• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,002 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XIII. Reveal (unedited)

Geode jumped back from his position allowing the ten chaos infused golems to chase after me. I switched immediately to Storm Tornado. It was still half full which meant I needed to use it cleverly. Of course, that meant nothing when several golems were barreling towards me, claws extended, while their military leader stood back with the biggest shit eating grin he could muster. It was infuriating enough as it was.

The first shot stormed out of my buster knocking back the ones that that were in a row. Since they all came from the same general direction they accidentally grouped up together too closely. The ones in front knocked into the ones in back with a satisfying thud.

“You blasted golems! Get up! Get up and kill that defective scrap of magic already!” Geode screeched out shifting his face into horrible caricatures of what went for normal around here.

Taking the chance I fired several buster shots in his direction. A golem got in the way blocking my attacks though not without consequence as the arm exploded off leaving the golem handicapped. During those precious few seconds the golems managed to get out of their pile and race back after me.

Sweeping my arm back I began an ever extensive game of cat and mouse firing shot after shot at the golems. Even with the chaos magic affecting their claws the golem bodies weren't made stronger. The buster shots still did their job blasting holes in each golem. Ten golems had been chasing me and were slowly whittled down to three.

The piles of scrap crystal circuits in the snow sent Geode into another frantic tirade of yelling at the soulless golems but I didn't understand a word he said since it was all angrish to me.

Before I could celebrate taking care of the remaining golems and capturing Geode for the Equestrian forces, the piles of scrap crystals started to hum. The seven that shattered slowly melded their pieces into the remaining golems growing larger by the second. I don't know how it was capable but as I looked at them closer I noted they had similarities I didn't think possible.

In the Zero series, Neo Arcadia had several heavy weapons troops also known as a golem. Large armored behemoths with grappling claws attached by several meters of steel cable. They were kept aloft by some form of anti gravity fields which given the existence of Gravity Beetle from the third game in the X series I can believe in it. Their only weakness is their head as well which was tinier than the body, for obvious reasons.

These crystal golems had slowly shifted into those forms. The only difference being that magic had replaced science. Before I could give further thought a beam of energy shot from the head of the largest golem leaving a trail of energy across where I stood moments ago. Then it exploded.

“What the buck!?” Concerto cried out realizing that things had changed.

“Finally. My little changes to their arcane makeup is taking effect. I don't know how the thought came to mind X but I'm sure the thought of your mangled corpse was all the inspiration I needed to make this happen. When you finally fall I'll take great pleasure in using your helmet as my chamber pot. It should be an honor.” Geode sneered leveling his icy glare on me before cutting back to giggling like a fool.

“Puppet says what?” I shouted out over the blasts.

“What?” Geode stared back confused about what I said until the realization draped over his face. “You worthless piece of junk. I am nopony’s puppet. I am General Geode and I am your g - irk…”

I quickly shot Geode in the face knocking him to the ground and shutting his mouth up. The stun effect would only last for so long leaving me to deal with the three golems without the peanut gallery.

The big cheese, on the other hand, watched with excited little chortles as I bobbed and weaved through the laser beams that they shot and the explosions that followed afterwards. He was enjoying this and cared little for what happened to Ruby Geode in the first place that I was certain Discord only corrupted him to make him seem stupider.

Concerto was probably the best sport about the constant movement. Unlike when the three assassin golems appeared she didn't puke from the constant velocity of my dashing parkour skills. Literally, I was dashing through small spots and jumping over explosions always skirting the line between life and death. She still screamed when the lasers started to get too close for comfort and it was at that point I needed to end this before we actually died.

I switched over to Homing Torpedo and began charging it up. The time between each shot would be three seconds. Not long by the average person but in combat… every second counted.

“Gray? What the buck does gray even mean!?” Geode yelled out from his stationary position.

“You'll see.” I answered loudly as I skidded back through the ice and snow. My feet were actually sending up smoke from how much I had pushed my dash system. I lifted my buster once again as the two smaller golems lurched in with surprising speed.

From my hand flew five homing torpedoes each trained on the two iron behemoths. They readied their laser and the torpedoes impacted on their heads. The sudden explosion cracked their heads. When the third and fourth torpedo hit the golems fell to the floor, head smoking and bodies crumbling from the blast. The last torpedo, unfortunately hit the guard of the largest golem leaving behind a small scuff mark on the crystal armor.

“What!” Concerto started, eyes wide with uncertainty.

“The buck was that!?” Geode screamed out lost in both rage and the inklings of despair. The moment the two golems were taken out it started to take root and the form he wore of the strapping stallion who looked so good was back to the fat slob of a unicorn he actually was.

I couldn't celebrate yet as the largest golem charged forward using its weight and one of its extended claws to try and pin me. I was fast enough to get out of the way… until I fell backwards and was tossed off into the distance. The scarf around my neck grew taut and the two of us were separated.

The laser washed over me burning through a small portion of the armor. The following explosion smacked me into the barrier Discord had set up. It was the first time that I had felt pain…

‘I can feel pain… oh crap! Discord found a way to hurt me! I mean I'm happy to feel things but this is a bit much!’ My thoughts raced a million miles per hour but the robotic side decided not to get distracted as the golem shot out its claw at me.

I rolled to the side and fired several homing torpedoes which actually caught on and impacted against the golem’s head. The paltry payload of a single torpedo didn't do much damage but cracks were starting to form. I didn't dare get close to Concerto in case the golem targeted her.

I chanced a look over at Geode and sure enough he was still stunned. If he did get up I would have to abandon dodging to get Concerto first. If he caught her he won.

I charged up another salvo of Homing Torpedo and waited for my opportunity. The laser that the golem had been using had stifled slightly before being snuffed out. The damages more than likely broke the focusing lens. It had taken to using actual rocket punches which came at incredible speeds as it whipped the steel cables back using its claws as flails.

“Gotcha!” Geode screamed as he grabbed onto my leg.

‘When did I get close to him!’ My mind screamed as I looked back and now saw the patterns I followed. The golem had used the reach of his claws to lead me closer and Geode could finally move again. Instead of charging for Concerto his hatred for me outweighed everything else.

He wasn't heavy and I could certainly still move to get away that was for certain. He knew this. What he did was more detrimental than it would appear as the claw of the golem shot out and grabbed me. I lifted my arms quickly keeping the golem from stopping my attack entirely and aimed my buster at it as it reeled me in.

The salvo of torpedoes hit their mark causing the golem to shudder and spark before exploding into a cascade of shockwaves and flames. Geode was sent flying into the barrier as was I. The explosion knocked away all the snow as well leaving a barren circle of two ponies, a reploid and the shattered remains of ten golems that had been affected by chaos magic.

I got back up and finally looked at the destruction that was wrought in the aftermath of the fight. My armor was still whole but the laser left small billowing rivets where it touched and melted through. The burn marks from the explosion had darkened parts of the metal. My arms and chest were slightly crushed from where the golem had knocked me into the barrier and tried to crush me. My scarf… was surprisingly still intact though the edge where it was grabbed was slightly frayed from the sudden grapple.

I dashed over to Concerto ignoring the sight of my diagnostic systems. The health bar that I had as X was very low. Not one hit kill low but low enough to make me wary. Concerto stirred slightly waking up with a start as I shook her back to wake her up. She noticed me and did a double take. Her worry shot forward over the fear she seemed to hold as she saw the burn marks in my armor. She hugged me and started to sob. I think she was saying something about being so scared that something like this happened but I couldn't really understand her through the blubbering.

“No. No! No! This wasn't how it was supposed to go down! Flint! Flint, where are you!? Get the buck over here and cover my escape!” Geode screamed out. What was once a somewhat respectable looking stallion was nothing more than a blob of a pony frothing at the mouth in impotent rage. There was blood dripping from his coat as small cuts were all over his body. He was stumbling around until his eyes noticed me. “YOU!”

“Yes. Me.” I got up pulling Concerto on my back. “Ruby Geode, as the lone Maverick Hunter of this country, I am placing you under arrest for the crimes against pony kind you have inflicted. Along with the numerous charges of assault on Concerto. Surrender now.” I stated somewhat feeling incensed by the heat of the moment. I didn't have adrenaline coursing through my body but I felt something burning inside me.

‘Was that that sense of justice that X somehow used when he faced Vile the second time.’ I pondered slightly as I pointed the buster towards Geode.

Geode glared at me. The wrathful gaze slowly petered out when he noticed Flint not coming to his rescue. Concerto peered over my shoulder as Geode started to panic more and more.

“Flint? Flint! Get out here now. There you are do something about this.” Geode screamed as he ran toward the barrier that had been formed while Flint looked in from the outside.

“No.” Flint stated with that stony look in his eyes.

“Good now do some - wait, what!? What! Flint you are my right hoof now get your lazy bucking flank in here and save me.” Geode jeered at the traitorous captain sending daggers through his glare. Flint didn't seem to care at all.

“No you insufferable moron. You are getting exactly what you deserve. You sent all of us on a suicide mission against this… this monster. No more. I'm taking control of our remaining troops and you are being offered as a sacrifice for X. We all thank you for your sacrifice General Geode. I would salute you but you don't even deserve that honor.” Flint coldly explained with a serene smile on his face as he trotted away from the barrier.

Geode did not take it well but even that was an understatement.

“You sick son of a mule! I am the leader of these troops! I am the one who brought them together under the glorious banner of Goring Corundum! I am his voice and you will listen! Flint! Flint! Get back here Flint!” Geode slammed his hooves against the barrier and the cuts that made up his hooves got wider.

“Its over Geode. Surrender.” I stated as I took a few steps closer to him. Concerto didn't flinched when he glared at us glaring back just as intensely.

Geode did nothing but stammer and back up into the shield. It was as if he was staring down a monster which in some cases I could agree with. I had turned out to be pretty terrifying whenever my X Buster was pointed out.

“Oh the poor colt is having such a tough time now that all he knows is betrayal and heartache. So Geode… do you want the power to fight X?” A voice rang out from above us as I was flung back by a tail?

‘Discord!’ My eyes shot up with Concerto as the chimera slowly floated down and leveled with Geode.

“Ahh! What are you!?” Geode screamed out slamming at the barrier repeatedly until Discord snapped his talons and brought Geode to his eye level.

“Why my dear colt, I am Discord, the draconequus of legend. I am here to grant your heart’s wildest desire. The chance to strike X down. It has been burning inside of you all this time. All you need to do is give into chaos.” Discord smiled at Geode who had lost focus the moment there was mention of me being crushed.

I immediately shot Discord with my buster only for him to snake out of the way through the air carrying Geode with him. Geode wasn't affected by the G forces or even noticed that he was moving. That sickening smile on his face got me immensely worried.

“Deal!” Geode roared out as Discord took hold of his hoof and forced his magic into him.

Geode fell from his height into a pile of snow that wasn't there before. I tracked two more shots after Discord but the jerk fled back into his pocket dimension or whatever it was. I turned my attention back to Geode and took a few steps back. Concerto gripped my shoulder tighter as Geode stumbled out of the snow.

The pony in question hobbled down locked in an endless scream with no sound. His body quivered and melted as his hooves lost their rounded shape and several fingers began to take place. Crystals started to form from the sudden shift covering his new digits. His back legs twisted and snapped as the crystals forced them to bend a way that ponies couldn't bend in the first place. Forced into a bipedal stance his entire body was turned to crystal almost in a similar shape to my own armor. Crystals were the main motif throughout the transformation. As he looked at me I noticed the heavy regret in his eyes as they lost the last of their light and were replaced the the glassy nature of the assassin golems I had destroyed. Geode was no longer able to speak for himself anymore.

It was no longer a pony… and I couldn’t even call it a human either. He was a different type of golem made in Ruby Geode’s likeness. The stubby horn actually was made long enough to look like some sort of pig sticker… scary enough as he was. His eyes were now aquamarines and the chaos magic in effect swirled around to glare at me.

“I will kill you X. Concerto will be my toy forever!” Geode… or whatever it was roared at me and charged forward. I panicked slightly switching my buster back to my fist and took one step back.

It was something I learned in boxing with charging opponents. You either dodge them… or as I prepared knock them out. With a quick twist of my right hand balled up into a fist I thrust it right for the golem’s jaw knocking him back and shattering the crystal jaw in a single punch. He was merely knocked down but from what I could see I didn’t stun him at all.

“Looks like you got sturdier.” I mention offhandedly as I took a few jumps back. While I wanted to switch back to my buster… I was worried about how my targeting system was affecting him. It had immediately placed Ruby Geode as ‘Lethal Force Authorized’ and that… well, that was something I didn’t want to do. At least if I didn’t have any other options.

Death can happen. It doesn’t matter how I feel on the matter and while I had been lucky so far that didn’t mean that I would always be lucky. Geode got back up mumbling something through a shattered jaw and pulled out one of the crystals on his back. The crystal slowly shifted in his new crystal hand turning into a serrated gem blade. He charged in one again and I tossed Concerto off to the side.

Concerto ran off for one of the snow piles that were left as I began to dodge his swings. The gems seemed to be oozing with chaos magic and the thaumic sensors were going wild. I jumped back as the blade managed to slice through a small portion of my chest armor. Even with all the calculations Nana was feeding me through our connection I couldn’t always dodge. Dashing forward I tackled the Geode golem into the snow and cracked his sword arm with a solid punch.

He kicked me off of him before I could break the other arm sending a bit away. He noticed Concerto wasn't on my back but behind me. Scowling as best as his new gem eyes could he raced forward letting his sword hang attached to his limp arm. Instead of switching he wildly flailed his arm allowing the sharpness of the blade to do the talking for him.

I ducked the fourth swing and dashed in once again using me momentum to roll around and kick his legs out from under him. I was much stronger than the crystal though and I nearly shattered both his legs with that maneuver. Geode fell to the floor with one working arm, a broken jaw, a cracked right arm and two shattered legs.

“Stand down Geode. Now!” I shouted and pointed my buster at him.

He glared at me… then let his head hit the snow. There were sounds coming from him but I was uncertain what they were. Sometimes they sounded like sobs or curses against me. Usually of bodily harm and filling my orifices with fruit. Lovely picture… which I quickly erased from my memory.

“Is it over?” Concerto whispered as she jumped onto my back.

‘When did you get there!?’ I mentally winced at how quiet she was and looked down at the golem formerly known as Ruby Geode. “Yeah I think so.”

I took a few steps closer to his broken body making sure to keep my buster locked on him. I couldn't use it without killing him but he didn't need to know it. Before I got too close I heard that same clapping from so long ago.

“Well, looky here. You have won X. Good job, by the way. I turned off his pain receptors before I let him fight ya. Give me a second.” Discord floated down from on high… but he was smiling. With a snap of his talons Geode was back to being a pony and the thaumic reading of chaos magic was back to zero.

He still had the broken limbs but his jaw was still intact. He took one look at me and I could see him break down into tears and scream in horror. He passed out from the constant screaming which Concerto had to keep her ears pinned down.

“It's a bit weird for you to reveal yourself in front of a pony, Discord. So which game are we playing?” I muttered out glaring at the draconequus, as he called himself.

“Oh any game is my game, my naive little golem. Still it's quite interesting that you learned my name. Perhaps I haven't been as careful as I thought I was. Also it doesn't matter if she sees me or knows of me. As of today I don't have to wait any longer. I've got exactly what I wanted. Thanks for that.” Discord sneered my direction though I couldn't tell if it was towards me or Geode.

“I didn't do anything for you.” I growled out. My emotions had gotten the better and actually managed to break through the checks that the robotic side had put in place.

“Of course not. X, you truly do complement me entirely.” Discord stuck his tongue out blowing a raspberry at me. Concerto gripped my shoulder hoping to calm me down.

As much as I wanted to shoot him with another charged shot I didn't have the energy to keep fighting. Geode, even with his wild swings, had managed to get me low on that particular energy. The sun had already gone below the horizon as well meaning I couldn't regenerate yet. My armor was still in tatters and partially compromised.

“Leave Discord.” I glared at him as best I could leveling my buster at him and waiting.

He never let his smile leave but the calculating look in his eyes hardened every second that ticked by. Discord floated through the air circling around me as I tracked him. A second blip appeared behind me from the motion tracker and I instantly rammed my gun in spot.

Discord had tried to grab Concerto. The tip of my buster pointed directly between his eyes.

“Leave her alone… or I send your brains all over the snow.” I coldly stated as my buster started to glow. Discord stared me down but he was still smiling.

“Zero point four seconds. Very impressive. Don't worry X, old buddy, old pal of mine. I have no interest in this mare at all.” Discord evenly stated as he disappeared in a wisp of smoke back above me. “Though I am wondering why you didn't shoot. You certainly think like me don't you?”

“In what ways…?” I gripped my buster tighter as I kept it trained on him. My attention was split between him and the motion sensor. If he actually times my reaction speed… I didn't want to think about it.

“We both agree not to kill… with those errant exceptions. You and I both know that the dead are boring.” Discord smirked and stared down to me.

I didn't answer. His smirk got more twisted. I agreed with him on the fact that we both don't kill barring those exceptions… and from his tone I could tell. I was one of those exceptions. Probably. With Discord smirking yet glaring at me with such intensity it was hard to tell.

“I agree to the first. I just don't share your reasoning.” I countered which just sent him into a laughing fit.

“I figured. Don't sweat the details. I've got what I wanted. Eventually we'll see this through to the end. For now I shan't stand in your way against that King of fools. I'd rather have the spotlight all to myself when that time comes.” Discord chuckled as he snapped his talons and disappeared once again.

I looked around for his eyes watching me but… they weren't there. I didn't know if he was actually serious but I was actually frightened by how fast he examined me. How much stronger had he gotten?

Concerto was white as a sheet. Discord had nearly got his paw on her before I got my buster in his face. She didn't move and for that I decided we needed a place to hold up… at least until the sun rose.

A bit further north was the last checkpoint on the map. It was also the only one in the snow near a carved out ravine which would lead to the Crystal Empire. As we trekked through the snow Concerto’s death grip slowly relaxed. Had it been a flesh shoulder she might have cut off circulation completely.

“We'll rest up before heading out into the snow. You ok?” I peered at Concerto who numbly nodded as me and buried her head into her coat.

I sighed as we reached the checkpoint. There were no guards. Most likely it was because Flint started his little coup but that was mere speculation on his motivations. I certainly wouldn't look the gift horse in the mouth this time. Mentally I cringed at the humor while Nana tried to decide whether that was racist or not. She was still unsure as I explored the checkpoint for any sign of the guards.

After a while of searching I managed to find the Commander’s room or whomever was in charge. There, in the corner, was a cot and several blankets. I placed Concerto down and she did curl up in the blankets. Exhaustion was painted on her face.

“X… are we ever going to be safe?” Concerto whispered out.

I had to think about that for a moment. It was the light nest moment in my life because I had no good answer. Discord was able to circumvent my senses every once in a while. While I could hurt him he could heal. We would be locked in a stalemate if we went all out. Still I felt I knew what the best answer was in this situation.

“As long as I live I'll be working towards that.” I stated resolutely as I locked eyes with her.

Whether relieved by my words or too tired to refute them Concerto let her head fall to the cot and fell asleep. I meanwhile took stock of my injuries. The repair functions were slowly working on undoing the damage though my energy meters were low. The lack of sunlight was doing wonders to my systems. Leaving me unable to take advantage of the energy boost I got, though there was a bright side. When the moon had risen my weapons were fully recharged and ready to go. It was something at the least.

Discord’s words swirled in my head. From our two meetings it was hard to figure out what he was after. His cryptic talks of me completing him sent shivers down my spine, if only metaphorically.

There was a bigger picture here. One I didn't quite see even with all the things I've been a part of. Though the biggest contender was the idea that I was a Spirit of Order. Discord being the Spirit of Chaos.

‘Is that what he meant? Nana?’ I mentally groaned as I felt sparks running through my brain.

“As far as my knowledge goes… I’m not sure. Even with all the information you managed to glean from the heroes of this world… I can’t say for certain. As it is the self repair diagnostics are taking up most of the mental processes. As far as we know the Light Armor barely managed to work through all the damage. As it goes, chaos magic as we have classified it, managed to pierce through our armor even with the low thaumic levels. They were lower than even the other unicorns that we’ve fought. For an instant though they overshadowed every reading we got off of Star Swirl and Mistmane. As for his words… I don’t know what to make of them. He seems very sure of his aspirations and what he truly wants from us seems to be out of our control. The only way to stop him… well, would be to do nothing. Leave the world to its fate and do absolutely nothing.” Nana winced as the last word left her mouth. Due to her being basically inside my head as a secondary A.I. assistant she could feel my emotions whenever they broke through the barrier I programmed to keep them in check.

‘I wouldn’t be able to. I don’t want to even hear it as a suggestion. Even if it gives him power I couldn’t let others suffer due to my attempts of curbing another dangerous entity. It’s not the monster that they don’t know that I worry so much about. It’s the monsters that they do know about that will take advantage of that lull to inflict as much suffering as possible that I will not tolerate.’ I seethed at the very mention of doing nothing. As much as I wanted to go off and find those capsules and maybe plan on finding a way to leave this dimension I couldn’t find it in myself to actually follow through on it.

“Good to hear sir. While we were fighting I managed to find something interesting. Several of the attacks jostled several rocks in the area. Each of the rocks seemed to have a magical effect that simulated a radio signal. It took several moments for me to extrapolate that information from the infrared signals of melted stones. It was only for a fraction of a second though so it is incomplete. I found that they share similarities to the electromagnetic radiation we found at the top of Mount Canter. I can’t say for certain but so far I think we could find out how to simulate this phenomena and triangulate the position of the other capsules for our fellow hunters.” Nana explained as several calculations buzzed through my head.

‘Did you find one?’ I mentally projected. While I couldn’t see Discord’s eyes at this moment I still relegated Nana and any future cyber elves to remain out of sight. Communications only allowed through the internal radio signals that we knew of. It was near telepathic conversation, at the very least, in the eyes of ponies who knew nothing of radio technology.

“Yes. One capsule looks to be in the Crystal Empire. Uncertain to location but as soon as we reach two hundred meters of the object we should be able to find it.” Nana relayed as she lowered the intensity of the processors on finding the capsule signals.

‘So… can you explain about the radio waves for a moment?’ I asked as I strapped in for a full lesson on the electromagnetic radiation and its relationship to radio waves and how we could extrapolate those into readable signals. I was certain that it was complete bullshit but I was never certain what that actually meant.

I posited that it was just the radio waves from the capsules themselves being refracted off the ionosphere of the planet… but the capsule was underground. So there was some disconnect on how I found the first one.

“It’s actually thanks to the thaumic scanner. While everything has a thaumic signature to it the capsule doesn’t. There is effectively a dead spot within all that thaumic energy but in areas saturated thoroughly in magic they are drowned out. Since we got closer I used the chance to simulate electromagnetic waves through your armor to act like a sort of sonar. It takes a while to actually return a ping that actually reads like technology but it has been successful in the one test I’ve done so far.” Nana beamed at her own cleverness… though a part of me wondered if that explanation made any damn sense at all.

‘Okay then… I’m glad we’re on the right track. Next stop: The Crystal Empire.’ I mentally prepared myself for whatever was going to happen next.

Discord threw several tables around her chaotic realm leveling areas in explosions of cotton candy and marzipan. To the untrained eye it appeared as though he was pissed off as being thwarted. They were wrong.

Discord was dancing up a storm of jubilee and elation. His powers were starting to grow faster and faster. Certainly it looked as though he lost but that was the point. Order and Chaos were cut from the same cloth. Each had to balance out one another. Since the previous Spirit of Order was dead… Discord lost a lot of his power. Due in no small part to his poor planning still now he had a clean slate to go along with.

The moment X appeared Discord had wondered what he should actually do. Golems were completely boring to deal with… then it proved to be intelligent. The moment he managed to not be completely controlled… the little candle flame above Discord’s head lit up.

It took several hours to do but feeding the remnants of the Spirit of Order’s power into him had been a boon. As soon as his first chaotic beast had been defeated the power started to awaken. When Geode had fully given in to his promise of chaos it gave X the stimuli to pull out more of that power.

Even though it could hurt him now, it was worth it. The observation over the weapon system and the durability allowed Discord to plan out better and know more about the situation. There were always more cards in X’s deck, constantly being stacked in his favor.

And for every card he stacked… Discord’s power grew ever grander.

It was a start, and it was only a matter of time before he could make the world in his image. So long as nothing else got in his way, Chaos would rule the world.