• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,601 Views, 422 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XXVIII

Diamond Tiara

“You did what?” I hissed quietly as Wallflower looked down at her shake sheepishly. “You almost ruined our plans! Get rid of my mom, help Sunset, expose the jerks and we both gain something. I get her gone and you get paid by classmates to earn money for your sisters surgery, fool proof plan.”

“I’m sorry alright?” Wallflower snapped. “I saw an opportunity and took it. I still have to find the pink one, she wasn’t there. As long as she still remembers to look for me, we are at risk still.”

“Pinkie Pie? She works at the Sweet Snack Shop with uh, those two girls. Doo Wop and and Sunny Sugarsocks,” I answered as Wallflower gave me a weird look.

“Those are some weird names.”

“You’re named Wallflower, I don’t think you have any real room to talk.”

“Touché. How are things at home?”

“Spoiled Rich and Dad are fighting bitterly every night. Spoiled has recently occupied the spare room. I kinda hate causing dad so much grief but we both will be happier when that demon of a woman is our of our lives.”

We both watched as Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walked into the small restaurant in the mall we were sitting as we both smirked slightly at them.

“Who’s this?” Scootaloo asked curiously as she and her two friends sat across from us with their phones on the table.

“You don’t need to know who I am,” Wallflower snapped as she stood up and patted my shoulder. “Diamond, it’s always good to see you. I’ll be around for our next meet up.”

Wallflower glared at the other girls as I snickered, watching her toss her shake in the trash before leaving.

“Open your phones,” I ordered as they gave me confused looks but complied. “I’m not stupid, I want to make sure you girls aren’t recording or on the phone with anyone.”

I examined each girls phones extensively and smiled triumphantly.

“You girls aren’t as stupid as I once thought. You’re smart enough to not record anything. Now Apple Bloom, open up Mystable,” I ordered as Apple Bloom sighed but complied. “All of these are documents mother has forged or slightly changed things. Money related mostly but mainly legal documents. Post them. And you’re gonna tag the CPD with said post.”

“God you’re a jerk,” Scootaloo grumbled as I watched Apple Bloom start typing.

“And so are you three yet you don’t see me complaining. I am curious though, you had me outnumbered in Apple Blooms room. Why didn’t you try to steal my phone?” I asked curiously and folded my arms.

I was legitimately curiously about that. Scootaloo was more impulsive and reckless than her two friends, much like Rainbow Dash could be at times.

“Because I realized if I did, you would probably scream and Granny Smith would come upstairs to ask about it and you’d tell her what we were doing,” Scootaloo admitted after a second. “And you probably have back ups than just your phone. You never do anything without a back up plan in motion.”

I gave a smug nod as she rolled her eyes and looked away. It would have been stupid of me to go in there with my only evidence on one phone. Wallflower had a copy and it was also saved on my computer at home. Not that they needed to know that, of course.

“Wow,” I said and clapped slowly. “You can actually think rationally, I am quite impressed. Typically you’re more stupid than this.”

“I am not!”

I gave Scootaloo a flat look as she inhaled.

“You’re framing an innocent girl just to spend time with your sisters,” I pointed out dryly as the three winced. “Might I add, I’ve never really framed anyone. Blackmailed and lied yes but never framed. Threatened here and there too. And even while I was in charge of the newspaper for the school, I didn’t frame anyone. Naturally, you three might have been targets if you ever worked in the news paper club but oh well.”

“Alright done,” Apple Bloom sighed as her hand hovered over the post button and I grabbed her hand.

“Ah, ah ah!” I smirked coldly and snatched her phone away. “Don’t want you getting any smart ideas, now do we?”

I quickly examined the post and pictures, quickly typing and tagging the police department before hitting post and handing her the phone back.

“Now are we done?” Apple Bloom snapped as I stuck my tongue out to suck the straw into my mouth.

“Nope. After all, I own you three right now.”

“I don’t think you can own someone. That ended a while ago.”

Dear god kill me now. To think I actually wanted to be friends with Sweetie Belle at one point. Actually scratch that, to think I was gonna apologize for how I treated them and they’re even worse than I was. I never framed anyone before in my life.

“Well it’s been real,” I snickered and winked. “I’m gonna go hang out with Sunset at her place.”

A look of fear crossed all three of the faces and I enjoyed the terrified look in their eyes.

“Don’t worry she doesn’t know about you three,” I said casually as they sighed know relief. Yet, I added internally and laughed. “But I will be giving you girls a gift. It’s from a few days before you started anon a miss if my time line is correct.”

“I like gifts!” Sweetie Belle chirped eagerly. “But I think I like giving them more.”

“I’m sure you do,” I gave a low chuckle and pulled out my phone, playing a video of me and Sunset a few days before anon a miss started.

”How are you today Diamond?” Sunset asked.

The three girls froze and watched as I grinned.

“Pretty good. Mom being a jerk but nothing new there. What’s your plans for the week?”

“Rarity, Rainbow and Applejack asked me to come along with them to see a movie with Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. They really want me to know their sisters. Apparently Sweetie Belle is super into video games too. I’m looking to it. Hopefully I can be their friends too.”

“Oh cool have fun! Maybe we can go do something like that.”

I watched as Sunset grinned and patted my shoulder.

“I’m down. Your dad is quite fond of me as is, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind us going out and doing something like that. He does let you spend the night at my place after all to escape your mom.”

I shut the video off and glared at them with narrowed eyes.

“She could have been your friend too if you gave her the chance. Now it’s too late for that,” I said coldly as Sweetie Belle looked at me with wet eyes that startled me. I wasn’t expecting her to cry over it.

The other two gave me horrified looks as I stood up, tossed my finished shake in a trashcan and walked away.

“Bye girls!” I called out.

I’ll never forget their horrified looks as long as I live.

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