• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,002 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

III. Repel

Author's Note:

Thanks to FTR2017 for looking through the chapter and helping with edits and such. You are great.

“Have you sensed anything yet Starswirl?” Mistmane called out as her horn pointed out allowing a cone of magic to scan the area.

“No not yet. It’s as if this thing doesn’t have a magical signature… that should be impossible. A golem always has a magical signature denoting who built it and what its function overall is. I still have yet to sense anything that could determine what this golem was used for.” Starswirl trailed off thinking of the possibilities and the dangers of a rogue golem.

Sentience wouldn’t be bad… sapience might turn it against those who created it.

Mistmane made a small grunt to keep Starswirl away from the dark corners of his mind. While nopony wanted to say anything something was missing from the group. They all knew what it was but they all averted their eyes from what was wrong. Seven were supposed to head out… only six went in.

“All I’ve been feeling are those dang Quarry Eels digging through this place. They’ll be a problem alright, sooner or later. And this place’ll be lost.” Rockhoof muttered, if only for the change of topic.

“Are you certain that that golem came this way?” Meadowbrook lifted her mask inquisitively staring at Starswirl. “Golems usually aren’t smart enough to look through these caverns and there is nothing left to get in these caverns. Diamond Dog raiders already mined these caverns out.”

“Perhaps it was created by the Minotaurs. You know that some ponies decided to live amongst them to escape the strife Equestria is going through.” Magnus brought up gripping his shield tighter. He didn’t have the freedom of movement he would in the air.

“At the very least it was only one golem. We are six ponies. I am certain we will handle things easily enough.” Somnambula mentioned as she took point flapping her wings lightly enough not to zoom into the ceiling.

“It'll be a blessing if we find it before the quarry eels do. Those things are monstrous enough without seeing them close up.” Magnus shuddered as he remembered the last time he dealt with them.

The six of them soon fell into an uncomfortable silence as the echoing of the clip clip of hooves and the flapping wings was the only companion they had. Starswirl lit up his horn casting a few will o'wisp spells to allow them a safer path. Still no contact was made.

“I don't like this. Even quarry eels would have attacked us ten times over and nary a single one has bothered us. This golem is not this important.” Rockhoof snorted though he followed along uncertain of the shadows that escaped his gaze.

“Perhaps but if it becomes a problem I would hate to allow it a chance to grow into one.” Starswirl admitted through gritted teeth.

Rockhoof nodded in understanding but the sharpness of his gaze never faltered from peering at the shadows.

Stygian had listened to the darkness carefully. It had told him how to gain respect. It had told him where to gain more power. What they didn't expect was the arrival of the pillars in the same place where darkness gathered. Incensed Stygian wanted to strike back, to right that which had been done wrong.

The darkness instead erred on the side of caution. Stygian had only gotten used to the darkness within the last cycle of the moon. They were not ready.

“And when will I be ready then?” Stygian snarled.

“When you can notice the chaos god looming around us.” The darkness answered back surprising the young unicorn.

“That's a thing?” Stygian backed up forcing their shared body to back up as well.

“He is being very sly moving around, but even then I can sense the ha- the flow of his magic.” The darkness spoke catching itself before it could speak on the hatred that it felt.

The darkness was a being that fed on the darker emotions of life hence the name. Stygian’s hatred for being ignored and abandoned had been a five course meal that constantly replenished itself on an hourly basis. The sheer festering bile he felt crawling upon his back had completely empowered it to the point where he could now sense one of his ancient foes. Discord was watching now but unlike most instance he didn't make a move. His focus was placed on something else within the caverns.

‘What are you planning…?’ The darkness mused as it went back to their original plan on gathering enough darkness to power up.

“Is there nothing we could do?” Stygian whined as he felt the darkness gather more shadows into itself.

“Of course, my friend! I have something to appease you but it is not guaranteed to work.” The darkness smiled within the confines of Stygian’s mind which translated onto their shared body as well.

A quarry eel burst out of the wall nearby charging straight for the unassuming pony only to stop as the shadows burrowed into its flesh. Stygian smiled as the shadows danced and writhed around the body, turning it a sickly shade of the orange it once was as obsidian-looking teeth took place of the fangs it once had. The tongue grew long spines as it lashed out in service of its master.

Stygian, without worry, placed his hoof against the creature and slowly rubbed the spot beneath its jaw eliciting a growl of contentment.

“Go deal with the pillars. Show them humility for their sins against us.” The darkness ordered as the quarry eel backed up before burrowing towards the pillars at high speed.

Discord felt something at the edge of his focus, and turned to the strange little pony with the slowly changing coat they had going from a dull grey to ink black. Snarling slightly he was about to snap his fingers when he got a wicked idea. A wicked and awful idea that caused his smile to get wider than it ever did.

The thing that hurt him was made of metal, and every predator deserved a chance to survive long enough, didn't they? After all, what is life but a bundle of chaos searching for fun? He snapped his fingers causing the obsidian like teeth to become sharper and more durable. While he couldn't just curb stomp the little bug due to it being too orderly, he shuddered at the thought, he could make that metal menace’s life a living Tartarus.

He chuckled maliciously as he summoned up some opera glasses, and kicked up his feet to watch the destruction of a metal biped.

I raced ahead, completely convinced something was wrong. That dot had stopped a few moments ago as another joined it. The dot that had joined the first was stationary for a few moments before making a beeline for the six dots that were walking further into the caverns.

“Why!?” I screamed into a stifling growl as I kept quiet once again. I was a reploid at this point, a replicated android of advanced make, and capable of combat. I wasn't a fighter though I had very few lessons on how to fight from my uncle and the only reason he taught me was to strengthen me up to work the forge.

He showed me only the barest minimum of boxing which at least gave me a solid stance when he ordered me to keep the metal from shifting around too much. Dashing through another tunnel, I carefully charged up a buster shot to keep in reserve. The glowing of my armor might have given me away, should anyone be walking through the darkness but my danger sense was tingling. At least I'm sure it was that, what with the android brain and the constant flow of several concepts of technology and armor configuration bouncing around in there.

My uncle was also very hands on, and taught me by forcing me to defend myself at random times. It wasn't an ideal way of learning, or had any appeal but I managed to always give back as well as I got in the end. I never expected much out of his little regiment but it did stick when I first faced that monster. I had pulled up that training instinctively. It had been useless in hindsight but it stuck regardless of what others thought.

“Now where are those six dots…” I growled out as I had to climb some more vertical tunnels. I was closing in on the dots in question. As I turned the next corner I stopped mid stride.

Standing in front of me were six tiny horses of varying heights. The one in the lead wore a shabby wizard outfit, one that looked as though it had seen things that most could only dream about - not to mention the impressive gray beard he seemed to have flowing down his face. His silver or gray coat seemed to denote his age.

The tallest tiny horse was aqua or teal in color, with several orange braids in its mane. He, as I could tell by his beard, was wielding a shovel upon his back. The yellow-ish pony on the right wore centurion armor while he held in his hoof a shield of some sort. The armor needed to be buffed out some more and the crest looked a bit worn from age.

While those three stood stock still I noted that the center one had a horn while the yellow one had wings on its back. I definitely was not on planet Earth as I noticed the other three come out from behind. I noted that they reminded me of a weird dungeons and dragons themed party. Though I didn’t exactly see their thief amongst them which I totally would have played as, if I knew them better. It would fit me perfectly since as X I could take another’s powers, albeit only robotic creatures, which there are none here.

The three others seemed to be female if their eye types were of any help, and the sensors in my head were reading it right. The tallest was purple and had a curved horn slightly while its mane seemed to flow all on its own with no visible wind affecting it. The next had a mask on its head but it was lifted up showing a very curious tiny horse. The last seemed to have an Egyptian theme going on and seemed the most wary of me.

‘So a wizard, a viking, a soldier, a florist, a cleric, and an oracle walk into a cave… I was certain that the joke was going somewhere, but even I don't think I have the processing power to figure it out. There are tiny horses in front of me and they are wearing clothes and wielding tools apparently.’ I wanted to scratch my head or even facepalm at that moment but the one in the wizard outfit seemed to have a lit horn for some reason.

I didn't really move at that point but I was ready to dash around the corner. At least that would have been the plan if that other dot wasn't closing in on our small combined group. Still the unicorn wasn't taking that horn off of me. It didn't look so tough though. Then again the creature I faced tanked a buster shot that was still at fifty percent power. I was about to race off for that dot that was closing in when I heard them speak.

“Why is it just standing there looking at us.” Magnus harshly whispered towards Starswirl.

“I don't know. I’ve got my binding spell ready if it moves. Rockhoof think you could trap it?” Starswirl muttered under his breath as he lowered his horn slightly.

“Aye. If your spell works I can put him down before it moves.” Rockhoof nodded though his gaze tipped when he felt the vibrations in the ground.

“Are we certain it's hostile? It hasn't done anything to us yet so it's probably still peaceful.” Mistmane called out before the others could attack.

“It seems to be aware of us completely and that glow is suspicious.” Somnambula sneered slightly though it might have been dust since she sneezed a short bit afterwards.

“Bless you. We should come to a decision since that golem seems to have escape routes, Starswirl.” Meadowbrook motioned her hoof towards it.

“But golems are incapable of speech. It is an impossible act to give a golem sapience. The closest one went insane and tried to kill their creator and then eliminate all, in their words, ‘flesh sacks’. This one only seems sentient so we should-” Starswirl started and the golem seemed to open its mouth.

“I can understand you, ya know?” The golem called out.

‘Yup six tiny horses all speaking about me in uncertain terms. You'd think they know what a male is… then again I don't exactly have the junk to prove I'm male.’ My eyes trailed to the largest male. ‘So this is Rockhoof apparently. I don't think he has the strength to stop me but appearances are deceiving. So the females are more perceptive I guess? That one seems to not trust me… oh wait they just needed to sneeze. That one is the smartest then and capable of figuring out I can escape.’

My eyes trailed around as I noted that the dot was now circling us while I kept my hands down and remained as non threatening as I could be. Whatever was chasing after them was turning into a shark, circling with predatory cunning for the first of the herd to break formation.

‘Wait… did that unicorn just call me stupid or something? Or that I'm incapable of speech. Rude.’ I looked towards the wizard who I now knew as Starswirl. He was the one with the lit horn.

“I can understand you, ya know?” I answered his long winded speech which I immediately cut off.

What I saw were six very shocked faces and then Starswirl’s horn went off as the spell went for me. I dashed around the corner dodging the blast, I assumed, and keeping behind cover. I was ready to fight back when I felt the ground shake.

A giant burrowing worm threw itself towards me, forcing me to lift both my hands to catch the upper edges of its maw, my feet in the ground firmly placed. The force caused me to skid into the ground shearing away stone as it pushed me back into the group of ponies whose still seemed to be after me.

“Quarry eel! Mistmane! Prepare your spells!” The yellow Pegasus called out as it pushed me back another two feet into their presence.

“Oh dear.” Mistmane shuddered as her horn lit up and a large gale of snow pushed into its mouth. It did little to stop the quarry eel as it was apparently called.

My body was coated in saliva as the drips poured over my head, and the frost did little to keep the liquid from dropping on my helmeted head. It was disgusting, and was the first time I was glad that I couldn't feel things. Still, the ice whatever it was didn't do much but make the eels’ mouth cold.

I planted my foot down to keep from being pushed any further as we were locked in a struggle for dominance. Several of the tiny horses were striking against the eel’s sides bashing as best as they could. The ones with horns seemed to fire off laser beams which just confused me to the point where I decided that it wasn't my problem anymore. That was future X’s problems.

The maw grew smaller as I felt the large fangs suddenly touch my shoulders and easily slice through the armored portions. It actually sent a buzz of pain through my body, waking me up immediately to the fact I was finally feeling something. Wrenching one of my hands free I aimed my buster into its mouth.

Before I could release the shot the tongue snaked out wrapping around me. It pushed me back making the fangs rake against my shoulders before tossing me off to the side.

It hissed furiously before turning its attention on Starswirl. With a calm collected look he flung up an energy shield of some sort just as it sunk its fangs into it. The blackened teeth pierced through the magic but the shield stood strong through the assault.

Rockhoof, Magnus, and Somnambula leapt against the eel knocking it off the shield wrenching its mouth in a weird angle. Mistmane grabbed the jaws with her magic as Meadowbrook tossed a few vials into its mouth.

The beast lurched about drunkenly as it crashed into the walls before sliding out through another tunnel. The pillars all sighed in relief until I stood back up.

There were small gashes in my shoulders which were now sparking from the ventilation I was now afforded. Still I was standing so that was a relief. Starswirl slowly stepped up to me warily taking stock of my hands apparently.

“You understand me Golem?” Starswirl intoned.

“Yes.” I answered resolutely as the sensors in my head started to beep internally once again.

Before we could continue once again I rushed toward him, causing him to flinch. Before I could be stopped the quarry eel burst out of the wall for the tiny regular horse with the mask. Dashing in with buster ready I fired a shot releasing a large blue blast of solar energy into its open maw.

As the blast hit the eels throats it spasmed and writhed as the damage caused it to scream in rage. It hit the ground with a dreadful scream as it convulsed from the stun effect I managed to program into my buster whenever I was forced to fight organic creatures.

For reasons beyond my control I felt so exhausted as my arms fell limp. I looked towards my arms noting that I was more drained than I should have been. The eel remained somewhat still, but it was still breathing as I looked towards the tiny horses again. They rounded on the masked pony though I remained still. I needed to plan out an escape route at this point since I did have to find more capsules.

“Um… thank you for saving me golem.” A voice called out behind me.

I looked down seeing the tiny masked horse bashfully thank me. The other ones seemed to regard me a bit less warily. I couldn't lift my arms very high which meant I needed to be as diplomatic as I possibly could be without looking like an asshole.

“No problem… did you actually want to talk to me or was there some other reason you six are still here?” I piqued my head in a confused manner towards them which caused the leader, I supposed, to step forward.

“I'm sorry for suddenly releasing that spell on you earlier. The fact you spoke just… unnerved me more than I thought it would. What sorcery powers you?” Starswirl slowly tapped my arm revealing it was made of metal causing his eyes to bug out in scientific curiosity.

“Sorcery? You mean magic?” I motion my fingers out wiggling them when I said magic.

“Of course I mean magic golem. You are a creation of magic as well.” Starswirl stated matter-of-factly and the odd smugness of his pose.

“Right… well I did just barely wake up two days ago with very limited knowledge…” I instantly felt a light bulb in my head go off. “Say… you wouldn't happen to know about the world or any teachers who could show me the ropes seeing as I'm near newborn status.”

“Of course golem. I shall teach you the ways of ponies everywhere…” Starswirl started before being interrupted by a cough. “Yes Meadowbrook?”

“Perhaps I should teach it.” Meadowbrook intoned placing a firm hoof against his chest I guess. He started to sweat slightly looking a little uneasy, but quietly nodded in agreement.

“Yes, of course. Perhaps we should discuss this more in detail somewhere more hospitable. The darkness here is stifling.” Starswirl coughed to the stifled chuckling of the other tiny horses.

After further review I'm thinking I should just call them ponies since they're all really tiny. Also tiny horses probably is demeaning to them, at least it possibly could be, if I had said it out loud.

“So which way do we go to get out of here?” Somnambula asked only to get a few stutters of uncertainty.

“I know the way…” I muttered out getting a few quirked eyebrows. “I really know the way. I've been keeping track of the way out.”

“Sure golem. Lead the way.” Starswirl spoke out first. I grimaced slightly and decided that perhaps it would be fine to show some backbone otherwise they would think me as a pushover. It actually made me think for a moment. If magic was a thing would revealing my real name allow others to control me. I had read books where if your true name was known it could give others power over you. They even admitted to having magic which meant that that creature was trying to do something with magic that affected my mind which didn't...

“My name is X. Yeah, X is my name.” I responded earnestly.

‘Tone it down. Keep your tells damn it. He could be watching…’ I mentally chastised myself which thankfully went too unnoticed though the ponies were looking at me with some trepidation.

“X, is it? A f-f-fine name of course.” Starswirl stuttered slightly but quickly regained his composure. “Lead the way if you please.”

I nodded and followed one of the closer paths which quickly lead out to the sunlight. Strangely my armor started to repair itself and my internal energy sources started to recharge. I pushed it to the side as the ponies immediately took the lead though for some reason their formation brought to mind imprisonment. I decided to go along with it since I had set a warp point back to the large mountain in the center of the continent and the peak would remain one of my safe spots.

Discord huffed slightly as he noted that his modifications did nothing for him. The so called ‘Pillars of Equestria’ had once again managed to circumvent another one of his chaotic schemes. He remained still though, steepling his paw and talons as a cruel smirk danced across his face.

“X was it? Seems as though we're playing a decent game of poker now. Go ahead and stack your deck. Continue drawing from your little well of resources. In the end I'll be playing the winning hand.” Discord sneered as he snapped his talons erasing the changes he made to the quarry eel.

As if on a switch the other quarry eels pounced onto their weakened brethren devouring it on the spot.

Stygian was flabbergasted. Someone managed to defeat something he created albeit with help from another. Dismayed, he focused on gathering power now. Discord, as he now knew, ignored them as he continued with his own plans.

“We must speak Stygian.” The darkness spoke.

“Yes, my friend.” Stygian answered in a cheerful tone.

“Yes friend… We must do something I would never think of asking unless I was certain we needed it. It is one that will ascend us into legend.” The darkness monologued monotonously causing Stygian to freeze.

“Uh… what is it?” Stygian cringed uncertain of what was to happen.

“We must take up the mantle. A title that will inspire others. Send fear into those that would seek to undermine us. To belittle us. We must not be forced back into that life.” The shadow bellowed which made Stygian feel something within his chest. Pride. Confidence. The certainty of being.

“What do you suggest?” Stygian asked as the darkness slowly enveloped him further. His eyes flowed with power as the shadows oozed from his body.

“We shall be known as the Pony of Shadows. All shall fear our reign. Once those Pillars have fallen all of Equestria shall know our name.” The darkness screamed for all shadows to know.

The mind of Stygian slowly subsumed into darkness until there was no Stygian left. There was no darkness either.

All that existed for now and forever after would be known by only one name.

The Pony of Shadows lived.