• Published 21st Oct 2017
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Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XXIX. Reestablish (unedited)

What had been a tense trek through the forest soon spiraled into a fight for our lives as more thestrals popped out of the trees. Each sported the same crystalline look though each had different patches where the crystal was affecting them. Flint remained behind me as I used Goo Shaver at the last second to hit whomever got too close.

Goo Shaver was one of the weirder weapons on the X canon. It was technically an ice weapon that trailed along the ground. The only reason I had hit anything was solely due to how many of the mindless monsters flying around us decided a suicidal charge was their best course of action. When Goo Shaver touched even one of them they froze similar to how Volt Kraken would when hit with it. Unfortunately momentum was a bitch and wound up causing them to fall and shatter when they hit the ground… most of the time.

“Uh… X? One of these ponies that froze is getting back up!” Flint informed me while Stand swung the lance knocking aside another cadre of thestrals flying in.

“What!?” I actually yelled out as I turned to what he was looking at.

Sure enough, one of the frozen thestrals had managed to hit grass and merely leave a crevasse where he skidded to a stop. The thestral had a pale light grey coat that had red crystal patches jutting out at awkward positions. No blood seeped out of the wound though making it difficult to discern flesh from stone at that point. It almost looked like it naturally grew within him. I didn't ponder more than that as he charged at me.

I didn't fire my buster… a part of me wanted to try to help them. A part of me which knew that if they had been so wholly corrupted by one of Corundum’s experiments couldn't be saved. Magic was powerful but if the heart and brain were gone the body would perish shortly after. Even the tangibility of a soul would be hard pressed to want to stay alive when their faces clearly showed the last moments of their anguish clear as day.

My fist connected with the thestral guard, lost to his madness and trapped within his own body, sending him flying back. There was a sickening crack as I had forgotten to hold back. It had turned out to be… a blessing in disguise. The neck cracked back leaving the head hanging at an awkward angle.

That didn't stop the body from continuing to move. The lack of coordination was overcome by sheer desperation to fight. A charged shot was all that was needed to finish it as I switched my power limiter lower. I couldn't save them at this point. Diamond Shard was an exception due to the faulty nature of those experiments. The ones here were fully enthralled and more than likely had their souls gouged out or suppressed just to make this moment worse. I didn't know who it would be worse for though, the ones that transformed or the ones who would have to try to put the transformed down.

Another trio lunged from the canopy which was intercepted by Stand who had gotten a small boost using a tree as a launch pad. The lance pierced through the first almost to the hilt. The second got stuck on the tip and the last was flung clear off course from being hit with his fellow guard. The fully impaled one, even fully trapped on the lance, flailed about trying to smack Stand with one of their crystal hooves.

“Faust… these things still fight!” Stand shouted as he smacked the two stuck to the lance against a tree until they stopped moving.

“We need to move. Get ready I'm going to act like a spear.” I ordered as Stand and Flint took position behind me.

Pulling out Storm Tornado I readied my buster as another squad came out of the darkness. As they reached a few inches before me I fired slightly up and dashed forward. Flint was supported by Stand as they ambled after me. It took a bit of finesse to time the shots right but we managed to rush through the forest in the direction of the city.

‘Harpuia… when can you finish those biometal copies?’ I mentally asked as we sped past another set of guards. At most there had been twenty so far that had tried to attack us on sight.

“Complete. I've finished a copy of my biometal and Fefnir’s as well. Nana requires more testing though and we don't have anyone that we can closely match at this point. We are pushing what we can do at this point with these two candidates and have mitigated any problems that come from the biodiversity of this world to fit our criteria. As it is we shall have them ready when you deem it necessary Master X.” Harpuia informed me making certain to quickly scroll through some info packets in my head.

It was certainly faster than reading over it even if it felt impersonal. It was a better match when two more thestrals armed with wing blades made their move. I held my hand out grabbing the blades and snapping them in two before tossing the corrupted thestrals off to the side. Flint was actually taken aback at how close the blades had come to slicing his eyes out. He showed some discomfort but made no comment as he adjusted his position and kept following after me. Stand kept up as the rear guard if only because the ones that I took down didn't always stay down.

While I knew it was rude to leave him to clean up, he actually didn't seem to mind. The small pyro explosions that came when the tip of the lance hit crystal seemed to light up his face. Every time I looked back to him… I would see an pony who really didn't want to be in this position. Still, he gritted his teeth and held strong.

Another gust of Storm Tornado knocked the advancing guard back as we finally reached the outer grove of the city. From reports of certain ponies, this was called Hollow Shades. A small forested community hidden deep in shadows for thestrals and the restoration of the former Hollow Shades that existed a few weeks or months ago. Apparently sirens had attacked and nearly driven the town to madness and just now they had gotten the refugees to other towns within the Principality.

As we reached the wrought iron gate that seemed to surround the town a large thestral stallion stepped out from the gate. He was large… much larger than any other pony I had seen. Red Crystals adorned his body in intricate patterns and shadows swirled around his eyes and mouth ebbing out of his jaw as he breathed. His body was nearly entirely crystal but they didn't fully remove everything organic. It was his eyes I noticed that still managed to keep some semblance of sanity though it flickered and faltered every blink. Whomever this pony was… they were still conscious of everything that was occurring to him. The wings on his body idly twitched while he stared me down.

The thestrals that had followed after us surrounded us fully; each a gross abomination to look at. Flint backed up against me while Stand did the same keeping our eyes on which enemies we could see. Then they started to speak…

“X, X, X have you gone and gotten someone new to fight. You should never count me out so easily.” Each voice spoke with the same vigor and candor as the last blending into a cacophony of sadistic glee. “That which is Corundum can never be broken!”

Crystal Shears kept hidden near the church belfry where the four ponies she had locked up were kept. It was an easy location to use as she whipped out the severed unicorn horns she had kept as focusing wands. While she wasn't a unicorn, she had learned enough magic to use the horns with gems attached to power magic he had created. Corundum’s mind swelled as the magic took hold connecting him with all the fallen who had crystals shoved into their bodies.

It wasn't a decent number but it was enough. All he needed was one body to survive… hopefully Arum’s. It didn't matter which body managed to get back though Arum’s was the best pick.

The magic took hold as several sigils and runes appeared around Shears’ body. His mind reached out connecting with the other bodies sending them what he was thinking, what he wanted, and what he wanted them to do at that moment. He could see through their eyes, feel beneath their hooves and hear the voices of rebellion coming.

Corundum’s smirk grew until it was plastered on every body that held a crystal within it. The souls that resisted sank into shadows and were viciously torn to shreds before being devoured by Corundum’s own corrupted soul.

Crystal Shears was gone. Arum was gone. Only Corundum was left and everything was his.

‘Get the things ready.’ I commanded Harpuia to get the biometal copies ready to deploy.

“Roger that Master X. Ready for launch.” Harpuia informed me as a small panel started to open up on my back.

It was a strange sensation but I ignored it to keep my eye on the largest thestral I could see. He was easily as big as Rockhoof who was already one of the largest ponies I had ever met. He seemed to eye me in particular… just as Corundum had done when he had first seen me. A look every single one of the thestrals copied and flaunted at me, their unbridled joy when looking at me. If I had a bone spine still I would probably be feeling shivers down it.

“Ready Master X. Biometal shall be deployed now.” Harpuia announced and two small containers shot out attaching themselves to Stand, the green copy module, and to Flint, the red copy module. “Preliminary tests show that the modules will last for one day before the modules will revert back into energy forms. Regardless of where they go they will always return to you sir.”

‘I see… thanks for the hard work from all of you.’ I thought as Flint and Stand both yelped in surprise.

“What in Tartarus is this!?” Flint growled as the module kept tightly connected to his back.

“Ah… sensitive back! Sensitive back!” Stand complained as his wings were flapping almost crazily.

“Oh X! Such a wonderful body. When I waste all your energy I'll make sure to savor it for all eternity. Yours truly will know perfection and godhood when I have your body!” Corundum spoke from every single body echoing a cacophony of eerily yandere vibes.

“Sorry you two. No time for big explanations but you've been drafted into the Maverick Hunters. Welcome to the organization. There would be more lavish welcomings but now’s the time for your first big mission. I take care of these peons… you go get back what was taken.” I calmly informed my new compatriots. “To activate those things on your back just state Megamerge and then you'll understand what you need to do.”

They both peered dubiously at me even while they tried to remove the modules from their back. I didn't have time to scold them from doing that but the largest pony started to flap his wings as did the others though at a much slower rate.

“Interesting! Interesting! You're so interesting X! Also Flint… I'm so disappointed. Not only did you betray me but you also took my coveted spot next to X! Unforgivable! Unforgivable! When I have X’s body I'll make sure to turn her into my little hoof puppet. Who knows how much she'll scream after I'm done with her! Heh heh heh hah hah hah hah!” The cacophonous roar of laughter that reverberated through the skies rang through my compatriots ears… and their want of taking the modules off their back eroded.

“That won't happen you vile excuse of a pony…” Stand growled out while Flint was more… explicit about the incident.

“When I find you I'll rip your eyes out and feed you them Corundum!” Flint roared out as his eyes turned to pinpricks glowing a near horrifying shade of red.

“Megamerge!” Both ponies yelled out as a sphere of light surrounded the two of them. I merely smiled now that I had more reliable allies on my side. Hurricane, so far, had proven to be one of the most capable of allies with the Pillars being a close second. Now I had something more tangible in the long run.

As the light faded two armor clad figures stepped out of the light. Flint was now wearing a red heavy armor set that seemed to encase him like a fortress. Two swiveling turrets were on his back resembling the cannons Sodom and Gomorrah that Fefnir wielded. Spiked pauldrons complimented both shoulders while the turrets resembled the maws of dragons. A small flame was lit around each nozzle.

Stand was still flying but no longer using his wings. A green armor cradled his body and his wings were rigidly held by two engines spewing plasma from their constant propulsion. The spear he had wielded now had a plasma tip and vibrated in his grip. From what I remembered Harpuia had held onto sonic blades, though he left them unnamed. He was floated there in midair glaring down the thestrals who all seemed to be left in awe… which meant Corundum was very interested.

“So assholes… who wants to go first?” Flint growled out as his first step nearly sent a small tremor out. From the look on his face he wasn't expecting the very ground to shake from impact even if it was merely kept to a small epicenter.

“Hey! What did I say? Go get what we came for I'll handle the bastards here!” I ordered stopping both of them from just charging in.

“But…? Wait… right, got it X. Flint c’mon let's get going.” Stand shoved Flint to the side though the thestrals seemed unwilling to cooperate.

“What makes you think you'll get to - agh!” Corundum screamed as I dashed forward and released Electric Spark while they were entranced by the armor that my compatriots wore.

“Go!” I ordered as Flint rushed past, his fatigue forgotten, the heavy steps of his armor clanging past. Stand was close behind rushing into the city making a small sonic boom from his speed. Luckily, the cyber elves of Harpuia and Fefnir were guiding the armor and controlling the systems. Both of them weren't fully within that circle of trust yet but depending on how they did they would more than likely come into that circle.

“Get them!” Corundum roared as a small contingent of thestrals attempted to follow. I fired a couple of buster shots knocking them out of the sky with a few precise shots to their wings. Not all of them managed to line up though.

“Tch… good enough. Now… Corundum, what made you think I would have let you get away?” I scowled at the largest body.

“Guh… no matter. The ones I sent will mutate enough to deal with the rabble. Now onto more pressing matters X. Like the fact you will be giving your body over to me tonight.” Corundum chuckled and the entire procession still left followed suit. It was a melodious song of cruelty in some sense. Though few of the bodies had eyes anymore to show how much they were going to enjoy beating me into submission. Fat chance of that happening but I was prepared. I needed to keep most of my weapon usage in check since the city was so close. That meant not using the fire based ones or Storm Tornado.

“Are you sure? I'm pretty sure this is the part where I destroy any body you try to use.” I countered as I noted that several of the thestrals were starting to flap their wings. The sound of rock ripping flesh and something popping caught my attention.

“Good. Incubation has finished. Now allow me to establish something to you X. I am Goring Corundum. I am the alpha and the omega of this world. Evolution will be based on my choices and my vision. You will be a part of it or you shall be buried by history. All is my decision and nopony else's.” Corundum announced gloating slightly if his tone was anything to go by. The few thestrals I did see without turning my head were now nearly fully crystal constructs… only their bones and organs were visible within the crystalline fragments. The ones kept everything in frame and the only skin left was on their wings and the few that kept their eyes.

“And I will say only this Corundum. History will never be written by you. When I finish with you you'll not even be a footnote to this history.” I stated raising my buster as the large thestral.

With those words the thestrals rose as one and dove straight for me as I charged up Wing Spiral.

Flint rushed through the streets while Stand kept watch from above. A small bit of static rang in their ears causing them to try and flap them down to cover them. They couldn't.

“What the Tartarus…” Flint groaned.

“Agh… my ear…” Stand growled and the moment clicked as they could hear each other.

“Wait… I can hear you… from up there?” Flint breathed out looking up for the green dot he now associated with Stand.

“And I from down there… yes useful. So where should we look then? It's not like we have ever been in this town before and we can't spend too much time trying to find somepony who knows the area.” Stand spoke down to Flint.

“Why's that?” Flint’s disbelief painted his words.

Instead of getting answered Stand was knocked out of the air barreling straight for the ground. Three thestrals had locked onto his body which Flint could only see as two more tackled him down. Had he not been wearing his armor Flint would have broken his body… again.

The thestrals were outfitted with several tumors… made of crystals that pulsed and throbbed within their bodies. Flint managed to will the turrets on his back to swivel in place and fire releasing a torrent of flames out. The thestrals let out a high pitched screech, the remnants of their equinity, before letting go of him. Thrashing about they flung the burnt pieces of flesh off their crystalline bodies leaving only small smoldering patches behind.

“C’mon you ugly buckers! I got plenty to fight you with now!” Flint screamed as the thestrals got back off the ground.

Their bodies were still smoldering piles as they charged in forcing Flint to get of the defensive. They slithered along the ground keeping low as crystal protrusions started to grow out of their shoulder. They sharpened and serrated until they turned into wicked looking blades.

Flint was uncertain what to do. He had this armor on but all he could figure out was that the turrets were mentally controlled. X had thrown them into something without even explaining anything to him.

He lifted his front hooves which were now glowing with green energy and slammed them down on the closest crystal thestral. The energy exploded from his hooves releasing a shockwave across the thestral’s body breaking it into shards with a single blow. The other two took to the air after that forcing Flint to kee to cover as they circled him.

The turrets upon his back began to auto track the targets firing at them. Sodom and Gomorrah, unfortunately, were not quick firing weapons forcing a stalemate between the two.

Stand spun around flailing his limbs as the thestrals that had caught him kept trying to crash him. He got lucky enough to knock the one trying to hold onto his wings off allowing them to fully extend. The full range of motion back the wings took on a purple sheen similar to what had happened to the lance.

A quick flap sent a wave of energy out of the sonic blades his wings were generating lopping off a couple limbs. The three thestrals were ghastly looking before with several crystal tumors but now that he could see where he cut through it was much worse. Crystal filaments that managed to evade the blows were keeping the tendons of flesh from fully ripping off and leaving them.

“Guh… gross. What in Tartarus are you things!?” Stand groaned out as the crystal thestrals began ripping off the last of the severed tendons before fashioning their limbs into clubs. Large crystal spike tipped clubs were now held in their hooves.

Stand sighed as he pulled out his lance and readied himself. Charging forward, Stand thrust Hurricane’s spear forward sending a sonic wave forward and knocking several of the thestrals down into spiraling turmoil. They didn't take long to continue flapping their misshapen wings back up to their fighting height. Stand felt his teeth gritting as the thestrals actually got faster after that attack had knocked off some of their weight from their body.

“Even now you continue to be monsters… “ Stand growled out clearly unhappy with the current state of affairs.

The thestrals started to rip off the remaining flesh and with deft precision managed to pile together their crystal bodies into a larger… more visceral looking creature floating through the air. The wings of the creature were made of the remaining flesh that had been ripped off and by some chance it managed to still hold onto the body and fly with it.

Stand charged forward lance drawn as the two figures met in the air. The sonic boom from the lance meeting crystal only shattered a single layer while the creature knocked him away before it could do more than that.

They met each other’s gaze, one of determination and disgust while the other was hollow and dead inside, and thrust forward ready for their weapons to meet once again.

The shockwaves had gotten worse and Sacred Glade was getting worried. The impacts being caused from whatever was going on had reached her home causing things to get worse. She had completely abandoned her crawlspace and worked into the living room using the furniture to create barricades around the entrances.

“Oh Faust… oh Faust… please don't be near here. Please don't be near here…” Glade took a careful glance out the crack of the window only to see a red armored pony fighting three of the crystal golems that had appeared. “Oh Faust they're here.”

Glade swept up a small satchel if only for the comfort it brought. The most cherished things she had kept within. It would be a miracle if the fight wasn't dragged to her home.

A large explosion rocked the house forcing Glade to dive into the kitchen for cover. Flint stood up from the pile of debris he was under facing his assailants again. The one he shattered had been incorporated into the other two leaving them hulking masses of crystal and smoldering flesh.

Glade screamed gaining Flint’s attention. That gave the two crystal thestral golems enough of an opening to charge forward. The auto cannons caught their movement and blasted them with rapid fireballs while Flint merely stared at the thestral mare.

“Why haven't you run yet!?” Flint yelled as the sounds of broken crystal caught his attention.

“Huh?” Glade answered slightly dumbfounded at the situation.

“Run! Damn it all! Run!” Flint yelled as the crystal thestral golems rushed past the flames charging into Flint.

Sacred Glade rushed back as the crystal golems pushed Flint back into the debris only for a large shockwave of green energy knocked them back outside the building.

“Are you okay?” Glade rushed through the debris trying her best to get Flint back onto his hooves.

“Why. Haven't. You. Run. Yet!? Get out of here before they target you.” Flint stumbled back to his hooves as the crystal golems got back to theirs.

“Where? Sticking by you means I live longer.” Glade answered looking down at the floor.

“Suit yourself.” Flint dismissed as he pushed Glade behind him and stepped forward. It was taking too long and Diamond Shard was in trouble. While he didn't have time to play hero… he wasn't going to give X the satisfaction of knowing he left the civilians to their fate.

The golems charged. It was time to fight.

Author's Note:

Took a while but I finally finished. Got distracted by farming in Fate Grand Order. Sorry bout that lol.