• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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3: Scratching the Surface

Happy though he was to see Twilight again, Vinyl Scratch’s appearance had thrown Phoenix for a loop.

Well, at least she’s adjusting well and not being freaked by everything, he conceded as they walked a short distance to the bus stop, noting she was looking around at her new surroundings with interest but not too much wonder, though she did, like Twilight, keep glancing at the rising moon. Maybe her being here will work out well, actually. Since Maya likes her, she’ll hopefully behave better, and not be too much of a wet blanket… he thought hopefully as he observed the pair close, still annoyed at the teenaged mystic for interrupting him and Twilight earlier.

The heat of the day too much and Maya worrying about Vinyl’s pale skin under a late August sun—they had to explain the concept of sunburn to the normally fur-covered pair—they elected to save any outdoor activities for later, taking a bus ride to the nearest large mall.

As they traveled the five miles, Twilight shook off her shock over the moon and had no end of questions as to how the bus moved and traffic was governed, marveling at the distant, if hazy Los Angeles skyline and noting the colorful houses and characters they passed. Vinyl, by contrast, seemed genuinely intrigued but not particularly awestruck by what she was seeing, Maya sitting beside her, pointing out places and sights as they went.

Upon arrival, Phoenix and Maya helped the pair down the bus exit stairs and led them inside the mall, causing Twilight to gawk anew at the massive interior, to say nothing of the variety of shops and wares being sold. “I don’t think I’m in Ponyville anymore…” was all she could initially say at the sight, looking uncertain where to begin.

Walking around, the two Equestrian Girls got more than a few odd looks at their hair color and attire, making Twilight uncomfortable enough that she ducked into a washroom and magically changed her hair color to black and eye shade brown, somewhat to Phoenix’s disappointment… though he did like the fact that she clung closer to him out of a need for familiarity in alien surroundings and even began to hold his hand, to a disapproving look from Maya. Vinyl, however, took everything in stride and enjoyed all the attention she was getting, going so far as to flip up her shades to show off her eyes whenever someone stared too closely, causing Maya to laugh as several onlookers took involuntary steps back.

“Hey lady, where’d you get those wicked shades?” one teenaged girl called out.

“Made them myself, thanks,” came Vinyl’s reply, looking back over her shoulder with a grin.

After getting the pair some snacks of soft pretzels and shaved ice from vendor carts—Phoenix was trying not to take them by the food court, knowing what would be found there—they went to a clothing store for new outfits, leaving Phoenix waiting outside as Maya got the two fitted for proper bras, making him realize with a start that Twilight hadn’t actually been wearing one before that. Wait… that means when I hugged and kissed her she was… his mind shut the train of thought down hard before it could go any further.

Since a regular bra was a little too much for Vinyl and Twilight to handle given their unfamiliarity with fingers and human fasteners, Maya got them sports bras. They served the purpose with much less hassle, though the two mares seemed a little surprised that such a thing was necessary until Maya explained in exact terms why, leaving Vinyl chuckling and both Twilight and Phoenix blushing hard.

They selected new outfits next. To little surprise of Phoenix, Vinyl went for a showy look based on some of the billboards and human girls she’d already seen, choosing jean shorts and a short white halter with a music motif and open midriff over her top, while Twilight exchanged her slightly poofy blouse and skirt for simpler, more summer-friendly ones, going with a lavender top and lighter blue knee-length skirt to Phoenix’s approval. Their boots were exchanged for sandals since neither knew how to tie shoelaces, leaving Twilight fascinated by the velcro fasteners, releasing and resealing them repeatedly in an attempt to figure out how they worked.

“They’re hoofwear, Sparks. You can figure them out when we get back home,” Vinyl said with some amusement, admiring herself in the mirror and picking out some blue and white bracelets to complete her ensemble.

They split up after that, Maya and Vinyl going off to the electronics and music shops while Phoenix took Twilight to the bookstore. Giddy at the massive selection, she stayed there for well over an hour looking through all the sections before selecting a few things to take back, paid for by Phoenix—fashion magazines for Rarity, a book on military planes for Rainbow Dash (”That’s if I can actually get her to read,” she admitted with a roll of her eyes), a pastry cookbook for Pinkie Pie, “nan-gas” for Spike (which she was particularly surprised to see human versions of), science and history books for herself, and, to Phoenix’s chagrin… a smattering of romance novels, explaining she wanted to “examine the cultural differences of our courtship rituals.”

Phoenix immediately protested they were all fantasy and not accurate representations of relationships, but Twilight waved him off. “Ours are no different. And fantasies say a lot about the psyche of both individuals and societies!” she told him, leaving Phoenix hard pressed to disagree. As long as she doesn’t try to use what’s in them on me…

The sun starting to head down and the temperature along with it, they headed over to a park Phoenix and Maya frequented with Pearl, where they met the young mystic off the bus.

She immediately leaped into Twilight’s arms, asking for news of ‘Mystic Trixie’ and her Equestrian friends. In response, Twilight gave her letters from Applejack, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as well as some scroll paper to write them back with, but had to disappoint her on the subject of Trixie, explaining that she was still not in contact with her at her father’s request. “But the Crusaders are doing well! School will be starting back up for them soon, and I hear they’ll be going on a field trip to Canterlot to check out the Canterlot Gardens the first week! Lots of neat statues and topiary there,” she told her as they headed over to the food carts to get some dinner.

“Aw… wish I could go…” Pearl went downcast for a moment, but perked back up at Twilight’s suggestion that perhaps she’d be able to get permission to bring her back to Equestria for a visit sometime down the road. She agreed excitedly and also said that she’d been practicing her penmanship with Spike’s calligraphy set, asking her to show him samples of her work. Twilight smiled and promised she would, knowing her scribe had taken an almost brotherly view of Pearl.

Arriving at the picnic tables and adjacent playground, Maya made a beeline for the taco truck and immediately got in line. “Next to burgers, this is my favorite food!” she announced as she ordered three of the biggest, meatiest ones she could find, waiting impatiently as they were prepared. “You know, you should try this too, Sparkle!” She grinned mischievously as she got her order, sticking one in Twilight’s face despite Phoenix’s glare. “Beef taco! They’re the best!”

“Um…” Twilight shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to admit the smells surrounding the strangely-shaped foodstuff were strangely appetizing. Made of BEEF? Chicken’s one thing, but I KNOW some cows! she mentally protested. But before she could respond, a second hand reached in and plucked the partially wrapped item out of Maya’s.

“So they’re the best, huh? Let’s see, then…” Vinyl stared at it for a moment, and then took a big bite, crunching loudly into it.

“When in Roam, eh, Twilight?” Vinyl grinned at her shocked expression. “This ain’t nothin. I’ve DJ’d parties for griffins, and those involve raw meat and the occasional flying boar spit-roast. They don’t respect you unless you’re willing to eat it. So I learned. Although…” she took another bite and nodded in approval. “Have to say, this really does taste good.” She licked her fingers appreciatively.

“Really?” Twilight blinked, noting Vinyl’s enjoyment. Well, I know cows aren’t sapient here, so… steeling herself, she accepted and took a bite of the third taco and her eyes went wide at the myriad tastes on her tongue. “It… does!” she admitted as Maya grinned evilly, going on to get them to try them with taco sauce added on top.

Great… I’m turning Twilight on to MEAT! Phoenix winced at his own thought as he watched them eat, wondering how else being human was going to corrupt her before all was said and done.

* * * * *

They stayed at the park for a couple hours more, just chatting, Pearly alternating her time between the playground and Twilight, who felt somewhat troubled at what she’d just done.

Eating meat… is this body affecting me somehow? Is it actually giving me human tastes? she suddenly wondered, worried about how else it might affect her. But she put the question aside for later, reminding herself that she was here to see and spend time with Phoenix, not question the morality of her human form. As dusk fell a band started playing in the amphitheatre across the path, so they went over to listen. Vinyl was less than impressed and Maya was too, the pair instantly pointing out all the missed notes and off-beat lyrics.

The park closed at nine. Pearls was put back on the bus with a parting hug from Twilight, who promised to deliver her latest letters to the CMC and see about arranging a visit for her later. With less than two hours remaining until midnight, they took a different bus back to Phoenix’s office, where Maya dragged Vinyl into the back room to see her music setup and soon they heard the sounds of party music and what sounded to Phoenix like web videos being played, punctuated with impressed noises and the occasional comment from the pony DJ.

While Maya showed off her technology to her Equestrian friend, Twilight and Phoenix went out on his second-floor office balcony. It was something he would never do in the heat of an August day, but at night… it became far more tolerable, even pleasant.

He served Twilight some tea—not his usual drink—taking a seat beside her as she looked out over the balcony, soaking in the sights and sounds of the city at night. She sighed happily as she removed her sandals, ready to take a load off—she’d already commented to him that her feet were sore from walking, unused to bearing her entire weight ‘on only two hooves’.

Phoenix nodded in sympathy as he brought out a candle to put on the table. “If you think that’s bad, try standing in court for hours on end!” he told her, rubbing his calves ruefully as he sat back down. “I do wonder why they don’t give us chairs…” he mused, going on to share his personal theory was that it was to speed trials up further by making attorneys uncomfortable.

Twilight winced, thinking it made a great deal of sense. “You got me there,” she agreed, sitting on the deck chair, finally able to relax again, closing her eyes to soak in the evening breeze and cooler temperatures.

“Enjoying yourself?” Phoenix grinned, taking a sip of his tea.

She grinned back. “It was hot during the day, but… this actually feels kind of good now that’s it dark,” she acknowledged, savoring the unfamiliar but not unpleasant feeling of a warm wind rippling through her thin clothes, pressing against her skin. “It’s really weird seeing the moon during the day and not at night, though… and there are so few stars,” she shook her head as she looked up into the L.A. evening.

“It’s the city lights,” Phoenix explained as he poured her a drink. “The stars are up there, they’re just kind of drowned out by all these street lamps and skyscrapers.” Though of course, the haze and smog doesn’t help things either… he knew, wishing again for the clear air and pristine skies of Equestria.

She nodded. “And is it always so hot here?”

Phoenix chuckled as he sat beside her. “Is a fire elemental telling me it’s too hot?” he couldn’t help but tease; in response she grinned and her eyes glow red as she tapped her power enough to light the candle on the table, allowing him to turn off the balcony lights, leaving them alone in evening dark except for the streetlights and flickering light of the flame. Sure am glad I moved to a new office that wasn’t located across from the Gatewater! Felt like a fishbowl in there… “This place is pretty much a desert, Twilight. Rain usually only falls a few months out of the year. No, it’s usually not this hot, but when it is… there’s never anything to clean the air out.” He sighed, wishing again the city had a squadron of pegasi on call to do it.

“Can’t imagine being at the mercy of the weather like this,” she shook her head, then suddenly grabbed at her armrests as she felt the balcony move, the overhead plant gently swaying back and forth for a few moments before settling back to equilibrium. “What was that?” her eyes darted back and forth.

Phoenix didn’t even blink. “Earth tremor,” he told her. “This area is notorious for them. For the most part, they’re benign, but we can get some sharp shakes. And once in a long while a damaging earthquake.”

She looked at him in disbelief. “And you just… live with it?”

“Have to,” he told her, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “It’s not like we can stop them any more than we can control the weather. All we can do is adapt to them; build our structures and roads to resist them. Trust me, two or three tremors and you get used to them.” Well, unless you’re Edgeworth, that is…

She looked uncertain, but when the shaking wasn’t repeated she settled back down and picked up her drink. “Thanks.”

“No problem. And we’re home now, so you can let your hair down, Twilight… or in your case, change it back,” he gave her a wry grin.

That was all the encouragement she needed, flaring her phantom horn to restore her eyes to purple and her hair to dark blue bisected with adjacent pink and purple stripes. THAT’S my ponytailed girl! Phoenix couldn’t help but think.

“Better?” Twilight asked shyly.

Much better,” Phoenix acknowledged, resisting the temptation to run his fingers through her long silky strands.

She looked down for a moment, giving the appearance that she wanted to ask him something. “So, um… you like me with my real hair?” she asked him. You like me as a pony?

“I like you as you, Twilight,” he answered, knowing he’d answered correctly when she blushed and beamed. “So now that you’ve had more than an hour here… what do you think of my world?”

Twilight visibly hesitated before replying. “Well… I don’t know yet,” she finally admitted. “This is all so new and different to me, and not always for the better. It’s an alien world with its own rules and a different set of natural laws, and the books I read don’t really convey that. It’s a little overwhelming, honestly, and doing things I normally wouldn’t, like eating that ‘taco’…” the formerly violet unicorn looked very uncertain. “Guess I now know how you felt when you first came to Equestria,” she shook her head and chuckled a bit.

He gave her a sidewise look as he settled in beside her, their chairs arranged side by side, reading between the lines and a little worried by the message he was getting. “Then you’re saying you don’t like it here…?”

She hesitated again. “If I asked you that about Equestria the first night you were there, what would you have said?”

He grimaced. “Point taken.”

She thought carefully about her next words. “Don’t get me wrong, Phoenix. This world does have a lot of interest to me and things going for it, it’s just… well, it’s going to take me a while to get used to… and to this,” she motioned down at her human body. “I don’t know how long it will take or even how often I’ll be able to visit. All I do know is… I don’t want to stop seeing you, even if it is so infrequently,” she raised her purple eyes to his.

“We don’t have to meet here, you know,” he reminded her. “If you want to see me, why not just bring me back to Equestria?”

She blushed and smiled, putting her hand over his in a surprisingly human manner, leaving Phoenix reflecting she already seemed to be picking up human gestures and mannerisms. “I really appreciate the offer, but in all honesty? I’d rather come here, for several reasons,” she told him. “First, if you come to Equestria, we won’t get much privacy or time to ourselves. The press and my friends would instantly descend on us again. They still haven’t quite stopped teasing me after last time,” she grimaced. “Trust me, it gets old and I really don’t want to get them going again.

“Secondly, you came to Equestria involuntarily, and stayed for over two weeks. So… I honestly think I owe you to come here a few times and not disrupt your life. At least, no more so than just visiting does, anyway. And lastly…”

She bit her lip, closed her eyes to gather herself, then took the plunge. “I know things are different here but in Equestria… mares court stallions, not the other way around. In all honesty, that’s what I’d rather do, and to me… that means I come here, to you.” She grinned shyly and turned her shining purple eyes on him, slipping her hand inside his again.

Phoenix felt his heart warm anew, giving her fingers a squeeze. “I’m flattered, Twilight. You have no idea how much.” It’s been so long since any girl showed interest in me, and the last one who did… he forcibly purged the thought as Twilight went on.

“You’re welcome, Phoenix. You know, I thought maybe you were right and I’d stop feeling things for you once you were gone, but… it hasn’t happened that way,” she shook her head. “I read a romance novel, it reminds me of you. I see a blue suit or a pony with spiky hair, I think of you. I hear about a court case, I can all but hear your objection.” She grinned, and he grinned back. Taking a chance she leaned to her right slightly and rested her head on his shoulder, taking in the warmth and presence of her… stallion? Man? Boyfriend? Coltfriend? The terms suddenly seemed blurred, even as she snuggled in tighter against him.

Phoenix’s cheeks warmed further at her affection. “And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about you…” he offered slightly awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably as he remembered some of the more vivid dreams he’d had of her.

They sat silently a few minutes more, Twilight desperately trying to work up the nerve to ask her next question. She was so sure of the answer now, and yet… “So…” she placed her left hand over his where it rested on her hip. “Can we now say this is real, then?” she held her breath.

Phoenix’s heart was starting to race as he reached the same conclusion she did.“Well… maybe the best answer I can give you is…” he leaned in close and she reciprocated, their heads turning towards each other until their lips met. Their passions finally acknowledged, one kiss led to a second, then to a third, and then...

A throat cleared behind them three minutes later, jolting them both back to their senses.

“Well, now. Looks like you’re getting the hang of being a human pretty nicely there, Sparks,” Vinyl said with a wide grin as Twilight and Phoenix froze in their suddenly very compromising position, their eyes wide and both in a state of partial undress. The unicorn DJ was lounging against the side of the balcony door like she’d been watching them for some time, her arms and legs crossed as Maya watched from the balcony entrance as well, her fists clenched, cheeks red and eyes bulging. “Gotta say, I’m enjoying the show and would love to leave you to it, but… it’s time to go. We got less than two minutes before your return spell pulls us back,” the still-grinning unicorn DJ reminded her, hefting Twilight’s book-laden bag in her hand.

Shocked, both Twilight and Phoenix looked over at the wall clock and realized it was that close to midnight, the pair quickly disentangling, Phoenix withdrawing his hands from under her blouse, the pair stumbling back from each other in shock and confusion.

“Phoenix, I…” she couldn’t go on, wrapping her arms hard around herself and shivering like she was cold, still aroused but extremely confused by what had just happened. Wh-where did THAT come from? I w-want him, but… n-not in THIS form! she clutched her head even as she could still feel his hands roaming over her, exploring erogenous zones she didn’t even know her human body had!

Phoenix wasn’t much better—the moment broken but still sorely enjoyed, he felt more bewildered than ever, suddenly feeling extremely guilty and wondering if he’d ever be able to look Twilight—or Maya—in the eye again. “Twilight, I… I-I’m sorry…” he offered with a shaky voice, belatedly trying to rebutton his opened shirt front.

“I… it’s…” Twilight couldn’t talk, and couldn’t think what to say. Down to their final moments and at a complete loss for words, she hurriedly ran up and kissed him just as the return spell began to pull her and Vinyl back, the pair disappearing behind a white energy barrier again, leaving Phoenix alone with a very angry and irate Maya, who crossed her arms and glared.

“So… she doesn’t know how her body works, and then you go take advantage of that to give her a good grope as a send-off to not seeing her again for six weeks? Real classy, Nick!” Maya said in a disgusted tone before stomping off, and Phoenix felt the blow of her words like a hard punch to his gut.

What… what have I done? Phoenix could only fall back to his chair and clutch his head, certain he’d just screwed up beyond any hope of recovery.

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