• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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27: The Heart's Turnabout, Part 11 - Verdict

“Well then,” began Fell Flight, blood dripping from her mouth, “’tis certain I enjoyed that possibly far more than I should. But ’twas so satisfying to end that blight on the thestral lineage and history!”

As The Nightmare had been tossed into the gallery, the half-breed mare had all but pounced on the faux alicorn, going straight for the jugular with her fangs. She had held onto The Nightmare’s throat even as the rest of its body had been ripped asunder by the rest of the audience.

Captain Alucard nodded. “None here would deny that you earned that right, Emissary.” He bowed low before the former Bolt Knight.

“‘Emissary’?” asked Maya, puzzled as she went up and poked the remnants of the dream demon with a materialized stick, seemingly trying to make sure she was dead, watching as her remains seemingly disintegrated into smoke and grayish mist under her prods until there was nothing left. “Isn’t she a soldier?”

“Yeah, Fell Flight was a leading member and founder of the Bolt Knights, but she retired from that life after the war, and became Equestria’s emissary to the thestral tribes, eventually establishing the Thestral Conclave in Canterlot which worked to re-integrate the bat ponies into mainstream pony society after centuries of Nightmare Moon stigma!” Rainbow Dash rattled off her history with the ease of someone who had studied the matter extensively, leaving Twilight marveling how readily she memorized certain facts yet cared so little for others. “One of her sayings was how she wanted her legacy to be one of life, not death; and an emissary was a better job for that than a soldier.”

“Much as I elected to serve the cause of life and friendship by later becoming the Gryphon Ambassador to Equestria,” Layan Kaval noted.

“Indeed, Prelate. But in fairness, ’twas Thunderbolt’s saying, originally,” Fell Flight took pains to point out, nodding to the large and handsome pegasus stallion with jagged lightning cutie mark, who bowed his head and smiled in pride like a proud papa. “And ’twas his teachings and legacy I sought to honor by taking them as my own.”

“Aye. And ’tis a great thing that thou didst so, Emissary,” Princess Luna said, stepping towards the cat-eyed mare, who stood to attention. “When we were returned to our senses, we confess that we had thought ‘twould take months, perchance even years, to reform the Dream Guard and return it to active duty. Imagine our surprise when, upon announcing its rebirth, the children of the night flocked to its banner, along with many unicorns. Thy work towards bringing thestrals back into Equestria’s good graces have eased our transition into these modern times.”

Fell Flight nodded, a hint of color coming to her cheeks as she was praised by one of the patrons of her people. Any response was cut off by Trixie’s gavel coming down repeatedly. “Order in the court!” she called. “We still have one final order of business to attend, so if everyone would please return to their places…?”

The gallery settled down, with Maya and Pearl returning there along with Twilight’s friends, this time sitting among them. The Bolt Knights and Red Talons resumed their positions as bailiffs, though with The Nightmare now vanquished, there was no further need for them. Vinyl, Mia, and Phoenix were all at the defense bench, while the prosecutor’s bench stood empty, and Twilight returned to the defendant’s chair. Trixie waited until they were done before speaking, looking out over everything.

“This has been one of the most bizarre nights I’ve ever experienced, and I doubt anyone here would say otherwise,” she began, to some light chuckles. “I was brought into Twilight Sparkle’s dream to pass judgment on her by command of The Nightmare, who tempted me with the thought of revenge on Sparkle for her wrongdoing against me in the past.” Here, she bowed her head. “And, I’m ashamed to say that it very nearly worked. I nearly let my personal bias against Twilight cause me to pass summary judgement on her, with no consideration of the facts at hoof.

“Were it not for the sharp legal mind and quick thinking of our excellent defense team leader,” she nodded to Mia, who nodded back, “I most likely would have done so. And in so doing, I would have become just like the ill-named Fair Verdict, who briefly presided over my own trial not that long ago.” She paused, then amended, “No, I would have been worse than Fair Verdict. She was bigoted, yes, but she was bribed to put me away. I have no such excuse; I let my passions rule my judgement. And had I gone through with it? I would have proven only that those who distrust the law already are right to do so... never mind enabling The Nightmare to take her new host and thus condemning all of Equestria!” She shuddered for a moment.

“A judge cannot let their passions rule them, for in so doing, they forsake both their honor and the evidence, resulting in vastly erroneous rulings. However, a judge also cannot shut their heart away from a trial completely; to do so causes them to become cold and distant, as unfeeling as the windigos of old. A true judge must strike a balance between passion and serenity, taking into account the evidence and emotions in the case, to make a proper ruling,” she recalled, looking thoughtful. “Due Process taught me that at my own trial. Both he and the human judge I met once before are, perhaps, the best examples of such judges I’ve seen, and I am glad to have met role models like them.”

“You give yourself too little credit, Your Honor,” Mia said, her hands clasped in front of her and angel wings folded behind her. “I had a feeling from the start that you would surprise The Nightmare, even had I not brought your grandfather into the picture.”

“Perhaps, Mia Fey,” Trixie conceded, “but perhaps not. I doubt even an ascended spirit such as yourself can say what would have happened on the path not taken. But enough of such things. I am glad I played the role I did, but it’s now time to finish it! Twilight Sparkle, rise to receive verdict!”

Twilight stepped up to the witness stand, looking far more calm and at ease than she had been all night. The two unicorns regarded each other for a moment before Trixie spoke again. “Let me make one thing clear, Snarkle—I still haven’t forgiven you for invading my mind and violating my privacy during our duel. Nor have I forgotten that you bared my heart for all to know during my trial! That said, you did not deserve what The Nightmare would have done to you, and I’m ashamed that I nearly enabled it to happen.”

Twilight lowered her head in chagrin. “It’s okay, Trixie. I understand if you never forgive me. And in truth, I can’t help but wonder how I would have turned out in your position,” Twilight admitted. “What would I have become in the absence of Princess Celestia’s support and teaching? I could very well have ended up in your place… or even worse.”

Trixie smiled wanly. “Well, I am glad that you didn’t. After all, there’s only enough room for one angst-ridden, boastful showmare in Equestria!” This brought another round of laughs from the gallery, louder than before. “But I’ve rambled long enough. So let’s finish the job! After due consideration of the charges, arguments and evidence, this court hereby finds the defendant, Twilight Sparkle…”

With that proclamation, Pinkie Pie whooped and fired her party cannon, causing confetti to rain from the ceiling as the gallery erupted into thunderous applause, consisting of human claps raucous gryphon cries and pony hoofstomps. Trixie waited for the ruckus to die down a bit before continuing. “My job is finished and that is all for this case. Court is—”

“Ahem. Pardon the interruption, Thine Honor, but may we take over thy bench? We wish to offer some judgments of our own,” Princess Luna asked, approaching the bench, stopping Trixie before her gavel could come down.

Trixie blinked. “Ah, certainly, Your Highness. And the case is over now, so you may simply call me Trixie.” She stepped down from the bench immediately.

“’Tis our hope to call thee more than that one day, but for now… we feel a change of decor is in order!” Before Trixie could ask what she meant, the lunar princess closed her eyes as their surroundings rippled, the courtroom replacing itself with a far different environment, one reminiscent of olden times with blue firegem torches lining the walls alternating with large tapestries of famous scenes and ponies, all night-related, the Equestrian flag behind her beneath a large circular window with painted glass, but the banner of the night draping the refurbished bench.

“Wait! This is—was—your Night Court!” Celestia recognized with a startled look around. “Back from our old Everfree castle!”

“Indeed, sister!” Luna acknowledged as she ascended the stairs and sat down at her desk, suddenly garbed in what Celestia also recognized as her sister’s old Dream Warden armor she had worn during her first few hundred years as Princess of the Night. “For if we are to give an olden award, we shall call back to olden times! Vinyl Scratch, step forth!” she ordered, and though surprised, the Pony DJ did so, stepping before the elevated bench Luna sat behind.

“Your servant, Princess,” she bowed, uncertain of the Lunar Regent’s intentions.

“Indeed thou art,” Luna acknowledged in some wonder. “To even find thy way here ’twas an incredible feat, made even more so by the fact thou hadst no formal training in dreamwalking, possessing nothing but thine own natural talent and desire to protect thy friend. And yet… we are also told by our own guardsponies that they could never have defeated the dream demon army without thee—that thy song and spirit succeeded in uniting both regular ponies and the dream guard that protects them in harmony.

“Thy achievement is breathtaking and deserves to be rewarded. And though we may no longer command a Navy as we once did, perchance we can still give the naval titles as awards,” she said as she materialized a pair of odd swords, one short and one long. “For such superb service to the lunar crown, helping to save not just Maya Fey and Twilight Sparkle but all Equestria, we pronounce thee a Star Sentry, the second order of the Lunar Guard!” she tapped both of Vinyl’s shoulders with the flat of her swords and a dark blue cape with silver trim suddenly materialized on her, clasped at the front with a crystal brooch that had the appearance of a star-shaped blue diamond embedded in a larger white diamond done up to look like the full moon.

A shaft of moonlight then speared through the window above her, illuminating Vinyl with a pale glow that caused the crystal to glitter. “Whether thou seeketh to join the Lunar Guard or not, we grant thee title within it. Stand and be recognized, Star Sentry Vinyl Scratch!” her last words boomed out as her Dream Guard instantly came to attention and saluted the surprised DJ, even the Bolt Knights and Red Talons offering up salutes their own.

Though very surprised, Vinyl offered a facsimile of a salute back. “Wow, I… I don’t know what to say, Princess!” she admitted at some length, admiring her new attire.

“Wow, you don’t know what to say, V-Jay?” Maya smirked from the sidelines. “I’ll have to make a note of the date!”

“Thou may simply say thou accept, young minstral!” Luna smiled. “And though we are not certain we can appreciate thy rather… loud music, perchance thou wouldst honor us with thy presence in Canterlot one day? We can then make thy title official in the physical realm as well as the dream one!”

“Be my pleasure, Princess!” she bowed again. “But it wouldn’t be right to say I did this alone. I mean, couldn’t have done it without Lady Requiem or your dream guard…” Or without Maya’s music, she decided to save for later.

“We are aware, Vinyl Scratch. Be assured Lady Requiem will be properly recognized later, and we will also offer public commendation to all our loyal guardsponies, who proved themselves admirably this night. But methinks there is one other pony present this blessed eve who cannot wait. A pony who, by chance or by fate, we are also afforded the opportunity to offer our thanks to, even though she is long departed…” her voice trailed off as her gaze fell on one of the Bolt Knights.

“First Lieutenant Fell Flight! Step forth! she commanded in her Royal Canterlot Voice, and though surprised, the spirit of the large thestral-eyed pegasus mare immediately did so, taking a knee before the bench.

“My Princess,” Fell Flight used the olden address and the same formal bow with splayed wings Phoenix had earlier seen from Firefly. “We are honored by your presence and that we were able to serve thee not just in life, but now in death!”

“The honor is ours, great warrior and emissary,” Luna acknowledged, raising her swords vertically into a salute. “Thy life is legend, and thine achievements in both war and peace rank with the greatest of all time. Since our return, we have studied all thy Bolt Knight brethren, but ’tis certain we took particular interest in thee. For thou wert the greatest champion of us and our servants, and thy legacy is all around us,” she noted with a look around the courtroom at her mostly-thestral dream guard, who, at their captain’s instruction, quickly fell into an honor guard formation around her and came to rigid attention, the Bolt Knights and Red Talons quickly doing the same, the latter drawing their weapons and holding them in an extended salute as they normally did for decoration ceremonies.

Luna waited until they were finished before continuing. “’Tis to our great regret that we were not there for thee in life, but perchance we may now rectify this in death,” she told the long-passed warrior. “For thy great martial prowess, long service to Equestria and unquestioned love and loyalty to the night, thou art awarded the revered and rarely given title of… Shadowbolt!”

With a flare of the Moon Princess’ horn, Fell Flight’s uniform was transformed into the ornate dark armor the elite lunar guard once wore, the ensemble completed by prominent crystal rank insignia on her shoulders of a lightning bolt against a crescent moon, the moon itself suddenly shining even more brightly through the painted glass a window above the princess down onto departed spirit, illuminating her like a blue-and-white spotlight, causing her slitted thestral cat-eyes to glow brightly.

“Is that a big deal?” Phoenix wondered out loud as gasps were heard from the Dream Guard and even Fell Flight looked shocked.

“Uh… yeah?” a hovering Rainbow answered like it was self-evident. “Way back when, the Shadowbolts were Luna’s elite! They were her Bolt Knights! You had to score like a hundred aerial victories to be one, and either win a duel with an existing Shadowbolt or perform a battle feat so amazing that there was no choice but to let you in!” she said in excited tones. “There weren’t more than fifty in all of history!”

“Quite,” Luna acknowledged with a slightly annoyed glance up, at which point conversation ceased. “To be named a Shadowbolt is to be elevated to the fourth order of the Lunar Guard, an honor granted to only the most elite of lunar warriors and greatest servants to the night! Know that by our command, honored emissary, thy life will be remembered, and thy deeds immortalized in the annals of lunar history for all time!”

The cheers that followed from the thestral members of the dream guard present were loud and raucous, the ponies pinwheeling their hooves and stomping them appreciatively, even the gryphon warriors present nodding their heads in agreement.

“My Princess honors me,” Fell Flight bowed low, Phoenix wasn’t certain but he thought he saw tears in her eyes for a moment. “To serve thy cause ’twas my greatest honor in life… and to be recognized by thee as having done thy work ’tis my greatest honor in death.”

“’Tis well-earned, noble warrior of the night. As our sister will say, we value long and loyal service above all, and how could we not recognize one who served us and our kindred so faithfully even when we were not here?” she mused, then addressed all present. “May the blessings of the Sun and Moon fall upon all of thee great warriors, whether allies or adversaries of old,” she nodded to the Bolt Knights and Red Talons in turn. “We thank thee for thy sacrifice and service here tonight, and bid thee our fondest farewell!” She finished as she offered up her ancient swords in salute.

“’Twas our greatest pleasure, Princess Luna,” Firefly answered for both the Bolt Knights and Red Talons as they returned the salutes, then she turned to Celestia. “My Princess… ’tis nearly time to take our leave. Once your sister departs the dreamscape, we will lose our anchor and be unable to stay in this realm.”

“I see…” Celestia’s eyes were suddenly glimmering. “Then may the winds be at your backs, and the rising sun guide you home,” she choked out and had to look away at her recitation of the old pegasus funeral prayer, an expression that Rainbow instantly recognized as coming from an even older pegasi belief that the rising sun led the way to the Summerlands for fallen warriors. “I will raise it in your honor when I return home.”

“Fret not, our Princess,” Wind Whistler stepped forward, followed by the rest. “Be at peace, and know that through the centuries, our love and loyalty for you has never diminished.”

“My noble knights…” she sniffled again, basking in the presence of her former champions and friends for as long as she could.

“Just a moment…” Mia called out. “Captain, with your permission… I believe I would like to visit the Summerlands myself. May I accompany you?”

Firefly looked back at her and grinned. “’Twould be our honor and pleasure to escort you, Mia Fey,” she bowed low. “There would have been no victory here but for your power and presence.”

“A greater warrior of wits I have never known, Mia Fey,” Layan Kaval said, saluting her and signaling his fellow warriors to do the same. “You and your student fought a brave and brutal battle, and in the end triumphed over impossible odds. ’Tis my hope you will honor us with a visit to Valhalla as well, human angel. But until then, our mission is complete, and we too, must take our leave. Fare thee well, honored friends,” he saluted Firefly with his sword, then bowed low before the two princesses, signaling his forces to do the same.

“Your presence was appreciated, Prelate,” Mia bowed back. “Just the sight of you kept the dream demons away.”

“You are quite welcome. ’Tis a pity, though. I was so looking forward to a fight…” he sheathed his sword in some disgust.

“As were we all…” one of his female subordinates said. “Though perchance we may yet get one. I believe there is a challenge pending…?” she looked pointedly at Rainbow Dash.

To little surprise, Rainbow took the bait instantly. “Oh, you puffed-up chickenhawks want a fight, huh? I’ll give you one for the ages!” she announced brashly, to which Firefly could only close her eyes and shake her head, though she made no attempt to stop her greatest granddaughter.

“Not alone, you don’t!” Applejack stepped forward as well, puffing her chest out and lowering her stetson hat fractionally. “I got your back, marefriend!”

“So be it,” the second gryphon and her comrade lowered their heads as well. “Then before this night out, we will find you in a dream and fight you there! Beware, my little ponies…” they called out as their surroundings rippled and they departed into a fresh rift through which Phoenix could see great towers and spires.

“Oh yeah? Well, you better beware of us!” Rainbow called after them, then exchanged a high-hoof with Applejack as Firefly simply sighed.

“When I was her age and ability, I needed to get beaten down badly to learn where I stood and how far I had yet to go. And methinks so does she,” was all she would say to Phoenix’s inquiring look. “Whatever happens in the realm of dreams will only hurt her pride, not her body. I cannot speak for Ms. Applejack, however.”

“She will be fine,” Sky Sentry stated, stepping up beside Firefly and speaking up with a strangely pleased grin. “She is of my line, and that means she has warrior stock as well. Methinks you do not give them enough credit, Captain—they may well surprise you.”

Firefly glanced at him and smiled. “Perchance you are right. When it comes time, we shall watch the duel ourselves. Until then… ’tis time to return home. Are you ready, Ms. Fey?” she called over to Mia.

“I am,” she stepped forward and flared her angel wings for takeoff. “Goodbye, Phoenix, Maya and the rest of you. And know that the blessings of all heavens are granted to you.”

“Goodbye sis,” Maya had gone teary-eyed.

“Never goodbye, Maya,” Mia replied, going back and hugging her sister one last time. “I’m always with you in spirit, and always just a channelling technique away.”

“I know, but…” she sniffled. “Still not the same…”

“Dwell not in sorrow, young mage,” Wind Whistler answered, taking her hand in her hoof. “Instead, honor your sister’s life by carrying on her work. And know you may draw on her… or us… any time you need.”

“I will,” she put her hands together and bowed low to Firefly and other Bolt Knights. “And thank you.”

With that, the seven pegasi warriors and one human angel departed through through own rift, showing beautiful skies and idyllic scenery before it closed.

“Well, now that this is over, why don’t we all go home and get some sleep?” Phoenix asked before everyone looked at him funny and he suddenly realized what he’d just said. “Oh, wait…” he blinked as Maya facepalmed and Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Wow. Granny Smith and Big Mac ain’t ever gonna believe this one…” Applejack had taken her stetson off in wonder as the spirits departed. “Even if I did tell ’em, they’d just say I was telling tall tales again!”

“You tell tall tales?” Rainbow looked at her in disbelief.

“Reckon I did once…” Applejack answered, rubbing the side of her head. “That story’s the one thing that can really get Big Mac chatty again…”

For the first time in five minutes, Trixie reentered their circle. She had been speaking with her grandfather off to the side, watching the ceremonies and goodbyes from afar. “Okay, okay, everypony’s happy and tears have been shed. It was touching, it was amazing, now can we please go home?” she asked, wearing her regular cape and hat now. “Trixie would much rather go back to her normal dreams where she’s the star of the show! And would much prefer to forget everything she heard and saw tonight!” She grimaced and stuck her tongue out.

Luna actually chuckled. “’Twas actually our plan to do so all along, Ms. Lulamoon. We offer thee our regrets, but we must now remove thy memories of this night,” she announced as her horn started to glow.

Trixie’s eyes went wide. “What??! Hey! Don’t I get a say… in… this?” Trixie trailed off as she suddenly fell asleep, collapsing in her grandfather’s forelegs, her cape and hat suddenly evaporating off her without her conscious will to keep them there, leaving only her frosty coat and mane behind.

“Luna…” Celestia said in disapproving tones even as most of Twilight’s friends cheered.

“Forgive us, sister. And you too, Sir Shadowmoon…” Luna bowed her head apologetically first to Celestia, then to the spirit of Trixie’s grandfather. “But ’tis best for now, as we have plans for her, ones that require she be yet unaware of us. We will return her memories of this night if and when she passes our test. But not before.”

“Plans? Test?” Twilight asked the questions everyone else was thinking.

“Indeed,” Luna replied, giving Celestia a warning look. “Thou wilt know them in due course. And not before!” she said with finality.

“I am aware of what you plan, Princess,” Shadowmoon the Illustrious acknowledged with a raised eyeridge, cradling Trixie’s body. “And I will be watching.”

“We would expect no less,” Luna acknowledged, then turned to Alucard. “Captain, we direct thee to dispatch two guardsponies to return Trixie Lulamoon to the waking world…”

“If you don’t mind, Princess…” Shadowmoon spoke up again, “I would prefer to do that myself.”

“Of course, fair spirit,” Luna bowed low before him. “Fare thee well, and know that in the end, we intend to help thy granddaughter realize her full potential… and our own!”

“I know you do,” he grinned. “For if I thought differently, I would not allow it!” With that, the dreamscape rippled yet again and both he and Trixie disappeared through it.

They watched her leave, then turned back to each other.

“Before we head out ourselves, got a question for you, Pinkie Pie…” Vinyl spoke up. “Just how were you there to help us when me and the Dream Guard were fighting The Nightmare’s army?”

Pinkie Pie gave her a strange look. “Huh? Help you?”

“Help you?” Twilight and her friends chorused as well.

“Well… yeah…” Vinyl suddenly rubbed her head, realizing how ridiculous the story was going to sound, dreamscape or no. She outlined the course of the battle for the better part of a minute before finally arriving at the critical moment. “… so then this girl I swear was a human version of Pinkie Pie appeared to us in the middle of the song, pounding away on a drum set! I’m serious; aside from being human, she looked and sounded just like you!” Vinyl explained.

“But that couldn’t have been her! She was right here the whole time!” Rarity pointed out.

“Last I checked, she ain’t exactly human, either!” Applejack added.

“Hmmm…” Pinkie pulled on a detective’s hat and starting puffing on a bubble pipe, considering the question for a few seconds before she suddenly lit up. “Oh. Oh! Nonono, that wasn’t me, silly! Or not ME-me. It had to have been another me!” she quickly clarified upon seeing everyone’s confused looks, making Twilight want to rub her eyes with a hoof.

“Say what now?” Applejack was no less befuddled. “Another you?”

“Yep-yep! Another me!” She said as if it was self-evident, then turned to her left and spoke to seemingly nobody in particular, “Thanks, other me!”

Before anyone could ask another question, an oval portal opened in mid-air right beside her, and a floofy pink-haired human stepped through, causing everyone to flinch backwards. “No problem!” she answered, her voice and mannerisms identical to her pony counterpart.

She greeted Pinkie like an old friend and gave her a high hoof, then she turned and saw Phoenix, her eyes going wide like she recognized him. “OoooOOOoooo… so Ace Attorney is real in this dimension? Cool!” With that, she suddenly whipped out a pink smartphone emblazoned with her three-balloon cutie mark, put an arm around a startled Phoenix and took a selfie with him, dressed slightly oddly in a blue vest over a white shirt with a heart on it, pink skirt and knee-high blue boots that looked to Maya like an ensemble out of some anime. “Just wait until Sci-Twi sees this one! But then again, I know what she’ll say! ‘Multiverse theory’s unproven’! Well, not anymore!” With that she hugged the pony Pinkie Pie hard, took a selfie with her as well, and then darted back through her portal, closing it behind her, leaving stunned silence in her wake.

“Uh… what just…” Phoenix was at a rare loss for words.

“Who’s ‘Sci-Twi’?” Rainbow blinked.

“Maybe… it’s just best not question it,” Twilight reluctantly said, rubbing the side of her head. Ended up in traction the last time I did…

“Indeed. That mare breaks all the rules!” Starswirl spoke up in a disgusted tone, having remaining silent through much of the post-verdict proceedings.

“Eh. To me, they’re more like guidelines,” Pinkie shrugged, materializing some cotton candy and taking a bite.

“Wow. Guess multiverse theory really is a…” Maya again bit off the last word for Pearl’s presence, suddenly wondering what other versions of her might be out there. And what did she mean, Ace Attorney is REAL here…?

“Well. My life may be over, but my quest for knowledge never ceases. So I suppose it’s time I return to the Summerlands as well,” Starswirl announced.

“Huh? And just how did any soul as ornery as you get into heaven?” Maya had to ask.

“Maya!” Phoenix and Twilight were aghast though Celestia and Luna just laughed.

“Take it from us, Miss Maya—it’s all an act with him. He truly is, as you humans say, a ‘big softie’ at heart,” Celestia said as she and Luna stood to either side of him and gave him a huge hug and affectionate nuzzles, which he seemingly only barely tolerated.

“Verily!” Luna said. “As much as we may tease him, he is our beloved mentor. Even if he never doth seem to appreciate our pranks…” She transformed his wizard hat into a jester cap on his head.

“Don’t push your luck, either of you!” he growled, teleporting a few feet away and leaving the hat behind, materializing a fresh one in its wake. “Or I swear I’ll come back and give you a nightmare of being in class again!” he materialized a crop and slapped it hard against his hoof.

The two chuckled at that. “You know you love us!” Celestia said impishly again.

He sighed and even deflated a bit at that. “Yes. I suppose I do…” he granted. “So to answer your question, Miss Fey… ignoring all the times I saved Equestria, all the magical foes I vanquished, all the magic I discovered and the schools I founded, I trained these two! And considering all they put me through, that alone should grant me access to the Summerlands!” And with that, he disappeared in another shaft of light, departing for the afterlife once more.

“A soul’s worth is judged by what they have given back versus what they have taken in their life,” Mia’s voice suddenly sounded in Maya’s head, causing her to start. “And one such as Starswirl ultimately did much for many. Do not judge him harshly for being ill-tempered. For were that alone disqualifying, we would all be judged badly.”

“I hear ya, sis…” Maya clutched the magatama jewel around her neck. “So, not to sound ungrateful or anything, but um… just how are me and Pearly going to get back?” she wanted to know.

“I’ll take Pearl Fey home,” Weiss spoke up, stepping forward. “Seems only fair, My Princess, since I brought her here?”

“So be it,” Luna nodded. “Thou hath done well this night, Dreamfarer. We will reward you at a later time.”

“My Princess,” she bowed, then presented herself to Pearl. “Hop aboard, little one!”

“I will, but first…” she went over to Phoenix and Twilight. “Mister Nick? Do you really… like Mystic Twilight?” she wanted to know.

Phoenix grimaced slightly, as did all else present, but he answered honestly. “I do, Pearls,” he told her, making a show of laying his hand on the back of Twilight’s neck. “I hope you’re not disappointed.”

“Well, um…” her finger went in her mouth like it normally did when she was uncertain. “I guess it’s okay… oh! I know! Maybe she can be your special somepony as long as Mystic Maya is still your special someone!” She suddenly turned happy again even as Twilight’s friends erupted in laughter and Phoenix blushed as Maya smacked her forehead with her palm.

“Think it’s time for us to head home too, Maya…” a chuckling Vinyl said, still wearing her regalia though she knew it was only a dreamworld construct that would disappear when she reentered the physical realm. “And since I came here to save her, I’d like to take her home myself, if I may…?” She looked to Luna and Phoenix for permission.

Luna smiled. “’Tis thy privilege… and mine to provide thee an escort,” she nodded to Alucard, who immediately assigned two thestrals to the duty. “We look forward to receiving thee one day at Canterlot and giving thee a more tangible award.”

“Be my pleasure, Princess. I’ll be in touch,” she grinned. “You ready fillyfriend?” she offered her human friend her hoof. “Just take it, and we’ll be off.”

“Oh! Uh… okay?” Maya obeyed, if a little uncertainly. “But before we go… uh, Nick?” She looked to Phoenix.

“Yes, Maya?” he asked.

She looked like she was fumbling for words for a moment. “Um… just… enjoy the rest of your time with Sparkle, and, um… I think we need to talk later…?” she cringed a bit as she spoke, not unlike how Phoenix felt at that moment.

“Yeah…” he agreed, rubbing the side of his head with his hand. “But let’s wait a few days first, okay?”

“Deal,” she agreed quickly, a note of relief in her voice. “Let’s go home, V-Jay!”

“You got it, fillyfriend! Now hold on tight!” she commanded as she cast a spell and a fresh rift opened in the dreamscape, the pair passing through it and then out of sight.

He had scarcely gotten over that awkward moment before another presented itself. “Oh! Um… Mister Phoenix…?” Fluttershy called to him, blushing hard as she stepped forward.

He forced himself to face her as to his annoyance, Twilight blushed but her other friends giggled. “Y-yes, Miss Fluttershy…?”

Her own blush got even deeper. “Um, I just wanted to ask… if… you and Twilight were… mad at me…?” she all but squeaked out the last words as she cringed even harder than Maya, hiding her face behind her bangs as she spoke.

“Oh, Fluttershy…” Twilight hugged her hard. “How can I be mad? I admit I was drunk, but hay… I encouraged it!” she said in some disbelief.

“I could never be mad at you, Fluttershy…” Phoenix assured her, whispers of memory rising up within him again of their punch-induced encounter, causing his loins to twitch appreciatively. “And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t… enjoy it…” he blushed hard, and so did she.

“Oh! Um, well… I did too… I think?” she looked away, her wings twitching in remembered arousal for a moment.

“You did indeed, darling,” Rarity confirmed, stepping forward. “And I’m certain Mister Wright would love tell you just how much he enjoyed your company?” she looked at him pointedly.

He looked to Twilight, who nodded and grinned. “I’m a lawyer. I always seek the truth. And the truth is…” he knelt before her and gently raised Fluttershy’s hoof to his lips, laying a kiss on it, causing her to softly gasp. “The truth is, you’re a beautiful, wonderful pony, Miss Fluttershy. And I feel like the luckiest stallion of either world to have gotten to be with you!”

“Oh my…” Fluttershy’s wings twitched harder. “Then, um… maybe someday… we…could…” she blushed fiercely again, unable to finish the sentence, then did the only she could think to express her feelings, laying a quick kiss on his cheek before stepping back, struggling to keep her wings under control. “Goodbye, Mister Phoenix.”

Abruptly, there was a sharp flapping of wings followed by the appearance of a perturbed-looking rainbow-maned pegasus between them. “Okay, enough, Nix!” Rainbow’s cheeks had also gone red, though from decidedly different emotions.

“Jealous much, Rainbow?” Applejack smirked, though beside her, Spike was sticking his tongue out his open mouth and pointing a finger down his throat..

“Indeed, darling. Your blue coat has turned utterly green with envy!” Rarity rejoined, using a simple spell to turn her friend’s fur an emerald shade and causing Pinkie and Spike to laugh.

“Wha… hey!” Rainbow pawed at herself frantically before finally figuring out she could turn it back with but a thought of her own, to the laughter of all. “Okay, okay, enough fun and games! I’ve got some sleep to catch up on and some Red Talon tail to kick! So what say we all head home?”

“As you wish, impetuous young pegasus,” an amused Luna nodded, then looked behind her, causing Captain Alucard to immediately step forward. “Captain, we trust thee to see these special souls safely to their slumber?”

“Of course, My Princess,” he bowed low, and quickly assigned thestrals and unicorn guardsponies to each of Twilight’s friends, except for…

“Lady Rarity,” he bowed low before her. “Would you do me the supreme honor of allowing me as your escort?” He kissed her hoof for emphasis, causing Spike to glare.

Rarity blushed. “The honor is mine, viscount…” she gave Twilight a hug along with all her friends before she took his hoof, then looked back. “We will be in touch via mirror spell, Twilight! And until we meet again, Mister Wright… ta-ta!” she blew him a kiss, and then they were off with yet another ripple of dreamscape, leaving an increasingly empty courtroom behind.

“Quite a night, I’d say…” Celestia said in prize understatement. “Though in truth… I feel somewhat responsible for this. I fear Starswirl was right—I didn’t teach Twilight enough about matters of the heart. And I should have contacted her immediately when I sensed she was distressed.”

Twilight put her hoof on her mentor’s foreleg. “I can’t be dependent on you for everything, Princess. And you did teach me a lot. Besides, I don’t think there’s any book or lesson out there that deals with… well, all this!” she motioned around her.

“Indeed, young mage,” Luna acknowledged. “But in truth, we bear some blame for this night as well. We sought Phoenix Wright first and allowed thee to suffer in thy nightmares so he could see how thy guilt-filled conscience tormented thee and that thou hadst no intention of breaking thy promise to him. ‘Twas these unchallenged demons that allowed The Nightmare to nearly take thee.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Princess…” This time, Phoenix spoke up. “It was mine for letting my fears get the better of me and not listening to my own heart. It was only when I saw she was in danger, I realized what a fool I’d been…”

Twilight tried to take responsibility as well. “Hey, Phoenix. Don’t let me off the hook here. Turned out I correctly guessed what happened, but didn’t take it to its logical conclusion—that my aura wasn’t trying to turn you in a stallion, but let you sire my foals. Guess we’re going to have to be a bit more careful from here on out…” she rubbed her head with a hoof, then grinned. “Until we’re ready that is!”

“Until we’re ready,” Phoenix agreed, amazed he could agree to such a previously outlandish idea so readily. “Guess there’s plenty of blame to go around, then?” he asked, as everyone nodded or murmured their agreement. “Then let’s not dwell on it. In fact, in some ways we should thank The Nightmare for what she did to us. In the end, without even meaning to she revealed to us the truth, and only made us inseparable for it…”

“Fate takes many an odd twist at times, young barrister. But we acknowledge the truth in thy words, and wish thee both nothing but the best,” Luna told them. “In truth, in many ways we envy thee, both for the ease with which thou saileth such troubled waters as these, to say nothing of being able to walk amongst either world so readily. Our sister has invited us to visit Earth as she does, but we are… reluctant. ’Tis certain we have enough trouble fitting in back in Equestria, so we fear we would not manage well in such an alien culture as thine own, particularly one that was… barbaric at best last we knew.” She looked away in some embarrassment.

“We’re different now, Princess. At least, in most areas of the world,” Phoenix hastened to add, though there had been times during some of the cases he had worked on that he had cause to wonder himself. “I think your sister’s right and you should visit!”

“I like it there, Princess, and this is only my third time visiting!” Twilight spoke up. “There’s so much to do and see, and you’d be surprised how lively the night is there!” she told her, causing Luna to perk up.

“Indeed. It’s as I’ve told you, sister. The night is revered on Earth. Enjoyed and celebrated with much revelry.” Celestia smiled, knowing well the way to her sister’s heart.

“Truly…?” Luna looked surprised.

“She’s right, Princess,” Phoenix concurred, his hand resting on the back of Twilight’s neck again. “And as we’ve already entertained your sister, we would certainly invite you to visit us as well. Be more than happy to show you around. And I’m sure Maya would love to take you out to see our nightlife!”

The lunar princess considered the offer carefully for a moment, looking lost in thought. Then she materialized a mirror and cast a spell on herself, causing her form to ripple and change. Within seconds she had transformed into a tall, dark-skinned and very gorgeous human female, rivaling her sister in looks as she stood nearly six-foot-two, possessing sparkling deep blue hair, slightly lanky but still shapely curves…

To say nothing of very naked ones as she inspected her unclothed human body in the mirror. “’Tis our human form. How do we look?” she turned to Phoenix and asked, causing a gaping Phoenix to blush hard and Twilight and Celestia to giggle, his immediately obvious arousal not lost on any of them...

Least of all Luna, who saw and grinned. “We shall take that as a compliment. In due time, we will accept thy generous invitation. Until then… fare thee well, Phoenix Wright!” With that, she closed her eyes and her ethereal horn glowed as she returned he and Twilight back to their bodies on Earth.

* * * * *

The Celestial Sisters watched them depart, Celestia herself almost wistfully. “You did well here, Luna,” she noted, taking a moment to admire her sister’s human form.

“In truth, we did little, sister,” she shook her head after her task was complete, transforming their surroundings to the same beautiful night-kissed meadow she had earlier shown Phoenix Wright and herself back to an alicorn, to Celestia’s quickly-hidden disappointment. “’Twas Mia Fey and Phoenix Wright who fought The Nightmare on her own terms and won. And had they not…” she hesitated, but decided she had to say it. “And had they not, we were prepared to do whatever was necessary to stop The Nightmare.” She gave her sister a meaningful look.

Celestia’s eyes closed at that, understanding exactly what she meant, considering again how close to disaster they had truly come that night as they began to walk together, taking in the scenery and each other’s company. “Then you would have done what I would have had not the heart to…” she said solemnly. “But thankfully, it did not come to that. Harmony favored us tonight.”

Luna rolled her eyes in response. “Oh, please, sister. We love thee, but methinks at times thou art far too reliant on the graces of the gods. Indeed, thou art far too forgiving and gentle for thy own good and that of Equestria at times, most notably during the prelude to war with the Gryphons. Having studied the conflict’s history, we can safely say had it been us, ’twould never have happened. For we would have slain then-Consul Gaius following the attacks on Epsilon base and made an example of their forward forces, then ordered the Empire to leave Equestrian lands forever…”

“And thus denied the gryphons our future friendship, one that has by now borne great fruit for both races. Or perhaps set the stage for an even worse war later,” Celestia shook her head. “In the end they fought us because they feared us. Feared me… and your actions would only have made that worse. Though you are correct that at the time, I thought too much of my own power and allowed our readiness to slip…”

“’Twould be a lie to say that ’twas not an egregious error borne of overconfidence. ’Twas worse still that thou hadst in large measure disbanded my Navy, which even reduced to but a dozen airships carried many a day. Though ’tis also certain that thou concluded the war far more honorably and less bloodily than we would have.” She closed her eyes as she spoke. “If ’twas us in thy place, without thee here to temper our fighting blood… perchance The Nightmare was right and we would have not have needed her to become every bit the monster she was.” The moon princess went downcast.

“No, my sister,” Celestia draped a wing over Luna. “We cannot know what would have become of paths not taken, and ’tis pointless to dwell on them. How you would have fared without me, we will never know… though I suspect time itself would have changed and tempered you as it did me.

“All I do know that is without you, I was lost… variously in grief, lust, and loneliness. Thus, the real lesson is… that we are not complete without the other,” she said as she took her sister’s gilded hoof. “The real lesson is… we need each other, Luna. Just as day needs night, and the sun needs the moon…”

“For thou art Equestria’s shield…” Luna remembered the oath they had once taken upon their ancient ascension.

“And thou art its sword,” Celestia said the next line. “Together we protect our ponies…”

“And together, we serve them,” Luna finished. “Thou by sunlight, and we by moonlight. Thou in the physical realm, and we in that of dreams,” they hugged tightly for the better part of a minute. “Enjoy thy remaining leave, elder sister. And know that Equestria is safe in thine absence… though we cannot promise that we may not yet lock all bickering nobles in the Canterlot Mines!” she announced somewhat more wanly as she personally returned Celestia’s spirit to her body on earth, and then resumed her watch over the night and nation she loved.

Phoenix open his eyes to find himself on the living room couch on the first floor of their rental villa, feeling both infinitely tired and somehow incredibly refreshed. “Wow…” he muttered to himself, already wondering if it had all been real. “A trial for the ages… complete with angels, spirits and demons… and all over…” he abruptly remembered, then threw off his blankets and ran upstairs wearing only his shorts. “Twilight? Twilight?” he called somewhat frantically, only to see her groaning and moving restlessly on the bed.

“Phoenix…?” she called out tentatively, sitting up at the sound of his voice. “Was it real? Are we… back…?” she looked around in some doubt, afraid it was just another illusion conjured by The Nightmare.

“I’m here, Twilight,” he told her, sitting on the bed beside her and immediately taking her into an embrace, concerned only that she was safe. “I’m here. And I’ll never let you go…”

“Oh, Phoenix…” she sniffled once, burying her face in his chest. “I love you.”

“And I love you too,” he quickly told her. “Now and for all time…” And the weird thing is that without The Nightmare’s takeover attempt, we might never have truly believed it…

Author's Note:

And thus the trial comes to an end. Hope you enjoyed it! This is not the end of the story however, as the aftermath of all this remains to be explored. We will do so in the final few chapters, which includes a surprise appearance or two by other notable Ace Attorney figures. Thanks for reading!

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