• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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An Endless Winter (Part 1)

Thor threw Mjolnir at The Destroyer with extreme force. The Destroyer simply backhanded it away as it continued to walk towards the heroes. Sonic and RD got right into action as they sped up towards the approaching war suit. Rainbow spun around the mech in an attempt to blind it so Sonic could get the chance to attack.

Sonic jumped into the air and curled into a ball. He then reeved until he had enough speed and tried hitting The Destroyer with a Homing Attack, hoping it would at least make the suit stumble. But those hopes were short lived as The Destroyer grabbed Sonic, who was still curled up, and threw him at just the right moment, hitting Rainbow, causing them both to be sent crashing onto the icy road.

Hawkeye drew back an arrow and fired as Shadow, Twilight, and Cap ran forward towards The Destroyer. The arrow hit the suit's leg and encased it in foam, haltering its movement. Shadow threw multiple Chaos Spears while Twilight fired a magical blast from her horn. Both attacks did nothing as the suit broke out of the foam and continued walking forward. As Cap ran towards The Destroyer, the suit reeled back a fist and threw a punch, which was blocked by Cap's shield.

Knuckled used this opportunity to glide towards The Destroyer. He then punched The Destroyer in the face plate. Knuckles was shocked when nothing happened. The Destroyer then opened up its face plate and shot Knuckles with a red laser beam, sending the Echidna flying through the air.

Before Cap could react, the suit kicked Steve in the chest, sending the First Avenger sliding across the icy road. Thor held out his arm and called back Mjolnir. The Asgardian then flew forward and struck The Destroyer in the face pate, actually managing to make the suit fall to one knee.

While Thor was dealing with The Destroyer, Tony turned to the rest of the group, "I want all the heavy hitters to give that suit everything you've got! Everyone else, take the two Alicorns and get to Stark Tower! Let's move it!"

While Peter, Tails, Spike, Fluttershy, Amy, Rarity, Natasha, Clint, and Pinkie went to the fallen Quinjet to get Celestia and Luna, Tony nodded to Banner, to which the scientist responded by taking off his glasses as his eyes turned green.

Thor managed to get in a few good hits on The Destroyer, the suit eventually had enough and opened its face plate, hitting Thor with a laser beam. The suit turned to see Sonic, RD, and Shadow making their way towards it. The Destroyer fired another laser.

The three speedsters' eyes widened as they quickly diverged from each other to avoid the laser. As Sonic skidded to a stop, he saw Knuckles and Applejack running towards The Destroyer in hopes of doing some damage. But the suit simply backhanded them into a frozen car.

As Knuckles got up, he said, "Man, he's tough."

"Tell me about it." AJ replied.

Tony took to the air and fired a Unibeam at the suit, knowing it wouldn't do any damage, but hopefully it would distract it.

Looks like Tony's plan worked as The Destroyer turned to the Iron Avenger and readied another laser beam. It would have fired had it not been for Hulk, who shoulder charged the suit, sending it sliding across the icy road. Hulk roared and charged again.

As The Destroyer recovered, Hulk punched the suit in the torso, causing it to keel over. Hulk then used that moment to punch the suit in the face plate. Before Hulk could strike again, The Destroyer backhanded Hulk away. The suit would have continued to move but thanks to Twilight, who had a magical grip on it, it couldn't move.

Thor roared as he flew to the suit and sent it into the sky with a hit in the chin by Mjolnir. As the suit rose into the air, Tony put his thrusters to full power and grabbed The Destroyer and flew towards the ocean. Before The Destroyer could do anything, Tony fired a Unibeam, sending The Destroyer soaring across the sky and landing in the frozen sea, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Putting it out of commission.

(End song)

Tony exhaled as he turned around and flew back to the others. Once he saw his team, he descended to the ground and landed in front of them.

"Where is it?" Twilight asked as she stepped forward.

"Sinking to the bottom of the ocean." Tony replied with a nod.

Thor approached Tony, "That will keep it down, but not for long. We must regroup with the others at Stark Tower."

Tony nodded, "Alright then, time for you guys to see my digs."

The elevator doors opened up, revealing Tony Stark, who was out of his suit, and the others. They all walked into the main lounge area where everyone else was waiting for them. It was then that they all noticed that Natasha and Clint were in costume.

As Sonic and the others went to talk with their friends, Tony walked over to the bar and poured a glass of Whiskey.

"Anyone want a drink?"

Thor approached the bar, "Aye, it is going to be a long day."

"I'll have some of that." Rainbow said as she flew over.

Applejack smiled, "Pour me a glass, partner."

To everyone's surprise, Shadow walked over to the bar as well.

"Shadow? You drink?" Sonic asked, genuinely surprised.

Shadow shrugged, "Like Thor said. It's going to be a long day."

As Tony poured the drinks, J.A.R.V.I.S pulled up a holographic projection in the middle of the room. After setting his drink down, Tony walked over to the holographic projection.

"How're the Alicorns, J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony asked as he stood in front of the projection.

"They are currently in the Med Bay recovering. They should be awake in a few hours." The A.I replied.

Tony clapped his hands together, "Alright, now we can get started."

Tony tapped the projection twice before swiping his hand to the left, changing the page of the projection.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, gimme a scan of any abnormal readings in the world, please."

The A.I then pulled up some scans on the projection as Twilight and Tails walked over.

"I just can't get over how advanced your technology is, Tony." Twilight said in awe.

Tails smiled and nodded, "It really is incredible."

Tony smirked, "Well, I try."

All was silent until Tony suddenly spoke up.

"You know, I could lend you both some of my technology to study when all of this is over." Tony suggested.

Twilight and Tails' eyes widened at that.

"Really?" Tails asked.

"You would do that?" Twilight added.

Tony smiled and nodded, "Just don't forget to remind me when all of this is over."

J.A.R.V.I.S then finished scanning and pulled up an image on the projection, "Sir, I've detected cosmic readings from this location."

The image then zoomed into an open area in the North China Sea.

Tony squinted his eyes before they widened, "Are those...."

"Yes, sir. These readings are identical to the readings from the six Infinity Stones."

Everyone's eyes widened at this revelation, Tony sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The Infinity Stones?! But I thought that they were locked up!" Tails exclaimed.

"Yeah, didn't those S.H.I.E.L.D people have them?" Fluttershy asked.

Hawkeye exhaled, "Well apparently someone stole them."

"But-but. But I thought that they were sealed away!" Rarity stated.

Twilight nodded, "Yeah, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D said that they were in a box that only an Asgardian could unlock."

Knuckles stroked his chin in thought, "So how did they get out?"

"Take a wild guess!" Peter replied to the Echidna.

"Loki." Thor sneered as he put down his glass.

Shadow took a sip of his drink before saying, "So Loki caused all of this?"

Thor shook his head, "No. My brother may be twisted, but not THIS twisted."

Natasha crossed her arms, "He was obviously an accomplice."

"But to who?" Amy asked.

Rainbow nodded as she finished her drink, "Yeah! Who would do something like this?"

"It was A.I.M."

Knuckles squealed like a girl and jumped in surprise as they all turned around to see Nick Fury walk out of the shadows.

Twilight smiled, "Director Fury."

Nick nodded in response, "Princess."

Tony folded his arms and smirked, "You know, you should really learn to knock, Fury."

Sonic looked confused, "I'm sorry, can we run it back? What's A.I.M?"

Fury walked over to the bar as he spoke, "Advanced Idea Mechanics. They're a technological terrorist organization hellbent on taking over the world." Fury reached the bar and poured himself a drink.

Tony scoffed, "Oh, sure. Just take my liquor." He mumbled sarcastically.

Fury took a sip and continued, "A few hours ago, A.I.M broke into the Triskelion and stole the Infinity Stones from our vault. There was an inside agent that gave them everything they needed to take the Stones from right under our noses. But they weren't working alone."

Clint rolled his eyes, "Yeah, they're working with Loki, we know."

"Not just Loki. Metal Sonic was there too."

The Ponies and Mobians' eyes widened, shocked by this reveal.

"B-but if he was there....then that means...." Pinkie said in a less than cheery tone.

Sonic clenched his fists, "Eggman's back."

Tony raised his arms in annoyance, "Can this get any worse?"

Fury set his drink down and frowned, "It can. You want the good news or the bad news?"

"Oh....um...the good news please." Fluttershy answered.

"The Infinity Stones have scattered across the globe." Fury informed the team.

"In what world is that good news?!" Rainbow asked.

"Trust me, it's good in comparison to what I'm about to say next." Fury said cryptically.

Peter sighed, "What's the bad news?"

"Thanos is coming."

The room went dead quiet after that. Every single one of The Avengers' eyes were wide open in either shock or fear. The Ponies and Mobians looked confused.

"Who?" Pinkie asked, but got no answer.

Tony looked serious, "How long?"

Fury sighed, "A few days at max. Our friends at S.W.O.R.D have picked up the Sanctuary ll on their scanners. They'll try to hold him off for as long as possible, but it won't be for long."

Natasha looked at Steve, "You know what damage he could do. If he gets those Stones again--"

"We're screwed." Tony finished.

"Okay, hang on an minute! Who's Thanos?" Rainbow asked.

Once again the room went silent. Who was this guy? Was this THAT serious?

Tony then spoke up, "Thanos....The Mad Titan.... Cosmic warlord-slash-lunatic, AND Death's boy toy."

Applejack arched an eyebrow, "Death?"

"You know, The Grim Reaper? But she's a lady, or a, uh, skeleton lady. It's complicated. Anyway, lover boy here has tried to destroy the universe MULTIPLE times trying to impress her." Tony finished.

The Ponies and Mobians' eyes were wide open, their eyes the size of pinpricks.

Twilight turned to Peter, "Is this..."

"The guy who wiped out half of humanity? Yep." Peter replied.

"Soooo, let's recap! That mean Eggy-Weggy teamed up with these group of meanies and used the six McGuffin's to merge our worlds into one BIG world and a big meany is coming to wipe us all out!" Pinkie recapped.

Tony turned to the projection, "J.A.R.V.I.S, I want you scanning the globe for any signs of the Stones. Let me know as soon as you find one."

"Of course, sir."

"Question. What are we gonna do about the snow storm outside?" Rainbow asked.

Cap folded his arms, "We stop Loki, free New York from this endless snow storm, and then we go after A.I.M and Robotnik."

"S.W.O.R.D is going to keep me posted on Thanos' trajectory towards Earth." Fury said to the team.

"Sir, I've run a scan of New York and it appears that Grand Central Station is the most guarded area in the city." J.A.R.V.I.S informed the team.

"That must be where Loki is." Twilight surmised.

"Then that's where we are going," Cap looked around at his team, "Suit up, it's going to be a long day."

Nick stood beside Captain America and said, "This'll be the fight of our lives. If we wanna survive this......We do it as a team."

Author's Note:

If we can't protect the world. You'll be damn sure that we'll avenge it

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