• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,002 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

VI. Recollect

There was far too much data to shift through - and I was certain that It had taken several hours just to get through the lecture of how Equestria was run that I'm certain that the moon had nearly fallen below the horizon. My internal clock brought me out of that idea, as it actually hadn't and I was just imagining things, since I was in a room with only a small slit in the wall that hardly constituted a window to see outside. It paled in comparison to how much data my brain was forced to collate and interpret.

I thought learning about my world was complicated.

This world I'm on relies entirely on others to do nature’s work for it. The few natural places where clouds move on their own and the circle of life of predator and prey are considered unnatural. I really wanted something to punch at this moment for how weird it sounded. Nature is nature because it happens without the interference of others, but here… it's a built system that took effect during the Hearthwarming Eve Massacre. That… that was something I could have done without knowing.

Picture a collection of clouds made of ice but sapient and cruel. Now picture it feeding off of anything that they caught, before shattering their prey and harvesting their soul into another abomination as it was. That was what windigos were, and were one of the few creatures ever driven to extinction because of their natural hatred for every other being on the planet.

At the same time that also forced ponies onto the world stage. They were recognized as a legitimate nation and not a collection of tribes that would die out eventually. Apparently their first home of Dream Valley was frozen over leaving nothing but frozen wastes behind because of the windigos. At the same time they were also seen as a threat. The price of genocide is both worry and fear.

While the Triumvirate were able to smooth things out for peace I could tell they were still preparing for war. Their soldiers had already seen combat against golems of some sort and were more than ready to deal with me. I didn't want to fight, mostly out of unwillingness, but if push came to shove self preservation would prevail over the robotic part of my mind wanting to remain mostly peaceful.

After the second hour Starswirl had returned alongside Rockhoof, and proceeded to lecture me on Equestrian society. Meadowbrook and Mistmane had handled most domestic topics including the nature of all three races and their places in society. Somnambula spoke at length about the wild creatures out in the wilderness of the world.

When I spoke about my encounter with a manticore - as I came to know its name - and how I broke the stinger without any problem she balked at the notion. I then showed her the small stinger piece I had managed to find still stuck to me. Honestly I had thought I bent it, not broke it. Though at the time I had been partially walking with no destination in mind and not really paying attention to anything in my out of mind state. The despair episode I felt on Mount Canter broke that feeling almost immediately.

She stared at the stinger then at me. Her gaze was a mixture of awe and fear. It was an unpleasantness that would have made my skin crawl… if it wasn't already synthetic and unfeeling as it was. I dwelled far too long on that train of thought.

Regardless, they continued their lecture with Rockhoof and Magnus explaining the bare basics of their military. It was a bit of a slog through that since I was never that big of a military buff though I did at the very least know the bare basics. Noticeably, they never went into great detail about their tactics or any of their long term strategies. I didn’t say anything about it since I could see the writing between the lines. It didn’t really bother me though… at least not enough to actually breed distrust. I was an outlier, an entity not bound by their pre-conscripted morality. I did have a moral code I followed, but it made concessions based on what happened out in the real world.

My uncle, in particular, lived in the middle of the woods in a log cabin. He did get attacked some nights by wolves and the few summers I did stay with him were more harrowing than what should be possible for a teenager, at the time, to go through. He had wolf pelts for a reason and made certain that I earned them myself… I didn’t enjoy those summers in particular - even if I had learned how to tan hide into leather, to make the padding for certain breastplate configurations to be both more comfortable and yet functional.

“That is not what the earth pony regiments are for Magnus. It’s like saying the unicorn branches are only good for artillery.” Rockhoof argued. They had been on this kick for the past couple of minutes on the importance of each branch.

“It’s pretty accurate though. They are the best at it. The Pegasi legion specialize in hit and run tactics and of course aerial combat.” Magnus proudly stated.

From their boasting and arguing on the semantics of their branches of military might I found out plenty of things. Earth Ponies, as they were called, were in charge of the main assault force and seemed to handle the largest of the legions that ponies commanded - since their high birth rates and usually large clans made it easy to gain soldiers. The earth ponies garnered a lot of power through their distribution of food and weaponry. Since they were responsible for the production of food they had monopolized on that bit to contract weapon development as well. The fact that most of the weaponry was built to be used mostly by mouth or wings meant that the diversity of weapon types was very low compared both earth and the megaman world.

Spears, crossbows and hoof guards were the staple of their arsenal and from my trained eyes they were poorly maintained. Even looking at the shovel that Rockhoof held would have made my stomach churn from how shoddy the metal work looked to be. I would look extensively over the entire armory if I could as soon as I find the Archive Pod X-SWRI#8. Most of the weapons in that particular archive would need to be overhauled to be even somewhat usable. Though one in particular, in that grouping, could find specific minerals whenever used. I wouldn’t be able to find force metal like some new age reploids had but the likelihood of finding titanium or tungsten would be ideal in the long run.

Pegasi Legionnaires were more trained than their earth pony counterparts. Since they specialized in flight they were extensively trained in three hundred sixty degree combat and hi-speed espionage. I was dubious about their stealth capabilities because of all the colors I've seen in the past few hours amongst the guards. Magnus also spoke at length about cloud warfare and using their magic to create what they called… weather bombs.

“Weather bombs?” I tipped my head utterly confused about how they would even work.

“Yeah. Picture a tornado pushed into a cloud then charged with lightning and packed into a small ball of pressure waves. Then it's lowered below where it should remain stable to explode in a maelstrom of cyclones and lightning storms. Very amazing to see, of course” Magnus boasted in depth.

“Sounds dangerous…” I motioned for him to continue.

“Well… yeah it is. Hardly anypony knows how to do it well anymore - with very few of the generals and some of the elite soldiers like yours truly being the ones capable to achieve it. The problem is more that it's been unnecessary to actually do as of late… “ Magnus seemed to stare off into space.

“There will always be threats out there but for the most part they aren’t as intimidating or as powerful as those sirens were.” Starswirl mentioned offhand.

“Sirens?” I was still lost on the entire range of their sapient races out in the entirety of Equestria.

“They were a fish pony like race that fed off of hatred and negativity. They could also fire large sonic blast from their mouths with their magic gems.” Starswirl quickly explained.

“Uh… alright then. What about Unicorns in the military?” I quickly shifted the conversation back towards our topic since we didn’t have all night to speak on random topics.

“Ah well Unicorn are the spell masters. They weave offensive and weakening spells against their enemies, defensive and strengthening spells for their allies and provide decent info with their scrying spells… provided we can train said unicorns to perform those spells.” Starswirl muttered the last part under her breath. My eyes seemed to be able to read his lips… somehow.

What followed was one of the longest spiels about the intricacies of magic and how it worked that I have ever heard that wasn’t in a fantasy show. That, at the very least, accomplished explaining everything within a half hour. By the time Starswirl finished I was certain the moon had started to fall down below the horizon. I didn't feel sleepy and I had realized the first day/night cycle I had been through that I wouldn't really require sleep at all.

“You all look tired… go rest. I'll be right here when you get up.” I extended my arms in a placating motion.

They merely stared, though some yawned at me, the concern etched on their faces. I didn't really know why they would be concerned… until I remembered that, as I am their charge, should anything happen that involved me in some way, they would be held accountable for whatever destruction occurred. Mentally, I was kicking myself for the constant scrutiny I was under though the robotic half was agreeing with the intent logically. On the outside, I was an unchanging stone with most of my mouth motor functions for frowning turned off. I was surprised I had something like that. Though Meadowbrook seemed to know what I was thinking… somehow.

“We can't leave you alone X. With Vicious Aegis being the hot headed foal he is, he might try something foalish.” Meadowbrook mentioned in whisperings. The fortress had ears apparently though I knew they had eyes as well.

“Aye, it's true. That braggart hates golems with a passion, though I cannot blame him.” Rockhoof muttered passively while the other all seemed to curl their ears.

“He was involved with one of the golem projects that a former royal alchemist was working on. His name was Goring Corundum and he was the lead earth pony alchemist on the creation of the crystal golems.” Starswirl explained in that scholarly tone he took though there was sadness in his voice as well.

“You are right though. We shall speak on it at length tomorrow. Please, stay in this room. We cannot keep an eye out for Aegis all the time and there is no telling what ponies will try when they are afraid.” Meadowbrook pleaded - using a technique I've never been affected by, puppy dog eyes.

While it didn't affect me I followed through on her words nodding in agreement. Smiling, she trotted out first followed by the others aside from Starswirl who remained behind for some reason.

“Yes, Starswirl?” I leaned back in my chair trying to take a relaxed position. It was sturdy but far too tiny for my frame so I was forced to hunch over resting my elbows on the table, hands clasped together.

“There is something far more important that we need to talk about, but it will have to wait. Part of it involves Corundum, and another involves somepony who shouldn't really exist. When we finish speaking of it later in the evening tomorrow - or today as it would be - I hope you would consider siding with us ponies.” Starswirl suggested to me, before giving an odd bow and closing the door behind him with his magic.

I was left alone with my thoughts, seating inside a library and parlor room hybrid of sorts - all while the night sky passed through the horizon. There were a lot of strange threats appearing now that I had time to actually think. Ever since I wound up in this body I've noticed weird things going on - and Discord wasn't even close to being on that list.

For all the warfare and strides they had made in their technology, there were no radios of any sort. The music was all made live instead of listened through recordings - and yet I detected radio waves from the top of Mount Canter. I was certainly high enough to pick up the electromagnetic waves that naturally appeared at points in the stratosphere, but I shouldn't be anywhere near that place if I was only at the top of a mountain. That possibly meant that the atmosphere in this world was more compact. It might even be the reason why magic permeates the entirety of the world, held in by another atmospheric shell that helps saturate the world with its power.

My second problem that brought me a lot of concern, was in fact an internal one. My emotions were in constant flux and by the time I had checked my more explicit thoughts, they were in the process of being purged of everything that didn't make sense for my human side. I wasn't able to fully internalize everything that was said, which was why the robotic side extrapolated the important points and condensed them into a bulleted list from least to greatest importance.

The last point was the ponies that these six were most worried about, Vicious Aegis and Goring Corundum. The first mention of their names made both halves of me shiver in uncertainty. The fact that names do not exactly mean that they are bad didn't change the looks that these six had when they were mentioned. The first garnered sympathy and shame. The latter brought anger and contempt. Both were involved with the incident about crystal golems - and I didn't know the process or the consequences behind it, but it had to be bad for the feelings of hatred that came off of Aegis.

The Suffering Circuit was something I didn't know much of, even if it was part of my body. The black box it was part of was encrypted - even to the point where the moment I even thought of looking into it closer, several mental circuits had nearly shut down just to dissuade me from looking too deep into it - and I must assume it was done for my own safety. It was the same reason that I could sense feelings, something so complex that no one knew how they felt in intricate detail - much less could be programmed - and gave me a detailed assessment on their inner nature at the same time.

There was still another hour until the detailed portions of my armor finally were unencrypted. Archive Pod One was almost completely unpacked, though eventually I would need to find a place to actually live...and if I'm as smart as I appear to be, perhaps I could create something to take me back. It was a long shot and very unfeasible in the grand scheme of things, since I probably couldn't even get my original body back…

“Maybe I should see if sleep mode actually works…” I muttered to no one in particular as I buried my face into my hands. I would weep if I could actually do so. When it actually started happening and I could sense the tears actually falling from my eyes I felt a weight on my chest slowly lift up. It no longer felt as heavy as it did beforehand.

Discord scoured the lands to the north of the Everfree Principality as it was known for now. ‘Soon, it will be the Chaos Capital of the World, CCW, patent pending.’ As he thought of those happy thoughts, he kept looking for something that would benefit his plan…

He needed something in particular, something that would create as much chaos as possible.

Out of the corner of his mismatched eyes he saw exactly what he needed. Down below the common eye was a small encampment run by several unicorns dressed in gaudy crystal armor which was poorly designed to guard against physical attacks but perfect against magical ones and acted as an amplification nexus for spell crafting.

It was exactly as he needed down to the pompous fat unicorn running the encampment, gorging himself on crystal radishes and carrots. The only crystal thing about them were that they were grown in the Crystal Empire. Discord scoffed at the sight before him.

“This is the master race set to lead this land into prosperity. Truly the hallmark for awe and wonder.” Discord mockingly stated to the very heavens, ignoring the feeling of groans and jeers from the invisible audience he sometimes felt.

As if on cue the fat slob of a unicorn belched out an unfinished radish - before stuffing it back into his disgusting gullet in a blink. Discord cringed at the sight, and forced himself to be psyched out. He needed more time until an opposing force came out to balance his actions. With the pillars still around and the likeliness of war on the horizon... chaos would be prevalent but not his doing,

He would not stand for chaos not coming from him.

Still, with X looking to be the most likely candidate for his opposing force, why not tip the scales in his favor? That pile of scrap would be put back in the toy box if he wasn't up to snuff!

Absentmindedly he rubbed the section where the blast of solar energy had hit him. It didn't singe, didn't burn, didn't twinge, didn't churn a single molecule of his very being but the moment of impact had made him very aware of something he didn't fathom to be real.

He had been injured, even if only slightly.

That grudge would last for as long as he lived. No being in existence had managed to hurt him, not even slightly. This would not stand, lest it gave others the idea that him - Discord, Lord of Chaos - was there to serve as target practice. He slowly glided down to a secluded part of the camp and dreaded what he would have to do. Shifting his body, Discord slowly let the metal plates come out the same cerulean blue that he came to hate. His face melted down and his green eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness. One card was placed on the table and it was time to up the ante.

Ruby Geode loved his position. It took plenty of blood, sweat and tears from his ‘servants’ to accomplish, but he had finally made it to the good life. His leader was an absolute rube who had no idea how to run a country - but his brilliance with crystal golems was beyond compare. ‘King’ Corundum was nothing more than another stepping stone for him and the other commanders to finally put in place their own system.

“Honestly what has a monarchy done for us lately. It is a decrepit relic of a time long past. Isn't that right my dear Concerto?” Geode purred as he looked towards the mare in chains near his table.

The tressed up unicorn mare merely nodded in agreement. Her mouth was jammed shut due to a bit and bridle which was keeping her silent. She had been one of the daughters of the former queen of the Crystal Empire. Corundum had made most of them disappear… she was all that was left. Her turquoise coat was covered in welts and scars from her time talking back to Geode. It was short lived and while they didn’t do anything… horrible to her, she was beaten whenever she tried to be more than she was now.

The Crystal Empire had fallen many pegs since the rise of King Corundum and his retinue. Crystal Golems were the norm now and most of the populace had gotten used to them living in a prosperity that most had never known until this day. Slaves weren’t accepted within the empire… but the former royal family had become unponies the moment he took the throne.

A loud explosion shook the entirety of the camp as several guards ran to and fro trying to put out the fires. Geode immediately took Concerto in his magic outside of the cabin - where several of the Crystal Guard were suddenly flung at him knocking him to the side - and freeing Concerto from his magical hold in the process… only for them to see a large crystal golem clad in blue and cyan armor, which was destroying several of their makeshift barrack tents.

Menacingly, it strolled through the camp destroying other golems that tried to stop it without even trying. They were the mundane models which could barely do anything more than walk towards their target and bash them with their spindly limbs. That was when it came up to Concerto who looked down on her. She could feel the same fear she felt when Corundum had sent his specialty golems to deal with her family… and it was raising the small cannon in its right arm down at her. She had seen it shoot large fireballs from it without even trying. The barrel was pointed down at her.

‘Life seemed simpler back then… it would be a decent reprieve. Maybe… maybe I can finally join them.’ She closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks. She would die in Equestria… far from her home but she would finally be free.

The shot fired and the heat washed over her body - as she thought of the peace and stability of her family, keeping her safe in their embrace. She waited for the feeling to stop, and was left with nothing but coldness… and she waited. Then she waited some more. She could still feel the heat and still hear the screaming orders of the upper brass trying to calm the guards even though most of the golems had been destroyed almost effortlessly.

Concerto opened her eyes and the golem continued away from her. It was something she didn’t think possible as it avoided killing anypony. It merely caused as much damage as possible. As much chaos as was possible without letting anypony die.

‘Why did it save me…?’ She quickly shook her thoughts away and managed to get the bit and bridle off of her. While the chains on her legs were still connected to the braces she could finally move all four of her own legs without too much trouble.

“All of you from the Crystal Empire hear me! I am X! I will wipe the Crystal Empire from the face of Equus! Enjoy your gross misuse of power while you can, because by the end of the year nopony will know the Crystal Empire even existed!” The blue and cyan golem that called itself X declared out loud for them to hear.

Concerto took her chance and immediately ran towards Equestria. X, while a threat, was exactly what she wanted. The Crystal Empire had fallen to decadence and corruption due to a tyrant and false king that is Corundum. So with all her strength she ran past the ramshackle walls that surrounded the ‘forward base’ as they called it. It was merely a shoddy collection of specialty tents that were kept for quick encroachments.

Concerto kept galloping through the midnight hour as the screams from the camp soon died out from her hearing. The sight of smoke still wafting through the air as she left the sight of her home behind and looked forward to something new… something with less chains.

Discord immediately finished his work causing as much chaos as possible for both his own amusement and other subtle plans. Ruby Geode needed to see ‘X’ destroy their encampment. The threat needed to feel real. Once out of sight of anypony, he slithered back into the shadows in his own beautiful body, by his own words, and watched as the crystal wimps ran to and fro looking for the elusively evil X. Chuckling, he turned his sight back to Equestria. There were still more hornets left to stir.

Geode was unhappy. It wasn’t very often that he was this unhappy that required a few sessions with his punching bag. Unfortunately said punching bag was nowhere to be found. Several of the guards spoke of that stupid crystal golem incinerating her with its cannon. Geode growled in constant irritation since the loss of his stress tool.

“Report! How bad was the damages to our forward base!” Geode screamed to one of his guards.

“I’m sorry sir. Most of our golems have been destroyed and several of the servants have fled out into the wilderness, most likely deeper into Equestrian territory. There were some unverified rumors that Concerto was amongst them. So far there were no casualties from the assault by this… X figure. The golem displayed cognitive functions and was fully sapient from the looks of his attack pattern.” The guard started before Geode slammed his hooves against the only remaining table. He wasn’t strong though… so his hoof throbbed in pain from the sudden blow he tried to strike to appear intimidating.

“What- owch! What do you mean sapient!?” Geode hissed out as he held his wounded hoof, cradling it like a child.

“It spoke, sir. It made explicit mention about destroying the Crystal Empire screaming out loud of our imminent destruction.” The guard coolly stated. It wasn’t his first time talking to Ruby Geode.

Ruby Geode was a slob of a unicorn who once worked for the Amore family which ruled the Crystal Empire. Supposedly they had ties back to Queen Majesty, and they had been given right to continue ruling the entirety of the Crystal Empire. Geode and several like minded ponies had decided that that particular bloodline… needed to be cut off.

“So what if it spoke, you blasted mud muncher! I want all golems to be salvaged immediately! Captain Flint, get in here!” Geode yelled as another pony came in. The earth pony guard who had been yelled at immediately got out of the room.

“You called Geode?” A taller unicorn with an ashen coat and a flint stone for a cutie mark trotted in.

“Get one of your pegasus messengers to deliver a warning to the King. A golem got out of control and needs to be put down.” Geode snidely dismissed the incident to something much smaller.

“I’m certain we should try to capture this golem… call it a hunch, but we will need the pony power to deal with the entirety of Equestria - and with this much collateral damage... wouldn’t it be better to have on our side?” Flint calmly tried to soothe the furious General.

“Are you out of your bucking mind!? Did you even see what it did to our base!? What in Tartarus makes you think we could even capture it?” Geode growled out incredulously at his subordinate, seething in fury at the very notion of that insane idea.

“Perhaps you’re right. Obviously, delivering something like this to the King would be the career changer and grease the wheels even more - provided one survives the ordeal. I suppose you are right, General. I’ll send a message back, detailing the dangers of this particular golem so we can terminate it.” Flint smirked as he pulled out a small roll of parchment ready to detail everything for the king.

“Wait…” Geode halted Flint’s report.

“Yes General Geode?” Flint looked up from the parchment.

“Tell him only the bare minimum… We’ll get this golem back for the eggheads to look over. Golems this powerful will make us an unstoppable force, right?” Geode grinned as he seemed to look out at the sky from the tent flap.

“Most likely. What a wonderful idea General.” Flint answered as he began writing once again only with less vigor.

“I’m glad I thought of it.” Geode stated with such smugness that had anypony else been around they would have choked on it. Flint merely smiled as he once again manipulated his fat slob of a general into another one of his plans.

“I’m glad we have somepony like you to run things, sir.” Flint sneered but he kept the contempt out of his voice.

“But… we have one other job that’s just as important to do, Flint.” Geode halted Flint’s praise looking more serious than the pig had ever been in his entire life.

“Sir?” Flint blinked once as his ears paid attention to the pig.

“I want my servant back. Concerto must be found now.” Geode stated with the same serious that crept through his tone.

“Understood.” Flint sighed.

They didn’t have any more pegasi to deliver messages, but the one that was sent with them. Finishing his report, he ordered the pegasus messenger to deliver it back to the capital, while a contingent of earth ponies and unicorns were ordered to capture the disappeared Concerto. They wouldn’t find her since it took far too long to get the fires under control but the boss needed to be… placated, otherwise he would do much more stupid options given the chance.

The sun finally had risen over the horizon, but I noticed until I woke up to a strange sensation within me, as the files in my head suddenly started to buzz. The Archive Pod had finally been unencrypted and released for full use for the foreseeable future.

=Archive Pod Sigma War Reploid Invasion Number One Package=
-Fully Functioning Light Armor Finished-
-Weapon Charge Capabilities Active-
-Nana Module Active-
-Downloading... -
=Activating Cyber Elf Program “Nana”=

I waited a few seconds - utterly confused at the mention of a Cyber Elf - when a small burst of light shot out of my buster, illuminating me as a glowing orb of light fluttered in front of me. Looking closely at it, i realized that it was vaguely reploid shaped as well, although in elf size like the one that Ciel had in the first game.

She had pink hair with a white tip covering her blue eyes, and red communication sensors covering her ears. A slender build of white armor with orange and black highlights with two pink sevens on her chest. That instantly made me wonder though… why was she actually pretty well stacked even though she was only a reploid? … well, cyber elf.

I really didn’t know how to deal with it, and Sleep Mode - which was supposed to be my reprieve from thinking and my ability to rest - did absolutely nothing for my nerves or sanity.The cyber elf Nana floated in front of my eyes, and I waited until it started to speak to me.

“Hello Master X. I am the cyber elf designated Nana, here to assist you in your day to day drudgery. I am built for long range communication and with the assist programs of Alia; Layer; and Palette hard coded into my memory banks - I shall be able to analyze enemies, terrain, and weaponry. I can also track radio waves should the need arise.” Nana politely bowed to me before floating back a small bit.

“Um… Hello. You don’t need to call me master. Just X will do.” I immediately answered, if only to keep my wits about me.

“Hm… I don’t think that Sage Harpuia would approve of my candidness - but if that is your order then I can comply with it.” Nana politely stated as I scrutinized her a bit more.

“Sage Harpuia… I’m guessing he’s part of the other modules as well. Why haven’t they been activated as well?” I pondered that particular question as well, since even she might not know why they hadn’t activated either.

“Other Cyber Elves are placed in stasis lock for now until the correct packages can be unlocked. As it stands I am the only active Cyber Elf on hand, and I will prove the most useful for locating the other requires pods for their activation. Fairy Leviathan wanted to be the first but Sage Harpuia, Fighting Fenrir and Hidden Phantom convinced her otherwise.” Nana explained succinctly.

“Do all the modules use titles?” I deadpanned slightly, though I think my facial expression failed to show it since she didn’t react to the sarcasm I was trying to emote.

“No. All the other modules declined the use of a title. I have chosen Navigator Nana as mine.” Nana quietly cheered as a smile came across her face.

“Right… well, Navigator Nana, as it stands should there be any other beings too close to us, make certain that they don’t know of your presence.” I commanded the cyber elf.

I needed her to remain a hidden variable for now. Within the last couple of minutes I had noticed that there were no mismatched eyes watching me like a creepy stalker.

“Roger, X! I will analyze the surroundings and keep track of all radio signals. Currently I am detecting several signals at Destination Alpha - designated Mount Canter. Will keep you posted!” Nana cheerfully explained before disappearing back into my buster.

I looked back over my buster soaking in her words. I guess one of my questions will be answered soon enough.

Author's Note:

I kept my word. Alia, Layer and Palette are not in the story. Their capabilities are though.