• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,005 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

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XXXI. Retry (unedited)

Luna kept bashing away furiously at the door keeping pace as the body of Countess Primrose pulsed and writhed from the magic slowly working its way through her body. Diamond Shard hid behind Clover making herself as small as possible. Clover attempted his best to find something useful for smacking enemies away… only to find a small rock about the size of baseball. It was also smooth… which meant it wasn’t going to do much against anything made of crystal.

“Door, door, door, door, door!” Clover and Diamond both muttered at the same pace getting higher pitched each time they mentioned the door.

“I am trying! Cease thy prattle and assist in pushing yonder door!” Luna cried out as the two ponies got on either side of her and began shoving against the door as much as their bodies could possibly exert. There were three very unfortunate problems to the plan though. The first was that one of them was but a foal still and incapable of pushing that heavy a burden. The second was that they were both unicorns, one who had forwent physical prowess for intellectualism, and the other the aforementioned foal. The final problem was that due to their blocked off magic the pair couldn’t actually do much to help their princess open a door.

The sound of ripping flesh and gurgling made them forget those limitations. The threat of dying forced them to work harder.

And still the door would not budge.

“So you’re saying that that witch kept them in a church basement?” Flint Shard mumbled as he slammed his still armored hoof against the double doors of the church. The two doors popped off their hinges falling to the ground.

“A-a-a-accurate assessment.” Sacred Glade answered to the best of her ability. It didn’t help that the mare was absolutely terrified with how strong these Equestrian forces actually were. It didn’t make sense though why a Crystal Unicorn and an Equestrian Pegasus were getting along so well.

“You know… I don’t think it was locked.” Second Stand chided his partner to the best of his ability. It didn’t help that the low doorway forced him to stop flying. He loved the hovering part of the armor and was a bit remiss not to enjoy it as thoroughly as he was capable of. Nopony knew when their powers would fade so he wanted to milk it for all it was worth.

“Makes my point though… cough cough… damn… still tired. Let’s get my sisters and the other two and get the buck out of here.” Flint coughed for the eighth time since they had managed to annihilate their enemies.

“Right… now, Sacred Glade, was it? Which way down?” Second questioned as the door made quick sweeps with their vision where the stairs down could be. The Church of Blutvergießen, or bloodshed, as it was more apt to be called finally fit their general consensus.

Outside had been tame for all the heads that had been impaled around. There was reason to the madness littering the outside. Neither of the pair actually agreed with it but they knew what they were meant for. It was just a disgusting and vile act of control against the populace that they couldn’t truly overlook. It was the contents of the inner sanctum that made them question what exactly was going on in this town.

Ritualistically sacrificed creatures adorned every way, flayed alive and mounted on the wall. Somehow the dried blood still looked a fresh crimson as it soaked into the very wood that made up the church in question. There were countless thestral bodies… the majority in fact… with the oddly mixed in regular pony or even griffon within the sickening architecture. Even the floors were soaked a deep red though that might have been the red velvet carpet. They weren’t sure at that point. Even Glade looked disturbed at being even one hoof inside the building.

“I think it’s… over behind the altar. Blegh… “ Glade got out before she ran off to a corner and threw up whatever she could. The two soldiers would have joined her had they not had stronger stomachs. The smell of death was nothing at this point to the two. Gulping down their lunch, Flint strode forward and threw the altar across the room into a wall. He was taken aback by what happened blinking sheepishly at his freakish strength.

“So… that happened…” Flint coughed out while Stand bemusedly stared. He didn’t say a word.

“What the buck!?” Glade called out. She had finished losing her lunch and now she had lost her marbles… maybe. She was still lost in shock over just how far the altar flew. “How!?”

“Trade secret. Anyways, we found the stairs. Time to go down.” Stand quickly diverted the conversation as the two rushed down into the catacombs. Sacred Glade, too afraid to look for safety or find any surviving thestrals, followed the pair into the depths.

Corundum’s newest flesh puppet slammed into me dragging me through the ground while I held back his artificial limbs from pummeling me. I could hear the very ground rip open below the soles of my feet to the point where we actually knocked aside two trees. I found purchase in my grip and knocked it down to the ground but the momentum sent me flying off to the side as well.

Every time I hit the golem my fist would bounce off. Whatever it was made of was something I didn’t think was possible unless magic was the cause at this point. I switched weapons at this point including making certain beyond a doubt that I was wearing the Light Armor. As mobile as the Falcon Armor was and as durable as the Gaea Armor was, the necessity of firepower made the Light Armor my go to for weapon charging. The limitation wasn’t always detrimental but as Corundum forced the body back to its hooves, cracking the legs in the process only to regenerate on the spot, made it a sticking point to have as heavy firepower as I could have.

“You know… it’s funny. You constantly surprise me over and over again. Changing. Evolving. Adapting. Ponies have no hope of ever reaching this level. None of them will ever know what it means. What it truly means to live here. Not even the other races know what it truly means. Living, Living, Living! I am truly living! I know what it means to live. To take. To kill for the sweet, sweet truth that exists before all our eyes. We need to change. We need to grow. We need to adapt. Magic can only take us so far. Science can only take us so far. But you… you… YOU… make that worry obsolete. Incomprehensible. Impossible.” Corundum roared out as the thestral body flew straight up held almost parallel against the light of the moon floating in the sky now.

I ignored the ramblings of a crazy fool. Maybe there was motive, reasoning, or something within those rambles but it was unimportant. At this point Corundum was collecting bodies. How many was unknown. For what purpose was unknown. All unknown and with his meandering into trying to blend things together made me realize something that I vehemently didn’t like the more he spoke.

Corundum no matter what seemed to be focused. He was focused completely on the idea of evolution. Evolution based completely on blending technology with spellwork of any kind. A legacy built on the backs of puppets and blood. Crystals and death hand in hand in order to push ahead his own agenda. Part of me wondered why he was so vehement on his view for the future to be entirely balanced. Daresay to be fair and wonderful to the continued progress of all beings that lived on this planet. There was only one problem that entirely took up my mind and kept Fefnir, Harpuia and Nana in complete agreement to oppose the plan.

Corundum was the one who was leading the charge.

It was clear that there was no love for the creatures of this world. The lab I found in the Crystal Castle was evident enough of how he felt for his fellow equine. It got even worse when I had seen the blood rituals that were performed to the late queen. I doubt the ritual even did anything and was only the sick twisted fetish of Geode.

“And it will never be realized by you.” I answered out coldly to Corundum’s sheer contempt.

“Your words are as unimportant as your consent in the manner. This is my world. You can boast your strength. Your skill. Your intelligence. And just like your words they are meaningless. A creature that is the combined might of magic and science. You shall become my body. My vessel. My weapon. My entire being all within you. That is your fate. That is your destiny. That is your lot in life.” Corundum growled out letting the crystals that made up its throat vibrate to allow the voice to get deeper… penetrating even.

“I don’t know what’s more full of shit. My treatment by Vicious Aegis or the slop coming out of whatever mouth you’re using right now. My answer to your constant talk of inevitability will never change. You can go to hell and take your ideals with you as well!” I screamed out as I released a charged shot I had held back on.

The ball of concentrated solar energy flew straight out as fast as light… since it was made of it. Impacting against the golem sent it spiraling out of the air only for it to regain position in the skies. I immediately dashed forward switching to Storm Tornado and preparing another charged shot.

Corundum dove down almost to the point of falling out of the sky. In its position it looked very similar to a missile finally losing its thrust. As the body flew closer down I released the tornado. As heavy as Corundum’s new body was, the tornado was still stronger than a regular one.

The winds of Storm Tornado were equivalent to an EF5 class tornado with wind speed reaching over two hundred per mile winds. The shearing speed allowed Corundum’s body to curve around me and into the ground plowing a large furrowed trench. Taking advantage of the small lull I switched over to Crescent Shot. While the small projectile would do little to the body, the charged shot would be much more useful.

Crescent Shot release a small moon shaped projectile which sliced through objects. I charged it up and dashed directly for Corundum while he rose up from the ground. Leaping forward I released the charge letting several rings of energy to swirl around me. They didn't need to do much. Corundum leapt at me as soon as he regained his bearings only to writhe from the sudden impact of energy from the Crescent Shot.

As he was knocked off course from the shock, I rolled over his back slicing the wings off at their connection. What I wasn't expecting was the spray of blood that followed the clean slice. The body Corundum was using was still alive… but in the worst way possible.

In that split second my eyes adjusted to focus on the cuts. The flesh within pulses as small layers of crystal meshed and shifted blood vessels around to suit their needs. What Corundum had done was create a true mesh of biology and the sick twisted version was whatever he considered science to be. I was certain it was more magic but I wasn't going to get into a semantic shouting match with a sociopath. It would go nowhere.

“You flankhole! You took my wings! You took my wings!” Corundum shouted out as he rolled away from me. He didn't scream in pain. He didn't writhe in agony. All he did was curse me for his lot in life. “Heh… hehehahaha! Just kidding!”

Two large crystal wings burst out of the blood… deep red in color and coated in the remaining flesh that had been within. Before I could fire another charged shot, due to switching back to the Mega Buster, Corundum lunged at me. He grabbed me and flew straight up keeping certain that my arms were well above his head to keep me from firing. In a small panicked moment I immediately kicked him in the junk… only to realize that he didn’t have any. There was a loud cracking and the sound of crystal being knocked away though so it wasn’t all a waste.

“I will not falter. I will not hesitate. I will have your body! I will have my future!” Corundum growled out slowly growing into a roar as we rose to cloud level.

I clenched my fists together and slammed them down on Corundum’s head knocking him off of me. As he was flung away I switched over to Falcon Armor but let gravity continue to drag me down back to the earth. I charged up my shot and waited. I noticed a small icon that seemed to flash in tandem out of the corner of my eye.

=Giga Attack Available=

“About a good as time as any to use it.” I quietly muttered to myself as Corundum dove back into me.

I raised my buster and waited until the last second. Regardless of how fast he could dive, my reflexes were better. Pushing my buster arm into Corundum’s mouth I released the thin projectile. It bounced around the innards of the poor soul as we fell back to the ground. The trees slowed our descent… only by the virtue of cracking under our combined weights.

Flint was the first to reach the bottom of the stairs into the main hall of the catacombs. Stand peered around looking for any passage way that would elicit results of any kind. Sacred Glade was still reeling from the truth of their once proud religion and knew nothing about what was held below the building.

“So… nothing? Nothing at all?” Flint looked at Glade who merely shook her head.

“I got nothing. I didn’t even know that this church was like this. I thought it was just a title and not like this… though I was always shunted to the side about the intricacies of our religion. I didn’t know it was like this. I could do without this.” Glade whimpered as her ears folded in disgust.

“Let’s just find the princess. I’d rather we not waste time. We can waste time later when the princess and the others are safe.” Stand stated as he rushed ahead… only to stop when he realized he had no idea where to go.

“Figured out where to go, eh?” Flint snarked and rolled his eyes.

“Better than staying here. Isn’t it?” Stand shot back clearly unamused at the quiet silence that filled the air. Flint didn’t respond.

“Do you hear that?” Glade called out. Her ears were perked up as she let them scan the area.

The pair stopped moving and kept quiet. There was a constant thump, thump, thump coming from further in the catacombs. Flint and Stand both started to trot towards the sound until Glade got in front of them. With a quick harsh glance she led the way forward since she was hearing the sounds best. Flint and Stand muttered something derisive under their breath which got them both a smack across the muzzle. Both grumbled and realized that they should probably keep their mouths shut.

Glade trotted ahead turning to the right… then a left… then another left. Before them was a large stone door with a large set of rings acting like handles upon its door. The steady thumping of the door being hit gave away that something was clearly wrong here.

“Stop thumping and let us in!” Flint yelled out as the thumping stopped.

“Let us out! Let us out!” A trio of cries called out from behind the door.

“Let us in! Let us in!” The two warriors clad in armor yelled at the door.

“I really hope that wasn’t a bit.” Glade muttered under her breath and was lucky enough to not be heard.

“Stand away from the door!” Glade yelled out. There was a loud shuffling followed by the slice of Stand’s beam sabres.

The door fell to pieces as three overly surprised ponies gaped at the suddenness of the door falling to pieces. The sound of gurgling blood and wrenching flesh being torn made them immediately rush through the door before anything else came to mind.

“Flee!” Princess Luna shouted while Clover and Diamond Shard both rushed after her.

Flint breathed a sigh of relief until he also heard the twisting of flesh. The autocannons on his back immediately perked up and aimed into the room. Stand, who was still in his stance, kept his blades leveled. From within the darkness something stood up but the clinking of blades against stone was the only sound from within.

What could once be considered a pony was now a monstrous mantis like creature oozing darkness. The only thing that could be considered female anymore were the eyes of Countess Primrose… which were now floating around the ooze that made up her body. Her wings were now crystal protrusions which seemed to be holding her body aloft. Whatever her legs were… weren’t considered legs anymore. Several dozens of tentacles made up what they were. The strangest part was how much of her body was crystalized which was almost nothing. Everything was covered in the shadowed ooze.

“Any ideas?” Stand whispered to his stalwart partner.

“Keep attacking until it dies… “ Flint answered as his autocannons immediately opened fire upon the writhing mass of shadows forcefully crawling against

“Again… Again? Again! Again, you ruin another body!” Corundum screamed out in fury as the body of the thestral who had been corrupted by crystals stumbled out of the crater that it had created.

There were several cracks internally of the body from the buster shot I fired into it. Even with the regeneration effect the body possessed there was little that it could do for internal damage apparently. It was as if the bodily fluids had been used to jumpstart that effect in the first place and the ricocheting shot was causing problems. Even I didn’t know when the shot would finally dissipate.

“To be fair… you ruined that body long before I came around here. Now I’ll make sure to fix it by destroying the corruption you bring.” I answered in turn as I primed my giga attack.

‘Fefnir, can you focus my attack on one section in particular?’ I quickly parsed to my battle ready cyber elf.

‘As you wish, Master X!’ Fefnir grinned in sheer jubilation as I felt his influence upon my weapon system.

I tensed my entire body as several points of light appeared right where Corundum was forcing the body. With a small pose several buster shots appeared above and below it piercing through the body. Corundum screamed, not in pain, but fury. I doubted he even knew what pain was anymore. For less than twenty seconds the shots hit their mark and the body fell to the ground.

“Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death! Death! Death! I shall not die like this! I’ll violate your mind and parade your corpse like the worthless shell that it is! It is mine! Mine! MINE!” Corundum sputtered as the body remained motionless on the ground. The regeneration effect had slowed down to almost a nonexistent pace.

“Hm mphm, yup. I’m sure you will.” I answered quite glibly as I switched over to Fire Wave. Thanks to the moonlight I had replenished my weapons up slightly. I didn’t need the charge effect for this moment in particular. I needed the body to melt from the sustained flames which made this a very useful effect.

I lifted my buster ready to fire when a crystal pegasus appeared above the body.

“Crystal… pegasus? What are you doing here?” I hesitated. My buster lowered slightly from the intrusion. Then… it spoke and I wished I hadn’t.

“What can I say…? You can’t keep a good mare down.” Corundum’s voice resonated from the pegasus body. A trio of unicorn horns each outfitted with crystal tops glowed in her grasp and the body of the thestral he corrupted and the pegasus he inhabited completely disappeared from sight.

‘Nana! Report!’ My mind nearly screamed out when I realized what I saw. For that split second, that moment that that pegasus appeared, I nearly blanked out from action. In my hesitation I had completely overlooked the cracks appearing all over the body of that pegasus in question and the red energy that seemed to slowly pulse beneath the surface.

‘Complete thaumic match X. That was Corundum.’ Nana confirmed as I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

‘Damn… forget it for now. We need to go make sure the hostages were secured.’ I reasoned to the best of my abilities as I rushed off for the city once again. The signs of our battle against the masses were strewn about the outer regions of the gates of the city.

At most it looked similar to what a blasted heath would look like… only without the corruption effect caused by beings of unknown origins. I was also certain that nothing would be growing within those spots for a very long time. As I reached the town center I received notifications from the biometals I had granted to Second Stand and Flint Shard pinging from the direction of a large church.

“Always a bad feeling when churches are involved. Always a bad feeling.” I mumbled to myself though I didn’t know why I would feel that. It wasn’t due to not feeling things usually though. It was more a strange sensation since I hadn’t seen any form of religion yet in this world. The only god like being I had seen was Discord and he was an asshole.

Then there was an explosion that sounded out from that direction as fire spread from the base of the church upwards.

“Useless.” Crystal Shears muttered at the prone body before her.

“I know.” Arum answered in the same voice… as if the individuality had been restored.

“Worthless.” Shears reminded as she threw the body on a slab of stone.

“I know.” Arum agreed instantly.

Crystal Shears said nothing more as she looked over the small facility before her. Though calling it a facility would be overly generous.

Long ago, after Corundum first killed his father, he had found a small cave southeast of the Crystal Empire. Over the course of two months and several severed unicorn horns he had created a small research lab to use for his study on golems. There was a small writing desk and several dozens of stone slabs where volunteers would lie upon while they were operated on. Several prototype golems lined the walls in various states of completion though none of them would ever be completed.

Until Corundum had made contact with the Umbrum, none of the golems would have functioned longer than a week. Corundum allowed only a small modicum of relief wash over him as he began to operate on the large thestral body. The buster shot as it was called had done a number on the internal arcane circuitry created by the crystals that had been lodged into Arum’s body. In fact, without that many crystals forced into the body he was certain that it would have been annihilated through sheer firepower.

The body had also lost its cool. He wasn’t even certain if he had said too much during combat either. All he knew was that it had become more complicated now. That traitor… he had been given favor. Favor by his god. Shears grinded her teeth at the very thought that that bastard had been given his birthright. Only he was allowed to ascend.

Instead he had been hybridized. Made in his image. Infuriating. Anger coursed through whatever organic parts were left within Shears’ body.

Compacting that anger away for later, Shears pulled out several flasks. Each flask was filled to the brim with pony blood. It didn’t matter what race it was. She poured it into the wounds that littered Arum’s body and they slowly started to seal back up. It was a large design flaw. This wasn’t the body that Corundum hoped for if it could be incapacitated so easily.

“We need more.” Shears growled out.

“Yes. More…” Arum growled out in kind.

Until then Corundum would be out of commission… if only for the moment.

Author's Note:

There we go. Finally finished this new chapter. Enjoy this, the second to last chapter of this arc.