• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 5: The girl who cried monster

Apple Bloom arrived back at the campsite just in time to see her class and family coming in at the sametime. When Applejack saw Apple Bloom she immidedtly ran up and pulled her into a huge hug.

"OH APPLE BLOOM I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE ALRIGHT"! Applejack cried as she squeezed Apple Bloom. "I knew I shouldn't have let you come, I just knew it.

"Applejack I'm fine really". Apple Bloom stated

"But". Applejack began.

"If Apple Bloom says she's fine, then she's fine". Granny Smith intterupted.

"But how did you escape from that dragon"? Featherweight asked.

"Oh, the other monster saved me". Apple Bloom stated. This earned her confused looks from the others.

"What other monster"? Asked Diamond Tiara.

"When the dragon chased me, it corned me at a lake, but before it could get me this other monster rose up from the lake, and saved me". Apple Bloom explained.

"What did it look like"? Asked Scootaloo.

"It was huge like a giant lizzard, had these spikes along it's back, thick legs, a brod body, sharp claws, and a thick tail. Oh, and it also shot blue fire out of it's mouth". Apple Bloom explained as she remembered the fight between Godzilla, and the dragon. The others just stared at her, before Applejack spoke to Miss Cheerlie.

"I think I should take her home, and send her to bed, she seems to be in shock over what happen, and it caused her to see things". Miss Cheerlie nodded in agreement while Apple Bloom gasped in shock.

"You don't believe me"?! She exclaimed.

"Well Apple Bloom, what you described is just impossible, I mean a monster that swims, and walks on land, and shoots blue fire. Also dragons are so powerful I dobut a giant lizzard could just beat one so eaisly". Miss Cheerlie explained. "Now go home, and get some rest".

"But". Apple Bloom began.

"No buts". Applejack snarled. "Now lets go". Apple Bloom sighed sadly, and went with her family just as Sweetie Belle, Scootloo, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, and Petuina came up to her.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we believe you". Sweetie Belle stated as the other smiled. Apple Bloom smiled back and left with her family. When the apple family arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres Apple Bloom made herself a sandwich, and then went to bed. As she lied their she thought about Godzilla. The more she thought about him, the more she realized that he probably wasn't actually saving her, but just trying to get the dragon away from his territory.

"Maybe I can ask Fluttershy about it tommorow. Though I wonder if she'll believe me, or Twilight, or anyone. Pinkie Pie will defenitly will believe me, she'll believe anything". Apple Bloom yawned. "Well I better get some sleep, I'm sure Applejack will have a lot of work for me tommorow". With that Apple Bloom went to sleep.

The next morning Apple Bloom woke up, and headed downstairs where Applejack was waiting.

"Moring Applejack". Apple Bloom greeted her sister.

"Moring Apple Bloom". Applejack greeted back. After a few momments of silence Apple Bloom spoke up.

"So, um, what chores do I need to do today"? She asked.

"No chores today". Applejack replied. This garned a confused look from Apple Bloom.

"What do you mean"? She asked. Applejack tunred, and smiled at Apple Bloom.

"Well I think with after yesterday's fiassco, I figured you deserve a break from work, so you can go and play with your friends". Apple Bloom gasped in delight.

"Really"?! She squealed. Applejack nodded.

"Just be careful, and don't run into any monsters". Applejack called out. Apple Bloom nodded, and ran out the door. Apple Bloom ran across town until she saw her friends. She happily ran upn to them with a huge smile on her face.

"Girls"! She called out. Apple Bllom's friends' turned to her.

"Apple Bloom, I thought you would be stuck doing chores today". Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Nope, Applejack decieded to let me rest, and play today. Despite everything that happened yesterday".

"Yeah, are you okay"? Petuina asked.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just upset my family didn't believe me about the other monster". Apple Bloom stated.

"Well don't worry, we believe you". Sweetie Belle said.

"That's right". Coconut Cream replied. Apple Bloom smiled, she was happy her friends believed her. Just then Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy walked up to them.

"My little ponies". Twilight greeted.

"Good morning Princess Twilight". Toola Roola greeted.

"We heard what happend on the hiking trip yesterday". Twilight said.

"You did"? Silverspoon asked. Twilight and Fluttershy nodded.

"Are you all okay"? Fluttershy asked.

"Don't worry, we're all fine". Apple Bloom replied. Twilight, and Fluttershy looked at Apple Bloom.

"Hey, Apple Bloom we heard about that other monster that saved you". Twilight stated. This caused Apple Bloom to look up at them.

"Oh, do you think I'm lying too"? She asked.

"Actually know, both Fluttershy, and I believe you". Twilight stated.

"Really, why"? Asked a confused Apple Bloom.

"Well we just don't think you would lie about something like that. Twilight replied. This made Apple Bloom smile. She was happy that some adults actually believed her. She then remembered her question for Fluttershy.

"By the way Fluttershy, I have a question".

"Oh, what is it"? Fluttershy asked.

"Well I don't actually think the other monster was activtely saving me, it just happend to appear, and might have just been defending it's territory, but what do you think"? Apple Bloom asked.

"That is very possible, but still it's good that the other monster was there, and you'e save". Fluttershy replied. Apple Bloom nodded understanding.

"So where are you two going"? Asked Scootaloo.

"Oh we're heading to Froggy Bottom Bogg to check on the frogs there". Twilight said. This garned the girls attention.

"Can we come"? Sweetie Belle asked excitedly. This garned both Fluttershy, and Twilight to looked at each other.

"I don't think that's such a good idea". Twilight started to say.

"Pleeeeeease"? The girls all begged. Both Fluttershy, and Twilight looked at each other, and sighed.

"Alright,but stay close to Fluttershy, and I". Twilight said.

"YAAAAAAY"! The children all cheered as they went with Twilight, and Fluttershy to Froggy Bottom Bogg.

Grogar's Lair

Elsewhere back at Grogar's lair Tirek, and Chrysalis were sitting in the meeting area. Cozy Glow had left to go to take a shower, and Grogar was still trying to get the spell to work.

"Do you really think Grogar will get the monster here"? Chrysalis asked.

"I don't care, but I'm tired of just sitting around here and waiting for him to do something". Tirek replied.

"We should have just taken the bell for ourselves". Chrysalis stated.

"Like I said, there's no way we would have been able to full Grogar, he's just too powerful." Tirek said as Cozy Glow returned.

"You know I've been thinking". Cozy Glow began.

"About how you can use "Friendship" to rule Equestria". Chrysalis intterupted mockingly causing Cozy Glow to get angry.

"No. I've been thinking if Grogar does summon a giant monster, isn't this place kind of small"? She stated. Chrysalis, and Tirek both looked at each other.

"She has a point". Tirek stated.

"Yeah, this place is cramped enough already, a giant monster would probably make this place even more tight". Chrysalis replied. Just then Grogar came out to them with a big smile on his face.

"Have you figured out the spell"? Tirek asked.

"I have". Grogar stated, now get ready, for I will now summon the most destructive monster ever".

"Hold on". Cozy Glow intterupted causing Grogar to look up at her. "Don't you think this place is a little too small to summon a giant monster"? She asked.

"Hmmm, I suppose you have a point, hold on". Grogar lit up his horns, and blasted the three of them with a blast that teleported them away. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow opend their eyes to find themselves in a large snowy area with Grogar soon joining them.

"Seriously, of all places here". Cozy Glow asked shivering".

"Oh shut up, here". Grogar said tossing her a jacket. "Now, before I summon the monster there is something I have for you three". Grogar then used his bell to give the three villains more magic increasing their power. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow began to laugh manically with their new forms.