• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,686 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 11: Revealation

In the aftermath of the battle the group could only sit in shock for awhile over what had just happend. Godzilla had ran off after Grogar, and Kanjira leaving only Twilight, and the others. Finally Discord broke the silence.

"GODDAMNIT"! He bellowed as he punched the snow. The others looked at him in concern he had just lost all of his magic, and was now completely powerless.

"Discord, are you okay"? Fluttershy asked. Discord turned to them and sighed.

"Physically yes", he said, but magically, no".

"Discord, you seemed to have a history with Grogar, I mean you both talked about how you fought before, what happend"? Twilight asked. Discord remained silent for a while.

"Discord"? Fluttershy said concerned for her friend.

"Let's all get back to your little hot air balloon, and I'll explain everything". Discord said. Once the hot air balloon was back in the sky everypony listened to Discord tell the tail of his history with Grogar.

"Back when Equestria was just a meer collection of farms and pastures, Grogar came, and declared himself emperor of all he saw. At least that's what they told you in the books, but what those books failed to tell you is that I was there too". Discord said.

"What do you mean"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"I too wanted to rule those lands, and spread my chaos all around, and so Grogar and I fought". Discord said causing everyone the gasp.

A flashback shows Discord and Grogar fighting. Grogar blasting Discord with his magical bolts, and Discord snaping his fingers, and turning Grogar's blast into several random objects.

"My magic was far supeior to Grogar's, and I should have been able to win the fight easily. However I was young, and overconfident in my abilites. What Grogar lacked in power he made up for with intelligence. Grogar somehow manged to trick me, and used his bell to take my magic, much like he did today". Discord explained.

"What happend afterwards"? Asked Diamond Tiara.

"After I was defeated I ran away, I had no intentions of dealing with Grogar. I hid in some mountains until Grogar was defeated by Gusty the Great". Discord answered. "But I didn't get my magic back right away".

"How did you get your magic back"? Apple Bloom asked.

"I traveled to Mount Everhoof where Gusty hid Grogar's bell, before that I manged to come across the book on Grogar's bell so I knew how to use the bell when I found it, but believe me getting up the mountain was hard, but I manged to do it. After I got my magic back I left the bell in Mount Everhoof, I didn't want anything to do with Grogar. I also tossed the book away, after all I wasn't going to need it. Then I went to take over Equestria, and got turned to stone". Discord completed while everyone looked on in wonder.

"Wow, I never knew you had such a long history with Grogar". Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah, why didn't you ever tell us"? Asked Fluttershy.

"My past is something I'm not proud of, and I thought Grogar would never come back, so I didn't feel the need to tell you about my history with him". Discord replied.

"Well now that Grogar is back, what are we going to do, especailly now that he has Kanjira under his control"? Asked Petuina.

"I think that Godzilla can handle Kanjira". Said Fluttershy.

"What do you mean, and who's Godzilla"? Asked Coconut Cream.

"The other monster that Apple Bloom had told us about. When he, and Kanjira were fighting I overheard them talking, and Kanjira said Godzilla's name as well as that he was always a pain in his side, to which Godzilla said that Kanjira should have remained dormant". Fluttershy replied.

"Well at least now we know the monsters name", Apple Bloom stated.

"What about Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow"? Asked Scootaloo.

"Chrysalis is dead". Said Discord. "I don't know about Tirek and Cozy Glow though, but we can't worry about them we need to focus on Grogar, and Kanjira". Discord then turned to Twilight. "So what do you think we should do Miss Future Ruler of Equestria"? Twilight thought for a moment.

"Well I agree with Fluttershy the other monster, I mean Godzilla can handle Kanjira, but Grogar. I feel like we'll need our friends help". She replied. Pinkie Pie was the first to speak up.

"Normaly I'd agree with you Twilight, but after this stunt I'm not sure Applejack will want to help". She said.

"Yeah", Sweetie Belle chimed in. "Getting Applejack to help you now after we brought Apple Bloom on this adventure is going to be like trying to get Sneakers O'Toole to take his sneakers off.

"What the hell was that"? Asked Scootaloo.

"What"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"That little cutaway how did you do that"? Scootaloo asked. Sweetie Belle just shrugged.

"What's the big deal Scootaloo, I do stuff like that all the time". Pinkie Pie stated.

"You, I'm used to". Scootaloo replied, "But it doesn't make sense when somepony else can do the strange things you do Pinkie Pie". Scootaloo stated.

"Alright, let's not worry about this", said Twilight. "Now if I'm being honest I don't know what to do, since I don't really want to speak with Applejack right now anyways, and I'm sure Apple Bloom doesn't want to either". Apple Bloom nodded her head. "So, I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure we'll". Twilight was intterupted when Kanjira bursted out of the Ocean.

"It's Kanjira"! Screamed Toola Roola.

"Twilight get us out of here"! Shouted Scootaloo. Twilight quickly tried to get the hot air balloon far away from the monster, but Kanjira shot out one of his tentecles and grabbed the basket of the ballon, he then reared it back, and tossed the ballon far into the distance. The ponies inside screaming as the flew into an unknown direction. Kanjira roared as Grogar appeared on his head.

"Good work". He said as Kanjira dove back underwater. Grogar smirekd. "Prepare yourself Equestria, for I am back". He snickered as he and Kanjira moved forward unaware that Godzilla had seen the hole thing.