• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,851 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Shade (Part 2)

Sombra laughed hysterically as he took to the air with his bat like wings and fired a beam of darkness from his horn, hoping to at least hit one of the heroes before him. While the two Alicorns quickly took to the air to avoid the beam of darkness, Shadow quickly grabbed Rarity and teleported her out of harms way while Ghost Rider threw his chain and wrapped it around one of the many columns in the Well of Shade and hoisted himself towards it to avoid being hit.

Dr. Strange merely summoned a protective barrier around himself and blocked the beam of darkness, angering Sombra.

Sombra ceased firing the beam of darkness and quickly turned his attention to the two Alicorns flapping their wings before him. Celestia and Luna then fired beams of magic from their horns, aiming directly at Sombra. The twisted amalgamation of dark magic and darkness itself quickly summoned a web like barrier around himself to block the attacks.

Although Celestia and Luna gave it their all, it wasn't enough as the web like barrier suddenly exploded outwards, creating a shockwave of darkness that sent the two sisters back, crashing into the wall on the other side of the Well of Shade. The two Alicorns landed on the ground harshly as Sombra quickly dove downwards, ready to finish them.

The two Alicorns would've been done for had it not been for Ghost Rider, who wrapped his chain around Sombra's neck and used the chain to slam the twisted abomination on the ground. Before Sombra could recover, Ghost Rider pulled the dark being over towards him by yanking on his chain.

Ghost Rider grabbed Sombra by the neck once he was right in front of him and breathed fire from his mouth right into Sombra's face, causing the dark creature to scream in pain.

Sombra was done playing around, so he lit up his horn and created a shockwave of darkness that sent Ghost Rider flying across the room. The dark unicorn took to the air and lit up his horn once more. Suddenly, various crystal shards sprung up from the floor around Ghost Rider.

Sombra gave the Spirit of Vengeance a twisted grin as the crystal all fired dark beams from their points and they each hit Ghost Rider in the chest, causing the vengeful spirit to roar in pain.

Sombra barked a laugh, he was enjoying this. The suffering, the agony. It was delicious, he didn't want this to end.

"So THIS is the so called Spirit of Vengeance?" Sombra rolled his eyes as he scoffed towards Ghost Rider. He then gave the Rider an unimpressed look, "I am unimpressed."

But all of a sudden, Sombra felt a sharp pain in his left wing. He turned his head slightly and saw that a Mandela Disc had sliced right through it, thanks to Stephen Strange. Sombra roared a beastly roar as the crystals ceased firing at Ghost Rider. As Ghost Rider fell to one knee, Sombra's wing quickly grew back as he turned his body to face the Sorcerer Supreme.

As Sombra charged forward towards Strange with an intent to kill, the wizard quickly summoned a glass like projection and sent it flying towards the approaching amalgamation of darkness. Sombra snarled as he smashed through the glass like projection, but in doing so, it thrusted him into a weird dimension where everything was was not the way it was supposed to be.

Everything was either upside down, inward, or just plain floating around in mid air.

Sombra looked around and snarled angrily, "What is this?! Where am I?!"

"The Mirror Dimension," Strange's voice suddenly replied, even though he was nowhere to be seen, "Where I'm in control."

Sombra was then suddenly pulled into a wall to his left, which instantly shattered when he impacted said wall. Sombra was falling through an abyss, where everything around him was spinning around him, appearing from out of nowhere, it was quite nauseating.

Sombra had had enough of this little joyride, so he channeled all of his newly found power into his horn. He then roared as he released a burst of darkness which shattered everything around him, releasing him from the Mirror Dimension.

The burst of darkness appeared to have been released into the real world as it sent Strange crashing into a column, which then fell right on top of him. Once Sombra realized that he had returned to the real world, he turned his body to see the column fall right on top of Strange.

Sombra relished in the pain that was being displayed at this moment, "HAH! Your foolish dimension could not hold me! None of you are a match for me! I shall rule this wretched world, and none of you can do a thing to stop me!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Sombra turned around to the direction of the voice, only to be shoulder charged by Shadow, which sent the dark Unicorn flying across the room. As Sombra flew across the Well of Shade, he then noticed that he was approaching Rarity, who already had her horn ready.

Sombra was then blasted in the chest by a beam of magic, curtesy of Rarity, which sent Sombra flying right back towards Shadow, who then delivered a nasty Roundhouse Kick to Sombra's face. The dark Unicorn then crashed into a wall behind him before landing harshly on the ground.

As Sombra got back onto his hooves, he snarled angrily at Rarity before stomping his right forehoof on the ground. Before Rarity could react, a large, black tendril shot up from beneath her and slammed her against the ceiling. As the Unicorn crashed onto the stone floor, Sombra gave Shadow a sick grin as he stood upright.

"So, Shadow the Hedgehog, you've seen my power, my GLORY, so I ask you, what do you think of me now?" When he didn't get a response, Sombra suddenly flew forward towards Shadow with an intent to pierce the Hedgehog's heart with his horn. Luckily for Shadow, he teleported away just before Sombra could do any sort of damage.

When Shadow disappeared, Sombra halted his flight and landed on the ground.

He then turned around to see Shadow reappear on the other side of the Well of Shade. Sombra snarled as he spoke, "I REPEAT! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME NOW?!"

Shadow glared at the Unicorn with a cold expression as he replied, "That you're still the same self centered, wannabe tyrant you were before you merged with the Pony Of Shadows."

Sombra didn't like that answer, so he fired a blast from his horn directly at Shadow. The Ultimate Lifeform smirked as he teleported behind Sombra and hit him with a Homing Attack, sending Sombra skidding across the Well of Shade.

As Sombra turned around, Shadow continued to speak, "You call yourself a ruler, yet you act like a spoilt child who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants. You want power because you know that you're nothing but a reject, a pariah, you amount to nothing. You hope that if you're recognized as a ruler that you will finally mean something, but you won't. Do you want to know why?

"Because deep down, underneath that massive ego, is a scared little colt who has no friends, no family, nothing of value whatsoever. You'll always be a hollow shell of loneliness, and you know that, but you can't accept it, can you? That's why you let your ego get the better of you, that's why you always lose. That's why you will never rule anything, you'll always be the very thing you wish you weren't. A loser."

Sombra roared in anger as he stomped his right hoof on the ground, "NO! NO! NO!"

Shadow decided to rub more salt on the wound, "So let me ask you this. Who's their own worst enemy?"


"No." A sudden voice declared inside Sombra's head, "You won't."

(End song)

Sombra then began to feel his newly found power leaving him, which confused him greatly.

"W-What are you doing?" Sombra asked the voice in his head as his wings began to fade away.

Sombra's new form then faded away, returning him to his original form.

"You have outlived your usefulness. I now have what I need to be whole again." The voice replied as it took its power back from Sombra.

Once Sombra had returned to his original form, a cloud of darkness formed behind him, a pair of white eyes could be seen glowing inside the cloud of darkness.

Sombra turned around to face the cloud that was the Pony Of Shadows, "Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!! I FREED YOU!!! YOU HAVE TO GRANT ME YOUR POWER!!! YOU NEED A HOST TO SURVIVE!!!"

The Pony Of Shadows chuckled darkly, "Not anymore."

Sombra snarled as he lit up his horn, "YOU VILE, WRETCHED ABOMINATION!!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I AM KING-"

The crystal tyrant was cut off as a chain suddenly wrapped around his neck. He was then pulled over to Ghost Rider, who then seized the Unicorn by the throat. Sombra gulped as Ghost Rider pulled him closer to his face.

"Look into my eyes."

As Sombra stared into the Penance Stare, he felt the wave of agony and guilt for all the Ponies and other creatures that he has hurt.

This was too much, he couldn't take it.

He screamed.

Once Sombra's voice faded out, Ghost Rider tossed him to the floor, where he laid in a catatonic state, never to recover.

As Strange pulled himself out of the rubble and the two Alicorn sisters got back to their hooves, Shadow glared at the mass of darkness before him. As Rarity got back to her hooves, the Pony of Shadows quickly shot a tendril right into Shadow's shadow.

It was then that Shadow's shadow disappeared, which wasn't possible.

"I've waited so long for this moment. To finally see you again, Shadow the Hedgehog."

It was then that Shadow's head began to feel like it was splitting in two. He grasped his head with his hands as more memories began flooding back to him. He saw a city, completely engulfed in flames and lava. He saw the Hedgehog that looked exactly like him, extending his hand to him.

He saw himself along with Team Dark, fighting this Hedgehog, who had taken a crystalline form, and various clones of this mysterious Hedgehog. He saw Sonic, Silver, and himself, all in their Super Forms, fighting what appeared to be a God like creature in an endless void.

He then heard the Hedgehog laughing like a madman as strands of fire circled around him.

Once the visions ended, the cloud that was Pony Of Shadows began to take form. The cloud shrunk itself until it formed itself into a puddle on the ground. Shadow and the other heroes watched on as the dark puddle began to bubble. The puddle then rose up from the ground and began forming a body, one that was eerily similar to Shadow.

Once the body was formed, the figure then began adding details to itself. It added the stripes on its quills as a purple aura surrounded it.

Shadow clenched his fists as the figure took shape, "Who are you?"

Once the creature that was once known as the Pony Of Shadows finished forming its body, its eyes then snapped open, revealing its lizard like eyes.

"It's been a while, eh Shadow?" The figure that was once the Pony Of Shadows spoke eerily to the Ultimate Lifeform.

As Shadow continued observing the figure before him, a name re-entered his head. One that he hadn't heard before, and yet, it was one that he knew all too well. Shadow clenched his fists tighter as he muttered the name of the being before.


Author's Note:

It's time for the final curtain call

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