• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 5,005 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

X. Retrace (unedited)

It took an hour just to find the water source and a few more minutes to coax Concerto into the freezing cold water. We had passed a few more open plains and several older looking trees. I will admit that I've been passé so far about my fight against the golems that seem to be created by the Crystal Empire. From what I heard through the pillars they were supposed to be extremely difficult to stop. Although I was a highly advanced war android regardless of what Dr. Light expected from the real X in the first place.

“Sorry X. I can't generate heat through your body to heat up the water. Using the Fire Wave weapon may fix that… or evaporate the water that is here. Given that the ecosystem is so volatile to require intervention it would be ill advised to do so.” Nana informed me which hampered my ability to keep Concerto from griping.

“It's gonna be cold.” I bluntly stated as she visibly shook from fear. More than likely the inevitability that was coming.

“But… but I don't want to be shivering. Can't you use your weapons or something to heat the water.” Concerto tapped her hooves together visibly uncomfortable by the sight of the tepid waters before us.

“I do have a flame weapon but I would probably evaporate all the water too quickly. I'm saving it for when you get out of the water. See? I made a small fire pit.” I pointed out the several large stones I had picked out of the landscape and placed around several clumps of dried grass and broken tree branches torn into more kindling. It was sufficient since I didn't get cold unless I allowed it. Thanks mostly to the internal systems that both powered my core with sunlight and the nuclear battery backup to keep my joints warm even at extreme temperatures.

There were weapons that could freeze me. Those times I played the second and third installments had Crystal Snail and Blizzard Buffalo clearly able to freeze X in place with their weapons, albeit I was X now, so I was still capable of being frozen.

“Look… the quicker you take care of this, the quicker you can get warm again.” I gently coaxed her closer to the water.

“No! I shall be fine like this. I am a lady of class and I can make this work. See? The mud is already accentuating my coat and the grass is adding pizzazz already.” Concerto grinned nervously as she showed off her body in different poses to show that she was fabulous or something to that effect.

“You are getting clean… you know that right?” I crossed my arms and looked down at the grown mare trying to act like a child.

“I won't!” She cried out as she attempted to run away. I dashed into her and picked her up in my arms taking care not to squeeze tightly. She started to squeal and whine as I started stepping into the water. As soon as it reached my stomach, where it would be if I had it, she struggled to get out of my grip as her body touched the water.

“C-c-cold! Cold, cold, cold, cold!” Concerto screamed out as I kept moving forward until everything up to her neck was under water.

“The faster this happens the faster I can dry you up. Get ready to hold your breath now.” I warned as I kept my hold on her as she shivered uncontrollably.

With a firm stare and gritted teeth she nodded while she kept shivering. Concerto took a deep breath and I instantly went underwater with her. I surprisingly kept breathing managing to open my mouth and actually breathe in the water.

“You're doing great… just… a… few… more… seconds… there.” My voice echoed through the water which might have been a mistake since she shrieked underwater and nearly passed out. I jumped out of the water getting her head out into the air.

“Gurk heugeurk… that was horrible!” Concerto screamed as she coughed out whatever water she had taken in from shock. “How are you talking underwater! That doesn't make sense!”

“I'm a golem…” I deadpanned as I stared at her. I wasn't but no one needed to know I was a reploid. There was no one even slightly like me.

She opened her mouth to retort but the sputtering she made made it obvious that she didn't have a leg to stand on in this particular instance. I could have explained why it worked but the science of sound waves was something that this world didn't need just yet. I had a feeling that sonic weapons could harm me since the classic era Megaman was especially damaged by Noise Crush robot master weapon.

When she finished pouting I wiped the mud that was still clinging to her face and waited for her to get the rest of her body done. She lit up her horn and the rest of the mud started to slip off her body. Her mane took much longer but it wasn't my concern. I went back up from the water’s edge to the impromptu fire pit I created and switched to Fire Wave letting a stream of flame light up our heat source for the moment. There was a slight eep from her but she didn't run this time shaking off the excess water before joining me at the fire.

“How? How did you do that?” Concerto finally spat out as she shivered near the fire, holding her hooves up to keep warm.

“What? The talking underwater or the fire making?” I chuckled slightly since it made it a bit more difficult for her to figure out what she wanted.

“Let's start with the fire then we'll move on to the more mundane.” Concerto growled out though with the constant shivering it came out stilted and non threatening.

This… actually made me think about how to handle this. Discord was always watching… for the most part. If I remained boring I'm certain that he would stop paying attention. I had just routed a small contingent of Crystal Empire soldiers almost effortlessly, flawless had I not protected Concerto. My weaponry was a point against Discord and would be better kept as secretive to a degree. I used three weapons and now the ponies who ran from me knew I could command tornadoes and lightning bolts. If he was watching now then he knew I could hurl flames from my hand. It was a bit bad to keep using weaponry but each one had a more specific use for exploration, at least, some of them did.

Both Armored Armadillo and Sting Chameleon’s weapon were geared especially for movement when charged. The shield was less capable and I didn't know if it could handle environmental hazards but I needed to trust that it would help. Chill Penguin’s weapon could be useful for sliding through areas and Boomer Kuwanger’s could clear hazards since the blades were made of ceratanium which still confused me why it was strong enough to shear effortlessly through metal.

“X, you need to answer her. I've been studying our current escapades about magic, if you must call it that, and have come up with certain terms that will keep our facade up. It's not ideal but this will keep us out of being examined more closely. There have been a few signals reaching over seventy thousand joules of energy being displaced and one visual revealed two eyes matching the chimeric entity known as Discord. Here are the terms to use for now.” Nana quietly assimilated the information into my brain giving me access to several files of speculation on how magic works for the most part.

“The fire I wielded was because of some arcane circuits placed in my arm. My creator was… ambitious and wanted to make certain I was capable of growing in any direction possible. So… he gave me every possible chance to be more than I am.” I quickly explained. I was glad I didn't have any tells at this point since I could turn off certain motors on my face to stop certain expressions from forming. While some of my thoughts went towards being an expert poker player I doubted that they would accept a robot player.

“Arcane circuits? But those are still in development. Not even Corundum figured out how to engrave spell work to be used at any point… aren't you limited?” Concerto curiously balked at the implications as she bounded over to me and poked me with her hoof. “But you're metallic… not crystal…”

“Well… I was built in mind to keep going no matter what. Crystal can be made brittle. Metal will take much longer.” I muttered as I look at the sun now starting to lower. ‘Where did the day go… I didn't keep her in the water that long.’

“I don't understand at all…” Concerto pouted as her curiosity overtook her need to shiver as she adjusted well to the heat given off the fire pit.

“Yeah… I'm gonna be a confusing topic.” I stated tilting my head slightly as if bowing in defeat. Everything I said had been a lie and if the scowling coming from off in the distance from his horrid eyes were any indication I was doing a damn good job of it.

“Um… X.” Concerto broke out of her questioning stare and for some reason looked really scared.

“Yes?” I carefully asked. Her look was making me nervous and I didn't know why. It was like looking at a child who had made a mess and was suddenly coming up with the truth because they were caught.

“Will you make sure I can sleep…? I haven't slept well since… that happened.” Concerto started though she was trying hard not to break into tears as two trails poured from her eyes. “Will you keep me safe?”

‘Ow… ow… this is actually really moving.’ I patted her on the head and sat next to her. “Yeah. You'll be safe.”

She gave a sniffling smile and curled up next to me. I rolled my eyes at the sight but internally I was smiling at the sight. It was adorable… like the dog I never had but I would never say anything of the sort out loud because even I knew that would be an insulting thing to even mention.

Discord’s scowl was still ever present but he eventually disappeared like he always did whenever there were boring moments. I didn't sleep… not really and I kept my eyes open as the sun finally set and the moon finally rose.

Concerto struggled to sleep pawing at my leg with her hoof. The cold metal was probably unsettling to feel but every tap actually calmed her down enough to relax. She fell into a peaceful sleep after two hours of struggling to keep her eyes closed.

The crackling of the fire was the only real sound going on. I was left to me own thoughts and Nana was busy collating more data to hold a conversation.

Hurricane and his fellow soldiers had marched non stop the moment that the golem X had left the building. What had been a daily march and flight had become less strained as they came upon a veritable massacre. The scattering of discarded weapons and armor and the remains of three golems that had nearly killed one of the Earth Pony Regiments was a sobering sight to behold.

“My Faust… this is horrible.” A jet blue pegasus with a cutie mark of a Phoenix feather emblazoned on a shield muttered as he looked over it all.

“I suppose he wasn't kidding then…” Hurricane muttered as he looked over the torn ground and scorch marks littering the ground. “Second Stand look for any survivors and make certain that they are restrained if they wear the mark of the Crystal Guard.”

“Yes sir!” Stand responded with a quick salute before flying down to assist the unicorns with finding the enemy and restraining them.

Hurricane was surprised. It took a lot to actually surprise him with the reveal that Star Swirl actually destroying a golem being the highlight of his life. This… well, the sight before him trumped all expectations.

“To think if we had this sort of firepower on Equestria’s side, the windigos would have been destroyed almost immediately.” Hurricane mused though secretly he wondered if that was overestimating some golem that had appeared out of nowhere.

The implications were disturbing to some degree with what Star Swirl had mentioned. A spirit of order now locked into a battle with no clear victor in sight. Project Harmony could actually be committed to with both spirits at play. Barring any setbacks they could initiate something that would finally give him the peace of mind he deserved. Though… there were still doubts and With Corundum still a threat there were little things that could drive everything to ruin.

“Sir! We found something!” Second Stand yelled out as he kept flapping both his wings and lips at an annoying pace.

“What is it?” Hurricane gruffly answered keeping his ears splayed from the ‘words’, he guessed they were words, coming out of Stand’s mouth.

“You need to see this…” Stand finally annunciated correctly as he held back his disbelief in his tone.

Acquiescing to the request, Hurricane joined the rest of the squad noting that there were now hoofsteps joining those discarded equipment that they had seen before searching the area. Huddled in a large mass, there were fifteen ponies roughly kept together by was could only generously be called the remnants of several weapon and armor pieces mangled into a makeshift chain. The unicorns were groggily waking up while it looked as though the earth pony and pegasi troops were attempting to retreat.

“Well,... I'll be. Looks like we got some of Flint Shard’s best troops here.” Hurricane chuckled as he landed in front of one of the Crystal pegasus guards. The look in his eyes was one that he didn't recognize.

As a soldier fear had been hammered out of his soul almost to the most minute details. Tempered out to be used to help others and not to fall into it. The eyes on this particular soldier were full of fear, immense fear, more than anything he could possibly handle. Hurricane pitied them as much as he could against the enemy forces. A certain level of disassociation was needed to fight against another, something Hurricane was used to.

When the soldier locked eyes with the commander he tried desperately to quash the fear but he couldn't effectively do it. It lingered within his gaze and Hurricane instantly knew that he would break if interrogated.

“Well, well, well look what we have here. So soldier I take it my presence precedes me.” Hurricane slowly drawled out as he stepped to that particular guard. The others who were near him sold him out by turning their heads whenever the guard tried to get their attention.

“L-l-like anyone cares Hurricane. You're a has been now.” The guard hotly grit his teeth. The splayed ears was a sure sign that he was struggling to keep his fears from getting the best of him.

“True I suppose. I would have snapped your leg to make you talk already. Perhaps I have been getting soft…” Hurricane wistfully sighed turning away from the guard. A calculated move, he used violence as a scalpel instead of a cudgel, something Puddinghead had increasingly insisted upon. It had worked more often than not.

“Y-y-you think I-I-I-I'm scared. I'm the p-p-picture of bravery.” The guard struggled to get out as he pushed his back legs against the ground. The weight of the other fourteen guards made it impossible to make any progress.

“Truly, you are the epitome of bravery… now let's talk about what happened here. Or I could exercise my right to make you talk. After all selling yourself off to Corundum’s employ doesn't exactly strike me as labeling you a pony. So, what happened here.” Hurricane drew upon the guard fixing his most stern glare upon the greenhorn. The stammering mess of a pony tried to get his words out but they came out as strangled growls and rough garbled words. A rough smack across his cheeks finally broke through the fear.

“We were attacked by a figure. It was bipedal and wore a mixture of blue and white armor. We didn't think much of it even after it changed colors.” The guard started to explain.

“Hold up. What do you mean change colors?” Hurricane stopped the guard completely confused why changing colors was so bad.

“He changed the blue parts to purple and then yellow. Captain Flint thought nothing of it. When we charged in there… a freak tornado struck right as we nearly struck him. What was worse was the Faust damn confidence that thing had. It knew what was going to happen and it planned it out. Most of us nearly broke our wings trying to stabilize under that damn shift in atmospheric pressure. Then he changed yellow and seemed to glow this weird pink tint. Once again Captain Flint didn't notice anything wrong and had the rest of our ground forces rush in. This wave of lightning or something shot out all around it and we were paralyzed in spot…” The guard choked out shuddering as he remembered everything that happened.

Hurricane kept quiet. Once again he felt that small tingle in the back of his neck. It was a sure sign that things were gonna get worse. Peering around, he noted the lack of golems and the lack of information on said golems. Had he not spoken with Star Swirl before he left there was a good chance that he would be having a conniption about everything he saw. It was a true battlefield, the likes of which were unseen since Tirek’s incursion on the Principality. Though there was a very big difference between the two. Tirek’s had been a stalemate until Star Swirl had joined the field with Scorpan by his side. This though was a bloodbath of the highest caliber. There wasn't even any blood and he could tell that X had wiped the floor with all the ponies and golems that had attacked him. Had X not implicitly been on their side… well he had his grave already planned out before hand.

“What about the golems? I know you lot had some on you.” Hurricane growled as he rounded back on the guard putting the pressure on him. It wasn't all out of information gathering. Hurricane had started to get pale when he thought about the battlefield. He needed the distraction even if it would worry him more.

“We didn't have any. There were only ground forces here. We didn't need any to kick your flank.” The guard growled out to the cheers of his fellow trapped guards.

“Second Stand.” Hurricane called out.

“Yes sir?” Stand flapped in saluting his Commander.

“Do it.” Hurricane commanded.

“Right away sir.” Stand complied as he stepped up to the guard.


The other guards instantly quieted as that sickening crunch was heard as that same guard screamed in absolute horror as his foreleg bent at an angle that it wasn't supposed to go. Tears gushed from his eyes as one of the unicorn soldiers on Hurricane’s forces winced. He came over next and snapped the leg back with his magic and slowly started to mend it back.

“So. I'll ask again. Where are your golems? That is not a request. It is not suggestion. It is an order. You have one chance to answer before we move on to the next conscious guard.” Hurricane suggested leaving the threat in the air.

The guard grit his teeth and spat in Hurricane’s face. He slowly wiped his hoof over the spot and with a quick turn snapped around bucking the hapless guard in the face. With the sickening movement of a puppet cut off its string the guard slumped down completely unconscious. He moved on to the next guard.

“Same question. Same result if you don't answer or do something just as stupid.” Hurricane warned the next guard. He was a much greener looking earth pony but not because of his coat. It was in his eyes.

“T-t-they were destroyed. That golem came in and wrecked them. First only took one shot then the lightning took out the last two.” The earth pony guard stuttered out completely going against his training.

“Good stallion. The rest of you lock them up. Unicorns get horn suppression rings and wing manacles for the pegasi. Second, do we have any idea where the main camp is?” Hurricane looked over to his second in command who was only sheepishly staring at the guard he had to assist into talking.

“Sir… I think we went too far there.” Stand quietly murmured as he stared down at his hooves. Hurricane slowly stepped over to him.

“I know. You had no choice though. It was your commanding officer’s fault.” Hurricane muttered as the captured troops were freed from their makeshift bonds and three of the unicorn soldiers mass teleported them away.

“Understood sir.” Stand glibly saluted and joined the rest of his squad.

Hurricane slowly peered into the sky as he felt his joints stiffen up again. It was an act that had been perpetrated when necessary. One of the old ways that he remembered. It was getting clearer everyday that things were changing. His wings were stiffening up almost to the point where they were incapable of flapping as fast as they once were. Time was still marching on and their replacements were still nowhere close to being able to handle the responsibility that came when holding the reins.

“Wistful once again you old feather head.” A simple chuckle emanated from behind him obviously full of mirth yet containing a small regal tone.

“What do you expect from this dusty old crow? He’s always picking up the slack for the armed forces already.” Another regal voice sounded out though much more haughtily than the other.

“Of course the hornheads and hoof stompers would let you two out once again. So what do I owe your gracious company then, Puddinghead, Platinum?” Hurricane growled out.

The first was an earth pony with a pale amber coat and poofy pale pink mane wearing a crown with a bowl of pudding on top of it. It also seemed to be fresh as well. Instead of a robe she seemed to be wearing very well made purple armor to protect her. Being Chancellor Puddinghead, leader of the earth pony tribes, offered her a lot of pull when it came to the protection of her ponies.

The second was a unicorn with a white coat and impeccable platinum mane also wearing a crown on her head though much more traditional looking. She wore a fur trimmed robe looked to be enchanted to protect from the cold. As the deigned royalty of the unicorns of Equestria, Princess Platinum kept her regal mystique. They were as different as different could be.

“We were worried that you would push yourself once again. Pansy asked up to keep an eye on you.” Puddinghead answered making certain that Hurricane could see the sincerity.

“Also to keep you from doing something stupid. It looks as though we were too late though. There were better ways.” Platinum chided the brash pegasus soldier.

“I know. We needed results though. I'm certain that Star Swirl has already informed you.” Hurricane gruffly brushed off the concerned stares.

“He did. If I am speaking honestly and I usually do so…” Puddinghead stated only to be cut off.

“Like you always do.” Hurricane chuckled.

“Ahem… as I was saying that from what I see out there frightens me. This level of destruction is something I've never seen before. Even Tirek’s assault never burned the very ground like this. I can feel the ground where the tornado hit cry out for somepony to save it.” Puddinghead darkly reminded the two. She could feel the very earth beneath her hooves thanks to her high affinity with the world.

“I've been performing several spells Clover requested that I do when I arrived.” Platinum lit up her horn once again as a silver light erupted from her horn. “It has found no magic. Hurricane we've only got the bare minimum from Star Swirl about this X. This doesn't not inspire confidence in either of us.”

“Personally I'm willing to go along with this for one reason.” Hurricane solemnly stated.

“And that is?” Platinum and Puddinghead both asked almost at the same time with only a few seconds off from when they started.

“He left them alive.” Hurricane allowed those words to hang in the air as the two seemed to realize what it meant.

“So he can think…” Platinum muttered under her breath.

“This is dangerous then. We are placing someone under dire circumstances with what looks to be powers greater than anything we've ever seen. Is Star Swirl certain that this is wise?” Puddinghead gulped slightly revealing a bit more concern than she was used to.

“If it means we have safety then it's an acceptable risk.” Hurricane grimly stated showcasing the grimace that he formed the moment those words escaped his lips.

“Then we need to meet with this X on our own terms Hurricane and privately if you are so sure that he is smarter than he looks. Elysian knows that I haven't seen him.” Platinum snorted as she pawed the ground shifting the dirt a few millimeters aside.

“The guards that we assigned to security detail have become much more ornery since the golem appeared. We may have to be careful about Vicious Aegis. He has always been overzealous in his actions.” Puddinghead warned the two obviously more versed on the acts of her hoof picked guards.

“Leave him be Puddinghead. We need to be impartial in this. If he makes the mistake of causing an incident then it be on his head.” Hurricane spoke gruffly showcasing a deep frown on his muzzle.

“Hopefully we'll be seeing results from sending a golem against Corundum.” Platinum muttered though she peered at the guards as they got back into formation. Nopony needed to know what they were doing when it came to X.

Hurricane stood as the head of the guard as Platinum and Puddinghead took to either side of him. They marched off for the north to look for a suitable place to make camp before the sun finally set below the horizon.

Another sleepless night had passed with the sun slowly rising back above the horizon. There had been no incursions or sneak attacks during the night though I did notice from time to time the sight of Manticore wings and tails off in the underbrush. I fired my buster once into the air scaring the creatures of the woods away. It was fortuitous that they weren't as aggressive as most creatures would be or they could sense the danger I represented.

There was a cute little yawn as the pony next to me finally woke at the first rays of the sun hitting her face. When her lone eye facing me opened I could see the worry nearly vanish when it locked on me. She was actually frightened that I had lied.

‘What made her this paranoid…? Whoever did this probably deserves to be beaten senseless or worse.’ I mulled over mentally. My uncle’s words on dealing with criminals more permanently echoed in the back of my mind. It was something I could do… which was quickly quashed as I didn't want that on my head. The human part of my being didn't want to fall to that level if I could help it and the robotic part remained logically placed on no killing. The morality testing seemed to have come built in when I was forced into this body.

I was a bit lost at this point. There was a goal to stop someone known as Goring Corundum but after that… there was nothing else I had to do. These ponies most likely would attempt to get me involved but the looks I got from their entire guard force made that undesirable in any situation. Concerto may be another avenue to work under until I could get more information about the capsule I could go looking for. Everything was optional… and I had no idea what to actually follow through on.

“X? You stayed. You stayed!” Concerto cried out as she pounced into me. I had to back off slightly so she wouldn't slam her head into the metal of my chest. My hands shot out grabbing her under her fore hooves as she wiggles in place far too happily that it made me concerned.

“Well… where was I going to go?” I chuckled slightly. I had let go of the restraints of my emotions to a certain degree since the cuteness of the scene was able to curb my darker thoughts from resurfacing.

“Right. Of course, heh heh…” Concerto rubbed her hooves together. “Now I can finally tell you something important.”

“What is it?” I looked as interested as possible since it seemed important enough for her to fidget around uncontrollably.

“I still remember the path I took when I escaped. I marked it by gouging some marks into tree bark while I ran for Equestria. I was thinking… since you've made it clear by your actions that you are going to confront Corundum, perhaps you could also deal with one of his lackeys. A bucker only known as Ruby Geode. He’s one of Corundum's generals and the one pushing into the Principality. Dealing with him would make things easier on any of the Equestrian forces attempting to stop the tyrant.” Concerto explained while her innocent look shifted towards malicious intentions. It was subtle but that empathy I felt because of the Suffering Circuit made it very clear there were ulterior motives.

“I take it you're going to come with me?” I sighed slowly. It was obvious that she wanted revenge most likely. A princess who lost her family and barely survived her tortured existence. Geode was most likely the perpetrator of these heinous acts.

“Yes.” Concerto resolutely answered fixing me with an intense gaze that seemed to lightly affect me though not with intimidation. Worry seeped into my thoughts.

“On one condition.” I stared back fixing my own serious gaze at her causing her flinch slightly. She seemed nervous whenever I gave her a serious look which was something I didn't want to pry about.

“What is it?” Concerto warily asked keeping her ears splayed most likely to use whatever cuteness she had to get me to go easy on the conditions.

“I'm in charge. If I tell you to stand back you stand back. I say keep quiet you keep quiet and so on and so on. We're going to be dealing with what could be ruthless killers if that unicorn that was commanding those guards and golems is anything to go by.” I stated almost to the point of demanding as far as my tone was at. While I wasn't exactly a leader type I wanted to live up to the real X managing to become a leader. Hopefully I wouldn't also have a pacifistic epiphany of some sort though I doubted I would seeing as I didn't have any maverick hunters by my side. The cyber elves didn't count since they couldn't interact with the world around me without alerting Discord who was missing from my sight.

“You mean Flint Shard. I understand. I.. I just need to be there to see everything unfold.” Concerto responded looking absolutely conflicted as she bit her lip and grimaced. I nodded and she pointed off towards a very large weeping willow that was off in the distance. “That was where I came from.”

“So due north then. What will we be looking for?” I pondered as I recognized the tree since mom had one planted in our backyard back home… ‘don't think about it.’

“The main camp of the invasionary forces of the Crystal Empire.”