• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,606 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XLI


“Everytime I come here, I still can’t get over the fact at how big this place is.”

Sunset glanced at me as we both stared up at Diamond Tiaras mansion. I’ve only ever been here one and that was for five minutes because Diamond practically forced me to get more clothes.

“Yeah same here,” Sunset said as she tossed a confused look at a few police cars sitting in the front. “Must be nice to be Redheart, having all these contacts and stuff.”

“I suppose,” I conceded quietly. I was still a bit mindblown the fiery haired girl was even talking to me or liking being around me. Hell, even her friends liked me. I’m not entirely used to that.

We both fell back and followed Diamond Tiara through the long halls as I briefly paused to examine some trophies before hastily running to keep up.

“Oh hey dad is she gone?” Diamond asked as she walked into a large office. “And why are the police here?”

I’ve personally never met either of Diamonds parents but I heard stories, primarily about her mom.

“Not yet,” Filthy admitted as we all looked out the doorway as she was dragged by two other officers. “Well, now she is it looks like. They’ve been trying to restrain her for about twenty minutes now.”

Diamond grinned as she hugged him and I smirked faintly.

“So I get to come back now, right?”

“Not necessarily,” Filthy sighed as he tossed his tie on the table and Sunset raised an eyebrow. “I’m going too.”

“Woah wait what?” Sunset chimed in with a stunned expression. “Why?”

“Because I knew about all she was doing. It’s why I was trying to have Diamond not follow in our shoes,” Filthy explained as Diamond stepped back.

“You knew?” Diamond demanded and glared at him.

“About the illegal stuff yes. It was years ago when we first started our business when you were born. I had no clue what to do with a kid so we made some evidently questionable decisions,” Filthy admitted as Diamond swatted his hand away. “I didn’t know about her treating you badly otherwise I’d have dealt with her years ago.”

“I can’t look at you right now,” Diamond muttered and sighed. “You’re just as bad as she is. You were always telling me to not be corrupt and all or do illegal businesses yet you were doing the same damn thing as she was.”

Sunset picked up a paper that Filthy slid her and I watched as her eyes scanned over the writing.

“Technically he didn’t take part in it but didn’t stop it. It’s still illegal to be involved with it,” Sunset answered after a moment. “What’s happening to Diamond?”

“You should know, you signed the papers in case anything serious happened to either of us,” Filthy commented as he handed Sunset a folder. “Everything is inside, and I’d rather not send Diamond to Manehatten to live with her mother’s family. And Spoiled doesn’t have any say now because she’s not my wife.”

I watched quietly as Sunset opened it and went pale slightly before nodding.


“And I know you gave the police all the stuff on your mom. They were already investigating her for this and would have already discovered I technically was involved. So this isn’t your fault,” Filthy stared at Diamond as he put on a black suit jacket. “Unlike your mother, I’m not resisting. I’m just gonna go and deal with it. It’s not that long of a jail sentence. Hopefully.”

“So you just are gonna run off and not even say more?” Diamond asked as she stared back. “Seriously?”

“I have nothing really to say except I messed up and that’s really it. We never really had all of this,” Filthy gestured around him. “Until you were four or so. We started our business around the time you were born and well, kids are expensive and we had no money so your mother moved some stuff around. Hiding documents or other ways of earning money in the store.”

“Did Sunset know?” I asked curiously as everyone gave me stunned looks. “Just making sure, she is close to your family and all. I don’t want her arrested either, she’s my friend.”

“Sunset knew nothing about this. Everything comes out sooner or later. As much as I trust Sunset, she doesn’t need to know about the inner workings of the business. And she didn’t have any idea of Spoileds activities.”

Diamond let out a relieved sigh as Sunset tucked the folder under her arm and Sunset nodded in my direction.

“You’re not even going to fight this?” Sunset asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“No that would just waste more time. Go in, get it over with and get out. I won’t make you visit me but I wish you would. And your mother is going farther upstate so you don’t have to worry about that woman. At least not for a good few years.”

“I suppose that is an upside,” Diamond admitted after a moment. “So what will happen to me? What did you give her?”

“Sunset will tell you but not here. I hope you do understand that everything I did was for you and not for your mother. Well, at first yeah but she was a nicer person back then.”

“Mom? Nice? You must be insane,” Diamond snorted and rolled her eyes. “That woman is the definition of evil and is a black hole of hate.”

“You’ve been paying attention in English class,” I noted as she blushed slightly. “That was very dramatic.”

“Yeah well when you have Watermelody in your class trying to turn everything into a play, you get used to that type of stuff,” Diamond scoffed as she half heartedly hugged Filthy. “Goodbye I guess. And I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad coming to see you in wherever you end up.”

“Time to go,” a random officer said as he and one of the ones that dragged Spoiled away walked in. “We gave you the thirty minutes you wanted.”

We watched in silence as Filthy was led away.

“What now?” I broke the silence as Sunset looked up at the ceiling and hugged Diamond with a free hand.

“Go home I guess. Got a lot to think about. And I need to talk to Trixie and Kicker.”

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