• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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Battle For Space

The ground cracked underneath Black Dwarf's feet as he landed on the metallic ground just outside The Triskelion, facing the army of S.H.I.E.L.D. and G.U.N. Agents before him. He glanced upwards towards the sky and saw two Helicarriers looming over the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Dwarf snarled as he tightened his grip around his mace and axe, glaring with fury in his eyes. He was reminded of how stubborn and defiant this planet was, he was used to planets and their civilizations trembling where they stood whenever Thanos or one of his forces had graced their planet with their presence. But with this planet, there was none of that. No obedience. Only defiance.

And nothing made him angrier than defiance.

He showed his frustration by roaring up to the heavens, his battle cry echoed through the air as multiple beams of light shot down from the sky and landed behind the villain. Like in Wakanda, hordes and hordes of Outriders scurried out of the beams of light and stood behind Black Dwarf, awaiting orders.

Black Dwarf smiled victoriously as he noticed some of the soldiers before him, specifically those who work for G.U.N., take a small step back. This was more like it. This is what Black Dwarf craved, for these puny creatures to know who they face and tremble before his power.

But his smile fell right off his face as a green portal opened in front of the forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. and G.U.N., further adding to his annoyance. The portal expanded to a great size before Ice Man, who was sliding on an ice bridge, slid out of the portal. Ice Man then jumped off the bridge made out of ice and landed in front of the portal.

It appeared that the Mutant wasn't alone as Shadow the Hedgehog, followed by Rouge and Omega, walked out of the portal and stood by Ice Man's side. Rouge flapped her wings and hovered above her teammates as Omega aimed his weapons forward and Shadow folded his arms.

It wasn't over yet as Wolverine leaped out of the portal and landed next to Omega, unsheathing his claws as Hawkeye and Gambit made their way out of the portal. Magneto then hovered out of the portal as Deadpool strut out, snapping his fingers while wearing a military uniform for some reason.

From behind the group, Hulk jumped out of the portal and landed in front of the group while Iron Man flew right out of the portal, landing right next to Hulk. Loki, and Tirek all stepped out of the portal, The God of Mischief closing the portal as he walked.

As the portal closed, Loki summoned an orb of magic in his hand and then proceeded to give it to Tirek. The Centaur smirked before he absorbed it, allowing him to grow stronger. Black Dwarf roared, to which both Hulk and Tirek roared back.

The screeches of the Outriders filled the air as the two armies stood opposed to each other, glaring with ill intent. Dwarf's mission was to retrieve the Space Stone, but that didn't mean that he couldn't crush a few skulls in the process.

Black Dwarf cleared his throat, silencing the army of Outriders behind him before addressing those who stood in his way, "This resistance is futile! Although I do enjoy the challenge, I have a mission I must complete! While I intend on killing all of you, if you hand over the Stone, I shall--"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today!" Tony interrupted him, taking a step forward towards Thanos' army, "You'd better pack it up and get outta here!" He finished, showing that the forces of Earth were not going to back down. None of them would allow their home, let alone their new universe suffer at the hands of a mad man.

Shadow stood defiantly, "This is not your home. Leave."

"I don't answer to the likes of you." Dwarf replied, "My allegiance is to Thanos and Thanos alone. If he wishes for this world to be cleansed, then I shall see it done."

Tirek rolled his eyes, "From my perspective it seems that you are nothing but a lackey. A minion to heed Thanos' beck and call."

"Hahahaha." Black Dwarf laughed, confusing Tirek greatly, "You say that like it is supposed to mean something, creature. Thanos saved me and raised me as his own. I owe my very existence to him, I am forever loyal to my master."

"I've worked with Thanos before," Loki piped up, "It's not all it is cracked up to be unfortunately." The Trickster God then pointed his scepter towards Thanos' loyal servant, "Besides, if there is anyone who shall use the Stones for his own gain, then it shall be me."

"So why don't you just run on home with your tail in between your legs?" Gambit suggested with a smirk, already knowing the answer.

Wade quirked an eyebrow as the voices in his head finally decided to pipe up.

(Wait... Does he even have--)

(First of all, do not finish that sentence. Second of all, why are you even THINKING about that?!)

Logan scrapped his claws together as an eager grin formed on his face, "Last chance, Bub! Go home!"

Hawkeye drew his arrow back with his bow, "And stay there!"

They were not going to stand aside. They were not going to surrender. They were going to keep fighting until they drew their last breath. All of the agents on the ground aimed their guns at Black Dwarf and his army of Outriders. The two Helicarriers aimed their weapons down while G.U.N.'s various drones locked onto their targets.

No backing down.

No surrender.

Dwarf saw the sight before him and sighed as he closed his eyes. But then he started chuckling to himself, much to everyone's confusion. He then opened his eyes and gave his enemies a look of sheer determination, "Such insolence. Die knowing that your home shall not be spared from my master's wrath."

The alien then stomped his foot onto the ground and pointed his axe forward.


The army of Outriders all screeched loudly before they all charged forward. Tony shrugged his shoulders before turning his head to Hulk, "That went well." He remarked before turning to face the incoming horde, "Alright then. LET'S KICK SOME ASS!!!"

Hulk roared, enticing everyone else to let out a battle cry of their own. Tony flew forward at high speeds, leading the army to defend The Triskelion from Black Dwarf and his forces. They all charged, laser like bullets zooming past those leading the charge against the enemy.

Hulk rammed through The Outriders, backhanding them out of his way as he ran towards Black Dwarf, who roared at the Gamma beast headed towards him. The massive alien invader charged right towards Hulk until the two met one another, with Dwarf swinging his axe to decapitate Hulk, but the jolly, green giant ducked under the attack and punched his foe in the gut.

As the two behemoths traded blows, Iron Man flew over head and fired a Repulsor Blast into a swarm of Outriders, the resulting blast separating them so Ice Man could swoop in and freeze them, allowing Omega to blast them to pieces with his guns.

"ALIEN CREATURES MUST. BE. ELIMINATED!!!" Omega declared as he fired a barrage of bullets at any Outrider he saw. Unbeknownst to him, another Outrider was about to attack him from behind, but it was knocked to the ground by Rouge, who dived down and hit its head with a Spin Kick.

Omega turned around as Rouge took flight, "THANK ME LATER!" She shouted as she flew over the battlefield. She nose dived and past several G.U.N. Drones in the battle. Some were holding their own, while others were being torn to shreds by The Outriders.

She shoulder charged an Outrider while Logan leaped through the air and tackled an Outrider to the ground, stabbing the mindless beast in the chest with his claws. He took them out and slashed the beast's head clean off. He got to his feet and saw thirteen Outrider scurrying towards him.

Logan grinned eagerly before shouting, "BEZERKER BARRAGE!!!" Wolverine dashed forward and slashed all of The Outriders at such high speeds that he was practically invisible to the eye. The only proof of what Logan had done was the eruption of black blood that shot up into the sky.

Logan panted as various bloody pieces of flesh fell from the sky and landed back onto the ground.

"COMING THROUGH!!!" Logan turned and instantly rolled out of the way of Deadpool, who was riding a rocket of cartoonish size through the battlefield, firing off his Uzi's and laughing like a mad man while he did. He then stood up on the rocket and backflipped off of it as the rocket zig zagged through the air.

Deadpool landed on the ground as the rocket shot downwards and exploded on the ground, killing multiple Outriders in the process. He turned around and pulled the triggers on his guns, but didn't fire any bullets since he had apparently run out of them.

He shrugged and tossed them aside before unsheathing his swords, "Time to commit multiple felonies!" Wade exclaimed before he ran towards a group of Outriders, "ONWAAAAAAAAAARD!!!!" He dived into the crowd of Outriders, swinging his swords around like the whack job he is.

Wade was too distracted to notice the massive tremors that shook the ground. Had he noticed, he would've saw Lord Tirek stomping past him, crushing any Outrider he saw under his massive hooves. The Centaur roared and fired a laser from in between his horns.

On the villain's shoulder was Clint Barton, who was firing multiple arrows at the swarm of enemies below. As he shot an explosive arrow, Tirek pulled back his fist and punched the ground. He raised his massive, red hand and shook it so he could remove the smear of blood that had found its way onto him due to crushing twenty Outriders.

Tirek chuckled as he stood up on his hindlegs for a moment before bringing his forelegs back down onto the ground, creating a red and orange shockwave that disintegrated any Outriders caught in the blast radius. Tirek let out a belly laugh as the two Helicarriers focused their fire on the alien ship Black Dwarf arrived on.

But no matter how hard they tried to damage the ship, their blasts always hit the ship's shield.

While the super beings held their own, the agents down below were struggling. Any bullets that hit The Outriders merely bounced off of their skin. Agents were being torn to shreds by the opposing force, blood and gore all over the metallic floor. Pieces of said metallic floor were torn from the ground and were raised into the air by Magneto.

The Master of Magnetism motioned his hands so the pieces of metal morphed into sharp, metallic spikes. Magneto sent the projectiles down towards the ground, penetrating some of The Outriders heading his way. He then looked to his left and closed his fist, causing the ground beneath four Outriders to suddenly shoot upwards and tighten itself into a metallic ball, crushing The Outriders.

Magneto chuckled before creating more metallic spikes.

Pieces of the ground around Gambit shot up into the air as the Mutant threw his playing cards at three approaching Outriders. The cards exploded on impact, but didn't kill them. Gambit heard a noise from behind him and quickly turned around, smacking an Outrider in the face with his staff.

Gambit smirked, "Nice try, Mon ami."

He then backflipped through the air, throwing playing cards to any enemy he saw as he landed on the ground. While the Mutant continued fighting, Loki, who was fighting just behind him, stabbed an Outrider in the throat with his scepter. He then flung the alien into the air with his weapon, not hearing it land as more Outriders scurried towards him.

Loki and Gambit went back to back so they could cover one another as the swarm of Outriders surrounded them.

Gambit panted heavily as sweat dripped down his forehead, "Is it just me... (Pant)… Or do these things keep coming?" He asked the Asgardian behind him.

Loki grunted as he blasted an incoming Outrider with his scepter, "The more we kill... GAH!" He exclaimed as he blasted another Outrider, "The more Thanos and his servants send!" Loki then created multiple duplicates of himself so he and Gambit could have more support.

As they fought The Outriders off, Shadow boosted through the army of aliens, shoulder charging any that got in his way. Somehow, a small number of The Outriders he knocked down managed to get a few hits on him. Specifically his arms, as multiple gashes and cuts were present on his arms.

Shadow skidded to a stop and jumped into the air, his whole body glowing red.


The explosion killed multiple foes and gave him room to breathe. Shadow landed back down on the ground, but he barely had enough time to gather his thoughts as even more Outriders converged on his position.

Shadow snarled as he stood up straight.

"Enough of this! CHAOS CONTROL!!!" Time froze around him, everything was still. The Ultimate Lifeform smiled before his hands lit up, "CHAOS SPEAR!!!" He hurled multiple Chaos Spears at the frozen lackeys. The projectiles pierced right through their torsos, killing them instantly.

Time resumed, The Outriders fell to the ground, dead. Shadow regained his composure, he shook his head, now wasn't the time to sit around. Now was the time for action, so Shadow wasted no time in boosting into the swarm of Outriders to continue the fight.

(End song)


The Command Station was anything but silent. Various computer monitors were beeping, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents were running around, trying to get things done, and Fury could barely hear himself think due to all the shouting.

"SIR!!!" The voice of Maria Hill cut through the shouting inside the room. Fury turned around to face his second in command, giving her his full attention, "OUR WEAPONS CAN'T BREAK THROUGH THE SPACECRAFT'S SHIELD!!!"

Fury groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation, "SET OUR WEAPONS TO FULL POWER! WE NEED TO BREAK THROUGH THAT SHIELD!" He turned away from Maria Hill and leaned on the railing in front of him, facing the chaos that was his Command Station, "If we have any chance of surviving this, then that ship needs to go down."

Fury looked to his left, finally noticing Ultron leaning against the wall in the corner with his arms folded.

The Director closed his eye, deep in thought, "Better him being in here than out there." Fury thought to himself, "Last thing we need is HIM flying around out there. One Avengers level threat is enough for one day."

Hulk let out a pained roar as he landed on the ground, being punched across the battlefield by Black Dwarf. Hulk slowly got up to his feet, spitting out a loose tooth as the alien beast slowly marched towards him. Black Dwarf quickened his pace before going into a full blown run.

Hulk snarled, he was REALLY starting to hate this guy. His skin was armor like, every time he punched the villain, his hand would hurt. Which was impossible, since Hulk is the strongest there is. He got back to his feet and charged directly at Black Dwarf.

The two monsters met, with Black Dwarf swinging his axe, trying to slice Hulk's chest open. But the hero hopped backward to avoid the attack and found an opening. As Black Dwarf raised his axe once more, Hulk spear tackled him to the ground and began laying into him.

Even though he was meant to be hurting right now, he wasn't. Hulk's punches weren't doing a thing to cause Black Dwarf pain. He started to grow annoyed. Black Dwarf had had enough. He saw an opening as Hulk was about to punch again, so he quickly delivered a headbutt right to Hulk's nose.

Hulk staggered back as he gripped his nose with his hands. Black Dwarf jumped to his feet and smiled as he tackled Hulk to the ground, slamming his mace into his chest.

"SIR!!! WE CAN'T BREAK THROUGH THE SHIP'S SHIELDS!!!" A random agent cried out in panic.

Fury slammed his fist onto the railing in anger, he was about to make a command but stopped when he noticed something. Something that had slipped away during all the chaos. Or rather... Someone.


The Vault's door slid open slowly, revealing Ultron on the other side as small metallic tentacles slithered back into his hand. He used his tech to hack into The Vault's security panel. The malicious android walked into The Vault and saw the Space Stone hovering inside the capsule in the center of the room.

He approached the capsule and tightened his fist before he raised it into that air. He then brought it down onto the capsule, smashing it to pieces.

Maria Hill turned away from her monitor, which showed Ultron inside The Vault, "SIR, WE HAVE A BREACH IN THE VAULT!!!"

The Space Stone floated into the palm of Ultron's hand, exactly as he wanted. Just because he couldn't think hostile thoughts and act on them didn't mean that he could think logically. If he took the Stone, then the Human race would be done for, his mission would finally be complete.

He tightened his grip around the Stone as a blue aura crept up his arm. But he suddenly felt that something was off, that something was resisting the Stone. He then saw an orange aura slide up his other arm, Strange's spell was trying to repel the Stone.

Ultron grunted in pain as he fell to his knees, the two auras moving up his arms until they collided on his chest. Sparks flew as Ultron roared in pain. This wasn't supposed to happen. What had gone wrong? Ultron let out a scream as blue and orange lights shot out of his body.

(End song)

Black Dwarf stomped on Hulk's chest, preventing him from moving anywhere. The alien invader grinned as he raised his weapons into the air, "I expected more from you, monster. But you shall die, like everyone else." He then brought his weapons down.

But he stopped just before he could deliver the finishing blow.

Hulk was confused.

Why had he stopped?

An explosion went off behind him... From The Triskelion.

Black Dwarf stepped off of Hulk as the fighting stopped, everyone looked up to The Triskelion. The entire top half of the building had blown up in a blaze of glory. They were all questioning what was happening. Thoughts were running wild inside everyone's minds.

But their thoughts were broken by a loud and horrific screech originating from the top of The Triskelion. The horrific sound could be heard from everywhere.

Tony landed on the ground next to Black Dwarf and turned to him, "Uhhh... Is that thing with you?" He asked, confused on whether or not Black Dwarf had called for back up.

"Ḭ̵͚͗͜'̶̲̮̮̾͊̀M̴̨̤̭̏ ̶̰̤̹̎͘W̸̼̗̜̒́̀Ỉ̴̢̛̦̄Ṱ̷̉̏̓H̸͉͕͆ ̴͙̌͊N̶̢̓O̴͕͎̒͂͑-̷̥͔̑̄͝O̷̱̭͂̌͘Ṅ̷̹̰̘̔̑Ĕ̷̩!̶̛̟̙́͠!̴͊̈́͂͜!̴̡̥̮̊̕͝" A horrific, metallic and screechy voice declared before Black Dwarf could answer. Suddenly, a giant metallic hand slashed through the smoke, revealing it's razor sharp claws and it's giant size. "Ỵ̵̘̞̄̏͗Ȍ̶͕U̵̹̜͑̿̋ ̵̧̗̂͛̕T̸͈͖̔Ọ̷̭̿͝O̵̫̦͛K̵͖̏̓̌ ̴̪͗A̶̧̖̖͑͝W̷͉̝͘A̶͎͒̆̒Ẏ̷̧̌ ̵̛̘͍̥̾͐M̵͔͚̟͐̓͑Y̴̦̎̀̍ ̶̼̫̞̌F̵͔̲͇́̓R̵͍̆Ę̵͖̹̒Ȩ̸͚̂͝ ̸̢̠̃̔̇W̴͍̙̪̌̌͗I̶͕͚̙̓̀L̴̯͓̍͋̌L̵͈̙̮̇!̸̭̓͒͜!̸͎͔̼̈́̓̉!̸̨̬̙͂͋̅ ̵̟̦̩̈́M̴͉͍̉Ä̷̘̲̯̓D̷̡̛Ȇ̴̬ ̴̙̽M̵̙̈́Ę̴̣̼̌ ̵̮̝̾͝A̶̺̘͖͆̄ ̵͔̦͒̕͜P̸̢̄͘͝U̷͚͗͘͠P̷̱̙͒̈̽P̴̮̏͑͘ͅḚ̴̫̦̃̆T̵͇̟̼̂̇!̸̲̬͌̑͘!̸̼̆!̶̗̙̉͠"

As the smoke cleared, the sheer size of this thing was revealed, it had somehow merged with The Triskelion. Everyone then noticed a metallic liquid leaking from the edge of The Triskelion.

"B̷̘͙͑U̸̺̘͎̔T̷͎̅̓͘ ̸̟̾͗͂I̷͙̔́̿'̵̰̕M̷̲̟̅̎̇ ̸͇͆̽Ñ̴̻͋O̵̬̣͍̿ ̴͉̠̌P̶̖̍͌̈́Ȕ̵͍̑P̴͎͔̺̔P̴̨̲͛̿E̴͓̘̭̓͛̆T̴̫̪͔͂͆͝!̸̘͍̅̃!̶̼͔̹͛̆!̶̤͖̓̈ ̶̨̨̯̓̆͝T̶͇̋̒̚H̸͓̟̋̇̔È̵̤̥R̵̯̪͉̽͒E̸͖̱͊̐̚ ̴͕̬̈̊͘A̴̝̗̻͑̏R̵͎̀̀E̷͍͐̐ ̷̞̳̐̈͜N̴̡̖̈́̓Ö̵̲̱́̕ ̶̹̬̰̄͝S̵͈͕̎T̷̫̝͊͂̇R̶͙̩̳͛̈́͊Ȉ̶̯̹̔N̴̻͈̬͑͌̏G̶͍̞̍̍Ş̵̥̙͑͗͌ ̵͇̯͊͜O̴͔͇̍̇̀N̷̻̏̿ ̵͕̺͌̊̈́M̷̝̿̓̆Ë̷͓́ͅ!̵̞̓!̷͖̇̓̑!̸̧̡̂́̐" The smoke cleared, revealing the metallic horror atop The Triskelion.

The sight alone caused Tony Stark's eyes to widen in horror as he gazed upwards towards the metallic monstrosity.


The smoke completely cleared, revealing the abomination Ultron's become.

Dark, metallic liquid dripped from the monster's gaping maw, "Ǹ̶͙̣͌́Ŏ̴̹!̵̗̽̎ ̷̰̎̕͝I̴̝͉͆͊̋ͅ ̷̥̹̞̔̂Ȃ̸̩̯̰M̴̩̂͜ ̶̰͗̐̃U̶̖̅̆͛L̶͕̪̗̔̀͠T̷̛͖̓̐R̸̹̲̉̉O̷͍̓͝Ǹ̵̡ ̷̬̻̓Ñ̴̬̼̺̌̕O̷͕̗̍ͅ ̵̰̠̼̀͘̚L̷͎͋͋O̶̠͙̪̓̌N̴̙̉̾͝G̶̢̛͎̋̕E̴͈̰̤͆R̷̭͊̈́̕͜!̷̰͍̈!̴̘̪͝!̶̹̺̚ ̶̬̦̾́̕Ḯ̴̺̮͚ ̷̛͕̠͈̇͊Ä̵̧̳̦̿̇M̵̘͉̜̂̏̀ ̵̖̈́P̵͓͆̓È̴̳̋̈́R̸̗͕̀F̵̣̯͕͑Ę̵̋̉ͅC̸̠̘͚̒̽̔T̴̢̹̥͋!̶̗͗̇!̵̝̳̋̇͘!̸̯̰͊͂" The metallic beast outstretched it's arms as it made its proclamation, "I̵̠͉̥̓̓͠.̴̪̝̄̔͊ ̴͕̈́̐A̴̲̟͐̑́Ṃ̶̿̀.̷̱̬̍̑͐ ̶̤̎A̸̡̟̝͑̐̕M̴̠̲̌̋A̷̳̲͂̌̕L̸̹̟͌̌̚G̵͇͎̀A̶̫͓͑͒T̵̖͊͋̕R̶̹͈̥͌̽Ö̵͙̭Ṋ̸̂̏!̸̌̏̔͜!̵̠̜̘͌!̵̫̞̈̿͋"

The monster, now dubbed as Amalgatron, raised it's head into the sky and let out a horrifying screech for all to hear.

"Sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke up suddenly, breaking Tony our of his shocked trance, "I am detecting traces of the Space Stone from inside that creature. Specifically, inside it's power core." The A.I. then showed a display of Amalgatron's core on Tony's HUD.

It looked exactly like a beating heart, pumping that strange liquid throughout it's entire body.

Tony exhaled deeply, "Of course the Stone is involved." He muttered under his breath before taking to the air, "EVERYONE! FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON ULTRON! WE NEED TO PRY THAT STONE FROM HIS POWER CORE!!!" Iron Man exclaimed throughout everyone's Comms.

Amalgatron slammed it's massive hand onto the roof of The Triskelion in anger, "I̴̺͝ ̴̛̘̗͗Ẃ̷̘̘̻I̸̧͇̼̐͋L̵̹̠̘̀L̴̤͗̈́͂ ̵̡̦̊̆͜Ḃ̸̩͜Ų̵̓Ŗ̴̗͉͌̽̿N̶͕̺͙͋ ̷̭͓̊͘Y̶̢̞͗͝͠O̷̢̰͐̈́Ṷ̸̺̈́͌͆ ̵̣̃̂̽T̵̹̃͂O̸̻̞̥͌ ̸̗̝̪̐̊A̵̛͎̩͖͆̓S̶̙̆͘H̸͉̄!̷̧̢̒!̴̞̽͝!̶̞͎͌̄" Amalgatron vocalized in anger.

Shadow turned around to face the other members of Team Dark, "You heard him! Team Dark, move out!!!" And with that, all of Earth's forces focused their attention on Amalgatron.

And it seemed that Black Dwarf had the same idea, "TEAR THAT THING APART, MY OUTRIDERS!!!" Black Dwarf charged forward towards Amalgatron with his army following right behind him, wanting to tear that thing apart piece by piece.

Amalgatron screeched into the sky before extending it's maw and firing a massive laser down at the ground, killing hundreds of Agents and Outriders in the process. Tony Stark took to the air and flew right up to Amalgatron's face, firing several Repulsor Blasts to try and do some form of damage.

But it only succeeded in making it angrier as it aimed the massive cannon on it's shoulder directly at Iron Man, "Oh shit."

"A̴̼͇̲͂Ȟ̷̢̤Ȁ̵͍̾ͅH̶͕͎͇͑̋Ḁ̷̡̓̂H̶̙̖͇̔̔̚Ā̷̫̰͛H̸͚͠Á̵̟!̴͈̎͌!̵̖͂̍!̵̡̤̬̑̈́͑ ̸͔̠͗̓B̶̖̩́̿͘Ǘ̴͙̠͉̄R̶͈̈̒͘N̴͓̏̌!̷̳͖̈!̵̬̳͗!̸̫̈́̈́̋" Amalgatron fired the cannon.

Tony nose dived downwards to try and avoid the massive beam of death, but he wasn't fast enough as his armor was struck by the attack and he was sent spiraling down to the ground. Tony grunted as he landed in the small pool of metallic liquid made on the ground.

As Tony tried getting his armor back online, he failed to notice the liquid slithering onto his armor.

Magneto and Ice Man attacked from above while Tirek fired a massive laser from in between his horns. Amalgatron swatted the two annoyances out of the sky and blocked the laser with his energy blade. Amalgatron cackled madly while Tirek continued firing the laser.

The metallic demon had grown bored and swatted the laser aside before sending it's Drone down towards Tirek. The Drone fired multiple lasers at Tirek's face, causing the Centaur to raise his arms to block the projectiles. Tirek grew agitated and punched the Drone, but to his shock, it simply morphed back into it's previous state and fired a giant laser that sent Tirek sliding across the ground.

Down on the ground, Hulk hurled Wolverine into the air towards Amalgatron, his claws ready to slice him up. Wade used his belt to teleport onto Amalgatron's shoulder so he could fire several shots to draw the monster's attention.

Amalgatron roared in anger, "Ã̸͈͠N̵͕̘̘̔̓N̸̖͕̓O̷͒̃ͅY̴̨̓͝Ĭ̶̜̙̥N̸̘̲̿Ģ̸͊̈̿ ̷̗̖̊̒̌G̷̛͕͚̒Ṋ̵̢̄̉̚Ả̷̡̗̳T̴̤͉̆́͊S̸̨͛!̸̫̂̊͂!̶̟͂!̴̮̱̑͊" The creature clenched it's right fist and threw a punch, the rocket booster on it's elbow boosting it forward to deal more damage. Wolverine was sent flying through the air until he landed in the ocean just outside The Triskelion.

While Omega delivered cover fire, Shadow and Rouge took to the air and got right in Amalgatron's face. Shadow hurled multiple Chaos Spear at the monster's face while Rouge kicked it with her Spin Kick. It didn't appear to do any form of damage, it only made the monster angrier.

Suddenly, a ball of electricity formed in between Amalgatron's horns, causing Rouge's eyes to widen.

She turned to Shadow, "SHADOW!!! WE NEED TO MOVE!!!" The Hedgehog nodded and used his rocket shoes to fly over and teleport Rouge and himself out of harms way as Amalgatron fired the electric orb.

Black Dwarf leapt through the air and tried attacking the monster with his weapons, but Amalgatron swatted him away before he could reach it. Black Dwarf rolled across the ground as the two Helicarriers and Black Dwarf's ship fired upon the amalgamation of liquid flesh.

Amalgatron barked a laugh at the pitiful attempt, "A̷̩̪͗̈́ ̸̞̗̿F̴̢̛̟̣̍͘E̴͇̟̊͝E̴̺̿̓͝B̶̮̻͍͐̈́̔Ḷ̴̟̍̾É̷̱̠̕ ̸̹̳̈́͛ͅE̵̞̤͉͊͛F̴̢́͊̚F̶̗͘Ǫ̶̮̐͘R̴̥̝̱̀T̵̤͝!̶͎͚̇ͅ!̴̭̻̗̒̅!̸̡͔̠̎͝" It extended it's maw and fired a giant laser directly at one of the Helicarriers. The floating fortress exploded as Amalgatron moved the laser to destroy the other one. It then pierced through the shields protecting Black Dwarf's ship and blew it to hell.

All three floating fortresses fell from the sky and crashed in the ocean.

Amalgatron laughed as it fired multiple lasers from it's Drone and cannon down at the forces below, killing anything that got in its way.

"Y̴̮͔͘O̷̢͍̱͌̈́̌U̵̹̥͙̔ ̴̬̒D̴̪͕͑O̵̠̞̓͂̇N̶̨̪̦̍͌'̶̡̛͚͗T̴̞̆̂ ̸̖̫͔̄͆̅U̵̻̐͝ͅN̵͚͓̘̂̊Ḍ̸̔Ë̴͚̺̤R̷̡̜̰̓S̴͈͋̏̅͜T̵̳̝͖̈́A̶͍͆̄͝Ņ̴̮̅̏͌D̵͔͍̀͛!̵͎͘͝!̸̖͆̓̀!̸̹̅ ̴̨̜͐͐Į̵̗̿͠ ̸̟̎̏A̸̭͓̿͒M̴̞̳̌ ̵̆͜P̶̙̈́Ë̶̟̙R̶͙̹͂͜͝F̵̜̤̕̚E̸͚̳͚͑C̴͉̝͒T̶͇̓͐͛I̶̪̍̋Ö̴͍́̔́N̶͕͙̄̾͝ ̴̳̟̀͊̍I̷͕̾́͛͜N̵̻̉̒ͅC̷̮̮̈́̓͑A̶̛̻͊̈R̷̦̳̔N̸͔̰̱̑̏͘A̴̯̓͂̕T̵͎̫͒Ë̷͖͙́͒́!̴̭̯͒͝ͅ!̵̙̼͠ͅ!̴̩̀̑͛ ̷͉̜̀̓Ḭ̸̢̱̀͗ ̸̳̳͆͠͝Ȁ̸̘͍͕̍̑M̸̳̓͐̿ ̷̦͚͗̚A̶̧̹͊ ̵͉̝̗̾̑͒Ģ̵̲͛O̶͔̝͆͜D̸̝̔̕!̴̞̯͗̃̌!̶̘͈̒̊!̷̢͓̀̕" Amalgatron exclaimed loudly before screeching once more. "T̷̨̾̄H̶̟͋ͅỊ̷͕̎̒̀S̷̤͈̅́ ̴̡̛̱̭͋͒I̸̱̼͠ͅS̴̨̊ ̶͐̽͆ͅM̸̞͖̑Y̵̫͚̒̏͜ ̴̩͖̘̀͒͘D̵̗̭͋ͅË̷̢̬͖́S̸̞̋̒̽͜T̵̛̒̎͜I̸͈̳̘̐̍̈́Ṋ̴̬̓Y̶͔̝̐͝!̶̻̹̥́!̴͔̫͗͌ͅ!̵̥̽̏͋ ̵̲͍͆̌̽T̷̞̱̈́O̶̩̦͐̎͒ ̴̮͕̤͂̾͝S̵̪̤͕̅͘͘Á̷̫̓̏V̶̧̯̣̈̚E̷̥͒ ̸͍̣̿Y̸̫̙̍Ṑ̸̥͙̲͘Ú̶͇͓͘ ̸̧̦͑̅F̴̘̒͝R̴̪̈O̴̲̭̔͆͜͠M̷͎̜͍̿̀ ̴͔̃̓̊Y̸̢̐̃͝Õ̷̜̩̤͊Ų̶̫̃ͅR̷̲͎͎͋S̵͇̙̏̿͝Ė̸̳L̷̨͈͇̈́̈̓V̷͓̥͊͋Ẽ̸͉S̶̬̞̹̐̀́!̷͎̥̈́!̵̙͔͉̒̈́̅!̶͉̣͈̾͑̌ ̴̧͑̚Í̷̬̕̕ͅ'̵͔̣̍͑̕M̴̳̲̪͆ ̶̟̭̽͜͝Ṭ̶̘̘̐̈́H̸̯̜͗͆̕Ë̴̖̼́̒ ̵̖̓T̷̡̯̺͐͝Ṛ̸̠̝̎̊̈́Ű̸͇̞E̸̺͈͂̕͜ ̴̥̪̜́̾̄H̸̙͚͊̕Ė̵̦̩Ṟ̴̃̉̀Ơ̷̱͎̇ ̴͙̓͆Ḧ̴̠̺̳́́Ẽ̶̞̬R̵͉̘͓͋E̴̳̓͋ͅ!̸̤͛͝!̷̥̊!̵̨̘̥̀͋"

"I CALL BULLSHIT ON THAT!!!" Amalgatron turned it's head... Only to be struck by a powerful projectile that actually caused it harm. A noticeable hole was present on it's face before it healed instantly.

"W̷̺̗̏͂͜H̶͖͖̫͋͐O̴̳̅̏͋ ̶͇͉͔̏̽͝Ḍ̴̻͋͘͜A̵͕̾́͘R̶̮̣̅͐E̵̱̣̓̍S̵̮̳̏?̴̟͓̘͆͋!̷̤͑̚̕!̵̘͊̀̀͜!̵̖̃"

"THAT WOULD BE ME!" Amalgatron turned it's head and saw the one person it hated most in the world.

Tony Stark, in a brand new type of armor. It appears that the liquid gave his armor some upgrades, "LOOKS LIKE YOUR LIQUID GAVE ME SOME UPGRADES! GUESS YOU COULD SAY THAT I'M A SUPERIOR IRON MAN NOW!"

Amalgatron screeched as it fired another laser from it's maw, which engulfed the Superior Iron Man. Everyone expected him to be dead, but once the beam ceased everyone was shocked to see Tony hovering there, simply dusting himself off.

"Is that all?" Tony mocked with a fake yawn before a blue aura surrounded his entire body, "Okay then, my turn." Superior Iron Man then boosted forwards at speeds equivalent to the speed of light and shot straight through Amalgatron's head.

The beast screeched as Tony came out on the other side.

Superior Iron Man turned around and fired several missiles and lasers from his new armor, each of them doing some form of damage to Amalgatron. The monster let out an ear piercing screech as it's body came under fire.

Once the attacks ceased, Amalgatron turned it's body to face Tony, "Ȉ̷͖̯̍'̵̻̹̀͛̕L̷͓̰͝L̵̤͗ ̴̛͈͜K̷̨͛̋͠I̵̞̖̿͜͝L̷̺̣̔L̴̲̫̘͌ ̴̦̈́̊Y̶͔̘͔̒Ô̵̧̪Û̶͔!̶̤̈͘!̸̻̻͚͌!̷̖̞͖̿̚"

Tony simply shook his head, "No, I don't think you will." He then dove down and flew straight for Amalgatron's chest, "You're my mistake. It's time I corrected you." Tony pierced right through Amalgatron's chest, metallic liquid spraying from the gaping hole in it's chest.

Tony shot out of Amalgatron's back with the Space Stone in hand. He tightened his grip on it as he turned to face Amalgatron, who was starting to fall apart. The metallic monstrosity gazed at it's hand as it began to melt down into nothing but liquid.

The same could be said for it's entire form.

It's entire body began breaking apart into nothing but liquid, it was dying.

"Ń̴̨̟͂Ö̸͎̟́̐O̵̝̜̓̊Ó̵̖͈̄O̷̟͗!̶̭̭̓̄!̸͚̎́̄!̴̟͙͑ ̵̯̰̑̐ͅṮ̴̞͚̀͆̽H̸͖̬̘̽̃̀I̴̥͎͚͋S̷̨̩͚̃̚.̴͓̌́͌.̸̫̅̏͒.̷̩̜͎̿C̴̦̜̈͑̃͜A̵̟̟̮͂̿̽N̵̢̤̬̂̈́Ń̴̖̹̞͠Ỏ̷̎͜͝T̷̢̙̒.̸̲̲̫͒.̸̨̈͗̆.̷̡̞͍̄.̸̺̖͛͋B̷̛͉͍̼̋E̵͎͋͋͘!̶̖͕͂̇!̵̰̗̝̏̒͑!̸̗̑" Amalgatron exclaimed as most of it's body turned into a puddle.

Tony folded his arms, "Seriously? After all these years you never knew what always happens to the villain?"

"B̴̥̹̈́Ủ̷̡͖̫̈́T̷͕̭̕͜.̷̢̇̉̍.̵̞̓.̴̬̺͆̆.̸̧̳͕̋̃̔.̷͙̑̈́I̵̛̥͗ ̵̀͋̀ͅṰ̶̯͂̉̃Ḧ̵̙͕́͘O̴̧͛̊Ų̵̲̀̈́G̵̗̃H̵̢͚͋̍T̷̛̞͐̓ ̵̩̇͆Ĩ̵͍͌̚ ̵̦̮͛̃̚Ẉ̷͑͛͂͜Ȁ̶̟̹S̵̯͉͈͗͝͠.̷̢̻̍̄.̵̠̂̋.̵͔͖̓͆̕.̷͕̤̈.̷̢̅̈́̆T̸̠͛H̴̰͖̄E̸͚͂ ̸̩͙̈́H̸̞͝É̵̙R̶̦͕̓̀Ŏ̵̫̅̍!̴̮̀̌̌!̴̢̱͒̅!̴̟̆̊" Amalgatron let out one last screech until it became nothing but a wet, metallic puddle on the roof of The Triskelion. Tony panted as he slowly descended to the ground with the Space Stone in hand.

(End song)

Tony landed on the ground and fell to one knee. He did it. He got the Stone and fixed his greatest mistake. "But it's not over yet, ARGH!!!" Tony was then struck in the chest as he was getting back up to his feet. His grip on the Stone was lost as it flew right into the hand of the one who struck him.

Black Dwarf.

The villain laughed as Tony landed on the ground harshly.

The Superior Iron Man was getting up to his feet, but stopped when another of Thanos' ships slowly made its way through the clouds. Tony's head snapped toward Black Dwarf, who was suddenly surrounded by a blue beam of light. He was going to get away.

Tony boosted forward and outstretched his hand to try and get the Stone... But he was too late as Black Dwarf shot up into the air, and presumably, into the ship. As Tony skidded across the ground, the ship went into Hyper Speed and flew away. Everyone was in disbelief. They had failed.

Shadow tightened his fists while Hulk stomped on the ground in anger. Magneto looked away in displeasure while Loki looked down at his feet. Tony, who was taking it the hardest, fell to his knees...

And screamed bloody murder into the heavens.

Author's Note:

The Space Stone is lost

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