• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,685 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 12: Overreacting!

Spitfire sat in her office, she had been working for the past half hour on the files for possilbe new wonderbolts recruits when her front door burst open, and Applejack came bursting with Rainbow Dash, and Rarity following close behind.

"Woah what the hell"?! Spitfire said in shock, as Applejack came right up to her desk.

"I need to report a kidnapping, my little sister has gone missing,"! Applejack shouted as Rainbow Dash came and tried to pull Applejack back confusing Spitfire even more.

"Cadet Rainbow Dash I demand to know the meaning of this intrution at once"! Spitfire commanded.

"I'm terribly sorry ma'am Rarity and I tried to stop her, but she's not listening to reason", Rainbow Dash stated.

"I said I need help my sister was kidnapped"! Applejack shouted.

"Applejack that is quite enough Apple Bloom was not kidnapped and you know that"! Rarity exclaimed. As Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all shouted over each other Spitfire finally had enough.

"QUIET"! She yelled slamming her hooves onto her desk. "Now explain to me what happened slowly, well first tell me how did you two get up here"? She asked pointing to Applejack, and Rarity.

"Pegasus charity". Rartiy explained.

"Right". Spitfire replied before turning to Applejack. "Now what were you saying about a kidnapping"? Spitfire asked turning to Applejack. Applejack nodded.

"Yes my baby sister dissappered from her room this morning without a trace"! Applejack exclaimed while Rarity, and Rainbow Dash sighed in annoyance. Spitfire nodded her head.

"Yes, and what's her name"? She asked.

"Apple Bloom". Applejack replied.

"Apple Bloom, and how old is she"? Spitfire asked.

"She's only five"! Applejack stated.

Spitfire nodded, and was about to right that down when Rainbow Dash and Rarity stopped her.

"Woah woah woah hold on stop"! Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Spitfire looked up and urged Rainbow Dash to continue.

"First of all Apple Bloom was not kidnapped she's with our very good friends Twilight, and Fluttershy along with our little sisters, and some more of their friends". Rainbow Dash explained.

"And secondly Apple Bloom is not five she's seventeen"! Rarity added on. Spitfire nodded.

"Now that I believe", she said shocking Applejack.

"Wait what do you mean"? Applejack asked as Spitfire spoke.

"Well first of all if you're sister was kidnapped then your friends here would have been just as panicked as you are, secondly I know the CMCs, and I know how old they are, and lastly i know that Twilight Sparkle is going to be the next ruler of Equestria so if anypony can keep them safe she can. Now I will ask you kindly to leave my office before I have have you excorted out". Spitfire said.

"But". Applejack began to protest.

"OUT NOW"! Spitfire ordered. Applejack stamped her hoof and left with Rarity, and Rainbow Dash following behind.

"Applejack seriously you need to stop this"! Rarity called out.

"Stop? Stop?!" Applejack shouted. "My sister is out there, and who knows what kind of danger she's in"!

Applejack you serisouly need to get over what happend with King Sombra, he's dead we saved her and everypony under his spell, nothing like that will ever happen again"! Rainbow Dash stated.

"Well you don't know that, you don't know any thing, and when I find Apple Bloom I am going to confine her to her room, and beef up security in my house so that she will never be able to leave again". Applejack declared as she ran off.

"Applejack's gone off the deep end", Said Rarity. Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I can't imagine what Apple Bloom will have to go through when Applejack finds her". She said.

"But what can we do"? Rarity asked. Rainbow Dash thought for a moment, then she got an idea.

"We go to Spike, and have him send a letter to Twilight, his letters automaticlly go to the pony he sends them to with his fire breath after all". Rarity smiled.

"Dashie you're a genius, come on". She exclaimed as Rarity, and Rainbow Dash ran off to Twilight's casstle.


Twilight groggaly opened her eyes. She looked down to see sand below her, she then heard the sound of waves crashing. Getting up she saw that she was on some kind of beach, she looked around, and saw her friends all laying around, she gasped in shock and ran up to Apple Bloom who was the closest to her. Twilight shook Apple Bloom's body until the earth pony woke up.

"What happen"? Apple Bloom asked. Twilight shook her head.

"I don't know, all I remember is us being thrown by that monster, and now we're somehow here". Twilight explained as everypony began to wake up.

"And where exacly is here"? Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not sure, but we need to get out of here, come on let's get back into the balloon." Twilight replied.

"Um, I think that's going to be a problem", Discord stated.

"What do you mean"? Twilight asked as she looked over only to see that the Balloon had a huge gash in it. "Fuck". Twilight said.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter chapters, I'm trying my best to think of what to write in these.