• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,601 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XLII

I let my apartment door slam behind us as Diamond flopped next to Carrot Top on the couch as everyone gave us confused looks.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked as I pointed at Cloudkicker and Trixie.

“You two, me, bathroom now,” I said as they both looked at me.

“Don’t have too much fun together!” Lavender called out with a smirk as I rolled my eyes and led them both upstairs.

“So what’s going on?” Cloudkicker asked curiously as I dropped the folder on the sink.

“So Filthy got arrested and went down himself because he was somewhat involved with the illegal shit his ex wife did and Diamond saw it all,” I explained as they both winced.

“Damn,” Trixie muttered. “How is she taking it?”

“More so confused than anything really. And a bit mad justifiably,” I admitted.

“So what happens to her now?” Cloudkicker asked and I inhaled, pushing for folder to them both as they looked at each other and shrugged, opening it.

“So you’re her-”

“Guardian apparently,” I answered before Cloudkicker could finish. “I don’t know the first thing about raising a kid! What if I lose my apartment or can’t afford to get her stuff she needs?”

“I really don’t think money is an issue for you. And you seem to be a decent enough of a guardian to me,” Trixie noted. “You have a closetful of gold coins that are more than three million dollars.”

“That’s not a lot!”

“I’m sorry what?” Cloudkicker and Trixie both blinked in confusion.

“It’s not a lot!” I repeated as they both stared at me with flat expressions.

“You do realize that for people like Trixie and I, three million is an amount of money we never will see in our lives, right?”


“Look, did you sign those or not?” Trixie asked pointedly.

“Yes, but it was supposed to be only if something like them dying happened. A one percent chance,” I answered as Trixie sighed.

“I think you have nothing to worry about. You do a good job with her already and to be honest, you’re really the only thing she has that’s somewhat normal anymore,” Trixie reasoned and sat down on the edge of my tub.

“She’s right,” Cloudkicker added as she leaned against the wall. “Diamond Tiara probably looks up to you more than any one I’ve ever seen in my life. Not even Alula looks up to me that way.”

“Now breath,” Trixie advised as she patted my shoulder. I gave a nod and inhaled a few times. “You mentioned in the text message you sent before you got here her dad knew she helped the police. How?”

“Oh he has cameras in his office and saw her snooping around them. Apparently he got rid of the footage in case his ex wife looked at it,” I answered as the two girls nodded.

“Does she know?” Cloudkicker asked and gestured at the door and I shook my head.

“Figured it’s not a great idea to drop it on her right now. Probably gonna have to look at getting a bigger apartment so she can have her own room. Sleeping on a pull out couch isn’t ideal in the long run.”

At least the apartment down the hall was bigger and recently got made available to rent. And I would still be able to be neighbors with Redheart and Raindrops and still be in the same building as Blossomforth so I could still be near my friends. I would kinda miss my loft though.

“Do you want us to get her?” Cloudkicker asked as she rested her hand on the door knob. From what it sounded like, Diamond was talking about what happened with the others.

“Not yet. Let her figure out where she sits,” Trixie shook her head. “I may not be the greatest with feelings and stuff but she’s still young. That’s always a difficult thing to sort out at her age.”

“How do you think you’re gonna tell your mom about this?” Cloudkicker asked and my eyes widened. I hadn’t even thought about.

“I have no idea,” I admitted.

“Better question, when were you gonna tell us you’re related to a whole ass princess? That’s kinda a thing that’s worth mentioning,” Trixie said and placed her hands on her hips. “And you left us alone with the woman. Scariest hour and a half of my life.”

“She has a point there. We’ve been super open with you about our parents. Spill,” Cloudkicker said as she shifted to block the door. “No one leaves.”

“I thought she was gonna dehead me,” Trixie commented. “Especially if she finds out I sleep in the same bed with you.”

“Uh I think the term is behead, not dehead.”

“Whatever! You’re changing the topic!”

“Fine. Yes, I’m related to the princess. No, I’m not a princess myself, I’m just a normal pony,” I said and they both snorted. “What?”

“There’s nothing normal about being a daughter of a princess,” Cloudkicker replied. “Both my parents are in the military, Trixie’s dad doesn’t really support girl on girl dating for context.”

“I’d kill to be the daughter of a princess,” Trixie sighed. “What’s it like?”

“Well, here that title doesn’t really matter much. If it makes you feel better, not even my old friends know I’m royalty. It never really came up in conversation. Sure, they asked questions but I just said my mom was a pretty important pony and they just left it at that.”

“Surprising knowing Pinkie. She doesn’t know any boundaries,” Cloudkicker commented as I snickered a bit. She did have a point there. “Now that we’re on the same page and the three of us are in a locked bathroom, wanna bang?”

“My mother, our friends and Diamond Tiara are downstairs and the walls are thin. Absolutely not,” I said as Cloudkicker laughed. “Risk is not worth it. Well, now at least.”

“Fair enough,” Cloudkicker admitted as she and Trixie kissed me on opposite cheeks as I turned red.

“Hey wait, where’s my shampoo?”

Trixie shrugged and threw a smoke bomb down as Cloudkicker and I both coughed. I waved a hand to clear the blue smoke away as the door was opened wide.

“What was that about?” Cloudkicker coughed into a fist.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

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