• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,606 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter LIX

Rainbow Dash

I gave a low sigh as I stared up the ceiling in my room as I idly watched the ceiling fan spinning around.

“Hey Dash!” Mom called out as I stifled a groan. “We’re making cookies and they’re your favorite. Wanna join us?”

“No mom I don’t. Now please leave me alone.”

“No Dash. You come out this room right now and join us. You haven’t left your room for days since break started and your dad and I worried about you. So come join us, we have your favorite hot chocolate, cookies and movies. Please?” Mom said and I sighed, rolling over and slamming my face into the pillow.

“No mom I just wanna be alone. I’ll take a shower later. Now please go so I can wallow in my self pity about how awful of a friend I was.”

“Look, I understand you’re upset-”

“Understand what? There wasn’t no bad guy forcing me to throw Sunset away or anything like that, no freaking weird super saiyan Equestrian thing forcing us all to do this. It was my own decision and I promised always I would never abandon a friend and that’s what I did. And then I talked bad about her behind her back instead of telling her my small stupid issues I had with her. All because of three kids with a vendetta so please just go. I want to be alone damn it.”

I listened to mom walking away before a plate slid under the door and I stared at the cookies on it.

“You better grab that plate because I’m coming in.”


The door swung open and I jumped slightly as Rarity placed her foot back down before picking up the plate and walking inside, kicking the door shut behind.

“Did you just swat kick my door in?” I asked in disbelief as Rarity nodded before giving me a dirty look and I gulped. I will admit, Rarity could be scary when she wanted. “What are you even doing here Rarity?”

“Yes I did,” Rarity admitted as she sat down on my bed. “You look awful, you smell like a boys locker room, the less said about your hair admittedly the better darling.”

“Gee thanks for the vote of confidence. Now what’s up?”

“I’m doing my rounds, checking up on you and the other girls. Just left Fluttershy’s house,” Rarity said as she took a bit of a cookie from the plate.

“How did that go?” I asked curiously as I laid back down.

“About as can be expected. I talked, she listened from a cocoon of blankets while bawling her eyes out. Her mother wasn’t much better. Apparently her mom yelled at Sunset and told to get out so she feels bad about that,” Rarity answered as I nodded.

It was common knowledge if you got Fluttershy’s mom angry, you did something wrong. Well, not that Sunset did anything wrong of course.

“Wait, isn’t this usually Applejack’s gig?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “Coming by and checking on us individually whenever we’re dealing with something stressful?”

“Yes well Applejack is currently otherwise occupied at the moment. You know how she gets when she feels she messed up. She just throws herself into her work,” Rarity answered and sighed. “I worry about that girl.”

“Oh boy it’s just like when her parents died, ain’t it?” I asked and Rarity nodded. “Damn.”

“Yeah, Big Mac said she is up before the sun and is in bed ahours after the sun has set. You know how annoying that family can get with compartmentalizing everything,” Rarity said as I gave her a confused look and she groaned. “Keeping all their feelings locked inside Rainbow darling. Applejack cries on the inside, remember?”

“Oh yeah right. So uh how are you doing?” I asked before laughing. “It’s like we’re talking about someone who died.”

“It does feel like that, does it not? And I’m okay I suppose just you know, falling back into bad old habits,” Rarity admitted as she sheepishly held up a pack of cigarettes. “It’s gross I know but well, it helped with stress back in middle school and yeah it’s not been easy.”

“Yeah,” I sighed and tossed my basketball into the hoop hanging on the wall, watching it fall into the laundry basket.

“Yeah I know that feeling. Haven’t really left my room,” I said and examined Rarity closer. She looked pretty awful herself and her normally well taken care of hair was tangled and uncombed. “I know what’s wrong, you’re not wearing makeup. I’m used to seeing you wearing it all the time.”

“Kind of hard to wear makeup when you don’t feel pretty on the inside right now. And besides, I don’t really have anyone to wear makeup for,” Rarity sighed and I gave her a confused look. I always thought she was wearing it for herself which seemed normal.

“Uh what?”

“Sunset darling. I was wearing it for her. I will admit, my chances of things ever going far with her with slim considering our personality differences but I still hoped one day. And then well, you know what happened next because you were there,” Rarity explained and crossed her legs.

“So hold on, you were trying to jump on Sunset?” I asked with a grin as she blushed.

“Don’t be uncouth, not like that at all. Of course I wouldn’t have minded years down the road but that is me. Anyway, I’m worried about Pinkie. No one has heard from her. She’s not answering her cell, texting back or anything. I was thinking me and you could pay her a visit,” Rarity said as she handed me a cookie.

“I don’t know Rarity. I fucked up with Sunset and I’ll fuck up here too. It’s pretty much all I’m good for,” I grumbled and threw my pillow. “Maybe Sunset was right when she said all I’ll ever be is some dumb jock back in freshman year.”

“You know that’s not true. And deep down, so does Sunset. If I recall, I was there when she apologized for that.”

I sighed and bit my lip as I looked at the door and Rarity hugged me before gagging.

“You won’t screw up. You may have not been loyal to Sunset but you have a chance to be loyal to Pinkie. Just like I wasn’t generous to Sunset but I have the ability to at least help you girls. I wasn’t there for Sunset and I can’t go back in time to have control over what happened but I do know I have control over what happens to you four and I don’t plan on letting any of you slip through the cracks so to speak,” Rarity said as she let me go before standing up and holding out her hand. “Now are you coming darling?”

“Yeah,” I said and Rarity pulled me up. “Let’s go.”

“Ah not so fast darling. First you need a shower and a change of clothes. Yoh smell a bit uh fresh.”

I sniffed my shirt and gagged.

“Mhm,” Rarity said smugly as she placed her hands on her hips.

Okay, maybe she was right in some circumstances.

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