• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,004 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XXIII. Remorse (unedited)

It had taken a few minutes before I was satisfied from cleaning myself up. It also took a bit for my systems to cool off before I truly did overheat. In that time I actually looked over my systems noting a small change to the weapons archive.

Below where the eighth generation Maverick weapons were stored I found four more lists and one of them was active. It was only read as the Displaced Weapons Archive. Mentally, I quirked an eyebrow at that distinction. I didn't remember actually getting any power while there and likewise didn't really understand why that would be a thing in the first place. Sighing, I looked through it noting that the weapon was Rider Kick. Apparently it was a self explanatory weapon seeing as I watched an anthropomorphic pony kick Corundum and shatter his body in one strike. At the very least I was content on knowing that it would help out later.

Regardless of the maintenance I would need to give myself later, I needed to make sure that my systems wouldn't be changed because of all this. Paranoia was a cruel mistress and my run in with Discord made me much more aware of how it was affecting me. This key wasn't much of a hope bringer as I once thought as I picked it up out of the bowl of heated water.

“Bit for your thoughts X?” Somnambula called out catching my attention once again. I looked towards her but I didn't want to voice my thoughts… my gaze lowered to the key and she seemed to understand what I wanted to say.

We remained silent as we returned back upstairs with Meadowbrook and the others. I gripped the key somewhat tightly feeling my arm sag lower and lower as I did… I didn't know why it felt so heavy at this point.

Somnambula gave me a quick smile and a pat on my hip since I was taller than her. I had to fake a smile. I don't know if she noticed or not because she still probably thought of me as a golem. The only ones who knew that I was actually a reploid were the three founders and now Star Swirl as well.

Contemplation on what I am aside, we reached the room to find a very busy Meadowbrook coasting through the victims as she cleaned and treated those she could. Several became able to move once again after her ministrations with three of the large group getting the dreaded head shake from a doctor of sorts. Surprisingly, those that were too far gone merely smiled with grim determination and remained still while they waited.

“You're back. Did you find anything?” Flint stepped up as he noticed us causing the entire group to look at us as well. I held the key out by the crystal feather trinket letting everypony see the obsidian etchings that adorned said key. How I didn't notice the key was something I wouldn't ever understand with how out of place it actually appeared to be.

“Meadowbrook can you tell me anything about this key… also don't put it in your mouth.” Somnambula asked as I tossed the key to the awaiting earth pony. She gingerly held it in her hoof looking over it carefully as she traced the etchings with the very edge of her hoof.

“Very ornate… even decorative… hm? There's a small amount of magic coursing through both items. I may have a way to track where it leads to after I've looked over the rest of the ponies here.” Meadowbrook announced as she tossed the key back to me.

“We shall assist then. The more we work together the faster it would be.” Somnambula volunteered us to assist.

It was a hurricane of work as the three of us went about checking on all the ponies in the room. I didn't have any medical training though so my assistance fell towards making certain all the tools that she brought were sanitized. Needless to say I managed to find out that Fire Wave could be adjusted at that point and my buster was used as an impromptu heating plate.

“X… you have good hoof to eye coordination right?” Meadowbrook asked out of the blue.

“Um… yes I'm certain I do have good hand to eye coordination.” I carefully answered as she looked over her latest patient.

“I need you to assist me with this patient. I'm certain we can save him if we can remove this crystal. Don't worry I'll guide you.” Meadowbrook assured me though I really didn't think I was supposed to be given this much free range on skills I didn't have.

That began a very slow process of cutting a pony open and removing a large red crystal from his side that had nearly ruptured out of him. There were several times I had to be told what to cut and where but I was glad for the direction since the crystal was smaller than a hoof and required several cuts just to get it out of the poor stallion before me.

The fact that he was awake and biting on a piece of wood just made it all the worse. Meadowbrook said she gave him a pain suppressing potion but from the look in his eyes this was still terrifying to watch. The last incision I made allowed me to jostle the crystal shard loose enough to wrest it from his gut. He shuddered at the sensation but he never once screamed.

Those robotic reflexes were coming in handy as I slowly sutured him back up with a curved needle. I was surprised that this was a thing here even though there weren't any modern utilities and making certain items were sanitized before use was rare, at least from what I've seen so far.

Luckily, Meadowbrook walked me through the process and we put the pony together once again. For the next three hours we did the same thing for every pony that wasn't at risk of dying from the process including Diamond Shard, who had passed out from the first surgical procedure. Flint had been fidgeting throughout the procedure and Somnambula had to hold him back whenever it made a new incision. Thanks to a little luck most of the ponies were given a new lease on life with less chance of their crystal actuators activating and turning them into crystal golems.

“This is good. Your technique is still very amateurish X but you did well.” Meadowbrook faintly praised me… but I didn't want to prod her on the worried tone she gave me. While my hands were steady and performed with surgical precision I didn't actually know what to do the entire time requiring her to walk me through the procedures as they went. It was the only reason it took so long to finish up everypony that could survive the process.

“I hope I don't have to do this again…” I muttered as I looked over my hands… which were covered in blood once again. Fresh blood, in fact. I would have to overheat myself again just to feel clean… or walk out into the snow and melt a section until I was fully washed.

It wasn't even a matter of being covered in blood at this point. After having to deal with Diode’s remains I felt a bit… detached. The human side of my mind actually felt numb to what I saw as if it was accepting that that was just something Norma now. The robotic part maintained that I needed to sanitize myself before dealing with the living ponies around me. It had been a very long day already and I really just wanted to relax… even if only for an hour.

“We can only hope. Let's track down where this key goes to.” Somnambula spoke up breaking me from my spiraling thoughts. I welcomed the change since rationalization was starting to become the norm.

“Yes. Let's head out then. I'm sorry but Flint, please watch over them until we get back.” Meadowbrook suggested causing the unicorn stallion to sigh and nod. He didn't have any more words for us as he watched over the recovering Diamond Shard.

We exited the room and she took the key using another small vial of liquid and pouring its contents over the feather and key. A dull glow surrounded it and she held it over one of the doors nearby. It lost some of the magic surrounding it causing her to reel back and try another.

“So… we just go room to room until we find it?” I felt my shoulders sag at the situation we found ourselves in. Somnambula seemed to strain her smile at the notion.

“Unfortunately, yes. While we could get Star Swirl here to perform a much more efficient spell we need him to appear in front of the crystal ponies as well to assure that we are working on getting the Crystal Empire back on its hooves.” Meadowbrook explained as she went to another door… still a dull glow came from the key.

“This may take a while then. We should rush through these upper halls for now since I doubt somepony as Corundum would ever house the queen in lavish setting.” Somnambula mentioned which got us to agree where we immediately went back to the ground floor.

The key shined brighter as we got lower taking us into the throne room. For a few minutes we searched the entire room looking for anything that the key was leading us to. I searched near the edges of the room, feeling the walls for any strange indentations in the crystals in case of a secret passage. Meadowbrook scoured the floors turning over any carpets that still remained for a loosened crystal or indentation for a basement entrance. Somnambula checked the ceiling, flying up and feeling against the several crystal formations for any out of place protrusions. There was nothing to find at any of the extremities of the room.

“Nothing here!” I called out and returned to the center of the room.

“Me either!” Somnambula yelled out and flapped back down landing beside me.

“Same… ugh… this key is reacting more in this room than any other but nothing has made itself clear.” Meadowbrook actually growled out as she waved the key around trying to detect the minute shifts around the crystal feather and key.

“This room is large and for there not to be a secret passage is most unsettling. I will find the secret passage soon.” Somnambula announced fluffing up her feathers as she did so.

“Well… Corundum was an earth pony and he used unicorn horns like magic wands… so what could he possibly do to hide something magically?” I pondered out as the other two thought about the problem on their own as well.

We kept searching until Somnambula noticed that the key glowed brighter whenever we got near the throne. With a gleeful giggle she hopped around the throne searching for any sign of a keyhole. Her jubilant expression got our attention as we looked as the throne as well.

“Found anything yet?” I asked as Somnambula jumped from side to side peering at the dimensions of the chair, taking in all the abject details.

“No… but it's here. This thing keeps making the key glow brighter. I know it's here.” Somnambula asserted as she tried pushing it out of the way.

“Perhaps the potion went bad?” Meadowbrook brought up clearly not wanting her friend to strain her back.

“No this is the answer. I know it!” Somnambula announced clearly struggling to push the throne.

I calmly picked up the pegasus eliciting a sudden yelp as I placed her next to Meadowbrook. I carefully positioned myself at the throne and lifted it up, bending with the knees and not my back. Beneath the throne was a small indentation and a lock on the ground. Meadowbrook immediately trotted over to the lock… only to stop and stare.

“What's wrong? Unlock it already.” I stated before pushing the throne over so I didn't have to hold it up anymore. It wasn't the best choice… but it did let me see what was going on.

“The thing has magic surrounding it. If I put the key in it something will happen.” Meadowbrook answered stopping my line of thinking.

“Ah a seal. An evil seal if I've ever seen a seal before.” Somnambula commented as she peered deeply at the revealed keyhole.

“Something bad? Maybe I'd have better luck since I'm me.” I mentioned as she handed me the key though both of them looked hesitant to let me try. “Any idea what the seal will do?”

“Unfortunately, no. All I can tell is that this seal was brute forced into existence. The spell weaving used is amateurish and most likely any trained magus could undo it. The problem is that from the constant fighting we've had all the trained wizards were injured leaving only Star Swirl and Mist Mane. If you think it better to wait we could get them over here to undo it.” Meadowbrook explained while Somnambula fidgeted on the spot.

“Have either of you seen this before?” I motioned at the spot… I was feeling a bit impatient and really didn't want to wait any longer than I had to.

“It resembles a seal in my homeland.” Somnambula started. “This particular one has the symbol of the snake on it… meaning it might dispense a virulent poison or something worse. The problem is that the seal is sloppy so it might just as well explode when activated.”

“Oh… well… listen I think I can tank an explosion… provided I was prepared. Go stand outside and I'll open it up.” My voice would have been quavering had I allowed my emotions to get the best of me. Nana had started drawing up plans to minimize the effects of the poison and while I was out of Fire Wave, I still had Ground Fire to burn away any lingering effects of the potential poison… unless it was explosive as well…

“If we do that… we’ll need to barricade the doors. I have one potion to mitigate poison and I have made it activate as a smokescreen to touch as many afflicted as possible. It should neutralize any poison that tries to escape the room.” Meadowbrook procured the potion out of her satchel hefting it in her hoof.

“Let's do that then. Head outside and knock three times when you have everything ready. I'll be standing by.” I waved my arm and stood near the keyhole while Meadowbrook and Somnambula both trotted out of the room.

It took a few minutes but eventually I heard a loud thud against the door followed by three loud knocks. Hooves were definitely much more dangerous than hands for knocking. I shook my limbs out and switched armors back to the Light Armor.

While the Falcon Armor gave me high levels of mobilization I couldn't charge my special weapons and I needed Rolling Shield in case it was an explosive seal. I charged up and held the charge until I was ready to unlock whatever the seal blocked.

‘Sir! Thaumic levels are quite subdued within that seal. While we can't be too sure Harpuia thinks that the shield might not be enough to handle that level of explosion.’ Nana commented back within my head. Since we had returned the three of them returned to a cautionary state.

“Noted. Unfortunately the more time passes the less likely we'd find anything. I'm still uncertain of what Corundum was planning here. He wanted to die back in that other world. Staying here, while good for Concerto, is detrimental to the entire world. As much as I would like to say that we could leave it to someone else… none of them were able to deal with Corundum at his level. I'm more than capable of fighting back against Corundum and stopping his plans whatever they may be from continuing. Even in death he had to have made back up plans…” I trailed off trying to even contemplate what kind of plan he had concocted in the first place.

I couldn't. Not one single idea came to me. He had no loyal retainers left so necromancy was out of the question and he left no heirs either. Corundum's legacy seemed so assured based solely on how calmly he faced death and a part of me wondered if I was conflating my own sense of purpose in this world.

Admittedly I didn't want to be part of the world when I was first shunted here. The only motivation I had at that moment was the search for the capsules that held X’s other special weapons. While I might have been X in body I wasn't in mind.

‘X, we should open the seal now.’ Nana gently prodded at me getting me to realize that I had lost myself to thought once again.

I quietly nodded, thankful I couldn't show embarrassment, and inserted the key into the lock. At once the seal shined and I released my trigger activating Rolling Shield. The seal fritzed and the room was suddenly engulfed in flames and pressure as I was knocked back into the far wall and had the heat wash all over me. The shield cracked on the first impact and the sudden shockwave destroyed it completely.

‘Damn it all! We just repaired your body not so long ago and recharged the battery!” Fefnir complained as the self repair systems went into overdrive and continually repaired the damage from the continuous explosion.

Eventually the seal cracked and dissipated from sight as I fell to the floor. My armor was cracked in a few places but I was no worse for wear than usual bouts. I was unusually passé about what had occurred filling me with some worry about how I viewed myself. The lack of pain or feeling at this point might be detrimental since I was edging closer to feeling as though I could handle anything without too much worry. Even then, it was demonstrated that I was not invincible. I had limits in place which were made worse depending on whether it was day or night.

Before I could break into more self indulgent thoughts on my abilities and nature the floor rumbled as the key was accepted. The floor opened up revealing a long staircase down into the depth of what I could only assume to be the catacombs, if they had any.

‘Battery levels?’ I quietly thought as I surveyed the hole from my position. My legs were slightly out of commission after the explosion… which concerned me for how much pressure I could take in the Light Armor before my motor functions were compromised.

“Still an even eighty five percent sir. While not taxing that explosion was certainly made to kill… meaning Corundum did hide something down there. Your leg motors are repaired. I suggest getting Meadowbrook and Somnambula before you head down there… thaumic readings were through the roof when that occurred.” Nana mentioned as I got back on my feet and took a few experimental steps.

The auto stabilizers and internal gyroscope seemed to be back in working order. I stepped over to the door and pushed on it… only for it to fall back on me cracking from the sudden impact as it splintered to my sides. That was pretty much my luck in a nutshell at this point in my life. The two confused ponies on the other side of the door made it even more awkward.

“Are you - “ Somnambula started only for me to hold a hand out stopping her.

“Fine. Just don't ask. I found a passage down.” I quickly parsed out showing off the large staircase heading downward.

“My… this must be the path towards the catacombs though only for those of royal descent.” Meadowbrook mentioned causing me to give a little victory fist pump mentally for being right.

“If this is where he kept the queen… we should move.” I ordered as I rushed down the stairs with both mares following close behind me.

The staircase spiraled down deeper and deeper into the depth enveloping us in shadow. I was forced to keep a charge shot active just to have a way to see in the dark. There were nearly a few slips due to how the staircase was made out of crystal but I usually caught whomever almost slipped. Somnambula eventually decided to fly down instead just because it was easier.

When I looked at her with that questioning look of why she didn't do that before she answered only with a sheepish grin. She had forgotten that she could fly due to all the dramatic events that were going on. Meadowbrook, however, wasn't so lucky and eventually I decided to carry her the rest of the way.

“Hey! I can trot along fine.” Meadowbrook protested as embarrassment entered her tone and the giggles of Somnambula didn't help.

“No more slipping. We're almost there anyways so just put up with it until we get there.” I answered on reflex making her pout and grumble about being treated like a child.

As soon as we hit the bottom of the staircase we reached a small doorway that led north of the city of the data Nana had recorded was accurate. There seemed to be more places to go but none were closed off by a door. In my eyes, that made it more suspicious than any other path. It was a notion shared by my companions who closed in on the door without any pressing on my part.

“Here we go… “ I muttered as my hand grabbed the handle and pulled.

It had take a while to find the citizens of the Crystal Empire. Thanks to a few different guards that Hurricane had personally interrogated he had found the small cavern that they had been evacuated to thanks to the actions of Flint Shard.

“What do we do now Hurricane? Platinum will have to stay here at the very least for a year just to get things set back up.” Puddinghead mentioned as she trotted alongside the grizzled pegasus commander.

He didn't answer at first though. His eyes were trained at all the refugees who looked tired and browbeaten after everything that was said and done. The foals were quiet and far too well behaved to be like others children. The mares were huddled together shivering against each other while the stallions mostly looked dead inside. The families that were together were smiling as they saw the Equestrian guard which didn't pose well in his head.

The return to power would take time and if they needed to sanction part of the Royal Guard to intermingle with the Crystal Guard to make things work it would leave them vulnerable militarily. While it wasn't talked about out loud it was still understood that several countries were vehemently gunning for the top spot in the world and ponies were up on the chopping block to prove that they deserved to stay up there.

“Hurricane… we need to get the citizens back into the city. They'll die from exposure if they remain here any longer.” Puddinghead shook Hurricane back to his senses making him shelf his long term plans until they could get the bigger picture.

“Right. Second Stand! Get over here!” Hurricane shouted out as his second in command came rushing up to him.

“Yes sir!” Stand saluted causing more than a few crystal ponies to be thrown off by his enthusiasm.

“Start organizing the return. Priority to foals and mares. Keep them together until we can get them back into the city.” Hurricane commanded and Stand flew off getting the guards to quickly round everypony up.

“Hurricane, we are spread so thinly at this point that I don't think we could protect this place. The Crystal Guard might not be able to handle being their protector with how things turned out here. Corundum scared them into submission and I… “ Puddinghead started only to get stopped by an impatient Hurricane.

“I know. I know already but we're going to do this. While it will stretch us thin we need this more than ever now.” Hurricane solemnly stated as the ponies were herded out group by group towards the Crystal Castle.

The silence returned to the cavern as the two ponies looked around. They noted the few items left behind as the ponies were marched back into the city. Hurricane deeply sighed while Puddinghead placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. The aftermath of this war was costly… but not as costly as they once thought it would be.

They followed the last stragglers silently watching as a city would slowly rebuild back up to a better state than it was once in.

I wished I didn't open the door. It was something out of a nightmare and I wanted to be done with it already. Meadowbrook and Somnambula had already opted out of continuing into the crypt though the retching I could here did not bolster my confidence.

Several unicorn bodies had been… generously splayed out amongst the various coffins that had adorned the area. One was vivisected and left to bleed out… and that looked to be the freshest of the corpses. There were burnt out husks… melted bodies… ripped off hooves and a multitude of other horrible things which made me sick to my stomach. Well it would if I had a stomach… which honestly wasn't helping my reluctance to dealing with this much death.

“X! W-w-what did you find?” Somnambula called out seemingly finding her nerve.

“Bad things… lots of bad things… “ I managed to answer back before losing my sound.

“Okay… I'll help Meadowbrook for now… can you handle this?” Somnambula weakly yelled out as I heard another retching fit.

“Yeah! I got… this… “ I muttered out as I noticed the next corpse of a mare… ripped in half and with the words Geode’s property carved into her flank.

I clenched my jaw and nearly growled out in frustration. The next set of… trophies… marked by Ruby Geode were adorned in similar manners. I nearly wanted to just torch the entire room already in a vain attempt to escape from this horror show.

It was then that I noticed a dull glow coming from behind a dividing wall placed between the main crypt area and what appeared to be the main tomb. The sound of my feet against the stone floors just increased how unsettling this place was. When I finally worked up the nerve and walked around the wall and I saw something truly unsettling. It was something to be said that most if not all the corpses were unicorns but with the odd pegasus and earth pony amongst them all.

This particular unicorn was a lot larger than the rest and just like all the other unicorns her horn had been cleaved off her forehead. Her head had been cut off the body and the severed limbs were adorned at several places with what looked like the nerves stretched out and connected to a large crystal heart shaped gem which was placed in the carved out torso which was slowly pulsing magic if the thaumic sensor was anything to go by.

This… this was something far worse than any monster would do and I wasn't sure if it was Geode or Corundum had done this level of brutality. It was sickening and it got worse when I noticed that the eyes were still moving…

“Kill… me… kill… me… “ The damaged unicorn uttered out as the Crystal Heart gem pulsed as the magic faded more and more.

“Just… just wait a moment…” I garbled out… confused at what I heard. I had to rush out where Meadowbrook and Somnambula were grabbing them and rushing back to the unicorn.

Both of them were speechless and I was glad that they didn't have anything else to puke otherwise this would be worse by the minute. Meadowbrook looked as though she wanted to cry while Somnambula pushed up her wing to reach for the unicorn only to pull away as she covered her mouth with said wings to stifle her sobs.

“The Queen…?” I placed my hand on Meadowbrook who soundlessly nodded as I looked over the grisly scene.

“We… we need to get Concerto… as much as we shouldn't.” Somnambula shouted out as tears fell from her cheeks.

“That would damage her if she saw this much. We can't do that to her!” Meadowbrook shot back.

I carefully placed my hands on both of them to calm them down. The unicorn head muttered out the same thing again begging for death. I picked them up again but the head didn't seem to register that we were leaving while the heart was slowly losing its glow.

“Somnambula… go get them. As much as I don't think this was right we need to give her closure. It's not going to be good but it would be necessary.” I mentioned as I pushed her forward.

She gave me a nod as Meadowbrook looked at me with a stern glare. I knew what she wanted to talk about but I waited until Somnambula flew off up the staircase ready to get the important ponies.

“We shouldn't do this X. This will be too much for her to handle!” Meadowbrook protested putting her hoof down.

“We don't have a choice damn it all! If she doesn't get this closure then there is no help for her!” I shouted back clenching my fists as I stared down the mare. “If we don't do this she will always wonder what happened and we will ask her whether she wants to deal with it or not! That should be her choice.”

“And the other bodies? What of those?” Meadowbrook scowled out though she looked scared of what I was possibly going to say. “How do you keep those atrocities from being seen?”

“I will take care of it… “ I changed over to Fire Wave. “I'm going to cremated them now. I need you to tell me if there are some I shouldn't.” I meandered slowly towards the coffins not really wanting to do this.

“I figured this would be more humane… we just need to leave the queen living. The rest deserve peace now.” Meadowbrook stated as she turned away. “I really don't want to see this.”

“It's fine… I'll handle it.” I solemnly stated and turned my buster to the first body which was thankfully in a small divot on the tomb. It would take me a while.

Star Swirl watched over the little session between Concerto and Platinum as she tutored her on some steps of decorum for when she was placed on the throne.

“No wave lightly. Wave too much and the populace will think you frivolous. Wave too little and you'll appear apathetic.” Platinum chided the young mare as she tried to find the right level of movement.

“This is really difficult… and annoying.” Concerto groused as she continued to try waving right. Apparently mannerisms played a big part in royalty.

Star Swirl nearly sighed out loud at the display of frivolous behavior but bit his tongue before comments could spew out of his mouth. This moment was almost as bad as when Platinum tried to teach Celestia and Luna only with less explosions, metaphorically for the most part. His beard had barely grown back to its full glory a week prior. Before he could contemplate anything else he noted a very panicked light scarlet pegasus flying straight towards him.

Star Swirl was flung backwards as Somnambula flew into him rather than near him. The wind knocked out of him the grizzled arch mage looked at the swirling clouds above and thought over the meaning of life as air returned to him once again.

“What is wrong with you!?” Star Swirl shouted as Somnambula faltered in getting up getting him to lift her up with his magic and setting her next to him. She immediately grabbed him bringing him close by.

“We found the queen… not much time left.” She whispered to the flabbergasted looks on the two princesses’ faces.

Star Swirl went white as a sheet realizing what they needed to do. He looked towards Concerto and Platinum. With a specialized spell he called the Pillars to him. Thankfully, the other three were in a nearby room with Rockhoof and Magnus taking care of Mist Mane while she rested from the taxing use of her magic earlier that day. When they arrived Somnambula relayed the same message to each of them.

Rockhoof bowed his head and closed his eyes standing in silence. Magnus growled out scowling towards the skies in hopes of finding something to toss his anger at. Mist Mane covered her muzzle and kept watch of Concerto who was confused by the sudden shift in the Pillar’s demeanor.

“What is wrong? Did something happen to X?” Concerto worriedly stated as she stood up next to Star Swirl eyes wide and terror filled.

“No. He is fine. It's… it's … “ Star Swirl struggled to find the words. While the others were ready to answer for him, a raised hoof from him stopped them. “It's your mother. It seems she was found… “

“Mother! Where? We have to go now!?” Concerto nearly broke into a sprint to run in any direction even if she didn't know where to go. She was stopped by Star Swirl who lifted her off the ground so she couldn't get any traction and run off.

“Stop. You need to listen before you go.” Star Swirl sternly warned the young princess who didn't like the tone that was taken.

“She's dead, isn't she? I kinda knew that was what I would be told.” Concerto mirthlessly laughed as tears started to form in her eyes. “Mom is gone now.” They streamed down her cheeks before Star Swirl stopped her again from fully breaking down.

“No! Stop and listen! She is alive but not for much longer. We are taken my you there but it will probably be very bad.” Star Swirl looked to Somnambula who merely nodded grimly. “Extremely bad, apparently.”

“We need you ta be strong lass. When you enter wherever we go, it may be more than you could take.” Rockhoof voiced up carefully speaking the grim truth. He didn't know details but he didn't need to know that this was treading on thin ice.

“We just want you to be prepared for whatever may come.” Mist Mane added slowly stepping up to the magical field surrounding Concerto and dispelling it. She placed her hoof on her cheek causing her to look Mist Mane in the eyes. “We will be with you every step of the way there… you are not alone.”

“Come… we've wasted enough time talking about this. We should go if time is of the essence.” Magnus brought up wings flared as he looked to Somnambula who started flying towards the palace.

Princess Platinum quietly stayed behind and began directing the troops as was needed. She wasn't as apt at it as Hurricane was but when push came to shove she could hold her own weight. She wisely decided not to go along… Concerto would be stressed enough as is. Silently she prayed for a decent resolution.

It had been an hour since I had started and I had to resort to using Ground Fire for cremation purposes. I had forgotten that I had used up most of Fire Wave during surgery and my internal clock signified that night still hadn't fallen.

Meadowbrook had managed to work up the nerve to assist me in placing the fallen in containers… their ashes at least. Ornate jugs had been placed within the tomb to hold water… which she had dumped out near the staircase due to it being least likely to fall to mold due to the crystalline nature it exuded.

Thus began the painstaking efforts of removing the bodies that had been strung up and marked by Geode. There were enough hugs for the twenty or so corpses all around but I made certain to not touch the Queen. She watched but didn't comment about anything but the smell of burnt flesh and ash. Her words always trailed back to killing her once again.

I had to use Storm Tornado to blow the smell of burning flesh out of the crypt sending it towards what appeared to be vented passages like they made in certain pyramids to allow air circulation through the tomb.

The crypt was clear after that and there was no sign that anything horrifying happened down here aside from the what had happened to the queen. Meadowbrook and I watched over the jug and she carefully used a piece of charcoal to draw the cutie marks on each one for later identification and burial I guessed. I wasn't certain if this was her way of showing respect for the dead or just something ceremonial for all cremations.

The Crystal Heart pulsed once more as the light grew dimmer and dimmer. It was getting closer to the light being snuffed out once and for all. We made out way out towards the staircase… where my sensors picked up several figures making their way towards us. They were somewhere above us… making ponies were making their way down the stairs.

“She back… with a lot of ponies.” I muttered getting Meadowbrook to nod imperceptibly at the notion. She still seemed a little out of sorts due to everything that was happening.

“We should get ready for Concerto… I have this feeling that you will be going with her alone.” Meadowbrook stated as she breathed in deeply holding back a ragged sob.

“I know… “ I nodded absentmindedly as the rest of the Pillars and Concerto appeared.

Concerto looked to be a wreck already. I didn't make a move as she came up to me and rested her head against my knee crying into it. I had to pick her up just so she wouldn't ground her horn against my leg. The other Pillars made no move except for standing near the door.

With a quiet step I walked into the crypt carrying the young filly while the Pillars waited by the door only stepping in when I had made it halfway into the room. Behind the wall the glow was still bright enough to follow but it was dimmer than when I had found it. I stopped and looked at Concerto nodding my head towards the light.

She nodded and point down with her muzzle asking me to set her down on her hooves. It was an agonizing time as she worked up the nerve just to take a few steps. I didn't stop her but I did walk with her. She looked towards me a few times but I never broke eye contact with the glow. She nodded dumbly at the lack of distraction and took a deep breath as she walked around the corner.

The unicorn head suddenly regained some semblance of sapience as it looked at Concerto. Concerto looked up as tears streamed from her eyes.

“Mommy… “ Concerto sobbed out.

“Little song… you're okay… not much time… “ The Queen rasped out as the heart gem lost its light further and further.

“Mommy! I can't do this! I can't do this without you!” Concerto cried out as tears fell to the ground and her muzzle was covered in snot from the heavy blubbering.

“You can… you are… my daughter… keep love alive… “ The Queen forced out as her legs started to disintegrate and be absorbed into the Crystal Heart.

“Mommy!” Concerto gasped. “Wait! Please! Please wait, don't go!” She desperately tried to use her magic to grab the queen.

“I… love… you… “ The Queen uttered as she was fully absorbed in the light of the Crystal Heart.

As her souls joined with the gem a large light pulses out of it spreading across the entirety of the Crystal Empire. As the time I had thought it to just be a regular light pulsing out across the city but magic was never that simple.

The streets were infused with magic as buildings and landmarks were forcefully repaired. Soldier who laid dying were resuscitated and given another chance at life. The dead weren't raised but slowly disintegrated into magic to live beyond the bounds of life and death as something more. The snow that kept falling across the Empire was pushed back allowing the city to remain as a shining beacon of civilization amongst the beings of the world.

All of that didn't matter to me though. My attention was focused solely on the little filly who cradled the Crystal Heart sobbing endlessly about a mother who would never return. I was able to pick her up and hold her as she buried herself in my arms. The other Pillars said nothing but led us back upstairs where we could finally see fresh air and sunshine once again.

A whole night had passed during the entirety of what had happened and no one wanted to sleep afterwards, least of all the princess still curled in my arms holding the Crystal Heart. As we made it back to the ground floor of the palace Concerto tapped me on my shoulder. I looked towards her as she pointed her hoof in a direction and I just walked. They didn't follow with the stallions shaking the heads when the mares wanted to follow along. Whether they knew what was going to happen or didn't want to interfere who could truly say.

As I walked it was eerily silent between the two of us. She sobbed just as silently peering into the Crystal Heart running her hoof over it. The few times she looked up to me she tried to put a smile on her face but couldn't. I nodded at her each time tryin to signify that she could take her time. Then she would signal which way to go with her hoof and return to staring into the heart once again.

Eventually I reached a section of the castle where two spires rested one on the ground and another on the ceiling that pointed towards each other. She pointed me at it and as I got closer I noted that the Crystal Heart was starting to shine.

“Here X… “ Concerto spoke though it was harsh and ragged. It was like she had lost all the liquid in her body. She needed water eventually but I complied with her request as I stood before the spire like pedestal. The gem was lifted in her magic and placed on the spire where t slowly started to spin.

The light once again pulsed off it enveloping the entirety of the Empire in its protective glow. She stared at the heart some more before turning it on my chest and keeping her gaze averted from everything else.

“This is how it is, isn't it? I'm gonna be queen or whatever title I decide on… what next?” Concerto whispered to me as I walked back to the others.

“I don't know. There's still things to find out. Corundum had a grand scheme and it required a lot of parts moving in this world. I'm certain even his death was planned. He wanted something besides revolution or even evolutionary superiority. He was doing something so out there no one could wrap their head around it.

As I stood at one of the pillars that supported that section of the castle I looked out at the city that magic had apparently restored. I mused slightly how similar this felt to the ending of the first game but instead of watching a falling island base explode I watched as ponies returned to a home that looked as though war hadn't ravaged it. If Corundum did have a plan then my fight wasn't over and he would do whatever it took to fully evolve past even the gods that already exist in this world.

Concerto looked up to me and saw the multitude of ponies return to the city. Her gaze hardened as she watched the horizon, my words probably on her mind by the look on her face. The fight was far from over.

Pain. Pain wracked her new body and tears appeared all over. By sheer luck she had managed to get out of the immediate blast zone of the light that escaped from the Crystal Empire.

Crystal Shears, new flesh suit to Goring Corundum, laid upon a cloud floating out of the city limits. Her skin was torn with crystal markings burned into her flesh.

“It was found… it was found, found, found!” She shrieked as she devolved into swearing and guttural inhuman noises. The shadows that had entered her body through the red crystals slowly mended the body leaving the scars behind.

“Can't follow up with my plans. Damn it, damn it, damn it all! X!” Corundum roared only to muffle her voice by biting her hoof.

Corundum had used the misery generated by the mutilated queen Mi Amore Rhapsody to eventually destroy the healing effect of the light had as part of his deal with those shadows hidden in the red crystal somewhere in that frozen wasteland.

And he had failed completely and miserably.

“X… X… X… you may have taken out my first body but I shall exist for all eternity until I have you begging at my heel for release. I will have my way. I will have my evolutionary leap and be grander than any other being in this universe! This I swear!” Corundum shouted to the heavens biting her hoof again to stifle her new found bout of maniacal behavior.

For now she set her sights on one of the other nations that had procured supplies from his trade. Crystal Golems weren't going to subsume all organic life on the planet by itself.

One week later…

“I suppose this is goodbye… “ I looked down to the tiny princess now queen.

Concerto didn't exactly place an intimidating figure but she still wore the crown well. Platinum stood next to her a calm smile with a large contingent of the Equestrian Guard left to make certain the Crystal Guard kept on the straight and narrow.

In the week following there had been only one uprising and that had been put down by me personally. The Guard in question, a mare by the name of Cinnamon Swirl, had been seduced by Liquid Diode to follow through with a plan to subvert to regular Guard to riot and allow for an assassin to eliminate any new ruler besides Corundum. She, unfortunately for her, had tried to do so on the Equestrian Guard and was promptly found out before she could actually go through with it. She had managed to injure the guard who found her out before I managed to shoot her, stunning her long enough to get irons around her hooves.

She had been tried for attempted war crimes though I wasn't sure if this was just an overreaction to deter any others who were swayed into this course of action. Alongside her Ruby Geode had also been extradited back to the Crystal Empire where he was also tried. I had almost forgotten that I was in a more primitive time… their sentence had been a beheading at the suggestion of Commander Hurricane.

Cinnamon Swirl had been first and she had blubbered and cried up until the axe made that first swing into her neck. I was certain the Executioner had pre sharpened their axe minutes before she was to be executed because it took one swing to cleanly lop her head off into the basket before her.

Ruby Geode wasn't quiet as well though for a different reason. He purposely and verbally attacked Concerto with the most unimaginable filth to spew from his mouth. I stepped in at that point and shot him in the jaw to paralyze his tongue from speaking. His head was lopped off as well in a single swing. I cremated them both afterwards so that no necromancer could revive their remains… because apparently that was a thing that could happen.

“Yes. Thank you X. You've given me back my home. A chance at life again.” Concerto sounded out though it was very obvious that she didn't want to act so proper. I knelt down to meet her eye to eye as she looked at me with a smile she tried to force through her tearful expression.

“Why wouldn't I? You're gonna be fine leading this place okay. If you need help just have whomever send a letter back to the Equestrian province and I'll come back even quicker than you could imagine. You did hide that thing of mine I gave you right?” I asked as she slowly nodded. The teleportation unit I gave her she had placed at the top of the tower on the castle within the crystal pedestal.

“Yeah. I made sure no one could get it either so you can come back whenever.” Concerto answered as she dried her eyes again foregoing manners and wiping them on the sleeves of her new dress.

“No crying. You know I can come back easily.” I answered though for some reason she looked at me with a sad smile.

“You… you… you should head out. You got to find out whatever Corundum was doing before he died. I wish you luck.” Concerto sounded out… as if she had rehearsed that line for ages.

“... yeah. I'll handle it.” I finished off as I joined the Pillars, Hurricane, Puddinghead and the large contingent of guards still under their command as we made marching orders back to Equestria proper.

“You didn't want him to stay?” Platinum spoke up as the guards gave them a wide enough berth to speak privately.

“Yes… but I thought a lot about it. We aren't safe. He has to go out there and do something to make certain that we are. I want him to stay… but I need him to go. That way… that way I can be stronger on my own now… with a little help from you.” Concerto managed to get out as she kept herself from falling back into sobbing.

“It's fine dear. Nopony here to see your tears but you and me.” Platinum wrapped her in a hug.

“And mother too.” Concerto pointed towards the Crystal Heart which spun around a bit faster. It was as if somepony else was watching over them.

“Of course dear. Her as well.” Platinum merely nodded.

The sun rose over the Crystal Empire and the shining metropolis once again towered over the frozen north revealing a small oasis for the weary to know peace once again. The monsters were vanquished and the landscape was once again serene.

Discord looked over his table and the newest victim at the table. He eyed the duplicitous looking mare and noted how disgusting it was that Corundum found a way back to the table.

Each construct represented something different and while X was the winner of that showdown, his opponent decided to ante up. Queen Chrysalis, Pony of Shadows, and Goring Corundum… three extra figures trying to make a name for themselves. Discord slowly cracked his talons and paws, then did so again for his hoof, claw and tail. He had planted the plunder seeds already but those would take ages to fully do anything as he pulled out a new hand.

The Chrysalis construct held only changelings and that weird throne in her hand giving her little to play with at the moment. Pony of Shadows also had a poor hand of a surprise and shadow magic. Corundum had a ten card stud of each race aside from ponies and dragons.

Discord scowled but mitigated it by deciding right then and there that the little upstart needed to be dealt a lesson on trying to cheat at his table. He slowly placed his personal card of him posing so elegantly in his hand over to X. Cheaters needed to be dealt with because not even death would be satisfied. And besides, Discord was playing as the house.

And house always wins…

Author's Note:

This took a while. So yeah, this is the official end of the Crystal Empire saga. I needed to close off some plot points including the appearance of the Crystal Heart which I hadn't mentioned at all and no one called me out on throughout this story.

The comments are going to ask me about Flint and Diamond later anyways and all I'll say is next chapter so there. Preemptively stopping your question from being asked before you ask.

So reading this chapter you notice a bit of a finality to it right? Like I could end Replicated Wanderer there and make like another story where X or Warren deal with another race with ponies as well. I'm not gonna do that though. This will be a continuing story and not split into different stories where you have to click to find the sequel or something. I'd rather keep it contained so it's not difficult to find. It's all in one story.

So big question... which race goes next. Dragons are last to deal with mind you but I'd like to hear what you want me to detail next. We got Deers, Thestrals or Strigoi as one author mentioned to me, Buffalo, Yak, Diamond Dog, Zebras, Changelings, Minotaurs and Hippogriffs

Changelings aren't part of the voting. For now. They'll be added later in the next poll.