• Published 13th May 2018
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The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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21: The Heart's Turnabout, Part 5 - A Night Forgotten

Maya couldn’t sleep.

It was the most comfortable bed she’d ever slept on, one ceded her by Celestia, who had still not come in from the large penthouse balcony, sitting on her haunches and staring out into the city lights like she was standing guard, her ethereal multi-hued mane flowing out behind her as it always did.

The young mystic knew she was perfectly safe under the sun princess’ protection, who had done everything she could to help her in the aftermath of… earlier. She knew she was in the presence of friends who cared about her, and if she desired, her sister was but a simple channeling technique away. And yet, no matter how soft the mattress or how many plush pillows she piled up, no matter how much music she played in her earbuds or gentle the fan breezes that washed over her, sleep just wouldn’t come.

For how could it? The previous day’s events still haunted her, from helplessly fantasizing about Nick to what had eventually happened with Vinyl, and her mind would simply not shut off, awhirl with new experiences and still-barely accepted desires. Her earlier affair with Vinyl had knocked it all back to a more manageable level but hadn’t removed them entirely; she still caught her thoughts wandering in Nick’s direction...

To say nothing of Vinyl herself. Despite the fact that they were friends and she could take human form—in fact, Celestia had already promised to transform her the next day they could go out again—the fact that she wasn’t human was still very hard for the young mystic to get past. That she’d just been with another female was bad enough, but the fact that Vinyl Scratch was an intelligent mare was just another level of wrongness to the whole affair that she was having a very hard time dealing with. True, they had talked, and Vinyl had made every effort to insist that she would not pressure her in any way— “Like I told your sis, this ain’t my first rodeo, Maya. I get what you’re going through, and I’ll only be there when you want me to. I can be just a one-time thing or we can do it again, but whatever you decide, we’re still friends. It’s all up to you.”—she could still very keenly remember the unicorn mare’s magical touch, comforting and stimulating all at the same time, remember what it felt like to be bathed in her mating aura…

And remember how incredibly good it felt to be touched by it, helped by it towards the release her pony friend had been correct that she so desperately needed.

Despite the remembered pleasure, she curled up into a fetal position even more tightly at the thought. I’m not… I’m just not ready for this… she told her sister and whatever gods were listening, pulling the covers further up over herself, trying to hide from her own awakened desires within them. I can’t be with Nick… I don’t WANT to be with Nick… she told herself over and over, but couldn’t reconcile those thoughts with the fact that somehow, she did still want him, and want him very badly. Almost in spite of herself, her desires began to grow again, only this time there was no Vinyl to help her through it. She knew the pony DJ was sleeping on the couch out in the living area after they’d agreed it was best to be apart for a bit. She thought about calling to her, but… d-don’t think I could deal with that again right now anyway… she realized, and finally, after two hours of tossing and turning, she realized that the only way she could sleep was to take matters into her own hands and give herself relief.

It felt unquestionably good, and with her tension spent, she felt her body relaxing towards rest again afterwards, but it brought her no inner comfort. It’s all Sparkle’s fault… she cried softly to herself. She… MADE me feel this way… she told the universe at large, bitterness mingling with jealousy and a half-dozen other emotions she couldn’t pin down. And if she did this to me, what is she doing… to HIM? The thought lingered hard in her mind as a fitful slumber finally claimed her.

The last thing she saw before nodding off was a pair of glowing cat eyes underneath a gleaming helmet and a set of a pointed teeth smiling evilly at her in the night.

“Indeed!” The new arrivals from Luna’s dream guard had scarcely left before Trixie gavel-ed the proceedings back to order and asked the question that was on everyone’s mind; a question that had all but stunned Phoenix into silence. “So would the witness kindly explain to this court how in the name of the sun and moon Mister Wrong had sex with Fluttershy…?

Rarity cringed at having to break her Pinkie Promise, though Mia had noticed her gaze having fallen on thestral captain in great surprise. “Believe me, I was just as surprised to witness these events!” she said even as she stared at the point in space he had been for several moments more.

“And yet you did nothing to stop them?” The Nightmare grinned as if she could sense Rarity’s inner thoughts, causing the fashionista to blush.

“Well, Fluttershy insisted on it, and it seemed a terrible shame given they were… enjoying themselves so much…” she offered weakly.

“But how could Fluttershy have raped me?” a slack-jawed Red Phoenix asked, looking every bit as shocked at as the real one.

“She couldn’t, you ungrateful wretch!” Rarity rounded on him. “You started it, not her! She doesn’t even know what rape is!” she told him vehemently, magically grabbing him and shaking him by his collar before she caught herself, realizing she was attacking a male.

“I… what?” The real Phoenix finally found his voice.

Hearing him, Rarity abruptly remembered he was there, releasing his doppelganger and turning back towards him. “On my honor, you did, Mister Wright. I was under the influence too, but not so much I would have allowed my friends to be hurt. Believe me, if I thought you were forcing or pressuring her in any way, I would have stopped it. Or Certainly Twilight would have! She saw the whole thing and even—” she abruptly clammed up.

“Even what?” The Nightmare prompted, giving her a leer. “Even helped it? Perhaps illuminated the scene with her aura, inducing them both to put on a show for her pleasure?” she leered.

Rarity gave a scoffing sound and turned her nose up at the suggestion. “Hardly, monster! And I will have you know Fluttershy was just as willing as he was! Have you any idea what she could have done to him if she wasn’t?”

Phoenix shivered as he remembered her using her stare on the Timberwolves, uncertain what it would have done to him. Never mind what Twilight would have done to me AFTERWARDS! He all but gulped, remembering the lethal look she gave him after he’d accidentally felt her up following her rescue. “I’m terrified to ask for it… but I think we’re going to need testimony as to what happened,” he admitted, feeling faint and unsteady despite the fact he knew he couldn’t actually pass out in a dream. He wasn’t able to resist materializing a chair from the dreamscape to sit down heavily in, leaning forward and clutching his head as Wind Whistler and Mia put a comforting hoof and hand on his shoulders.

Rarity went aghast. “You wish me to testify about the sex itself? I could never be so crass!”

“’Tis not necessary that thee do so, Lady Rarity,” Luna spoke up, casting a concerned look of her own at Phoenix. “Just as we did for Phoenix Wright earlier this night, we could bring thy memories to life using our power of dreams.”

Far from being reassured, Rarity got even more nervous. “I’m not certain I relish that idea any more than the other one, Princess Luna…”

“And why would that be?” The Nightmare asked, a smile breaking her lips again. “That you are afraid it will show you to be the shameless liar and seductress you are?”

“How dare you!” Rarity rounded on her. “My element may not be honesty, but I have most certainly not lied!” she stood up straight, though almost all present instantly noted that she didn’t dispute the seductress part of the statement.

“Really? Then tell me this, Lady Rarity. Why do none of the parties involved have any memory of this event, even in their dreams? Why have I not seen so much as a glimmer of what you claim happened?” she leaned over her bench and pinned the fashionista with a stare.

“The better question, demon, is why you so over-rely on your dreamwalking power that you missed the truth that was right there in front of you?” Mia needled. “You did not see these events because they had no memory of them, or perhaps you dismissed what little they did have as idle fantasy. And it would further seem you failed to check the dreams and memory of our fine witness here. That oversight will now cost you.”

“It costs me nothing, Mia Fey,” The Nightmare retorted. “Thus far we have nothing but her word and a highly questionable explanation. The prosecution demands proof for such a ludicrous claim, and if we do not get it, we move once again that this entire testimony be stricken and the defense be held in contempt!” She punctuated her statement with a grin.

All eyes moved immediately to Trixie, who looked to a still-stunned Phoenix like she felt caught between a rock and a hard place. Her thoughts were racing, her mouth opening and closing repeatedly as she fought desperately not to come to the conclusion she was forced to reach. “I regret that… the prosecution is correct. This court cannot accept such an outlandish allegation without proof,” she said at some length, her shoulders slumping. “That Fluttershy of all ponies would have had sex with Mister Wrong is literally beyond belief and I further regret to state that this court cannot even begin to fathom what proof could be produced for such an… event. And with apologies to Princess Luna, by Equestrian law, I cannot accept memory recall magic in any form as authoritative testimony without significant supporting evidence!”

The Nightmare and Red Phoenix smiled. “Then as the defense cannot possibly produce such evidence, the prosecution moves once again to strike this witness testimony as an outright lie, and for an immediate guilty verdict on the charge of rape, Your Honor! Twilight Sparkle allowed me to have the punch in spite of knowing its potentially deleterious effects, then took advantage of me for it!” The latter spoke up, pointing an accusing finger at Twilight, who was crying openly again.

Mia immediately spoke up. “To quote my adversary from earlier… ignoring the fact that we are not in Equestria, Your Honor, there is no harm in at least seeing what the witness saw that night. The court may then draw its own conclusions as to its veracity, once our proof is presented. And yes, there is proof!” she asserted as she arched an eyebrow at Rarity. “The witness knows of what evidence I speak!”

The fashionista’s brow furrowed before her eyes widened beneath the brim of her hat. “Yes… yes I do…” she admitted, her tone tentative. “But… I fear it would not make any sense unless given its proper context.”

“A context our illustrious princess may provide through her dream magic, Your Honor,” Mia added. “And I would further note that you did admit my client’s dream journal as evidence even though that was created via memory magic. As you have already granted the prosecution such latitude, the defense believes it only fair we be given the same courtesy.” She moved a lock of hair aside as she spoke.

Trixie looked relieved as she was presented with a plausible way to continue the trial. “A valid point. Fair’s fair, Prosecutor Moon. I allowed you leeway, so the defense gets it as well. Your motion is denied and the witness will testify! This court will then decide whether to accept the testimony based on the evidence presented!” She banged her gavel again.

The Nightmare’s eyes narrowed and glittered. “Pray in vain I do not win this case, Trixie Lulamoon. For when I do, I will not only make you my servant, but make certain that Twilight fulfills her fantasies regarding you… with some additional input from me!” she gave her trademark toothy grin.

Trixie somehow both paled and flushed at the same time, but to her credit worked up some nerve. “I fought Twilight once and I’ll do it again if I have to. And you haven’t won yet, abomination! Summoning me will be your undoing!”

“A mistake you may be assured I will not repeat,” The Nightmare rejoined. “Pray it may please me to let you keep your life and sanity, if only for Twilight’s amusement—and my own.”

“Thou dost not make threats here, demon!” Luna teleported in front of the bench, interposing herself between her prospective student and The Nightmare as Firefly and Layan Kaval stepped forward to flank her. “Thou art under grave threat thyself! Tonight is thy final night of freedom!”

“And don’t think you will escape my notice either, Lulu,” the dream demon queen turned her attention on her former host, far less humor in her eyes. “With Twilight’s power combined with my own, and the elements useless against me, we will be your equal and you could only defeat me by killing my host! But even if you succeeded, I wonder what it would do to your standing with your sister to learn you had slain her beloved student?” she said, delighting in Luna’s flinch. “Perchance I could then possess her!”

“THOU WILT NOT TOUCH OUR SISTER!” The entire courtroom erupted in wind and lightning as Luna’s voice boomed and her eyes glowed with supernatural fury.

“Temper, temper, Lulu,” The Nightmare tut-tutted. “Your inner rage was one reason you made such a good host. ’Tis good to see you still have your inner darkness.”

“Though I would call it passion rather than darkness, methinks ’tis fortunate we did not face her in the war,” Layan Kaval noted as an aside. “To see her now, methinks she would have been a far more ruthless and dangerous foe than Celestia.”

“Aye,” Firefly responded dispassionately, though there was a hint of a smile on her face. “’Twas a saying I read in an old scroll once. ‘Enemies of Equestria beware. For if Celestia is our shield, Luna is our sword’.”

“Do not listen to her, any of you,” Mia spoke up, giving a pointed look at Phoenix, who was still sitting stunned, trying to recover his wits. “She gives neither Tia nor Twilight enough credit… as this trial will soon make clear. So enough idle threats, Nightmare. All you have on your side right now is your hostage, and a faux version of Phoenix. Our esteemed judge has denied your motion. So may we proceed with this trial?” She moved another small lock of her hair aside.

“By all means, Mia Fey,” The Nightmare recovered her smile. “The sooner we end this sideshow, the sooner I will have my guilty verdict and new host. So let us see what lies and fantasies this witness may spin…”

“Very well. Princess Luna, if you please…?” Trixie looked like she was dreading the show to come as much as Phoenix.

Controlling her anger with great effort, Luna stilled her weather magic, the background cacophony of thunder and lightning fading to a light breeze. “Verily, we shall, Thine Honor. But before we carry out our task, we would ask thee for a short pause in the proceedings.”

“And why is that?”

“Because by this court’s leave, we would expect some new and very important guests to arrive anon…” she abruptly looked to her right as the surroundings rippled and one of her night guard returned.

“My Princess!” the thestral Captain called out, bowing low. “I have brought the Element of Kindness!” he stepped aside to reveal…

“Fluttershy!” Phoenix called out. Any other time, he would have been happy to see her, but given the circumstances, he wasn’t sure her presence was a good thing.

“Oh! Mister Phoenix?” She recognized him in some surprise. “Mister Alucard here said Twilight was in trouble?” she looked over at her slumped friend, then gave a soft gasp as she saw The Nightmare and Red Phoenix, who crossed his arms and smirked.

“Hello, Fluttershy. So what’s this about you raping me?”

She was given no chance to respond before a second and much larger ripple appeared, and out of it spilled… Applejack, seemingly struggling with four different dream guard members, to which she had dealt a series of black eyes and other bruises. “HOLD, noble Applejack!” Luna called out in a booming voice. “Cease thy resistance! They brought thee here on our orders!”

“‘Noble’, my former host? Really?” The Nightmare smirked. “Again, not the first word that comes to mind.”

Applejack focused on her and apparently recognized her, but was still unimpressed, contemptuously brushing her captors off with ease. “Dagnabit! Ah don’t care who y’all are, t’aint right ta drag somepony off into who-knows-where without so much as a by-your-leave!”

“Miss Applejack, please!” a unicorn member of the Dream Guard replied. “This is important! We brought you here to help Twilight Sparkle!”

Applejack stopped her struggles for a moment as her eyes locked on Twilight and recognized her state. “Well, why didn’t y’all say so before?” she shoved them backwards before straightening her hat.

“You didn’t give us a chance!” One of the thestral mares answered, gasping for air and nursing a black eye, barely visible against her dark fur. “You jumped us, remember?”

“’Cause Ah thought ya’ll were overgrown fruit bats attacking mah apple trees! Ah swear, you guard types… so what’s goin’ on here?” She looked around the courtroom before her eyes settled back on Nightmare Moon. “And what the hay are you doin’ here? Didn’t we blast you back to whatever hole you crawled out of?” She took the presence of the Nightmare far more sedately than her friends.

“And apparently my former host is hoping you can do so again,” she answered in disdain, though Mia caught the glimmer of concern in her eyes. “She hopes in vain.”

Trixie’s eyes widened, reaching the same conclusion at the same moment as Phoenix. “You’re calling them here in hopes the Elements of Harmony can beat her again!” she realized at the moment Phoenix did, her eyes going wide. “In that case, court stands in recess until all element bearers are present!” the showmare quickly brought her gavel down as The Nightmare frowned.

“As Your-so-called Honor wishes,” she said in disgusted tones as a third portal appeared, and a familiar Rainbow-colored mare spilled out along with a unicorn and two thestrals. “It matters not.”

Rainbow Dash sat up and rubbed her eyes with her hooves as if she was sleepy. “Huh? What’s going on? Where am I?”

“Ah’m asking the same question right now!” Applejack took in the scene, her eyes glancing back and forth between Rarity on the witness stands and the two Phoenixes. “What is this? And who are all these… others?” she looked around at the mingled spirits in some confusion.

“Ooo… they’re ghosties!” Pinkie explained, then gave a wave. “Hey girls!”

“Uh… hey Pinkie. And say what now?” a still-skeptical Applejack asked. “Ghosties?”

“Yepyep! They’re all dead! They came to make sure that black snooty down there doesn’t escape! Gather she hurt them all when they were living!” Pinkie explained with the same matter-of-fact air she would recite a weather schedule with.

“Black snooty?” Rainbow blinked, then fully noticed The Nightmare. “Hey! What are you doing back? And what’s with that weird red-suited Nix? Is this a prank, Pinkie?” she gave her friend an askance look.

She shook her head but answered brightly. “Sorry, Dashie, but this is no joke! Twilight’s in trouble, and we have to help save her!”

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash belatedly noticed her sitting in the defendant’s seat. “What’s she on trial for? And why’s Trixie of all ponies presiding?” She gave a look of distaste.

“Good to see you too, Rainbow Trash,” Trixie smirked, causing the hot-blooded pegasus to growl and take a step towards her. “But since your element is Loyalty and not Intelligence, allow The Great and Powerful Trixie to enlighten you all…” She closed her eyes and put her hoof to her chest.

Swiftly, the situation was explained by the showmare, but to Phoenix’s annoyance, all Rainbow Dash did was laugh. “Oh, come on! You can’t be serious, Trixie! I admit this is either a really weird dream or really cool prank, but who would really think we’re watching a trial for Twilight’s soul with a bunch of stiffs? I mean really, what pony could possibly believe…” Her voice trailed off as her gaze went around courtroom pit, locking onto one of the pony spirits.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” she exclaimed as her hooves went to her cheeks, trying and failing miserably to keep her voice down and excitement under control as she pointed with a trembling hoof to the nearest Bolt Knight, a very chiseled stallion with a pale coat and gold mane with a cutie mark of a jagged lightning bolt. “That’s Thunderbolt! They have a statue of him at the Junior Speedsters’ camp! He single-hoofedly saved Cloudsdale on the first day of the war! And wow, Wind Whistler? Master strategist and tactician! She could outthink and outfly anypony!” she recited next, continuing counterclockwise around the courtroom pit.

“Holy hayseeds, that’s Swift Strike! Nopony was better with blades than him! And Blindside…? She could fly through a hail of arrows and never be touched! Nopony could lay a hoof on her!” she gushed in turn, her jaw dropping a little further with each turn of her head. “Fell Flight! She brought the bat-ponies back into the fold and could beat a hundred gryphons at once! And there’s Sky Sentry! He took down a slew of dragons and there’s still a monument to him at Fort Spur!” she recited in rapid-fire, apparently unaware she was clutching a slightly bemused Applejack in her excitement.

“Remind me never to take you to a Daring Do convention, Trash,” Trixie facehoofed as the Bolt Knights themselves wore smiles that ranged from tolerant to very pleased.

“She’d have to start reading first…” a partially rousted Twilight muttered under her breath, responding to the voices of her friends despite The Nightmare’s influence.

“To use the current human parlance, your descendant seems a bit of a ‘fangirl’, Captain,” Layan Kaval noted to Firefly in some amusement.

“Aye, that she is. But methinks she can be forgiven. Truth be told, she reminds me of myself at that age,” Firefly responded, the barest hint of a smile on her face. “Supremely talented, a bit arrogant for it… and almost as good as she thinks she is. ’Tis certain the potential is there, though. Methinks with proper training, she could even surpass me.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped open. “You… you mean it?”

“I do indeed.” She closed her eyes and grinned. “And perhaps one day you will get the chance to ‘show your quality’.”

“Surpass you? And just who the hay are you supposed to be?” Applejack was unimpressed until Rainbow elbowed her sharply.

“AJ!” Rainbow Dash whispered urgently, elbowing her friend hard. “Are you blind? That’s Firefly!”

Applejack’s eyes went wide as even she recognized that name, and she swiftly removed her hat in deep respect. “Hero of Equestria and savior of the earth ponies at Stalliongrad? Well now,” she bowed her head deeply. “I don’t say this often, but… it’s a real honor to meet you.”

“And you as well, noble Applejack,” Firefly bowed back. “I fought alongside some of your ancestors and you do them great credit. It gratifies me greatly to know such a strong and honorable pony as yourself has formed such deep bonds with my kin.”

“If the dead are through being fawned over by the living, may we please proceed?” The Nightmare asked in annoyance. “I have a host to gain, and now two worlds to conquer.”

That brought an immediate uproar from not just Phoenix and Twilight’s friends, but the audience spirits as well, several-toga wearing humans calling out in what Phoenix recognized as Latin, the gryphons and ponies shouting in equal outrage.

“Over my dead body!” Applejack called out over the din.

“And mine!” Rainbow flared her wings. “We beat you once, and we’ll do it again!” She charged the Nightmare only to be bounce off her barrier, which had retracted even further as she tried to completely block out the sight and voice of Twilight’s friends.

“Be careful what you ask for, my little ponies.” She gave a toothy grin as Red Phoenix smirked. “And there is little use in attacking me in this realm, especially so long as I have your friend hostage.” She made a show of digging her tendrils into Twilight a bit deeper, though Phoenix had noticed her head come up slightly with each appearance of an additional friend. “Either defeat me in this trial, or your friend is mine, body and soul.”

“For once, she tells the truth,” Rarity confirmed, glowering. “She’s trying to possess Twilight just as she once did Princess Luna!”

“And we would do everything in our power to prevent this!” Luna turned to Rarity as Twilight’s friends reluctantly left the courtroom pit, taking seats beside Pinkie Pie offered them by adjacent spirits, who quickly caught them up on the trial to that point. “Lady Rarity… as we stated, ’tis within our power to show thy memories via dream. We do not wish to embarrass thee, so we would first ask thy permission. May we bring thy memories of the party to life for all to see?”

There was a bare moment of anxiety in the fashionista’s eyes, just visibly beneath the brim of her femme fatale fedora. She looked at Pinkie Pie, as if to take courage from her friend’s presence, then at Twilight, reminding herself again as to why she needed to do this. “Very well. For Twilight’s sake, I consent to this… procedure,” she grimaced at some length. “But I do ask of all present, that as you witness these events… please remember that we were all under the influence, so judge me not too harshly for what you see…”

As Phoenix and all present watched, Luna’s magic collected around Rarity’s head, whose eyes instantly closed though she remained standing. Once the Lunar regent’s magic had found the memories it sought, a second beam lanced out from Luna’s horn into the center of the courtroom pit, resolving itself into a new portal, much like the memory replay spell Twilight had cast on Sonata Tarot.

The difference was that this time, the experience was far more immersive. Where Twilight’s spell could only give sight and sound, Luna’s created dreamscape involved all five of the fashionista’s senses, allowing all present to not just see, but experience everything she had that night. As the dream spell took more power, the portal expanded to encompass the entire courtroom pit. The latter then disappeared and in its place… was the inside of the Twilight’s Treehouse, seen through Rarity’s eyes.

As the dream playback began, Phoenix found himself looking at a sleeping Miles Edgeworth lying on a plush library rug with his jacket off, Rarity’s aura removing his cravat and loosening his other clothes, neatly folding his dress jacket and moving it safely aside. There was also a pinkish haze around everything, especially at the edges of her vision—a byproduct of the punch; Phoenix remembered, having experienced it himself.

Ah, my darling Miles… Phoenix started when Rarity’s voice sounded in his head like it was his own—he could even hear her thoughts!—you are so very special, but so very repressed if you needed to play like a foal! she chuckled to herself, before turning her attention downstairs, looking down at the festivities happening on the first floor. Perhaps I can yet teach you how to relax and enjoy yourself in more adult ways? But until then, the night is still young! And perhaps there is still a chance that I may find a way to do so…

With that, she magically moved a couch pillow under his head and pulled a blanket up over him, giving him a kiss on the forehead. She then moved to the exit, looking back at him for a few seconds, her gaze lingering lovingly on him before exiting the room.

Well, here we go… Phoenix steeled himself as he sensed as much as watched her head downstairs to the main library floor, giving an equally worried Fluttershy a glance in the audience, who had no more idea of what she was about to see than him. And may we all yet survive the experience…

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