• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 10: Old Rivals

The hot air balloon had arrived in the snow regions of Equestria, wind battered the basket as Twilight tried her best to keep the ballon stedy. Forturently she had manged to back coats and other warm clothing for everypony there. Pinkie Pie had even gone out of her way to make hot chocolate for everyone as well.

"I'm glad Twilight packed jackets". Said Toola Roola.

"I'm glad Pinkie Pie packed hot chocolate". Said Sweetie Belle.

"Never leave home without it". Pinkie Pie replied, causing the others to look at her.

"You mean to tell me, that you have instant hot chocolate on you all the time"? Asked Diamond Tiara.

"Well duh, I mean you never know where an adventure might take you, so I always make sure to come prepared". Pinkie Pie replied.

"I see", Said Diamond Tiara before she turned to Twilight. "So do you know exactly where to go from here"? She asked.

"Well no, but I'm sure if we keep going will eventually find the monster". Twilight replied.

"I hope you're right". Diamond Tiara sighed. Meanwhile Sweetie Belle was looking over at Apple Bloom, ever since they left the diner she hadn't said a word, and Sweetie Belle was getting increasingly more worried, she wanted to know what was bothering Apple Bloom so badly, after all what kind of friend just ignores another friend who is clearly in need of comfort. So without hesitation Sweetie Belle walked over to Apple Bloom, who reading a book, Apple Bloom turned around to see Sweetie Belle standing next to her.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, what's up"? Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Belle said nothing, and just hugged Apple Bloom confusing the earth pony greatly. "What are you doing"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"You just looked like you needed this", Sweetie Belle replied. Hearing that Apple Bloom couldn't help but smile, and hugged Sweetie Belle back.

"I'm sorry for being cold towards you all, but I promise you I'm fine, and also if something was bothering me I'll tell you, I promise". Apple Bloom stated. That made Sweetie Belle happy, she was glad Apple Bloom was willing to talk to them. The others smiled too seeing their interaction.

About 15 minutes later the group was still flying in the hot air balloon, and sitting in silence.

"So, what should we do while we wait"? Asked Petuina. Everyone looked around not saying anything, that was when Scootaloo got an idea.

"I know, Apple Bloom why don't you describe what the monster looks like, so we know what we're looking for, I mean after all you were the only one of us who has seen him". She said. The others liked the idea.

"Yeah, that we when we see a monster we won't have to constantly keep asking you "Is that him". Diamond Tiara stated sarcastically.

"Well, he was very big, probably one of the biggest monsters I've ever seen". Apple Bloom started. "He seems to be able to both swim, and walk on land since when I first saw him he was in a large lake, and the second time I saw him he was walking in Froggy Bottom Bogg. He has plates along his black that for some odd reason were always lighting up, and he can shoot a blue beam of fire out of his mouth, at least that's what I saw, I'm kind of hoping Fluttershy will know what kind of creature he is, and then could tell us all". Apple Bloom replied.

"Well, I'll see what I can, that is if I know what kind of animal he is when we do see him". Fluttershy said. After that the group once again sat in silence with nothing to do.

"Okay now I'm bored, what are going to". Scootaloo began to say when she was intterupted by a familar sounding voice.

"Damnit, it's too cold out here". Twilight got curious and looked down to see who spoke, she gasped in shock when she saw who was down there, the others joining in when they saw what Twilight was looking at.

"Isn't that Cozy Glow"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"But how, I mean I thought she was in Tartarus". Pinkie Pie stated. "How did she escape"?

"I don't know"? Answered Twilight.

"Do you think Tirek is with her, I mean they were working together". Said Fluttershy.

"Does that answer your question"? Toola Roola asked as they saw Tirek walking towards Cozy Glow with Queen Chrysalis.

"Chrysalis too"?! Fluttershy said in shock.

"Why are those three here"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"I don't know", Twilight replied, but let's listen to what their saying.

Down bellow Tirek spoke to Cozy Glow.

"Oh quit your complaining, you're the one who said it was a bad idea to do the summoning in the lair".

"I know, but I didn't think we'd end up somewhere so cold". Cozy Glow replied. This confused the others.

"They're trying to summon something"? Asked Scootaloo.

"What could it be"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"I don't know, but we can't let them get away with whatever they're planning". Twilight stated.

"How are we going to do that"? Asked Fluttershy.

"We'll wait for them to leave, and then will land, and follow them". Twilight replied.

"But what about finding Apple Bloom's monster"? Asked Coconut Cream

"This is more important, besides look at Tirek, we need to find out what the villains are planning, and how Tirek is big again". Twilight replied.

"Not only that, but Chrysalis looks different too". Flutteshy stated.

"And Cozy Glow, I think she's somehow become an Alicorn"! Pinkie Pie said.

"Come on, it's time", Chrysalis told the other too as they began to walk away.

"Come on let's go". Twilight stated as she brought the hot air balloon down. They then proceeded to follow the three villains. The villains walked a very long distance. After what seemed like hours they stopped at a large area. Fortuently for Twilight and the others there was a rock they could hide behind and look down from.

"Okay we're back, can we get this over with already you old goat". Chrysalis asked bitterly.

"I advice you not take that tone of voice with me dear Chrysalis", a new voice rang out, confusing the group.

"Who said that"? Asked Fluttershy.

"I don't know, but I think we're about to find out". Replied Twilight. They all watched as Grogar marched towards the three villians, his bell around his neck. While Fluttershy, Pinkie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, and Petuina were confused a look of horror appeared on Twilight's face.

"Twilight, what's wrong"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"A blue goat, with red eyes, and a bell along his neck". She trembled frightfully. "Girls, I think that's Grogar".

"Everyone gasped in shock".

"You mean the father of monsters"? Said Fluttershy

"The eviliest of evil"? Said Pinkie Pie.

Twilight nodded.

"But, I thought he was just a legend". Sweetie Belle stated in confusion. "How is he here"?

"Do you think he was responsible for King Sombra"? Asked Scootaloo.

"It's likely giving how powerful he's said to be". Twilight replied.

"But why would he bring together three of our most dangerous villains"? Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Probably to take over Equestria". Coconut Cream stated.

"Shh, Grogar's doing something". Said Petuina.

Down below Grogar brought the summoning book towards him. Placing it down infront of him he lit up his horns.

"By the power invested in me, I hearby summon the most powerful monster to lay siege to the lands of Equestria, and most importantly to destroy Twilight Sparkle, and her friends". Grogar bellowed as he blasted the book with his horns

"Hmmph, I wonder if it will work this time". Chrysalis said sarcasticaly. The villains waited for a few moments, Twilight, and the others watched from their hiding spot. All of a sudden the ground began to shake.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow looked on in shock, while Grogar smiled.

"It worked, it worked"! He laughed crazily as a huge tentecle rose out of the ice, followed by the creatures head, and it's entire body. The creature reared it's head back, and let out an ear splitting roar.

"Well shit". Said Tirek.

"Behold, the monster that will destroy Equestria, the monster that I will take under my control. Behold, KANJIRA"! Grogar bellowed as Kanjira roared again.

"And just how exactaly are you going to get that thing to do your bidding"? Chrysalis asked. Grogar smirked.

"I'm glad you asked", Grogar stated. He then turned to Kanjira, and rung his bell. A beam of energy shot out of the bell, and struck Kanjira in the eyes causing the monster to turn towards the villains. Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis all back away nervously while Grogar spoke.

"KANJIRA, STOMP YOUR FOOT"! Grogar yelled. Kanjira then did what Grogar told him to do, much to the shock of everypony there.

"Oh no". Twilight muttered to herself

"NOW WHACK THE SNOW WITH YOUR TAIL"! Grogar ordered. Kanjira did that as well.

"So you can control that beast". Chrysalis stated.

"Did you doubt me"? Grogar asked glaring at her.

"No, Chrysalis replied.

"Good, said Grogar before turning back to Kanjira. KANJIRA I HAVE SUMMONED TO HELP ME BRING EQUESTRIA TO IT'S KNEES, BUT THERE IS ONE PONY WHO STANDS IN THE WAY OF THAT, AND SO I COMMAND YOU TO FIND AND DESTROY TWILIGHT SPARKLE"! He shouted at the monster. Kanjira stood up, and began sniffing the air.

"Um Mr. Grogar sir", Cozy Glow said causing Grogar to turn to her. "How is he going to find Twilight if he doesn't know what she looks like"? She asked.

"Actually he does", Grogar stated. "When I blasted him with my mind control spell, I also made sure to include a clear image of Twilight Sparkle, trust me he knows who to look for". Kanjira in the meantime continued sniffing the air.

"What are we going to do, that thing is going to find us", Toola Roola muttered weakley. Twilight looked back at Kanjira, he was still sniffing the air, when all of a sudden he stopped, and stared at the rock they we're hiding behind.

"What's it doing"? Tirek asked as he looked at Kanjira. All of a sudden Kanjira let out a loud booming roar, and shot his tentecles arms at the rock smashing it into a millon pieaces, and exposing the ponies hiding behind it. Grogar gave a wicked smile when he saw them, while Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were shocked.

"Twilight Sparkle"? Questioned Tirek.

"Two of her friends"? Question Chrysalis.

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders"? Questioned Cozy Glow.

"And four other random children"? All three of them questioned.

"Well, well well, looks like I didn't have to find you Twilight, you came to me". Grogar laughed.

"Twilight, what do we do"? Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Running would be a good idea", Twilight stated

"I Second that", replied Scootaloo as they all began to run back towards the hot air balloon.

"OH NO YOU DON'T! GET THEM KANJIRA"! Grogar shouted. Kanjira turned around, and using his massive tail smacked the snow, sending a shockwave that knocked the fleeing ponies off of their hooves.

"Is everypony alright Twilight coughed as she got up.

"I think so". Diamond Tiara replied. Kanjira then roared again. He stared at the ponies infront of him before ficasting his eyes on the one closest to him, Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom saw this, and began to back away in fear as Kanjira advanced towards her.

"NO GET AWAY FROM ME"! Apple Bloom screamed as Kanjira shot his tentecles towards her with the intend on impaling her. Apple Bloom covered her eyes and waited for her impending doom when Kanjira stopped. Apple Bloom looked up in confusion, and noticed that Kanjira was looking at something from the distance

Twilight and the others looked over to see what Kanjira was looking at, even the villains became confused.

"Now what's he doing"? Asked Cozy Glow.

"I don't know", Grogar shouted. "KANJIRA I COMMAND YOU TO KILL THAT FAT BITCH! Grogar bellowed. Hearing the evil ram call her fat too only upset Apple Bloom even more then she already was. Meanwhile Kanjira was still looking at the area his eyes were, and that was when the ice underneath broke, and Godzilla rose up from the hole. Twilight, and the others looked on in awe and wonder as Godzilla stood at his full height, and faced Kanjira. Apple Bloom also stared in shock, and the villains didn't know what to say.

"What the hell is that"? Asked Tirek. Grogar's eyes filled with rage.

"I don't know, but I do know that it's trouble". He grunted. Godzilla stared at Kanjira intentley, a surge of emotions flowing through him. Anger, Shock, but most importantly, Rage. Godzilla then roared at Kanjira who roared back, and the two monsters charged at each other. Seeing that they we're heading towards her directly, Apple Bloom quickly moved out of the way as the two titans collided with Godzilla knocking Kanjira to the ground, and pinning him just as Apple Bloom made it back to the others.

"Apple Bloom, is that the monster you've been talking about"? Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom nodded her head as Godzilla and Kanjira continued to fight. Kanjira used is tentecles to slap Godzilla in the face knocking the king of the monsters off of him, Kanjira then moved into attack Godzilla while he was down, but Godzilla sideswiped Kanjira with his tail. Kanjira roared, as Godzilla's spines lit up, and he fired his atomic breath at him, however Kanjira dodged the attack, and fired his own beam which struck Godzilla, and knocked him back into the ground right next to Twilight, and the others. Godzilla quickly got to his feet, and roared at Kanjira before once again charging the monster once again.

"Okay, well now that their fighting what do we do"? Asked Coconut Cream.

"You all die, that's what you do"! Grogar said as he appeared infront of them causing them all to back away.

"You're the real Grogar". Twilight stated in shock.

"I thought you were just an old ponies tale". Fluttershy said.

"I assure you that I am very real, and soon once again Equestria will be my domain, but first I must get rid of you"! Grogar roared.

"Not if I have anything to say about it"! A familar voice called out. Grogar sighed.

"I figured you'd show up eventually, now show yourself"! Grogar demanded. As if on cue Discord appeared infront of his friends, and stared daggers at Grogar, while the old ram smirked. "Hello again Discord, it's been thousands of moons since we've seen each other". He chuckled.

"I'd prefered you stayed gone, but of course like all the other villains, you just had to come back". Discord growled.

"Discord, you know Grogar"? Fluttershy asked.

"We have a history, and I'll be damned if I ever let Equestria come over his rule again." Discord growled.

"Ha! You think you can stop me, need I remind you of what happend last time we fought". Grogar stated.

"That was different, I've changed". Discord said. Grogar nodded.

"You're right, you have changed. YOU BECAME WEAK"! Grogar bellowed as he shot a magic beam at Discord. Discord snapped his fingers, and turned the blast into confetti. He then rose up into the sky, and used force to grab Grogar, and throw him to the ground.

"Damn you". Grogar growled as Discord punched him in the gut. Back at down below Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow watched both fights happening.

"Should we do something"? Cozy Glow asked.

"No way Discord is way too powerful for any of us to handle"! Tirek Stated.

"But didn't you drain Discord of his magic when you first invaded"? Chrysalis asked.

"That was only because I had absorbed more magic into my body as well, so it didn't overwhelm me". Tirek stated.

"I see, well what do we". Chrysalis was intterupted by the sight of Godzilla and Kanjira coming down the slope, the three villains quickly moved out of the way, they then looked to see that Kanjira had Godzilla in a strangle hold, and Godzilla was despartely trying to get free. Kanjira then threw Godzilla down into the hole Kanjira had come out of.

"Well that monster's gone". Cozy Glow stated. Kanjira then turned away and went back to Grogar who was still fighting Discord. Grogar was attempting to blast Discord, but the lord of chaos kept teleporting, and striking Discord from behind frustrating the ram more, and more.

"I told you, I'm different from before, you won't outsmart me this time". Discord stated. Grogar looked down at Discord, then he looked down at Twilight, and the others. A wicked smile then appeared on his face.

"Maybe I won't be able to outsmart you, but I know how to get to you menttely". Grogar stated confusing Discord. Grogar then raised his bell, and aimed it at the ponies.

"No". Discord said in a panic. Grogar then shot the bell at Twilight, and the others. "NOOOOOOOO"!!!! Discord screamed as he moved infront of the blast taking the full force of it. "AGGGGGHHHHHH"! Discord cried out as he fell to the ground.

"DISCORD"!!!!! Fluttershy screamed. Discord hearing Fluttershy's voice got up as Fluttershy ran to him. "Discord are you okay"?! She asked in a panic. Discord nodded.

"I'm fine". He said before turning back to Grogar. "You will regret that". Discord growled. He then snapped his fingers, but nothing happend. "What the"? Discord asked. He snapped again, nothing, and again, and again. Discord gasped. "My magic, it's gone"! Fluttershy and the others gasped, as Grogar laughed while Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow came up to him.

"You manged to defeat Discord"! Tirek said in shock.

"I can't believe it". Stated Cozy Glow. Chrysalis just smirked.

"Who cares, with Discord out of the way, and this monster under our control". She said pointing to Kanjira who appeared next to Grogar. "Nothing will be able to stand against us"! Just then Grogar chuckled.

"Us"? He asked before turning to the three". "Who said anything about us"?

"You did". Chrysalis said in confusion.

"You got my bell, you gave three gave me the means of which I need to regain control of Equestria, and now you are no longer of any use to me". Grogar growled. Chrysalis eyes filled with rage, Cozy Glow looked at Grogar with fear in her eyes, and Tirek sighed.

"Well those words came back to bite me, I guess this is what ponies call karma". The centaur said sarcastically. Grogar then used his bell to drain the magic he had given them, and turn the back into their original forms. Chrysalis was enraged.

"HOW DARE YOU"! She screamed as she flew at Grogar in an attempt to attack him.

"Kanjira". Grogar ordered. Kanjira shot his tentecles striaght at Chrysalis, the former Changleing Queen had no time to react, and everyone watched in horro, as Kanjira impaled Chrysalis with his tentelces. Blood splatterd on the ground, as Chryalis twitched, and sputterd before going limp. Kanjira then swallowed Chrysalis corpse whole.

"Holy shit". Fluttershy said in shock. Kanjira then grabbed Cozy Glow, and Tirek.

"Please don't"! Cozy Glow screamed, as Kanjira sent both of them flying far into the distance. Grogar smirked.

"Good, now". Grogar was about to turn back to Twilight, and the others when Godzilla rose back up from the hole he fell into, and roared at Kanjira. "Screw it". Grogar growled as he hopped onto Kanjira's head. "Retreat Kanjira". Grogar ordered. Kanjira tunred, and dove into the hole Godzilla had first come out of while Twilight, and the others watched on. Godzilla then let out a loud roar of anger and frustration.