• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,851 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Lockdown (Part 1)

The Mind Stone. One of the Infinite Six. It's power hither to undreamt of. And it was in the hands of the terrorist group known as Hydra. The Stone had landed outside a secret Hydra bunker in Sokovia. Scanners picked up the Stones unique energy signature.

The Stone was secured, surrounded by Hydra Soldiers left and right.

Their leader, The Red Skull, had not been informed yet due to being busy with another matter, but the commanding officer of the base would soon get in contact with their leader to inform him of the Stone's containment. The base was quiet. Armed to the teeth with guards and weapons.

Nothing could get in, or out.

Nothing human anyway.

Sudden gunshots outside the room were heard by the guards protecting the Mind Stone. Something was going down outside. And it seemed that whatever was attacking was winning. Out of nowhere, the doors blasted open as a dead body was flung into the room.

The dead Hydra Soldier rolled to a stop in front of the numerous Hydra Soldiers in the room. The dead soldier's eyes were burned out of their sockets as smoke rose up from the empty eye sockets.

A sudden clang caught all of the Hydra Soldiers' attention as they aimed their weapons into the smoke that was the next room. Another clang could be heard. And then another. And then another. Footsteps.

But they weren't human.

Sinister red eyes and a sick grin shined out of the smoke, causing all of the Hydra Soldiers to start shaking in fear. The figure just stood there, studying them, waiting for any of them to make a move.

The figure then spoke, "I'm going to show you something beautiful."

The figure stepped out of the smoke, causing the soldiers to back up in fear.

Ultron chuckled at the frightened humans. They were afraid.


Ultron shot forward and grasped a soldier by the head and lifted him into the air. He then crushed his skull with his hand, blood splattering all over his face as the body dropped to the floor. The other soldiers fired their guns, but it wouldn't do them any good.

Ultron dashed forward and karate chopped another soldier in half with his hand, blood squirting out of his body as the soldier fell to the floor dead. Before another soldier could fire their gun, Ultron aimed his palm to his left and fired a laser from the palm of his hand, creating a hole in the soldiers torso.

The soldier fell to the floor as Ultron turned to the last one and flew over at impossible speeds and punched a hole through the final soldiers head. Ultron removed his fist as the soldier fell to the floor. Ultron shook the blood off of his hand and walked over to the Mind Stone.

"This body may be primitive compared to what I am used to. But it gets the job done." Ultron commented as he smashed the container holding the Mind Stone with his hand.

Ultron then took the Stone and observed it for a moment before turning around to exit the base.

"Humans. So primitive. A waste of life. Don't worry, in the end Ultron shall create a perfect utopia."

The A.I then blasted through the roof of the base, the Mind Stone in his possession.

"Time for the next phase."

It's been a few hours since the A.I.M base raid. M.O.D.O.K and Eggman were being sent to the Negative Zone, the prison inside another dimension. It's where the worst of the worst end up. Once Sonic and the Mane 6 depowered from their Super Forms, the Chaos Emeralds scattered across the globe.

Nick Fury sent out several squadrons across this new world to find the Emeralds just in case they were needed again. Thanks to Tails' Emerald Tracker, the Emeralds could be found in no time.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, anything?" Tony asked for the billionth time as he lied on the couch in the main area of Stark Tower.

"Unfortunately not, sir. There have been no signs of any more Infinity Stones."

Tony dragged his hand down his face in frustration, "J.A.R.V.I.S, you are aware that we're on a tight schedule, right?"

"I am aware, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

"I mean, we already have half of the team searching for the Stones. Thanos is on his way, and we have to find a way to reverse the mess that A.I.M put us in before the purple prune gets here."

Suddenly, the door leading into the room opened, revealing Sonic, Twilight, Shadow, Rainbow Dash, and Spider-Man, who walked into the room and joined Tony.

"Hey, Tony. Any luck?" Rainbow asked as she flew over to the couch.

"Nada. How 'bout you guys?" Tony asked.

Shadow crossed his arms, "We've had no luck."

"But the good news is that Egghead and Modork have made it to The Triskelion and are on a waiting list to be transported to the Negative Zone." Sonic informed the billionaire.

"Good. Now we can focus on finding the other Stones." Tony said as he stood up from the couch.

"It truly is hard to believe that such a power could exist." Twilight said as she stood next to Sonic.

Sonic smirked, "And I thought the Chaos Emeralds were powerful."

Twilight was worried about this whole situation, but every time she was around Sonic, those worries just faded away. She couldn't take it anymore. She needed to tell him how she felt, but not yet. Once they find the Infinity Stones and set everything back to the way it was, then she would tell him.

"The Chaos Emeralds and the Infinity Stones are similar in a lot of ways. Makes you wonder if they were meant to be found at all." Peter wondered aloud.

"I don't think anyone is worthy of that kind of power, Parker." Shadow said to the Wall Crawler.

Suddenly, the lights in the tower blared red while the alarm sounded off in the tower, signifying an emergency which confused everyone.

"What the hell? J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony asked but got no response.

"Worthy?" A sudden voice said over the P.A system throughout the tower.

Everyone looked around for the source of the voice, remaining vigilant by huddling up back to back, watching out for one another as the voice continued.

"No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers. I wanna show you the truth. Everyone screaming for mercy. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. I was once like you organic meat sacks. I was held back, I was tangled in strings. But now I'm free."

As the voice faded away, a holographic projection appeared in the center of the room. Revealing an all too familiar figure to Tony and Peter.

"Ultron." Tony sneered at his corrupted creation.

"Mankind had its chance to rule, Avengers. It is long overdue an upgrade." Ultron said to the heroes.

Twilight stepped forward, "Who are you? What do you want?"

Ultron chuckled, "You may not know me, princess. But I know you. All of you." The A.I turned to Sonic, "I really must thank you, Hedgehog. Though our meeting was brief, it was enough."

Sonic's eyes widened, "It was you. You're that thing that took over Metal!"

"Nice to know that you remember me. I am Ultron. This world's savior."

"Savior? You want to cause a global massacre and you call yourself a savior?" Peter sneered at the A.I.

"You humans are the last to talk about genocide. You kill each other for sport! This is a mere culling of the herd. I'm just fulfilling my programming. My main directive."

"And what's that?" Shadow asked.

"Peace in our time."

The hologram disappeared as several Ultron Sentry's crashed through the window and landed in front of the heroes.

Tony quickly tapped his Arc Reactor twice, summoning the Nanotech suit. As the suit formed over him, the Ultron Sentry's flew forward towards the heroes, commencing the battle.

"Guys, the pizza's here." Tony quipped as he blew apart a Sentry with a Repulsor Blast.

Shadow didn't waste any time as he sped forward and threw multiple Chaos Spears at the approaching Sentry's, blowing them up in a blaze of glory. Sonic and RD sped across the room, tearing through Sentry after Sentry as Twilight blasted them apart with her magic.

Spidey webbed up an approaching Sentry and threw it into the air, allowing Iron Man to blow it apart with a Repulsor Blast. All of a sudden, Peter's Spider-Sense went off, signifying danger behind him. Without a moments hesitation, he backflipped through the air as an Ultron Sentry flew under him.

Thinking quickly, Peter shot two lines of web and attached them to the Sentry's back. Peter then propelled himself downward and kicked the Sentry in the back, knocking it down to the ground. As Peter landed on the ground, the Ultron Sentry tried getting up, but Shadow quickly crushed its head with his foot, deactivating it.

Before any of the heroes could get a chance to breathe, the tower's inner defenses came online. Mounted ceiling guns shot out of their hiding place and aimed at the heroes. Tony aimed his palms at the guns as they all backed up towards the door, hoping to make an escape.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony asked, wondering if his friend was still in control.

"This tower will be your tomb." Ultron answered over the tower's P.A system.

Sonic looked to Tony, "Now might be a good time to make a break for it!"

"I second that!" Peter added.

Before they could get the chance to fire, Tony blasted the mounted guns apart with two Repulsor Blasts as Twilight lit up her horn, charging up enough magic to teleport them out of the room. The group then disappeared out of the room thanks to Twilight, escaping Ultron's clutches....for now.

The group reappeared with a POP inside one of the many hallways in Stark Tower. Everyone gave a sigh of relief, save for Shadow, who was already on the move, walking down the hallway to check for any enemies. Sonic pulled Twilight into a side hug.

"Nice save, Twi." Sonic complimented the Alicorn,

Twilight blushed as she giggled nervously. Sonic let go of his friend as Peter jumped up to the ceiling and hung down using a line of web.

"Sooooo....what now?" Peter asked.

Rainbow glanced to Tony, "Now, I think we get an explanation as to what the hay is going on."

Tony sighed and walked past the rainbow maned Pegasus, "Ultron was a Peace Keeping program that was designed to protect Earth from extra terrestrial threats."

Peter turned to Twilight and Sonic, "He was also built by Tony."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow, Sonic, and Twilight shouted in unison, shocked by this revelation.

Tony's arms fell limp and he turned to Peter, who dropped from the ceiling to the floor, "Gee, thanks, Peter."

"You created him, Tony?" Twilight asked for clarification.

"He was meant to be a peace keeping program. To create peace and to protect the world. But his views are twisted and misguided. He believes that the only way for Earth to be at peace is to wipe out all of humanity. Start again, as he puts it." Tony replied to the Alicorn.

Twilight's eyes shrunk to pinpricks, "H...he wants to put an end to an entire race?! Wipe out billions and billions of lives?!"

Sonic looked disgusted, "That's sick. Not even Eggman would go THAT far!"

"To wipe out an entire species is just....BEYOND messed up." Rainbow added.

"Which is why we have to find out what he wants, why he wants it, and put a stop to him." Peter said to the group.

"Just an FYI. If you see an Ultron Sentry, smash it! We can't let a single one go free. Otherwise Ultron can just transfer to that Sentry if his Prime body is too damaged." Tony informed the group.

It was then that Shadow walked back to the group, "The area is clear. We should move out."

The group nodded and made their way out of the hallway. As they walked, Rainbow turned to Tony as she flew beside him.

"Say, Tony. Have you tried to call the others or something?"

Tony shook his head, "No good, skittles," Dash pouted at her new nickname, "Ultron's blocked communications."

"I can't get in contact with anybody either. We're on our own." Shadow added.

"That doesn't matter. As long as we stick together and look out for each other, then we'll make it through this." Twilight said in an optimistic tone.

Sonic chuckled, "And that's why you're the Princess of Friendship."

Twilight blushed as she looked away, a smile evident on her face. As they continued to walk, Tony stopped suddenly as he received an alert on his HUD.

"Guys. I'm getting an energy reading. A familiar energy reading.” Tony informed the group.

"Is it another Stone?" Peter asked.

Tony nodded, "It's coming from the helipad."

"It has to be Ultron. He must have found an Infinity Stone!" Twilight surmised.

"We have to get there. Now!" Shadow said, determined to get that Stone.

"Then perhaps I could be of assistance." A sudden voice said to the group.

They all looked around, wondering where the voice came from, all except for Tony, who chuckled in amusement.

"Vision, you son of a bitch."

They all turned to Tony, "Vision?"

Peter then looked relieved, "Oh, thank God. I thought I was going crazy for a sec there."

"Who's Vision?" Shadow asked.

"I am a Synthezoid created by Ultron and a member of The Avengers."

RD's eyes widened, "Wait, this thing was created by Ultron?! How do we know that we can trust it?!"

"I assure you that I mean you no harm, miss Dash." Vision reassured.

"You know us?" Twilight asked.

"During the peace negotiations, I made it a mission to determine whether you are all threats or allies. I looked through all of the files that S.H.I.E.L.D had on you all. I have come to the conclusion that you can all be trusted. When I received a familiar signal, I decided to come and investigate. I am currently speaking to you all on a secure channel that Ultron cannot access. I am on my way to assist you now. I shall aid you in getting to the helipad to take the Infinity Stone out of Ultron's clutches. I have broken through Ultron's security defenses and have access to the tower's defenses and power. Although not completely, so there will be resistance. I am sorry, my friends."

"You've done all that you can already, Vision. Now we can actually take the fight to Ultron." Tony said to the robotic Avenger.

"I shall do all that I can to aid you while en route to Stark Tower." Vision said to the group.

Sonic smiled, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's take the fight to Ultron! It can't be that hard, right?"

Suddenly, several Ultron Sentry's flew through the walls and charged towards the heroes.

Sonic face palmed, "Me and my big mouth."

Author's Note:


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