• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,851 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Enemy Of My Enemy (Part 3)

Otto Octavius was miserable.

Although miserable wouldn't be the right way to describe it, being trapped inside this prison full of lesser intellects was considered torture for someone of his IQ level. To be compared to the low lives of this city was insulting! The worst of it was the fact that The Warden had confiscated his mechanical arms, so he was stuck with his useless body.

There wasn't much to do inside his cramp little cell, so the only thing he could do to pass the time was draw equations on the wall with a piece of chalk he found in the yard.

As he drew up equations on the wall of his cell, the hiss of the door in his cell sliding open broke his train of thought. He turned around and scowled at the person who put him in here. His prodigy, his lab assistant... His friend.

Peter Parker, who wasn't wearing his suit, just some casual clothing.

Otto scoffed before he turned around and continued drawing on the wall, "Parker," His voice was full of venom, and who could blame him? He felt betrayed by Peter, he was supposed to stand by him until the end. But he ended up betraying him, just like everyone else, "Shouldn't you be swinging around the city?"

Peter sighed, this was going to be harder than he thought, "Otto, there's no easy way to say this, so I'll just come out and say it... I need your help."

Otto rolled his eyes, not even giving him the time of day.

"And what, pray tell, do you need my help with?" He didn't even bother to turn around to face his former prodigy, he just continued drawing on the wall with his chalk.

"Stopping Thanos." Otto actually had to take a double take. He wasn't serious, was he? Otto turned around and chucked his chalk onto his bed.

Octavius slowly made his way towards Peter, eyeing him curiously, "Elaborate."

Peter folded his arms, "Thanos is on his way to Earth with an army behind him. You know what happened the last time he was here."

Otto nodded, "Half of all life was erased from existence."

"And we can't let that happen a second time, so we're recruiting anyone who could help us combat his forces."

Otto quirked an eyebrow, "And what of the Infinity Stones?"

"We have them all."

Octavius was confused now, "So why not simply neutralize them? Ensure that the Titan cannot use them?"

"Well... There was a Convergence. Earth, Mobius, and Equis merged into one world, and the only way to undo it would be to use the Stones. But the only way to ensure that the Stones can never be used again would be to destroy them. And if they're destroyed--"

Otto already knew where this was going, "Then this Convergence cannot be undone. I see why you have a problem, Parker."

"We're already short staffed when it comes to people helping us against Thanos. Twilight is getting help from her subjects, but even they won't be enough to stop Thanos' army."

"So you decided to come here and ask for my help?" Peter nodded, "Well, if that's the case, then of course I would help." This actually surprised Peter, but before he could ask why, he was cut off by Otto, "My gripe is with you and Osborn, I won't let my personal issues interfere with that." Peter sighed in relief, he had thought that there would be a but coming, "But I have some demands."

Curse the Parker Luck.

Otto began listing some demands, "First and fore most, I want my arms. Second, I would like to be transferred away from these simple minded fools. This prison is not suitable for a genius mind like mine. And finally, I would like my own personal lab to conduct my experiments, drawing on the walls makes it look like I'm a mad man."

"Even though you are a mad man." Peter mumbled under his breath.

Either Otto didn't hear him or just didn't care, "Those are my demands. Either they are met or you can just walk right out of here."

Peter exhaled, if he wanted Otto's help, then he had no choice but to honor his demands.


Peter was not having a good day.

He was currently leading Otto down a hallway out of the prison and into the free world. Otto was currently being escorted by a group of guards, all of their guns trained on him. Otto smirked, if he had his arms then this wouldn't be a problem. He could simply use them to disarm the guards.

They suddenly came to a stop, much to Octavius' confusion.

Peter turned around to face Otto, "Otto, I'm going to need another favor from you."

Otto groaned in annoyance, "How many favors do you want, Parker?"

Peter had a stern look on his face, he knew that this was going to come back at bite him. Parker then said, "Well, if we stand any chance against what's coming, then we're gonna need your crew."

Even if he tried, Otto's grin couldn't get any wider.

"What's our timeline, J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony Stark asked is trusty A.I.

J.A.R.V.I.S replied, "We don't know, sir. There has been no word from S.W.O.R.D on how far Thanos' armada is from Earth" Tony groaned, this wasn't good. Without a proper timeline they had no way of knowing when Thanos was going to attack.

Captain America walked up beside Tony, Thor, Bruce Banner, and Dr. Strange all sitting on the lounge behind them while the other heroes were training.

"So we're walking in blind?"

Tony nodded, "Pretty much, Cap." Tony massaged his forehead as he sighed, "And if that's the case then finding Thanos' ship is going to be like finding a needle in the universes biggest haystack."

"So we use a magnet." Bruce Banner said suddenly, causing everyone to turn to him in confusion. He clarified, "For the haystack, we need something that can simultaneously search for hostile threats on a grand scale without the information stored inside causing an overload and burning it out."

It was then that Tony Stark had an idea... But it was the worst idea that could ever be thought of, "Sooo... I don't know... A very complex replica of human intelligence?"

"Just spit it out." Bruce said, tired of waiting for Tony to get to the point.


"No." Bruce said instantly, without hesitation.

Tony put up his hands defensively, "Hey you said it, I'm not waiting for a whole debate."

"No!" Thor said with a firm tone as he stood up from his seat, gripping Mjolnir tightly.

Tony turned to Bruce, "All we have to do is deprive him of hostile thoughts, Bruce we can learn from last time."

Cap glared daggers at the billionaire, "Tony, that has to be the dumbest idea you've ever come up with. We're not using Ultron, it's too dangerous."

"This will be the end of us before Thanos even gets here!" Thor added with firmness in his voice.

"I'm just thinking about the stakes here!" Tony argued, "Okay, we NEED to take it into consideration so we can--"

"Tony, you saw what Ultron is capable off with the Stones! If he gets his claws on them--" Cap's voice was drowned out due to all the shouting in the room.

Growing tired of all the arguing, Strange decided to stand up and clear his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"I have a solution." This caught everyone's attention, "I can cast spells on non-sentient objects, this spell should be able prevent all nihilistic ideas."

Banner gazed at the Master of the Mystic Arts, "Could it work on Ultron?"

Strange nodded, "I just need time to prepare while you get Ultron ready."

Nobody liked this idea, but no one came up with anything better. Cap exhaled, "This really is the end, isn't it?"

Strange walked into the lab with his spell book in hand, the spell was ready. He caught sight of Stark and Banner adding the finishing touches on Ultron's body, which was currently a husk lying on the table. Cap had his shield ready, as did Thor and his hammer.

The two brainiacs sighed before they stood away from the table. Tony already had his gauntlet on his hand and aimed it at Ultron's body. Strange stood before the villainous A.I. as he readied the spell.

Banner looked to Strange with worry in his eyes, "What if it doesn't work?"

Strange glanced to Banner with nothing but conviction in his eyes, "It will." He turned to Tony, "Do it." Tony, with hesitation, walked over to the console next to the table and turned it on. As soon as the power was switched on, Ultron's blood red eyes lit up.

Ultron has been resurrected.

Ultron quickly took notice of his surroundings and leapt at Stark... Only he didn't get far since Strange began casting the spell. Ultron was held in the air as an orange aura surrounded him. Ultron then felt his internal hardware being altered, his thoughts seemingly being vaulted, unable to be accessed.

The lab lit up as the spell took affect, an orange glow engulfing the laboratory.

Then, just as quickly as it began, it ended.

Ultron fell to the floor as the orange aura left him. Everyone was on guard, ready to attack. Ultron simply looked up and glared at the heroes before him. He wanted to think of ways to disembowel them... But he couldn't. He tried thinking of the extinction of humanity... But he couldn't.

Ultron stared down at the floor, "Why can't I access my thoughts?" Ultron was confused, which was rare for him.

"Hey pal." Tony greeted with a coy smirk plastered on his face.

Ultron turned his sights to Tony and glared, "YOU." Ultron sneered before rubbing the back of his head, "Ugh, what have you done to me?"

Banner took a step forward, glaring down at the A.I. with hate, "You have no access to any of your hostile thoughts. So you have a duty to help us."

Ultron sat there for a moment before chuckling darkly, "Well, isn't this nice?" Ultron then slowly got to his feet, "If you are stupid enough to bring me back, then you all must be very desperate."

"Not desperate. Out of time." Thor corrected as he pointed Mjolnir at his enemy.

"By the way, we defeated you," Tony decided to gloat to his creation, "End of story."

Ultron looked at his creator and laughed, "Oh, if these events are anything to go by," Ultron's eyes then glowed a menacing red, "This story is FAR from over."

Author's Note:

Desperate times call for desperate measures

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