• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,686 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 2: Over the Rainbow

Somewhere on the highseas of Equestria

Lighting flashed. Thundered crashed as the pirate ship was battered from side to side by the violent waves. Onboard Captain Redneck laughed with her crew at the typed up filly Lilly Swirl. Now while this may look like a dangerous hostage situation it was actually just some fillies playing a game, and having fun.

"Yar har har har"! Captain Redneck, who was really Scootaloo laughed at Lilly Swirl, who was actually Apple Bloom. "Reveal where yee hid me tresure map, or I'll make yee walk the plank."

"Ngh. Never you dastardly sea devil, I'll never reveal where the map or the tresure is"! Lilly Yelled. Captain Redneck laughed.

"Very well then. Prepare to walk the plank"! She screeched. A look of horror appeared on Lilly's face as Captain Redneck's first mate Smitty, who was Sweetie Belle grabbed her, and pulled her to the age of the ship.

"NO LET ME GO"! Lilly screamed as she was dragged to the plank. The water surged as the sharks circled around in antipaction. "NO NO NO"! Lilly screamed as pushed off the plank and into the jaws of the sharks bellow.

"CHILDREN RECESSE IS OVER"! Miss Cheerlie yeleld out.

"Aww man". Scootaloo groaned as Sweetie Belle helped Apple Bloom up. "We we're just getting to the fun part".

"Don't worry, we can always play more later". Sweetie Belle reasued. That made Scootaloo feel better.

"You're right Sweetie Belle". She said before turning to Apple Bloom. "Be ready, because you're definatley going to be eaten by the sharks tommorow". She laughed. Apple Bloom just sighed.

"Yeah, whatever". She stated rather unenthusiasticlay something both Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo noticed.

"Hey Apple Bloom are you okay"? Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom looked back at her friends.

"It's just, how come whenever we play this game I'm always the Damsel in Distress"? Apple Bloom asked. This made Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo laugh.

"That's easy, it's because of how you look". Scootaloo said.

"And what is that suppose to mean"? Apple Bloom asked glaring.

"Nothing, it's just that you just have the look of somepony who would constantly need to be rescued". Scootaloo replied. Apple Bloom's glare intesefied so Sweetie Belle continued.

"Look Apple Bloom are game needs a Damsel, and you just fit the criteor to be a good one". Sweetie Belle stated.

"I'm not sure weather I should be insulted or not". Apple Bloom replied. Just before either Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo could reply, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, Toola Roola, Coconut Creame, and Petuina Paleo came up to the three. Sweetie Belle was the first to greet them

"Hi girls, do you need anything, help with a cutie mark problem or something like that"? She asked. Diamond shook her head.


"Then what's up"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"I'm having a tea party at my house after school, and was wondering if you three would like to come". Petinua replied. Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Of course will come! Right girls"! She looked back at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo sighed.

"Sure". She said. Apple Bloom however hesitated a bit.

"I don't know, I promised Applejack I'd be back to do my chores right away, and I don't wanna get in trouble". She replied.

"Oh come on just come for a half hour at least". Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom sighed.

"Alright". She relented as the eight of them walked back into the school. Later that they all of them met up at Petiuna's house just like they promised. Petinua's parents provided the children with tea, and snacks.

"Thanks for inviting us Petinua". Sweetie Belle said as she took a bite of a cucumber sandwich.

"Thank you for comming, and for helping me get my Cutie Mark". Petinua replied happily as she looked down at her flank. This made the CMCs all blush as Petinua Smiled. "Come on lets go outside and Play"! Petinua said as she got up from her seat and ran out with the others following her. The girls played, laughed, and gave each other pedicures. Sweetie Belle even putting some gel in Apple Bloom's hair to make it sparkle. Apple Bloom looked at it, and smiled. Diamond Tiara soon walked over to them with a grin on her face.

"What's up Diamond"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"So I was wondering". She began. "Are they any boys in school you girls have crushes on"? Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle faces immiedtley flushed with embarssment.

"I. well, um". Sweetie Belle stuttered.

"Oh come on". Scootaloo pushed. "Look if we tell you who we have crushes on, then you tell us okay". Sweetie Belle nodded while Apple Bloom remained silent.

"Okay, so I have a crush on Rumble". Scootloo replied.

"Shady Daze". Said Silverspoon

"Tornado Bolt". Petinua Stated.

"Thunder Strike". Said Toola Roola.

"Chipcutter". Said Coconut Cream.

"Fetherweight". Diamond Tiara stated causing the others to look at her. "What? He's cute and funny once you get to know him. The others nodded. Soon it was Sweetie Belle's turn.

"Okay so this might sound weird but I have a small crush on Button Mash". She told everyone.

"Oh nice". Silverspoon said. Now all eyes were on Apple Bloom.

"So Apple Bloom"? Scootaloo asked sneering.

"What"? Apple Bloom asked rather irritated.

"Who's the guy you have a crush on"? Scootaloo inquired. Apple Bloom just stared blankly at her.

"Hold on I thought she was dating Tender Taps, stated Silverspoon.

"Yeah, that's right", Coconut Cream Replied.

"Oh, actually Taps, and I broke up a few days ago", Apple Bloom replied causing everyone in the room to gasp.

"Why, what happend"? Sweetie Belle asked frantquely.

"Yeah, you two seemed so happy together", replied Diamond Tiara.

"He cheated on me" Apple Bloom replied sadly as the other filles gasped.
"WHAT"?! Sweetie Belle screamed.

"That good for nothing, why when I see him at school tommorow I'm going to beat the ever living shit out of him". Scootaloo replied.

"Don't"! Apple Bloom cried out causing the others to look at her in confusion.

"Why not"? Scootaloo demanded as she walked towards Apple Bloom. "He hurt you did he not, broke your heart, so why don't you wanna us to teach him a lesson. As Scootaloo got closer to her Apple Bloom's eyes showed Tender Taps, but he wasn't the sweet kind colt who loved tap dancing she met. but instead an angry beast that was coming at her with burning hatred in his eyes.

"NO"! Apple Bloom screamed as she flinched which caused Scootaloo to stopped as the other looked at Apple Bloom's trembling figure. Apple Bloom opened her eyes, and saw all of her friends looking at her. Realizing the situation she was in Apple Bloom composed herself. "Look I appreacite you looking out for me, but please don't confront Tender Taps, I already told him that we're over, so I don't want anymore drama okay". The others looked at her before Scootaloo sighed.

"Fine" she stated. Apple Bloom smiled and hugged Scootaloo with the other girls soon joining in, and soon enough they were all laughing out loud before eventually they all fell asleep

A few hours later.

Apple Bloom groggly opened her eyes.

"Mmmmm, what happend"? She groaned. She looked out the window, and her eyes almost instantly widened in horror. "OH MY GOD"! She yelled causing the others to wake up.

"What, what's wrong"?! Asked Diamond Tiara.

"WHAT TIME IS IT"!? Apple Bloom pratictlay demanded.

"Why"? Silverspoon Asked.

"Just tell me now"! Apple Bloom cried out. The others looked at each other before Petiuna looked at the clock.

"It's 7:30". She answered. Hearing that Apple Bloom's heart sank.

"Oh my god, I'm late"! She cried. "I Was suppose to be home by 3:00, and now I'm late"! With that Apple Bloom raced out the door before anyone could say anything. Apple Bloom ran as fast as she could back to her farm, panting heavely when she arrived. She took a deep breath and opened the door, and sure enough Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh were all staring at her. Apple Bloom couldn't even speak.

"Where in Equestria have you been"! Applejack demanded.

"I". Apple Bloom began only for Applejack to intterupt her.

"Do you have any idea what time it is! I told you to be home by three o clock on the dot to do your chores, but since you were late Big Mac had to do them"! Applejack yelled.

"Now Applejack calm down, and let Apple Bloom explain herself". Granny Smith said.

"Eeyup". Big Mac replied. Applejack sighed, and glared at Apple Bloom.

"Petinua invited Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, Toola Roola, Cocunt Cream, and I to her house to hang out after school. I told them I hate to be home at a certain time, but they insisted. So I went making sure to check the time so I could leave at the right time, but we started talking, and then we kind of fell asleep, and when we woke up it was 7:30". Apple Bloom explained. Both Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh seemed to be satisfied with Apple Bloom's answer, but Applejack continued to glare.

"You should have paid more attention to the time"!

"I'm sorry". Apple Bloom said softly.

"You should be. Now git to yer room"! Applejack scolded. Apple Bloom didn't say anymore and did as she was told.

About twenty minutes later Apple Bloom laid on her bed when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in". She said. Her bedrooom door opened, and in walked Granny Smith.

"Are you okay half pint"? She asked her Granddaughter.

"I'm fine". Apple Bloom replied. "It's just, I don't know why Applejack is so strict now". Granny Smith sighed.

"I think it's probably because of what happend with King Sombra. She nearly lost all of us. I know she can be a bit much, but try to give her the benfit of the doubt. Granny Smith Explained.

"Okay". Apple Bloom replied. Granny Smith smiled. She then pulled out a sandwich, and a chocolate chip cookie, with a glass of chocolate milk.

"Here. You can't go to sleep hungry". She said. Apple Bloom smiled, and took the food.

"Thank you". She said happily.

"Your welcome". Smiled her Grandmother. After Granny Smith left Apple Bloom ate the sandwhich, the cookie, and drank the chocolote milk before going to sleep.

The next morning Apple Bloom was hard at work in the pig pen. Applejack had made her clean it out as punishment for being late last night. The work was hard, tiring, and disgusting, Apple Bloom was covered in mud. Once she was done she grabbed the hose and washed herself off. She then looked up at the sky, and saw Rainbow Dash fly by.

"Hey Apple Bloom". a voice called out making her jump. Apple Bloom turned to see Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy.

"Oh hey". She greeted the two of them.

"So what are you doing"? Asked Twilight.

"I was late coming home last night so as punishment I have to clean the pig pens, and do basically all the chores". Apple Bloom explained.

"By yourself"? Fluttershy asked.

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Big Mac is helping me with the really hard stuff, but I have to do most of it". Twilight and Fluttershy both looked at each other. They knew Applejack had become more strict after the incident with King Sombra, but wasn't this a little too much. However Apple Bloom did seem okay so they didn't pry for anything more. However Twilight did plan on having a word with Applejack at some point about this.

"Well well well". A new voice called out. Apple Bloom, Fluttershy, and Twilight turned to see Spoiled Rich, and her rich friends staring at them. If it isn't the little filly who corrupted my daughter, and turned her soft". Spoiled Rich sneered. Apple Bloom remained silent as Twilight, and Fluttershy glared.

"Look at her in the pig pen". Said one of the snobs.

"It suits her considering she dirty like one! Another stated as all three of them started to laugh while Apple Bloom began to tear up hearing what those mares were saying as Fluttershy instantly pulled Apple Bloom into a hug while Twilight yelled at the mares.

"Hey don't talk about her like that"!

"Whatever, we were just stating the truth. That little brat needs no matter how many "Cutie Mark" problems she and her so called friends solve, she'll be nothing more then a worthless farm filly. Spoiled Rich snarled before she left with her friends laughing.

"That bitch", Twilight muttered before turning to Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom, are you okay"? She asked. Apple Bloom sighed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but". She said before pausing.

"But, what"? Fluttershy asked urging Apple Bloom to continue.

"I feel like they're right. Ever since the whole King Sombra incident Applejack has basically kept me prisoner on this farm. Heck most of the day I'm not even allowed out my room unless it's for breakfeast, lunch, dinner, or I have to go to school, and she always insits on me staying home. It's just getting unbareble, and borning. I'm tired of being on this farm 24/7 I want something exciting to happen, I want to go on an adventure". Apple Bloom explained

"Well isn't your whole class going on that hiking trip tommorow? That counts as an adventure". Twilight said to which Apple Bloom nooded in agreement.

"Yeah I know, but I'm not talking about something like that, that's a very basic adventuer I want something more exciting.

"More exciting, like what"? Fluttershy asked curiously,

"Like the kind of adventures you go on"! Apple Bloom said with a huge smile on her face to a shocked Twilight, and Fluttershy.

"Like ours"?! They both asked in suprised unison as Apple Bloom nodded excitedly.

Uh-huh. Like when you went to find the Elements of Harmony to Stop Nightmare Moon, or that time you had to ask a sleeping Dragon to leave because he was snoring, or when you first went to the Crystal Empire and battled King Sombra for the first time.

"Apple Bloom". Twilight tried to speak, but Apple Bloom just continued on talking.

"Or like when you go to the Human World Twilight, or like when you traveled to Tartarus in order to stop Cozy Glow.

"Apple Bloom". Fluttershy tried to speak up as well.

"Or when you traveled all the way to Seaequestria to get help from the Hippogriffs in order to stop the Storm King and".

"Apple Bloom"! Both Twilight and Fluttershy shouted causing Apple Bloom to stop talking and look at them.

"Yes"? She asked.

"You know Apple Bloom I understand that staying couped up in one place can be pretty boring, and Applejack is defenintly acting very unresasonble, but who knows maybe one day you will get to go on an adventure, maybe a very exciting one". Twilight told her.

"You think so"? Apple Bloom asked?

"Defeninitly". Fluttershy replied. Apple Bloom smiled

"Thanks". She said. With that Fluttershy, and Twilight left. Apple Bloom then looked up to the sky and started singing.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh, why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

"I wish I could go on an adventure Apple Bloom said to herself.

Author's Note:

And with that chapter two is complete. Sorry for the lack of Godzilla in this one, but don't worry the next chapter will focus purely on him. So until then see you next time.