• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,607 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter IV

Author's Note:

For context, if the chapter is unnamed, it's gonna be in Sunsets POV.

I stared at my phone as I laid on my back, internally debating with myself. A part of me hated my apartment being this empty and quiet.

It used to be always noisy whenever Rainbow and Pinkie were here playing video games or watching movies.

I let out another slow sigh as I picked up my phone and dialed Cloudkickers number. I waited a few rings as she answered.

”Hey,” Cloudkicker mumbled as I heard her yawn. ”What’s up?”

“Not much, you?”

”Was napping.”

“Oh uh sorry. I didn’t mean to walk you up.”

”S’all good. You okay?”

“Kind of. You uh wanna come over?” I asked as I placed the phone down on my table and put the speaker on.

Yeah sure. Text me your address and I’ll be there in a few. Gotta get dressed,” Cloudkicker answered as I heard her bed squeak as she presumably stood up and something that sounded like a closet opening.

I quickly texted her my address as I listened to Cloudkickers phone go off.

”Alright, I’ll be there in ten minutes or so depending on traffic,” Cloudkicker said as I listened to her rummage around. ”See you in a bit.”

“See you then.”

My phone clicked as Cloudkicker hung up and I looked around my living area. It wasn’t messy per se but it wasn’t clean. Rarity would lose her mind if she saw it.

I quickly shook my head to dispel the thought of my former friend. No need to dwell on the past, after all. It would just make my life more miserable than it already was.

Might as well clean up a bit before Cloudkicker gets here. I pushed myself off the couch, gathering up the few dishes on my coffee table as I did so.

“I miss my magic,” I grumbled to myself as I stepped towards the kitchen. “I’d just levitate everything to the kitchen and start cleaning from the other room. Being a pony had such good benefits, wrapping my tail around myself, magic I can use to actually do stuff.”

I set the dishes down on the counter as I turned the sink on, plugging it as I poured some soap in.

Secret stealer!

I gritted my teeth slightly as I inhaled through my nose.


“Shut up,” I muttered under my breath.

You aren’t our friend!

“I said shut up.”

Ya ain’t our family no more!

I started scrubbing the plate faster and harder as I gritted my teeth even harder.

No good traitor!

The plate shattered in the sink as I applied too much pressure and I yelped in pain as I cut my hand, the water slowly turning red.

I looked back at the door as someone knocked as I looked back at my hand. Sighing, I shut the water off and wrapped my hand in a towel as I stepped to the door.

“Who is it?” I called out warily as I opened a drawer nearby, revealing a black unloaded handgun. Thank the lord for fake id’s.

“It’s me!” Cloudkicker called back as I sighed in relief, shutting the drawer. I opened the door to reveal the blonde haired girl. “How’s it going- woah, what happened to your hand?”

I glanced back down and groaned as some blood dripped through the towel. At least I have all wooden floors.

“Cut it doing dishes,” I said simply as Cloudkicker stepped inside and shut the door. She wore a purple shirt with a purple skirt that had a sun partially hidden behind a cloud along with knee high red and purple boots.

“Where’s your first aid kit?” Cloudkicker asked as she pushed me onto a chair.

“Kitchen in the cupboard next to the sink. Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to help you, duh.”

“I can do it,” I said as Cloudkicker shook her head.

“I got it,” Cloudkicker stated firmly as she narrowed her eyes. I sighed and nodded as she gave an approving sound, walking off weirdly.

“What happened to you?” I asked as she opened a cupboard and pulled out a first aid kit. I don’t remember why I have one, I rarely get hurt unless it’s caused from someone else.

“Had a good bang a few hours ago. Hence me napping,” Cloudkicker answered as she came back and sat down on the chair across from me, opening the first aid kit. “Now take the towel off.”

I nodded, wincing as slowly unwrapped it and we both stared down at a large deep cut as Cloudkicker whistled.

“Damn girl, pretty deep looking. Pretty good chance you’ll need stitches.”

“Then do it,” I said and pointed to a bottle of amber liquid on the book shelf. “Can you bring me the whiskey?”

Cloudkicker raised an eyebrow but nodded as she stood up and strode over to the shelf, picking it up and examining it as she returned and handed it to me.

“How did a teenage girl get Jack Daniels?” Cloudkicker asked as I unscrewed it and took a long swig, savoring the burning sensation.

“Same way I got a gun. Get a realistic looking id and blackmail a public official into making you a background, you can do anything. Needles are in the bottom of the kit, can you uh help me?”

“Obviously,” Cloudkicker rolled her eyes with a smirk as she pulled out a needle that already had some string attached. “This will probably hurt like hell, you sure you don’t want a professional?”

“I’m sure. Hospital bills are expensive. I’d normally go next door and have Redheart help me but she’s at work at this time of day,” I explained as Cloudkicker wiped my cut off and I yelped.

“Sorry,” Cloudkicker muttered as I grimaced and looked away. “Last chance to back out Sunset.”

“Just get it over with,” I said and Cloudkicker shoved the needle into my skin as I gave a strangled cry.

“Sorry. I said it would hurt,” Cloudkicker said as she gave me an apologetic look. “So why did you ask me to come over, not that I’m against it of course.”

“Got uh lonely,” I admitted and bit my lip slightly as Cloudkicker continued working. “Where did you learn to do stitches?”

“Mom and dad. They liked teaching me random things like this in case I ever got hurt in the wild or something.”

I nodded as I took another shot and sighed contently as I felt the warmness spread through my body.

“Almost done,” Cloudkicker reassured me as I looked back down and gagged a bit. “It’s nasty looking but it’ll heal.”

“I sure hope so,” I grumbled as Cloudkicker finished working and she cut the excess string off with a knive, trying it off.

“And done, I’ll be sure to bring you a sucker and a sticker for being such a good patient,” Cloudkicker gave me a teasing smile as I rolled my eyes, letting out a snicker.

“I’m sure you will,” I snarked as Cloudkicker chuckled, sitting across from me again.

“So what did you wanna do?” Cloudkicker asked as she crossed her legs. “Talk, play games, bang, watch a movie?”

“What was the third one?” I choked on some whiskey and coughed.

“Bang. You know, intercourse, coitus, sex, fucking,” Cloudkicker said with a teasing grin. “I’m just playing by the way.”


“Not that I wouldn’t say no if you offered, you know as well as I do all the guys in school liked you.”

“Liked me,” I muttered as she frowned. “Key word, liked. Now they hate me with all they have.”

“Screw em. Let them think whatever they want. And as of now, they hate the Rainbooms. Scootaloo and their sisters have been investigating who’s behind the account apparently but from what I heard, it hasn’t gone anywhere yet.”

“I mean, they are just kids. I doubt they would find anything after a few days,” I commented and held out the whiskey bottle to Cloudkicker.

She gave a shrug and accepted it, taking a swig. Cloudkicker coughed for a moment before nodding, handing me the bottle back.

“That was unexpected,” Cloudkicker admitted as she leaned back in her chair. “But good, smooth.”

I gave her an impressed look. I had half expected her to start coughing like crazy. None of the others except maybe Applejack knew I drank alcohol now and again. It’s nothing like cider in Equestria, but it’s close.

“I’m sorry by the way. For not believing in you at first or sticking up for you,” Cloudkicker stared at the ceiling as I fell silent.

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not. You should have had at least more than the principals and Miss Cheerilee defending you.”

“Meh,” I shrugged and stared at the girl. “Some of the staff think I’m guilty too. Primarily Cranky and Harshwhinny.”

“Right now, the school is split in three portions. Half think it’s you and the other half think it’s the Rainbooms, and the rest thinks it’s all of you working for some unknown reason. I also brought you homework from all your classes, Principal Celestia has been asking for you.”

I wasn’t all that surprised. The only time I came onto school property recently was to give Cloudkicker her backpack in the storage shed near the field. I had been avoiding the whole place in general. Don’t really plan on going to that place much longer.

“Thanks Cloudkicker,” I said quietly as she nodded.

“You can call me Cloud or Kicker. All my friends do,” Cloudkicker smirked slightly as she reached for the bottle again.

“We’re friends?” I gave her a startled look as she shrugged.

“If you want me to be, I can be. I’m trying to make up for how I treated you as well.”

“Out of everyone at school, you already have. You’re here after all.”

“You asked, I arrived. I never knew you lived this close to me,” Cloudkicker looked around the living room. “Nice place.”

“Thanks, worked my flank off for this place,” I answered as I turned the tv on.

“Pony thing I presume?”

“Yeah. What movie ya wanna watch?” I asked as I started flipping through channels.

“Anything works for me. Comedy, action, anything but horror. I don’t really do horror, that’s more of Lavenders thing really.”

I gave a faint smile as I picked a random comedy movie.

“I haven’t seen Mall Cop in ages,” Cloudkicker mused as I tossed her a blanket from under the coffee table. “Oh thanks.”

“I’ve never seen this movie. Is it good?”

“Yeah it’s pretty good.”

Cloudkicker smiled as she held out the whiskey bottle as I wrapped a blanket around me. I smiled back and took it, taking a swig.

Maybe having at least one friend wasn’t so bad.

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