• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 2,851 Views, 412 Comments

Tomorrow War - Battwell

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The Brotherhood (Part 4)

Logan snarled in anger while Sabretooth gave his nemesis the widest grin he could muster, showing off his canine teeth. Lady Deathstrike gave Logan a hateful glare as she extended her Adamantium fingers to twice their original length. Sabretooth folded his arms over his chest, never taking his eyes off of Wolverine.

"Been a while, runt." Sabretooth started, a sick grin still plastered on his face, "When the boss told me his plan to invade, well, the chance to kick your ass again was too good of an opportunity to pass up."

Wolverine snarled before replying, "You ain't gonna get the chance, bub."

Victor quirked an eyebrow, "Oh? And why's that?"

Logan raised his forearm close to his face and crushed his hand into a fist, extending his claws, "Because I'm gonna cut your goddamn head off."

Sabretooth scoffed as he unfolded his arms and readied his own claws, "Big talk from such a short stack!" Victor sneered in reply.

Deadpool then suddenly raised his arm into the air, "Soooo, are you two brothers or not?"

They both then looked ad Wade like he was a lunatic. Well, more of a lunatic than he is.

"Wade, where the fuck did you get that idea from?" Logan asked, genuinely confused.

Wade shrugged, "Well I mean, his name is Victor in the movie. So I thought that--"

"You do know that Victor is his name in the comics, right?" Pinkie chipped in.

Wade turned to the pink Pony and replied, "Okay, in my defense, I scribbled on all the pages of my Wolverine comic books with crayon."

Pinkie then gave him a look that said 'Are you serious?'

Wade shrugged once more, "What? I was bored."

"CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!!!" Sabretooth roared, finally grown impatient, "We came here to fight! So let's fight!"

Deathstrike pointed one of her extended index fingers at the Adamantium Champion, "I am going to rip that Adamantium from your corpse, Logan-San."

Cap then took a step forward, ending up standing next to Wolverine, "You'll have to go through us first."

Knuckles then took a step forward, "Yeah, he's not fighting alone! Hope you're ready to eat, because you got a knuckle sandwich coming your way!"

Sabretooth grinned like a maniac, "Oh-ho-ho, I'm gonna enjoy tearing your flesh from your bones!"

"THEN LET'S DO THIS, BUB!!!" Logan shouted as he got ready to attack.

The battle commenced as soon as Logan shouted those words.

Logan and Victor dashed right toward one another, with Sabretooth pouncing on Wolverine. The two rivals tumbled across the grass until Logan kicked Victor off of him. Sabretooth shot back up onto his feet and sharpened his claws before running towards Logan.

The two rivals met as their claws collided with one another, causing literal sparks to fly from the sheer impact. The two broke apart before Logan tried to slash at Victor's throat. But Sabretooth saw this coming and grabbed Logan's forearm with his hand and used his elbow to pop Logan's elbow out of place before kicking him away.

Wolverine skidded back a few meters before popping his elbow back into place.

Logan and Victor both roared at the same time before charging towards one another once again. Sabretooth tried stabbing Logan in the gut, but the hero the strike by moving his arm downwards and blocking Victor's claws with his own claws. Logan then pushed his free arm forward and stabbed Sabretooth in the shoulder, causing the Mutant to roar in pain.

Victor then hit Logan's nose with a ferocious headbutt, causing him to stumble back, removing his claws from Sabretooth's shoulder as he did. As Sabretooth's shoulder regenerated, the Mutant villain shot forward and slashed Logan across the face with his claws.

Logan snarled as his cheek healed itself.

Sabretooth pounced once more, but this time Logan was ready for him.

When Sabretooth was close enough, Logan quickly grabbed his left arm with his hands and threw him over his head and slammed him onto the ground. Not missing this chance to take him out, Logan readied his claws to stab Victor right in the eyes before he could get the chance to escape.

But unfortunately, Sabretooth recovered from his dazed state and rolled away as Logan tried to stab him. Logan's claws sunk into the dirt, giving Sabretooth the chance to quickly knee his hated rival in the ribs. Logan rolled across the floor, holding his side with his hand.

Sabretooth readied another strike, but he was stopped as two swords tore through his torso. Sabretooth roared in pain as Wade removed his swords from Victor's torso. While Sabretooth's wounds began to heal, Applejack galloped over before jumping through the air towards the insane Mutant.

Applejack then delivered a mighty buck to Sabretooth's nose with her forelegs, knocking the villain to the ground.

Sabretooth popped his nose back into place with his hand as Applejack landed on the ground. But before Sabretooth could get up, he felt something pierce his leg. He snarled as he looked down at his leg and saw an arrow poking through. Sabretooth tore out the arrow, allowing his leg to heal.

He stood back up as the group of heroes circled around him.

But Victor wasn't threatened in the slightest. In fact, he grinned at the challenge, "Heh, now THIS is more like it!"

(End song)

Pinkie launched a dozen cupcakes from her Party Cannon, intending to hit her foe. But Lady Deathstrike simply tore them to shreds with a single swipe of her Adamantium fingers. She gave the party Pony a sick grin before zooming forward towards the Equestrian.

Pinkie would've been mincemeat had it not been for Captain America, who skidded to a stop in front of her and defended her from the attack with his mighty shield. Cap managed to push Deathstrike back with a mighty shove with his shield.

Deathstrike swiped her claws together before leaping into the air. She then shot downwards towards Cap, her claws ready to pierce his skin. But a nasty punch to her jaw from the side, courtesy of Knuckles, sent her flying to the side. She landed on the ground, where Beast was waiting right behind her.

Deathstrike turned her body around and tried cutting Hank's head off, but he managed to duck just in time. He then delivered an uppercut to her jaw, which sent her flying through the air. Deathstrike flipped through the air a few times before landing with both feet on the ground.

Cap then threw his mighty shield at the evil woman, but Deathstrike dashed forward and performed a knee slide as she bent over backwards to avoid the star spangled projectile. She made it over to the Captain and tried slashing him with her claws, but Cap dodged left and right to avoid being sliced up.

She would've attacked again, but Cap's shield ricocheted off the stone sculptures in the backyard and slammed against her back. This left her open to attack. Cyclops ran over and fired an Ocular Blast at her torso, sending her flying across the yard.

Cap then caught his shield as he rushed over towards Deathstrike and hit her in the face with his shield, leaving her open so Knuckles could finish this.

The Echidna zoomed over and delivered a destructive Haymaker to her jaw line. She spun through the air a few times as Natasha bounced off of Cap's shield and jumped through the air. Black Widow, once above Deathstrike, stomped on the villain's chest with both of her feet, sending the Mutant crashing down on the ground.

(End song)

Deadpool laughed like a little school girl as he fired several bullets into Sabretooth's torso. This allowed Applejack to gallop over to the evil Mutant and buck the back of his knees. As Victor fell to his knees, Hawkeye shot an arrow into his eye. As blood oozed out of Sabretooth's eye, Logan charged over and stabbed Sabretooth in the chest with both of his claws.

As the evil psycho roared in pain, Logan got close to his face, gritting his teeth in anger.


Logan then got real close and replied, "I'm not like that anymore. I'm better than that. Better than you, Victor."

"Heh, I knew you didn't have the balls to finish me, Jimmy. You've become soft."

"No, I've become better."

Sabretooth then spat in Logan's face before the hero gave his arch rival a headbutt. Logan retracted his claws as Sabretooth fell backwards and landed on the ground, unconscious.

Logan huffed before he spat in Sabretooth's face.

Logan then walked away from his defeated rival.

(End song)

Logan then walked past the group of heroes as he took a cigar and a lighter from his back pocket. As he lit his cigar, the mansion suddenly exploded, sending all the heroes flying across the yard. As they all landed on the ground, a figure engulfed in a purple, fiery aura floated up from the remains of the school.

Each of the heroes glared daggers at the Master of Magnetism while Charles looked at his old friend with a solemn look.

As Magneto looked down at his enemies with his glowing, fiery, purple eyes, he clutched onto the Stone in his hand. The Stone has expanded his power's limits. He can not only control metal, but he can control anything. He levitated pieces of metal, boulders of stone, and shards of wood into the air, continuing to glare at his enemies.

"I gave you the chance to join me, Charles. You refused. Now you must suffer the consequences."

Author's Note:

The Master of Magnetism has made his move

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