• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

  • ...

34: All Good Things

The final chapter is once again R-rated for suggestiveness and implied action in a couple places. Nothing explicit, though. —Firesight

Phoenix awoke to the sound of clanging dishes and the smell of vanilla pancake batter.

He opened his eyes only to find the morning light painful, his head throbbing and mouth very dry. He groaned and tried to sit up only to fall back down onto his pillow, finding himself on the rug in front of the living room mirror with an equine Twilight snuggled up to him, her head on his chest and horn in his face. She stirred briefly at his movement but did not awaken from her slumber.

“What… where…?” was all he could manage at first, feeling exhausted and dehydrated. He tried again to look around but was unable to see much more than a hazy blur at first, though there was movement in the kitchen; he had the impression of a second, larger and lighter-colored head turning to face him.

“Awake, Phoenix Wright?” Celestia’s voice called out from the kitchen. “I advise you to lie there for a bit longer and not try to move right away.”

“Mmmmm… pancakes…” Twilight’s nose twitched appreciatively. She tried to raise her head only for it to fall back down against Phoenix’s chest. “I feel so… tired…” she managed, unable to remember the last time he felt so spent and not certain why her thoughts and memories felt so scattered, unable to immediately recall what had happened.

“That is… unsurprising,” Celestia’s voice answered carefully as there was a sound of liquid being poured into glasses. “I fear you are both suffering from magical withdrawal and exhaustion in addition to a severe hangover. And for that reason, I feel it inadvisable to use more magic on you.” There was a clopping sound that announced her approach. “I’m afraid the best I can offer you for both the dehydration and pain are this world’s remedies—a sports drink and aspirin,” she said as she magically helped them into a sitting position and then floated a full glass of orange liquid to them. “Drink it slowly, my student, and this may help as well.” She passed them a pair of cool compresses next, pressing it against their foreheads.

Phoenix managed a few swallows plus the two pills before he had to lie back down, letting the sweet liquid absorb into his pasty mouth. “Thanks…” He offered weakly while he held a compress against his head with one hand and Twilight’s with another, then looked up at Celestia, belatedly realizing she was in her alicorn form as her image at least partially resolved to his bleary eyes. He dabbed at his crusty eyes to clear them, and finally saw her fully, staring down at them with some concern.

The sight of her jogged his memory and his brow furrowed as stray thoughts and images began to surface around the edges of his still-sluggish wits. “Princess? Last night… did we…?” He was afraid to voice the rest.

Her blush answered for her. “We did,” she admitted, knowing she could not hide it from him, unable to meet his eyes. “And if you do not remember the particulars, I would greatly prefer not to tell you.”

Phoenix wasn’t sure he wanted to know at that moment, either. “You don’t have to. But… why can’t I remember…?” He felt like he did after the party in Equestria, like the more he grasped at his own memories they more they slipped away. All he could recall was the hot tub, Mia’s appearance, and then…

“Because of this.” Celestia summoned Applejack’s empty keg, which appeared before them with a flare of her horn. “After I woke up this morning, I magically tested what little was left and found this ‘special reserve’ cider was made from zap apples, and thus infused with a great deal of Everfree Forest magic. It explains much.” She looked away in some shame.

“So it was the party punch all over again…” Twilight realized with a groan. “Zap Apples are a very potent magical catalyst and mood-altering fruit. Its effects are to sharpen senses even as it reduces inhibition and ruins short-term memory, exposing and enhancing a pony’s innermost powers, thoughts, and desires,” she recited despite her barely ebbing pain. “And for the amount we all had…”

“You are correct, my student. Its effects on ponies are notorious for that reason and it is considered a controlled substance in Equestria. And judging by last night, it would appear... to be equally effective on humans as well.” She gave Phoenix a furtive glance, blushing harder when she realized he was giving her the same look back. “For the amount we all had, it is a wonder we have any memories of last night left at all.”

“I remember Trixie saying that about zap apples in Twilight’s trial…” Despite his exhaustion, Phoenix couldn’t help but feel a twinge of remembered desire as another stray memory rose up. “Then how did Twilight and I end up down here…?” he asked as he tried to sit up again.

Celestia hesitated again. “I’m afraid I do not know, Phoenix Wright. I found you like this when I woke up this morning and came downstairs. All three of you were…” she caught herself too late.

“Three?” Phoenix and Twilight asked instantly, to which Celestia closed her eyes tightly for a moment, then told them the truth.

“The two of you… and Vinyl Scratch... were cuddled up in front of the mirror,” she informed them, causing their eyes to go wide. “I rousted Ms. Scratch and asked her to attend young Maya, then put the blanket over you both.”

Me with Twilight… AND Vinyl…? Phoenix would have clutched his head if it didn’t hurt so much. Gods… what did we do? And how is ANYTHING going to be the same now? He ruefully realized that he’d been asking that question an awful lot of late, but had little time to consider it before the sound of a toilet flushing caused their heads to whip around.

“And don’t forget me, Feenie!” Of all the sights the three were prepared to see at the moment, an eager and energetic Pinkie Pie bounding out of the downstairs bathroom was not on the list! “Hey, Twilight! Oh, hi Princess! Wow, that’s a neat new look! Sorry, I was sleeping in the tub! Gotta say, those toilets are just a little awkward for ponies to use, too!”

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight’s jaw fell open while Celestia was scarcely less stunned.

“How could you be…?” Phoenix asked, not knowing why the sight of her suddenly caused him to break out in goosebumps.

“You don’t remember?” Her expression dropped, then lit up again almost instantly. “Aw… but that’s okay! Don’t worry, Feenie, we had a doozy of a good time!” she trotted right up to him and nuzzled he and Twilight affectionately. “We all did, even Dashie!”

“Dashie…?” Phoenix felt his guts clench even further as Celestia and Twilight immediately scanned the area with their magical awareness to find any more ponies. To their relief, there were none.

“Yep-yep! But I’ll let her tell you that! ‘Til then, think I’m gonna go upstairs to snuggle with Maya and Vinyl! It’ll be just like the big party in Ponyville before the Equestrian 500 all over again!” she proclaimed. “Those pancakes smell good, Princess! Don’t worry, we’ll all be down when they’re ready!” she promised, bounding right upstairs as the trio gaped after her, then shared a look.

Okay, NOW I’m scared… Phoenix all but gulped, wondering and worrying anew what had happened the night before, noticing only then the spent mirror spell crystals by the wall-height living room mirror on the floor. We used up all FOUR? Why? What did I do…? And what does it have to do with Rainbow Dash…? He really wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“Princess? How is she…?” Twilight was at an equal loss.

Phoenix was not reassured when Celestia could offer her no answers. “I… have no idea what she was talking about or how she arrived here, my student. I am familiar with enough arcane theory and metamystical law to know not even she could normally travel between different physical realms—but there are no other ponies present,” Celestia promised. “There is nobody else here but Vinyl Scratch, Pinkie Pie, and Maya Fey.”

“Maya?” Phoenix focused on the final name. “Wait… you said you woke up with her? Then she… you…” he reeled anew, but to his relief, she shook her head.

“Though last night no doubt gave you a contrary impression, I do have some sense, Phoenix Wright. When I fell asleep, it was in the embrace of your mentor, but her spirit departed to the human Summerlands during the night, leaving Maya in her place,” he explained, the image alone causing both Phoenix and Twilight to blush as they were finally able to sit upright, if still leaning on each slightly. “I awoke this morning to find young Maya in bed with me, and after the... events of last evening, I felt it best I not be there when she awoke lest I be... tempted.” She blushed hard.

“She is now sleeping upstairs in the second bedroom with Ms. Scratch, and be assured, I have no intention of disturbing her—or them. I cannot speak for Pinkie Pie, though,” Celestia said as she and Twilight sensed a sudden flare of magic from the room above as Vinyl’s aura activated, if somewhat weakly.

“I see…” Phoenix removed the compress long enough to rub his temples, the throbbing starting to lessen and his senses starting to more fully return. He looked up at her again and tried to bring her more into focus, certain something was different about her. What did Pinkie mean when she said ‘nice new look’...? It was then he noticed…

“Princess… your mane?” he pointed at one stripe in particular of her flowing locks, which seemed to be a darker violet color now. It turned that color last night after Mia… he shivered again.

“My mane…?” Celestia blinked, then turned towards the living room mirror to behold herself, her eyes going wide. She then blushed again and sat back heavily, as if she understood the meaning. “Then it is as you wished, Mia Fey…” she said in a tone both resigned and strangely satisfied. “I am whole now.”

“Whole? I don’t understand…” Twilight asked the same question Phoenix was thinking.

“Returned a part of my being I once was, my student,” she explained, studying her reflection. “When I had my lustful phase Mia Fey spoke of so many centuries ago, this one color was the hue of my entire mane,” she told them. “That is why it turned that color again last night when she returned me to that state. But when I gave that version of myself up, I lost it, and in their place came different hues for the many different roles I had to fill as sole Princess and caretaker of Equestria. Colors for mother… for leader… for teacher… and for lover,” she motioned to each stripe from the top of her mane to the bottom. “And this color has now taken the place of the last.”

“Really? Wow, Princess…” Twilight had never even thought to wonder if the colors of her mane had meaning. “I had no idea…”

“But... what does that mean?” Phoenix asked her, even though he thought he might know.

Her grin got a little wider. “It means, Phoenix Wright, that I have, at least in part, become that pony again, and yet… to judge by these colors, I am far more than just her. That the other colors remain means my greatest fears were unfounded; that releasing this side of myself would not overtake me. That for so long I held myself back needlessly… or perhaps I did not understand that I could safely indulge it when the time was right. And last night… thanks to your mentor, it was.”

“It was…” Phoenix repeated in some wonder with a glance at a slowly nodding Twilight, sensing the truth despite his hangover and not being able to recall most of what had happened following the initial few minutes in the hot tub. The one thing he clearly did remember was being with Mia; he could recall the curves of her body and the feel of her angelic power infusing him, letting him feel not just her physical form, but all her love and affection for him, still present and even enhanced from the afterlife. Is this really what you wanted, Chief? For all of us? Phoenix couldn’t help but ask the very ether, hoping that Mia could somehow hear and answer his question. “And do you regret it?” He asked himself as much as her.

“No,” Celestia answered with some wonder after only a brief pause. “For all that happened last night, I have no regrets and in fact, I could not be happier. Never mind your mentor fulfilling one of my deepest fantasies, I had forgotten how good it felt to completely cut loose. To be able to share my passions with others and let them experience the pleasures of the flesh as I can.” Her smile got wider. “I know not how much you remember or how you feel about all this, Phoenix Wright or my student, but please accept both my most fervent apologies… and my thanks.” To the surprise of he and Twilight, the sun princess turned and bowed low to them both.

“You’re welcome, but… for what?” Phoenix asked with another glance at Twilight.

Celestia turned her head fractionally to Twilight and gave her a quick wink with the eye Phoenix couldn’t see; Twilight’s eyes went wide as her mentor telepathically asked for—and received—permission for her next actions. “For being there… my new consort,” a gleam appeared in her eyes as she approached him. “For simply being yourself—a wonderful, selfless stallion; a protector of the innocent and defender of truth. For giving me the chance to reciprocate your kindness and all your efforts on behalf of my student and subjects. You have saved not one, but two element bearers now, and as I think about it, I realize that all the money in both worlds would not be sufficient compensation for such a feat…” she trailed off meaningfully as she magically tilted up his chin to kiss him...

And then proceeded to reward him properly as only she could.

Celestia, Phoenix quickly found, was every bit as good a lover as she was a chess player.

She amazed both Phoenix and Twilight by bringing them to ecstasy without any use of magic or mating aura, explaining after she was able to suppress her aura when she wished (and was sober!) and that she would not cast spells on them while they were suffering from magical withdrawal. She further noted that anypony could perform with magic, but the truest test of lovemaking skill, she felt, was to do so without it. A test she passed with flying colors, Phoenix had to grant afterwards, leaving him all but lost in the afterglow of the act and falling asleep again on the floor after.

It was another ten minutes before he woke back up, to find the table being set and plenty of teasing remarks still being said about him; Maya, Pinkie and Vinyl all having come downstairs and witnessed the end of their act. Waiting snuggled at his side, Twilight had brought him a change of clothes, and he put it on under the blanket to the particular disappointment of Maya before finally getting up.

“Please, my little ponies and Phoenix Wright. Do be seated and allow your princess to serve you for a change…” Celestia invited, resuming her efforts to prepare breakfast. She turned on the stove but heated the griddle instantly with her magic so she could immediately pour the batter, where it landed on the hot surface with a sudden sizzle.

“I think you just did…” was all a still-floating Phoenix could think to say, causing giggles from Pinkie Pie, who’d had another freshly chilled sports drink ready for him, doting on him almost as much as Twilight was.

“Wow. So you clop and you cook, Celly?” Vinyl asked with a teasing tone, though her voice was genuinely impressed she took a seat beside Maya, hopping up on the human-height chairs, which offered her just enough room to sit on. “Think I’m falling in love with you now myself!”

Celestia grinned. “I’ve been known to dabble in each…” she admitted with a fresh blush as she flipped three pancakes while pouring three more on the griddle, her aura also whipping heavy cream in a separate bowl while snagging plates from the cupboards and arranging them on the dining room table for her guests. “With regards to food, I am no gourmet chef, to be certain, but there are certain things I enjoy making. And in truth… I rather enjoy playing host, but I regret I do not get to do so in a meaningful way very often back in Equestria.”

“You’re all in for a treat,” Twilight confirmed as she poured glasses of juice and coffee for those who wanted it, except Maya and Pinkie got cherry cola, her weakened aura strong enough to hold a carton and a few cups, at least. “The Princess’s pancakes are really something else!” she said as they all assembled at the table.

To his surprise, Celestia also served Phoenix a full rack of pork sausage links she had obtained from a nearby store, explaining with a wink that “he needed to replace all that protein!” he lost the previous night and that morning, to the giggles of the others. Though surprised anew, the smell was very tempting and Phoenix indeed ate them ravenously, along with Maya, who had likewise lost a great deal of energy while channeling her sister for an extended period of time.

The smell was appetizing even to most Pony noses, and Pinkie decided to try a sausage link as well, biting down and then chewing, her eyes going wide as the flavor hit her. “Wow! Pigs are good!” she licked her lips happily, but her rare foray into meat-eating didn’t stop her from eating a very large stack of pancakes slathered in syrup and topped with tons of whipped cream as well as various fruit, and then downing half a box of the store-bought donuts and washing it all down with an entire two-liter bottle of cherry soda. “It’s all good, Princess!” she told her regent eagerly.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie. As you work at a confectionery, I consider that quite the compliment given your standards for sweets are so high.”

“Yeah, they are! But you know, I’d really like to take this cherry soda back with me! I bet it’d go great in cupcake batter!”

Celestia ate last, sitting, allowing Phoenix to clean up at his insistence, piling the dishes into the sink and washer for another cleaning. The unicorn mares had been able to use human silverware with their magic, but Pinkie hadn’t needed any, just using a spatula to flip individual pancakes and donuts into her seemingly bottomless maw one by one, adding more syrup and whipped cream to each in turn.

“Great breakfast, Princess! Thanks!” She burped and licked her lips happily. “Hey! Do you think I could go out and explore a bit? I wanna check out that fairgrounds and Mare-is wheel you said was next door!” she asked hopefully.

Celestia smiled but shook her head. “I appreciate your eagerness, my subject, but I’m afraid I must instruct you not to. I would have to turn you human and find clothes for you first, and there is simply not enough time for you to adjust to your new form or see much before we return to Equestria. I am due back at Canterlot Castle in under an hour.”

“Don’t worry, Pinkie. We’ll bring you back here for a full weekend at some point, and turn you into a human for it!” Twilight promised. “The Mare-is wheel will still be here then!”

“What Sparkle said. When you come back, I’ve got plenty of places to take you, Pinkie! Including a malt shop you wouldn’t believe!” Maya called out as well, helping Phoenix clean up the Villa before checkout.

“You will? And you do? Cool! I can’t wait!” she pronked again, acceding to Phoenix’s relief and then helping them put the Villa to rights.

“You know, Princess, we really should get some souvenirs before we leave,” Twilight suddenly remembered. “With everything else going on, I didn’t think to do that before…” the rest went unsaid.

Celestia smiled again, if somewhat more slyly. “Fear not, my easily distracted student. I have Ferro attending to that even as we speak,” she told them in a coy tone, Vinyl quickly explaining to Pinkie Pie who ‘Ferro’ was, causing Phoenix to suddenly and belatedly worry about how he would take the events of the previous night. “He is checking me out of the Gatewater and should be arriving shortly, bringing young Pearl with him. I have given him my credit card and instructed him to purchase what I hope are appropriate—and Equestria-safe—gifts for each of you.”

“Wow, thanks, princess, but… what about you? Don’t you want something too?” Twilight asked her.

“I already have it.” Celestia closed her eyes and smiled. “Thanks to Mia Fey and the rest of you, I have received the greatest gift imaginable—myself made whole. I leave with a warm heart, new partners, some very fun experiences and a far better understanding of myself now. It never ceases to amaze me that even after eighteen hundred years of life, I still learn and grow,” she nuzzled Twilight, Phoenix and Vinyl in turn, hugging them with her head. “Thank you all for being there. Thank you all for being a part of this. Even for all my years, this week and certainly this past night have given me the memories of a lifetime.”

“Well, at least you still have your memories, Princess…” Phoenix told her as he returned the gesture, accepting and reciprocating her affection for him. “I don’t, and just like last time, I don’t think there’s any way to get them back.” He was surprised to feel a pang of disappointment.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that, ‘Feenie’...” Vinyl smiled, producing a series of three crystal orbs from the second bedroom. “I’ve had these benders before, and when I know they’re coming, I always like to know what happened after. So I developed a spell to record my memories to crystals just like my songs! That way, I can experience all the fun again later and I don’t miss a thing afterward!” she told them with a grin. “And since there are three crystals here, looks like I must’ve told you guys about them sometime last night as well. This one’s mine, but there’s ones here for Twilight and Phoenix too!” she announced, causing Celestia to shift nervously.

“Really…?” Twilight was both intrigued and worried.

“Really. So how about it, fillies and Gentlecolts? Want to find out exactly what happened last night right now?” the pony DJ asked with a salacious grin as behind them, Celestia froze, still uncertain if she wanted them to remember or not but knowing it was their choice, not hers.

Phoenix and Twilight looked at the crystals, and then to each other, each sharing the same thought. “Sorry, Vinyl, but… even after this morning, I don’t think I’m ready for that...” Phoenix finally said for both of them, putting a hand behind his head.

“Me neither...” Twilight concurred, duplicating the gesture with her hoof. “No offense, but I really need some time to assimilate all this first before I add even more to it…”

“Pansies. Well, that’s fine,” Vinyl said, her tone only half-teasing. “Suit yourself; I’ll just keep them safe ‘til you decide you are. And in the meantime…?” she zapped the crystal that contained her own memories and began reabsorbing them; her smile turning to surprise, then astonishment, and then…“Whoa...” She looked from Twilight and Phoenix to a winking Celestia and then to the living room mirror before her eyes settled back on Pinkie Pie, giving her a very wary look. “Okay, yeah… things got a little wild and crazy there, even for me…” she sat back heavily, wondering how or even if she should explain all this to Octy. I don’t normally mind telling her everything, since she seems to enjoy it vicariously through me, but this time…?

“Oh! Do tell! Do tell!” Pinkie pleaded, jumping up and down again. “I mean, I didn’t know what happened before you guys called home…” she told them, all but confirming to newly nervous Phoenix that they had drunk-dialed Equestria the previous night. And THEN what did we do…? His memories still stubbornly refused to reveal.

“Yeah, V-Jay! I mean, if even you’re acting shocked, I’d kinda like to know now!” Maya spoke up, smirking at her friend over crossed arms.

Vinyl rubbed her hoof behind her head. “I’ll, uh, tell ya later privately, filly. And I’m sorry, Pinkie. It ain’t that I didn’t enjoy the buck out of it while it was happening, but… yeah, I think this is one time I’m gonna have to borrow a line from Las Pegasus: what happened here, stays here.”

“Aw…” Pinkie went crestfallen, but just for a moment before the Dragonfire candle at the end of the dining room table flared, disgorging a note plus two new gems.

Vinyl got there first, reading it with some trepidation before exhaling sharply, showing visible relief. “It’s from the rest of Twi’s friends! They’re fine… and they’re really eager to see ya again, Feenie!” she gave him a wink. “You may not remember what happened last night, but they sure do!”

“Uh… should we be worried?” Phoenix had to ask.

“Very!” Vinyl grinned, writing a quick reply and then sending it back before he or Twilight could read it. “Don’t worry, though. They’re all waiting for us now, so I’ll let them explain it to you!” And before he could object or stop her, she levitated one of the newly-sent crystals to the living room mirror and touched it to the surface.

Within seconds the spell was established and the image of Twilight’s lab’s materialized in the mirror. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were all present, and as soon as they spotted him, they erupted in cheers. “So there’s our favorite stud!” Applejack whipped her hat around her head. “I don’t know if ya’ll remember what happened last night, but just wanted to say… thanks for one hay of a time!”

“Um… I’m afraid we don’t remember…” Twilight tried not to cringe at the hungry looks they were giving Phoenix. To her surprise, they were almost a turn-on to her; a validation that her stallion was equally desirable in their eyes.

“Aw… nothing?” Rainbow Dash went something approaching forlorn, then looked surprised at her own statement, slapping her hooves over mouth while in a hover, to a smirk from Applejack and Rarity.

“Sorry, Rainbow…” Phoenix was having a hard time looking at them, not out of embarrassment but because every time he saw one of them, some half-remembered emotion or sensation kept trying to rise up as well as a fragmentary image or two that he wasn’t sure were fantasy or reality. “After all that cider, we just don’t...”

“Don’t listen to ‘em. They’re just bein’ wimps, girls. I got all their memories right here!” Vinyl levitated two crystals before the mirror to let them others see. “One little spell, and they’ll have total recall!”

“Vinyl!” Twilight and Phoenix shouted at her, their cheeks flushing.

“Oh, really?” Rarity stared at the crystals, and then Phoenix with a very lascivious look.

“Ya don’t say…” Applejack’s expression was more intrigued while Rainbow’s was thoroughly mixed.

“Oh, please do, Mister Phoenix. For me…?” he was surprised when Fluttershy of all ponies batted her eyes at him!

“And me, Nix!” Rainbow all but blurted out after biting her lip hard for several seconds. “And me…” she landed and lumped in what almost sounded like a painful admission to Phoenix, Fluttershy immediately flaring a wing to hug her friend.

“Just letting them know that you can get them back!” Vinyl winked at a wavering Phoenix, who found himself tempted to do it for Fluttershy’s request more than any other, then turned back to the mirror. “Don’t worry, girls, I’ll convince them! I’ll work on them as well as they worked on you!”

“But what do you mean, ‘worked on them?’” Phoenix echoed in disbelief. But how the hell could I have done anything when they were on the other side of the mirror? Did Pinkie bring them over and back one by one…? Was the only thing he could think of, even with Celestia’s assurance that she could not.

“Ya wanna know, you’ll have to accept these!” The pony DJ offered him the crystal again. “It’s right here whenever you want it, Phoenix!”

“We’ll hold ya to that, Vinyl! And if yer the man ‘o truth I think ya are, Phoenix Wright, you’ll do it sooner rather than later so we can do it all again!” she tipped her hat to him. “But answer us this, Pinkie—the connection cut and we weren’t able to see, so... did our favorite stud here win the bet?”

“Bet? What bet?” Phoenix asked, increasingly frantically, his eyes drifting nervously to the crystal again.

“Nope! He didn’t!” a grinning Pinkie Pie replied without answering him, an odd gleam in her eye for just a moment. “And you all know what that means…”

“Hoo, boy! Ah can’t wait!” Applejack reared up and pinwheeled her hooves as Rarity giggled, even Rainbow smirked and an increasingly befuddled and worried Phoenix looked on along with Twilight.

“Oh, my. He’ll make such a nice one,” Fluttershy added, giving Phoenix an oddly appraising look.

“Yeah, this I’ll wanna see…” even Rainbow looked eager, but any further questions were halted as the doorbell rang and Maya rushed out to open it. She returned a minute later with...

“Hey, Sunshine…” Ferro Stabile wore a lopsided grin as he entered the living room with Pearl bursting in behind her barely a second later, waiting until she had hugged every pony inside before greeting Celestia himself, the young mystic especially delighted to see Pinkie and Celestia in her alicorn form, then going up to the mirror to see the rest of her pony friends. “I brought everything you asked, including your luggage. Cyprey’s at school, but sends all her love. Hope you enjoyed last night!” he winked as he hugged her, standing a full head above her while she was in her Alicorn form.

She stared at him in wonder, then went up to him and kissed him deeply, not caring in the least that she was an alicorn or that Pearly or the others were watching. He gently grasped her chin as he returned the gesture, one that told Phoenix he’d done it before.

“Whoa… so he’s her stallion?” Applejack whispered to Rarity, appraising the large human from behind the mirror portal.

“I suppose he must be. He is rather dashing…” Rarity appraised him favorably as well. “And just look at those arms! With such muscular forearms and thick fingers, he simply must be a masseuse!” she recognized from long experience at the spa.

“He seems very nice…” Fluttershy agreed, finding a warmth within him and not at all afraid of his large size for it. “Don’t you think so, Rainbow?”

“Uh…” she cringed when her eyes automatically went to his large hands.

“I did immensely… my wonderful prince,” Celestia told him at some length. “Thank you for offering your blessing and being there for me last night.”

“Being there?” Phoenix exchanged a look with Twilight and the others; even Vinyl didn’t appear to know what she meant despite her restored memories.

“Not here, Phoenix Wright. But in the realm of dreams,” Celestia explained. “It was all arranged by your mentor, with the help of my sister. He was invited there along with the spirits of all my past princes, and... I think nothing more need be said.” She closed her eyes and smiled.

“Yeah, it was interesting and all, but all your old beaus pretty much interrogated me, Sunshine! It was kind of intimidating, actually… they all wanted to make sure I was worthy of you! Even gave me some rather interesting advice on dealing with you… which I think I’ll be putting to use next time you’re over!” He scratched her chin with a finger as if in demonstration; Celestia all but melted at the gesture, her tongue briefly hanging out of her mouth.

“And I may have some new things to try with you as well… my wonderful prince…” she told him with a second kiss as Pearly giggled, watching from behind her own splayed fingers pressed against her face. “But I regret my time here is now short, and my vacation is at an end. I must now return to my own realm and the not-always-pleasures of ruling Equestria.”

“I know. But don’t you worry. I’ll be here, Tia. For you, always.” Ferro promised her.

“And I love you for it…” she told him, embracing him with her wings. “So if I may request your indulgence one final time, my beloved prince… would you please take young Pearl out of earshot? There are certain... subjects I wish to discuss I would rather not have her around to hear.”

Ferro winked. “Whatever you say, Princess,” he agreed, and took Pearly out onto the deck so she could see the ocean again, which was still a novelty to her after a lifetime spent at Kurain Village.

After they had left, Celestia cast what Twilight recognized as a privacy spell before she spoke again, soundproofing the room around them as well as preventing any prying eyes from seeing them. “Miss Maya… I have no right to ask this of you, but before we depart, may I… please speak one last time with your sister?” she said in uncharacteristic nervousness.

Maya grinned at that. “That was her plan all along, Princess! It’ll be my pleasure… and maybe yours as well…?” she winked and then grasped her Magatama, causing her form to shift and grow. Her transformation was a bit slower than usual to Phoenix’s eyes, but within seconds Mia once again stood where Maya had been, her too-small kimono and open lapels instantly drawing Phoenix’s eyes.

“Hello, Tia…” Mia spotted and addressed Celestia with a knowing smile. “Did you have a good time?”

Celestia’s only response was to stare at her in wonder and then bow very low before her, flaring her wings before the channeled spirit as pegasi would normally do to her, to the great surprise of her subjects. “Words fail me… my mistress…” was the only thing she could immediately come up with, her wings and tail twitching before the human angel. “I dare not speak for my student, my subject, or for Phoenix Wright, but I enjoyed myself immensely, and I could not be happier. I just wanted to thank you directly, and if I may ask, I would simply like to know… why?” she posed the question Phoenix wanted to. “Why would you do this, not just for me, but for all of us?”

“A valid question,” Mia smiled, not offended in the least. “And one I will be happy to answer. What it boils down to is, each of you had a different need and a different lesson to learn.” She nodded to Celestia, Twilight, and Phoenix in turn. “And by fate or by chance, what each of you needed, the others could offer.”

“How you mean, Chief?” Phoenix had to ask, remembering again getting to be with her and how good it made him feel.

“Let us start with you, Solar Princess,” she replied, making her blue-tinged angel wings visible for just a moment. “I sought to fully unleash your old self because she is very much a part of you, but you had been restraining her far more than was healthy out of fear she would consume you. But as I believe you now realize, this is not true—you are far more than just her and she alone does not define you. But at the same time, she is a part of you, and she needs a voice as much as any other part. That is what I sought to allow by giving you a safe environment that she could be unleashed in.”

“I understand this, but… I still fear her lack of restraint,” Celestia admitted while Twilight’s friends exchanged confused looks. “There is no denying I turned our students and subjects into my very playthings last night and… fear I might yet do so again…”

“Indeed you did. But as I feel safe in saying they were fully consenting participants, do you truly believe that you would do so against their will, Tia?” she asked with a quick wink at Phoenix, who blushed again. “Just so you all know, I was the one who told Maya to bring the cider, though I didn’t tell her why or what was in it. I had them bring it because I wanted all your limits removed. Because it was only by becoming that pony again and then finding yourself not lost to her afterward that you could truly see you were more than just her. That you could see it was occasionally safe to be her.

“And as for restraint…?” Mia grinned and approached Celestia, putting her hand under her chin and tilting it upwards, then gently caressing her. “You demonstrated it amply this morning, my little princess, when you did not take advantage of Maya despite severe temptation—as I knew you would not—and later refrained from using more mating magic on Twilight and Phoenix out of concern for their well-being,” she said, laying a kiss on the top of her muzzle. “You love the pleasures of the flesh, true enough, but you are also a pony who puts others before her and sees to their needs as well as her own. That is who you are first and foremost, Sun Princess, and not this former self.”

Celestia had to blink back tears at the statement, one she could not disbelieve simply for its source. “Thank you, Mia Fey. It means much coming from you. But… even when I was not under the influence of the cider, I did not refrain from taking advantage of my student or Phoenix Wright,” she stated somewhat shakily.

With that, Mia turned to Phoenix, a twinkle in her eye. “How about it, Phoenix? Twilight? Did she take advantage of you? Did she do anything you didn’t want her to when you woke up this morning?”

“Sure looked mutual to me!” Vinyl pointed out, having watched the latter half of the act from the the stairwell.

“Me too!” Pinkie added, being uncharacteristically quiet through the initial exchanges. “You guys looked like you were having a bestest of best times!”

Twilight and Phoenix shared a glance, both realizing the answer instantly. “No…” the latter finally admitted, knowing to say anything else in the face of his own heart and witnesses was a grotesque and completely transparent lie. “Everything she did, I wanted and reciprocated…” he admitted, suddenly very glad Ferro was in the other room.

“Me too…” Twilight admitted, far more adamantly. “Getting to be with you like that was a dream come true, Princess. And I’ll never say I’m sorry for it!” She put her hoof down hard.

“And there you go,” Mia told Celestia, who then stepped forward and hugged both Phoenix and Twilight tightly with her wings; the spirit of Maya’s older sister waiting until their embrace was broken before continuing. “You are, at your core, a creature of passion, Solar Princess, perhaps the most powerful there is. In order to be the Princess your ponies and all Equestria needs, it is unhealthy to hold back, whether in friendship or in love. And to that end, you must accept all that you are, and give it voice when needed.”

She put a hand on Celestia’s head, causing the sun princess to lean into it, drinking in her mistress’s love and angelic energy. “And you speak of restraint? Well, you had deliberately restrained yourself for so long, there was a danger of it bursting free at a less opportune time, so I sought to provide a safe space in which you could indulge… to say nothing of proper partners.” She grinned and winked at Phoenix. “Be assured, I made certain nothing was heard or seen beyond these walls last night. As far as any other guests are concerned, it was just a cool and breezy night.”

“But Chief… how was I a proper partner?” Phoenix asked next. “I was content with Twilight. Why would you introduce Celestia, Vinyl, and yourself into all this?”

“And that brings me to what you needed, Phoenix.” Mia turned to him next, facing him and crossing her arms. “It’s both your greatest virtue and deepest fault that you always put the needs of others before your own, whether it’s your clients, Maya, or now Twilight. It’s endearing, but also ultimately unhealthy when you unceasingly uplift others at your own expense.

You need to be uplifted as well, Phoenix Wright. In your own way, you needed to completely let go and cut loose as much as Tia did, just so you could see that you could. And though I admit I didn’t foresee every way it would happen…” she gave a glance and wink towards the mirror portal, causing all of Twilight’s friends to blush. “You did. And again I ask: even not knowing all that happened... do you regret it?”

And again, the answer for Phoenix was… “No,” he told her. “Not at all. I’m kind of tired now, and yet… I’ve never felt so alive…” he realized in some wonder, rubbing his hand behind his head. “But the thing is, Chief… the only thing I remember clearly about last night… is being with you!”

“Well…” Mia almost looked chagrined for a moment. “It may be unseemly for an angel, but I admit that was a bit of indulgence on my part. I wanted you to remember being with me, Phoenix. And I also didn’t want your choice to do so to be cider-induced. I wanted you to want me unreservedly,” she told him. “So I blocked the effects of the cider and Tia’s aura during our little encounter to make sure you were completely you…” she said as she put her arms around him.

“Chief? This is kinda public…” Phoenix protested weakly as she pressed close and began kissing him, taking his breath away.

“And since when do ponies care about public displays of affection, Phoenix?” she asked rhetorically between kisses as through the mirror behind her, a wide-eyed AJ removed her hat, Rarity fainted, Fluttershy’s hooves went to her mouth and Rainbow blushed fiercely, amazed that not just Phoenix but a human woman could turn her head!

She broke their embrace after another minute and smiled. “Forgive me for yet another indulgence, Phoenix. One thing becoming an angel does for a spirit is to liberate our desires and lift our inhibitions. Or perhaps The Nightmare was right and death truly does make voyeurs of ascended spirits. Nevertheless… I enjoyed our time together greatly last night. So if Maya, Twilight and yourself are willing, I might like to be with you again.” She kissed him deeply, for emphasis, her hand trailing over her own chest and then down her side.

“After all you did for us both, I could hardly say no, Mia Fey…” a dry-mouthed Twilight replied in a shaky voice, not fully understanding why she felt anything but possessive of him at that point.

With a parting kiss to Phoenix, Mia turned to Twilight. “Forgive me, Twilight Sparkle…” she then knelt before the unicorn mare. “Though admittedly, that was a bit more indulgence on my part, there was another reason I did it. And that’s to show you why you needed to be part of this.” She put a hand on the unicorn’s shoulder. “You are the avatar of friendship and magic, but that does not mean you fully understand either yet, or your very destiny…” she said with a look up at Celestia, who gave her a quick, frantic shake of her head, begging the human spirit not to say more. “But even in your human form, you’re an Equestrian mare at heart, and a particularly unselfish one at that. Phoenix is your stallion, and that means…” she trailed off to let Twilight finish the thought.

“It means I want to share him…” she realized abruptly, having spotted where Mia was so carefully leading her. “With all my friends… and his!”

“An any Equestrian mare would a special stallion,” she confirmed, putting her hand on Twilight’s head. “Doubly so when it serves the causes of love and friendship, which you and your fellow element bearers embody.”

“And… that’s why you wanted me in this?” Twilight was suddenly singularly disinclined to move, surprised to feel the angel’s touch quickly restoring her magic, almost instantly returning her to full power.

“Not entirely,” Mia told her, standing back up but keeping her hand in place until the process was complete. “You, too, had a great deal of unrequited feelings towards your friends and mentor, and you, too, were held back because of it. Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, but love and intimacy even more so... when properly indulged and understood. In order to realize your full potential, you will need to understand them. And that means you must explore them. You may consider all that happened last night part of that; just remember that it worked because you already had the depth of bonds and trust you needed with your mate, your mentor, and your friends.”

Is she actually TELLING me to have more sex? Twilight realized with some headiness, glancing over at her mentor and her friends beyond the mirror, their minds clearly turning as well. “I understand,” she told the ascended human spirit. “And thank you.” She bowed low as she normally only would before Celestia herself.

“So, any words of wisdom, for me, Mia?” Vinyl asked, stepping forward, hoping for a turn with the human angel herself someday.

Mia turned to her and smiled. “Just three, Vinyl Scratch. Don’t. Ever. Change.” She told her, putting a hand on the back of her neck, recharging her magic like she’d just done for Twilight.

“Music is the language of life, and those who create and share it with others are especially blessed in the eyes of all heavens. I daresay you have changed least from these events, but that is not to say you had no role—you are a catalyst for change in others, enabling them to evolve and enjoy themselves as you did last night. You were there for my sister when she needed you not once but thrice, and all I ask from you now is that you be the friend and lover she needs and keep her grounded as much as possible.” With that, she kissed Vinyl’s forehead and ruffled her mane.

“Count on it, sister,” Vinyl promised with a deep bow to the spirit of Maya’s sister, her horn still tingling from the human angel’s imparted energy. “I’ll visit when I can, and be there when she needs me.”

“I know you will. And I also know you’re in love with your ‘wub’ and party scenes. But if I may offer you a suggestion for a potential sidelight...?”


Mia grinned. “I know you didn’t enjoy being a prosecutor, but given how well you did in the dream trial... perhaps you simply had the wrong end of the legal stick?” she wondered aloud. “I think you should try being an attorney again, but this time from the other side of the courtroom pit. If you set your mind to it, I truly think you’ll come into your own there.”

It was a rare moment when Vinyl was caught short. “Huh...” she said, her mind visibly turning, Phoenix wondering as well if she could do it and suppressing a smile at the sudden thought of Miles Edgeworth switching sides, no matter how unlikely it seemed. “Me, a defense attorney? Well, Octy’ll be less than pleased, but you know... we’ve always been opposites in everything, so you might just be onto something, sister. I’ll think about it long and hard; I promise!”

“That is all I ask,” she grinned. “You’re a good pony, Vinyl Scratch.”

“Oh! Hey, Mia Fey! Do me! Do me!” Pinkie requested, pronking repeatedly.

Mia chuckled but indulged her. “What else is there to say about a pony who brings the gift of joy and laughter to others, Pinkamena Diane Pie?” she asked almost rhetorically. “You live life to its fullest and help others to do the same. Ultimately, I can give you no greater compliment than that. There are few spirits as free or full of life as you, or get as much out of as making others happy as you. All I ask is that you remember that with great power comes great responsibility. That you take good care of ‘Feenie’ and all your friends, and like Phoenix remember that you can see to your own needs as well as theirs.” She closed her eyes and grinned.

“Wow! So I only have to do what I always have? Thanks, Mia Fey!” Pinkie pronked appreciatively.

“My pleasure,” she told her, giving her mane an affectionate ruffle. “And with that, it is time I return to the heavens, my friends. I can tell Maya’s getting tired again from channeling me this long, so I best not linger.”

Phoenix deflated slightly, and so did Celestia. “Thanks for checking in, then, and explaining things. Until next time, Chief?” he said hopefully.

“Until next time, Phoenix… and you too, ‘Celly’…” the parting look she gave Celestia was enough to make the Sun Princess squirm. “Be a bad girl again, and I might just come back to punish your sins a second time…” she winked, and then her spirit departed, leaving the form of Maya behind and Celestia already thinking of ways to induce her otherworldly mistress’s return.

Maya slumped slightly as her body was restored, and Phoenix quickly caught and steadied her as a still-blushing Celestia recharged her Magatama and imparted as much of her magic directly to the young mystic as she dared.

“Better?” the sun princess asked her while opening the door to the deck to indicate to Ferro she and Pearly could come back inside. Maya nodded but asked for some water, which was swiftly retrieved for her by Vinyl. “And though our departure approaches, I believe there are some souvenirs to be passed out first…?”

“Got ‘em right here!” Ferro hefted two bags, then began passing out items with it.

“For you, Twilight…” he first brought out a white human hoodie. “I think Celly’s right and you’d look great in this!”

“Really?” she pulled it on, finding it loose enough to fit over her even as a pony and very soft and warm on the inside. “Wow… I like this! I already had some books and my new swimsuit to take back, but… thanks, Princess!” she nuzzled Celestia, and even Phoenix had to admit she looked utterly adorable in it while in pony form.

“This next one’s for you, ‘V-Jay’!” he produced an entire crate of Blue Moon beer bottles, causing her to grin. “Will this do you?”

“Hey now! That’ll probably only last me ‘bout a week, but… thanks, Celly!” She popped the first one with her magic and chugged it right then and there.

“My pleasure. And next up is you, Miss Maya and Young Pearl…” Celestia announced, producing some form of small orange crystal on a gold chain. “These are magical talismans I had Lady Requiem create. When paired with your Magatamas, it should both increase your own mystical power and allow you to hold channeling transformations longer, and also help you ward off any unwanted magical influences,” she told them.

“Really? Cool!” Maya accepted it and tried it on, already feeling its effects the instant it came into contact with her, noting it hung just a little bit lower on her chest than her Magatama. “Be sure and thank Lady Requiem for us!”

“I can already feel it working! Thank you, Princess! And thank her!” Pearl immediately gave her a formal bow.

“I will. And you are very welcome,” Celestia returned the bow with her head.

“Oh! What about me, Princess? What about me?” Pinkie asked eagerly.

“You, my dear subject, are very possibly the easiest pony to shop for,” Celestia chuckled as Ferro next pulled out a dozen fountain shop bottles of various flavored drinks from the same Malt shop she’d taken Vinyl and Maya to two days before. “Decide which ones you like best, and I will be happy to obtain more for you later.”

“Wow! Thanks, Princess! But it’d be a shame for just me to try them… oh! I know! I’ll serve them at my next party!” she pronked again, eagerly reading the labels on them.

“And I believe all that leaves… is you, Phoenix Wright.” Celestia turned to him last. “To borrow a line from the Lord of the Rings movies, there is nothing I can give you that is more valuable than that which you already possess,” she said with a smile at Twilight, who beamed. “But since it would be a terrible shame to not give you something as well…”

She passed him an Equestrian papyrus scroll and invited him to unfurl it. He read it in some surprise. “Princess, this is…”

“A standing invitation from the Royal Family of Equios for you and Miss Maya to visit during next year’s wine and music festival, with a promise of VIP tours and treatment,” she smiled as Maya immediately came over to study it as well. “There are plenty of vineyards and hiking trails, Phoenix Wright, and for you, Miss Maya? Cold waterfalls and magically-charged hot springs for you to meditate under and cultivate your power with.”

“Wow! You’re the best, Princess!” Maya threw her arms around a startled Celestia.

“Um, Miss Maya…” she said as the hug lingered for several seconds, her blush growing deeper with each moment.

“Careful there, filly,” Vinyl teased as Maya finally broke the embrace, giving Celestia a parting wink and putting the barest bit of sway in her hips, leaving Phoenix glad that what was happening seemed to pass right over Pearl’s head.

With some effort, Celestia recovered her bearing. “Well, then, my friends… I’m afraid that this is it.”

“Aw… I don’t want you to go, Princess!” Pearl went up to her again. “Or you, Mystic Twilight! Or Mystic Vinyl or Pinkie Pie!”

“I don’t want to go either, Pearl,” Twilight hugged her close, with Vinyl and Pinkie close behind. “But we can’t stay. You know that.”

“I know, but…” she began rubbing her eyes and crying.

Watching with Ferro, Celestia’s heart went out to her… and then smiled as an idea occurred to her. “This does not have to be a goodbye, young Pearl. Tell me, would you like come back to Equestria with us? I would be more than happy to bring you. I’m sure all of Twilight’s friends would love to see you again!” she pointed out with a glance behind her, and nods both surprised and eager were received.

Pearl stopped crying and her eyes immediately lit up. “Oh! Could I?” she performed a little dance.

“Absolutely… as long as your guardian grants permission, that is…?” she asked with a look to Maya.

“Can I, Mystic Maya? Can I?” she turned to her cousin and asked excitedly, now hopping up and down in her excitement.

“Well, I know her mother wouldn’t approve…” Maya smirked unpleasantly at Phoenix, who gave a tight-lipped smile back, having no more love for Morgan Fey than Maya did. “But far as I’m concerned, that’s a good enough reason for her to go! Have fun, Pearly! I know how much you loved it there. But you keep doing your Kurain technique drills and attend school there, you hear?” She hugged and then waggled a finger at her cousin. “If anyone asks back home, I’ll just say you’re doing some special training and let them know to expect you back at the village in two weeks. Is that enough time in Equestria for you?”

“Wow, thanks, Mystic Maya! It really is! And don’t worry, I promise to keep training and study hard there!” Pearl hugged her before being picked up in Celestia’s aura and placed on her back.

“Careful of my wings, little one…” Celestia instructed her, and Pearl immediately moved her legs forward a bit, away from her feathers and flight muscles. “Twilight? Vinyl Scratch? Pinkie Pie? It is time for us to leave,” the sun princess told them solemnly. “So say your goodbyes…”

Twilight and Vinyl deflated at that; even Pinkie’s mane drooped for a moment, the latter two going to Maya to hug her while Twilight went to Phoenix. “I guess this is it, Phoenix...” she told him, going downcast as Ferro and Celestia said their goodbyes as well, exchanging a very heartfelt hug and kiss.

“Yeah...” Phoenix wore the identical gesture. “Listen, I’m glad you came for a whole week. I had a great time.”

“Me too,” She reared up and hugged him, tears in her eyes as she rested her head on his upper chest and took in his scent and presence one last time. “And I’m really not ready for it to end...”

“Me neither. But there’ll be other visits,” Phoenix promised, hugging her tightly back as the others looked on, Applejack nodding, Fluttershy smiling, Rainbow Dash fidgeting and Rarity sniffling as they watched. “Though hopefully without all the extra drama and attempted possessions by dream demon queens,” he said a little ruefully.

She sniffled at that. “Don’t ever blame yourself for that. You saved me, Phoenix,” Twilight reminded him. “You saved me and showed me the truth, and I’ll never forget that. Or stop loving you for it.”

“And now and forever, I’m yours, Twilight Sparkle,” Phoenix echoed the words he’d told her at the end of the trial, when he’d finally succeeded in breaking The Nightmare’s hold over her. “Whatever happens, I’ll always come back to you,” he promised her, to which Twilight could only hug him all the tighter through glimmering eyes.

“Come, my student...” Celestia opened her wing to invite Twilight forward into its embrace. “Remember, this parting is only temporary. Both you—and I!—will return to Earth in time. In the meantime, Equestria awaits, as do all your friends... and I hope many friendship lessons and adventures yet to come,” she reminded her, then her smile turned somewhat more amused. “And besides, if I know my sister, she is by now awaiting my return quite impatiently, having had as big a bellyful of squabbling nobles and Prince Blueblood as she can stomach. I really should get back before she truly does decide to imprison them all in the Canterlot mines…” she chuckled to herself.

“With regards to Blueblood, tell her she may feel free!” Rarity called out from behind the mirror.

“My friends...” Twilight closed her eyes and smiled. “I love you, but I love them too, Phoenix.”

“I know,” he told her. “It’s what makes you you, Twilight—that you live for your friends and for friendship itself. And that’s the mare I fell in love with.”

“Oh, Phoenix…” she hugged him again. “When you say things like that, I—”

“Oh, just kiss already!” Pinkie Pie piped up from beside Maya. “Time’s wasting, Twilight! We gotta get back, and then I gotta throw a massive hookup party for everypony!” she promised, pronking yet again.

“I may ask for a delay on that, Pinkie…” Twilight told her, but did so, sharing a long and lingering kiss with her human stallion. “No offense, but after we get back, I think I might just want to be alone and rest for a bit...” she said with a slightly wan grin, and Phoenix found he was of the same mind, finding himself looking forward to just taking a quiet walk by himself and then finding a poker game to play.

“Not me!” Vinyl spoke up, then approached Phoenix herself. “Crazy times last night, Phoenix. But even if it’s still a bit hazy for ya, I’m glad we were in it together.” She reared up to give him a surprise kiss of her own in full view of Maya, who pretended to fume. “You’re a wild and crazy dude, and I’ll share another keg of AJ’s special reserve cider with you anytime!”

“Reckon that can be arranged!” Applejack called out from the other side of the portal as Spike finally joined them, having completed his morning chores. “Next zap apple season, it’s yours, Phoenix Wright!”

“Um… think I’ll pass on that for now…” he flushed hard, wondering again what had happened the previous night that had them so eager for more.

Finally, it was Pinkie Pie’s turn. “So, Feenie! I know you don’t remember me last night, but… maybe you’ll remember her...” No sooner had she said it when her head lowered, her eyes went hooded and her hair fell flat, instantly transforming her appearance and sending a tingle that was equal parts thrillful and fearful down his spine as all present took an involuntary step back. “I like you, Feenie...” she told him in a voice that was Pinkie’s but not as she reared up and backed him into a wall. “You lost your bet. And when the time is right, you will keep your promise...” she all but warned him, poking him in the chest as her eyes bored into his.

“Uh… sure…” he said through suddenly dry lips, finding this version of Pinkie somehow both incredibly dangerous and supremely sexy for it. Guess I’ve got a thing for bad girls…? He suddenly wondered as she kissed him aggressively, sending a final shiver through him as she pulled back off him, her mane going instantly floofy again.

“Okay! I’m ready!” she said, happy-go-lucky again, taking her place beside Twilight and Vinyl, who gave her a wary look. “What?”

Celestia was uncertain too, but smiled, deciding that Mia Fey would not have allowed Pinkie passage to Earth if that version of her was any danger. “As are we all. As my sister would say… Fare thee well, Phoenix Wright.” Celestia bowed her head to him. “Whatever the future may hold, fear and regret nothing that happened between us, and know that you have my gratitude many times over. Thank you for having us… and for putting up with me!” she gave him a wink.

“It was… our pleasure, Princess,” Like you wouldn’t believe… he silently admitted, realizing he was about as sorry to see her go as he was Twilight.

“And mine as well,” she closed her eyes, remembering. “But all good things must come to an end. Now please step back…” she instructed them as her horn glowed and a shimmering golden bubble surrounded her, Twilight, Pinkie and Vinyl while a second one formed on the other side of the mirror portal, amongst Twilight’s friends, who quickly gave the expanding sphere room. As the one in front of Phoenix and Maya turned opaque and then shrank to nothing, the one in Twilight’s lab reached its full dimensions and solidified, the golden glow fading to reveal… Twilight, Pinkie, Vinyl, Celestia and Pearl back in Equestria, on the other side of the mirror.

Twilight’s friends instantly and eagerly hugged her and then flocked to Pearl, nuzzling and embracing her as Celestia magically lowered Maya’s cousin from her back. Once she had been properly greeted as well, Twilight hugged a sniffling Spike tightly, and then turned back to the mirror portal one last time, tears in her eyes. “Goodbye, Phoenix. Thank you for everything, and I’ll see you again whenever the next ley line convergence occurs, probably in a few weeks?” she suggested hopefully.

“You bet! Just give me warning of when you’re coming and who with!” he requested of her.

“I promised it would be Spike…” she reminded him, giving her scribe’s head scales an affectionate hoofruffle. “So have some comics and movies ready, Maya!”

“You got it, Sparkle! In the meantime, you take care and keep the princess and V-Jay in line! I’ll do the same with Nick and Iron Man on this end!” she teased.

“Keep me in line, fillyfriend…?” Vinyl gave her a smirk back through the mirror. “Ain’t nopony gonna do that!”

“One of the reasons I love ya, V-Jay…” she blew her equine lover a kiss. “Thanks for everything and don’t be a stranger!”

“Goodbye, my friends,” Celestia bowed to them through the mirror. “Until we meet again, Miss Maya, Phoenix Wright and my beloved Prince…” she told them meaningfully just as the mirror spell ran out. The image of Equestria rippled, got sucked into a tunnel and then shrank to a single point before disappearing, leaving their own reflections behind and their Equestrian friends and lovers impossibly far away.

Phoenix, Maya and Ferro stared into the now-normal mirror for several seconds, lost in their own suddenly sad thoughts before Ferro finally spoke up. “Well. Take it I missed quite the scene last night…” he said very mildly. “That’s okay, though. I had my own little get-together to attend! Be very flattered that Tia favors you like that, Phoenix.” He put a large hand on his shoulder. “I know she may have given you a different impression, but character matters a lot to her.”

Despite the affectionate gesture, Phoenix couldn’t help but be nervous and Maya held her breath slightly as well. “Thanks, but um… look… a lot of things happened last night, most of which I don’t even remember…” And what I DO remember I still don’t believe I did…

To his relief, Ferro only chuckled. “It’s fine, Phoenix. You don’t have to tell me, and you don’t have to apologize for it. Really. If it’ll put your mind at ease, I’ll tell you the same thing I once told Tia—I don’t ever want her to hold back from enjoying life or helping others to do so on my account. I don’t have any right or desire to demand an exclusive relationship from her given how little we can actually see each other. For all her power and for all she’s responsible for, she more than anyone else needs to occasionally kick back and really cut loose, and having seen for myself her day-to-day life in Equestria... I know she just doesn’t get enough opportunities to do it.

“Hell, if I’ve learned nothing else about her over the past few years, it’s that she’s got passion to spare and a driving need to share it with others. And something I learned just last night is that my role with her isn’t just lover,” he said in wonder.

“What do you mean?” Maya asked, genuinely curious.

Ferro looked to Phoenix like he was struggling to find the right words for a moment. “It’s hard to explain, but… you know how she calls me her ‘Prince’? You notice that she doesn’t call you or anyone else that, just me. I don’t think I realized exactly what she meant by it until last night, when I met all her previous ones, but she means an equal. A person who is not just her lover, but her confidant and partner. It means someone she can love unreservedly, someone’s who’s mature enough for her and emotionally compatible with her—and given what I saw last night, there haven’t been many over all the centuries of her life who were, either pony or human. You know, I sure as hell wouldn’t want her immortality, but I’ll be more than happy to be there for her and give her as many years as I can for as long as she’ll have me. And besides, she’s a big girl. She can do with her powers as she pleases.”

He looked down and smiled, then opened his eyes again and turned them on Phoenix’s. “So whatever happened… don’t worry. I already know how much she loves me, and now I know how much she loved all her past ‘Princes’ as well. And having met them? They’ve left one hell of a legacy to uphold. And it’s actually an enormous honor to join such an exclusive club.”

“Um… thanks…” was all Phoenix could immediately offer, still feeling embarrassed. “I’m still feeling like I should apologize, though. I admit I wasn’t really thinking about you last night or this morning…” he told him, but the larger man waved him off again.

“It’s not like I’ve never had a drunken bender in my life, Phoenix, and given the way I’ve seen her, I don’t doubt she initiated things and know firsthand how irresistible she can be. It’s okay. Listen, I’m glad to have met you guys, and it’s actually really nice to finally have somebody I can chat with about all this.” He offered Phoenix his hand. “So you if ever need a personal trainer or just someone to talk stuff over with, give me a ring,” he said as he gave Phoenix a business card. “I’ll give you a good workout or share a beer with you anytime you want.”

“I prefer wine, but… deal. And if you ever need a defense attorney, give me a call.” Phoenix shook the other man’s hand in deep respect, and then passed his own business card back. He followed that up by exchanging a hug and clap on the back with Ferro; each man now the sole individual in either world who could truly relate to the other. With that, Ferro hugged Maya as well, told him with a wink to take care of Phoenix for Twilight and Tia, and then departed for his job at the Gatewater with a final wave.

“So, Nick…” Maya slipped an arm around his waist in an affectionate gesture as they watched their new friend leave. “Have to say, after channeling sis for as long as I did last night, I’m still pretty hungry even after all those pancakes and sausages! So after we drop off the keys for the villa, wanna get some burgers?”

Phoenix chuckled. More mature, yet still the same old Maya! “Sure. But I take it I’m buying?”

“Well, duh! You’re the high-priced defense attorney who makes the big bucks, after all! You’re even on the payroll of a Princess, now!” She grinned, putting her arm through his. “Besides, you know the old saying—there’s no better time to talk than over a good burger!”

“Oh, really? And whose old saying was that?” he challenged her as he hefted his travel bag and closed up the door to the villa behind them.

“Maya Fey, future Kurain Master, who will one day be a household name to mystics and spirits throughout both worlds!” she announced grandly, then turned at least slightly more serious. “Besides, we did say we needed to talk…?”

“That we do…” Phoenix granted, but to his surprise, found he felt very little sense of dread or worry over it given everything else that had happened. Compared to all that, talking about mutual feelings with Maya’ll won’t be awkward at all! “To the nearest In-N-Out, then?”

“Oh, yeah! And this time, I want my burger done monkey-style!” Maya announced.

Phoenix rolled his eyes at that. “We’ve been over this before, Maya. There’s no such thing as monkey-style. They only do animal-style there!”

Maya harrumphed. “Well, that just shows how much you know, Nick! It’s on their secret menu! And I’ll prove it to you by ordering it!” She promised him.

“Fine, but don’t blame me when they gave you a blank look! Monkey-style is a myth, Maya. It doesn’t exist,” he said with certainty, even though he knew it was an argument he could never win.

“Oh yeah? Well, seeing is believing! I bet you didn’t believe in purple ponies or alicorn princesses either until you saw them!” she smirked at him.

He gave her a look, even though there was a twinkle in his eyes. “Are you actually comparing a magic-wielding unicorn and sun-controlling equine demigoddess to a fictional burger style?”

“You forgot to tag Tia with ‘biggest perv ever’, Nick,” she winked at him. “But yeah, why not? Besides, any pony who likes burgers is okay in my book! And guess what, Nick? Celly does!”

“She does?” he blinked, having thought after the previous night and week there was no way Celestia could still surprise him.

“Oh yeah! I took her to In-N-Out after we dropped you and Sparkle off at the Villa a few days back. And you know, I bet she’d love monkey-style too…” was the last thing heard within the villa as the door closed behind them and the pair began walking down the street, arm in arm.


Author's Note:

... and done. Sorry for the delay on this one, but once again I had to think long and hard about what to take out and what to leave in. In the end, I decided to leave enough to make clear what had happened, or most of it--even in the M-rated version I didn't show everything! It was a fun story to write, and in some ways is the story I'm proudest of just for everything I was able to do with it.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for putting up with all the suggestive stuff. In the end, I know what I like, and let's face it--sex sells. But I also pride myself on being able to weave plenty of worldbuilding around it all, and I definitely did so here. This story and verse will continue at some point in the future; more sequels are planned and I will offer, if not separate stories, at least separate M-rated and T-rated chapters where adult action may be present. In the meantime, thanks for following, and if you want the full story of what happened, you know where to look!

Comments ( 25 )

I think you just did…”


*deep breath* SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please?

Huge thanks for making a T-rated version! I usually have the filter on since I don't really care for most M-rated stories, but I'm super glad I found this one in the popular stories box! This was an amazing read, one that kept me awake at night when I just couldn't stop reading.

Thanks for the ride!

I think that if you make a sequel it should be about Phoenix and Twilight’s kids. I don’t know if you take suggestions but it would be cool if in the sequel Discord goes to the past to ruin Phoenix’s future so his kids go back in time to prevent Discord from messing with the past. I don’t know if it would be something that you would like to do but I would totally read it if you do. I would understand if you don’t want to. Just a thought.



Sounds like we have a winner!


*deep breath*SEQUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please?

Sequels are planned! :pinkiehappy: But if you want more verse-related stuff in the meantime, check out my Firefly stories if you haven't already.

TBefore the Storm: The Rise of Firefly
Before the Wonderbolts, there were the Bolt Knights. And before Rainbow Dash, there was Firefly. The story of Rainbow Dash's ancestor, the origin of the Wonderbolts, and the coming of the Great Pony/Gryphon War.
Firesight · 260k words  ·  408  19 · 6k views
TInto the Storm: The Flight of Firefly
Before the Wonderbolts, there were the Bolt Knights. And before Rainbow Dash, there was Firefly. The story of Rainbow Dash's ancestor, the founding of the Wonderbolts, and the outbreak of the Great Pony/Gryphon War.
Firesight · 421k words  ·  211  8 · 3.5k views


You're very welcome! Future sequels will probably involve one M-rated story instead of separate ones but they'll have separate T-rated and M-rated chapters where applicable.


It's an interesting idea to be sure, but we do already have most of the future of this verse sketched out, and the question of children will be addressed eventually. As for Discord, you'll certainly hear from him over time. It's even possible he'll decide to come and check out earth himself at some point. Heaven help us even if he's reformed... :unsuresweetie:

Thanks for reading, everyone!

Just a quick question when will the sequel come out? I’m not trying to be rude or anything.


Like, when you’re ending an enjoyable vacation? I’ll take that as compliment. Likewise the fact that you pretty much devoured this story in the space of just two days after finishing Turnabout Storm. Thanks for all the comments, and glad you enjoyed the ride! :pinkiehappy:


Appreciated! And same to you!

To be clear, my comment was prompted more by Twilight's admission that she tried Griffin food.

One can only hope. :scootangel:

One tenth of the views and score of the porn version.

How unsurprisingly disappointing.


One tenth of the views and score of the porn version. How unsurprisingly disappointing.

Sadly, the moral of the story is: sex sells. :ajsleepy:

For the sequel to one of the best stories on this site, did ya have to turn it into a freakin' porno?


This version of the sequel isn’t. As to why I did the M-rated version, click here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/475549/the-great-ship-sets-sail

Okay, I gave it a second read, and I'm gonna try to be more constructive this time.
Let me preface by saying that I don't mind the shipping of Phoenix and Twilight. It's cute, interesting, and for a cross-species ship, I think it kinda works. With the exceptions of Twilight connecting it to the whole romance novel thing (come on, you have to admit that's kinda silly), and Twilight staring at Phoenix's butt in the shower (though she did look away, like one second later, so I'm willing to excuse that), it's pretty well written. So let me make it clear, I have no problems with the ship itself.
No, my problem is when you make it sexual. I'm a brony who doesn't participate in clop, mostly because I don't like the idea of sexualizing a show like this. It just makes me feel...I don't know, dirty. I know, this is my personal bias, and not really a criticism of the story itself, but I have to be honest. I'm okay with ponies knowing what sex is, and making sex jokes, but when you have Twilight and Phoenix porking every five minutes (at least, that's what it felt like), it's kinda hard not to think about it.
The trial, for me, was probably the worst part. Even in this version, you have stuff like the exact measurements of Phoenix's junk, something I never wanted to know, and did you have to have him bang Fluttershy? Then, at the end, you have everybody get into what's basically an orgy while drunk. I know you established that ponies are more okay with polyamory than humans, but it still feels wrong. And you have that long explanation as to why Celestia doesn't get physical with her students (thanks, Sunset), but then you throw that out the window, which to me feels cheap. Also, I'm not keen on Phoenix and Maya getting together, at all. I know, Maya's an adult, but it still feels unpleasant.
Honestly, I'm not a fan of how Maya gets treated in this story. It's almost like she's designated as the bad guy, just because she doesn't fully throw her support behind Phoenix and Twilight. He's dating a magical creature from another dimension, I think she has the right to be unsure. And sure, Nightmare was partially brainwashing her, but having her throw the fate of two worlds away just to screw Twilight feels so out of character. And she barely gets an "I'm sorry," from Twilight for the whole thing. There should've been a longer, more sincere apology.
Now, I like some of the world building. All the ideas about magic you have (except for the whole mating aura thing, which I find kinda creepy), the relation between Equestria and Earth, Celestia having an entire (small) country as a front in the human world is kinda cool. But all the stuff I mentioned before leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm sorry, I just can't give this an upvote. Turnabout Storm is a masterpiece, but this is not.


Okay, I gave it a second read, and I'm gonna try to be more constructive this time.

Very well. Whether positive or negative, constructive feedback is always appreciated.

Let me preface by saying that I don't mind the shipping of Phoenix and Twilight. It's cute, interesting, and for an cross-species ship, I think it kinda works. With the exceptions of Twilight connecting it to the whole romance novel thing (come on, you have to admit that's kinda silly), and Twilight staring at Phoenix's butt in the shower (though she did look away, like one second later, so I'm willing to excuse that), it's pretty well written. So let me make it clear, I have no problems with the ship itself.

I'm actually very happy to hear that, because I know full well that many people downvoted this story (or it's M-rated parent) without a second thought based on the ship alone.

No, my problem is when you make it sexual. I'm a brony who doesn't participate in clop, mostly because I don't like the idea of sexualizing a show like this. It just makes me feel...I don't know, dirty. I know, this is my personal bias, and not really a criticism of the story itself, but I have to be honest. I'm okay with ponies knowing what sex is, and making sex jokes, but when you have Twilight and Phoenix porking every five minutes (at least, that's what it felt like), it's kinda hard not to think about it.

As your personal preference, I understand and accept that. One thing I had to learn the hard way back on TAS and some other works of mine was that it was impossible for me to satisfy everyone no matter how well I wrote something. Someone would always take offense, even at things I thought were completely innocuous. I would not, of course, call what I did here innocuous, but in the end, there are enough people--including, most importantly, myself--who enjoy this stuff, and it's ultimately for myself and them I write it. In the end, I’m an adult fiction writer, and this is what I do.

Yes, sex figured prominently in the story, but I tried very hard to have it support the story instead of the other way around, using it to showcase their differences, both physically and societally, and address all the various issues that stemmed from it. YMMV on whether I succeeded or not, but my thinking going into this was: show how such a relationship might actually work (or not), and the problems they might encounter along the way.

The trial, for me, was probably the worst part.

Really? :rainbowhuh: Because I think the trial is one the best parts of the story, showcasing a very high-stakes trial with old friends from both series using some very unique villains and dynamics. I'm actually quite pleased with the way it turned out.

Even in this version, you have stuff like the exact measurements of Phoenix's junk, something I never wanted to know, and did you have to have him bang Fluttershy?

If it's okay, I'd *really* appreciate it if you spoiler that in your original comment.

No, I didn't, but that was basically the major Ace Attorney twist here and from the response back on the M-rated version, it was *very* well-received and turned the trial on its ear (which was my intention) when it happened.

Then, at the end, you have everybody get into what's basically an orgy while drunk. I know you established that ponies are more okay with polyamory than humans, but it still feels wrong. And you have that long explanation as to why Celestia doesn't get physical with her students (thanks, Sunset), but then you throw that out the window, which to me feels cheap. Also, I'm not keen on Phoenix and Maya getting together, at all. I know, Maya's an adult, but it still feels unpleasant.

Sorry to spoiler all that, but you'll understand if I'd rather the ending not be revealed to incoming readers.

The reason for all that is, in short, that I like to end my clopfics with a grand finale of sorts; a massive display of M-rated fireworks. I've done that for pretty much all my adult works. Did I go overboard? Probably. But this is fantasy, and yes, even a measure of fan-service, for both myself and others. And it would be a total lie to say I didn't immensely enjoy writing it.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of how Maya gets treated in this story. It's almost like she's designated as the bad guy, just because she doesn't fully throw her support behind Phoenix and Twilight. He's dating a magical creature from another dimension, I think she has the right to be unsure.

I think here, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Much to my surprise as I was writing this, Maya in some ways became the glue that held the story together and around whom it was revolving; you got to see things through her eyes as she tried to resolve her own conflicted feelings for what was happening. In the end, she changed the most in the course of these events, not Twilight or Phoenix. She grew up the most at the end.

And sure, Nightmare was partially brainwashing her, but having her throw the fate of two worlds away just to screw Twilight feels so out of character.

Which just goes to show how powerful the Nightmare is and how she's able to manipulate people by using their own fears and desires against them. All she did was take Maya's fear of losing Phoenix and her jealousy towards Twilight and enhance them to the nth degree.

And she barely gets an "I'm sorry," from Twilight for the whole thing. There should've been a longer, more sincere apology.

Very well. As a large-scale editing pass on TLaTU similiar to what I did last year for TAS is planned, I'll take that into consideration.

Now, I like some of the world building. All the ideas about magic you have (except for the whole mating aura thing, which I find kinda creepy), the relation between Equestria and Earth, Celestia having an entire (small) country as a front in the human world is kinda cool. But all the stuff I mentioned before leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

And that's fine. This story is not for everyone; I knew at the start it was likely to get a deluge of downvotes for the subject matter alone (which it did). In the end, I wrote it because I *wanted* to, and enough people were enjoying it that I ended up turning what was originally just supposed to be a 7-or-8 chapter side story into a double-length novel. In all honesty? I consider this in some ways my greatest work, because in my view, I made an impossible ship work and spawned two additional stories I loved in the process (the Firefly books). Again, YMMV on those claims, but that's how I see it. In the end, I don't regret writing this at all.

I'm sorry, I just can't give this an upvote. Turnabout Storm is a masterpiece, but this is not.

Then I thank you for at least giving it a chance--or actually, two. That's far more than a lot of people would do and reflects very well on you. I thank as you well for the feedback, even the parts I disagree with. Longpost comments like this are craved on all my works but only rarely received.

Listen, I'm truly sorry this wasn't your cup of tea. :ajsleepy: But if you'd like to try something else I've written that's not clop and was actually spawned by the TAS/TLaTU series, check out my Firefly stories. They're very well-written military thrillers that have been extremely well-reviewed. I'm also about to release a new story in the next few days that is set in the Phoenixverse but only borrows some of its setting as, some months after this story, Celestia takes Twilight to visit a place that became the stuff of Nightmares--Chernobyl.

Again, I sincerely thank you for the feedback, and for giving the story a real shot. In the end, that's all I can ever ask of a reader, and your thoughts will be taken under advisement when I do the eventual editing/update pass.

Yup, still good. And The Pink One is still absolutely freaking terrifying.


Yup, still good. And The Pink One is still absolutely freaking terrifying.

Glad you enjoyed! And yes, she is... :unsuresweetie: In fact, I didn't even detail what happened with her in the M-rated version simply because I couldn't think of a way to do so properly, leaving a deliberate gap in the story. So it remains left to the imagination of the reader, even there.


When I was reading the part of Phoenix and Twilight discussing their future together in the chapter, the thought of Phoenix losing his license came to mind and was wondering how you'd set it up if you were to go that far into the Ace Attorney series. I like the idea of Phoenix moving to Equestria and being an attorney there instead of scraping as a so-called Pianist (but in actuality an illegal Poker player) to make ends meat. We all know Twilight and her friends wouldn't allow that.

Again, just a thought. And we'll see if you go that far into the story. Anyway, keep up the good work. :twilightsmile: I gotta check out your Firefly stories real soon.


When I was reading the part of Phoenix and Twilight discussing their future together in the chapter, the thought of Phoenix losing his license came to mind and was wondering how you'd set it up if you were to go that far into the Ace Attorney series. I like the idea of Phoenix moving to Equestria and being an attorney there instead of scraping as a so-called Pianist (but in actuality an illegal Poker player) to make ends meat. We all know Twilight and her friends wouldn't allow that.

If we ever get that far in the story, you can bet these issues will be addressed. I've had Phoenix appear in other stories where he's actually supporting Trucy from his poker games or dons his hobo disguise even before he loses his license to make money on the sly playing poker at Los Angeles-area casinos--how else would he get by when he's rarely getting paid for his legal work?

And you can definitely bet that's not grape juice he's swilling in the fourth game. That was one of the stupider changes, in my view, from the Japanese version to the English one. :facehoof:

Again, just a thought. And we'll see if you go that far into the story. Anyway, keep up the good work. :twilightsmile: I gotta check out your Firefly stories real soon.

Please do! :pinkiehappy: The Firefly stories were in fact spawned by TLaTU--by Firefly's initial appearance here. I'm very proud of them. Hope to see you reading them soon!

I have to say, Firesight--I've read this and Turnabout Storm multiple times this past month because of just how AWESOME they both are! The excellent lore and romance between Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle you and your friends added make it such a great read! And this is such an awesome way to end the story. I certainly look forward to see what the future holds for Phoenix Wright and his special somepony, as well as the rest of his Equestrian friends. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Now, time for me to check out Firefly.

Keep up the good work.

Oh? I'd love to read those.


I have to say, Firesight--I've read this and Turnabout Storm multiple times this past month because of just how AWESOME they both are! The excellent lore and romance between Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle you and your friends added make it such a great read! And this is such an awesome way to end the story. I certainly look forward to see what the future holds for Phoenix Wright and his special somepony, as well as the rest of his Equestrian friends. :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

I'm so glad you enjoyed! It was a labor of love for many of us, and remains ongoing--I'm actually starting an editing pass/revamp on TLaTU that will clean up some stuff and perhaps even add some new content. Will it continue? Hopefully, but I have multiple in-progress writing projects and can't right now.

Now, time for me to check out Firefly.

:yay: You're in for a treat! I look forward to hearing what you think.

Keep up the good work.

I'll do my best! We all will.


Oh? I'd love to read those.

The other story I refer to here is my very first: Five Star Service.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Phoenix's appearance is at the very end, with the "Attorney and the Earth Pony" chapters where he figures prominently, if anonymously--his true name is never stated. It's him, though. It's also M-rated, however, set in the very adult Gentlemanverse (a verse where Twilight opened a portal to earth somewhere around season 4, and the two worlds slowly integrated to the point that an escort service called "Gentlemen for Mares" was opened for lonely mares to enjoy the company of human men) so I don't know if you'd like it. It contains Turnabout Storm references and an out-of-work Phoenix (in his hobo phase) being recruited for the cause.

If you just want to check them out, his chapters are non-adult. They were actually my second try at them after I badly blew the first, but I nailed them the second time around.

I want to make a Gen 5 continuation of this but I can’t write court cases.

Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted May 15th, 2021
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