• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,005 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XXVII. Revulsion (unedited)

A day. That was how long it had taken for us to race out towards what the ponies called the Foal Mountains where the new Hollow Shade was located. The original town had been abandoned after an incident with three dangerous sirens who tried to drain the town of their emotions and allow anger to spread around for their food.

Unfortunately from whatever small details I was able to glean from Starswirl’s private books there was little about why it was now a thestral town. Several asides he made in the margin had been about how ponies came out of the area exhausted and seemingly drained. At first the notion of vampires was thrown around but stupidity was stomped out first since there were no puncture wounds. The ponies merely muttered about dealing with the Wild Hunt. There were no details though.

“X have you finished giving him that medicine?” Stand called out to my wayward mind.

“Hm? Oh, yeah he's already taken it.” I quickly answered as I looked over Flint. He had tried to chug the bottle again only to find my grip far too tough to break. He relented when I joked about pulling out my buster to pacify him. It did make me realize that I was reliant on my buster for a lot of negotiations. Not exactly very X like yet I still held that somethings were necessary.

“Hate… you… all… “ Flint wheezed out as he coughed through the last spoonfuls of the potion. He still needed to do one more day of this.

“Love you too good buddy.” I quipped back keeping my sarcastic tone from breaking my inflection. He scowled heavily at me.

“You're mocking me.” Flint managed to state before breaking into a cough.

“Only because you give him openings.” Stand chuckled before returning to his guard like stance. He was very unprofessional which I did appreciate if only because the journey had been of me dashing with Flint sling underneath my arm while Stand flew and kept up with my tireless movements. We didn't have much time for banter with how far ahead the thestrals had gotten while I had interrogated the prisoners.

“Buck… you… “ Flint wheezed as he grimaced and clenched his jaw. The potion was doing its job albeit slowly.

All in all we had managed to reach the edge of the Foal Mountains within a decent amount of time. The problem was actually ascending it in time. None of us actually knew what their plans were for Luna and the others. This Countess Primrose seemed to be going along with a strange thought process since she kidnapped Luna specifically. Diamond Shard as well since they passed by Flint who was a unicorn.

“So… since Flint will be out for a bit… “ I looked down at Flint who had passed out from all the minute changes the potion was doing to him. “Tell me why they went after Clover. There were plenty of unicorns around to get. Why him in particular?”

“Hm… that's something nopony really figured out. During the siege there were several break points in the castle but none as destructive as the front door. We now know it was a diversion but most of our forces were diverted to the loudest sound. Hindsight, am I right?” Stand sighed as he finally landed near the fire pit I had erected for the night.

“Still doesn't answer the question though… or even address it.” I brought up keeping my unblinking stare at him.

“I was getting to it. Keep your armor on.” Stand corrected himself a bit to get comfortable before he began again. “From what I was told he fought back the hardest against the invaders knocking several through stone pillars just to make a point. Unfortunately, like most hornheads he used up his magic too heavily within the first couple minutes of combat. They overwhelmed him with sheer physical force and he was carried off into the darkness. I think he was chosen just because of how much magic he showed off.”

“Well, at least I know Star Swirl’s apprentice can fight.” I muttered a silent prayer because only three beings waltzing into a heavily fortified base was asking for trouble. Even if I seemed indestructible I wasn't invincible by any stretch of the imagination. The fight against Corundum nearly had drained my batteries and those six weirdos in the snow tested my resourcefulness to its limit.

“Uh… not to burst your bubble but… he's not really good at it. His magic reserves made him good for big attacks but he lacks control. It's the reason he usually remains as a figurehead whenever Princess Platinum isn't around.” Stand admitted breaking any illusion I had that we could have a better fighting force. It didn't detract his usefulness… it just made him more situational. It was something dangerous to think of at the moment.

“Well… there goes one plan out the window for now until I get to know Clover better.” I sighed this time. Nana and the others had been quiet. They slowly went over data and quietly in the back of my mind talk me through going through my interrogation tactics. They were very forceful and full of desperation which was something that they tried to attribute to that weird glitch that occurred after my deal with Discord. I believed that to be an excuse but I never vocalized or mentally admitted it. The AI in my head would offer me platitudes and try to assure me that I had no choice in the matter. The ponies would probably be fearful and chide me for going so far as I did.

Still we had a direction and time and that was better than nothing.

The sun slowly rose over the horizon as the group of thestrals flew down lower hiding beneath the canopies of the ever increasing forest. Their prisoners were jostled by the sudden descent but none could actually voice their discomfort with the gags in their mouths. They also couldn't magic their way out with the dampening rings surrounding their horns.

Luna glared at what we're supposed to be true patrons of the night. Like her they praised the night and held it in such revelry. This… this was nothing like she thought those who loved the night would act like. It was the one in the lead… this Countess that kept barking orders to the pack. Biting back her frustration Luna looked back at the others who had been taken with her.

The small white coated filly with the blond mane was unconscious with a small dampener ring on her horn. She looked terribly thin but she hadn't been told anything about who she was. If she had the chance she was going to find out who she was with a certain gusto.

The other was a familiar stallion who she merely leveled a half lidded stare… of sheer annoyance. Clover had always been pompous flashiness rolled up in the role of an apprentice. Luna rolled her eyes and thought up the reason he had been caught and nearly snickered at her imagination. He probably blew his load too early and wound up too tired to fight back. Though as much as she made fun of him she was still worried. He was powerful enough to handle problems and had even managed to teach Platinum some spells which was a herculean feat in of itself.

Luna finally took a look around her surroundings. The dense forest hid everything from the light above except to her eyesight. She had been slowly getting better night vision as she came into her cutie mark which was a moon against a night sky. Clearly she had lucked out in this particular situation.

There were deep stone paths carved into the forest floor of differing dark colors offset by several large bioluminescent fungi covering key trees along the path. Houses were erected on the trees carving out small sections to better accommodate several thestrals. The sloped roofs and several belfries littering the town seemed to fit well in the darkness while the same fungi that littered the path were also placed in small pots and grown out to light up the buildings. A thin mist rolled along the ground sifting through cast iron gates and small waterways around the area.

“Get these ponies over to the Church of Blutvergießen we shall need to make preparations in three days.” Countess Primrose called out as her eyes locked with Luna’s. They wavered between a soft apricot color to a deep red that seemed to coincide with a strange glow on her wing tips. Several red gems were attached at intermittent points but they seemed… weaker. “I shall make sure I have all the preparations ready.”

Arum snorted and the entire cloud turned toward a large fortified church off at the edge of the town. It was a large stone building with fortified walls of oak and iron surrounding it. The notable thing of it were the three spires that fit the northern, eastern and western corners of the building that pierced the canopy allowing a little light from above to peek through. At first glance it almost seemed holy and a sanctuary for the weary. Luna felt dread as they got closer and an overwhelming pressure danced along her spine and clenched at her heart. She didn't want to go but she couldn't move without alerting the guards. Steeling her nerves, she started to formulate a plan the moment she knew what was going on.

With three days, she needed every second possible.

At first light I immediately called in my Falcon Armor. I needed its flight capabilities to keep heading up into the mountains and over it without wasting too much time. Stand had pulled out a few pieces of gear for the weather that could possibly stop us though I declined. The scarf Concerto had given me was very frayed and torn so I had opted to leave it with Star Swirl. He admitted that he would repair it as soon as possible though that was before the assault on the fortress occurred.

Before we left I switched over to Fire Wave and melted a large hole into the mountains. I needed to be thorough since I was over five feet and larger than any other pony. I didn't know how big other races were either but I took no chances and made a seven foot hole. I managed to get about twenty feet in before running out of ammo and in the sunlight I wasn't going to be able to use it again for a while. I pulled out one of my teleportation units and with a swift crack of my hand I made a small indent and placed the unit behind.

Eventually I was going to need a place to figure some things out and in no small part hide anything I create. At the very least a storage place until I decided where to place a true research center. The only problem was materials which I would need to transport myself at a later date.

“X! We need to go! What are you doing!?” Stand called out flapping idly while Flint held against the stone wall keeping himself steady. I would have to give him his potion later that day so I was determined to get him over the mountain in one go.

“Picking a good spot!” I answered back as I dashed out of the hole to their curious looks which I waved off. “Don't worry about it. Now let's get over this thing in one go.”

“We’re getting over this in a day? Don't make me laugh. Even at their best it takes a pegasi at least eighteen hours to make it over the entirety of the range.” Flint growled out completely unenthused at the very idea of climbing the mountain. “What makes you think you can climb it so fast?”

“Confidence? I just believe I can and it isn't as tall as Mount Canter. We just rush up and get over without breaking a sweat… plus I don't sleep so I'll just carry the two of you if you get tired.” I glibly mentioned almost as if it was a fact.

“Hey… I didn't agree to be luggage.” Stand argued flexing his wings to show off. “I got wings so I can carry myself.”

“Yeah you're a real powerhouse there.” Flint deadpanned. “Seeing as this might take a while I bet he'll be carrying you soon enough.”

“Oh shut up you jerk.” Stand warned the haughty unicorn.

“Make me featherhead.” Flint answered back forcing himself to stand on his own four hooves.

“I'm gonna shoot you both if you start getting into a fight and I will carry you in the most humiliating way possible if this goes as I think it will go.” I growled out holding two fingers against my eyes. I was frustrated but I didn't exactly feel the emotion after my body started to regulate everything again. In truth I was just… going through the motions.

Both gave me an indignant glare. Both noticed what the other did. Both wretched at the thought of thinking in similar matters and kept quiet as I slung Flint underneath my arm and jumped to the mountain wall. Stand followed closely after me as I kept pushing myself up the rock wall at a steady pace. I needed to make certain that the lift up wasn't too jarring to Flint.

“Yeah… go break that sound barrier… woo… “ Flint deadpanned as he rolled his eyes. Clearly he was fine… which meant it was fine to introduce my dashing and flight capabilities.

I jumped a bit higher as I activated the Falcon armor and flew straight up overtaking Stand for a few seconds before needing to touch down once again. As soon as my feet hit the wall I dash jumped as fast as I could.

“Oh this is much worse… “ Flint muttered as I kept up with my regiment of dash jumping up supplemented with small periods of flight.

“Place them in here. Keep a guard going every hour on the hour. If they try to escape through the more… extreme methods, let them. It'll be easier on us for later.” Arum growled out as all the thestrals who had carried in the prisoners saluted him.

The three were left within a large room with a simple table in the center of the room. The surface was made of stone with strange symbols carved into it including the cycles of the moon. They were given an extreme amount of detail and seemingly had silver smelted into the cracks.

Luna, Clover and Diamond had their gags removed but only Luna was still aware. The guards left them somewhat tied up to give them enough movement to waddle around but not enough to escape. The guards soon left the room locking it behind them allowing her a small respite from the indignation.

“Ugh… master I don't want to train today… “ Clover groaned as he managed to stumble back up to his hooves… albeit very limited. Diamond Shard pushed herself up as well though she didn't make a peep and merely peered around through the haze.

“Wake up lazy flank… Star Swirl isn't here right now.” Luna announced as she stared at the large table in the center of their room.

“Huh? Oh, Lady Luna. What are you doing in this wing of the fortress?” Clover yawned only to notice his hoof not lift any higher. Finally opening his eyes, he started to breathe heavily and more harshly. “Where are we!”

Luna immediately stuffed her hoof down in his mouth to keep him from screaming any further than he could. It was difficult to do since her forehooves were linked together. Diamond Shard perked her ears up listening for any hooves though heard nothing but the reverberating echoes of Clover’s scream still traveling through the room.

“Clover… you are a valued subject and a strong unicorn but if you scream again I shall be forced to use the ancient art of alicorn discipline.” Luna stated almost jovially as she let her hoof back to the ground.

“Uh… what is that exactly?” Clover gulped as he thought about what it meant. He quickly decided he didn't want to know the answer.

“I shall crush thy head like a walnut with my bare hooves. It shall be quick and painless. Possibly. Probably. Honestly I am unsure if it would be but since none of our subjects complained it was probably fine.” Luna light brushed off her uncertainty placing her full confidence forward.

“But they're all dead.” Clover pointed out sweating up a storm as he let his imagination work a little too well.

“See. My system doth work wonders. Surely there will be no jest from this resolve.” Luna slightly giggled regardless of the situation. Clover face hoofed within seconds and Diamond Shard raised an eyebrow, whether from intrigue or confusion, was hard to tell with the silent filly. “Now we must tarry not for there is evil ahoof.”

“Ugh… yes Princess Luna. What is the problem other than that we were kidnapped by thestrals.” Clover groaned.

“Religious thestrals.” Luna clarified.

“Fine. Religious thestrals then. Wait… “ Clover stopped and finally took in the room. The bioluminescent mushrooms that lit up the room showed off the large table with the silver moon engraving carved into it. Underneath the table were manacles meant to pull legs open. “Oh Faust… this is bad.”

“Then you see why we should tarry not. Child are you able to speak?” Luna quietly turned to Diamond Shard. She gave an apologetic shake which disheartened Luna slightly. “It is no problem. We shall work towards a solution for our predicament sooner rather than later.”

“I am worried about what that solution will be.” Clover admitted out loud to the gaze of Luna and Diamond. “Crap… that was out loud wasn't it?”

The glare from Luna could have melted through steel.

“Leave me.” Primrose ordered as her attached guard left her. She had wandered back to her manor after a long walk through the town. Something was nagging at her, this pressure beating upon a nerve within her mind.

It was a constant throbbing reminder that something was going on beyond her control. She traipsed up the stairs forgoing her wings in order to keep some semblance of balance. That constant beat in the back of her mind forced her forward over and over as she made to her bedroom. Falling to her mattress she bundled up and decided to ride out the pain.

“Seems like you've had a rough day.” A mare’s voice called out forcing Primrose back up.

“Shut up Shears. I don't want to hear your patronizing remarks right now.” Primrose shot back glaring at the crystal pegasus sitting at her small tea table. The glowing red crystals adorning her back and wings very obvious.

“Come now. We're friends here, are we not? I just came to see how you're doing since you've found those crystals.” Crystal Shears giggled as she sipped at her tea cup daintily placing back to the saucer as she stood up.

“Those crystals still won't activate to their full potential apparently until we do this stupid ritual. Why did I even need an alicorn!? It was a pain in the flank to capture her!” Primrose roared out forgetting her headache and looming in over the other mare.

“Easy. Easy! I told you that you need to do a little ritual and then chop off the unicorn horns and I can handle the rest from there. The alicorn will be useful to you especially after the ritual is complete.” Shears assured Primrose trotting over to place a placating wing over her shoulder. “I already told you how to get better right?”

“Yeah… you've already told me. I just have to get her to drink up then activate the crystals.” Primrose sighed as Shears slowly walked her back to the bed. “Why does my head hurt so much though?”

“Side effect of the crystals, remember? I told you after you had me captured that they give you slight migraines while you adjust to the magic.” Shears eased her back to sleep as a crooked grin appeared on her muzzle. Primrose was none the wiser.

As Primrose finally relaxed Shears returned to her tea and tried her best to hide her grin. Letting out a deep breath shadows poured out of her mouth flowing along the ground before entering the crystals that were on Primrose’s body entering them and energizing them up. Slowly the crystals embedded deeper into her body and the blood red light coursed through her veins.

For Crystal Shears it had taken a few days to find a useful pawn. From within Corundum looked over the new mare’s body… it annoyed him that he didn't have more variety to choose from. Body wise it was fine… but part of his soul wanted to be considered male at the very least. Still… those wings would be useful. Licking her chops she kept formulating her plan while the shadow kept corrupting Primrose’s body.

While Corundum couldn't corrupt Primrose’s mind fully he could enhance her emotions to manic levels. Already Primrose wanted to push thestrals into the limelight and gain the recognition, power even. Now with a little coaxing and corruption she would make a vessel he could be proud to fully violate eventually. Already the crystals were doing their job making Primrose volatile and overeager in proving their superiority. Another push and everything would go towards what he wanted.

All that he needed was a little more time and a few more bodies. He would make perfection just like X. A perfect golem body… all for him. Closing Shears mouth she watched Primrose writhe slightly from the sudden influx of magic as the red crystals glowed brighter. A little more time and a little more magic would make all the difference.

“See we made it to the top by noon. I told you it would be faster if I carried you.” I reprimanded Stand and Flint who were both slung underneath my arms. I had Hurricane’s lance attached to my back.

“Buck off.” Flint answered full of bravado and anger.

“I agree.” Stand sourly added clearly unhappy with his choice of words.

“Look… I told you before we climbed that if you started to fight I would paralyze both of you and carry you in the most humiliating way possible. Then I carried you both by your tails for a bit. So what have we learned from this?” I chided the two. We had reached a peak that allowed me to see a forest far off in the distance. It would take a full day even at my speeds to reach the strange building I could see poking out from the canopies.

“It was painful.” Stand hissed out.

“Well that's one thing. Anything else?” I flatly stated looking down at the pegasus

“You follow through on your word.” Flint wheezed out. The cold was affecting him a bit too much.

“Damn right I do. Now we’re gonna get to that city and we're going to do something heroic… most likely. I'm also seeing a lot of property damage and maybe fighting fanatical thestrals but overall we should be fine.” I quickly amended remembering that my fight against Corundum had broken several buildings.

“So… can I fly on my own now?” Stand questioned as he got feeling back in his hooves but not his wings.

“Can you fly?” I looked over at the young soldier.

“... no.” Stand reluctantly answered.

“Then you're stuck there like a bedroll until we get to that city. It's better that you stay close anyways. More likely than not the closer we get the more patrols we'll be dealing with.” I informed the two while Stand remained a bit off put by the comparison though he didn't argue. “Unfortunately I would just jump down from here to reach the ground but I think the sudden acceleration would kill you before I hit the ground. So time for some light parkour.”

“What in Tartarus is parkour!?” Flint yelled out as I started running for the edge of the cliff.

“Light running with acrobatic stunts intermixed into that. Lots of flips and death defying stunts!” I cried out as I leapt as far as I could put into the abyss.

Flint and Stand clung tightly to my sides as they noted that there was nothing for me to grab onto. For over a hundred feet we fell until I noted some spires nearby. Adjusting my feet I activated my air dash and kicked off the spire towards the next solid wall.

Kicking off that wall I switched into aerial mode with the Falcon Armor and flew towards a good flat spot. Letting the energy supply restore itself I charged off again jumping for more sharp outcroppings bounding off of them while the yelps of Stand and Flint broke the whistling of the winds.

We would reach the city as fast as I was capable of being. I just hoped that the two of them didn't lose it all over me before we made it. I'd rather not have another baptism of fire after the last time someone got sick over me.

“I think I'm gonna be sick…” Flint groaned out as I kicked off another spire.

“God damn it.” I growled out.

Author's Note:

So that German word Blutvergießen is from google translate but there were two ways to translate it.
It is the Church of Blood Letting.
Of course if you have it as bloodletting it actually translates differently to Aderlass.

To anybody who knows German is this fine? I'm not sure. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.