• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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War For A Better Tomorrow (Part 4)

Midnight Sparkle cackled maniacally, her bellows echoing throughout the air as she slowly descended towards the ground. Her friends could only look on in horror at what had become of their friend, the one who had brought them together, the one who had saved Equestria more times than they could count.

To see her in such a state was heartbreaking.

Midnight landed on the ground, her aqua blue aura raging over her new form. She looked at her surroundings to see her allies fighting Thanos' forces, but she also noticed that her friends, specifically the Mane 6, her brother, and the three Alicorns, were staring at her in horror.

She scoffed at them in her head, they couldn't understand what she was going through, nor did she have time to explain it to them. The broken Alicorn set her sights on the one she loathed. The one she hated with the fury of a thousand suns.


The one who took the life of the one she loved.


She snarled as she stomped towards him, the ground breaking beneath her hooves as she marched. As Midnight walked, she casted a sideways glance at the lifeless body of the one she loved.

Sonic the Hedgehog.

Her face had turned to sorrow, then it turned to one of pure malice. Thanos had robbed her of happiness, and now he was going to pay for it with his life.

She looked away from Sonic's body and continued marching towards her enemy, intending on ending this before anyone else died. She saw the look on Thanos' face, he wasn't the least bit intimidated. Midnight chuckled darkly, she would take care of him soon enough.

But as she continued on her pathway to Thanos, her friends and the Alicorns made their way in front of her path and stood between her and him. They each stood defiantly, not allowing her to pass. Midnight didn't have time for such frivolous games.

Midnight ordered, "Move."

"Ain't no way we're movin', Sugarcube." Applejack replied with a sternness in her voice.

Shining Armor raised a hoof towards his sister, "Twily..." But to his shock, Midnight smacked it away nastily, the aqua flame around her eyes growing larger.

"Don't call me that, Shining Armor." Midnight hissed in reply, "If you won't move, then I'll MAKE you!" She threatened, clearly not in the mood for nonsense.

"Twilight, I know you are hurt, we all are." Celestia started. "Sonic was our friend too, we all cared for him in our own right. But you cannot let the darkness consume you. Think of the friendships you have made over the course of your life. Let them guide you back to the light."

Instead of calming her down like Celestia had hoped, it made Midnight angrier.


Cadance was beginning to tear up, she could feel the hurt and pain in Twilight's heart. Her love was growing darker, more vengeful. Twilight really did love the blue Hedgehog, but now that he was gone, that love was was fanning the flame that was Twilight's darkness.

"Twilight...." Cadance said softly, but Midnight cut her off.

"Move." Her voice was stern and authoritative, showing that she had run out of patience.

Rainbow looked at her friend in sadness, "Twi--"

"I. SAID. MOOOOVVVVE!!!" Midnight bellowed as she stomped her right hoof onto the ground, creating a dark shockwave that sent the Equestrians back several yards.

The dark Alicorn panted heavily, she didn't want to hurt them, but she wouldn't let anypony, or anyone, get in her way. Thanos had to be stopped, by any means necessary, and she wasn't going to let anyone stand between her and vengeance.

She set her sights forward.

She saw Thanos.

and Thanos saw her.

Midnight let out a pained roar as she took to the air and charged forward towards the Mad Titan, her horn flaming with darkness. Thanos was already anticipating the attack and raised his double ended blade to block the incoming beam of magic.

Midnight roared angrily as she amped up her power, hoping that it would be enough to break through Thanos' defense. But no matter how much power Midnight put into her attack, Thanos' guard would not break, not even for a mere moment. She snarled as she shot upwards into the sky, stopping the flow of Dark Magic from her horn.

Thanos looked up and glared at the dark Alicorn before she thrusted her wings forward, sending forward a wave of darkness. The Mad Titan clenched his Infinity Gauntlet, powering up all of the Stones he had collected, and dispersed the wave of darkness before it could even touch him.

As Midnight readied another attack, Thanos quickly popped out of existence with the Space Stone. As she looked on in confusion, Midnight failed to see the Mad Titan appear behind her. Thanos then blasted her in the back with the power of all five Stones in his gauntlet, causing her to cry out in pain as she tumbled to the ground.

Thanos teleported again and appeared before the Alicorn and backhanded her away before she could hit the ground. Midnight crashed through multiple walls of rubble as Thanos teleported again and blasted her with the combined might of both the Reality Stone and the Space Stone.

She crashed onto the ground painfully, dust shooting up into the air where she landed. She slowly got herself up onto her hooves and snapped her head towards Thanos, who was slowly marching to her location. She had grown tired of this. This needed to end now.

Midnight charged her horn and aimed it directly at Thanos.

But before she could fire, the Mad Titan activated the Space Stone.

And before she knew it, a certain baby Dragon was in his grasp.

Midnight looked on in horror as her horn died down, "S-Spike?" She muttered softly. Midnight had intentionally left Spike behind so that he wouldn't get hurt, but Thanos was one step ahead of her. He had used the Space Stone to grab Spike from his secure location inside Stark Tower and was now using him as a bargaining chip.

Thanos' gaze never left Midnight, it was a stern, cold look that actually sent shivers down Midnight Sparkle's spine.

"You treat this reptile as your own," Thanos started, startling the Alicorn, "Much like how I see Gamora as one of my own. You would do anything to protect them. Well I believe that it is time to put that to the test, don't you agree?"

(End song)

Sonic's eyes fluttered open, a bright light welcoming him as he slowly moved himself into an upright sitting position. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand before standing up on his own two feet. He looked around, only to see white all around him, nothing but a vast, white void.

"It is good to see you again, my friend." A sudden voice startled Sonic from behind, enticing him to turn around to face the source of the voice. Much to his relief, the voice belonged to a familiar face.


The Echidna nodded as she placed her hands in front of her, "How are you feeling, Sonic?" She asked, genuinely concerned for her friend's wellbeing.

Sonic rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Tired, which is new for me since... Y'know.... Fastest Thing Alive and whatnot." He then looked around once more before facing Tikal, "What is this place anyway?"

"The Master Emerald." Tikal answered.

"Huh?" Sonic asked as he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

Tikal giggled softly before elaborating, "Your soul and mind has moved on from the mortal plain into the Master Emerald. It is here where you will make your choice, Sonic the Hedgehog."

This was a lot to take in all at once. He was inside the Master Emerald, the literal Master Emerald. "Wait.... How did I get here? And what choice do I have to make?"

"The choice on whether or not you wish to move onto the afterlife of course."

The memories started flowing back now. He remembered Ponyville, Thanos stabbing him, Twilight, especially Twilight Sparkle. He looked down at the ground for a moment before looking to Tikal again, "Wait, why do I get a choice here? I thought that once you died, that was it."

"Under normal circumstances, yes, that would be the case." Tikal replied, "But it was not your time yet, Sonic. You still have a purpose in the mortal realm. A purpose that has yet to be fulfilled. We both know it."

Sonic was confused once more, "I'm sorry, who's we?"

"Hello, my Blue Angel."

Sonic's eyes widened at the sound of that voice. No. It couldn't be. It was impossible. He turned around slowly and was greeted by the sight of the one he thought he'd never see again.

"M-Mom?" Sonic asked softly as he raised his hand towards his mother.

He became ecstatic when she interlocked her fingers in between his own. The azure Hedgehog lunged forward and tackled his mother in a bone crushing hug, to which Bernadette returned the embrace. Tikal looked at the sight with tears in her eyes.

Sonic pulled back, still holding onto his mother's shoulders, "I-I missed you so much."

"Oh, Maurice," Bernadette started softly, wiping the tears out of her son's eyes, "I am so proud of the man you've become. I've been watching you, you're a hero! My son is a hero!"

"I-I just wanted to make you proud, Ma. That's all I wanted."

"Oh honey, I couldn't be prouder than I am now." Bernadette replied, cupping her son's face with her hands, "But now is the time to make a choice."

"C-Choice?" Sonic's voice stuttered.

Bernadette nodded slowly, "You have a choice to come with me into the afterlife... Or go with Tikal back to the mortal realm and finish this fight."

Sonic looked heartbroken. He had just gotten his mother back, he had finally gotten his reward, not that he ever asked for one. But he knew what the right choice in this scenario was... And it didn't involve going with his mother.

"B-But if I go back... I'll lose you again." Sonic said softly as a tear trickled down his face, "I-I just got you b-back..."

"Maurice. You will never lose me. I will always be with you, no matter what. You know what you have to do, but I can't make that choice for you." Bernadette said with conviction, "You have to go back and stop Thanos, but in the end, it is up to you, my Blue Angel."

Sonic sniffled before tackling Bernadette in a hug once more. He really didn't want to let go, but he knew that he had no choice. They both departed from the hug as Tikal approached the blue hero and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It is time." Tikal said softly.

Sonic nodded as a white light surrounded him and Tikal.

He looked to Bernadette one last time and reached out to her, "I love you, Mom."

Bernadette reached out with tears in her eyes, "I love you too, my beautiful boy."

Everything around Sonic then vanished within a flash of white light.

"So what's it going to be, Princess?" Thanos asked slowly as he raised his blade towards Spike's neck. Midnight would've attacked then and there.... Had there not been a strong presence felt around Ponyville. Everything seemed to stop as everyone, including Thanos, turned to see pebbles rise above the ground where Sonic's body rested.

All of a sudden, the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared around the blue Hedgehog, much to everyone's confusion. They all then suddenly began to enlarge as a white glow engulfed them.

They had transformed into the Super Emeralds.

The Super Emeralds then began to rotate around Sonic's body, raising him into the air as they rotated faster. Midnight's eyes widened as Sonic's chest wound healed itself. Everyone looked amazed at what was happening. Knuckles and Tails began to laugh joyously as the Emeralds rotated even faster.

Thanos dropped Spike to the floor as he eyed the phenomenon closely.

Iron Man looked on in surprise, as did Spider-Man and the rest of The Avengers.

The Super Emeralds spun faster and faster, seemingly becoming nothing more than a white blur that rotated around the blue Hedgehog's body. The Super Emeralds then slowed down for a moment before shooting themselves right into Sonic's body. The ground beneath him exploded, creating a crater as the Hedgehog took a step forward, he then clenched his fist tightly before snapping his eyes open.

Hyper Sonic slowly walked out of the crater with a heavenly white aura surrounding his body. Before anyone knew it, he zoomed forward at light speed and shoulder charged Thanos across Ponyville. Hyper Sonic appeared in front of Midnight in a flash of light. He turned to her and gave her a gentle smile before zooming upwards to take care of business.

He shot up right through the jaw of a Chitauri Leviathan, killing it instantly as he tore through the top of its head.

As the Leviathan fell to the ground, Hyper Sonic fired a white blast from the palm of his hand, destroying a squadron of Chitauri Soldiers and Outriders without even breaking a sweat. He then teleported down to the ground at light speed and slammed his fist into the ground, creating a white shockwave that atomized the surrounding Outriders.

As he stood upright, Hyper Sonic saw a squadron of Chitauri charging towards him. Without even turning to face them, he raised his left hand and obliterated them with a blast from his hand.

(End song)

Hyper Sonic turned his head to see the Freedom Fighters all darting towards him. Before he knew it, he was tackled in a group hug from his closest friends. But it wasn't only them, as the Equestrians had joined in the group hug as well. He laughed before teleporting into the air and zooming over to Midnight Sparkle, who was sitting on her haunches with tears streaming down her cheeks.

She could barely comprehend what had just happened, let alone the fact that Sonic was standing right in front of her. Before she could say anything, Sonic cupped her chin and leaned in. It was at that moment that their lips met.

The kiss was heavenly.

As the two lovers showed their affection for one another, Midnight's body was engulfed in a white light. Her wings sprouted outward, sending white sparkles flying through the air as the darkness was cleansed from her body. The light around her eventually dissipated, revealing her new look for all to see.

Their lips parted, both of them staring into each others eyes. Nothing else mattered at the moment. All that mattered was them. They were reunited once again.

Sonic smiled, "Heh, nice look there, Twi."

Twilight giggled as she wiped the tears away from her eyes with her hoof, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you." She then glanced at her new body for a moment, "But this will definitely take some getting use to." She then suddenly slapped the Hedgehog on the back of the head with her giant wing, "And if you EVER scare me like that again, there won't be any type of Emeralds that will save you from me. Got it, buster?”

Sonic chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head, "Noted."

A sudden yelp from Fluttershy ruined the moment and caught their attention. They turned to see what she was screaming at, only for them both to look on in terror at what they saw.

Thanos was standing atop the remans of Twilight's castle... With a purple Stone in his hand. The flames danced behind him as he placed the Power Stone inside the Infinity Gauntlet. The power of all six Stones surged through his entire body for a moment before he gained control.

He then looked down at his completed Infinity Gauntlet, proud of what he had achieved.

It was time.

Here and now.

He turned his sights to the heroes that stood before him and smiled.

He raised his hand into the air as he prepared to snap.

"Let me indulge you all in one last piece of advice." Thanos broke the deafening silence, startling everyone there, "You cannot prevent the inevitable. You cannot prevent what I am about to do. You cannot prevent me."

He placed his thumb against his middle finger.

"For I am.... Inevitable."

He snapped his fingers.

(End song)

A rainbow colored wave emerged from Thanos' position, erasing everything it came in contact with. The ground, the sky, the grass, the trees.


The Guardians were the first to go, then The Babylon Rogues, The X-Men, The Fantastic Four, anyone who stood in the waves path was erased from existence. Knuckles shoved Tails out of the way before he was engulfed. But it was for naught as Tails was then erased as well.

Tony tried flying away, only to get caught in the wave.

Cap tried blocking the wave with his shield, but he too was consumed.

Celestia and Luna stood no chance.

Even Rainbow Dash couldn't out fly her impending doom.

The rest of the Mane Six were the next to go.

Then the CMC and the Student Six.

What remained of the Pillars went along with Rouge and Omega.

Moon Knight and Sunset Shimmer went next.

Doom did not run, he simply accepted his fate, folding his arms and closing his eyes as the wave consumed him.

Twilight could only watch on in horror as the wave consumed everyone she knew... Including Spike.

And she and Sonic were next.

As the wave closed in, Sonic took a defiant step forward and pushed out his right hand in an attempt to protect Twilight. When suddenly... Everything stopped.

Time was still.

The wave ceased moving.

The only thing that moved was Sonic himself. He looked around to see that time had literally come to a standstill. He turned behind him to see Twilight with her wings flared open, ready to face the wave head on. He waved his hand in front of her face. When he received no form of response from the Alicorn, he came to a startling realization.

He had the ability to stop time.

In his Hyper form at least.

Sonic took a small step forward, time seemingly rewinding as he did.

Wait... If he could rewind time... Then he could stop Thanos from ever snapping his fingers.

He could save everyone.

This was it.

This was his purpose. HIS moment.

Sonic then crouched down into a running position, inhaling deeply as he closed his eyes. This was it. The moment to save them all. No matter what, he could not stop running. He could not fail. He would not fail. He's the fastest thing alive. He's Sonic the Hedgehog.

His eyes snapped open as white electricity sparked from the corners of his eyes. He took off at high speeds, each step he took on the ground rematerialized an aspect of reality. The ground literally forming as he ran, the wave was being pushed back as he ran forward.

Towards him.

As Sonic ran, Iron Man's molecules remerged with one another, as did Captain America's. Spike, Knuckles, everyone was being reborn as he ran. The sky reformed as he continued on his path. His friends reappearing into existence as he increased his speed.

He couldn't slow down now, he was so close to saving everyone. He couldn't. He WOULDN'T. He WOULD save everyone. He WOULD stop Thanos. His speed increased as Eggman reappeared into reality, as did M.O.D.O.K. and Nick Fury.

Time was rewinding faster as he increased his pace, his speed. Black Panther reformed as he ran past. Amy and Rarity reformed as he continued running.

He had to keep running.

He WOULD keep running.

He wouldn't stop!

Not now!

Not EVER!!!

"I am so proud of you, Maurice." Bernadette's voice spoke in his head as he ran, "Keep running my Blue Angel. Never stop running."

Sonic let out a scream as he ran faster than he had ever ran before, pushing the wave back even more. White lightning trailed behind him as he zoomed across the battlefield. Fluttershy, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, all of them were reborn thanks to his speed. The X-Men, The Guardians of the Galaxy, The Fantastic Four, all who were erased were now being reborn. He continued pushing back the wave, he wasn't going to let this mad man destroy his home, his friends, he wouldn't let him take them away. Not now, not ever.

Eventually, all of Ponyville was restored, he could see the Mad Titan with his hand raised into the air with a mad grin plastered on his face.

This was it.

The home stretch.

Today would not be the end.

There WILL be a tomorrow!!!

Sonic leapt into the air and reeled back his fist as reality was restored. He then let out a primal scream as he threw the punch right into Thanos' face. Just as the Mad Titan was about to snap his fingers, he was sent flying through the air by a powerful force.

That force was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog.

Chunks of Thanos' armor were torn apart from the sheer force of the punch. His helmet completely shattered on impact. As Thanos flew through the air, all of reality reformed itself as time sped up back to normal.

He had done it.

Sonic had saved all of reality.

He WAS fast enough.

This was why he was known as the Fastest Thing Alive.

(End song)

Author's Note:

The final battle draws near

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