• Published 13th May 2018
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The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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4: Mares, Mentors and Magic

Twilight Sparkle had never felt so scared or confused.

She quickly abandoned her human form and clothes as soon as she rematerialized in her basement lab, running upstairs and covering her face before Vinyl could say something or a waiting Owlowiscious could offer a single hoot. She heard Vinyl call after her and teleported to her rooftop observatory, unable to face her or anypony else… including herself.

What happened back there? What have I DONE? was all she could ask herself over and over again, ignoring Vinyl’s repeated offers to talk from the ground floor. “Go away…” she finally answered, lying by her telescope and covering her head with her hooves, trying to drive the memories away.

But the unicorn DJ was not so easily dissuaded, startling Twilight by appearing with a flash next to her, now back in her pony form. “Come on, Sparks, let’s talk. Sounds like you need to,” she offered.

Twilight glared at her. “Not with you I don’t! And since when can you teleport?” she demanded to know, trying to work up some anger around the tears in her eyes.

Vinyl shrugged. “Mare of many talents. I got plenty of power, especially when I’m really into my music. But even without it, I can manage a few winks. Octy doesn’t like me doing it, so I generally don’t,” she explained shortly. “Now come on. You looked like you were having a really good time back there! So why are you so upset?”

“What do you care? You were just ‘enjoying the show’, remember?” Twilight bit out, struggling to hold back her tears.

Vinyl didn’t deny it. “Yeah, I admit I was. I mean, that was pretty hot back there, even if Maya looked like she was gonna blow an amp,” she grinned briefly, causing Twilight to flush hard in anger and embarrassment. “So are you just mad she saw you? Or that I did?”

“Well, it sure didn’t help!” Twilight snapped as her cheeks flushed further, resisting the urge to teleport further away and hide even as tears started to run down the sides of her cheeks. “It wasn’t… I didn’t m-mean for that to happen.. c-caught up in the moment… w-wanted to do it r-right… not like that… not as a… a…” she broke down sobbing as the fresh and unwelcome memories of her own enjoyment reared their heads again.

“Hey… hey. I’m here. And I promise it’s gonna be okay…” Vinyl said as she gently but insistently pulled her friend into an embrace, holding Twilight for a minute and letting her cry herself out before speaking again, waiting until her sobs had subsided a bit again. “Now I want you to listen to me. Sparks. It know it’s a shock, but there ain’t nothing wrong with it—or you. Take it from me—friendship and love ain’t like those romance novels of Rarity’s. Hay, Octy and I are evidence enough of that!” the pony DJ chuckled almost ruefully. “Truth is, they rarely happen in storybook fashion, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be any less magical when they do… and believe you me, filly, what I saw back there between you two was magic,” she gave Twilight an affectionate mane ruffle before materializing a box of tissues and dabbing at her eyes with them.

“Now you dry those tears. I know Maya’s jealous, but me, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you guys did, and I certainly don’t think that Phoenix only likes you as a human—I saw the way you guys acted around each other while he was here,” she reminded her teary-eyed friend. “I’d’ve liked nothing more than to see you two finish what you started. In fact, after seeing you two go at it, think I’m gonna have to take that human body out for a real song and dance myself!” she proclaimed.

But… why would you want to?” Twilight had to ask, her voice trembling with repressed tears. “W-why would you want to be something else other than what you are?” she asked, thinking that half the friendship reports she’d sent to Celestia in some way addressed the problems caused by that very issue.

“Better question is, why wouldn’t I?” the DJ rejoined with a broad grin. “Sparks, I’ve been around the block a few times by now. I’ve had fun with just about every sapient species under Celly’s sun. I don’t shy away from new experiences, and I don’t think you should either.”

“And were you ever not yourself in your ‘trips around the block’?” Twilight challenged. “Were you ever in a different form during your ‘new experiences’? Did you only do it because of that form? And did you ever worry that maybe the colt you’re falling in love with only likes you because of that form?” Twilight’s worries spilled out uncontrollably. Or even worse, what if I can only be with him in that form? Her eyes went wide at the uncomfortable thought. What… what if I like it more as a human than a unicorn? What if I want to stay with him like that and then have to choose between him and all my friends HERE? she shivered. Oh by Celestia and Luna, PLEASE don’t force me to make that choice! she begged the sun and moon goddesses in turn.

Vinyl stared at her a moment, then smiled. “Maybe the better question to ask yourself, Sparks… is were you really not yourself there? I mean, did that form actually change who you were… or just alter the way you expressed yourself to something a little more suitable to your body?” she grinned knowingly like she already knew the answer, catching Twilight short. “Answer that, and I think you answer everything.”

Twilight reeled. Wait… she’s saying that… WAS me? That being human only meant I’d express my interest AS a human? But… that’s… her mind went into logic lock, unable to quite accept the implications. “I… I need to think about this…” the violet unicorn fell back heavily on her haunches, clutching her head in her hooves.

Vinyl stared at her again, then nodded. “Okay. But listen. If you need to talk, find me, ya hear?” she put a hoof around Twilight shoulders. “I’ve been where you are before, Sparks. So if you need advice or just a friendly ear, I’ve got them.”

“Promise,” Twilight managed a wan smile, wondering if she’d ever be able to face her friends or even look in the mirror again… thinking only that there was only one pony whose counsel could possibly help her now. Leaving Spike a note and making a brief apology to a concerned Owlowiscious, she went back out into the night, heading for the train station.

Phoenix Wright couldn’t remember the last time he felt so miserable.

As he sat out on the balcony with his head despondently clutched between his hands, he was certain that he’d not only just alienated Twilight, but perhaps more importantly, crossed an unforgivable line in Maya’s eyes. The young mystic had retreated to the backroom lounge she used as her own office, locked the door and was adamantly refusing to talk to him, leaving him alone with his own brooding thoughts.

I still don’t understand… one minute we were just talking and the next… he shivered, the memory of his own enjoyment clashing hard with the confused look on Twilight’s face and outright anger on Maya’s as the spell—he didn’t know what else to call it—had finally been broken. Glancing at the dragonfire candle, he went back to his desk and began writing a letter to Twilight, only to crumple the paper he was working on and start again several times over, unable to find the words to properly express his remorse or make amends.

For what could he even say? What words could help when you took advantage of someone you cared about and possibly left her so traumatized you’d never see her again?

I took advantage of her… the thought rang in his head over and over, clutching it between his hands. She didn’t know how her body worked… she couldn’t have known what was happening… I did… and I let it happen anyway… he clenched his fists, trying to drive the remembered feel of her human form away.

But it wouldn’t. And no matter what he did, he couldn’t stop thinking about it… thinking about her. But her as a human, not as the Twilight Sparkle he’d come to know and treasure…

Not as the Equestrian unicorn she truly was.

Does this mean… I can only be with her if she IS a human? That I’m only in love with her disguise? He slumped further in his chair at the thought. Sensing a myriad of contradictions in his own thoughts and actions, he tried to step back and examine it as he would a case in court, but there was no tangible evidence he could examine, no witness he could cross-examine… and he found his insides were simply churning too much to look at anything logically.

He shook his head in disbelief—how did logic even apply to a situation like this? I get pulled into another world full of pastel talking ponies to defend one from a murder charge. I feel an attraction to her unicorn friend who pulled me there, we hit it off. She’s a different species from a different world, wields magic and friendship, and at the very end we kiss… I spend all that time trying to get around the fact she’s a four-legged unicorn who wears no clothes, and finally do—finally accept what I feel for her and that I’m interested in her as a pony, but then when she shows up here as a human, I can’t keep MY HANDS OFF HER???? He suddenly wanted to pound his head onto his desk repeatedly as he’d seen Trixie do at Rainbow’s trial.

That brought another terrifying thought. Rainbow… Applejack… Rarity… Pinkie Pie… Fluttershy… what will THEY think of me now…? He looked up to see Fluttershy’s quill pen on his desk and turned away in pain. I hurt Twilight… I hurt their friend… if I can’t forgive myself, how could they?

Finally deciding there was nothing more he could do and that no purpose would be served by sitting at his desk brooding, he went home, telling Maya one last time through the locked lounge door he was sorry, adding that he understood if she hated him now. When no answer was forthcoming he left, turning the office lights out behind him while taking the long and lonely bike ride home to his apartment.

Maya managed to keep herself from crying until she heard the office door close behind him.

Time passed in a blur for Twilight as she boarded a late-night express train to Canterlot.

She was still in a daze, but her body remembered where to go, her actions happening on autopilot as she walked the darkened streets of Ponyville, went to the train station and purchased her ticket. The trip to the palace passed quickly, as the thestrals on duty allowed her to pass and enter Celestia’s private quarters without question. Within a matter of minutes, she found herself outside a pair of golden-engraved doors, opening them without even bothering to knock.

While it wasn’t unusual for Twilight to visit Celestia’s personal chambers, it hadn’t happened since she’d moved to Ponyville, and she had always had the courtesy to knock before entering. As such, Twilight’s unexpected entry into Celestia’s room came as something of a surprise to the solar princess, who was lounging in bed reading with her royal vestments removed. “Twilight! This is quite unlike you. No letter, or anything to tell me you were—” She cut herself off as she noticed the puffiness around Twilight’s eyes, her quivering lip, and dazed expression. “Oh, dear.” She moved aside on her bed slightly. “Come up here, and let’s talk, Twilight.”

Twilight climbed up onto the four-poster, princess-sized bed, and promptly buried her face in Celestia’s neck. “Oh princess... I don’t know where to begin,” she mumbled, her confusion and fear evident even though it was muffled by her position.

“Well, in my experience, it’s best to begin at the beginning, Twilight,” the alicorn said patiently. “So, let’s start with how your day went. You said you were planning on visiting Phoenix Wright on Earth, correct?”

Twilight flinched slightly. “Y-yes, that’s right.”

Noting her reaction, Celestia paused. “Then… this has something to do with him?” she hazarded.

The dam broke. “It has everything to do with him!” Twilight burst out, startling Celestia slightly. “Or maybe nothing. I don’t know, and that’s exactly the problem!” The dam broken, the story came tumbling out, about the visit to Earth, the day they spent together, their decision that their attraction was genuine, and then… the incident that was cause for her current distress at the very end. “… s-so now I don’t know if what we did and felt for each other is genuine, or if was just some… some byproduct of that human body I was in!” She said between broken breaths as she finished speaking. “What happened to me, Princess? W-why did I do that?” she begged to know. “I hurt him and me! I didn’t want him like that and certainly not so soon! We finally decided it was real and then…” she broke down crying, certain all they had or could have had was ended before it had even truly begun.

Celestia regarded her prize pupil silently for a moment, absorbing everything she had heard. She had suspected this day would come, just not so soon… or in quite the manner described. “Twilight…” she began, magically tilting her student’s face up to meet her gaze, letting her see the compassion and concern in her eyes. “I understand your distress, and that you must feel very confused and frightened by what happened. But I must ask this question, and please do not feel I am trying to make light of your ordeal,” she cautioned.

Twilight nodded jerkily, uncertain what awaited her.

“What happened with him when you were human… did you enjoy it?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide—of all the things she could have been asked, the last thing she was expecting was something so direct and probing. “I-I…” the words caught in her throat, her bloodshot eyes glazing over as she bit back the undeniable answer, fresh echoes of the sensations she had felt washing over her body.

Her reaction was not lost on her mentor, whose expression now betrayed the barest hint a smile. “Did he force or pressure you in any way?” she asked next.

Twilight looked startled at the question. “N-NO!” she exclaimed, feeling a wave of anger and indignation rise up at the suggestion. “He’d never force me! He couldn’t anyway! If anything, I led him on…”she admitted, her shoulders slumping again. “It all just… happened…”

The Sun Princess gave a barely perceptible nod, the hint of her smile growing. “And when it happened, did he enjoy it—enjoy you?”

“Yes…” Twilight barely squeaked, barely able to nod her confirmation even as she burrowed deeper into her mentor’s side, seeking sanctuary from the feelings and emotions she wasn’t yet able to accept.

With that, Celestia’s smile finally broke fully into the open. “So it was mutual, spontaneous… and pleasurable for you both?” she summarized, speaking gently.

Twilight finally recognized where her regent was gently leading her. “Y-yes… “ she finally admitted in defeat, tears streaming down the sides of her muzzle as she was forced to face the truth, looking away in shame. “B-but princess, it wasn’t… real! I-I mean, he enjoyed me a human, not as… not as… ME!”she broke down completely, sobbing into Celestia’s side.

The ageless alicorn suppressed a chuckle as she draped a comforting wing over her student’s shivering, silently sobbing form. “But is that true, Twilight?” she asked gently. “Do you really believe that what happened was somehow false just because you were in a different form?”

Twilight looked up at her in disbelief. “How could it not be?” she managed. “I wasn’t myself… wasn’t acting normally at all! That body… it affected me somehow…” she shivered. “I was doing things I never would have otherwise! I offered m-myself to him as a woman, and even before that, I tried—” tried meat, she bit her tongue to keep from saying, certain her mentor would banish her from her sight forever if she knew.

Celestia’s smile turned sly. “You tried some human food?” she suggested, a twinkle in her eyes.

Twilight froze. “I-I…”

“And liked it?” she asked again.

“Pr-princess, please…” the violet unicorn cringed, covering her head with her hooves.

Celestia could restrain herself no longer, laughing softly but nuzzling her student affectionately as she did so, squeezing her closer with a sweep of her wing. “Oh, my dear Twilight…” she tilted her chin up again, this time with a single gilded hoof. “You have learned much, but you have so much yet to learn about life… and the nature of magic.” She stated, her tone both maternal and mischievous.

Twilight was bewildered by the sudden surge of amusement and affection. “Wh-what?”

“Let me start by saying that you are quite correct, my observant student—magically taking a different physical form will affect you in some ways. The mind and spirit adjust automatically to its new body, taking on some of its preferences and proclivities. This is in fact quite normal, and even desirable—for simple self-preservation,” she stated with surety. “Doing so enables the mind and spirit to reside in and maintain that form. If it did not… the result could be eventual starvation or insanity as the body’s needs did not match those of the mind and spirit that inhabited it,” she explained with the certainty of one who had lived a thousand years and knew her magic well. “It would not, for example, do for you to retain an appetite for hay while in a human body, which is unable to digest it.

“Thus… by becoming human, you take on the omnivorous appetites of that race… and all its sensual and sexual traits as well,” her grin got broader, even knowing.

“I… I don’t understand…” Still reeling, Twilight’s mind couldn’t easily process what she was being told. “Then you’re saying that… I really wasn’t myself?” she asked, both hopeful but strangely uneasy at the thought.

“Not at all,” Celestia corrected, closing her eyes and smiling again. “Such changes are but peripheral. For what transformative magic does not do is change the core of who you are inside—who you are here,” she tapped Twilight’s chest lightly with her hoof. “Human or pony, you are still Twilight Sparkle. So what I’m saying is… yes, you reacted to him as a human woman would. Yes, you offered yourself to him as one. But you did not do so just because you were in that form,” she grinned, then her eyes turned directly on Twilight, letting her see the surety in them.

“You did so because you wanted to, Twilight, regardless of the form you were in.” She spoke slowly, emphasizing each word in turn. “I daresay the only thing your human form changed… was the manner in which it happened.”

Twilight felt faint as the words sunk in, getting up from Celestia’s side and taking a few unsteady steps away. Then… Vinyl was right and that really… WAS me…? she reeled. “I… I… I th-think I understand what you’re saying, Princess,” she finally managed, even if she still wasn’t quite able to accept it. “But doesn’t it somehow… cheapen it if I’m not in my true form? How can I be with him in a body not my own, and yet still be myself?” she shook her head. “I mean, how could you approve of me d-doing this…?” she had to ask, swallowing hard.

Celestia regarded her student for a moment, as if deciding how best to answer. Then she smiled as if she had discovered the perfect way. Closing her eyes, her horn glowed gold as she summoned her magic, her alicorn aura enveloping her entire body as lay lounged out on her bed.

Twilight recognized the spell the instant it was cast, having performed it twice that very day, but still watched agape as her mentor transformed. Her body shifted as hooves turned to hands and her alabaster fur melted into radiantly glowing bronzed skin. Her body curves facial features likewise took a decidedly human form, though her eyes remained violet and hair its flowing pastel hues. Her long alicorn horn faded into the glow it cast until it disappeared entirely, leaving no visible trace of its spiral form even though Twilight could still sense its presence.

Her transformation complete, the Sun Princess swung her long legs to the side, rose from her bed and stood on two legs before her student, a tall woman with what even Twilight now recognized as an exquisitely beautiful human body, well-proportioned and flawless, her pastel hair flowing out behind her. With that, Celestia turned her now-human gaze on Twilight, compassion but also an element of mischief in her eyes as she saw her student’s shocked expression.

“Because, my dear Twilight… I’ve done it many times myself.”

Twilight felt herself start to sway as her mentor’s words and actions registered, her vision graying out around the edges. Synapses sizzled as her already-overwhelmed mind tried and failed to process what she was seeing. A faint buzzing sound was all she heard as something shut down within her, her eyes rolled back in her head, and thus it was that Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, fire elemental, master mage and Element of Magic, fainted dead away.

Why am I bothering to come here today? Phoenix wondered to himself as he unlocked the door to his office. There’s no way that I’m in any shape to take on a case… he paused as he saw the door to the back room of the office still closed. Did Maya… stay here all night? Was she THAT angry at me…? He slumped onto the couch. Not that I blame her. There’s no one I can really talk to about this, is there…?

His inner turmoil was interrupted as the office door flew open again to admit an irate Pearl. “Mister Nick! What did you do that made Mystic Maya so angry?!” she snapped, rolling up her sleeve in preparation for a good smacking. “She won’t tell me what happened, but were you seeing a Sugar Mama? Did you break her heart? I’ll never forgive you if you did!”

All Phoenix could immediately think was that impossibly… he was, and he had. He was about to stammer an apology when his eyes suddenly landed on her magatama. It was then he remembered there was one person who he could talk to, and he very desperately needed her counsel. “Pearls… I need your help.”

Pearl stutter-stopped out of her impending rant. “Wh-why do you need my help?”

“I need you to channel Mia so I can talk to her,” Phoenix requested.

Pearl puffed up a little, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Maya when she was angry. “Why? So you can tell her how you made Mystic Maya upset?”

“Yes, actually,” the lawyer said, grimacing. “It’s important for Maya that I talk to Mia. Please, Pearls?”

Pearl frowned, but sighed. “Alright. As long as it helps Mystic Maya, I’ll do it.” Her magatama glowed, and her form expanded until before him stood his former chief and mentor, Mia Fey.

He started to greet her only to pull back. It never occurred to Phoenix until now, but Pearl’s clothes were most definitely not designed for the fully-grown, and far curvier Mia Fey. He gulped a little, trying hard not to stare. Wh… why did I never notice this until now?

“It’s been awhile, Phoenix,” Mia said with her customary smile, immediately noting with some surprise where his eyes flickered to. “What’s up?”

My blood’s location, for one thing, Phoenix didn’t say as he blushed a little, still keyed up after Twilight’s visit and shifting uncomfortably on the couch. “Well… it’s a long story, Chief,” he rubbed the back of his head, deliberately looking away from her.

“Well, I’ve certainly got time to spare.” Mia sat on the couch next to him, noting his sudden discomfort. “So, start at the beginning.”

And so Phoenix did, beginning with his unexpected journey into Equestria, and the unprecedented trial that had resulted. How he had proved Rainbow Dash and Sonata Tarot both innocent of the death of Ace Swift. How he had gone on to defend both Sonata and Trixie, getting their sentences reduced and waived, respectively. And how, through it all, he had grown closer to the mare who had brought him there in the first place, to the point they had shared a kiss and possibly more just before he had left.

“Well, then. Sounds like I missed a lot a couple of months ago,” mused Mia, a coy note in her voice, her smile growing. “You’re truly a remarkable person, Phoenix.”

“Yeah, well, after last night, I don’t feel like it,” muttered Phoenix, clasping his head in his hands again. He went on to explain how Twilight had unexpectedly visited four weeks earlier, transforming herself into a human woman, explaining that she now intended to visit whenever the dimensional ley lines were aligned around once a month or so. Finally, he got to talking about the night before, their time together, their talk, and then with great difficulty… the encounter which was cause for his current distress. “… so, in short, I’m fairly certain Twilight hates me now, and I’m definitely certain that Maya’s mad at me. She hasn’t spoken a word to me since last night.”

Mia had a rare frown on her face. “Phoenix, let me ask you something. Were you… enjoying yourself, when it happened?”

Phoenix blushed and squirmed, knowing there was no point in hiding what his own body language was saying quite clearly. “W-well, yes, kinda…” his hands flexed at the memory.

“And was Twilight enjoying herself, too?” the channeled spirit of Mia followed up.

“Well, uh… from what I could tell, yeah,” the living lawyer replied hesitantly, not sure where Mia was going.

He wasn’t expecting her to smile. “Well, then. That being the case, I fail to see that there was a problem at all, aside from perhaps Miss Scratch’s interruption.”

Phoenix stared at her in disbelief, wondering if dying had deleterious effects on one’s mental processes. “Chief… did you miss the fact that I took advantage of someone who had no earthly idea what was going on with their body at the time?”

Mia chuckled and shook her head. “From what you said, she offered herself, Phoenix. Which means she probably had a far better idea of what was going on than you think.”

“B-but still, we had just decided that what we were feeling was real, and then we just…” He trailed off, noting that Mia’s smile had a different quality to it now. “What?”

“I’m so happy to hear you say that, Phoenix,” Mia said, in an oddly relieved tone. “It means your wounded heart is finally healing.”

“I… don’t follow,” Phoenix replied, his brow furrowing in confusion.

“Don’t you? Don’t you remember what happened with the last so-called woman you entrusted your heart to?” Mia asked pointedly, crossing her arms again.

Phoenix’s expression darkened as he got what she was hinting at. “How could I forget? Dahlia ripped my heart out in that trial.” His fists clenched at his sides.

She nodded gravely. “Indeed she did. And for all these years afterward, you’ve never looked at any woman the same,” Mia went on. “You never even eyeballed me, despite my choice of attire when I was alive, and even when I fill out Maya or Pearly’s clothes.” She gestured to herself, deliberately taking a provocative pose, grinning when she saw him squirm and blush. “At least, you didn’t eyeball me until today. That means you’re finally starting to get over it.”

Phoenix blinked despite his embarrassment. The more he thought about it, the more he realized Mia was right; heck, he’d said as much to Twilight, back after his misconduct hearing. He had never given any woman—any human woman, at least—a second look since Dahlia. Had Twilight’s human form really affected him so much? “I g-guess so. But, still…” he protested weakly.

“Phoenix, you were caught up in the moment with the person who might well be your soulmate,” Mia said gently, putting her hand over his. “And I do not use that term lightly. Does it really matter to you whether she’s human or a pony? Can you not give her the love she deserves regardless of her form?”

Phoenix turned the thought over in his head. Is… is it really a matter of my preference? The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous and ashamed he felt. Mia’s right. Human or pony, she’s still Twilight! And… that’s who I’m interested in! He sat up straighter and looked up at Mia, smiling for what felt like the first time in forever. “Thanks, Chief. I needed to hear that.”

“What you need to do is to write a letter to Twilight, using that fancy candle she gave you, and explain how you feel.” Mia stood up, her smile abruptly vanishing. “I daresay she’s probably feeling just as scared and guilty as you are right now, and for all the same reasons. Meanwhile, I’ve got something to do, too,” she announced, her expression turning stern.

“Huh? What do you need to do?” Phoenix asked as he headed for his desk.

“I need to talk some sense into my little sister,” his former chief explained, shaking her head sharply. “Your love life is your business, not hers, and she needs to be made aware of it.” With that, she headed for the back room.

Phoenix shivered a little after seeing that look on his former boss’s face; one he’d only ever seen was she was getting ready to cross-examine a lying witness in court. I’m really glad I’m not in Maya’s shoes right now, he thought as he took up the quill pen made from Fluttershy’s pinion, and began to write.

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