• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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5: Romantic Reunions

Twilight Sparkle awoke to find herself tucked into an unfamiliar bed, light streaming through an open window and spilling on to her face. It’s… morning…? the puzzled thought reached her. I thought it was still night… she cracked open her eyes to find herself staring up at a familiar vaulted ceiling, one her unusually sluggish mental processes finally placed as belonging to Celestia’s bedroom.

“Twilight!” Celestia’s voice rang out, following by slightly strange-sounding hoofsteps as she approached the bed, their rhythm and weight off from what they normally were. “How do you feel?” her voice asked from a point that sounded somehow higher than it should to Twilight, but she barely registered that fact as she felt a large weight sit down on the bed beside her, depressing the mattress next to her.

Like I just went ten rounds with Trixie… she didn’t say, struggling to piece together some strangely elusive memories of the night before. “Princess!” she called out, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the well-lit room. “I had the strangest dream… I was telling you about my problems, and then you turned into a human, and then you—” finally able to open her eyes, she turned her head and froze at the sight of a very human Celestia sitting on the bed beside her, smirking at her, concern and an element of mischief in her violet-eyed gaze. “—aaaand it wasn’t a dream, was it?” she mumbled, more to herself than to her, shivering lightly and burrowing a bit deeper under her blanket.

“I’m afraid not,” an amused Celestia told her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “As it happens, you’ve been asleep for nearly nine hours. As I suspected you had been awake all night before this, I thought it best to let you rest.” She gave Twilight’s suddenly-tense shoulder a squeeze.

“You could’ve turned back…” she barely mumbled, unable to look at her regent’s human form for the memories it evoked of her own.

Celestia’s mischievous gleam got a bit more pronounced. “And miss the look on your face when you woke up and saw me again?” she closed her eyes and bent over to kiss Twilight on the side of her head. “Come, Twilight. I’ve been waiting for you to wake up before eating. I have cancelled my morning appointments so we can talk,” She motioned to her made breakfast table, covered with platters of fruit and hot food.

Twilight gathered herself carefully, getting up from the bed. Still feeling unsteady, she followed her humanized mentor to her breakfast table, though her system was still churning to the point that she wasn’t sure she could eat. Worse, she was having a very hard time looking at Celestia’s human form, finding it difficult to look at her from any direction, her eyes automatically averting themselves from her flanks and especially her large mammaries. Think I get why they’re normally covered, now…

“I’m sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable, Twilight?” the sun princess asked as Twilight joined her at the breakfast table, the glint of amusement getting stronger. “Do you prefer me to cover up?”

I’d prefer you change back entirely, she didn’t say, wondering if she’d ever be able to look at her mentor the same way again. “If… you wouldn’t mind…?” she finally managed to ask, in some disbelief that nudity was actually bothering her. I saw Maya nude when she channeled Firefly… that didn’t bother me… why does this? she wondered. Maybe because I didn’t know as much about human anatomy then…?

In response, Celestia flared her ethereal horn to materialize a thin, long belted robe that covered her from shoulder to knee… but only barely, the sheer fabric leaving tantalizing hints of her human curves and attributes. “Better?” she asked with a grin as she began to put food on her plate, noting with gratification her student’s suddenly hot cheeks.

Twilight sensed she was being teased, her cheeks flushing further, shocked at her own reactions as she accepted a stack of pancakes and began to pour syrup over it in a desperate attempt to master her nerves. “I… w-well…”

Celestia smiled again, more reassuringly this time. “Please forgive my indulgence, Twilight. In truth, I use this human form and the human world itself to occasionally… indulge my more sensual side, so simply taking it tends to bring that out of me,” she closed her eyes and smiled again. “As you have now experienced for yourself… the human form does have certain benefits.”

Despite her distraction, Celestia’s latest words got Twilight’s immediate attention. “Wait. You mean… you’ve had sex… like that… with… humans….?” she felt herself start to go faint again… and strangely heady. If it’s okay for her, then… it would be okay for me, wouldn’t it…? The thought flashed through her head, a new world of possibilities opening up to her… opening up to both her and Phoenix. Maybe Vinyl’s right and I’ve been upset for no reason…?

Celestia’s expression went genuinely sad for a moment, the humanized sun princess clasping her hands in front of her. “I am ageless, but not needless, Twilight. I have both physical and emotional needs that are simply not easily met in Equestria,” she explained as Twilight’s eyes went wide, having never dreamed she’d hear her mentor, whom she thought of as a mother and near-goddess, discuss such topics. “My size and station make having relationships here very difficult. Even impossible,” she said with a small sigh.

“The unfortunate truth is that few stallions can satisfy me, and even for those who can… it is very rare to find one who is emotionally compatible with me as well—who possesses the wisdom and maturity to truly be my lover,” she emphasized. “True, there have been some over these past millennia, and I have loved and treasured each of them in turn, but ultimately… they are simply too few, and our time together too fleeting,” she shook her head sadly, and Twilight was surprised to see a tear form in her eye.

Her brief excitement forgotten, Twilight now felt troubled as she listened to her mentor reminisce. Celestia’s vulnerable moments were few, and she knew from experience she would only share them with those she truly trusted. I never knew this about being a princess! Living an ageless life, having to watch those you love and care for live and die over and over again… she shuddered, placing her comforting hoof over Celestia’s hand. “But isn’t there any magic you could use to…?” She was afraid to say more.

Celestia chuckled softly and placed her other hand over her student’s hoof, giving it a squeeze. “Yes, judicious use of magic can alleviate some of those issues, and believe me, I have learned a few such spells over my long life, but… in the end, that makes me dependent on magical machinations for simple love or pleasure. Taking this form allows me to, in an odd way, be myself more fully… ever so briefly unencumbered by the pressures of being the Sun Princess,” she turned her human eyes on Twilight again, tapping a hand to her chest. “So in some very important ways, my dear Twilight… this is my real self.”

Twilight felt herself going faint again at the revelation that her regent was, in fact, a sexual being, no more or less than any other pony… albeit one who could take and enjoy the human form. It was disconcerting, and yet in an odd way… it was also strangely reassuring. Then… she… she really DOES understand what I’m going through! she realized. “Princess… I’m flattered beyond words that would you share this with me, but, I also don’t quite understand. Why are you telling me all this?”

“Perhaps I simply do not wish you to have to learn things the hard way as I did,” Celestia’s expression went sad and regretful for a moment again before perking back up. “Or perhaps I simply wish for somepony I can share these thoughts and experiences with. A pony who has experienced human love as I have,” she said with a growing twinkle, causing her student to blush again. “But either way… I do not wish you to be afraid of this form, or what may happen by using it. I promise it will not take you away from yourself or your friends, but in the end, bring you closer to them. You have my blessing for using it with Phoenix Wright or anyone else as you see fit, and all I ask in return is for you to learn from your experiences and be happy… and of course, as always, to share what you learn with me.

“You may consider whatever relationship you form with him to be part of your friendship training, and preparation for…” she trailed off, then closed her eyes and smiled again, saying a single word. “Life.”

Twilight’s eyes furrowed, certain there was something she wasn’t being told. “Life?”

Celestia gave her patented coy smile again. “You are very special to me, Twilight, and more than anything else… I do not wish you to fear new experiences, or fear to share them with others you deem worthy. I want you to find fulfillment in life, whatever form you take or mate you may choose. Do you understand this, my dear student?” she asked earnestly.

Twilight considered her answer carefully, thinking that a simple ‘yes’ seemed woefully inadequate to the question asked. Then, just as Celestia had the night before, she realized the perfect way to respond. Well, as Phoenix says, turnabout’s fair play, right…? she internally grinned.

Closing her eyes, she flared her horn and cast the now-familiar spell, causing her body to shift. Her fur shrank back to bare skin, her hips and chest swelled, her hooves turned to hands, and her muzzle shrank into a petite human face and nose. Her transformation complete, she rose from the table to face a surprised Celestia, gratitude and compassion in her purple eyes as well as mischievous gleam that would have done her mentor proud, taking her very surprised regent’s hands in her own as she stood before her, finally fully accepting of her human form.

“I do, Princess,” she announced, her eyes shining in joy and gratitude.

In response, an overjoyed Celestia stood, clothed Twilight in a second robe with a single magical flare, and then pulled her prize pupil close. She held her transformed student as they both cried softly, soaking in the other’s acceptance and love.

Maya sighed as she sullenly listened to her music.

She didn’t want to admit it, but seeing Nick and Sparkle, together like that, had really hurt. She couldn’t explain why—it wasn’t like she was romantically interested in Nick, so why did it matter to her that somebody else was?—but she was nonetheless very angry and hurt enough to not be speaking to him.

The first thing she’d done the previous night, after Nick had left and she’d spent time crying a little, was to call Pearly back at Kurain Village. She told the young mystic that ‘Mister Nick had majorly screwed up,’ which was more than enough for Pearly to promise to come to the office as soon as possible… though even the image of Nick being smacked senseless by an eight-year-old girl couldn’t bring Maya to laugh, or even smile.

Come to think of it, she’d heard Pearly’s voice earlier this morning, but it’d been surprisingly quiet since then. Maya didn’t know why, but maybe Nick was just so blue-looking that not even Pearly could see fit to bring justice down on him…

She was brought out of her funk by a firm knock on the door. Growling slightly, she removed her headphones. “Nick, if you really want to apologize to me for what happened, you’d better have it in writing!” she snapped, still not ready to talk to her pseudo-guardian.

“Well, that’s hardly fair,” mused a familiar, most definitely female voice. “He’s already writing an apology to Twilight Sparkle, and you want one, too?”

Maya bolted for the door, unlocking it and throwing it open to see the channeled spirit of her sister. “Sis! What’re you doing here?” she asked, eagerly embracing her deceased sibling.

“Phoenix asked Pearly to channel me, so here I am,” Mia said, returning the embrace before stepping into the room and closing the door. “He needed someone to talk to about last night.”

“Just talk?” Maya scoffed. “After what he pulled, you ought to have—”

“Yes, just to talk,” Mia interrupted, sitting down with a stern look on her face. “He told me everything that has happened over the past two months, from Rainbow Dash’s trial to what transpired last night. And I told him that, your friend Miss Scratch’s interruption aside, I saw nothing wrong with what happened.”

Maya stared at her sister in stark disbelief. “Sis, has dying made you lose a few brain cells? He took advantage of Sparkle!”

“Really?” the elder Fey asked. “Because from what he said, she was the one who offered herself to him.

This did little to calm Maya down, instead causing her to shift targets like a Formula 1 racing car. “So Sparkle led him on?! Oh, that little lavender slut! I oughta—”

Maya Amber Fey!” snapped Mia. startling the younger mystic into silence. “What Twilight and Phoenix decide to do with their relationship is none of your concern!” her brown eyes flashed, genuine anger in them. “Character assassination is something only bad attorneys practice, and I expect far better from you!”

Maya cringed. It was a well-known fact of life that when a personal authority figure used your full name, you had screwed up somewhere. “B-but sis! Th-they…” She fumbled, trying to vocalize her feelings—the shock, anger and sheer jealousy she felt at the sight of Nick with his hands on…

“Both Phoenix and Twilight Sparkle are fully rational adults, Maya,” the elder sister went on, crossing her arms and cutting off the younger sister’s thoughts. “It’s their decision whether or not to pursue intimacy… although, from what Phoenix has told me, he feels this was too much too soon. From what he described, it sounds like the two of them got a bit carried away when they started to kiss.”

“Carried away?” Maya echoed angrily. “He groped her boobs on the freakin’ balcony right in freakin’ front of me!”She slammed her fists down, her yell audible to Phoenix outside even through the closed door, making him cringe.

To her frustration, her sister remained unsympathetic. “They were caught up in a moment of passion, Maya. If it’s never happened to you, it will…” she caught her sister’s eyes suddenly going evasive. “… or has it already?” the former defense attorney quickly spotted, crossing her arms and taking on a knowing grin.

Maya squirmed as she suddenly remembered Equestria, Vinyl, and the night of the party… and having woken up in a badly compromising position with them. “But… but Sparkle’s not used to being human!” Maya protested, her cheeks going red, trying to quickly change the subject. “Doesn’t Nick bear some responsibility for what happened?” I-I was drunk and w-wasn’t myself! W-what’s HIS excuse…?

Mia knew Maya was hiding something, but decided it was not the time to press her on it. “As I told him, since she was offering herself, she might be more capable of consent than you think, Maya,” Mia riposted, then her attorney skills kicked in, calling out a contradiction in her sister’s words. “And you’re flip-flopping on this issue. You seem to want to hold Phoenix responsible, but at the same time, when given the chance, you call Twilight a slut. So, to borrow a phrase… what is your major malfunction?”

Maya opened and closed her mouth a few times, before finally giving up and deciding to be blunt. “I just… don’t want to lose Nick.”

Mia cocked her head. “What do you mean, ‘lose’ him?”

“To Sparkle!” Maya clarified. “I mean, ever since you died, it’s been Nick and me, tackling cases and solving mysteries. We were a team! And then this… this pony from another world drags him off to defend her friend, and when I catch up, they’re making googly-eyes at each other! Nick lets her stand as co-counsel there instead of me, and everything is just so different, I was glad to make it back home! Then she up and comes here, as a human, no less, and he can’t look away from her again… can’t even keep his hands off her! I’m worried if this keeps up, he’ll up and move to Equestria for real, and then…” she trailed off and looked down, tears welling in her eyes. “… and then I’ll be alone again…” she finally voiced her fear, burying her head in her hands.

Mia’s stern expression softened as she laid a comforting hand on her younger sister’s shoulder. “Phoenix is many things, but ‘selfish’ is never a word I would use to describe him, Maya. He would not so readily abandon you, or Pearly for that matter.” She frowned again. “Your fears are understandable but I still expected better of you. You’re acting like a petulant child who’s been told she must share her favorite toy.”

Maya flinched. “I…” she sighed and looked down. “I guess I have been a bit of a brat towards Sparkle…”

“Yes, you have. You owe her an apology as well,” Mia all but pronounced sentence, causing Maya to cringe at the idea, grateful she wouldn’t have to do so right away. “And Phoenix?” her older sister next prompted.

The younger mystic sighed again. “Yeah. Nick’s life is his own, and I shouldn’t expect things to always be the same just because.” She chuckled a little. “Honestly, I’m actually a bit amazed at this. I mean, I was seriously wondering if he was gay for a while there…”

Mia’s eyebrows flew up. “What made you think that?”

“Well, he’s always so concerned about his clients… most of which are guys,” Maya explained. “And he was most worried about Edgeworth during the whole DL-6 reprise…” she blushed.

Mia nodded, a small smile breaking her lips. “Well, I can understand your reasoning, but be assured Phoenix’s interests lie firmly with the female persuasion.”

Maya shrugged. “Hey, the guy never looks at any woman that way, so I was just surprised that Sparkle of all people—er, ponies—turned his head. Not just surprised, but confused,” she admitted grudgingly; she disliked not understanding something.

Mia’s smile became pained. “There’s… a reason for that, Maya.”

Maya blinked. “There is?”

“Yes, but it is not my place to say,” her expression turned brooding. “Just trust me that this represents a huge step for him, and that I believe Twilight is the one to help him take it. Now I believe you have an apology to deliver…?” she opened the door back to Phoenix’s office.

Cringing, Maya got up and trudged towards the opening wearing a hangdog expression, her channeled sister gently but insistently pushing her forward with a hand on her back.

Twilight ended up spending the rest of the day with Celestia, who canceled her remaining appointments. After a long talk, nap and lunch together, they reverted their transformations to take a private walk in the Canterlot Gardens, where Twilight’s eyes were momentarily drawn to a large statue of a rather odd-looking creature.

Wondering why the sculpture made her uneasy, she asked her mentor what she should do now. Celestia replied that it was important for her to write Phoenix quickly to assure the likely mortified human lawyer that she was not upset with him. “His sensibilities being what they are, he will likely blame himself. You must reassure him that he should not.” She went on to say that she thought it best for Twilight to see him again sooner rather than later… even offering, to Twilight’s great surprise, to come with her.

“But Princess… there won’t be another ley line convergence for weeks!” she pointed out, but Celestia just chuckled.

“Ley lines or no, making the trip is simply a matter of sufficient magic, my student. And as an alicorn… I do have some to spare,” the sun princess pointed out mildly, brightening the sun shining on them with a golden flare of her horn for emphasis, letting Twilight feel her warmth and affection through it. “In truth, it has been too long since I have visited Earth as well, and there are a few things I might like to do…” she said, her coy tone returning, leaving Twilight uncertain she wanted to know what those things were, her mind still spinning from the events of the previous day. By the sun itself, I don’t think I’ll EVER look at her the same way again!

“When, then?” Twilight asked. “I’m not sure I feel comfortable going back right away…”

“That is ultimately up to both of you, but… two weeks should be sufficient time, I think,” Celestia nodded to herself as they walked along. “I would also recommend that this time you stay longer. A week, at least,” she suggested, causing Twilight’s eyes to go wide. “You clearly need some time to acclimate to Earth, much as you say he needed when he came here. In your case, you must get used to both to a new world, and a new form. Intimacy is not easy when you are not comfortable in your surroundings and in particular your own skin, if you will excuse a human expression,” she closed her eyes and smiled again. “I would imagine it would take some time to truly settle in. Days, at least.”

Just like it did with Phoenix… Twilight remembered, deciding the sun princess was on to something. No more day trips… that means I’d have to stay overnight with him… the thought made her equal parts excited and fearful. “But… even with these new bat-er-y-s, I can’t maintain a transformation for more than twelve hours!” she reminded Celestia, who merely chuckled softly.

“These ingenious new devices of yours and your friend Ms. Scratch… they are charged by mana, yes? Any source will do?” she asked, to which Twilight nodded. “In that case… I will charge them for you. Alicorn magic should go a long way towards maintaining human form for as long as you wish,” she grinned, causing Twilight’s eyes to go wide, wondering why she hadn’t thought of it herself.

“You’re… right! That would work, Princess!” she nuzzled Celestia, who quickly returned the gesture.

“Excellent! It’s settled then…” the sun princess nodded in satisfaction. “Now it is time for you to return to Ponyville and talk things over with Mister Wright. No doubt your friends are worried about you as well,” she noted, to which Twilight’s eyes went wide.

“Oh no! I didn’t contact Spike this morning! I left him a note last night that I would and now he’s probably worried sick along with everypony else—” her worries started to run wild again.

Celestia silenced her student with a single smile and shake of her head. “I informed him you were with me, and that you would be staying for the day. I assured him nothing was wrong… though I admit I am somewhat curious to know why he was asking where his comic books were?” She gave Twilight an amused glance.

Twilight stifled a laugh. “One track mind…” she chuckled to herself. “I promised him some from Earth. But I guess you’re right and I should be getting back…”

“I will summon a chariot for you,” Celestia offered,” and you will be home in time for dinner. Though with regards to Phoenix Wright, if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion if and when the time comes, Twilight…” her eyes went hooded as she whispered something in her student’s ear, causing Twilight’s lavender cheeks to go bright red.

“Human men… like… THAT?” was all she could say, feeling faint at the idea.

Celestia’s only reply was a knowing wink.

Two weeks later

Phoenix was starting to wonder if he’d ever get over his nerves that accompanied Twilight’s arrival.

After exchanging a series of letters via dragonfire in which they both tried to apologize and beg the other for forgiveness, Twilight had surprised Phoenix by asking to hold any further correspondence pending a much quicker third meeting and an extended weeklong stay, saying that ‘she now had the means’ to maintain human form for a much longer period of time and didn’t have to wait for the next ley line convergence. Stunned by the request, Phoenix could only say yes, asking why she didn’t want to exchange more letters. He got back a brief reply saying it was, ‘to give them both time’ to gather themselves and their thoughts.

Well, guess she’s right about that… Phoenix couldn’t sit still again, and Maya, he was surprised to see, couldn’t either. After her dressing down from Mia, she’d been very subdued and apologetic; even her usual snarkiness regarding Twilight had been dialed back.

His heart leaped into his throat as the familiar magical sphere appeared, though this one, he noticed with some surprise, was gold-colored and lacked the electrical discharges the previous ones had.

As the light from the summoning resolved into Twilight, whom, to his surprise, was dressed in a reasonable facsimile of evening wear and holding a travel bag in her hand. She materialized to find herself looking at Phoenix, anxiety in her purple eyes that matched his own. The two of them blushed, and glanced away from each other. “W-welcome back…” Phoenix finally managed, a trickle of sweat down his back as he beheld her for the first time since… “Did… did you get my last message?” Phoenix asked, trying to break the ice, his eyes flickering over her dark blue gown—this time, she had clearly been dressed by somepony who knew what she was doing. Maybe those fashion magazines she got for Rarity…?

“Y-yes, I did,” Twilight nodded, but still keeping a respectful distance. “I’m s-sorry for not replying earlier. It was just that, well, I-I had to sort out some issues of my own.” She rubbed her hand behind her head, still afraid to look at him for fear of flashbacks.

“Guilt, fear, and self-loathing?” Phoenix summarized, managing a wan smile.

“Yeah,” the disguised unicorn replied with an equally wan grin, making no move to step nearer. Then, as the light show that marked the arrival of a second traveling pony gathered behind her, she smiled in some relief. “Fortunately, I had a talk with somepony who knew more about what was going on than I did, and she set me straight…”

“Oh really? Who?” he asked.

In response, she smiled and stepped aside as the second teleportation bubble fully materialized. His first thought was that it would be Vinyl again, but instead… a very tall and well-built woman stepped out, dressed in a very elegant but surprisingly revealing sparkling gold evening gown. Her flowing pastel-hued hair and magenta eyes made her instantly recognizable, and Phoenix had to take an involuntary step back, certain she was there to banish him to the sun personally. “Hello, Phoenix Wright,” the transformed solar princess smiled, taking some amusement in his shock. “It is good to see you again.”

“P-Princess Celestia!” he all but croaked, stumbling backwards in fear before her, Maya going wide-eyed as well, staring at her warily.

Celestia chuckled and even Twilight giggled. “Be at ease, Phoenix Wright. I did not come here to smite you on behalf of my student,” she chuckled. “I am here because I thought Twilight might appreciate my presence, and to offer my personal blessing for your union… should you choose to pursue it,” she gave them both a sidewise grin and wink that left no doubt she thought—and even hoped—they would. “And… now that my sister can take over some of my day-to-day duties, I decided to take the opportunity to treat myself and Twilight to a weeklong holiday and enjoy some of what your world has to offer.” She looked out his second-floor window at the surrounding mountains and distant cityscape like she was a foal in a favorite playground again before turning her attention to Maya, who for once was at a loss for words.

“Maya Fey. I have heard of your abilities from my student, and I now wish I had been there to witness your channeling of one of my most beloved subjects,” Maya was stunned when the sun princess bowed to her. “Captain Firefly was a legend and one of the greatest warriors of Equestrian history. She single-hoofedly won entire battles and it was her Bolt Knights who turned the tide of the Great Pony/Gryphon War,” she noted. “Your talent is unique, and unknown in Equestria. I would very much hope to one day see it for myself.”

All Maya could immediately think to do was bow back. “Well, if you wish to see me channel, there is someone we can introduce you too…” she offered cautiously.

“Oh?” Celestia’s eyebrows went up in interest. “Who?”

Maya looked at Phoenix, who grinned and nodded. With that, the young mystic closed her eyes and her Magatama glowed. She grew and filled out before their eyes, taking a form that looked to a surprised Twilight much like an adult version of Maya herself.

The channeled spirit opened her brown eyes, saw Celestia and smiled, a sudden twinkle in her eye. “Your Highness,” she nodded, walking up to the taller alicorn-turned-woman and giving a short bow. “Welcome to Earth.”

Phoenix had the pleasure of seeing Celestia’s expression go stunned for just a moment before being carefully schooled again.

“Well then, I thank you for your hospitality. You will forgive my surprise, but I was hardly expecting to speak with a departed spirit here!” she bowed low herself. “And if it is not too much to ask… may I know your name?” Celestia asked with a slightly sardonic note.

Mia closed her eyes and smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. “My name? My name is…” she trailed off meaningfully, causing Celestia to give her a pouting look. “Mia Fey. Maya’s big sister, and Phoenix’s former law firm chief.” She opened her eyes and grinned broadly. “I have been told of you by Phoenix and Maya, Princess Celestia. Is it a great pleasure to finally meet you… face to face,” she spoke in a slightly ironic tone as she bowed low.

Celestia closed her eyes and smiled, taking Mia’s hands in her own. “Ah, I see… yes, that makes perfect sense,” she acknowledged, leaving both Phoenix and Twilight wondering if there was a joke they weren’t getting. I swear they’re acting like they KNOW each other! Twilight shook her head, exchanging a quick glance with an equally befuddled Phoenix.

“Truly, Phoenix Wright is blessed to have such a skilled and accomplished mentor… and Maya, such a sister,” Celestia further pronounced, causing Phoenix’s brow to furrow as he instinctively spotted the contradiction inherent in the statement. And how would YOU know about her skill or accomplishments, Princess…?

“I thank Your Majesty for her kindness,” Mia acknowledged, then turned to Twilight. “Miss Sparkle. This is an honor and a pleasure,” she bowed low again. “I am told you ably assisted Phoenix in his defense of your friend Rainbow Dash, and in the other cases that followed. I also understand your magic is exceptionally strong… though I suppose your current form is evidence enough of that!” she grinned. “I might like to see a further demonstration before all is said and done.”

“Oh!” Twilight blushed, feeling slightly awkward as she bowed back, trying not to think too much about the fact she was talking to Phoenix’s murdered mentor. “Um, sure, but… I don’t really have my full range of abilities here…” she offered tentatively.

“We can discuss such things over dinner,” Celestia offered, putting her hands on Twilight’s shoulders in a motherly manner, turning her ethereal multihued mane to a beautiful shade of blonde with a quick burst of magic, one that suited her dress and lightly bronzed skin tones quite well. “And I know just where I’d like to go…” she announced, and then with a golden flash of her phantom horn, she teleported them all away.

* * * * *

“Princess! How… how did you do that?” Twilight demanded to know as they found themselves stumbling out of a small hidden alcove beside a large plaza that fronted many high-end stores and restaurants, including what Phoenix knew to be one of the most expensive Asian restaurants in the city. “I-I can’t teleport here! How can you?” she asked in astonishment as Phoenix and Maya-turned-Mia struggled to overcome a wave of nausea and dizziness.

Celestia gave her patented coy grin. “Yes, well… this is one case where being me has its privileges,” was all she would say before turning to her disoriented human hosts. “My apologies for not giving warning. But in truth, I have been looking forward to eating here for days, and I just couldn’t wait any longer,” she smiled apologetically, helping them both to their feet, a fresh wave of magical aura washing over them, dispelling their dizziness. “I’m impressed, though. You handled my teleportation, and quite successfully I might add. Most humans vomit their first time…”

“Can’t imagine why…” Mia voiced the thought that Phoenix was thinking, unable to immediately place why the words felt strangely familiar. “But Princess, you want to eat… here?” Even she was surprised by the choice.

“Indeed I do!” Celestia proclaimed with what to Twilight was a rare note of eagerness, leading them up the steps. “This place has one of my favorite foods, and it has been terribly long since I last had it. Oh, and rice wine. I have missed it so!” she said in no small amount of anticipation.

“I see,” Mia laughed. “Well, since I no longer have much use for food, I believe I’ll leave this occasion for my sister to enjoy, then. It was very good to meet you both,” she bowed low and gave Celestia a parting wink before her spirit departed, leaving a very surprised and confused Maya in her wake, looking around at their new surroundings in bewilderment.

Five minutes later, they were being seated, the front staff instantly recognizing Celestia and leading them to a private table overlooking the plaza. Though Phoenix gawked at what he saw on the menu, he immediately offered to foot the bill. “After that massive payment you gave me, the least I can do is treat you to dinner, Princess!” he offered, his hands open..

“I insist on paying, Phoenix Wright,” she gave her coy smile again as they were seated. “After all, I don’t get many opportunities to come here… let alone use this,” she materialized a credit card into her waiting hand with a quick flare of her horn that passed so quickly it could not be seen except by those watching for it. “How could I let this chance slip by? To think: an entire bank account, accessible through a mere piece of plastic…” she admired the card, which sparked a long discussion after their drinks were ordered about how money worked in the human world, sending Twilight’s mind spinning yet again at the idea of a near-cashless society.

When their drinks arrived—cola for Maya, sake for Celestia, coffee for Phoenix and hot tea for Twilight (who was wary of trying anything alcoholic but very curious about the idea of such a beverage brewed from a mere grain)—their food orders were taken. Celestia shocked Twilight by ordering seafood, causing her student to go slightly green as she explained with noticeable relish what ‘sushi’ was.

Seeing her discomfort, Phoenix was prepared to order something vegetarian, but Twilight insisted he ‘eat normally’ and not try to respect sensibilities that she wasn’t even sure she had as a human. Nevertheless, she herself ordered off the vegetarian side of the menu, asking for grilled vegetables, miso soup and ginger-dressed salad, thinking the dishes reminded her of some Neighponese places she’d been. No fan of seafood herself, and the menu lacking burgers, Maya ordered hibachi steak while Phoenix ordered beef bulgogi and an array of Korean side dishes, a rare and welcome treat for him.

A mixed dim sum platter was brought out as an appetizer, and talk soon turned to Celestia’s visit. “Princess, I really want to know… why do you like our world?” Maya had to ask. “I mean… you have all this power and wealth, you’re immortal, you can fly and use magic, you’re adored and you have everything you could ever ask for in Equestria. So why would you come here? It just seems like such a step down…”

Celestia grinned like she was used to the question, taking her first sip of sake with a very happy sigh. “I have everything I want, yes… except for privacy, intimacy, and play time,” she sighed for a moment. “I am responsible for so much back home, and for so long I was the sole steward of my world—the only princess there was. Please understand… I love Equestria, and all my little ponies, but even I must take respite once in a while. And at times I have found it here.” She perked back up.

“But why here?” Maya asked again, plucking a dumpling off the communal plate. “I mean, we humans aren’t exactly shining examples of ‘harmony’, Princess…” she voiced the thought that Phoenix had been afraid to.

The Sun princess closed her eyes and smiled, taking another sip of her sake. “But that’s just it. Think about it. The earth is a place the sun and moon move of their own accord and I have no power over them. A place where the weather likewise operates on its own. A place where I have no responsibilities and few recognize me, where my station does not restrict me, where I can do as I wish, come and go as I please… that is paradise to me, Maya Fey. For as I told Twilight, here is a place where I can truly be myself, and… I think ‘cut loose’ is the human term most appropriate here,” she gave Twilight a wink as she threw back an entire glass of her drink, causing her student to blush.

“But Princess… they don’t have magic like we do,” Twilight felt compelled to point out, surprised and mildly disturbed by her regent’s behavior. “I mean, doesn’t it bother you that you can’t fly and don’t have anywhere near your full power here, especially in this form? In all honesty, it kinda does me…” she offered tentatively as Maya and Phoenix listened, curious for the answer.

Celestia nodded as she poured herself another drink. “It is true, my loyal student, that my wings are missing and my magic is much more limited here, but I retain power enough to protect and enjoy myself… and help others to do the same,” she answered, her eyes glowing gold for a moment to light all five candles at the center of the table for emphasis. “And now that my sister is back and can take over some of my duties, I hope it will mean I can take a few more vacations,” she smiled, replacing her sake with a glass of freshly poured plum wine and taking a long, luxuriant sip.

“I do hope that someday I can convince Luna to come here herself and partake of what humanity has to offer, but she is… reluctant. Understandably, given her last memories of humanity are a thousand years old, of you in your dark ages,” she sighed, making Maya and Phoenix wince. “And truth be told, she… hasn’t quite seemed to learn what it is to enjoy herself yet. Fun is a foreign concept to her, I’m afraid… but perhaps time and new friends will change that,” she looked over at Twilight, almost expectantly.

Twilight wasn’t certain why Celestia had looked over at her, given she’d seen neither hide nor blue hair of the Moon Princess since her purification. Wow… they really DO have good food here… she thought as she into a surprisingly flaky and tasty spinach-stuffed pastry.

“So I take it you’ve been to this city before, Princess?” Phoenix asked.

“I have,” the sun princess confirmed, dipping her own piece into a small dish of seasoned chili oil. “The ‘City of Angels’, this place is called. Not always an apt description, as I’m sure you know firsthand, Mister Wright… but a place I have enjoyed visiting in the past.”

You got that right! Phoenix thought. Though to be fair, she’s also right that L.A. does have some charms… he acknowledged as their main course was served.

* * * * *

Dinner went reasonably well. Though Celestia was clearly well-practiced with her hands and fingers, even using chopsticks with ease, Twilight was not, having trouble using her silverware without her aura, but by imitation and determination was doing a serviceable job by the end… though once in a while she resorted to quick flares of magic to move something onto her fork.

Still somewhat squicked by the idea of eating raw fish, Twilight kept mostly to her soup and vegetables, though the aroma got to be too much for her and she did ask to try a piece of Phoenix’s beef bulgogi. Celestia watched expectantly as she closed her eyes while chewing on the piece of meat, trying not to think about where it came from, only to pop her eyes back open in surprise when the taste hit her. “Good, my student?” the sun princess asked with a teasing tone.

Twilight’s only response was to ask for another, larger piece, to her mentor’s approval and Maya’s giggle. Dessert was eventually ordered; Celestia getting a massive piece of cake while Twilight and Phoenix, and Maya split some sorbets; the entire table watched in astonishment as Celestia downed her entire sweet slab before leaning back into her chair and sighing in contentment. “I may never know the summerlands, but this is a reasonable substitute,” she proclaimed, patting her belly and looking very happy.

Twenty minutes later, their bill was paid—Phoenix was afraid to ask the amount—and the foursome left the same way they came in, bellies full and Celestia alone acting slightly tipsy after two bottles of sake and several glasses of plum wine, putting an arm around Twilight and Phoenix. “I do hope you two know how much I want you to get together,” she squeezed them closer kissed each on the head in turn, making them both blush hard. “Such a glorious friendship report it would be!”

Twilight had been growing increasingly uneasy about her mentor’s behavior all evening, and her latest actions didn’t help, particularly as they garnered the attention of passersby. “Um, P-Princess…”

“Nick! Hey, NICK!” a new voice shouted out, and Phoenix instantly cringed.

Oh no… oh please dear god no… he froze, certain the earth gods were angry at him even if Celestia wasn’t. For why else would they bring to him…

“Larry?” Maya recognized in distaste, looking over Phoenix’s old friend and his first case client, a reedy twenty-something with long gel-spiked brown hair and matching short sideburns plus a short, diamond-shaped goatee over the bottom half of his chin. His very appearance was pretentious to Phoenix, and he was the absolute last person he wanted Twilight or Celestia exposed to.“Larry Butz? What are you doing here?” Maya asked, realizing the same thing as she stepped forward to try to head him off. While she had no real problems with the troublesome young man, his tendency to flirt with anything in a skirt had the potential for disaster in the current circumstances.

“Working! I’m a valet now!” he tapped his red jacket proudly, winking and giving the group a thumbs-up. “Needed a second job ‘cause I got a new girl and she’s got pricy tastes! But why are you guys here? Didn’t think you could afford…” his voice trailed off and jaw dropped open as his eyes suddenly fell on Celestia, who was looking at him curiously.

With that, he fell to his knees before the Sun Princess. “I am in the presence… of a goddess…” he announced, staring up at her in awe. “You are… the most… beautiful… woman… I have ever laid eyes on…” he gushed, all but crying as he beheld her radiance, clasping his hands as if in prayer in front of her. “Could I… pl-please ask you out? I-I know all the best pizza places!”

Phoenix couldn’t believe his luck, facepalming along with Maya as an equally stunned Twilight gave the interloper a look of disbelief. Of all the places he could be working and all the nights he was on duty, why here and NOW? he clutched his head as his old friend continued to embarrass himself before the Sun Princess.

Far from being offended, Celestia looked amused by Larry’s clumsy advance. “I’m sorry, Larry, but… I’m afraid I don’t go for younger men,” she offered a coy smile that caused Maya and Twilight to blush.

Larry stared at her in disbelief. “Aw, come on! You can’t be THAT much older than me!” he told her, causing Maya and Twilight to facepalm again with loud smacks.

Phoenix was having an increasingly hard time not smacking his old schoolmate as well. Larry, from what I’ve read, she’s at least fifty TIMES your age! AND she could incinerate you in the blink of an eye! Leave now before you end up sent to the SUN!

“Looks can be deceiving, my smitten friend.” Far from being angry, Celestia appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself. “And your offer is appreciated, but I’m afraid I’m already spoken for tonight,” she proclaimed, glancing down the street at an approaching car.

Larry looked crushed, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Th-then… what men DO you go for?”

Before Celestia could answer, a pair of very high-end stretch Limousines pulled up. The door to the first opened to disgorge a single tall, strong and handsome-looking middle-aged man, dressed in his own formal evening wear. “My princess,” he bowed low like he knew her well. “It has been a long time, and I have eagerly awaited your return,” he told her, laying a reverent kiss on her hand. “All is ready, milady. Your chariot awaits!” he invited her inside, offering his arm to help her in as a Gentleman would.

“Thank you, my wonderful and attentive prince. It has indeed been far too long,” the rose-cheeked princess accepted his hand and kissed him deeply, leaving no doubt to anyone present that she knew him as a lover… and intended to know him that way again. “This is where we part company… at least for now, Twilight,” she announced, addressing the group. “I have hired this car to take you wherever you, Mister Wright and Miss Maya may wish to go, and you have standing reservations for a penthouse suite at the Downtown Gatewater all week… should you ever desire to avail yourselves of it,” she added with a teasing wink that caused the pair to blush.

“We will meet again in two days, my student and new friends. And to answer your question, Larry…” she turned back to a heartbroken Larry Butz. “I like my stallions powerful, virile… and already broken in.” With those words and a parting wink at an increasingly agape Twilight, the transformed sun princess stepped inside the stretch limo and was whisked away.

* * * * *

Larry Butz was inconsolable. “I’m telling you, Nick, I’m through now! I feel like I’ve gazed upon the glory of the sun itself, and no girl will ever be good enough for me again!” he wailed as Maya stifled a laugh and Phoenix facepalmed yet again.

“Larry… she’s royalty. A princess from a foreign land. Don’t you think she’s just a little bit out of your league?” Phoenix said with no sympathy despite the arm around his friend’s shoulders, having seen the same scene play out from his former schoolmate and first client many times before.

“Out of my league? Out of my league? How could she NOT go for a guy like me?” he raised his hands to the stars and asked the universe at large.

Let me count the ways, Larry! Maya didn’t say as she sat down a suddenly but decidedly unsteady Twilight, watching as Phoenix was eventually able to shoo his old friend off with a pat on the back and reminder that he still had a girlfriend… and that he needed to get back to his job.

Finally able to turn his attention back to a still-stunned Twilight, Phoenix became concerned. Sitting on the bench beside Maya, she was wringing her hands and her eyes were darting back and forth, increasingly ill at ease in the L.A. nighttime scene and sounds. The violet unicorn-turned-human was clearly feeling more than a little overwhelmed after the evening’s events, and finally asked to be taken somewhere she could escape the crowds and noise.

Phoenix quickly agreed, recognizing she’d had enough for one night and that the offer of the hotel room, though unquestionably generous, was a very bad idea at that point. Saying goodbye to Maya with a parting hug and promise to take Twilight to meet her and Pearl at Kurain Village in two days time, he had the limo simply take them back to his apartment, letting Twilight lean on his shoulder the whole way, her hands holding his arm tightly, all but clinging to him. She said little, but Phoenix knew the uncertain look on her face well—the look of someone who was no longer sure she wanted to be there anymore, yearning for the familiarity of home. Except she can’t go home this time without help… he shook his head, worried that bringing her for an extended stay so soon had been a bad idea.

Upon arrival at his apartment, he escorted her upstairs and opened the door, receiving one or two surprised looks from his neighbors that he was bringing home a girl. Ignoring their probing looks, he let her in and closed the door behind her, quickly pulling the shades as well.

Twilight was so troubled and spent she couldn’t even take curiosity in her new surroundings, trudging off to the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later and he was surprised to see how drawn her face looked. “Are you okay?” He asked, going up to her.

“I’m… tired…” was all she could offer, her eyes fluttering, not sure of her fatigue was more mental or physical. “This form is draining. I just want to sleep…” she told him.

“Then would it help if you turned back?” he asked her, concerned. “Don’t think you have to stay human on my account. I would kind of like to see you as a pony again,” he smiled.

She gave him a grateful smile of her own, removed her pendant and quickly reversed her transformation in mere seconds. THERE’S the filly I know! he smiled as he beheld her true form, noting with satisfaction and relief that his feelings didn’t change towards her because she was no longer human… though perhaps the physical attributes that caught his eye did, his gaze roaming appreciatively over her neck, flanks, beautiful lavender coat and luxuriant mane and tail. Different body, same Twilight… he nodded to himself. I think Mia’s right. I could be with her either way!

“Thank you,” the restored violet unicorn told him, exhaling sharply as she fell back to all fours and quickly rid herself of her clothes with her strengthened aura, sighing in relief when she was down to her bare fur again.

“You’re welcome,” he replied, reflecting this was the first time he’d seen her as a unicorn since his last day in Equestria. “You need some rest. If you’re not comfortable sleeping on my bed, you can take the sofa. It’s comfortable enough; Maya and Pearls sleep on it when they’re here. I’ll get you a pillow and blanket…” he started to head for a closet.

“Ph-Phoenix?” she called to him, stopping him short.

“Yes?” He asked.

She hesitated before speaking again. “May I… s-sleep with you?” she asked, causing Phoenix to start. “N-not to do anything, but just because… I… I-I don’t want to be alone right now…” she finally told him in defeat, her head falling, staring listlessly at his carpeted floor. “This place… I know it’s home to you, but… it’s still alien to me, and after everything that happened tonight…” she trailed off, still having a hard time processing her mentor’s actions, from her drinking to eating raw meat to teasing Phoenix’s friend… to going off with a human lover. I know she said she had them, but still… I didn’t realize by ‘cutting loose’ she meant all… THAT! “Just… please.” She turned her wide purple eyes on him.

His heart melted at her request. Wow, she really is rattled… “Of course,” he said, inviting her into his bedroom and up onto his bed, knowing instinctively nothing could or would happen that night. She climbed up and pulled the bedcovers back with her aura, sampling the bed texture with her hooves before settling in on her side as he stripped down to shorts and t-shirt and quickly brushed his teeth, splashing some water on his face but otherwise deciding a shower could wait until morning.

He turned on his floor fan to provide a comforting breeze and drown out some of the street and neighbor noise, turned off the lights and climbed in next to her, asking to tell him if she needed anything during the night.

Phoenix didn’t see her blush in the darkness of the room. “Actually…” she began. “Would you please… h-hold me?” she asked in a slightly pleading voice. “I just… need to know you’re there…”

He didn’t need to be asked twice, rolling over to pull her body against him, spooning her from behind, his arm draped over and around her barrel. He knew in the back of his head their position could be considered slightly compromising, and it wouldn’t take much shift of hips or tail to make it very compromising, but… no. This is not the time, he knew in his heart, resolving that he would simply be there for her, however she needed him. We do it, we do it when the moment is right… and this isn’t for either of us. “Goodnight, Twilight Sparkle,” he told her, kissing the back of her head. “I know things seem overwhelming now, but it will pass. Tomorrow will be a better day,” he promised, but she didn’t respond.

Sensing her distress, he stroked her fur silently, letting his presence, the air movement and droning sound of the floor fan go to work on her. At length, her tense body relaxed and breathing slowed, her hooves holding his hand to her as she finally fell asleep.

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