• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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22: The Heart's Turnabout, Part 6 - Mystic Malpractice

Being in Luna’s Dream Guard meant the pay and benefits were good, but the hours were awful.

You were on call at all hours of the night, regardless of your physical state or lack of sleep… for such things mattered little in the dreamscape. The selection process was rigorous and you had to survive an insane amount of lessons and exams, one after another, in quick succession, during boot camp. Not to mention, the course seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Rumor even had it there was a magic spell cast upon it to make it seem longer than the twelve weeks it actually was.

Upon Luna’s return, she had resurrected the organization, which had once been her personal guard but been thoroughly corrupted by The Nightmare and disbanded by Celestia in the wake of her sister’s defeat. Though there had been no shortage of volunteers, many thestrals welcoming the return of their long-lost regent with open arms, not many had qualified as the Moon Princess had turned out to be a brutal taskmaster during training, wanting to make sure you were worthy of not just the Dream Guard, but of her. Though more a mental ordeal than physical, it was a psychological stress test that rivaled anything Celestia’s Royal Guard had to go through in basic training and ensured that those who survived had earned and solidified the group iconic reputation: “The Dream Guards have defeated their demons and befriended the monsters under their beds.”

The training was referred to officially as the “Dream Hazard Courses” and unofficially as the “Hazardous Courses.” But for those who had completed it, it was simply remembered as “Your Worst Nightmares Made Real” Course. As part of your training, your greatest, most deeply-rooted fears were dredged up and brought to life in your dreams, and if you could not withstand their emotional onslaught and fight back, you failed the course.

To that end, the Moon Princess tested each soldier personally as a final exam, making sure they would hold up against the very worst the night could offer, often taking the form of Nightmare Moon to tempt or outright torture them. Though she never said so directly, it was believed by her soldiers that she did so to make sure that should she fall again, she could not corrupt them as she had before—that they would fight her to defend Equestria if need be.

For those who failed her ultimate test, there was no shame. Their memories were wiped of the ordeal and they returned to their previous lives. But for those who passed… a new world opened up, full of great wonders and horrors alike. A realm where all was possible and the departed themselves sometimes walked; a realm where if you could dream it, you could do it…

And above all else, a realm where myriad dangers awaited, including demons who specialized in preying on the dread fears and emotional weaknesses of others, seeking to corrupt hosts and gain purchase in the physical realm. Such a fact had never been more in evidence as that night as the aforementioned creatures crawled out of the darkness, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Nightmare’s return. Some were simple opportunists; others were loyal foot soldiers supporting the efforts of their mistress as she attempted to gain a new host, knowing that if she succeeded, both the physical and dream realms would become fertile ground for their feeding.

They were meeting stiff resistance, however, from the hundred ponies of Luna’s Dream Guard, who perhaps for the first time that night truly appreciated the training the Princess had put them through. But they were starting to worry it would not be enough as they were being forced back line by line, dream by dream. “By Luna, where are these things coming from?” A unicorn mare asked her compatriots as she fired beam after beam from her horn. Join the Night Guard and see the Dream World… it’s fun and full of adventure! Right… she internally groaned as she vaporized one apparition, missing another one closing on her from behind.

It was cut down by her thestral squadmate, the forward edges of her bat-wings covered with glowing violet blades. One of the benefits of the dreamscape, she was told from day one, was that your only limits for weapons and worlds was your imagination, and that quickly ended up leading to mind-over-matter battles brought into a literal form, duels against dream demons where logic and sanity simply did not apply. “There is no end to them!” the bat-pony agreed. “If this keeps up they’ll overwhelm us with sheer numbers!” she feared, going back to back with her comrade.

“Where is the princess?” another thestral mare, this one bearing the mark of a corporal asked as she cut down one demon with glowing wingblades only for three more to take its place. She materialized crossbows on her forelegs and immediately launched arrows from them, the bolts finding their marks but the surviving demons retaliating by turning into zombie gryphon soldiers clutching and slashing at her.

Her heart clenched—zombies had always been a deep-seated fear for her—but she persevered. “We can’t handle this alone! We need her help, and we need it now!” she transformed into a dragon as she spoke and breathed a great gout of fire, incinerating them, consuming them in violet flames. But several counterattacked, striking her with mental bolts and assaulting her with rapidly changing environments and dreamscapes, all dredged up from her own fears and phobias—everything from the fear of water she had as a foal to far more adult one of losing her own foals to nightmares.

But she had not survived training and the Princess’ final exam to falter under such visions; none of them had. “The princess is dealing with The Nightmare!” her harried wingmare replied. “She’s trying to take over a new host and if she does, she’ll have to stay to battle her! We just have to hold on! Reinforcements are coming! The Captain has already sent for a heavy hitter… ”

There was dead silence in the courtroom as Luna’s dream magic and the memories it recreated vanished into the ether. Having experienced and seen what Rarity did that night, all of Twilight’s friends were flushed red to one degree or another, although with Fluttershy, it was difficult to tell. Her hooves had gone to her muzzle as the scene had progressed and she was now mortified beyond measure, doing her best to disappear into Pinkie’s mane.

“Oh my… was that me? Did I… really…” Fluttershy finally squeaked, though she’d seemed the most stunned at when she’d turned aggressive and all but attacked Phoenix, taking him in a very unusual manner for ponies and not even caring that others were watching.

“That you did, Sugarcube. That you did.” Applejack grinned and gave her friend an affectionate mane ruffle. ”And Ah couldn’t be prouder!”

“Wait… you remember this too?” Rainbow was scarcely less shocked by the events of that night, particularly to see what had become of her at the end of the party!

“Sure do! I knew dang well what was in that punch even if ya’ll didn’t.” Applejack never lost her grin. “Ah know mah limits with it just as well as Rarity. But that don’t mean Ah don’t like seeing how honest it makes other ponies act! Zap Apple Ether’s great for that sorta thing!”

“And you didn’t tell us?” Rainbow was shocked at her friend’s apparent deception.

Applejack merely shrugged, completely unrepentant. “’Cause ya’ll never asked! Ain’t dishonest if you don’t have to tell!”

“Well, Phoenix. If you make love to Twilight like you did to Fluttershy, I can’t see that either would ever leave you,” Mia finally told Phoenix, apparently unable to resist a small tease.

“Not helping, chief…” he barely mumbled, reeling for not only witnessing what he did through Rarity’s senses, but for the fact that as the scene had progressed, he felt stray memories of his own rising up from deep in his own mind, enough to confirm his witnessed encounter with Fluttershy as real. He found he remembered not words or actions so much as emotions and sensations; he could recall the taste of her lips, the texture of her wings, the softness of her fur and the feel of her flanks beneath his fingers…

To say nothing of the pure reverence he held for her and utter ecstasy of taking her, making love to the most kind, beautiful and wonderful creature he’d ever known. Worse, he looked down to realize he was quite aroused, though thankfully only at his normal human dimensions; as he willed it away he glanced at Fluttershy and found her staring back in equal consternation, averting her eyes just as quickly as he did. Dear God in Heaven… even if we win, how can ANYTHING be the same after this…? He leaned heavily on the rail, suddenly wondering if Luna would be willing to wipe his memory again.

“It’ll be fine, Phoenix,” Mia promised him as if reading his thoughts, putting a hand on his shoulder, sending another wave of warmth and comfort through him. Whether due to her angelic aura or just familiarity, her very touch imparted strength and hope to him, making him stand up straighter. “Don’t fear what you shared, be grateful for it. For in the eyes of Heaven, such love and beauty as you two created is never wrong or to be regretted.”

“Methinks you seem quite pleased at these events, Fell Flight,” a male gryphon warrior told the large cat-eyed mare wearing a smile and nodding with great satisfaction at his side.

“And why would I not be?” she rejoined. “’Tis gratifying to see my greatest granddaughter does have a predatory streak within her, and thus she is a credit to my line and her bat-pony blood. Certainly far more than her brother!” she rolled her slitted eyes.

Rainbow Dash did a double-take at that, her blush vanishing. “Wait… so Fluttershy’s descended from you, Fell Flight? Wow, talk about a distant relation!”

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Hey, I’m descended from Blindside, so you can’t really use the ancestor as a measuring stick for the descendant, Dashie! And aren’t you the direct descendent of Firefly?”

“Well… yeah, but…” While Rainbow pondered that, Applejack looked around the otherworldly audience, her expression dropping.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Pinkie Pie asked her country friend. “The ghosties are all really friendly! Well, all except her!” She made a face at the Nightmare.

Applejack shook her head. “It ain’t that, sugarcube. Reckon Ah was just hoping that if they really are spirits, then maybe… Ma and Pa would be here.” Her ears folded back, and she looked down at the floor in disappointment.

The Bolt Knight closest to them, a stallion of orangish hue and blue mane, turned to her. “Fret not about them, young Applejack. Your parents are at peace in the Summerlands, and be assured they watch over you and your kin at all times. They did not come here because, unlike the other spirits present, they have no prior connection to the Nightmare and did not expect your presence.”

“Really?” Applejack all but sniffled. “Ah… Ah see. Then please tell ’em… we all love ’em and miss ’em, okay?”

“I shall. I give you my word.” He nodded back.

“Wait… wasn’t The Nightmare dealt with before your time, Sky Sentry?” Rainbow asked, pointing out a contradiction in the stallion’s statement.

“’Tis true, we did not have to deal with her,” Sky Sentry replied. “However, the fallout of her rebellion was still being felt three centuries after the fact, as Fell Flight can attest to.”

The named mare nodded. “Aye. We Bolt Knights came here in part because we wanted to ‘thank’ her personally,” she said with a predatory gleam. “We might have lost the war but for the bat-ponies her actions ostracized. I worked hard to bring them ‘back into the fold’ as you say, and thus, it gratifies me greatly to see that they are fully accepted now.” She grinned and nodded at Luna’s Dream Guard Captain, the stallion Alucard from Rarity’s memories, who stared back at the long-passed half-thestral warrior in wonder from his regent’s side.

“Um… it’s good to meet you all, but… w-who are they?” a still-blushing Fluttershy pointed with a shaky hoof at the black-and-red gryphon warriors accompanying the pony spirits.

“You even have to ask? They’re the Red Talons,” Rainbow Dash answered in some contempt. “The Bolt Knights’ greatest foe.”

“They’re scary…” Fluttershy all but whispered, cowering slightly and hiding her eyes behind her bangs, her mortification at least momentarily forgotten. The gryphons did not look back, though a couple smiled like they’d been complimented, and one even bumped her talons with Swift Strike’s hoof.

“Ain’t the word Ah’d use for ’em. From what Ah read, they were a buncha stone cold killers!” Applejack crossed her forelegs and spoke out loud, not caring if they heard her or not.

“Eh. They’re not so tough,” Rainbow stated, visibly sizing them up. “I could take ’em.”

No sooner had she said that than the two nearest Red Talons turned towards her and pinned her with a stare that made her blood run cold. “Think that at your peril, my little pony,” an eagless told her, giving her a grin that was anything but pleasant. “We may no longer be amongst the living, but be assured there are ways we could test that claim, even now.”

“Well, now. Two on one ain’t a fair fight. So if ya’ll test her, you better test me too!” Applejack gave the gryphon warriors a level look, completely unintimidated. “We Apples fought at Stalliongrad under General Rock Biter. And I reckon we whipped your flanks good!”

“Hah!” Rainbow Dash chortled. “We didn’t just whip them, we went right through them!”

“Rainbow Dash, mind your tongue and manners,” Firefly called out with the air of a mother scolding her foal.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash blinked. “But why are you defending them? Aren’t they your enemies? Aren’t they ours?

“Hardly,” she replied, making a point of giving Layan Kaval a reverent nod. “Just like the gryphons of your modern day, they are no longer enemies, but friends and allies. In the years that followed the great war, we fought at their side against Dragon Lord Diabla and her Crimson Order. That they are even here means that they are ascended spirits like us, journeying from the Gryphon Valhalla to ensure that the Nightmare faces justice tonight. You wouldst do well to treat them with the same respect you wouldst I, or you will answer to me.” She pinned her descendant with a stare, causing her to cringe.

Trixie’s gavel came down hard and repeatedly. “Order in the court! We can discuss friends and enemies of old later!“ She ran a hoof through her mane in exasperation, still looking quite flushed herself from all she had seen. “If you all don’t mind, I’d like to get back to the business at hoof! Now then, witness. You said before that you have incontrovertible evidence regarding your claim, but that it wouldn’t make sense without context. Well… we have context now, so perhaps you could provide this evidence?”

“That would be my pleasure, Trixie,” Rarity replied with a triumphant look at the Nightmare and Red Phoenix. “This is your proof!” With a flare of her horn she produced… a large roll of parchment. “As evidence of these events, I offer this court the notes Twilight took while watching the scene. As you can see, they are quite… extensive. And could hardly have been written by me.” With that, she willed two more identical copies into existence to pass to the prosecution and defense. “The real copy of this scroll is back in my home, hidden amongst the dress designs in my inspiration room, center cabinet, third drawer, hidden compartment in the back. I’m sure our fine and noble Captain Alucard may retrieve it if this court requires?” She all but batted her eyes at him, causing him to blush.

“Just… pass it here…” Trixie ordered, feeling her headache starting to come on again. The fashionista did so promptly, producing and floating a copy to Mia and Phoenix as well.

Upon receiving it, Phoenix flushed anew. Every inch of the three-foot long scroll had been filled with notes and diagrams, including some very explicit pictures of his own anatomy, annotated with length measures and angles. It was definitely written in Twilight’s elegant script, though it got steadily more ragged and rapidly written as it went down the page, either due to her increasing inebriation or excitement. It wasn’t just about him, either; she’d taken careful notes on Fluttershy’s reactions and what she liked the most; there were even annotations indicating things she might want to try!

For her part, Trixie read as much of it as she could stomach before finally turning away. “Enough! This court is satisfied that these notes could not have been produced by anypony but a complete and total human-obsessed nerd… of which the only one present was Twilight Sparkle! This court is now more than satisfied as to the veracity of these events, and accepts this witness testimony and evidence into the court record! Hard as it to believe… Mister Wrong had sex with Fluttershy!” She made a face.

“Excuse me…” A visibly green Red Phoenix held up a finger. He waited until all attention was on him before making a show of doubling over and retching hard. “Okay, I’m good…” he announced somewhat shakily as Trixie and the rest of the gallery gave him a disgusted look. The showmare then quickly rolled up the scroll and shoved it aside like she never wanted to look at it again.

“In that case, Your Honor… as the claim of rape that night has been disproven beyond any doubt, the defense moves to strike all charges in connection with this incident.” Mia looked very pleased while Red Phoenix still looked very ill.

“Gladly… unless the prosecution objects?” Trixie turned to her right, smiling like she was certain there wasn’t any valid one.

For her part, the Nightmare had never looked more disgusted. “The prosecution has no interest in beating a dead horse, as humans say. Though the defendant and Miss Rarity are certainly guilty of voyeurism, they demonstrably did not rape him,” she grated out the admission, causing Twilight’s head to come up a bit more. “However, I would note the defendant clearly does not think too highly of him or their relationship if she simply gave up her stallion and his first time with a pony to her friend, treating them both as little more than lab specimens to be observed and conduct behavioral studies on!”

Mia spoke up immediately, giving a pointed look to Phoenix that told him to pay attention to her words. “She shared her stallion with her close friend, as any Equestrian mare might do. And far from doing so cheaply, she allowed it because she thought they deserved it—that they were owed the chance to thank each other after all they had done for each other. And you’ve spent the last hour trying to claim my client was selfish? Well, this was about as unselfish an act as you could imagine. You can’t have it both ways, demon,” she crossed her arms and pointed out with a grin.

Instead of objecting or looking angry at being thwarted, The Nightmare turned her attention back on Luna. “Oh, I think my former host and I amply proved we can,” she all but leered. “So, have you been treating your Dream Guard properly, Lulu? I do hope you at least allow your Captain the right to service his princess as you did when we were joined!”

“That will do!” Trixie’s gavel came down before a freshly-blushing Luna could reply, though Mia caught a furtive look passed between her and Alucard. “As all the prosecution can offer now is putdowns and personal attacks, may I assume there are no real objections?”

“Wait a second! I still have questions!” Red Phoenix still wouldn’t let it go, ignoring the Nightmare’s warning look. “If our anything-but-‘fair’ witness is telling the truth and what we saw really happened, then why didn’t I wake up on the floor rug with Fluttershy like the dream showed when we went to sleep? Why was I on the couch with Twilight on me?” he demanded to know.

This time, Phoenix beat Mia to the punch, quickly standing up and pointing a finger, staring daggers at his doppelganger, surprised at his own vehemence. “Because she said with her thoughts she was going to clean up the scene before anyone got up, remember?” Wait… I really WANT this to have happened…? he realized in great surprise.

“And did you, Lady Rarity?” Mia quickly asked, still looking quite pleased.

“Of course I did! I most certainly knew better than to let them wake up like that!” Rarity put her hoof down sharply. “After my darling Miles was… taken care of, I crept downstairs and rearranged the scene at sunup. I levitated Fluttershy off him—in truth, I had to all but peel her away; she didn’t want to let go of him!—removing her to a pegasus reading perch in the rafters and then Mister Wright to the couch, on the other end from where Twilight lay. The rug and blanket they used was then removed to my boutique for proper cleaning—I think you might understand that the pieces of yellow feathers and certain smells on them might have been a dead giveaway—and then partially redressed Mister Wright.”

“So that’s why the rug was gone!” Twilight spoke up, now sounding much more herself.

“But why only ‘partially’?” The Nightmare asked, though there was little more than idle interest behind her question. “Did you just like seeing him naked, perchance?” the corner of her mouth crooked up again.

“And what if I did?” Rarity gave the otherworldly entity another glare. “He is eye candy, yes. But in truth, I was unable to complete the process because Twilight stirred and climbed on top of him from where she lay. She snuggled up to him, and well… it was just so adorable a scene that I had not the heart to separate them,” her gaze went wistful. “In any event… I decided that if I left them that way, then if they thought anything at all had happened, it would be with each other and would thus spare no thought to Fluttershy. On that basis, it worked perfectly. I certainly never imagined it would come to be used as the basis of a rape allegation!”

“Trixie finds this explanation satisfactory if slightly creepy. Are there any further objections?” she asked, trying to glare Red Phoenix silent.

But the doppelganger failed to take the hint. “Yes, there are! I’m not done yet!” he pointed a finger again. “I still want to know if—” abruptly, his voice was stopped and his hands went to his throat like he was being choked.

“No, I’m afraid you are,” The Nightmare said in annoyance, levitating him off the ground. “You have served your purpose, but I think your usefulness to this endeavor is at an end. As I created you… I will now end you,” she announced before she flared her horn… and incinerated Red Phoenix, who screamed briefly just before he was reduced to a pile of ash that blew off like so much smoke, fading into the ether.

Despite his own murderous intent towards his doppelganger, Phoenix was shaken by the sight. So were Trixie and Twilight’s friends as Rarity looked horrified and Fluttershy began sobbing into Pinkie’s mane, held by her and Applejack, the pair trying to remind her that the other Phoenix wasn’t real. The deed done, The Nightmare pinned Phoenix with a stare. “I do hope you appreciate this, Phoenix Wright. Consider it a gift… and a warning to what I will do to those who oppose me!” She bared her teeth in her trademark unpleasant grin.

“Thou has not changed at all, foul demon,” Luna was unmoved while Alucard and the other dream guard members suddenly understood how dangerous The Nightmare truly was and why their regent had been so brutal in their training. “All are but expendable pawns to thee!”

The Nightmare snorted. “Oh, spare me the sanctimony, Lulu. You were not above sacrificing pawns of your own even before we were joined. Need I remind you of your conduct in the war with King Sombra…?” she trailed off meaningfully as Luna’s lips tightened.

Trixie’s gavel came down hard again. “Enough! He wasn’t real, just a dreamworld construct, so spare me any expressions of grief from the gallery! He’s gone and I’m glad! Now back to the question at hoof… does the prosecution have any further objections to the defense motion?”

“None, Your Honor,” The Nightmare was serene and looking very pleased with herself despite having lost a major round and her only ally. What’s she up to…? Phoenix wondered, but had a sinking feeling he would know soon.

“Then as both sides are in agreement… the rape and illegal magical influence counts regarding this matter are dropped!” the showmare announced with sharp gavel bang as several more lines erased themselves from the charges sheet, leaving only a few remaining. “Our human-loving and prosecutor-rutting witness is dismissed with this court’s thanks… and bade good riddance too!” she smirked at Rarity.

“And I thank our gracious if fashion-and-friendship-challenged judge for her wise rulings, and offer once again to make her some attire that would not make her look like like a bargain basement raider at a Nightmare Night store!” Rarity retorted to the cheers and hoofstomps of most of her friends, then simply smiled sweetly and joined them in the audience.

* * * * *

“Allow me to summarize our findings,” Trixie said after one parting glower at Rarity, speaking clearly to the whole courtroom, her voice now filled with confidence and authority as she sensed the trial drawing to an end. “It has become apparent that there was no rape involved during Phoenix Wright’s time in Equestria, either in the dreamscape or during that punch-soaked party. Without the rape as a foundation, I find that the prosecution’s other charges lack enough substance to warrant continuing this trial further.”

Hear that, Twilight? You’ll be free from the Nightmare soon! Phoenix thought, standing tall and proud again at Mia’s right, grateful not only for all her help, but for the chance to stand by her in a courtroom once more. Then we can talk in the waking world! And I’m going to start with a huge apology for ever doubting you…

“It’s time we brought an end to this trial, as strange as it’s become,” Trixie continued, raising her gavel high. “To that end, this court finds the defendant, Twilight Sparkle—”

The Nightmare, for her part, looked particularly smug, shaking her head and wagging a hoof in a manner that reminded Phoenix strongly of Manfred von Karma. “Methinks you’re being a bit too hasty, Your Honor. My case isn’t over, yet.”

Trixie was unamused. “This must be how The Judge felt during Rainbow Dash’s trial,” she muttered to herself, rubbing her forehead with a hoof. More openly, she said, “Prosecutor Moon, I understand you have personal reasons for wanting to win this trial, but given the collapse of the most serious of your charges, I fail to see any reason to continue. The defense has proven there was no rape. Trixie cannot even begin to understand their attraction, but whatever Snarkle and Mister Wrong did, they did so willingly.”

“The prosecution concedes the defense has proven there was no rape… during Phoenix Wright’s time in Equestria,” the Nightmare retorted. “But we’ve yet to discuss more recent events… particularly those of the past week.”

Dammit all, I could live WITHOUT reliving the highlights of our sex life in court! Phoenix thought bitterly. “What are you trying to pull, Nightmare?” he asked, pointing a finger at her. “Most of your case depended on the rape accusations in Equestria holding up. Without those, the magical manipulation charges would be diluted, since there was a period of five weeks between my leaving Equestria and seeing Twilight again! I’m no magic expert, but I believe any aftereffects of her mating aura would have long since dissipated by that point?” He posed the question to Trixie.

“For once, Wrong, you’re right,” Trixie said with a nod. “Studies of unicorn mating magic show that the effects will last, at the absolute longest, a period of forty-eight hours after the exposure, and even before that they tail off sharply. Even were we to increase that timeframe given Twilight Sparkle’s prodigious magical prowess, it could not conceivably still be affecting you five weeks after the fact!”

“Unless Twilight Sparkle had planted an item charged with magic on Phoenix Wright before he left Equestria,” the Nightmare mused. “A flower that you kept with you for those five weeks, perhaps…?”

Phoenix started—that was eerily similar to what he’d been thinking as the flower had started to wilt; that his feelings for Twilight would last only as long as the flower itself did.

“That flower… wasn’t magically charged,” Twilight spoke up for herself for the first time in what seemed like an hour, her voice stronger than it had been through the trial so far; the tendrils The Nightmare had implanted in her were almost completely expelled.”Far more likely it just took a long time to wilt because plants from Equestria have innate magic and are thus much hardier than those on Earth,” she suggested with surety.

“So you say,” the Nightmare sneered. “At any rate, there are still charges on your sheet, and the prosecution has more arguments to make and evidence to present, Your Honor.”

Trixie sighed, rubbing the side of her head with a hoof. “I was hoping to end this now, but it seems I have little choice in the matter. Very well, say your piece, Prosecutor Moon.” She sat back and crossed her forelegs.

The Nightmare nodded, and drew herself up. “Over the course of the past week, Twilight Sparkle and Phoenix Wright have engaged in several sexual acts. It is the prosecution’s opinion that these acts may not have been entirely consensual on Mister Wright’s part, owing to Twilight Sparkle’s mating aura activating during each set of activities, even while in human form.”

“Just a moment!” Trixie broke in, eyes widening as she turned to Twilight. “Sparkle, it’s bad enough you decided to choose a human to rut you, but to turn yourself into one while doing it?!” She made a face. “Trixie honestly thought better of you! Why would you lower yourself to meet his standards?!”

A badly insulted Phoenix was about to object, when Twilight looked up sharply, returning Trixie’s gaze evenly, almost completely herself again. “When you meet someone you’d be willing to bend over backwards for, you’ll understand, Trixie. I won’t say more here.”

Trixie made a derisive sound. “Me with a human? THAT’LL be the day!” the showmare’s eyes rolled.

“Ahem. May I continue?” the Nightmare asked with a sneer, looking strangely unconcerned with the fact she had nearly lost all control over Twilight. “At any rate, there is far more to the prosecution’s case than the simple lack of consent, Your Honor. I submit that, as the week has progressed, Twilight Sparkle has shown an alarming and increasing lack of control over her magic whilst in the middle of her… escapades. This has resulted in rather severe side-effects on Phoenix Wright, not the least of which happened earlier this evening,” she said with a knowing leer at Phoenix, making him cringe along with Twilight while the rest of her friends looked on in confusion. “It is the prosecution’s belief that, as long as her magic remains out of control, Twilight Sparkle is a danger to both Phoenix Wright and those around her.”

“So are you adding ‘reckless endangerment’ onto the list of charges?” Mia asked, crossing her arms again and tapping her index finger where it lay. If I was in Las Vegas, I’d lay odds that she’s about to bring up Phoenix’s earlier anatomical transformation… the angelic attorney thought with a glance at Phoenix, who was guessing the same thing. “If so, we will need far more than your say-so that Twilight Sparkle’s magic is dangerous, demon.” Go for it, Nightmare… she silently urged. I haven’t exactly been idle here when Phoenix has been doing the cross-examinations. Because as soon as you bring that up, I have an expert witness that’ll blow your claims right out of the ether…

In response to that, The Nightmare grinned, as though she’d anticipated the reprimand. “Oh, but it’s not just my say-so, my worthy adversary…” she chuckled, her horn beginning to glow. “For I have a second witness of my own, Mia Fey. And I believe you of all people will find her quite authoritative.” As before with Trixie, a portal began to take shape and another form was pulled through, this time by the witness stand. What everyone present noted was that, while the figure was prone, it was most definitely human. And when it took its final shape, both Phoenix and Mia had to restrain themselves from rushing out from behind the rail.

On the floor of the courtroom was Maya Fey, albeit a far cry from the one those who knew her had seen. She was disheveled, and seemed to not have noticed her change in location just yet. Worse, she looked like she’d been beaten badly, possessing a black eye and a split lip, visibly hobbled as she pulled herself up with some effort.

Maya!” Both Phoenix and Mia shouted, with even the latter looking alarmed, flaring her wings and stepping forward, only to be stopped as she saw The Nightmare’s tendrils in her sister as well, holding Phoenix back with an arm barring his way.

“Wha? Sis? N-Nick?” She focused on him with some difficulty, squinting through her good eye.. “Wh… where am I?” She asked in audibly shaky voice.

“You are here to help the cause of justice, and in the process heal yourself of your grievous injuries, Miss Fey,” The Nightmare promised her. “I now present to this court Phoenix Wright’s own assistant, to testify as to the deleterious and poisonous effects of Twilight Sparkle’s mating magic…”

“Wha…. Who are…. What do you… Wait. Wait… I…” Maya stuttered while stumbling around for a bit, trying to get a grip on her surroundings, coughing and spluttering as she tried to get to her feet. The Nightmare lifted her with her magic and placed her on her feet, in what seemed to be an honestly sympathetic action.

“Please, do take your time, Ms. Fey, we can all wait for you to get your bearings.” The Nightmare spoke in a uncharacteristically soft and gentle voice.

Maya promptly stumbled around the brimstone courtroom, eventually leaning on the prosecutor’s bench, twisting her face in pain as she did so, her breathing heavy. Her breaths came out as ragged as her clothes were, like a torn and ripped flag flapping on the wind. She looked beaten into submission, the entirety of her body and will broken, her mind and psyche just barely holding themselves together.

“Wha-? What’s happening here? Is this some kind of dream? Wh-where am I?” Maya couldn’t help but ask as Mia and Phoenix remained silent. They looked at each other, wearing identical expressions of confusion and sheer dread.

Trixie spoke up first, having recognized the young human girl herself. “This… this is the trial of Twilight Sparkle, Ms. Fey,” she explained, her tone troubled.

“Huh? B… Blue butt…?” she barely recognized the showmare. “What are you doing here?”

“What happened to you, Maya?” Phoenix still wanted to rush to her side but Mia and Wind Whistler held him back, both shaking their heads sharply.

“What happened to me? What happened to me?” she asked bitterly, her eyes flashing, at least the one that wasn’t swollen shut. “Sparkle happened to me, Nick! She did this to me!”

Phoenix was just as confused as Twilight, exchanging a glance with her. “What do you mean, Twilight did this to you? She’s been right here! She couldn’t have beaten you like that!”

“Thy assistant’s injuries are not physical, but emotional, Phoenix Wright,” Luna clarified, sounding very worried. “They are not real, but rather, a direct reflection of her current mental state.”

“But what happened?” he spared the moon princess but a glance.

“Something I wasn’t going to tell you until much later if I could help it, and I assumed she wouldn’t either,” Mia admitted, quietly.

“Why, whatever is the matter, Mia Fey? Nightmare asked her, a pleased expression on her face. “Neither you nor your apprentice have ever been reluctant to cross-examine witnesses before. You’ve leapt at them, tearing them apart, exposing all their lies and secrets. So why is this so different?” She couldn’t keep the grin from her face.

By Heaven and Earth… she’s got me… was all Mia could think as she looked upon Maya’s broken body, feeling true fear for the first time since she arrived in the ethereal courtroom. I’ve been a fool… she realized too late. I thought I had The Nightmare’s strategy figured out and everything planned so perfectly. Now Maya pays the price, and if we can’t find a way to break her testimony and convince her to accept what happened without hurting her, all may be lost…

Maya’s head came up just a slight bit sluggishly, seemingly not fully aware of her surroundings. But she succeeded in pulling herself up despite the pain, and the condition of her current form. “What’s the charge?” she uttered, her voice clearing up just to ask the question.

The Nightmare spoke up first. “The charges are rape, deliberate injury of a stallion, and illegal magical influence. To that end, I need you to testify about the effects of Twilight’s magic upon you. You know of what what I speak, do you not?” she couldn’t quite keep the hint of a smile from her face

Maya Fey suddenly stood up straight, suddenly filled with strength. “I think so. Is this trial karmic retribution, Miss… Moon? Is that your name?” she inquired, leading the Nightmare to nod her head solemnly and pass the young mystic the charges sheet.

Maya scanned it quickly. “I see… so Sparkle is being tried for the effects of her magic and presumably causing harm to others, huh? Rape and illegal magical influence of Nick foremost among them? Well then…” She took a deep breath, and spoke her mind swiftly, a gleeful smile breaking out on her face. “I’d be more than happy to help you!”

Twilight finally spoke up out of her confusion. “What!?” she squealed. “What have I done wrong? What have I done to you, Maya?”

“What have you done?” Maya echoed, her voice beginning to rise into hysterics. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU ASK?! I’ll… I’ll… OH, I’LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” The vehemence and sheer hatred in her voice was enough to cause Twilight to recoil and even the assembled spirits to draw back.

“Look at me, Sparkle. Look. At. Me.” Maya snapped, the fury evident in her one eye that had not gone black, paying no attention to anything or anyone except the target of her ire. “I have been smashed up, broken, beaten down, and utterly VIOLATED. And all by your horn. All by your DAMNED MAGIC.” She hissed out each word in turn. “Do you hear me, you goddamned purple-furred menace? Your spells have cascaded everywhere, even halfway across the city, hypnotizing an entire dance party and turning everyone’s minds into what can only be described as mindless, feral, lust!” She informed the Twilight, who listened, uncomprehending but increasingly aghast.

“And YOU... you have done nothing good for me, except steal away the only true friend I’ve ever had! You used your magic to utterly destroy him and make him yours, leaving me TOTALLY ALONE, and for what?” her voice quavered along with her lip. “So you could use him as your own personal prostitute?"

“Maya!” Phoenix was shocked—Maya normally never used profanity or such obscene terms—while Twilight’s friends were scarcely less so, Twilight herself staring at the young mystic in bewilderment.

“Maya, listen! You gotta—”

“Stay out of this, Pinkie!” Maya yelled, as she saw Pinkie coming out of the gallery towards her, the snarl in her voice, causing her Equestrian friend to reluctantly retreat back to her seat.

“Maya, please… I know you’re upset, but you’re not thinking clearly right now,” Mia offered quickly, holding her hands up in placation. “The Nightmare is not your friend. She is trying to use you as a bludgeon against Twilight.”

“Then let her!” Maya said vehemently. “After what Sparkle did to me? I deserve at least a little payback!” Tears were streaming down her face.

“But… what did I do?” Twilight was as lost as Phoenix.

“Indeed, darling! I know you had some issues with us, but I swear Twilight has not performed any wrongdoing to you! I know your injuries must be telling, but… please, there must be some other kind of explanation! She’d never do something like this!” Rarity called out.

“Ah agree! It don’t make no sense for Twilight to do this to ya!” Applejack followed up.

“Yeah! It’s just too downright mean!” Pinkie voiced, her face etched with concern.

“What in the hay is wrong with you, Maya? I know you never liked us, but why are you punishing her for something she couldn’t have done?” Rainbow Dash said next.

“Like you would care, bolt-butt!” Maya snarled back, The Nightmare’s tendrils sinking into her more deeply even as they retracted slightly from Twilight. But Maya herself seemed unaware of them, Phoenix noted in consternation. She’s controlling or at least influencing her… she has to be…

Princess Luna decided it was her time to speak up. “Methinks thou needeth to think thrice about thy actions, young mystic! The prosecutor here is the same spirit that turned us into… Nightmare Moon. We have not met, but I would hope thou hast heard the legends,” she spoke with slight guilt. Maya actually started at her words and then drew back in shock for a moment as she recognized the Lunar regent. “If thou acts brashly, or out of temper, thou may doom both our worlds!” she added, causing the spirits in the room to speak up, talking over each other in agreement.

“Do not listen to them, young Maya. For none can know your pain,” The Nightmare offered sympathetically. “But I do. And I alone can fix it. If you will but help me make Twilight face her guilt and receive the punishment she so richly deserves…”

Maya’s eyes flashed. “That’ll be my pleasure!” she announced forcefully despite her state.

Trixie slammed her gavel down hard, cutting off any further conversation. “Enough! Despite the unusual circumstances, this is a court of law. The witness’s statements, and all those resulting from them, are hereby struck for not being delivered within proper judicial procedures. Witness, you will go to the stand and deliver your testimony, and you will do so with a civil tongue!” She pinned the young girl with her fiercest stare.

Maya stared at the showmare incredulously. “Oh, you’re calling me out for being uncivil? That’s rich, given what I read of the transcripts of Bolt-butt’s trial, you stuck-up, frigid bitch!”

Trixie’s gavel came down hard again. “As I’ve already said once, Miss Fey,” she said slowly through narrowed eyes, reminding herself that the young human mystic, though even more annoying than Phoenix Wright in many ways, was clearly under the Nightmare’s influence as well. “I at least tried to make my put-downs witty. There was no wit involved in that very vulgar and childish temper tantrum you just threw. If you wish us to listen, you will behave yourself. Is that quite clear?

Maya stared at her in contempt. “I’m sorry, are you accusing me of losing my temper, Miss attack-Sparkle-and-freeze-an-entire-courtroom-when-she-lost-her-case?”

Trixie’s lip twitched and the air around her chilled. “For which I lost my law license for a year and stood trial in which the pony you’re currently accusing defended me!” she reminded herself as much as Maya. “What I learned then is that there are consequences to one’s actions, and it’s now a lesson I’ll teach you if I have to! So if you have something you wish to say to me or this court, you will do so with propriety; otherwise, I will hold you in contempt and dismiss you from this court for breaking decorum and end this trial for lack of further evidence immediately!”

Maya’s jaw dropped open while The Nightmare looked like she’d swallowed a lemon. “Your Honor—”

“Don’t even try, Prosecutor Moon,” Trixie cut her off, pinning her an icy stare she punctuated by letting her eyes glow blue. “I don’t care if she’s your witness and I don’t care if you threaten me, I am The Judge, just as you brought me here to be! And as such, your witness will mind her manners, or she will be returned to her own dream posthaste without testifying and I will pass summary judgement in favor of the defense here and now!” She looked at Princess Luna, who nodded in response.

Maya pursed her lips. “Fine… you win, Blue-butt. I’ll dial it back… for now.” She staggered to the witness stand, taking a shaky position behind it.

The Nightmare sighed, then spoke. “Witness, state your name and occupation for the record.”

“Maya Fey. Currently the de facto master of the Kurain Spirit Channeling technique,” replied the human girl.

“Miss Fey, I’ve called you here to testify regarding the effects that Twilight Sparkle’s magic has had upon you, specifically earlier today,” the Nightmare explained. “Are you able to deliver such testimony?”

Maya actually looked briefly angry again, before schooling her features. “Yes… although I reserve the right to omit details that are of no importance to the case at hand.”

Trixie frowned at that. “It is not your place to determine what is or is not important, Miss Fey. As I’ve told one witness already, you must tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Maya flicked a glance at Phoenix before answering. “Your Honor,” she said the title slowly and with some distaste, “I say this because there are certain details that I feel could do irreparable harm to Ni—to the defense co-counsel. I promise, nothing I say will be a lie, but the whole truth could do far more harm than good.”

Phoenix blinked at that. “What’s she talking about?” he asked Mia, who looked distinctly uncomfortable.

“It’s not my place to say, Phoenix,” she replied shortly. “Something tells me you’re about to find out. Just know for now that the two of you need to talk… in a less tense environment.”

Trixie considered Maya’s request, before speaking again. “Given your relationship with the defense co-counsel, I will make an exception this once. But I will ask that you only omit the details that would cause harm to Mister Wright. Is that clear, Miss Fey?”

“Certainly,” Maya replied. “May I begin my testimony, now?”

The Nightmare had a thoughtful look on her face. “Please a wait a moment, witness. Before we begin, there is a minor matter that needs to be discussed, Your Honor.”

“Objecting to your own witness, Prosecutor Moon?” Trixie said sardonically. “You’re quite indecisive on this issue, aren’t you?”

“It’s not her I’m objecting to, Your Honor,” The Nightmare replied, her eyes narrowing. “It simply occurs to me that, should she give testimony, neither member of the defense team will be able to cross-examine her.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Phoenix asked hotly, though he had a sneaking suspicion he already knew the answer.

The Nightmare showed her fangs in a grin. “Need I spell it out? You were Maya Fey’s unofficial guardian, having taken her in after the unfortunate demise of her sister, who is your co-counsel for this case. The conflicts of interest should be obvious enough to this court. Her older sister clearly cannot conduct cross-examination, and as for you, Phoenix Wright, given how… intimate you are or might like to be with Miss Fey, I’m afraid you, too, must recuse yourself from her testimony,” her expression twisted in a leer again. “For I could easily call into question any cross-examination you attempt, as I doubt either of you would push her properly in her current state.”

“She’s right, Phoenix,” Mia said heavily. “If we were on earth, I wouldn’t be allowed to cross-examine her, and quite rightly. For I can’t question Maya like I would normal witnesses, and especially not with how she is now. And even if you’re willing to, I don’t think you should do it, either. Even aside from the fact you can’t interrogate her dispassionately right now, you’re part of what’s causing her pain.”

Phoenix grimaced at that. He still didn’t know everything that was going on, but he didn’t need to in order to realize it was a valid point. With how Maya looked right now, he thought she would fall over to a stiff breeze, let alone his cross-examination. And would she forgive him afterwards? “The defense concedes the point,” he slumped, his mind scrambling, trying to find some alternative, someone else who could do the job. Could Luna? Could Rarity…? He glanced to his right, then into the gallery in turn. Is there by chance a lawyer in the audience? He wondered as he looked out over the various spirits present, none of whom were stepping forward to volunteer.

“And there you have it, Your Honor,” The Nightmare said with a triumphant grin. “As neither member of the defense can offer proper cross-examination to this witness, I move that, following her testimony, you examine her testimony alone and then pass summary judgement on this particular charge.”

“By courtroom rules, witness testimony requires a cross-examination… even if it can’t be done by present counsel!” Mia quickly pointed out.

“There’s nothing to examine!” Maya retorted before The Nightmare could, raising her voice at her sister for one of the few times in her life. It’s not like Sis doesn’t know what Sparkle did to me. So why’s she DEFENDING her? she wondered bitterly. “Sparkle raped me, Sis! I want retribution!” Tears slid down her bruised and battered cheeks. “And if takes an evil alicorn to get it, that’s fine with me!”

This caused a stir in the gallery. “C’mon, Maya, can’t you see she’s using you?!” Pinkie Pie called out. “She doesn’t care about you, she just wants Twilight’s body!”

“Like I care!” Maya all but snarled. “After what she did, she deserves it! I wish I’d never heard of Equestria!” she finished with a shout, Pinkie flinching back like she’d been slapped.

The gallery went silent at that, all eyes turned to the shaking, trembling form at the witness stand. Before anyone else could speak, a new voice broke the silence. “Is that really how you feel, Maya?”

Heads whipped around as the unlikely figure of Vinyl Scratch emerged from the shadows of the courtroom, walking forward, ignoring the various spirits around her. As she reached the center of the courtroom pit, she flicked her glasses up, pinning Maya with a ruby-eyed stare. “Cause if so, then you ain’t half the girl I thought you were...”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the one-day delay. A chapter was skipped over from the M-rated version that described in exact terms what happened between Phoenix and Fluttershy, and also other punch-fueled naughtiness that night. I started to try to make it T-rated but it quickly became apparently that there wouldn't be much left afterwards. So I dropped it entirely and added a little more explanation to this chapter as to what happened.

The Nightmare is starting to bring out her big guns, and exploiting Maya's raw emotions is one Mia didn't anticipate. Expect an interlude chapter after this that explains how Vinyl got there, and then we head into the climax of the trial, one worthy of the Ace Attorney name The Nightmare's strategy is three levels deep, and we just hit the second level. And the third...?

The third will be hardest to overcome of all.

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