• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 17: Broken Heart

Three Months Ago

Apple Bloom sat outside looking up at the clouds, she enjoyed watching the shapes they formed as it gave her a peace of mind. Just then Apple Bloom heard a voice call her name.

"Apple Bloom", the girl looked around, and saw her friend Tender Taps standing Infront of her. Apple Bloom smiled seeing him.

"Howdy Tender Taps, what can I do for you"? She asked him. Tender Taps fumbled with his words trying to find the right thing to say.

"I um. Well you see, I was wondering if", he stammered unable to find his words. Apple Bloom smiled, and stood up. She then put her hooves on Tender Taps shoulders to calm him down. Tender Taps looked up at Apple Bloom, her amber eyes glistened in the light, he long red hair sparkle.

"Tender Taps, take a deep breath, and slowly tell me what you want to say", Apple Bloom said with a smile, her voice like a mother soothing her child, and Taps did what she said, he took a deep breath, and spoke.

"I really like you, would you please go out with me"? He asked closing his eyes. After a few moments of silence Tender Taps looked up to see Apple Bloom looking back at him with a shocked look on her face. "Ever since you helped me find my cutie mark, and my love of dancing I've admired you so please give me a chance, and please". Before Tender Taps could finish Apple Bloom put her hooves to his lips. Taps looked up to see Apple Bloom smiling at him.

"Meet me at Sugarcube corner at 4:30", she told him. Tender Taps smiled, and nodded his head before running off. Apple Bloom smiled, she had always had some sort of feelings for Tender Taps, but she never knew how to express them, well now she didn't have to worry since he had made the first move. Apple Bloom looked at the clock, and saw that it was 12:15 time for her to go get ready.

At the carousel botique Rarity was squeeling with excitment.

"Oh Apple Bloom darling I cannot believe you are going on your first date with a boy", she said happily.

"We're just going to get some milkshakes at Sugarcube corner it's really no big deal", Apple Bloom replied only for Rarity to spin her around, and stair directly at her.

"It absoultely is a big deal, the first dates are always the most important," She stated.

"They are"? Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, if this goes wrong, then you are doomed to be alone living with a cat for the rest of your life! Yow"! Rarity yelped as Opal scratched her for saying that. Rarity looked down at her cat and gave a nervous chuckle before turning to Apple Bloom. "Anyways, I know it's your first date, and it may not seem that important, but trust me it is", Rairty replied. Apple Bloom smiled at Rarity, she had intinally just came to tell Sweetie Belle about her date, but of course Rarity happened to overhear and at first tried to fit Apple Bloom for a dress, but Apple Bloom refused seeing as she and Taps we're just going to Sugarcube Corner, but Rarity insisted on at least doing Apple Bloom's hair, which Apple Bloom allowed. Finally Rarity was done.

"Apple Bloom you look amazing", Sweetie Belle said in awe. Apple Bloom blushed, and gave a small smile.

"Thanks you two, I'll tell you how it went", Apple Bloom stated before heading to Sugarcube Corner. Apple Bloom walked to Sugarcube Corner at exactaly 4:27, she looked around, and saw Tender Taps sitting at the very last booth on the right hoof side. Apple Bloom smiled, and walked over to him, she sat in the booth across from him, and gave him a warm smile, Tender Taps smiled back as Mrs. Cake came up with two Milkshakes for them.

"I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me", Tender Taps said happily as he took a sip of his vanilla milkshake. Apple Bloom smiled at him.

"I'm glad you asked me, I've actually had feelings for you for a while as well, but I never had the courage to approach you", and ask you out myself", Apple Bloom replied.

"R-really you like me too"? Tender Taps asked hopefully, and Apple Bloom nodded with a smile on her face. "Then, will you be my special somepony"? Tender Taps asked. Apple Bloom smiled.

"Yes", she replied happily. Tender Taps smiled.

Later that night Apple Bloom returned home with a huge smile on her face, she saw Sugar Belle in the kitchen making dinner. Big Mac was sitting at the table when the both saw Apple Bloom.

"Wow, you look quite happy tonight", Sugar Belle noticed.

"Eeyup", Big Macintosh replied. Apple Bloom smiled.

"Well, I have something I want to say, but I want to wait for Granny Smith and Applejack to get home first", Apple Bloom said.

"I'm right here youngin", Apple Bloom heard Granny Smith's voice as the elderly mare walked into the kitchen. "But Applejack will be back a little later, she had some business to attend to at the friendship school".

"Do we need to wait for Applejack"? Sugar Belle asked curiously. Apple Bloom nodded before heading up to her room, she then walked up to her mirror, and looked at her reflection.

"Okay, it's simple all you have to do is tell them you have a boyfriend, they'll understand, besides we're not doing anything other then going out to Sugarcube Corner", she said to herself.

"Apple Bloom Applejack's back! Apple Bloom heard Granny Smith's voice call her from downstairs. Apple Bloom took a deep breath, and headed downstairs where her family was waiting.

"So, you have something you want to say to all of us"? Applejack asked rasing an eyebrow of suspicion to her younger sister. Apple Bloom nodded. "Well, spit it out then", Applejack replied Apple Bloom gulped.

"Um, you all know Tender Taps right"? Apple Bloom asked, everyone in the room nodded. "And you know how him and I are friends yes"? Everyone nodded again. "Well, we became more then friends", Apple Bloom said. For awhile the others sat in confusion until Sugar Belle was finally able to understand what Apple Bloom meant.

"Are you two dating"? She asked. Apple Bloom nodded her head.

"My little sister has herself a boyfriend"! Big Macintosh exclaimed in excitement while Granny Smith simply smiled. Apple Bloom was happy, so far the conversation was going well, then she turned to Applejack. Applejack, unlike the others wasn't smiling, she was instead giving Apple Bloom an intense glare. Apple Bloom gulped nervously as she waited for Applejack to say something.

"How long have you two been dating, and what have you done"? Applejack asked coldly. Apple Bloom looked at Applejack before replying.

"We just started dating today, and all we did was get milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner", Apple Bloom replied hoping Applejack would be satisfied with that answer. For awhile Applejack sat in silence, staring intently at Apple Bloom making then teenager more nervous by the second, finally Applejack opened her mouth to say something.

"Alright", she simply said confusing everyone.

"Huh"? Apple Bloom said in confusion.

"As long as you don't do anything drastic I'm okay with your relationship", Applejack said.

"Really"?! Apple Bloom asked. Applejack nodded, and smiled as Apple Bloom ran up, and hugged her sister.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you"! Apple Bloom exclaimed happily, she then happily trotted upstairs to her room, dance around, and flopped onto her bed happy that her sister accepted her relationship with Tender Taps.

"The next day at school Apple Bloom was talking with her friends, and telling them about her date with Tender Taps.

"I still can't believe you were the first to get a boyfriend", Diamond Tiara stated.

"Oh come on now don't be jealous", replied Silverspoon earning her a punch in the shoulder from Diamond. "Ow"! she yelped.

"It's not that big a deal girls, we're not doing anything extreme yet, but yeah I'm honestly a little shock my self", Apple Bloom replied.

"Well I for one am very happy for you," stated Toola Roola just as Tender Taps came up to the girls giving Apple Bloom a kiss on the cheek making her blush.

"Hey babe, you wanna go eat lunch with me"? He asked.

"Of course I do", Apple Bloom said happily. "Bye girls", she said before heading off with Tender Taps. Scootaloo sighed.

"I guess were going to have to get used to this", she stated.

"Yeah", Sweetie Belle agreed. "But hey, at least she's happy, I mean she hasn't geuniely smiled in such a long time".

"You're right", Scootaloo agreed as the seven of the watched Apple Bloom, and Tender Taps happily together.

For awhile things were fine, Apple Bloom, and Tender Taps seemed to have a healthy relationship. Tender Taps took Apple Bloom to the park, the lake, and the cafe. He even gave her a necklace that she started wearing Meanwhile Apple Bloom brought him to the farm to meet her family, and even showed him the CMCs clubhouse, however things started to go downhill a few months into their relationship.

One day Tender Taps asked Apple Bloom to meet him at the cafe at 12:pm, Apple Bloom went, and waited.


Apple Bloom waited for five hours, but Tender Taps never showed up. At School Apple Bloom went up to Tender Taps.

"Taps", She exclaimed. Tender Taps turned around, but this time he didn't seem happy to see her.

"What do you want"? He asked rather coldy shocking Apple Bloom.

"I just wanted to know what happend on Sataurday. You said you would meet me at the cafe". Apple Bloom stated.

"Yeah well something came up", Tender Taps replied.

"Well what was it"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"That's none of your buisness", Tender Taps stated.

"I think it is if you're gonna blow me off, and leave me waiting at a restraunt for five hours", Apple Bloom replied angirly while Taps was also getting more irrated.

"I said it was none of your buisness, now leave me alone"! He exclaimed befor walking away leaving Apple Bloom alone.

This strange behavior continued. Tender Taps would keep blowing off Apple Bloom and his plans, and never give any exclamations as to why, and he seemed to get colder towards Apple Bloom more and more.

Finally it was the day of their three month anniversay. Apple Bloom hoped that Tender Taps wouldn't blow her off on this special day, after she had planned to take him to a special part of Sweet Apple Acres, the three where her parents got married. It was going to be perfect, Apple Bloom even had Rarity make her a new dress for the occasion. With newfound hope Apple Bloom went to Tender Taps's house, and was greeted by his parents, she then went up to his room, opened the door, and gasped.

There was Tender Taps, her boyfriend in his room kissing another girl that Apple Bloom had never seen before. This girl had blond hair, and thick make up.

"WHAT THE FUCK"! Apple Bloom screamed causing both Tender Taps and the girl to turn around.

"Apple Bloom, what are you doing here"? Tender Taps asked.

"Who's this pushover"? The girl asked.

"No one, just an annoyance", Tender Taps said staring at Apple Bloom who looked at him in shock.

"I'm an annoyance"? She asked. "Is this why you've been standing me up these past few weeks, because you've been screwing around with this bimbo"! Apple Bloom yelled.

"Excuse you"?! The girl asked before Tender Taps shushed her. He then turned to Apple Bloom

"Face it Apple Bloom, you just lost that sparkle you had three months ago, I needed someone better, someone who knew me, and not some dirty farm pony". Tender Taps stated. Apple Bloom felt her heart shatter into a millon pieces when she heard him say that. Without thinking she slapped Tender Taps hard across the face before turning around, and running out of his house, tears streaming down her face. Apple Bloom ran all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Sugar Belle was the one there at the time, and she was confused when she saw Apple Bloom

"Hey Apple Bloom you're back early how was your date with Tender Taps"? She asked only to see Apple Bloom run into the living room. Sugar Belle followed her, she gasped in shock when she saw Apple Bloom rip off the necklace Tender had given her, and throw it in the fire place, it was then Sugar Belle noticed that Apple Bloom was crying. "Apple Bloom what's wrong"? Sugar Belle asked now knowing something was wrong. Apple Bloom turned around, and ran to Suagr Belle burying her face in Sugar Belle's chest, and began sobbing loudly.

"T-Taps cheated on me"! Apple Bloom sobbed. Sugar Belle gasped in shock, but knew it wasn't right to ask for details at the moment. She also chose not to tell Appleack, Big Mac or Granny Smith about this fearing what they might do to Tender Taps, especially Applejack. So Sugar Belle continued to just hug, hum, and rock Apple Bloom until the younger pony stopped crying, and fell asleep

Apple Bloom sat in the cage she was trapped in. She was confused, why was she now remembering that, but soon her thoughts were intterupted when she saw the cage was now opening.

Author's Note:

And BAM I'm back god it feels like it's been awhile, anyways enjoy a new chapter of
Godzilla Battle of Equestria.
Also My Little Pony Friendship is Magic with Reiner, and Bertholdt Season 1 is not dead, and I will finish it soon.