• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 7: The Monster Trackers

Twilight, Fluttershy, and the children arrived back at ponyville around 2:15pm, they we're all laughing, and smiling.

"Those little tadpoles were adorable". Sweetie Belle coooed.

"Did you see how they swam in the pond. So cute"! Coconut Cream agreed. Apple Bloom then looked back at Twilight, and Fluttershy.

"Thank you for taking us there, it was so fun too".

"Ahem"! Apple Bloom was intterupted by a serious sounding huff, they all turned to see Applejack standing there looking very furious. And just where the hell have you been young lady"? Applejack hissed. Apple Bloom looked up at her sister in confusion.

"I uh well". She stammred.

"I uh well". Applejack mocked. "ANSWER ME"! Applejack then yelled causing Apple Bloom to yelp, and shrink back in fear.

"Froggy Bottom Bogg". Apple Bloom said quickly. When Applejack heard that, her face turned redder then it had ever been before.


"Well she was almost eaten by a hydra". Silverpoon stated causing Diamond Tiara to slap her in the back of the head. "Yow"! Silverspoon yelped only to look up, and see Applejack's face.

"A HYDRA! YOU ALMOST GOT EATEN BY A HYDRA"! Apple Bloom tried to calm Applejack down.

"It's okay, Discord, and that monster saved me". Applejack looked at Apple Bloom in confusion.

"What other monster"?

"The other monster I told you about". Apple Bloom stated. "He appeared and".

"Oh Enough About This Other Monster, You and I are going home Right NOW! Applejack stated. That was when Twilight spoke up.

"Applejack, don't you think you're being a little, well unreansoble"? She asked.

"Yeah, besides we we're with Apple Bloom the whole time, she was completely safe". Fluttershy stated.

"Completley safe"? Applejack questioned. "Ha! Don't make me laugh, it's because of you two she was put in danger. In fact you put the other children in danger too by bringing them to that hydra infested deathtrap"! Applejack shouted at them.

"They wanted the come, it was their choice"! Twilight argued.

"Well you should be more responsible"! Applejack stated.

"And you should be more caring about Apple Bloom's Feelings"! Twilight shouted. Applejack gasped.

"How dare you, just because you're gonna be the new queen of Equestria does not mean you get to tell me how to raise my little sister"! Applejack then turned to Apple Bloom. "Home Now"! She shouted. Apple Bloom didn't say a word, and began to walk home.

"Apple Bloom"! Twilight called out, only for Apple Bloom to turn to Twilight, and shake her head as Applejack led the little filly away while the others just watched.

"Poor Apple Bloom". Sweetie Belle said sadly.

"I hope she'll be okay". Toola Roola replied.

"I wish we could help her". Diamond Tiara said. Twilight looked over at Applejack, and Apple Bloom who we're walking away still.

"We can". She said. The others looked at her confused.

"How"? Asked Fluttershy.

"I have a plan". Twilight replied. She then brought the others in for a huddle, and whispered her plan to them.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres Applejack was grilling into Apple Bloom, who just sat on the couch without saying a word.

"Not only did you go somewhere you could have been killed, but you lie about things that happen. I thought I taught you better then that"! Applejack ranted, Apple Bloom just looked down. "So, you're too ashamed to say anything, well that's fine because you're grounded"! Applejack continued. This made Apple Bloom look up in shock.

"Wh what"! She stammered.

"You heard me grounded. G R O U N D E D"! Applejack spelled out. "For an entire week"!

"But that's not fair, my entire class is going on feild trip to Manehatten on Monday! My favorite band is having a conncert there"! Apple Bloom protested.

"Well too bad, because you ain't going, you're gonna stay home, and learn how to run the family buisness".

"THIS ISN'T FAIR! YOU'RE TREATING ME LIKE I'M A CHILD"! Apple Bloom shouted, causing Applejack to shout back




"THAT WAS A ONE TIME THING. AND HE'S DEAD"! Apple Bloom screamed

"Don't matter, you're grounded, and that's final. NOW GET TO YER ROOM". Applejack shouted. Apple Bloom just looked at her sister, said nothing, and ran up to her room slaming the door shut. She then flew onto her bed, and began sobbing into her pillow. while Applejack looked up the stairs huffed, and walked away. Apple Bloom cried into the night, ignoring both Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh who tried to check on her. Even Sugar Belle tried to see if she if was alright. Eventually Apple Bloom fell asleep.

Apple Bloom was awoken by something hitting her window. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was 1:15 in the morning.

"What the hell"? She asked herself, and she walked over to her window, and opened. She looked down to see Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo down their waving hat her. "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, what are you two doing here this late". Apple Bloom asked.

"Come on"? Scootaloo said confusing Apple Bloom even more.

"What"? Apple Bloom asked.

"We're going on an adventure". Sweetie Belle said.

"Adventure, what are you talking about"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"Don't worry Twilight will explain when we get there, now let's go". Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom looked back at her door.

"But Applejack". She began only for Scootaloo to intterupt her.

"Don't worry about Applejack, it's your life"!

"I know, but Applejack said I had to stay here". Apple Bloom protested. Scootaloo frowned.

"What happend to the old Apple Bloom, the one who would jump up at the first sign of something exicitng, the Apple Bloom who wasn't afraid to take risk? Scootaloo questioned. Apple Bloom thought about what Scootaloo said, finally she side.

"Alright hold on, and i'll be out". She said.

"Great, will open the front door". Sweetie Belle said.

"Don't"! Apple Bloom hissed. Confusing her friends.

"Why"? Scootaloo asked.

"Applejack set up an alarm that will go off whenever the front door is opend by someone other then memebers of the family. Said is was to keep me safe, though if you ask me it's to keep me prisoner".

"Okay we'll wait". Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom smiled. She then got her saddle bag, and put some papers, and a book inside of it. Next she grabbed a hoofball from her closet, and placed it in her bed, and covered it up, finally she took her bow off, and placed it on the on top of the ball. Once she was done, Apple Bloom climbed out the window, and met up with Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"Come on". Scootaloo said leading them.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders travled into town, and up to a hot air baloon where Diamond Tiara, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, Petuina Paleo, Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy were waitng.

"Okay, so what's going on". Apple Bloom asked.

"We're searching for that monster"! Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Wait what"! Apple Bloom asked in shock.

"Considering this creature has appeared twice already, and saved you both times it did, I wanted to find him in order to study him". Twilight explained.

"And I like the idea of making a new animal friend". Fluttershy replied.

"And what about you all"? Apple Bloom asked her friends.

"This just sounded exicting". Petuina stated

"Yeah, besides most of us don't get to go on the exciting adventures Twilight, and her friends go on". Diamond Tiara said. Apple Bloom nodded, then looked around.

"Where's Silverspoon"? She asked.

"She decieded to stay behind to explain our absents". Diamond Tiara explained.

"Oh, I see". Apple Bloom mutterd. That was when Diamond Tiara noticed that Apple Bloom's eyes we're bloodshot, red.

"Apple Bloom, have you been crying"? She asked. Apple Bloom looked at her, and rubbed her eyes.

"What no, I mean well. Maybe. Okay yeah". Apple Bloom admited. Twilight walked up to her.

"What did Applejack do"? Twilight asked.

"Nothing, honest she just yelled at me". Apple Bloom replied. Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure she didn't do anything else"? She asked. Apple Bloom nodded.

"I'm sure". She insited. Twilight sighed.

"Alright, but if there's anything you want to talk about, then both Fluttershy, and I are here". Apple Bloom nodded again.

"I understand". She said. Wait"? She asked.

"Yes"? Twilight ponderd.

"Why do you need me to come on this trip with you"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"Because you're the only one who has actually seen the monster, so you'd be able to spot him, and because we didn't think it be fair to leave you behind". Twilight replied. Afterwards Fluttershy started up the hot air balloon.

"It's ready, she said. Twilight, Appel Bloom, and the girls all climbed into the hot air balloon as it set off into the air.

"Yeah! Here we go"! Exclaimed Scootaloo.

"Apple Bloom I thought of a name for are group. The Monster Trackers." Sweetie Belle said with a smile. Apple Bloom just looked at her.

"That's lame". The earth pony said.

"Aww dang". Sweetie Belle said. as the others laughed.


"It's time". Grogar said.

North Equestrian Sea.

Godzilla swam through the water like a rocket. His senses never failed him before, he knew that if what he thought was true, then everything in this world would be in danger.