• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,686 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 13: Plan of action

"Are you kidding me"! Diamond Tiara exclaimed, "How in Celestia's name are we suppose to get out of whatever the hell this place is, with out a goddamn hot air balloon"! Discord looked over the damage on the balloon trying to see how bad it actually was.

"Actually, it's not that bad", he stated confusing the others.

"What do you mean"? Asked Toola Roola.

"I mean the damage is fixable, all we need is to patch up that gash, and we'll be good to go". Discord explained.

And where exactaly are we going to find supplies to fix the balloon? There's nothing but sand, sand, and more sand around here"! Scootaloo exclaimed. Discord looked around.

"Aha, that's where you're wrong My Little Pony, over there. There's a forest which I'm sure will have something that could help us fix the balloon". He stated.

"Alright then, Discord and I will go look for supplies in the forest, while the rest of you stay with the balloon". Twilight said.

"Okay, but please be careful". Said Fluttershy.

"Don't worry will be fine". Twilight reassured her friend as she and Discord walked off into the woods. As Twilight, and Discord were about to enter the forest they turned to see Apple Bloom coming up to them. "Apple Bloom what's wrong"? Twilight asked.

"Can I please come with you guys, I wanna help fix the balloon". Apple Bloom stated. Twilight turned to Discord who shrugged.

"Okay you can come with us". Twilight said as the three of them went out into the forest.

"So, what are we gonna do"? Asked Petuina.

"How about we build a sandcastle or something like that". Suggested Coconut Cream. The others looked at her. "What else are we suppose to do while we wait for them to get back"? She asked the others.

"I guess she has a point", Diamond Tiara stated.

"You guys do that, I have something else I need to do". Scootaloo said as she walked away towards the balloon.

"Wonder what she's doing"? Toola Roola asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll go see". Sweetie Belle said as she followed after Scootaloo, finding her next to the balloon going through something. "Scootaloo, what are you doing"? Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo turned, to Sweetie Belle, and showed her what she was doing. "Is that Apple Bloom's bag"? Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes it is", Scootaloo replied.

"Why are you going through it"? Sweetie Belle asked.

"Because Apple Bloom is hidding something, and I intend on finding out what exactaly it is". Scootaloo answered as she continued to dig through Apple Bloom's bag before finally pulling out the book Apple Bloom had brought from home. "Aha, look at this". She said showing the book to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle tilted her head while looking at the book.

"What is that"? She asked causing Scootaloo to facepalm.

"It's Apple Bloom's diary, if there's any information on what she's hiding it's bound to be in here, now come on let's read it". Scootaloo stated.

"Woah woah woah, is that really a good idea, I mean for us to be going through Apple Bloom's diary all willy nilly"? Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo sighed.

"Sweetie Belle listen, we're Apple Bloom's friends right"?

"Yeah". Sweetie Belle replied.

"Well as her friends, that pretty much gives us a free pass to go through anything she owns". Scootaloo stated.

"It does"? Sweetie Belle asked confused.

"Absoultely, and besides don't you wanna help her with whatever she's going through"? Scootaloo asked. Sweetie Belle thought for a momment. "Listen, everything will be fine, we'll read this, find out whatever it is Apple Bloom is dealing with, and then when we tell her she'll be so grateful, to us, and everything will be perfect". Scootaloo reassured. Sweetie Belle thought a little more about it. Then she nodded.

"Alright let's do it". She said. Scootaloo smiled, and the two of them started reading Apple Bloom's diary.

Meanwhile in the forest Twilight, Discord, and Apple Bloom continued searching for anything they could use to patch up the gash in the balloon.

"So what exactaly do we need"? Twilight asked Discord who was searching from adopt a tree.

"Anything, that could possibly patch up the balloon", Discord replied.

"Sounds eaiser said then done", Twilight stated. Meanwhile Apple Bloom was looking around trying her best to find something they could use. All the while she was thinking about what Applejack was going to say to her, by now she, and the others back at Sweet Apple Acres had to have discovered her little trick, and if Apple Bloom knew her sister it's that she would have been beyond pissed, as Apple Bloom pondered how she was going to deal with Applejack she was unaware of the danger she was in until it was too late. Feeling something behind her Apple Bloom turned only to see a pair of vines coming at her. Apple Bloom screamed in horror as the vines of a huge carnivorus plant wrapped themselves around her body, and hoisted her up into the air. Hearing Apple Bloom's screams caused Twilight, and Discord to turn around, and see the predicment Apple Bloom was in.

"Oh no Apple Bloom"! Twilight screamed.

"Shit", Discord exclaimed, he snapped his fingers only to remember he had no magic. "Son of a bitch, he cursed as Twilight began blasting the plant with her magic blast all while Apple Bloom struggled to get out of it's grip.

"Nggh let go of me", Apple Bloom cried out, but the plant only squeezed her harder. The plant then opend it's mouth and was just about to bring Apple Bloom towards it when Twilight blasted it in the face, the plant cried out in pain, and dropped Apple Bloom who seezed the oppirtuinty to run to Twilight. Discord meanwhile was looking for something he could use to help them, that was when he saw a machete on the ground.

"What the hell"? He said in cofusion, but decieded not to worry about it since the plant was about to attack Twilight, and Apple Bloom again, rushing forward he swung the machete slicing several of the vines. He continue to do this as the plant kept attacking, Twilight helping out with her magic blast, even Apple Bloom manged to find a branch which she used to keep the plant at bay, eventually the monster got tired, and retreted back into the forest.

"Apple Bloom, are you okay"? Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Apple Bloom nodded as she looked down.

"What's wrong"? Twilight asked.

"Aren't you mad at me"? Apple Bloom asked.

"What, why would I be mad at you? Asked Twilight.

"Because Applejack would have after seeing me get attacked", Apple Bloom replied. Twilight grimiced and put her hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder.

"None of that was your fault Apple Bloom, Applejack really needs to lay off on you, and when we get back I'm going to have a serious talk with her as future ruler of Equestria". Twilight vowed as Discord came up to them.

"Well, we still need to find supplies to fix the balloon, so come now let's not dilly daily, he said.

Twilight, Discord, And Apple Bloom continued their search for supplies when they all heard something. It sounded like singing.

"Do you two hear that"? Twilight asked.

"Yeah", Discord replied, "It sounds like it's coming from over there", he pointed.

"Should we check it out"? Asked Apple Bloom. Twilight nodded.

"Maybe they'll have something that can help us," she replied. So the three of them went into the direction of the singing, and came across and interesting sight. There were what appeared to be a group of pony natives dancing around, and doing some kind of ritural. The three friends looked on in amazment. "Woah", Twilight said. "Do you have any idea what we're seeing"? Apple Bloom, and Discord shook their heads. "This is some kind of ancient native ritural, I wonder what it's about"? Twilight pondered. Just then one of the natives spotted them, and pointed them out, soon Twilight, Apple Bloom, and Discord were aproched by the group. Discord stepped infront of Twilight, and Apple Bloom as the natives started chanting, and pointing.

"Woah, woah, woah calm down chill the F out", Discord said trying to deesclate the situation. "Do you have any idea what they're saying princess"? He asked Twilight who shook her head

"Not really," She replied. Just then one of the natives Pointed at Apple Bloom.

"Huh, me"? Apple Bloom asked in confusion. The native nodded, and began to speak in his native language. Twilight, remembering back to some of the native words she learned back when she was a fily was able to make out the words. "Ancient one, and sacfrice.

"Apple Bloom, I think the want to use you as a sacfrice to something they worship on this island." Twilight stated confusing Apple Bloom. Just then the natives tried to grab for Apple Bloom who stepped back in shock

"What the, hey don't touch me"! Apple Bloom cried out. The natives continued to try and grab for Apple Bloom as Discord kept himself in between the natives, and the girls.

"Twilight please do something, I don't know how long I can keep them at bay". Discord said in a panic. Without thinking twice Twilight teleported the three of them away from the natives, and back into the forest. "Phew, that was close". Discord said. Apple Bloom, and Twilight nodding in agreement, just then Apple Bloom spotted something on the ground.

"Hey look at this leaf, it's the right size to fit the gash on the balloon". She said

"Nice find Apple Bloom". Twilight said, now we just need something sticky in order to place it. Discord looked around, and saw some sap coming out of a tree. He grabbed a cup that he had brought and put the sap inside.

"Here you are". He said.

"Perfect", stated Twilight. "Now let's head back to the others", Twilight said as the three of them ran back to the beach.

Author's Note:

And another chapter is done.

So question do you agree with what scootaloo said about them being friends gives her, and Sweetie Belle a free pass to go through Apple Bloom's stuff, and read Apple Bloom's diary?

Also for any hardcore Godzilla fans I just wanted to point out that No the plant that attacked Apple Bloom was Not Biollante.