• Published 4th Mar 2022
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Tomorrow War - Battwell

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I Will Never Be A Memory

Time slowed down to a crawl for Twilight Sparkle, she was holding the lifeless corpse of her friend Starlight Glimmer in her forelegs, cradling it while she cried. She stared up at the man who took the life of her friend...…and he was smiling. He found joy in taking someone's life.

He was a monster.

He didn't deserve Tartarus, that was too lenient for him. She needed to make sure that Sephiroth would NEVER take another life again.

Twilight's entire form was shaking with anger and hatred, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she gritted her teeth. Everyone glared at Sephiroth, save for the villains, who were just going to enjoy the show.

All was silent, that is, until Robotnik spoke up, "Jeez, you could CUT this tension with a knife....or sword in this case."

Tempest's head snapped over to Robotnik in anger. She then galloped over and bucked him in the face with her hindlegs, knocking him out cold.

Sephiroth merely chuckled, "I told you that I would be back, I am a man of my word." Sephiroth then glanced down at the Time Stone in Sonic's hand, "Well, that's an interesting stone you're carrying."

Storm King then got an evil idea, an idea so crazy that it could work. He could make this guy do all the hard work for him, no more heroes, just him and the Stone.

"IT'S THE TIME ROCK!!! WITH ITS POWER, TIME IS YOURS TO COMMAND!!!" Storm King shouted, enacting his stupid plan.

Tempest's horn sparked as everyone glared at the Yeti, "SHUT. YOUR. MOUTH!!!" Tempest shouted at her former boss.

Sephiroth gave the Stone a curious glance, "I see. So that's the Stone I've heard so much about." Sephiroth pointed Masamune at the group below him, "I will be taking that Stone from you now."

Raimi-Verse Spider-Man clenched his fists, "That's not going to happen."

Sonic glared daggers at the One Winged Angel, "You killed our friend, we're not going to let you kill anyone else."

Twilight set Starlight's head down gently before flaring her wings and giving Sephiroth a look that would kill him if it were a blade, "You will NOT be getting that Stone! I. WON'T. LET YOU!!!"

Sephiroth chuckled as he raised his left arm into the air, "I'm afraid that you don't have a choice in the matter."

The sky above him began to swirl around in a circular motion, it's color changing to a dead grey. Soon, the entire sky around the island turned grey. Everyone stood their ground as the One Winged Angel began to descend to the ground with an evil smile on his face.

Sephiroth landed on the ground softly and stood before the group of heroes. He held Masamune over his left shoulder with the blade curving downward, taking his battle stance before he shot forward towards the heroes at impossible speeds.

Sonic quickly bolted away while Twilight fired a massive laser of magic from her horn. Sephiroth held Masamune in front of him and blocked the massive attack. The force of the attack was pushing him back, his feet creating trenches as he was being pushed back.

Miles took this opportunity to swing around towards Sephiroth's side. Miles let go of the webbing and delivered a Venom Punch to the side of Sephiroth's head, sending him flying a few meters back. Twilight wasted no time and flew forward towards Sephiroth, hatred written all over her face as her horn sparked with magic.

Sephiroth recovered and saw Twilight flying towards him. He raised his arm into the air, creating a pillar of dirt with his Earth Magic that hit Twilight in the chin, which sent her flipping through the air before landing harshly on the ground.

Sephiroth dashed forward towards the three Spider-Men and readied Masamune. The three Spider-Men all jumped out of the way in separate directions, avoiding Sephiroth's strike. Before he could react, he was struck in the back by Tempest's magic lightning.

Sephiroth responded by clenching his fist, which caused lightning to shoot up from beneath Tempest's hooves, causing her to cry out in pain. Sephiroth then shot forward and kneed her in the face just as Webb-Verse Peter swung down and delivered a Swing Kick to Sephiroth's ribs, causing the Soldier to stumble.

Before he could recover, Raimi-Verse Spidey shot two lines of web at his feet and pulled on them, in doing so, tripping Sephiroth to the ground. Sephiroth then saw Spider-Man diving down towards him, reeling back a fist to strike him in the face.

Sephiroth quickly teleported away just before Peter punched the ground.

Before any of the Spider-Men could fathom what just happened, Sephiroth appeared above them and dove downward towards the ground before landing and punching the ground, creating a massive shockwave that broke the earth beneath them.

The three Spider-Men couldn't get away in time and were sent back into the rubble that was the main building of The Raft. Sephiroth then heard a Sonic Boom from behind him and turned around to see a blue streak zooming towards him at impossible speeds.

He then heard another Sonic Boom from another direction, assuming it was the other Hedgehog. Sephiroth quickly made Masamune disappear and held out his arms. The two Spin Dashes were caught by Sephiroth's hands. They tried to do some damage, but Sephiroth had a good grip on them.

He then floated up into the air and threw them down to the ground with a mighty throw that created craters where they impacted the ground. As the two Sonic's uncurled, Sephiroth summoned Masamune once more and readied his blade to strike Sonic in the chest.


Sephiroth turned around to see Twilight Sparkle flying towards him. She fired a massive beam at the One Winged Angel, tears streaming down her face as she screamed in absolute rage. Sephiroth held Masamune in front of him, the massive beam of magic was cut in two as it struck Masamune.

Once the beam had stopped, Sephiroth zoomed forward and elbowed Twilight in the throat, causing her to cough up some blood. He then gripped her neck and flipped her over his shoulder and threw her to the ground. As she landed, Sephiroth shot downward and stomped on her left wing, shattering the bones in her wing.

Twilight cried out in agony before Sephiroth stomped down her her chest, making her cough up more blood.

Sonic groaned in pain as he struggled to get up. He flipped over onto his stomach and saw Sephiroth standing over Twilight. He clenched his fists, unknowingly tapping into the powers of the Time Stone. Doing this summoned a portal over Sephiroth, getting the Soldier's attention.

Then all of a sudden, The Shredder fell out of the portal and tried stabbing Sephiroth in the head with his claws, but Sephiroth held Masamune over his head and blocked the strike. Sephiroth swung Masamune, launching Shredder away. The Utrom landed on his feet and glared at the One Winged Angel.

"I see that there is a great power at work! That power shall belong to The Shredder!!!" Shredder declared.

Sephiroth rolled his eyes and shot forward towards Shredder, Shredder doing the same. Once they met in the middle, Masamune and Shredder's claws met and clashed, creating sparks when they impacted one another. Sephiroth swung Masamune, but Ch'rell slide under the blade and slashed at Sephiroth's legs.

Shredder got back onto his feet and kicked Sephiroth in the back, making the One Winged Angel stumble. Shredder went to attack again, but Sephiroth shot up into the sky, his one wing protruding from his back as he rose into the sky. Sephiroth then hurled a ball of fire at the Utrom.

Ch'rell rolled away from the ball of fire and changed his hands into his laser hands. Shredder fired laser blasts from his fingertips at the One Winged Angel, with Sephiroth swaying left and right to avoid the blasts. Sephiroth then shot downward just as Ch'rell changed his hands into two long blades.

The blades met as the two villains' eyes met, the intensity was clearly obvious.

The two broke apart, leaping in opposite directions. Shredder roared in anger as he charged forward, with Sephiroth doing the same. While this was going down, Infinite managed to snap the webbing around him. The Jackal then floated up into the air, the Phantom Ruby glowing with power.

The collision between Sephiroth and Shredder was prevented by a glitchy, red orb, which struck Sephiroth in the back, sending him into the Phantom Reality.

Before Sephiroth could figure out what just happened, a very large missile that was heading his way caught his attention. He leaped forward and slashed the missile in two with Masamune, freeing him from the Phantom Reality. Sephiroth saw Shredder leaping through the air through the corner of his eye and ducked under the incoming attack.

He then slashed Ch'rell in the chest with Masamune, exposing his Exo-skeleton. Before Shredder could react, he was blasted by Infinite, who was already flying towards Sephiroth with an intent to kill. Sephiroth shot out his hand and froze the Jackal with his Ice Magic.

Before the Soldier could do anything more to Infinite, he was suddenly pushed back several feet by an unseen force. He turned his head to see none other than Darth Vader walking towards him. Sephiroth could tell that this one was going to be a slight challenge.

He shot forward and blade met Lightsaber in a spark of glory.

Sephiroth was pushed away by Vader with a Force Push, "You are powerful. But it cannot compare to the power of the Dark Side."

The two villains clashed once again, Sephiroth trying to strike Vader with Masamune as the Sith Lord blocked the attacks with his Lightsaber. Vader used The Force to push the One Winged Angel into the pile of rubble behind him. Vader then threw his Lightsaber at the Soldier, but Sephiroth merely smirked as he quickly teleported away from the approaching Lightsaber.

Vader quickly called back his Lightsaber with The Force and turned around as Sephiroth appeared behind him. Vader used his Lightsaber to block the incoming attack from Sephiroth, the two villains glaring at one another as they struggled to gain dominance over one another.

While this was going on, the three Spider-Men were getting back to their feet to try and get back into the battle. They would've had it not been for....


They all turned around and saw that the Green Goblin had broken free of his confinements. He was flying towards them on his glider, cackling like a mad man. He threw three Razor Bats and fired two missiles from his glider to try and kill the three Spider-Men.

As the Goblin and Spider-Men fought, the Storm King broke free of his bonds and made a break for the Time Stone, which was in Sonic's hand. But before he could get anywhere, he was suddenly tackled to the ground by Robotnik. The two villains rolled around on the ground, slap fighting one another.

The two rolled to a stop as Storm King kicked Robotnik in the chest to get him off of him.

The two villains got to their feet and glared at one another.

"That Stone is mine!" Storm King declared.

Robotnik scoffed, "HAH! Your tiny brain wouldn't have any idea what to do with that kind of power!"

"KEEP DREAMING, EGGHEAD!!!" Storm King shouted.

Robotnik simply rolled his eyes, "Oh, sure. Make fun of those who are smarter than you. Did you use all two of your brain cells to come up with that?"

Storm King pointed a claw at the villain, "If you call me dumb one more time..."

Robotnik smirked," You have the IQ equivalent of ROOM TEMPERATURE!!!"

Storm King screamed in frustration as he leapt forward and tackled Robotnik to the ground.

(End song)

The area around them was a warzone, and both Twilight and Sonic were caught in the middle.

Sonic crawled over to the Alicorn to see if she was okay, the Time Stone still in his hand, he wasn't going to let it go. He made it over to Twilight, who was sitting on her rump, panting heavily as blood dripped from her mouth. Sonic sighed as he sat up straight and sat next to his friend.

No words were exchanged between the two of them, the only sounds being heard were the various explosions around them and the crackling of flames. Things were not looking good, they were all badly injured, and all of these villains were fighting one another for the Time Stone.

Starlight is dead.

Sure they could use the Time Stone to bring her back, making sure that her death never happened, but what would be the point? They were all as good as dead anyway.

They were not going to make it out of this.

They wouldn't be able to help stop Thanos.

Half of the universe would die, and they could do nothing about it.

They failed.

Twilight exhaled, if she was going to do this, it would have to be now or never.

But before she could say anything, Sonic took Twilight's hoof and held it tightly in his hand. Twilight turned her head to the Hedgehog and stared into his eyes, Sonic did the same, staring into Twilight's purple eyes. They stayed like that for a few moments before they both started leaning closer to one another.

They both knew what was happening, it had been built up all this time.

Why fight it?

As they leaned closer to one another, both of their cheeks started to heat up, a red blush evident on both of their faces.

Before any of them knew it.....

Their lips met.

Neither of them tried breaking away from the kiss, both of them let this happen.

Sonic raised his left hand and held the back of Twilight's head, holding her closer to him. Twilight's wings slowly opened as her horn lit up, encompassing the crater they were sitting in with a light show thanks to her magic.

Both of their eyes were closed, this was perfect harmony, neither of them wanted this to end.

But unfortunately they needed air to breathe, so the kiss had to end.

Their lips parted as they both panted heavily, gazing into each others eyes, unfazed to the battle going on around them.

"How....how long have you...." Twilight started but she slowly drifted off.

Sonic panted before replying, "Ever since our talk on top of the Empire State Building."

Twilight smiled, "Same."

The two friends were silent, both of them unsure of what to say.

Eventually Twilight broke the silence, "Sonic, if we weren't going to die here, and we said what needed to be said earlier, do you think that.....we," she motioned to Sonic and herself with her hoof, "Could've worked?"

Sonic held Twilight's hooves with his hands and gave her a smile, "I'm going to be honest, this is all very new for me. I'm not very experienced when it comes to feelings like this. But I think that if we tried hard enough, yeah, it....it could've worked."

Twilight let the tears fall as she and Sonic hugged each other, not wanting to let each other go.

Sephiroth used Masamune to slice the incoming orb in two.

Infinite growled in anger as he threw two more orbs to try and send Sephiroth back to the Phantom Reality, but the One Winged Angel was too fast for the Jackal. Sephiroth launched himself into the air and palmed Infinite in the chest, damaging the Phantom Ruby, which created an explosion of power that sent both villains soaring across the sky.

Sephiroth planted his two feet onto the ground as he landed on the ground. He turned around and sliced an incoming boulder in two with Masamune. As the boulder split apart, Sephiroth could see Vader lifting another one up with The Force. The One Winged Angel wouldn't let him get the chance to attack again, so he dashed forward and slashed at Vader, but the Sith Lord raised his arm as Sephiroth suddenly felt his throat start to close.

Vader was trying to Force Choke Sephiroth.

But that wouldn't stop Sephiroth however, as he still dashed over and shoulder charged the Sith Lord, sending him back a few meters.

Webb-Verse Spidey and Spider-Man shot lines of web at the back of Goblin's glider, halting the villains movements. Goblin snarled as he twisted his glider around, cutting the webs in the process. Goblin quickly swooped downward, the blades on his glider extending outward as he flew down.

The two Spider-Men quickly Web Zipped away as the Goblin swooped down, avoiding the blades on his glider. But before either hero landed back on the ground, Goblin quickly turned around and hurled two Pumpkin Bombs at the heroes. The bombs exploded right in their faces, sending them back into a broken stone wall.

While Goblin cackled like the mad man he is, Raimi-Verse Spider-Man swung around the remains of the main building and kicked Green Goblin right off his glider, sending the villain to the ground. Goblin's glider spun around in the air a few times before crashing onto the ground in a wrecked heap.

Goblin got back up to his feet just as Raimi-Verse Spidey swung down to try and deliver a Swing Kick.

But Goblin saw this coming and delivered a nasty spin kick to the hero's chest, knocking him down to the ground. As Raimi-Verse Spider-Man slowly got back to his feet, Goblin slowly approached the hero.

"Misery, misery, misery is what you've chosen."

Goblin seized the webbed hero by the throat and raised him into the air.

"I offered you friendship," he tightened his grip around Raimi-Verse Spidey's throat, "And you SPAT in my face!"

Goblin then delivered two punches to Spidey's ribs before punching the hero in the chest, letting go of his throat as he flew through the air. As Raimi-Verse Peter rolled to a stop on the ground, Goblin walked over to a pile of rubble nearby and tore off a metal pipe, the end of said pipe resembling a blade.

Goblin then walked over to the hero and placed his foot on top of Raimi-Verse Peter's chest, making sure that he couldn't move at all.

Goblin then raised the pipe over his head, getting it ready for the kill.

"God's speed, Spider-Man."

But before Goblin could deliver the finishing blow, he was struck in the back of the head by Miles, who hit the villain with a mighty Venom Punch. Miles sent Goblin soaring through the air before the villain hit a stone pillar and tumbled to a stop on the charred ground, defeated.

Raimi-Verse Peter looked up to Miles and saw the young hero extending a helping hand to him.

Peter gladly accepted the kind gesture and got back up to his feet.

Sephiroth and Vader were at an impasse.

Shredder and Infinite were growing tired.

Robotnik and Storm King panted heavily as they got back up to their feet, not willing to give up yet.

Sonic and Twilight were caught in the middle of all this destruction, embracing one another inside a massive crater as the battle waged on.

But a thought suddenly occurred to the blue Hedgehog.

He had the Time Stone, he could just freeze time to stop all of this chaos. He ended the embrace, much to Twilight's confusion before glancing down at the Stone in his hand. But before he could use it, a blue lightning bolt struck the ground in front of the two heroes.

They saw none other than Webb-Verse Electro standing before them, his eyes crackling with blue electricity. As his hands began crackling with electricity, he started making his way towards Twilight and Sonic with an intent to take the Time Stone for himself.

Sonic tried using the Stone, but Electro reacted quickly and zapped the Stone out of Sonic's hand, burning his glove in the process.

While this was going on, Robotnik and Storm King, who were still wrestling one another, rolled into the crater as the Stone landed on the ground. The two villains quickly stopped fighting and saw the Stone right in front of them. Robotnik, thinking quickly, kicked Storm King in his crowned jewels, causing the tyrant to squeal like a little girl.

Robotnik then kicked the Yeti off of him and made a B-line for the Stone.

But before Robotnik could get to the Stone, he was knocked to the ground by a Spin Dash, curtesy Sonic Wachowski, who was in pretty bad shape.

Robotnik growled in anger as he slowly got back up to face his arch enemy.

Storm King, who had managed to recover, got back up and bolted for the Stone. But he didn't get far because he was blasted in the chest by Electro. The attack sent the Yeti flying through the air and crashing down on the ground, his fur charred from the electricity.

Before Webb-Verse Electro could make his move, Sephiroth suddenly landed in the middle of the crater, clutching onto Masamune with his hand. He then dashed forward towards the Stone, but the Stone suddenly launched into the air and made its way towards Vader, who picked it up with The Force.

But before Vader could get the Stone, he was suddenly kicked in the back by Shredder, who tried reaching for the Time Stone, but was suddenly blasted away by Infinite, who dashed through the air and outstretched his arm to try and grab the Stone.

Sephiroth wasn't going to let that Stone get away from him, so he quickly dashed through the air and tried to grab the Stone.

Electro snarled and flew forward at high speeds and stretched out his arm to try and grab the Time Stone.

All three villains were so close, the Stone was theirs for the taking.

But a sudden barrier of magic surrounding the Stone caught their attention. It was then that the magic barrier generated a shockwave that sent all three villains flying back. The Time Stone suddenly flew through the air and came to a stop in front of the Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Strange.

Strange then wasted no time in grabbing the Time Stone as Sephiroth flew upwards, readying Masamune to strike. Strange then used the Time Stone to freeze all of the villains in time just as Sonic Wachowski hit Robotnik in the chest with a Spin Dash.

All of the villains were frozen, they couldn't move.

This battle was over.

(End song)

Strange floated down to the ground as the heroes from alternate universes slowly approached the wizard.

Strange landed softly on the ground and looked at the ensemble of heroes, "So, all of you were brought here as well. Interesting."

"What are you going to do with that?" Webb-Verse Peter asked as he pointed at the Time Stone.

Strange smirked, "I'm going to make sure that no one gets their hands on this Stone, that's what I'm going to do."

Strange then sealed the Stone inside a magic barrier, impenetrable to anyone besides him.

"NO!!! MY STO-OH-OH-OH-NE!!!" Robotnik screamed as the Stone vanished.

Storm King glared daggers at the mad doctor, "YOUR STONE?!"

Strange clapped his hands together, "So, who's ready to go home?"

The heroes from alternate realities turned to the heroes of the Converged Universe, who were slowly approaching them.

Peter and Miles shook the hands of the other two Spider-Men, "Thank you. We couldn't have done this without you." Peter thanked as he shook their hands.

"Really, you saved our asses." Miles added.

"Hey..." Webb-Verse Peter started.

"It's what we do." Raimi-Verse Peter finished.

The four Spider-Men then shared a group hug as they said their goodbyes.

Sonic and Sonic Wachowski shared a power bump while Tom and Maddie watched on with smiles on their faces.

"See you 'round, kid. Who knows? Maybe in time, you'll be as fast as me. The electricity's cool though." Sonic said to his counterpart.

"Maybe, and you're right, the electricity IS cool." Wachowski replied with a smile on his face.

After they all said their goodbyes, the alternate heroes turned to Strange and nodded.

Dr. Strange nodded back as he floated up into the air. As he began performing the spell, orange, circular runes appeared around him and the other Multiversal Trespassers. As the spell began to take effect, one by one, each of the Multiversal Trespassers began to fade away, presumably returning to their own universes.

Both Spider-Men gave Peter and Miles a wave before they faded away.

Sonic Wachowski stood in front of Tom and Maddie as they two faded away.

Storm King was throwing a tantrum as he faded away. Robotnik simply rolled his eyes at the childish display before he faded away as well.

Vader gave one last breath before returning to his own universe.

Electro sighed as he faded away, returning to his home.

Shredder's eyes glowed bright as he faded away.

Infinite clenched his fists as his body faded away.

Green Goblin gave one last maniacal laugh before he two faded away.

Sephiroth closed his eyes and chuckled deeply as he began fading away. He opened his eyes and smirked at the heroes.

"Well played."

Sephiroth then faded away.

The runes around Strange faded away, it was done. The spell was complete, everyone was sent back to their original universes. Strange floated down to the ground with the Time Stone in his hand. He and the other heroes turned to see Twilight and Tempest sitting next to Starlight's body.

As they approached the two mares, Twilight turned around to Strange and glanced at the Stone.

"C....Can the Stone...." Twilight asked softly.

Strange shook his head, "It can, but Starlight's soul has entered the Soul Stone. Normally we could retrieve her soul from the Stone, but due to it's recent corruption by Sombra, it cannot be reobtained. I'm sorry, but she's gone."

Twilight turned back around and started bawling over the loss of her friend. Thinking quickly, Sonic approached the distraught mare and kneeled next to her. He placed his arm over her and pulled her close, letting her cry into his chest.

As the heroes mourned over the loss of their ally and friend, it finally dawned upon all of them. They may have won, but they also lost at the same time.

All was silent, the only thing being heard for miles was Twilight's sobbing.

Starlight may be gone, but the impact she had on everyone around her would be remembered.

Forever and ever.

End Of Arc 3

Author's Note:

Starlight Glimmer
Student of Friendship and a friend to many

May she forever Rest in Peace

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