• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
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I'm an IT Brony who writes stories based on a show for 8-year old girls whose content is meant for anything but 8-year old girls.

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  • Monday
    Feathered Hearts C&C chapter 40 will launch tonight

    I apologize for the long delay. The chapter draft was submitted to prereaders a month ago and well-received, but the graphics have taken me a while and several false starts. The main reason is I tried multiple methods to include unit icons in the maps of Aresia, but the end result always seems more cluttered than anything else. Here's an example:

    Without unit icons:

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  • 2 weeks
    New Midnight Rising chapter off to prereaders...

    At long last. This is the redo of the chapter I was forced to scrap in April and then about 80% rewrite. I saved a few select bits and pieces from the original version, but the rest went by the wayside.

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  • 2 weeks
    Still pecking away on Midnight Rising and Feathered Hearts...

    The two Lemon Zest chapters of Midnight Rising have now reached 26,600 words and they’re still nowhere near done, with probably another 5-6k words to go. Gotta treat the girl right, after all, and also make sure there’s plenty of sexy side dishes around her. And as for Feathered Hearts?

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  • 3 weeks
    Still working on Midnight Rising...

    At the rate of about 800-1000 words a day. That’s my key to getting stuff done that’s causing you issues; just be sure you put at least a little time in on it this day to have some forward momentum. The two chapters are now up to 24,100 words. I’ll work on it more this weekend, at least around continuing work around the maps and battle graphics I’m making for Feathered Hearts.

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  • 4 weeks
    Did two things this past weekend...

    First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though.

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The Great Ship Sets Sail... · 8:58am Apr 24th, 2015

Hello, folks! Welcome to the launch of the Phoenix Wright/Twilight Sparkle shipfic, The Lawyer and the Unicorn.

For those unaware, I was editor and later lead writer on the unofficial written adaptation of Turnabout Storm, where we expanded the story in several ways, including adding an extended ending where Maya, Pearl and Edgeworth were accidentally pulled into Equestria... and a Twilight/Phoenix romance subplot. This story is the culmination of the latter.

Before you move on to read or downvote the story, let me set the ground rules and answer a few questions I'm sure are on everyone's mind. And no doubt the first question everyone is asking...

1. Why in the name of Celestia, Luna, and NeoArtimus herself did you ship Twilight and Phoenix?

I actually answered this in an earlier comment on Turnabout Storm, but it's worth repeating here.

Like most of the Turnabout Storm subplots, the shipping was not part of my original intent. It began out of a single throwaway line Raven had written in chapter 5 that slowly took on a life of its own. I ended up liking it, and Raven did too, so I went with it and let the story guide me. This is the ultimate result.

When I started adding it, I was unaware of NeoArtimus' thoughts on the matter. In all honesty, if I'd known it before I started work editing the novelization, I'd never have added the shipping out of respect for her stated desires. :fluttershysad: But now that it's there... I wouldn't take it back, either. No, this isn't a case where the thinking went it was better to seek forgiveness than ask permission. It's just that at this point I can't unring the bell.

That said, I have to be honest... I'm not the first to suggest some shipping was happening or at least implied in the course of Turnabout Storm. Whether she meant it or not, some of the video dialogue and scenes all but screamed it to me, from Twilight's wistful wish to get to know him more personally at the end to her propping herself up and shaking her tail at him during the course of the trial... or even before that when she tearfully said she 'was wrong about him' after the first day of trial. I had no trouble translating that into "you're not the man I thought you were; I can't believe I was interested in you!". That scene from 'Turnabout Oops' was also fun and too good to ignore. :rainbowlaugh: We ended up using it in the final chapter.

2. But there's no sex in the Phoenix Wright World! And no justification for the ship!

Folks, the Ace Attorney games aren't exactly G-rated. They have tons of sex appeal and suggestive themes, including a dominatrix of a prosecutor and plenty of bouncy witnesses/double-entendres; adult themes and relationships do enter into the equation fairly frequently--even for Phoenix himself during Trials and Tribulations. He isn't above the fray, though you do wonder why he never seems to be affected by how showy Mia seems to be--never mind how she fills out Maya and Pearls' clothes when she's channeled by them!

In the course of Turnabout Storm, I sought to explain why he seemingly had no interest in anyone--he was heartbroken by what happened with Dahlia Hawthorne, and basically keeps his pain bottled up tightly inside, doesn't really trust or notice women any more because he was so badly hurt by one. Then along comes Twilight--she's smart and savvy, a driven and devoted friend, very gifted, nearly as mature as him, and... she's not a woman.

After five years of no interest in anyone, she might well be the one to get around his mental blocks. And as for no justification for the ship... I gave a lot more justification than the writers of Equestria Girls gave for shipping Twilight with Flash Sentry! :trixieshiftright:

I'm not going to rehash the reasons for their attraction since it was already explored in detail in part 59, and I think the explanations work. So I will simply say this: my biggest beef with the Ace Attorney games is that it's always status quo for Phoenix at the end. He never seems to get rewarded or paid, is always put upon and never really gets to grow as a character. I give the videos a pass for this since they had to proceed and end exactly as the games always do, and the video format didn't allow for anything more, really. But for the novelization, I decided it would be different--his character would grow and be explored, he would be rewarded for everything he did...

And yes, he would even get the girl. And besides, as Leo Archon noted, adding the shipping made exploring his character much easier and more natural. Do you really think he would have bared his wounded heart to Twilight without that? The question remains, of course--is what he feels real or just some magical artifact? Was Twilight somehow influencing him, even unknowingly? That will be answered in due course of the side story. :scootangel:

3. Okay, okay, but why are you now writing THIS?

Because, quite simply, I want to. :eeyup: And after as much as we did selling it in Turnabout Storm proper, it wouldn't be right NOT to. At this point, it's a story that needs to be told, and it pretty much falls to me to tell it.

4. Are you actually making this adult? X-rated?

In a word, yes. :pinkiegasp: The decision has been made that this will be an M-rated story, for the very simple reason I don't want to have to hold back in it. I want what happens onscreen, not off. I am a published adult fiction writer; this is what I do. It will very much be a challenge for me to make work, but one I relish... and very much believe I can pull off. Skeptical? I would be too. Give it a chance, though. You might be surprised.

EDIT: For those who want the story without the adult parts, there is now a T-rated variant:

TThe Lawyer and The Unicorn (T-Rated Version)
The storm has passed, but the bond that Twilight and Phoenix formed still lingers... can it grow further?
Firesight · 255k words  ·  60  11 · 2.5k views

5. So... you're actually writing a My Little Pony/Ace Attorney clopfic?

I'm writing a crossover adult romance that will certainly include its share of sex, but is no mere clopfic. All my stories are chock full of character development and worldbuilding, and this one will be no different. When I write adult works, I write the sex to serve the story, not the other way around. That's the difference between simple porn and erotica to me.

6. What kind of sex are we talking about?

It will eventually run the gamut from pony/human to humanized. There should be something for most tastes. Keep in mind that there's far more to sex and intimacy than straight-up intercourse, folks. And it's not so much the act itself as everything that leads into it that makes it good; how you love and identify with the characters involved. To that end, be warned I'm big on teases and foreplay, and don't mind adding a little fanservice for both universes as well. :twilightsmile:

7. I don't want to read any clopfic, even if it's T-rated. Is reading the side story necessary for reading the Turnabout Storm sequel?

No. The sequel currently under development by Leo Archon will assume the events of the side story, but is not necessary to have read it. And don't worry--the sequel will be teen rated, same as the original. Oh, and while I'm thinking of it... folks may be interested to know we pulled the Rarity scene from the final full chapter of Turnabout Storm, deciding that was a bridge too far for too many. Apologies for that. The scene will reappear later in the side story.

8. You do realize this may get downvoted into oblivion for the subject matter alone, right?

Indeed it may. But that won't stop me. What's writing without risk, folks? There are plenty of successful stories on site with unusual ships, including things like Twilight Sparkle and Spider-Man, or Rainbow Dash with a navy fighter pilot. If you want an example of an Ace Attorney-based ship, there's even one being written out there with Godot and Luna. It's not like Phoenix Wright himself is somehow immune to shipping given how much art and stories are there of him with everyone from Maya to Miles Edgeworth. So... exactly what makes Phoenix/Twilight so bad or inconceivable? And why am I so evil for doing it?

9. But ponies and people are incompatible!

Based on what, exactly? We're talking about a fictional race, and as such they can take on pretty much any physical or sexual attributes you want. This story will be operating from my headcanon, which holds that ponies are a little larger and less toony than they're normally depicted. Placed beside humans, they look like this:

Phoenix would stand about half a head taller than those two teens, on eye-level with Celestia, so in terms of size, when Twilight rears up her hooves are on his shoulders and head comes up to his neck. The question of physical compatibility has been raised, and will be answered by the story, but I will say that if two such beings wanted it badly enough, you can be sure they'd figure out a way to make it work.

10. Anything else you'd like to say before we take the plunge?

Just that if nothing else, I hope folks appreciate that I'm truly sticking my neck out there to write this and really challenging my writing chops, and that the thrust of this story is to show how things would actually go in such a relationship... the challenges they'd face, the questions they'd ask, the difficult decisions they'd have to make. In other words, all the Trials and Tribulations such a long-distance, cross-species romance would involve, if you'll excuse the term. And actually, the events of Trials and Tribulations will factor into this story...

I would also like to recognize those who are helping me with this--Leo Archon is co-writing; certain story sections belong to him. AJ_Aficionado and EbonHaste are prereading, as is James CyberLink, who is also helping with the music selections, including the official story theme music below. I have worked with and listened to all of them, and with their help believe I've come up with something truly special. You be the judge.

So, without further ado... I give you this Kraken of a Ship-Fic. Enjoy!!!!!! :eeyup:

(and no, Twilight will not be an alicorn in this!)

UPDATE #1: I have apologized to NeoArtimus for not informing her about the side story here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/478470/an-apology-to-neoartimus

UPDATE #2: Some closing thoughts on the Turnabout Storm novelization here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/479968/the-turnabout-storm-novelization-revisited

UPDATE #3: NeoArtimus and I have done what we should have at the start--sat down with each other and settled matters amicably. We're good now. http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/480218/were-good

Comments ( 28 )

why do so many ppl keep thinking that clopfics will get downvoted into oblivion for being clopfics? cause it's the opposate that always happens.....

Certain kinds of clopfics often do. HiE or pony/human are among them, as are certain crossover ships like this one. People downvote them for the subject or ship alone without ever looking at the story.

It's the price you pay for wanting to do something like this. I don't like it, but I can't change it either. :eeyup:

Sounds like this story is something you'd probably grow to come comfortable the more you read with that subject manner.
But have you seen this?

It's not about this, it's about a game for it someone is making. Did you get special permission to make all the changes you did for the fanfiction version or something?


Raven had permission to do a fanfic adaptation, and I started editing about halfway through. I asked Raven repeatedly if she was okay with the shipping and she said she was, and at the time I assumed somewhat foolishly that was the only permission I needed. As I said above, I did not think to ask NeoArtimus back then. So if you're asking if I ever asked NeoArtimus directly whether it was okay to make these changes, I'm not going to lie. The answer is no. However, the voice of Phoenix Wright himself (TheGoldCrow) was my prereader, so he was certainly aware, and even after the shipping was introduced he got me in touch with NeoArtimus, who offered me the chance to edit video part 5 before it was released in part for my work on the novelization. I considered that tacit approval of my changes as well as being a huge honor.

To me, there was no point in doing the novelization unless the story was greatly expanded. If all we did was regurgitate the videos, there's no creativity in that and no reason for anyone to read it. So I sought to expand the world of the videos, fill in some blanks, add a host of new scenes and sequences. The shipping was one of the ways I chose to, but I remind you that wasn't the only thing. Two new trials, a bunch of new faces, an exploration of characters, an extended ending, a magic duel and and an alternate route to the verdict were all added. I'm proud of all of it, regardless of the criticisms that are out there.

NeoArtimus has my contact information and she is welcome to discuss this with me at anytime. If she hates me for it... I honestly can't blame her. But at this point, strange though it sounds... this is simply something I feel I have to do. For myself, and those who wanted to see it. It's been promised for most of the past year, so in some ways, I've trapped myself here. I have taken pains to say that this work is not official or affiliated with the videos (and I can't honestly imagine that anyone would think otherwise). In the end, that's really all I can do.

I fully expect this story to garner plenty of downvotes. It hurts, but sometimes that's the price you pay to tell the story you want. I do not and did not seek to disrespect her or her story, and in my mind I have not. You may think otherwise, she may as well. But in the end... this is to me in fact homage, both to the videos and the characters in them. I'm telling a romantic and occasionally erotic tale of two well-known characters from different worlds, taking the reader along for the ride as they grow closer over time, delving into the various issues they face and the sometimes difficult decisions they make, exploring their interactions both with each other and their friends. How is that in any way disrespectful?


In other words, if it starts to look like a wish-fulfillment type of fic, those will get flamed more than California in the summertime. And I have discovered that some is just hate on the story because it is a story with explicit content, or it rustles their jimmies or waifus because it is Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle.

Simply put Firesight,, you've got the balls to do it, and even better, you are coming out without shame. Some writers has stated that they don't trend into the Red Light District of fanfiction because of the notoriety. Not you. I'm quite intrigued with what you come up with. And seeing what you and your fellow writers did with Turnabout Storm and the mini-epic all of you did most wonderfully (it's even in the 1000 upVote Club and considered a Classic), I'm looking forward to what words you weave when you have taken the cuffs off, so to speak. :twilightsmile:


In other words, if it starts to look like a wish-fulfillment type of fic, those will get flamed more than California in the summertime. And I have discovered that some is just hate on the story because it is a story with explicit content, or it rustles their jimmies or waifus because it is Phoenix Wright and Twilight Sparkle.

I'm sure that's exactly what's happening here. People see the ship and do an instant downthumb. I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't hurt to watch them pile up, but at the same time I can't let it faze me. Like I said above, sometime's that's the price you pay to write the story you want.

Simply put Firesight,, you've got the balls to do it, and even better, you are coming out without shame. Some writers has stated that they don't trend into the Red Light District of fanfiction because of the notoriety. Not you.

I really, really appreciate you saying so. :twilightblush: I don't mind being known as an adult fiction writer, even one who's a little controversial. Hell, I've already written an entire adult novel, for sale on Amazon. It's what I like, it's what I do. I realize not everyone appreciates that or the topic I've chosen here, but ultimately, I'll write it for myself and those who want to see it... like you.

I'm quite intrigued with what you come up with. And seeing what you and your fellow writers did with Turnabout Storm and the mini-epic all of you did most wonderfully (it's even in the 1000 upVote Club and considered a Classic), I'm looking forward to what words you weave when you have taken the cuffs off, so to speak. :twilightsmile:

Again, thanks for saying so. :raritystarry: The gloves are indeed off, my friend. This is me in my element, and I've got plenty of help here as well, from Leo to my old and new prereading crew. The story lies before you... a new chapter is even being thrown on the pile today. Hope you enjoy!!!! :rainbowwild:


I see. I might suggest you go ask her ASAP if you haven't already. I hate to see a powder keg go off and bridges burned if she discovers this all out of the blue. Kind of like what happened with that Turnabout Storm Other Side Series. That apparently caused a lot of animosity between both her and the separate team working on it when they started doing stuff against her wishes.


I see. I might suggest you go ask her ASAP if you haven't already.

That's a good suggestion...


We can talk over Skype. It's always on, though I can't always talk during work hours.

... I just have TWO things to ask. If possible... would you ever write a ship/fic with Edgeworth and Rarity? And how many times would Franziska whip Edgeworth until she's satisfied with his decision?

3023888 Heheh, that's hilarious. Oh, and I'm a huge fan:pinkiehappy:


My initial response and public apology for not informing you about this side fic is here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/478470/an-apology-to-neoartimus


Sweet! Can't Wait to read.

Intruiging. Most Intruiging.

Bro, question two, all I have to say is... SHOTS FIRED

Hmm, would it be easy enough to read while skipping the intimate scenes? I'm quite interested in this 'verse, but I err towards avoid sex fiction in all it's forms. (It's not the pairing, or the ponies, just a preference.) I also honestly don't like turning off the mature filter on this site, as some of the premises or pictures used can't really be unseen.


Hmmm... interesting question. The sex is woven in pretty tightly, but I'd give a qualified yes. There's only one chapter so far that's wall-to-wall clop (part 8), the rest of the time it pretty much just happens at the beginning or end but not every chapter, and there's plenty of worldbuilding and character development thrown in around it. The sex is designed to serve the story, in other words, not vice-versa. Should be plenty of other stuff of interest there as well, like Twilight confronting Franziska von Karma or watching Lord of the Rings.

One thing I will mention: I've had two readers comment so far that they don't usually like clop, but they liked this. So you might yet be surprised. But clop or no, hope you enjoy!

3529991 Alright, thanks. Actually reading it now, and quite liking it. (Not at questionable territories yet, though, so I can't promise I won't call it quits eventually.)

I feel like there should be a system for allowing specific stories or authors through the mature filter. The ones who don't just write sex for it's own sake, or the other various things I reaaalllyyy don't want to be seeing. Anyway, thanks for contributing to turnabout storm- it was a lot of fun to read! ^.^


I really appreciate the compliment on Turnabout Storm, thanks! And hope you were able to enjoy The Lawyer and The Unicorn around the adult scenes.

3536487 I'm up to date, and it was interesting. I preferred Turnabout, though they are very different and that might not be a fair comparison. I'm glad to set the mature filter back, though. Would it be possible for you to let me know when the stories done, as I don't think you can get it to notify you through the filter.


Well, they're really not the same kind of story. This new one was more about worldbuilding and tying the FIM and AA worlds together, creating a new verse, tentatively called the "Phoenixverse." Let them consummate their relationship while exploring characters and laying the groundwork for things to come. If nothing else, I hope you liked getting to learn a little more about Celestia and how she's changed over time.

I'll be sure and ping you when new chapters are posted and am flattered that it still appeals to a non-clopper like yourself. I am also glad to hear you liked Turnabout Storm so much. There's been no little amount of controversy over it, even recently if you check some of the latest comments. RavenRegios has apparently been attacked and booted off other story sites for defending the work, with some people claiming that she's the reason NeoArtimus doesn't want to write a sequel.

Well, if you'd like to read something else of mine that doesn't require a filter, try Before the Storm: The Rise of Firefly. It's the story of Firefly, who you may recall had a cameo in Part 65 of TAS. It's something completely different; a war epic with lots of history and worldbuilding. I'm trying to get new readers for it, so feel free to take a look at some point.

I got another question. Can I read this having only seen the youtube series and not read Turnabout Storm? Because i'm not really into reading a story I already know. But a sequal sounds very interesting.


I'd say yes, except that the novelization isn't the same. I added a lot of additional scenes and chapters, including an alternate path to the verdict and of course, the Twilight/Phoenix romance subplot. There's a much deeper exploration of the characters and the events that surround them, and you'll even learn things like Trixie's backstory and why she hates Twilight so much. It's also got a highly extended ending where Phoenix *doesn't* go home right away, but stays to defend Sonata... plus one other surprise client, facing new prosecutors and fighting much different cases than he's used to, but it all works quite well.

In other words, it's NOT the same story but a re-imagining of it, and one that's been highly controversial to say the least. I stand by it, however, and am quite proud of it. Certainly, I think the story stats speak for itself. If you just want a sample of the expanded content, may I suggest reading the following chapter, which is my favorite among the standalone bonus chapters:


It shows you what happens between parts 4 and 5, can be read alone and should give you a very good idea of what form the expanded content takes.

Quick question, it alright if I use the phoenixverse in my own story that takes place after the turnabout storm story since I haven't watched the video and am only reading the fic? The fic is awesome by the way and I've already read most of the lawyer and the unicorn so I'm just curious to know if I can use it to make my own stories, credit for the verse would obviously go to you guys but I really would like to do my own story int he phoenixverse.


Appreciate the compliment! That’ll be more than all right as long as credit is given. Sounds like we will need to be making an official Phoenixverse group, then...

flash Sentry not that bad!

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