• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,851 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Brotherhood (Part 2)

Toad giggled as he leapt up into the air and spat out a green acidic substance at Charles, who was lying on the floor. Before the acid spit could hit the telepath, Logan landed in front of him and sliced the acidic substance with his claws. Toad frowned before he jumped up and stuck himself on the wall.

Blob cracked his knuckles as he waddled over towards our heroes. His footsteps caused the ground to shake as he approached the heroes. Knuckles grinned before he shot forward and punched Blob in the gut....only for his fist to sink into the flab.

Knuckles looked up towards Blob's face before he was backhanded away.

As Knuckles crashed into the wall, Cyclops fired an Ocular Blast at the obese Mutant while Hawkeye shot a flashbang arrow. The flashbang went off in Blob's face, blinding him as the Ocular Blast slammed Blob into the doors leading into Xavier's study.

Hawkeye, Knuckles, AJ, Cyclops, Deadpool, and Beast all followed after the massive Mutant as he crashed into Xavier's study.

The group entered the study as Blob got back to his feet. Blob grinned before he stomped his foot on the ground, creating a tremor that shook the ground, making the heroes lose their footing.

While they were staggering, Blob ran forward and shoulder charged Knuckles, AJ, and Cyclops. The three heroes were sent flying into a wall while Blob grinned at their pain. Suddenly, Wade teleported onto Blob's shoulders with a bomb in his hand.

"Open wide, tubby!"

Wade slammed the bomb into Blob's mouth before he backflipped off of the fat man.

The bomb went off in Blob's mouth as Deadpool landed on the ground. Blob turned around, smoking from the mouth due to Wade's bomb.

"Alrighty then."

As Deadpool unsheathed his swords, Beast leapt through the air and delivered a nasty punch to Blob's chin, or chins in this case. Clint then fired an arrow that encased Blob in a glue, like substance, allowing Wade to dash forward so he could do his thing.

Wade jumped up and bounced off of Blob's belly so he could slash at the Mutant's face. But it didn't do much due to Blob's elastic skin. Wade then quickly let go of his swords and grabbed the sides of Blob's head with his hands. He then pulled Blob's face closer to him and kneed him in the face.

Wade then quickly grabbed his swords and landed on in front of the angry Mutant.

As Blob broke free of his binds, Wade pointed his sword at the Mutant, "Hey, fat boy! Let's cut down on the food! Eh? Eeeeeh? Y'know, cause of the swords, and they're sharp. Cut.......down?"

Wade was then grabbed by the neck and flung into a wall.

Blob slammed his fists together as he waddled over towards Beast and Hawkeye. But an Ocular Blast, followed by a punch to the back sent him crashing onto the floor. As Knuckles landed in front of Blob, Cyclops and Applejack leapt out of the hole in the wall with sour looks on their faces.

Blob slammed his hand on the ground, creating a tremor which made our heroes stagger. Blob got back up and backhanded Cyclops into a bookshelf. He turned his attention to Knuckles, but before he could attack, a rope wrapped itself around Blob's neck.

AJ tried with all her might to hold the Mutant still, but Blob grabbed the rope and snapped it with his strength. Blob then caught an incoming punch from Knuckles with his hand. Blob turned his body around and threw Knuckles right into Applejack, knocking them both down.

Blob then waddled over towards Xavier's desk and picked it up with his enhanced strength.

He then threw the desk at Beast, who was dashing over to attack. Beast was hit by the desk and was sent crashing onto the ground. Blob turned around to see Deadpool pulling out his two Uzi's.


The bullets had no effect as Blob waddled over to Deadpool and bonked him on the head.

"Heh heh. Sleepy time." Deadpool said in a dazed tone before he fell to the ground.

Applejack, having had enough of this, got back up to her hooves and galloped over to Blob. The massive Mutant had grabbed Cyclops by the throat and was slowly crushing his windpipe. Unbeknownst to him, AJ had made it over to him. She turned her body around and delivered a powerful Buck to Blob's kneecap.

Blob cried out in pain and released Cyclops from his deadly grip. Blob fell to one knee as he grasped his injured knee with his hands. It was then that Knuckles zoomed over and gave Blob's chin a powerful uppercut. As Blob leaned back from the sheer force of the punch, Beast swung off a dangling plumbing pipe, which was dangling off the broken ceiling, and stomped on Blob's face with both of his feet.

Blob's body crashed on the ground hard.

Beast stepped off of the now unconscious Mutant and turned to his allies, "An excellent job, my friends."

"HUH?! WHAT?! WAZZAT?!" Deadpool shouted as he shot up into a sitting position, now regaining consciousness.

Captain America raised his shield to protect himself from the incoming acid spit. The acidic projectile hit the shield as Logan flew through the air and tried slashing Toad with his claws. Toad saw this coming and quickly leapt to another wall before he could get sliced by Wolverine's claws.

But as Toad stuck himself to the other wall, he was suddenly shocked by Natasha's Widow's Bite. The green Mutant landed on the ground as Pinkie loaded up her Party Cannon. Toad recovered and got back onto his webbed feet. Pinkie then launched confetti at the Mutant, which confused him greatly.

It wasn't until the confetti surrounded him that he realized that the confetti was meant to blind him.

But from what?

It was then that Toad was hit in the chest with Cap's shield. Toad was launched across the room as Cap's shield returned to him. Toad flipped through the air multiple times before sticking himself on the wall. Black Widow pulled out her two Pistols and shot multiple bullets at the frog, like Mutant.

Toad saw the bullets flying towards him, so he flipped off the wall as the bullets hit said wall.

As he flipped over Natasha, he stuck out his incredibly long tongue and wrapped it around Widow's neck. As the Mutant landed on the ground, Toad pulled his head and tongue forward, hurling Black Widow right into Pinkie Pie, knocking them both down.


Toad quickly turned his body around to face the incoming Wolverine.

Toad smirked as he stuck out his tongue once again, only this time, he wrapped it around Logan's wrist. To Toad's confusion, Logan smiled.

"Big mistake."

Logan then used his free hand to slice through Toad's tongue with his claws.

Toad screamed in agony as he sucked back in what remained of his tongue. As Logan tore off the half of Toad's tongue that was still on his wrist, Toad covered his mouth with his hands. As the blood practically poured out of Toad's mouth, Cap took this opportunity and got behind the Mutant and rammed him in the back with a Hyper Charging Star.

As Toad flew across the room, he realized that he was heading straight for Wolverine.

Toad let out one final scream before Logan retracted his claws and delivered a nasty right hook to Toad's jawline. Toad spun around a few times before he landed on the ground, completely unconscious.

(End song)

The first thing Logan did after he knocked out Toad was rush over to Charles' side and helped him up onto his chair.

"You alright, Chuck?" Logan asked in concern.

Charles gave his friend a reassuring smile, "I am fine, my friend. You can worry about me after we stop Erik from committing mass genocide."

As Charles spoke those words, Knuckles and the others ran out of Xavier's study and regrouped with the others.

"Blob's down for the count." Cyclops informed his allies.

Charles nodded, "Good, now we must focus on--"

But a sudden charging force cut Charles off before he could finish his sentence. The charging force rammed right into Knuckles and sent him flying across the room. As Knuckles crashed into the wall, Juggernaut turned to Xavier and the others with an evil grin on his face.

"Hey, bro. Miss me?" Juggernaut addressed his step brother, Charles Xavier.

It was then that Mystique walked out of the hole in the wall created by Juggernaut with a sly grin on her face. As the two Mutants stood on both sides of the heroes, Applejack stomped her hoof before addressing Juggernaut.

"And who the hay are you?"

Juggernaut grinned, "Don't you know who I am?"

When she didn't reply, Juggernaut stomped his foot on the wooden floor. The sheer force of his stomp caused the floor to shake, destroying the mansion even more. Juggernaut then charged towards the group of heroes.


Author's Note:

Behold, the unstoppable Juggernaut

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