• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 3: Past Battle

Shanghai China
80 Million Years Ago

The sun shown brightly over the horizon. The trees blew in the win, the river flowed, and creatures from far and wide came to. Watching all of this was the magnificent Mothra.

The divne moth watched as several dinosaurs came and went to drink, and eat the leaves, and plants growing near the river. She enjoyed watching them drink, and have fun. Just then a small heard of archaeornithomimus came to the river to have a drink. Mothra watched the dinosaurs chirp to each other as they all found a spot to have thier water. Some went over to the plants growing near by to feed, while others nesstled down for a quick nap. Everything was peaceful, but that peace wouldn't last.

Unbeknownst to anyone a predetor was lurking in the forest. Watching, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the archaeornithomimus continued to drink all of a sudden they all stood up in alert. It was almost as if they sensed something. Mothra noticed this from atop the hill she was on. She watched as the herd paid close attention to the trees.

As if on cue a lone alectrosaurus suddendely came bursting out of trees to attack the herd. The archaeornithoumimues began to scatte in several directions trying their best to avoid the Jaws of the large theropod. Mothra watched from the sky. She had no intention on interfering however. The alectrosaurs was just trying to survive after all, and it looked like it had been injured as Mothra could see a gash on it's left leg. Then one of the archaeornithomimues got too close to the predetors jaws and was instantlay snatched up. The alectrosaurs shook the smaller dinosaur violently, breaking all of its bones before slaming it into the ground. The theropod gave out a loud roar of triumph as it began to feast on it's meal. The other memebers of the herd could only watch on before they moved on. Meanwhile Mothra continued to watch. It seemed over after that, but something else was going to come.

Either attracted by the smell of meat, or the sounds of the chaos eariler a pair of tarbosaurses soon came out of the forest, and headed straight for the alectrosaurs. The smaller theropod roared and tried to defend it's meal, but the tarbosaurues we're much bigger, and stronger. And do to it's injury it knew it didn't stand a chance, so it quietly limped away, leaving it's meal behind as the tarbosaurses began to eat. Mothra again could only watch and not interfere with the natural order of things, and so she just watched. However just like they did to the alectrosaurus the tarbosaurues were suddendly intterupted by something, much, much bigger.

A large pair of tentecles suddendly bust from the tree, and grabbed one of the Tarbosauruses, and lifted it up into the air. The Tarbosaurs trashed around widley in an attempt to break free while the other Tarbosaurs roared, and bit at the other tentecle that came out of the woods. The first tentelce then slamed the first Tarbosaurus head on a rock killing it instatly. Then it, and the second tentelce grabbed the second Tarbosaurus and dragged it off into the woods. Mothra, having seen the whole thing immeidetly gave chase. She wanted to know who those tentecles belonged too, and it was just another hungy predtor. Mothra flew threw the forest, over a field, all the way to a sandy beach. She looked around before spotting the other Tarbosaurus. Sure enough it was dead, but something was off. It looked like it had been completely drained of all of the water, and blood inside of it's body. Mothra wondered what sort of creatue could have done this. She flew down to exam the body, and try to find some sort of clue. Just then, the ground began to shake, as the tentcles from before shot out from underneath the sand in an attempt to grab Mothra. Thinking fast Mothra quickly dodged the attack, and flew high in the sky. She then let out a loud chirp, daring whatever the creature was to show itself. And show itself it did.

Out of the sand rose a creature Mothra knew all to well. It had the head of a deinosuchus, the body, tail, and legs of a tyranosaurs rex, and the arms of an octupus. His name, was Kanjira. Kanjira was a powerful and strong Titan that gained his energy from draining all of the blood and liquid out of other creatures. Mothra stared at the horrorfic monster, her blood boiling with rage as she remembered how many times Kanjira had drained her blood, and fluids in the past. Mothra the let out a loud chirp before charging directly at Kanjira. The larger titan had anticpated this reaction from the queen of the monsters and shot his tentecle arms straight towarss her. Mothra quickly manuvered and dodged the attack before slamming into Kanjira with full force. Kanjira howled in annoyance as Mothra then took her stinger, and struck him in his gut. Kanjira cried out, and used his righ tentecle arm to grab Mothra by the leg, and throw her to the ground. Mothra cried out in pain from the impact, though she quickly regained herself just in time to see Kanjira charging at her. Mothra quickly dodged the attack causing Kanjira to slame his head into the side of a cliff. This increased his frustration as Mothra then landed on his back and shoulders, and once again injected her stinger into him. Kanjira howled in pain and started slaming into to the nearby cliffs. Mothra attempted to hold on, but she as eventually thrown off, and landed on her back in the sand. Mothra was about to get up but before she good Kanjira's foot stepped right onto her chest. Mothra cried out as Kanjira pushed his foot deeper into her chest crushing her ribs, and lungs. Kanjira then brought his tentcles down towards her. Mothra knew what this meant, he was about to train her. She trashed, and chirped, and tried everything to get him off of her, but Kanjira was putting to much pressure on her, she closed her eyes in anticapation for her fate only for Kanjira to be blasted by a blue beam knocking him to the ground. Mothra, and Kanjira then herd a familar roar.

They both looked to see Godzilla heading straight towards them. The large alpha went over to Mothra and helped her to her feet. He made sure she was alright before turning to Kanjira as he was getting back to his feet himself. Godzilla then let out a loud booming roar. For a few minutes Kanjira stood still, before decieding to dig a hole, and retreat. He knew he was not strong enough to beat both Godzilla, and Mothra together. It would be better to wait for the right time to fight, and with that, Kanjira left. Godzilla turned to Mothra, growled, and lifted her onto his back. He took her all the way back to her nest. Once they arrived Godzilla set Mothra down, and she turned to face him, grateful that he had saved her. Godzilla did one more check to make sure Mothra was ago, and once he was satisfied that she would be okay Godzilla turned and headed back to the ocean, and swam off.

Godzilla was confused. Why was he remembering that day from all those years ago? He wondered if it had something to do with going through that glowing light, which he now realized was a portal, but to where this portal led to, he did not know. At first he thought he was just in another part of the ocean, as most of the animals he saw had been mostly the same, with the occasinal strange creature here and there, but nothing Godzilla wasn't used too. It wasn't until he went to the surface to look around that he realized that he wasn't on earth, or even the hollow earth. Godzilla heard a noise from the sky and looked up. Flying above him was a group of what appeared to be flying ponies, and it seemed that they were wearing clothes. The clothes seemed to be blue like suits, and for some reason they reminded Godzilla of those blue and yellow jets he had seen the humans fly. Godzilla then noticed that one of the ponies seemed to have a rainbow colored mane, but what did that matter to him, he didn't feel like dealing with a possible new diemension, and so he dove back beneath the water. Godzilla swam for a long time, before finally coming across what seemed to be a good spot to rest. Godzilla swam to the water floor, closed his eyes, and went to sleep. Hopefully he could figure out where he truly was later on. But now, was not the time.