• Published 13th May 2018
  • 2,491 Views, 84 Comments

The Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version) - Firesight

The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?

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20: The Heart's Turnabout, Part 4 - A Rare Revelation

Arguing a case in the dream world between the living and departed realms was, Mia Fey reflected, nothing like the trials she’d defended in life.

Back then, defending my client was a fight to find and extract the truth in the face of lying witnesses and arrogant prosecutors who were more interested in padding their conviction tallies than the truth. This time, I already KNOW the truth, as does my prosecutor opponent, she catalogued with a glance across the room. This time, the objective is to convince our client of that truth instead of the twisted version The Nightmare wants her to believe. At least Trixie’s trying to cooperate in the effort… she granted with a glance up at the judge’s bench, where to her credit, the showmare was trying very hard to hold herself together in the face of all that had happened to her, doing her best to bear up under the terrible weight of responsibility she suddenly found.

But she’s doing it. Bringing you here was the Nightmare’s first major blunder, Trixie… after attempting to possess Twilight in the face of her friends and me in the first place! Her eyes narrowed. You’ve bitten off more than you can chew this time, demon. Your elusive head is now on the chopping block, and whether at my wings or those of my fellow spirits, I promise you won’t escape judgement this night. I just have to make sure you don’t wreck more lives and take even more innocent souls with you…

It was easier said than done. The Nightmare was, she was forced to admit, very cunning and sharp; devious and clever… to say nothing of utterly amoral. Nothing is beneath her, Mia, and you can be sure she hasn’t brought out her big guns yet. She’s holding something major back. Be careful… she reminded herself, knowing the battle for Twilight’s soul and to save her love for Phoenix was far from over.

The stakes were grave, and yet she found she relished it. For despite all her angelic power, there were some things that heaven simply couldn’t give her. Among them were the rush of a trial, the battle of wits, the all-too-real consequences… I really DO miss this… she admitted to herself, but also granted how lucky she was she’d been able to aid her friends and loved ones in death as well as in life, helping Phoenix and Twilight alike. I’ve been very lucky to be able to visit through channeling and in dreams as often as I have. And given that, the Nightmare’s right about one thing. It’s not often an angel gets to intervene so directly in mortal affairs like this. May the heavens forgive me, and Phoenix too, but… I truly AM enjoying this…

She shook her head as she watched Luna’s portal grow bigger and sensed the approach of a new and living spirit. It wasn’t that the afterlife wasn’t to her liking; far from it, in fact. She hadn’t been serious when she’d told Celestia the hereafter was boring. Her angel wings granted her incredible power, freedom of movement, all-seeing vision and access to knowledge she could not even dream of in life. Being an ascended spirit even granted her license to look upon and intervene in mortal affairs under certain circumstances—a power she had already availed herself of more than once to protect the innocent in other places and trials. But her home was heaven now, and what she had told the sun princess later was the truth: the human heaven didn’t actually look much different from the pristine skies and picturesque landscapes of Equestria, and she idly wondered how the griffin and pony versions would compare.

Well, why not find out? The renewed thought brought a smile to her face. All ascended spirits are free to travel between them. You know, I really SHOULD visit the Summerlands. In fact, I think I will after this, once The Nightmare is dealt with and I’ve gotten things set to rights with Twilight and Phoenix, she promised herself, then her smile turned sly.

Be nice to know more about Tia in particular. I see a lot of myself in her. Just like me, she’s trying so hard to be a good mentor and sister, but I don’t have to be an angel to sense that filly’s also got a wild side she needs to set loose once in awhile. Even when I spent some time in her mind during Rainbow Dash’s trial, I could tell she was pent up pretty badly, holding in all her fears and tension to look strong for her student and subjects. Guess in that sense, we are a lot alike! She smiled, moving aside a lock of hair. And I’m just guessing at some her proclivities, but I daresay she liked what she saw of me…

Still, first things first… She set her expression and turned her attention back to the Moon Princess as she completed the summoning process. I’m honestly not sure how Phoenix will take the truth in this case, or if Miss Rarity would so easily give it up… but it has to be revealed. Do so, and I not only all but destroy this rape accusation, but very possibly break The Nightmare’s hold over Twilight as well…

“I’m sorry. Did you say the ‘fair’ Lady Rarity? Really, Mia Fey?” The Nightmare’s grin turned sly. “Methinks that ‘fair’ is not the first adjective that comes to mind when describing her. And just what makes you think she has any information or evidence that can help your case?”

“You mean you want to call in that stuck-up fashion-obsessed drama queen?” Trixie made a face of distaste. “She faints at the drop of a hat and can’t so much as tolerate one hair out of place in her mane. And exactly why would she know anything about that night? Wasn’t she drunk along with the rest?”

“She was not, Your Honor,” Mia replied evenly, closing her eyes and smiling. “She was far more experienced with Pinkie Pie’s punch and was able to resist its worst effects, both for greater tolerance and for having a bit less.”

“Yepyep! It’s true! She always wants to remember what happens, so she would always limit herself to just a few drinks. She likes being suggestible, not soused!” Pinkie Pie piped up again from the gallery. “And I secretly suspect that even when she’s ‘suggestible’ she’s faking. I’ve never seen her with a hangover, and hay, I once saw her down an entire bowl of my punch!”

Phoenix blinked at the image that brought to mind. So, what, does this mean she’s like that one girl from that anime I saw Maya watching once? He wondered. Something Peace?

“You seem quite confident in what she will say. And you know what happened how, Mia Fey?” Once again the Nightmare asked the question Phoenix was afraid to.

“Because I watched from the afterlife. How else?” Mia smiled, to snickers from the gallery.

The Nightmare’s lips quirked upwards again. “Really, spirit. Tell me, are you making it a habit to spy from your Summerlands on all your former protege’s most private moments?”

“Uh… are you, chief?” Phoenix had to know, his cheeks warm again.

She looked at him evenly. “When I’m worried about him and afraid that he might do something he’s not ready for, yes,” she replied evenly. “As it happens, I was watching that night, and intended to intervene in case something went wrong. But nothing did.” She smiled.

Phoenix blinked. “Wait. Then you’re saying Twilight and I didn’t do anything that night?” He was surprised to feel a pang of disappointment.

“Given the state he woke up in, I think that hardly likely, Mia Fey,” The Nightmare said.

“Agreed.” Trixie looked just as disbelieving by her furrowed expression, her prosecutorial mind trying as hard as the Nightmare was to discern the purpose behind the request. “This had better not be another bluff or stalling tactic, Ms. Fey! The stakes are too high here to indulge in your student’s cheap theatrics!”

Mia’s sly grin got more pronounced. “Not at all, Your Honor. Just that… well. I think this is one case where the truth is best heard from another witness. So Your Honor, the defense moves to call Lady Rarity to the stand so she may testify as to what happened—or didn’t—that night.”

Trixie gave a heavy sigh, certain the winged human spirit was going to make spirits out of them all when she lost the case and with it, Twilight’s soul. “Does the prosecution object?”

The Nightmare hesitated momentarily, then smiled. “From what I know of that pony, she is no angel, Mia Fey. A gossip to say nothing of a rather shameless seductress in her own right. As such, I can scarcely imagine what she could say that would help your case. If she testifies that nothing happened against all evidence, that simply discredits your defense further. If, however, she testifies that something did, then that is just more evidence against your client.”

“Uh, chief… she’s right,” Phoenix had to point out. “I don’t see what Rarity could say that helps us here.” Either she says Twilight took me while inebriated which implies rape, or she claims nothing happened and gets herself discredited along with us…

“Then there is no reason for the prosecution to object to calling her,” Mia never lost her smile as she gave a knowing glance at Phoenix. Trust me, she mouthed at him.

Trixie gave a heavy sigh and rubbed her eyes with a hoof. “So be it.” She rapped her gavel again. “By this court’s order, that difficult and disreputable dressmaker will testify. Princess Luna, if you please…?”

“’Tis our pleasure to help this court.” Luna’s horn glowed as she concentrated her power, reaching out for a very specific sleeping spirit in the living world. Barely a minute later, a glowing blue portal opened up in the very air around them and a new pony spirit was levitated through, appearing as a very familiar friend.

Rarity, it seemed, was a mare dedicated to her craft even in dreams, as her mane was ragged and she was wearing a set of red-rimmed glasses, and even had a bolt of cloth and several other sewing utensils in her aura. To judge from the rent in the cloth, and her expression of disappointment, Phoenix guessed that the cloth had torn in the sewing machine he could see through the portal.

“Gah! I’m never going to finish this new design for Twilight! How am I supposed to find a fashion that works for both ponies and humans?” she moaned, tossing the cloth and other implements aside, upon which they dissipated into the ether. With that, Rarity removed her glasses and tossed them aside as well. Looking up, her gaze landed firmly on Mia, and her blue eyes widened in surprise and delight.

“My, such marvelous business attire!” she gushed over Mia’s outfit, stepping forward for a closer look. “I am only peripherally aware of human fashion, but such flattering clothes! The high skirt… the plunging neckline… the scarf… the simple black-and-white motif punctuated by but a single colored jewel… such a basic but beautiful ensemble! And your wings! I do not know why a human would have them, but you wear them so well!”

Mia appeared genuinely pleased and Phoenix was surprised to see that even Twilight seemed to perk up at hearing her friend’s voice. “Well now. I am so rarely complimented on my clothes. Thank you for such kind words, Lady Rarity.”

“You are quite welcome! Wait… how do you know my name? And… where am I? What is this placeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEKKKK!” her voice escalated into a shriek as she looked around and beheld The Nightmare, taking an involuntary step back from her, her eyes wide.

The Nightmare smiled and bared her teeth, which glowed as brightly as her eyes. “Welcome to my realm, Miss Rarity. Pray you yet leave it with your sanity intact.”

“N-Nightmare M-Moon?” she all but squeaked. “But th-the elements… we b-beat you… wh-what… how…?” she stumbled backwards and found only more horrors the more places she looked, from demonic-looking gryphons to a facehoofing Trixie. “Where am I…?” she looked desperately for a place to hide or a familiar face, her eyes finding Red Phoenix, making her gasp and stagger back a second time.

He smirked as well at the aghast reaction his fiery hair and red-suited appearance garnered. “Phoenix Wright? What happened to you? What is this place? Am I in…” she visibly swallowed, “Tartarus?”

“Neigh, Fair Rarity,” Luna answered for her, stepping forward helping her to her hooves. “Welcome to the realm of dreams. Thy presence is required here to save thy friend, if not all Equestria!”

“Pr-princess Luna?” she started again. “You mean this is… somepony else’s dr-dream? You can’t be… seriously…” her legs wobbled and she made a show of fainting in the middle of the courtroom, to which most of the onlookers chuckled and the Faux Phoenix rolled his eyes.

Trixie was even less charitable, staring at her in disgust. “Oh, get over yourself and get up! You’re already asleep, Miss Melodrama. You can’t faint in a dream!” the showmare told her, to peals of laughter from the audience, including those closest to the scene.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that fainting flower of your line, Swift Strike?” One of the female Red Talon gryphons asked in amusement of the Bolt Knight next to her. A surprisingly slight stallion, he was easily the smallest of the pony warriors present.

“’Tis true,” he granted, the corners of his mouth crooking upwards as he observed the fashionista, speaking in what Phoenix thought was an old English accent. “’Tis hard to see sometimes, but her mind is sharp and despite all appearances, she does have great fighting spirit within her. If she ever used her tailoring talents to wield blades, methinks she would be even more lethal than I.”

“Well!” Rarity suddenly sniffed, all pretense of fainting vanishing as she moved to her hooves in a fluid motion, drawing herself up straight. “Forgive me for indulging in some theatrics, but I’m a little overwhelmed here! We all have our ways of coping with unexpected changes.” She looked around a little more calmly, taking a closer examination of the environs and spotting Pinkie Pie, who waved.

“Hi Rarity! Welcome to the party!” she called out, looking perfectly at home between a gryphon and a toga-wearing human.

Seeing a familiar friend seemed to settle the fashionista down further. “Oh! Hello, Pinkie Pie. Is this a courtroom?” Looking at where Twilight was sitting, and where the Nightmare was, it clicked. “Am I then to understand that Twilight is on ‘trial’ for some crime or another?” she guessed.

“You understand correctly, ‘fair’ Lady Rarity,” Nightmare Moon said with a smirk. “The defense has called you to provide testimony on their behalf, though I cannot fathom that anything you say could actually help their case.”

“A case?” Glancing at the defense bench, Rarity started when she saw a second Phoenix Wright, a normal looking one. She glanced back and forth between him and the false Phoenix repeatedly. “How can there be two of you? What is happening here?”

“I’m the real deal, Rarity,” Phoenix assured her. “The one over there is a phony concocted by the Nightmare, using Twilight’s fear of me against her!”

Rarity narrowed her eyes and took a step towards him. “Really. And… just what have you done that would cause Twilight to fear you, Mister Wright?” she asked in a voice laced with steel.

Phoenix gulped at the look she was giving him, amazed at her ability to change moods and adapt to unexpected surroundings on a dime. Or is it just the fact that Twilight’s in trouble that gives her courage, like all her friends…?

“Her fear of having hurt him, and that he might abandon her afterwards,” Mia explained shortly. “She is not in her right mind right now. Let us be clear what is happening, Miss Rarity. Twilight is currently in partial thrall to The Nightmare—the evil dream spirit that once possessed Princess Luna. To make a long story short, she is now trying to take Twilight as her new host.”

“She… what?” Rarity’s eyes went wide as she processed the implications, staring at her silent, shoulder-slumped friend. “But… she can’t!”

“I beg to differ. She can and she will,” The Nightmare promised with another toothy grin, making a show of tightening her magical grip on Twilight.

“She will indeed unless we stop her here and now,” Mia nodded gravely. “In short, Twilight now stands charged with rape and illegal magical influence for forcing Phoenix to fall in love with her against his will.”

Twilight went even more downcast even as Rarity’s jaw fell open. “But… that’s ridiculous! Twilight would never…”

“You know it and I know it. But at this moment, Twilight does not,” Mia explained, giving a Phoenix a glance that told him that he still needed some convincing too. “In order for the Nightmare to possess her, she must be convinced of her guilt. Once she is, she will surrender herself to the Nightmare, who has promised her Phoenix’s friendship and love. If that happens… I do not believe I need tell you of the possible consequences,” she finished gravely.

“Be assured you will all know them soon enough,” The Nightmare bared her teeth yet again.

Rarity listened, increasingly aghast. “No! No! I won’t let you! Twilight! Twilight!Rarity called to her friend frantically, trying to approach her only to be repulsed by The Nightmare’s power, though Phoenix saw Twilight’s head come up fractionally for just a moment at Rarity’s shouts, causing the alicorn apparition to frown and wrap even more magical tendrils around her. “How dare you! Release my friend at once!” the white-furred unicorn mare demanded imperiously, igniting her horn and lowering her head in warning, pawing with a hoof at the ground beneath her, all her fears forgotten.

The Nightmare considered Rarity, then smiled, though Phoenix suddenly noted she seemed to have shrunken her protective barrier slightly. Wait… more tendrils means more power… is she having to use more magic now to keep Twilight under control? Could it be the voice of her friends are reaching her despite all? he wondered, though he wasn’t sure he hadn’t just imagined it as The Nightmare spoke again.

“Such strength of spirit coupled with untapped potential? A surprisingly ruthless businessmare and shameless seducer of human and pony stallions alike? For all your unrealized evil, perchance I should have possessed you instead, Lady Rarity.” She closed her eyes and smiled.

“And be subjected to your utterly horrid sense of fashion? A plain bowl helmet and purple plot blotch? NEVER! Rarity retaliated, to roars of laughter from the audience ghosts and Pinkie Pie.

“Look at me! I’m giggling with the ghosties!” the latter announced happily as Phoenix suddenly imagined what Rarity would look like possessed, and what evils she would do.

Poor Edgeworth! he suddenly thought, scarcely able to imagine what a possessed Rarity would do to the subject of her greatest crush. At least he’s not involved in this so far… not sure how well he’d manage here. He shook his head, not even certain how well he was. His logic would take a beating here. I mean, here I am, defending my pony love interest from a dreamworld demon… what’s next, I have to travel to hell to defend some demon overlord from an angel-orchestrated plot…?

“Miss Rarity… you can help Twilight just by being here, and by the taking the stand to answer a few questions,” Mia pointed out. “As we have not been formally introduced, I am Mia Fey, Maya’s late older sister and Phoenix’s former law firm chief. We have never met, but I know Phoenix once said you were as beautiful as you were generous. Just seeing you now, I can tell he’s right.” She closed her eyes and smiled.

To no surprise of Phoenix, Rarity all but preened at the flattery. “I will help my friends however I can, darling!” she promised, quickly taking the stand. “Don’t worry Twilight! We’ll get you out of this!” she called to her, but her friend barely reacted as The Nightmare dulled her senses further, an act not lost on either Phoenix nor Luna.

“I sincerely doubt that. But for the sake of sheer amusement, let us engage in this farce. State your name and occupation, witness,” The Nightmare asked the ritual question, looking upon the cream-colored mare with a mixture of amusement and something more than mild interest.

“If I must!” Rarity glared at her. “Rarity Belle. Ponyville’s greatest dress designer and fashionista.”

“And also clearly its most modest resident,” Faux Phoenix rolled his eyes. “So would you mind telling us just what the hell Twilight did to me the night of Pinkie’s party?”

She stared at him. “What do you mean, did to you, you horrid fake? And how dare you address me with such impertinence and while wearing such a tempestuous mane and clothes!” She stuck her nose up in the air. “Phoenix Wright has a superb sense of style. Yours looks like it came from Stall-Mart!”

Faux Phoenix flinched back even as the real one smiled from beside Mia. You’ve bit more than you can chew this time, you phony!

For her part, Trixie buried her head in her hooves. “Kindly spare us the fashion commentary, you dress-obsessed drama queen! Just tell us what happened between Snarkle and Mister Wrong the night of that party!”

“And don’t get me started on you, Trixie!” Instead of answering, Rarity then turned to the bench. “You admittedly have a good base look, but I will never understand why you chose to hide yourself behind such garish attire! A purple cape and stars? An ensemble that looks like it comes out of the bargain bin at a Nightmare Night store? You could do far better!”

Trixie’s only answer to that was to flare her horn and transform the other unicorn into a sheep, causing her to shriek as she beheld her wool coat and suddenly curly mane. “If you’re going to engage in constant bleating, witness, then this is the look for you!” she said in satisfaction to renewed roars of laughter from the otherworldly audience.

“Heh! Good one!” Pinkie Pie approved and even Phoenix couldn’t help but stifle a grin.

The fashionista quickly turned herself back to normal, then looked startled. “Wait. I don’t know such a spell! How was I able to do that…?” She patted down her restored body as she spoke.

“Thou art in the realm of dreams, Lady Rarity,” Luna explained with the air of one who was repeating a favorite phrase. “All is possible here. The only limit to thy power… is thine imagination.”

“Truly…?” she blinked, then smiled. “Well, in that case…” there was a magic-like poof around her and when it faded, she was suddenly dressed as a femme fatale from any number of detective novels Phoenix had read, wearing a dark purple trenchcoat and a matching banded hat. “If I am in a courtroom drama and am to testify before such an esteemed and otherworldly audience, I must look the part!”

“That’s our Rarity… appearances always come first,” Phoenix told Mia, who grinned and nodded.

“Not true, Mister Wright… my friends always come first!” Rarity corrected him, tilting her hat at him before turning her gaze back to her left. “Do your worst, Nightmare!”

“Be careful what you ask for, Lady Rarity…” she grinned unpleasantly. “As Twilight Sparkle stands accused of raping Phoenix Wright the night of the party before he departed, we request your testimony on the events that transpired between them in the Golden Oaks Library.”

Raped him?” She looked taken aback. “She did no such thing!”

“Oh really? Then let’s hear you testify to that effect…”

—— Witness Testimony ——

A Night to Remember

I was entertaining my own guest when I saw Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle enter the treehouse not long after midnight. I greeted them briefly and fetched them both a fresh cup of punch, then chatted with them for a while. As neither was used to the punch, they both fell asleep on the couch and slept through straight until morning, cuddled adorably together. It disappoints me to say that neither had sex with the other, but at the same time, perhaps it was for the best.

When she had finished testifying, an uncertain silence had settled over the room. “That’s it?” a disbelieving Trixie asked.

“That can’t be all!” Faux Phoenix pointed an accusing finger at her.

“Do not lie to this court, Miss Rarity. It will not end well,” The Nightmare warned her, though she actually looked pleased to Phoenix, who guessed that she thought the fashionista’s testimony was easily discredited and turned against Twilight.

“Hmph!” Rarity turned her nose up. “If you think I’m lying, feel free to prove it, monster!”

“The funny thing is, she’s not lying, Phoenix.” Mia chuckled, speaking under her breath to him. “She’s just very selectively omitting certain things.”

Phoenix was no less disbelieving, but trusted her. “If you already know the answers, then maybe you should do the cross?” he suggested in an equally quiet voice.

She considered that, then shook her head. “I could. But I think this is one case where the truth is best extracted by you, Phoenix.” she told him, giving a sly grin. “I think in the end, you’ll be just as surprised as The Nightmare will be.”

“If you say so…” he answered uncertainly, but stepped forward. “Forgive me, Miss Rarity, but I can’t go easy on you here.”

She drew herself up straight. “Quite all right. If it is to save Twilight, then do everything you must! To borrow a phrase I have heard Rainbow Dash use… bring it, Mister Wright!”

—— Cross-Examination ——

I was entertaining my own guest when I saw Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle enter the treehouse not long after midnight.

“I’m afraid to ask, but… what ‘guest’ were you entertaining?” He slumped as he had a sickening feeling he already knew the answer.

She beamed and even went starry-eyed. “Who else but the apple of my eye and the light of life, Mister Wright?” she asked if it was self-evident. “Who else but your good friend and rival, Miles Edgeworth!”

“Indeed? And just what do you mean by ‘entertaining’?” The Nightmare interjected, giving her a salacious look.

Rarity’s eyes went hooded as she tilted her hat a little more down over them to heighten the effect. “A lady never tells, darling!”

Phoenix saw Mia and the surrounding spirits grin even as Trixie recoiled. “You mean you rutted that plum-suited human prosecutor?” her jaw fell open.

“Not relevant, Your Honor,” Mia quickly pointed out, though she never lost her smile.

“And not something I need to hear about!” Trixie shuddered.

“Actually, I kinda want to hear!” Red Phoenix was rubbing his chin and grinning.

“Well, this court doesn’t!” Trixie brought her gavel down quickly. “Move on!”

I greeted them briefly and fetched them both a fresh cup of punch, then chatted with them for a while.

“And just how did you greet us?” he next asked. I remember THAT much, at least… his cheeks flushing as badly as they had then; even Twilight’s gained a hint of color at the question.

She regarding him for a moment, then grinned. “Well. I should hope you hadn’t had enough punch by then to forget, ‘Feenie’!” She grinned and winked at him beneath the brim of her hat. “The look on your face was truly something to behold!”

“Don’t remind me!” Red Phoenix made a retching motion, even as the real one felt his cheeks go hot at the memory.

“But for the record and to help ruin your reputation, please explain to this court exactly what you did, Lady Rarity?” The Nightmare directed.

She glared at the pair, but answered. “I simply let him know in my own way that… I found him a very attractive and desirable stallion, and quite the charming gentleman,” she answered unrepentantly.

“In other words, you flagged your tail at me like a dumb horse and flashed your wares like a two-bit dock whore?” Red Phoenix prompted with a smirk.

Suddenly seeing red, Phoenix began stepping out from behind the bench intending to punch his counterpart’s lights out but was stopped by the sharp rap of a gavel and Mia’s restraining hand… to say nothing of the outraged noises from the audience. Red Phoenix’s voice trailed off uncertainly at the murderous looks he was receiving from the gryphon and pony spirits alike as even The Nightmare glared at him as well. “That was hardly helpful,” she told her erstwhile ally while giving Twilight another wary glance, tightening her magical grip on her further as the unicorn’s expression went angry as well for a bare moment…

Or was that just my imagination…? Phoenix was afraid to hope as not far away, Luna’s brow furrowed, sensing the evil entity pour even more power into her magical restraints, retracting her barrier further in the process.

Agreed! The prosecutorial co-counsel will hold his tongue and refrain from such obscene speech or this court will gladly send him back to whatever Tartarus he crawled out of!” Trixie announced, her eyes glowing blue again and lightning hitting all around the other Phoenix, with sharp cracks blowing holes in the floor at his feet, making him dance back and forth.
“For what? You insult witnesses and counsel all the time!” Faux Phoenix found some backbone and pointed a shaky finger back at her once the strikes had ceased.

“Yes, but there are lines even I don’t cross! And I try to make my putdowns witty! That was just ugly and gross!” She stuck out her tongue.

“I thank Your Honor for such… consideration. I believe that is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me, Trixie!” Rarity somewhat grudgingly acknowledged.

The showmare gave her fellow unicorn a look. “Don’t get used to it. And that said… is what he claims correct? Have you lowered your standards that much to display yourself to a human, Miss Man-lover?” Trixie smirked.

For her part Rarity was unruffled despite the grievous insult. “I showed Mister Wright well-earned favor for all he had done for me and my friends, yes. Be assured I would hardly show such favor to a utter ogre like him!” she glared daggers at Red Phoenix, looking like she wanted to kill him as badly as Phoenix did.

“If I may request the court’s indulgence to ask another question…?” Red Phoenix addressed the bench, slightly more respectfully.

Trixie glared at him as well. “You may, but mind your tongue and make it relevant or get strangled with your own necktie!”

“As Your Honor wishes,” he smirked again, apparently as unrepentant as Rarity was. “Tell, me witness. What did you tell Twilight after she expressed disapproval at your… display?” he made another face.

She stared at him for a second before answering. “That I was just showing her how it was done.”

“Showing her what? How best to rape me?” he retorted as Trixie’s eyes narrowed again and the Nightmare gave him another warning look; Twilight’s head starting to come up further despite all.

“Hardly! I was merely showing her how best to entice a male in the future,” Rarity riposted. “After all, our Twilight was, for the longest time, something of a social recluse with little idea of how to interact with others. As she was inexperienced in such matters and could be somewhat… awkward… in expressing her interests, I was just trying to show her by example how a pony could be both playful and flirtatious in their teasing. I assure you I had no intention of stealing him from her, merely… helping matters along between them,” she finished carefully.

“Now that much, I can believe!” Trixie mused, rubbing her eyes with a hoof. “At any rate, what happened next?”

As neither was used to the punch, they both fell asleep on the couch and slept through straight until morning, cuddled adorably together. It disappoints me to say that neither had sex with the other, but at the same time, perhaps it was for the best.

Phoenix made the call before The Nightmare could. “Rarity, the court has already established that something happened that night. I awoke in a state of partial undress with Twilight lying on top of me the next morning, and as neither she nor I can recall anything after meeting you, you’re the only one who can answer the why. So, let me ask you plainly: did anything, no matter how small, happen between me and Twilight?” He held his breath as he awaited the answer.

Rarity fell silent, her eyes going evasive for a moment; both Mia and Phoenix could tell she was weighing her words very carefully before speaking again. “The answer to your question is no, Mister Wright. Nothing happened…”

The Nightmare rolled her eyes and Twilight seemed to slump further in her seat. “Your Honor, I think it amply obvious to this court her statement is false. The prosecution therefore moves to strike this entire testimony and sanction the defense as having wasted the court’s—”

“… between you and Twilight,” Rarity finished, placing an odd emphasis on the last word, speaking right over The Nightmare. “And I assure this court, I have answered Mister Wright’s question truthfully.” She would not say more.

A low murmur came up from the gallery as Twilight’s expression turned uncertain; even the Red Talons and Bolt Knights gave each other dubious looks. The silence in the courtroom pit lasted for several uncomfortable moments, Phoenix parsing her statement and finally arriving at a surprising and somewhat frightening conclusion. It was then the red-garbed Phoenix spoke up, having reached the same deduction, the only one possible that fit the fashionista’s carefully worded reply. “Wait… are you saying there was another pony who raped me?”

Rarity’s eyes flashed. “You weren’t raped, you red-suited ruffian! It was entirely consensual, and certainly mutually enjoyed!” she shouted back, then blinked. “Wait. Why am even talking to you?” With that, she turned back to the the true Phoenix. “Mister Wright… please. I know how this looks, but I assure you I have a very good reason for keeping silent about this. For the sake of both Twilight and your relationship with her, to say nothing of that other pony who no more remembers it than you, I do not wish to say more.”

Sensing an opportunity, The Nightmare quickly shifted tactics. “Really, witness. All we have thus far is your word that the blatantly obvious did not happen, and a highly questionable explanation for it. As such, I’m afraid your assurances will not suffice here. Either tell us what happened in full, or be held in the contempt you so richly deserve!”

“The prosecution is correct. I will remind the witness that in a court of law, you are meant to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!” Trixie snapped. “You will clarify what you mean immediately, or I will grant the prosecution’s request to have your entire testimony struck and the rape charge against Twilight Sparkle with regards to this matter stands!”

It was, Phoenix reflected ruefully, the correct call on Trixie’s part. If Rarity refused to elaborate, it would not look good on either herself or Twilight. “Rarity, please, we need to know what happened. I need to know what happened,” he added, realizing his own fears were still very much present. “If there was another pony involved, we have to know. For Twilight’s sake.”

Rarity looked distinctly uncomfortable for several moments, looking back and forth between him and Twilight before sighing in resignation. “I was trying to keep this secret, since nopony but me seems to remember it, but given the circumstances… I s-suppose I have little choice in the matter.” Her voice went shaky before she took a steadying breath. “But I do ask that what I say not leave this courtroom.”

“Lady Rarity, you may be certain that neither I nor any other Summerlands spirit present have any intention of telling another soul, living or past,” Mia assured her. “And I’m sure our equally honorable judge will agree on a need for discreteness as well…?”

Trixie looked up sharply at that. “I am many things, Mia Fey, but I am no gossip! Especially for a matter as serious as this. And as for the prosecution, who I’m sure has no such intentions of keeping such a secret…” she glanced over at the Nightmare and smiled thinly. “If she loses this case, she’ll never be able to tell it. And if she wins… well. Then her blabbing about the night of the party will be the least of our worries!”

“Your Honor speaks the truth,” The Nightmare grinned. “So you were saying, Lady Rarity…?”

Rarity glared at her, then slumped. “There was indeed another pony involved in the events of that night. It was that pony who engaged in certain… intimacies… with Phoenix Wright, and who was responsible for his partial undress the next morning. And before the prosecution calls foul, I will say this: she no more raped him than Twilight did!”

“Oh really? And who was this other pony?” the Nightmare sneered as Phoenix staggered back, his suspicions confirmed. “Yourself, perhaps? If so, I must say I’m impressed. You’re quite the minx, aren’t you, Miss Manslayer? And how selfish, taking your best friend’s love interest in place of your own!” She watched in satisfaction as Twilight turned teary.

Rarity’s eyes flashed again. “I did no such thing! While I may consider Mister Wright to be a piece of eye candy and a fine friend, I am no Roseluck or Cloud Kicker! I was in fact busy with my own guest that night!”

Trixie gave her a sideways glance. “When you say you were ‘busy’ with Mister Wright’s friend…”

“Wow. I never knew Edgey-poo had it in him!” Red Phoenix laughed.

“Not like that!” Rarity blanched, then sighed in disappointment. “At least, not by design. I don’t mean to give the wrong impression, Mister Wright, but my dear Miles… he seems to have a much lower tolerance for alcohol and Pinkie’s party punch than you do. Its primary effect on him seemed to be to turn him more childlike, and though I admit I am not above seduction, I would hardly attempt it under such circumstances! After spending some time running around like a foal on a sugar high, he fell asleep. I merely made him… comfortable after he did so, removing his shirt and loosening his clothes. So I went back downstairs for a bit, where I beheld… the events I saw. After making sure all was well, I went back upstairs and slept at the side of his mattress.”

“Oh really. And the lipstick marks all over him the next day…?” the faux Phoenix reminded her with an arched eyebrow as the true one was still reeling hard, Mia putting a steadying hand on him.

She blushed. “Sometime late at night, I awoke to him snuggling me closer, pulling me onto the mattress. He was still quite inebriated and told me that I was ‘the only one who understood him’ and ‘Franny just doesn’t get it’.” Far from being boastful, her eyes turned teary. “I did not know who ‘Franny’ was, so he told me and proceeded from there to tell me his life’s story. He bared his soul to me… shared with me his past, his traumas and failures, all his fears and frustrations. He told it to me in confidence, so of it I will not share!” she proclaimed, her eyes shimmering as she remembered.

Mia’s expression softened. “Miss Rarity, do not feel you have to…”

“I know. But I must say this much.” She took a deep breath before going on, bowing her head and closing her eyes. “I will simply let it be known that… in the end, he expressed his deepest desire to me, and, understanding how hard it was for him and not knowing if we would ever meet again after he left… I indulged it. Be assured he knows what happened even if he does not remember it. At his own request, I told him the morning before he left. And I will repeat now what I said to him then—that he was a rare and special stallion, that I greatly enjoyed our time together, that I was honored to be able to help him in such a way… and that I will never express a moment’s regret for it!” She put her hoof down hard.

“Peace, Lady Rarity,” Firefly said as she bowed her head. “I have been on both sides of what you describe. And I certainly understand well the desire to help a worthy male have what he has never truly known,” she said with a glance at Layan Kaval, who smiled back.

“Speak for yourself, spirit. Such sickening sentimentality,” The Nightmare looked ill. “I take it all back, Miss Rarity. You are anything but a suitable host for me.”

“Hmph! Well, I will take that as a compliment, monster!” Rarity stuck her nose back in the air for a moment before turning to Firefly. “And thank you. Coming from such a famous pony, that means much to me.” She bowed to the long-dead warrior.

The rap of Trixie’s gavel brought attention back to the bench. “Touching though this story is… that is not at issue here! Since Mister Wrong seems speechless at the moment, this court now asks the witness directly: what pony did Phoenix Wright have sex with that night, and can you prove it?”

Rarity did not answer right away, visibly biting her lip. “Miss Rarity? Please,” Mia spoke up again. “I know this is hard, and I understand why you are so reluctant. That you are trying to put the interests and well-being of your friends first is admirable and does you great credit, but for the sake of the truth and Twilight’s soul… you must tell us. And you know as well as I the evidence you can present for it.”

Rarity stared at her, then slumped. “I Pinkie Promised myself I would never divulge what happened that night, no matter how tempted I was to tell…” With that, she looked back at Pinkie Pie, who appeared just as troubled as the fashionista. Finally, she nodded once to her friend, who sighed in defeat. “Very well. For the sake of Twilight… I have no choice. May the sun and moon forgive me, but the pony who had sex with Phoenix Wright was…”

She visibly steeled herself, and then spoke a single name.

The shocked silence that had descended over the courtroom was quickly broken by a series of incredulous noises and the Nightmare’s immediate objection, punctuated the sharp and repeated rap of Trixie’s gavel. Voices mixed together, and Phoenix wasn’t sure who was speaking what; he only knew they were echoing what he would be saying... if he was even capable of speaking at that moment.


“That’s impossible!”

“You can’t be serious!”

“No way! She’s lying! She has to be…”

The crescendo of disbelieving voices from living and dead alike was only broken when several new ponies suddenly materialized out of the swirling void of the dreamscape, their abrupt appearance bringing all conversation to a sudden halt. They were a mixture of thestrals and unicorns clad in dusky blue armor emblazoned with the symbol of the crescent moon, and they were just as shocked as Rarity and Trixie had initially been to see so many departed spirits.

“Your highness!” Overcoming his surprise, the lead pony, a thestral stallion with a captain’s insignia, spotted Luna and bowed to her. “We apologize for not answering your summons immediately, but we were locked in battle. The dream demons are very active tonight! Nightmares are erupting all over Equestria and we’re having trouble containing them!” he said hurriedly as he continued to gape at the dreamscape around them.

“We are aware, Captain,” the moon princess said shortly. “As thou art able to see, the source of this nocturnal assault is before us!” She nodded in anger and hatred across the courtroom pit.

The thestral stallion turned to look, then started. “The Nightmare!” the new arrivals chorused as the thestrals suddenly willed glowing blades into existence on the leading edges of their wings and the unicorns lowered their heads and charged their horns.

Far from being threatened, the Nightmare smiled like she’d been flattered. “Why Lulu, you actually called in your Dream Guard on me? I’m honored you think me such a threat. Pity they can no more stop me than you!”

“’Tis true,” she grated, but raised a restraining hoof before her, keeping her soldiers from attacking. “Listen and listen well, our loyal Lunar Guard! The Nightmare is attempting to possess Twilight Sparkle, but must first convince her she is guilty of terrible crimes—hence the courtroom setting. As thou can plainly see, her control is contested by a human spirit, and many others have arrived from their respective Summerlands to trap her here. So she cannot escape… except in Twilight Sparkle’s body.”

“Unbelievable...” was all the stallion could say, gaping anew as he recognized the Bolt Knight and Red Talon spirits lining the periphery of the courtroom pit. His eyes lingered long, Phoenix noticed, on the cat-eyed one, who nodded back and smiled in great satisfaction. “Then what shall we do, Princess?”

“For the trial? ’Tis little we can. But for Twilight herself… perchance there is. As the Nightmare is already trapped, we would have you leave once more to retrieve Twilight Sparkle’s friends—the remaining element bearers. We would do ourselves, but we dare not leave, and cannot reach them as they are not asleep. So ye must act in our stead. We bid you return to the waking world! We instruct you to cast sleeping spells on the remaining element bearers, and then escort their spirits here in safety!”

“As our princess commands!” they said as one, and then disappeared again into the ether.

The Nightmare grinned once they had departed, though Phoenix saw a moment of genuine wariness in her eyes as well. “We know what you’re planning, my former host. And it won’t work.”

“We shall see, foul creature,” Luna promised. “We shall see. But in the meantime, we believe some further explanation is in order…?” she looked back to Rarity.

“Indeed!” Trixie banged her gavel down repeatedly to silence the renewed chatter. “So would the witness kindly explain to this court how in the name of the sun and moon Mister Wrong had sex with Fluttershy…?”

Author's Note:

Surprise, folks! No Ace Attorney case is complete without a massive twist or two... and this is but the first. You’re going to find out exactly what happened the night of the party, though admittedly, it’s going to be a bit difficult to make T-rated. I could just skip it, but the problem is, like Rarity said, the evidence that proves this happened cannot be understood except in context. So... I’ll figure something out.

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