• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,005 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XXIV. Return (unedited)

Author's Note:

Here we go. Build up for later and we will start getting into the new arcs now. So there is still voting going on. After I finish the next Locksmith chapter I'll be closing off voting so if you haven't voted yet get your votes in. Spread it to friends as well if there is a particular race you want X to deal with.


It had taken us several marching days for those in the Equestrian Army to get back into their own territory. I stayed near Hurricane and Puddinghead at the behest of Star Swirl since it made more sense to be seen as a part of their plan in the first place. The fact that I had brought a five year war to its end within the span of less than a week had made a lot of ponies nervous.

The Pillars had weaved through the crowds making certain to keep their morale from getting the best of these troops. Give anyone a win and there's a chance that their arrogance will come out to play. Rockhoof had to break up two particular earth pony soldiers that started acting obnoxious to their pegasus and unicorn compatriots. I kept my eyes forward during the match because my gaze either drew suspicion or fear… albeit not as overtly evident. It was there, hidden beneath the happiness that the war was over. I was in that careful position of concern and acceptance as far as I was looking at things.

At fours days in we had managed to make it within a stone’s throw of where the fortress of the Triumvirate and their armies congregated. With a quick bow they said their goodbyes to me and issued orders to their armies to return to their barracks.

“It has been a harrowing time but it appears as though we've managed to keep the peace have we not X?” Star Swirl called out to me gaining my attention as he did so.

“Yeah… peace.” I muttered though a small part was uncertain as I tapped my fingers against my forearms. This world was still a powder keg of sorts. From Magnus and his words I knew already that ponies had no love from anyone else in the world. It was even worse if you weren't a crystal pony.

The Crystal Ponies, ironically, were willing to work together without the same bullheadedness that came from three different races coming together. The ponies not privy to that portrayed some level of racial bias towards their own. It was very obvious when I traveled with these idiots for more than a few hours. The days I spent opened my eyes just to how bad it got sometimes.

Earth Ponies were apparently mud babies or muck rakers. Unicorns aptly called hornheads or witches were hotly debated amongst those without horns. Pegasi were feather heads and cloud suckers. It wasn't hard to see how childish the insults were but I could tell they had a much deeper meaning with how their expressions flared out whenever they said it.

I would never say how I felt about this but I knew exactly what I wanted to say about it. I wanted to call it stupid, foolish, even insane because of how bad it would get if they were alone. Even though I knew what would eventually happen I knew it wasn't something that was carved in stone. Time wasn't immutable. It was like a raging river flowing down tributaries and streams even if they sometimes find their way back to the main glow.

“Doubts?” Rockhoof brought up as he trotted next to us. “We brought Flint and his younger sister with us on your concerns. We should know what your plan is and we'll tell you our concerns.”

“Peace is fleeting… with everything you told me I don't trust the rest of the world. Who knows whether or not anyone else will think to take advantage of the situation in some way.” I looked towards the two before I continued and I noted that they both closed their eyes seemingly thinking on the situation. “As for Flint… it's more a deal we made between us. I need him around for now until he has earned forgiveness for his actions. Which between you two and me won't be for long. He managed to evacuate the town way before I entered and kept his word when watching the captured ponies that Corundum had locked up.”

“Heh… so a bit of a softie are ya, boy? That clears my fears at the very least.” Rockhoof chuckled lightly smacking me on the leg as if I was one of his drinking buddies… mostly since he couldn't reach my back that easily. He didn't even hurt his leg when he did so and I noted that he was much stronger than any other pony I've ever met.

“You've already thought ahead then. I noted that that other world I found you in was in just a bad position as this one was though it seemed to be somewhere in the future. Regardless that is neither here or now. Our future is our own and we are always on the precipice of disaster.” Star Swirl announced in harsh whispers as the other Pillars were discussing things amongst themselves while Flint and Diamond were idly standing about. The pair seemed to be playing a small game involving floating a bouncy ball around.

“You are being overly dramatic Swirl. We are in a better position for now and we don't know whom they would be going after. We can't jump the bow like this.” Rockhoof warned keeping his voice down.

“I don't think he's wrong about others but I understand that making this a bigger deal right now would be dangerous as well. We do need to discuss this on a much larger scale before we commit to it. We can table it for now until I've figure out what I wanted to do.” I cut off both of them before it could get out of hand.

“That's right… you don't know what you wanted to do. X, I know that this seems like a lot to take in but you are our ally. It might not mean much but you've played a hoof in us keeping society together.” Star Swirl insisted as he tried to figure things out.

“Aye. You've forced us to come together on our first joint mission between the three tribes. It wasn't ideal but it was necessary for what needs to happen eventually.” Rockhoof asserted as he looked back over the troops that were still leaving the area. There were actually a few mixed groups of non racially biased ponies.

“I'm not talking about not working with you. It's more me finding a purpose for myself that is outside protector. Someday I might not be needed and I want to make it so I'm not always needed. If I have to solve everything what would that make of ponies?” I asked the two my grimace breaking through the veneer of passivity.

“Laziness and the unwillingness to act for oneself.” Star Swirl affirmed. “I dread to see a day where our guards can't handle things for themselves. Where does Flint fit into this though?”

“I looked through my memories. There was something that was created to handle out of control situations and I was going to try something. A tiny experiment of sorts.” I admitted trying to keep a coy smirk on my face.

“Experiment? What kind of experiment?” Rockhoof stepped up appearing to not like the tone with which I took.

“Social experiment. I want to see if I can get all races to work together… even if only a few agree to. Something to work for you know… a real peace and not just something that lasts a year before someone gets pissy over some borders or someone took someone's love interest.” I trailed off as I got these weird looks.

“That's a tall order right there that is.” Rockhoof looked at me as if I was crazy.

“What was that about fighting for love?” Star Swirl asked keeping his curiosity alive as he waited for me to explain himself.

“That's not important. I'll talk about it later. Look I have a plan that I've been thinking about for a very, very long time. It won't be accomplished any time soon but I want to try it out to some degree. I need to believe it can be done.” I stressed as I tried to push my idea.

In truth, a part of me was merely trying to emulate what X would do. He would try to find peace between everyone regardless of race or creed. In truth I just wanted to have a bit of time to find a way back home… at least to some capacity. It was a long shot and if I was being honest with myself probably didn't exist in the slightest. Still… it was something I could strive towards that would always be in the back of my mind.

“You crazed optimist. Still… I can't fault you for trying. Remember, they are under your jurisdiction and while we are understanding of it that doesn't mean others will be.” Rockhoof whispered to me. I was glad he didn't deride my idea outright and warned me what would happen eventually.

“We shall put him up in one of the spare rooms we keep for now. I have been thinking about something for a while now and I think it's time.” Star Swirl announced as he turned to trot into another section of the fortress.

“Time for what?” I called to him and followed after while Rockhoof went to Flint and led him off somewhere in the fortress.

“For you to meet our future rulers, of course.” Star Swirl finished off his though and trotted through the halls while I waved goodbye to the others who went about their day just as quickly. These ponies eased back into their routine way too easily.

It had been a brisk five minute walk and Star Swirl was unusually silent… to a degree. He had been muttering to himself as guards passed by on their patrols. I noted a pattern eventually. Those that bore the mark of an aegis gave me dirty looks and did little more than dismiss me from their sight. I was certain my exploits made it so they wouldn't do something stupid. Those that bore Hurricane’s mark of a hurricane actually nodded their head to me giving me a portion of recognition. It was a very long walk to be sure and Star Swirl ignoring everypony that walked by him didn't really help.

Eventually we reached a large thick oak door that was guarded by Hurricane’s troops in particular. They hadn't taken part in marching out to the Crystal Empire but they nodded to me as well. I suppose working with the commander bought me some credibility to my character. Star Swirl waved them off and they stepped aside to allow the two of us entrance.

“Star Swirl, you've returned! I can't… “ A medium sized white unicorn cried out until she noticed me. Her wings twitches making me realize that I was looking at an alicorn. She shivered slightly as another one wandered in. Royal blue in color but much tinier than the sister I was guessing she hadn't noticed me.

“Tia, why dost thou meander here? What is… “ The blue one stopped as she looked up to me. Her eyes were watering and she was slightly trembling.

“Ah girls. Good, you two are prompt as always. This is X. He is the golem that helped stop Corundum from destroying the Crystal Empire any further.” Star Swirl waved it off as he picked the girls up in his magic and seated them at the table. “X. These are the two I wanted you to meet. This taller is Celestia and the shorter is Luna. They act a bit scatterbrained but they are good foals at hearts.”

“I am not a foal!” Luna shot back puffing her cheeks up until she noticed me looking at her. She quickly looked down, ears splayed and trying to shrink as small as she was able to be.

“Hello X… I trust you've kept well.” Celestia forced out managing to keep herself in a diplomatic pose as best she could. Her knees were buckling though which she noticed I had noticed. The two of them were a bundle of nerves most likely because of what they might have heard about me.

“Yes. All is well. I've had to fight monsters in the past couple of days but that was merely interesting.” I shrugged as I did so. I kept my movements down to the bare minimum so as to not set them off.

Luna managed to bolster herself enough to appear royal but whenever she tried to open her mouth to speak she would shake from the fear inside her. I could tell what they were feeling due to the Suffering Circuit but there wasn't much to do at the moment. I was an unknown to them and only time would mend that tear.

“Indeed.” Celestia coughed out unclear where to take the conversation anymore. I was pretty sure her eyes twitches to Star Swirl who merely kept his eyes closed and patiently waiting for Celestia or Luna to continue.

“Uh… um… what kind of monsters?” Luna belted out as she actually had managed to pick herself up to the table top only to realize she had no cover and sat back down.

“Windigo and an Umbrum I think is what he called himself.” I answered as I sat at the table across from the little moon. She thoughtfully tapped her hooves together as of trying to think of something to ask.

“What did you do?” Luna continued as I recounted my fight against the windigo and how I managed to magically burn it out of existence. When I brought up Corundum there was a bit more uncertainty on their faces.

“An Umbrum shouldn't exist. Those are old pony tales told to scare foals from getting out of bed.” Celestia countered though her tone wasn't fully disbelieving since Star Swirl collaborated my tale.

“Most fairy tales are based in truth. They are dressed up to make them easier for children to stomach since the original tellings were usually so dark and twisted they would give anyone nightmares.” I shot back. “Saying it doesn't exist only shows that you are unwilling to take stock of a situation to either disprove or prove what is and isn't real. Every legend you will ever hear is true to some degree.”

“I suppose that means that those monsters Star Swirl had fought have some semblance of truth then?” Luna mentioned and I noted that she switched how she spoke depending on who she was talking to.

For those of respect she spoke formally switching in a lot of ‘thys’ and ‘doths’ which peppered her speech. Those she wanted to be casual with it seems she dropped any pretense of her speech and talked like a commoner, at least for whatever constituted a commoner since I hadn't seen any citizens yet. My entire journey I hadn't seen any cities during my trek north and I was a little concerned about their population centers not actually existing.

“Exactly but those creatures you meet out there. Those hydras and manticores and chimeras that roam the world. Those aren't monsters.” I slowly steepled my fingers together which seemed to drag their attention. Apparently hands were mystical to some sense.

“Then what are monsters then? I am certain that they are scary enough.” Luna pouted though I think it was because she was scared of them still. From the look of them I could tell they were still young and not ready to actually be leaders.

“Monsters are the beings who consciously choose to do bad things. If a thief steals food to feed his starving family because he has no other options then he is merely misunderstood. If he does it to feed himself then he is selfish. If he does it to spite another then he is cruel. If he does it to kill another then he is a monster. Though morality is really tricky and something everyone builds up through their life.” I posited and quietly watched their reactions.

Throughout my tale I saw the two relax and ponder over things that they knew nothing of. The talk of monsters actually caused them to visibly cringe as their thoughts swirled around. I knew it was a bit much for the two of them since they were still learning to be rulers but morality determined how a ruler reacted to situations. There would be hard decisions and such but most of all there would be no right answers… merely their answers.

“Star Swirl… why are we meeting like this?” I quickly turned to my intrepid host who was coyly smirking.

“Hm? Ah yes I wanted them to meet with you. To dispel the fears they had growing when we received the letter that you had managed to nearly single hoofedly took out Corundum's entire army. Also to lead the conversation in a certain way but I did get a tad distracted on your talks of morality.” Star Swirl rubbed the back of his head.

“Star Swirl… where did you want this conversation to go anyways?” Celestia looked towards her mentor, eyes shining full of questions while Luna nodded her head vigorously to the notion.

“Allow me to prepare before we do so.” Star Swirl closed his eyes and lit his horn as several magical runes appeared across the walls, floors and the ceiling before a clear mystical shield surrounded everything. “There. Silence is golden and this is something I've been meaning to detail to you X and to my students since before the siege of the Crystal Empire.”

“Do tell.” Luna called out feeling ever so frisky at the idea of a secret. Celestia reeled it in by keeping a stern look on her face but when I pointed to her tail which was swishing around she quietly covered her reddening face to the chuckles of her little sister.

“Have I told you two the Tale of the Two Gods?” Star Swirl looked over to the two sisters.

“Yes you have Star Swirl. What does that have to do with this moment and all the secrecy?” Celestia looked intrigued.

“Recite it for our guest if you remember it so.” Star Swirl looked to Celestia who looked as though she had been dope slapped for walking into that trap.

“Right… long ago before the rise of any race on this planet there were two creator gods. Most don't know whom these two figures were but they became known only as Order and Chaos. They worked together to shape worlds giving it the gift of time and meaning. Throughout the ages the two would work together, fight against one another and die together to restart things as they go. Then they would reincarnate to continue the process giving us the stars and skies littered with emblems of their battles, the stars. Unfortunately one day the being who governed Order started to question his role. They wanted things to remain pristine and forever but Chaos always craved change. Now at what most only surmise as their fiftieth incarnation went insane at the futility of their act and was struck down by Chaos before the world would suffer a static fate. Unfortunately, when Order died before Chaos their powers became sealed due to their pact of being reincarnated whenever both died being broken. With no way to affect the world balance was struck in favor of chaos and the world forever trailed down that path of uncertainty.” Celestia finished.

“Always an interesting tale… but what does this have to do with our guest?” Luna questioned looking towards her teacher for answers and me for clarification. I merely shrugged.

“It is because of what he did when he fought the Windigo that I bring this up. From my talks with Platinum and Concerto I am positive that the Spirit of Order has been returned to this world… and that being is you.” Star Swirl pointed to me. I was glad I had turned off my facial structures that would have revealed my shock.

“I'm not a god Star Swirl. I've told you before that I'm merely a reploid. A robot. A mechanical golem made of metal. I will admit that my body is weird and I think might be working towards making a magical engine but that would take far too long to make anything possible.” I quietly admitted.

Nana had slowly been working from the thaumic sensor we had been working on to make something to channel magic through my buster should it ever be necessary. The incident with the Windigo was merely a fluke and overclocking of my buster with Fenrir’s cyber elf ability. I was certain other that was the case…

“No X. You have magic. It's subtle but it's slowly filling you. It is making you more than you are.” Star Swirl insisted as Celestia and Luna watched on with their full attention.

“Okay… what does this change though? I might be working towards some channeling of magic, does that change where we are at this point in time?” I quickly pointed out making certain to not refute what he was saying. Discord had made several asides to the same conclusion so I couldn't just throw it off handedly into ignorance.

“I suppose not. Still it is something both to look forward to and be wary of. Your counterpart has been quiet leaving us in uncertainty.” Star Swirl pushed back against the assumption.

“Counterpart? The chaos is real?” Celestia suddenly stated causing the two sisters to flee much from the shock of their fairy tales actually being true.

“Sister get a hold of yourself. There is more at stake than thee sanity.” Luna quietly barked out making certain her attention was on us.

“Yes… Discord is out there. The spirit of chaos is there.” I muttered as I looked at the little moon princess.

“Are we safe?” Luna looked towards me seemingly gauging how I acted.

“Honestly… no but yes. It's difficult to explain but so long as I'm the object of his ire he will focus on me which is why I need to find a place to hideout in and keep as a sort of grotto where I can hide out.” I explained as I patted her head. She flinched slightly though eventually rested her head against my palm. It was warm and she seemed to enjoy the head patting.

Celestia looked at me expectedly. I blinked at her and she blinked at me. Then we got lost in a staring contest before she showed me the indignation of no head pats. I eventually did give her head a pat though I swore she muttered something about being condescending to a certain degree. Then I looked to Star Swirl.

“Do so to me and I take off your arm.” He leveled his steely glare at me.

“Fine. Let's head out then. I need to find someplace inconspicuous.” I admitted as I looked over to the sisters who were quietly discussing things between themselves.

“Already? But we haven't heard more tales!?” Luna blurred out. Clearly she was the kind to enjoy combat more. I could tell when her eyes shined about me defeating the Windigo with a concentrated tornado ripping through whatever constituted as its neck.

“I wanna hear too!” Celestia shouted out agreeing with her sister.

“Well then, I have to leave then. I only have two stories in my impressively short life that I've been active. Gotta have more adventures to have more stories. It's the trade off of being me I guess?” I belted out. I could have regaled them with X’s exploits… but I only new third party accounts. I played the games from a limited perspective and most of the extended knowledge was hard to constantly remember.

“Aww… “ Both ladies pouted as they realized how the situation would go.

“Goodbye for now.” I waved to the pair as I waited out in the hall for Star Swirl to exit the room.

He trotted out seeming a bit relieved for some reason and while I was curious it was only question three on my own list.

“That went well.” Star Swirl muttered taking a deep breath as he closed the door and started to lead me elsewhere.

“So… “ I started slowly waiting to see if he would be forthcoming on his own.

“So? What… oh, yes. An explanation does seem in order.” Star Swirl sheepishly averted his eyes.

“Would be nice. Would help me make sense of why you're so relieved and what you really wanted to talk about.” I pointed out. Ever since we had entered the room the Suffering Circuit had been pulsing whenever I focused on him.

“They had become scared after hearing what you had managed to do. The report I received had made it seem as though you were unstoppable at the time. I needed them to see that you weren't what some of the soldiers were trying to portray you as.” Star Swirl turned to me and led me back down the stairwell that led into their secret office.

“A monster right?” I crossed my arms slightly lost in thought at the implication.

I had placed limitations on my power already. There were many due in no small part to the fact that if I used more than thirty percent on my buster I could potentially kill someone. That, was only the tip of the iceberg if my other weapons were used without a limiter. The Windigo experienced that personally.

“I… I wouldn't go so far as to say that. But yes… “ He sighed and placed a hoof against the door frame to their sealed room. “Ponies are bigoted little creatures sometimes. Even with our first home being frozen over they still haven't learned to live in some form of harmony, and harmony is what I wanted to talk about. They can still be better but we need time to heal that deep seated hatred that bleeds in every generation. And I think we have found a way.”

Star Swirl ushered me into the room past the barrier that he placed where I found all the Pillars sitting at their seats like they first were when we discussed the ways of the world. I actually found a seat which they also offered me that when I sat in it, didn't buckle under my weight. Then I waited as they all muttered amongst themselves before looking towards me again.

“X, we see you as the Spirit of Order reincarnated. I just want to push that out right now before anypony else starts spouting unimportant things.” Magnus bluntly stated grabbing a few disbelieving looks from his compatriots.

“Yeah… I kind of figured it out with a little urging from my mortal enemy.” I deadpanned right back. Discord had made it very clear that he was looking towards me as an equal or at least someone soon to be.

“Right ma chere. With that we have finalized our project we have been working on.” Meadowbrook started as she pulled out a crystal seed. “And this is how it starts.”

“As you know the Crystal Empire is vast and full of gem like objects and no rarer is that of a crystal seed. This is something we needed for many years but until now this is the only one we've managed to find. It was kept under the care of the Amore family and with the tragedy that occurred we thought that all was lost. Of course that was then… this is now.” Mist Mane lectured making certain I was focused on the seed.

“Each of us… from the far corners of Equus on the whole can infused our magic within it to eventually foster a way for the entire world to heal from the anger, the hatred and sorrow. But there is one thing missing or should I say two things.” Somnambula started as those who spoke filtered their internal magic into the seed.

“Aye. Two things that must be given willingly by one of Order and one of Chaos. A small magical pulse to give the seed life. We have infused it with our magic already.” Rockhoof answered as I noted several motes of magic floating within the seed.

“We need one more thing before we plant this… your magical ability and… his.” Star Swirl uttered as I gingerly picked up the seed.

I had no idea what to do to actually give it whatever magic I had within me. So I decided to wing it… otherwise we would be stuck there until I figured out how magic was actually a part of me outside of the small unit within my body that was still being built.

I opened my power core and waves of energy pulses out sending a thin strand towards the see before enveloping it in its energy. It felt heavier at this point and I couldn't figure out why it jumped nearly ten pounds more. I closed my core and the others were amazed by how bright the seed now shone. The next order of business was getting him to agree…

“I'll be back. Is that teleporting unit still safe here?” I looked to Star Swirl who nodded though hesitantly.

“What will you do?” He seemed to want to stop me but hesitated.

“Make a deal, of course.” I answered before teleporting out of the room towards Mount Canter.

It was cold. If I actually could feel it would be troublesome but I kept that function off for the moment. This was something that might help because of what I was going to do. Looking around I noted that his yellow eyes weren't anywhere around me.

‘Thaumic sensors can't pick him up. We have no idea where he could be.’ Nana informed me which I figured would happen given who we were dealing with. He was smarter than he let others perceive him.

‘We do not believe this course of action is wise but the plan you've fed us seems sound. Are you certain that this profile fits that duplicitous snake?’ Harpuia chimed in making certain to keep his tone reverent for some reason.

“As far as we know he is egocentric so something like this would probably get to him because no egomaniac would ever admit to being weak, would they?” I posited to the others.

‘In case the psych profile is wrong I've overclocked your weapons system.’ Fefnir interjected and I was glad he gave me an out of things got bad.

“Discord!” I called out to the heavens.

Large bolts of lightning went straight up to space while the sky distorted and shifted into different colors. I think snow started to roll down an invisible hill before shifting into a very large draconequus raising his arms in a pose…

… until he saw me.

“You… well I must admit this is a surprise. Come to face me in a climatic duel upon the very mountain where you first fell into despair? Hmm?” Discord chuckled as he cradled his head in his paw and talon like a schoolgirl on her bed. The smug grin he wore seemed to say he knew something I didn't.

“Not yet. Besides I think I still see some smoldering fur from the first time we met.” I barked back at him. Discord actually lowered his paw to his chest subconsciously before leveling his glare back at me.

“Fine you little gnat. What did you want? I'll have you know that I'm a busy draconequus and I don't have time to waste.” Discord smoldered slightly actually breathing flames from his nose which turned into smaller Discords and raced around like dalmatians.

“A deal.” I stated as I stared up at him making sure to lock eyes with him.

“A deal? Bwahaha! Are you kidding me? You think there's anything we could actually agree to deal with?” Discord sneered and snickered. “Good luck on that junior. You got nothing to offer.”

“Maybe. Though seeing as you and I don't like to kill I think we can agree that one of us is going to pay when we fight.” I replied keeping myself steady as he started to split apart.

“Yes… I suppose so. So what game are you playing at. I don't deal with fatalists.” Discord growled out lowering himself to my level.

“You see me as your equal. Don't you?” I pointed out causing him to glare a bit harder.

“Hardly. You're just some thing I found to make sure balance is around. You aren't that important.” Discord scoffed as he folded his arms across his chest.

“And yet I've kept you at bay twice. You want to prove that your the best don't you? But you can't if one of us dies then either of our powers will get locked off.” I countered as he actually clenched his talon in anger.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Discord chimed off though he noticed me looking at his hand and quickly changed his tune. “Fine. You have made a very sound point but so what? It doesn't matter what happens. As long as you exist my power grows. You can die for all I care and I'll still have my power active regardless.”

“A diminishing power that will run out.” I added quietly.

“Yes a diminishing… shut up! Get on with it or I'll be enacting some cathartic punishment for what you did to me.” Discord lost his cool clearly reaching the edge since I had tried to dish out as good as he gave. I think he knew. He knew that because of what he did we were tied by fate to live against each other and should one fall the other would follow.

“A way to fight to our fullest with no consequences. A way for you to prove that you are the greatest so long as you go through me eventually to reach it.” I sounded out as he went from full of rage to merely smoldering.

“So… what did you plan then?” Discord warily eyed me as I pulled out the crystal seed.

“This. I've channeled my magic into it. You channel yours and we will be outside of fate’s control. No limitations and no deadlines to ever stop us. We just need time to let it grow.” I answered raising it up as he stared at the small bauble.

“Hm… a way to let go. Are you certain that you are Order at this point?” Discord snickered as he seemed more in tune to the idea.

“I don't care about that as much. I may embody it but it doesn't control who I am. So we make this deal even if we embody something just to tell fate to fuck off.” I bluntly stated giving the chaos spirit a wide smirk.

“I'm beginning to wonder who the devil is in this deal now. Fine… you've convinced me if only slightly. Chaos will reign supreme eventually and if this let's me do so without limit then why should I refuse.” Discord immediately coiled around me snapping tightly as I pushed my buster into his chest and held the seed in my other hand. “But let's get something straight here.”

“My sentiments exactly.” I growled back my buster humming with a full charged shot I kept ready.

“We aren't working together. We aren't allies in any sense of the word. Eventually you and I will fight and perhaps even die. At this point I've decided that you are the only exception I shall make. The Spirit of Order, X is the only exception I shall make. That is the only word I will ever keep to you.” Discord scowled as he touched the seed putting in an equal amount of chaos magic into it.

“A side to this deal… until this tree grows we won't try to fight. We will have something worthy of being our final battle. Agreed?” I stated as I turned my buster back to my hand and held it out. My hand was still glowing for some reason.

“Deal.” Discord answered as his paw flowed the same plaid as his chaos magic.

As we shook a symbol burned into his paw of an infinity symbol and one melted into my right forearm. I actually felt the intense heat and burning sensation as it burrowed into my very soul. I managed to stay on the mountain peak holding my burning are as Discord writhed at the burning sensation on his paw.

“With this… the deal is struck.” Discord hissed as he tried to heal his paw… and nothing happened. “Looks like this is a permanent thing. A deal throughout infinity between two god like figures.”

“We aren't gods.” I countered as I got to my feet, the symbol slowly returning to normal and the heat receding back to a manageable pain.

“Maybe not but we are the closest thing there is right now. We will shape the future as we see fit. You've already done so by your actions in the Crystal Empire.” Discord stated as he melted away and reappeared back in the sky. “So have your fun. Do your best to keep me entertained and when it's time, my time, this world will enjoy an Age of Chaos!” Discord laughed as he snapped his talons and disappeared

I remained on the peak for a bit longer as I tried to keep myself from losing my cool. I was in a lot of pain. Since I had kept my pain receptors low I had not gotten used to the pain. At this point I would have to get used to the pain from now on. Eventually I clenched the seed as I noted the order and chaos magical energies actually pulsed through it. I eventually set the teleportation signal and warped back to the fortress.

Star Swirl remained worried as the Pillars were delivered a report as a large portion of the sky had warped colors and rained what could only be described as chocolate. Before the six could get out of the room a sudden beam of light landed in the room revealing a very tired looking me.

“I did it… “ I muttered as I placed the now completed crystal seed on the table.

I didn't know why but my entire body immediately went into sleep mode and I fell to the floor unconscious.