I stared at the ceiling and sighed contently.

I should have started dating these two awhile ago.

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