• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Galaxy Master

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Day.

"Ninetales..." Ninetales had arisen, sleeping next to his friends. His friends had already started eating before him with food served by Twilight. A bit late but his favourite food was already right in front of him. As if he was never tired in the first place, Ninetales got excited, wagging his nine tails around.

"So. You want to know what that 19th door in the 18 Realms is?" As for Twilight, she was speaking to Ash who had come by today.

"Yeah. That last one's a mystery. I'm just curious about it, ya know. I'll head there soon, but there's some stuff I gotta do first." Ash replied.

"Well, I'll go with you. We have no idea what's inside that extra door. It could be a Type that we've never seen before. But then...that makes the Pokemon School's 18 Types irrelevant, right?"

"Uh, I guess so. Might be something else I think."

"Might be the Unown again. Who knows? So about the Human World. I was thinking of coming there too sometime and..."

"Ninetales." But as those two were having their conversation, Ninetales stuffed his face. But as he was stuffing his face, that's when he heard something. Something spoke inside of Ninetales' head, prompting him to pause his breakfast. "Nine?"

"Hey! I know you can hear me you nine-tailed freak!"

"Ninetales?" Ninetales stood up, looking around for this voice. He wasn't yet aware that it was inside his head. At the same time, Ash and Twilight walked out of the room with the rest of Twilight's Pokemon following. They had just finished their food while Ninetales was still trying to hear that voice. He shrugged it off before walking away.

"Don't you walk away from me! I demand you stop and listen!" The voice inside of Ninetales went on a rant that was filled with nothing but hatred and frustration. And that voice belonged none other to the most recently defeated large threat in Equestria.


Inside Ninetales' head, she was screaming out, trying to grab Ninetales' attention, but she could only get slight pauses until Ninetales walked along as if nothing happened. As for Cosmos' presence within Ninetales, it all had to do with some certain malicious flames.

Which is exactly what Cosmos was in right now. A realm full of those flames of hatred that she generated but Ninetales had absorbed thanks to Flash Fire. She had two prisons now. A prison in another dimension and a prison inside of Ninetales himself.

"If I had my magic I'd absolutely blast your ears! Curse it all!" Cosmos bellowed in frustration as even here, her magic was locked away. However, as she angrily sat on the floor of malicious flames, she suddenly felt a gravitational pull. "Hm?"

Cosmos' body was suddenly being warped along with this realm as she gasped, standing up to see everything being pulled in one. Cosmos began panicking, looking through the eyes of Ninetales to see the cause of this.

It was a Poke Ball.

Outside and back to reality, Twilight was returning her Pokemon into their Poke Balls, minus Espeon. Ninetales was one of those Pokemon as he shrunk when the Poke Ball was held out and since Cosmos was a part of him, that meant she was being pulled in too.

"Wait! What is this?! Nooooo!" But her voice was cut off once she entered the Poke Ball. Ash and Twilight were already leaving the castle, off to experience another day.

Magehold. Day.

Back at Magehold, the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta was currently looking at the rubble of rocks and the crystals that Melody Moon and Bittersweet had brought her. After failing to get the entirety of those three mysterious stones, they settled for these instead.

Rosa was fairly disappointed by this, however, she would still work with it. Any chance to find Yveltal was crucial, no matter how small it may be. As for Melody and Bittersweet, they were peeking through the window of Rosa's study room, hoping that what they brought back was useful.

"I can see you two." Despite them being behind her, Rosa could sense the two vampires looking at her, startling them. "Come inside."

"S-Sorry, your highness." Melody Moon apologized before sheepishly opening the door. "But...how goes it? Is it serviceable?"

"It's all we could get after all." Bittersweet added.

"It's fine," Rosa replied. "These crystals are linked to Mega Evolution. And Mega Evolution is linked to Yveltal. It's still something after all. Your job was decent at best.

"D-Decent..." Melody lowered her head, wanting it to be more. But alas, that wasn't possible with how things turned out. Bittersweet felt bitter by this, stomping her hoof.

"But, all the more reason we need the Black Crusade to succeed. The Pokemon World is full of surprises. Not only that, but since we've been away from conflict for so long, we're severely lacking. Melody. You work well with Opal's voice. Bittersweet, the same goes with you and Sweet Fang. The entire Dread Lague is undergoing retraining for years of absent conflict. But of course, once the Black Crusade is a success, all conflict will cease."

"Right, right." Melody Moon chuckled before pouting, still feeling hurt by her performance.

"For now, we'll cease our attacks on the Pokemon World. At least, until we're ready. And perhaps we'll return there if necessary. For now, these crystals might just be the key that we need."

Kalos. Geosenge Town. Day.

Speaking of Geosenge Town, peace had returned to the town along with repairs. Everything went back to normal as if nothing happened last night. All Pokemon and Trainers were healed up, free of those dark spots thanks to Nurse Joy and Blissey along with the other nurses in regular hospitals.

But right now, something was approaching Geosenge Town. A golden light appeared in the azure skies in a flash. This light flew past some of the Flying-Types in the skies before then rocketing to the town of old. This beam of light was a mystery in every way.

A mystery to everyone, however, the light particles around it greatly resembled the light from the Sea Temple's crystals. And that same light that flew out of Ash's comic book.

Just then, the light started to speak.

"In a hurry, he responds to the danger that has been sprouted up, moving across the heavenly skies." The voice had a deep booming effect to it while also speaking as if it was a narration. "When he arrives, he-" But the second the light appeared at Geosenge Town it let out a spark that was meant to replicate a gasp. "Sees that it's all alright?!"

The light had seen Geosenge in a peaceful setting. A large contrast to what happened last night. It involved Flames of Tartarus, two Demons and corrupted melodies. All of that was over now.

"I-I'm too late. Drat." The light sounded greatly disappointed by this. It wished to appear when the conflict was underway. Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny and all the officers along with Pokemon Ranger Jackie had sorted it all out.

"Hm? What's that?!" Officer Jenny spotted the light in the sky as she was at full alert ever since the event last night. The light felt like it didn't need to be here now that all the trouble had gone. It soon zipped away with Officer Jenny watching it ascend.

The beam of light's next destination was unknown. Right now, it was just aimlessly soaring through the skies and nothing more.

"It seems that justice had already been served back there. Now he travels elsewhere to lay out some justice and hopefully isn't one day late or one week late like last time. "From the way it reacted to Geosenge's peace, its alignment was already set, bu ut no one else knew about that. At least, that would be the case. But there was one entity who knew about its existence and what it is.

Intercepting the light's movement was another booming force greater than it. The Rift. The Rift had covered the light in an aura of Rift Energy, keeping it in one spot.

"Gasp! He's been stopped in his tracks! A mysterious energy has held him back!"

"Enough with your narration already." The Rift finally appeared before the light. Still to this day, Ash's effect on the Rift had left it weakened, forcing it to regenerate and stay out of the picture with almost nothing to do for a while. The RIft managed to regenerate parts of itself, but that Aura was like poison to it. "I need you more than anything right now."

"You do?" The light responded to the Rift. If someone were to be nearby, it would look like two forms of energy were speaking to each other. Which is exactly what it was.

"Yes. I really do." The Rift had used its energy to affect the light, making it grunt. The Rift had recovered enough power to do something new as a flare of cosmic energy had burst out of the light. The Rift had another plan. And whatever it may be, chances are, it was all directed toward Ash.

No longer was it a goal to see some entertainment and create scenarios that would keep the Rift amused. Now, it was just pure vengeance as this light particle was the Rift's first major plan to target Ash.

Equestria. Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres. Afternoon.

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, something new had been placed there. It was hard to miss considering its size as it originally came from space itself and crash landed at Pegalysium. And soon, it was brought back to Equestria and kept at Sweet Apple Acres.

That of course was one of the meteors from Meteor Mountain. And this one had the spirit of Pear Butter and Bright Mac, meaning that no matter what, Applejack and her siblings could always see their parents. It was like they had never left. And thanks to Aura being able to activate it, their astral projections had popped up, making them visible.

"King Paramount was kind enough to let us keep this. Who am I kidding? He didn't care at all." Applejack shrugged. "Too wrapped up at the moment with his parents to even think about it. So he let us take it home since it has our parents."

"Really now..." A stunned Fluttershy was amazed. "So, there are other meteors like this back at Pegalysium? Does it have everyone?"

"Kaleidoscope said that new meteors drop commonly. So, there's more to come with more spirits showing up." Ash explained. "But I wonder if that mountain can hold every single meteor that comes down?"


"Maybe now. Since King Paramount and Applejack along with a few others took those meteors with them, they'll have some space. And with more spirits showing up, that mountain won't have to worry when others come and fetch them." Twilight replied. "But it has me all curious...what's beyond there? The Omen Meteor is somewhere out there in space and I'd love to see it."

"We've got that Arceus staircase that's gonna go into space soon and find Jirachi, right?" Applejack added. "Shouldn't we just use that?"

"You're going into space?" Pear Butter said with widened eyes. She then looked at Bright Mac as that was a surprising leap in life. Space is considered the Final Frontier after all.

"When it's finished, of course. We still need to get some spacesuits for that." Twilight responded. "But you know...it's weird what I'm getting recently."

"What is it, Twilight?" Fluttershy turned to her.

"Something tells me that Pegalysium and Meteor Mountain weren't there before."

"Say what?" Ash and the others equally said.

"It's so strange." Twilight Sparkle pondered. "They exist, but ever since I got Rift Magic, something's been telling me that they were never here in the first place. As if these meteors and that entire nation and other things that we know are completely new."

"They are new. Right?" Fluttershy was trying to follow this. "We just learned about Meteor Mountain. And Pegalysium's still somewhat new to us."

"I know. But I think I've figured it out." Twilight grinned as everyone leaned in. "It might have something to do with the original timeline. We might be seeing new additions that have weaved their way into the past. It's the same thing with BigTime Ben."

"Oooh..." Ash and the others were following while Bright Mac and Pear Butter simply nodded as if they understood what was going on.

"But, we'll have to wait and see if that's true." Twilight squeed. "I mean, a part of me believes that the Dread League were always here."

"You do that. Pikachu and I are gonna head out. Twilight...or I guess the other Twilight? Hmm...I'm gonna need to make these names easier for me?" said Ash as he wanted to find an easier way of saying both Twilight's names.

"I for one would like Twilight Prime." Twilight already had something, proudly letting out a cheesy grin as Applejack shook her head. "If that's okay with you."

"I got it! She's amazing at science so I'll call her Sci-Twi. Does that work?"

"Well, it's something." Fluttershy couldn't argue against that name at all as Twilight, Bright Mac and Pear Butter laughed.

"Rolls of the tongue nicely so there's that." Applejack agreed.


"Well, we're off. See ya soon!" Ash and Pikachu were off to the parallel world. Most likely, Alpha Pokemon-related.

"Wait, Ash! If by some chance you overexert yourself and head for that 19th door, tell my counterpart to use the Xtransceiver!" Twilight shouted, giving Ash a heads-up.

"Will do, can do!" Ash gave his final word before it faded into the distance.

"All this talk about Aura, otherworlds and counterparts is too much." Bright Mac shook his head.

"Mhm. What happened here while we were gone? " Pear Butter questioned.

"Well..." Twilight figured that now was a good time to tell them everything. From start to finish as she used her magic to bring over a log for her to sit on. "Let me start from the beginning. So, it happened just one day after we defeat Discord."

Gorebyss Cove.

Gorebyss Cove was another water-centred location in Equestria that was the cause of the Pokemon adapting to this world and changing the land itself. This sea was vast and connected to other nearby seas within Equestria's waters, located south of here.

Aside from the obvious Gorebyss living here, this was a cove, so other Pokemon of different kinds and habitats would show up here. A group of Chimchars had already made this place their home, swinging from the trees that were surprisingly plentiful. Not as plentiful as the flowers here which were graced by the Sunflora and the Bellossom.

This place didn't have a gateway though. But that was all about to change thanks to the guards from Canterlot. The Chimchar stopped what they were doing to curiously look at the guards as they were all holding new Travel Spheres.

Made by the Ranger Union, of course.

"Alright then. Open up a gateway that connects to Hoenn." The guards looked at a letter that was made by Princess Celestia as they were here under orders. "The overabundance of water made by the Pokemon could flood parts of Equestria, so there has to be a gateway in between."

"This works, doesn't it?" Another guard said. This cove has the least amount of water, so we can send the incoming waves here and let them go to Hoenn. No shortage of water there."

"Apparently, there's this bottomless part in the Hoenn Region that makes it so that it never floods if there's too much water coming in. Do you think it might have something to do with that Legendary? Kyogre?"

"Maybe. Haven't seen it to know so."

"How's this possible though? What caused this?" Another guard asked, curious as to how this problem sparked up.

"Might have something to do with the invasion or Cosmos. Either one. It's not a full problem yet, but we should stop it before it does become one. Princess Celestia said that the water should drift elsewhere until the problem's sorted up. Her majesty's already cooking up a new spell that she can make for this issue."

"Can she do that? I never knew her magic was that great. That's amazing!"

"She's apparently unlocked new magical capabilities than what the original timeline of her was. Or something like that. For now, let's open up a gateway to Hoenn and send it there. Then, the People of the Water will help sort the rest out." A guard held the Travel Sphere up, aiming it at the sea.

"Hold it!" Suddenly, a voice boomed, stopping the guards from doing anything else. The guards and their ears twitched as they looked up to see the origin of this sound, including the Chimchar and the other Pokemon living here.

It was the golden beam of light that resembled the energy from the Sea Temple's crystals. It appeared once more, this time, in Equestria as it was approaching this spot. Once again, the voice within was narrating.

"Moving at great speeds, he makes his entrance right on time before the sphere can be used. And with a flash, he lands!" The voice narrated exactly what was happening and what would happen next.

Just like it said, the light flashed to the ground, performing a landing that made the guards and the Pokemon close their eyes. The light landed specifically on a hill instead of the lower sections. A slight wind pressure had been made too.

And once that light had finally descended, the voice within was given a visage. The Canterlot Guards gathered themselves before narrowly squinting their eyes, trying to see what was within it.

A silhouette popped up first. A silhouette of a man that had stood up tall, putting his hands on his lips while balling them into fists. A cape swooshed gracefully within the light as the energy was finally dispersing.

"W-Who are you?!" A guard questioned.

"Hm? That is a good question! Allow me to introduce myself!" The voice spoke, managing to keep the light around for a bit as he suddenly started posing. "A flash in the cosmos! A light appears before the world to heed its sorrow and plea! From spacetime itself, I appear!"

"What?" A guard took off her helmet, a bit taken aback by what she and the others were hearing. The light suddenly let off explosions behind the visage that were not destructive at all. They seemed somewhat playful.

"The Superstar!" The light then expanded before finally revealing the man within and his full appearance, further befuddling and surprising the guards along with the Pokemon.

"Galaxy Master!"

"..." Total silence filled the air for a bit as even the energetic Chimchar couldn't help but pause completely at this sight. Everything about that sequence was new to them.

"Oh brother, who's this chucklehead?" One of the guards said, not impressed by what he saw.

"Now!" Galaxy Master vigorously pointed his finger at them with such enthusiasm behind his voice. "Drop that sphere immediately!"

"Huh?" The one holding the sphere had a reasonably confused expression. "W-Wha- who are you even to say that? You just showed up out of nowhere!"

"What do you want with this sphere?"

"I've been sent by a troubled soul who has felt nothing but pain." The man in a Superhero outfit clenched his fist, seeming emotional by it. "The Rift, as it's known as. Where there are those who feel pain and require help, I'll be there!"

"You were sent by the Rift?!"

"Precisely! That sphere holds its power, does it not? I'll be taking it away and preventing you all from opening another one of these gateways now."

"As if. You've already made us decide what to do about you. Working for the Rift requires you to be under arrest. You'll be sent to Princess Celestia immediately." Even though they were taken aback by this character, they already knew what to do once they heard about the Rift.

"Hm-hm! Tell your monarch that will not happen." Galaxy Master crossed his arms, wagging one finger in denial. "I plan to restore what was missing. And you've all been busy these past 3 years. Everything you've done shall be toppled!"

"That's a definite threat." The guards nodded in unison before then unleashing their Poke Balls into the air. ut of them came their Golurks, ready to apprehend this colourful character.


"Summoning your Pokemon? Then in that case..." He had another surprise for them. By raising his arm, he suddenly summoned a flash of blue energy that made a thunderous sound. This pillar of energy flashed onto his hand when it came from above as another wind pressure was summoned.

"What now?!" The guards exclaimed as some of them had been blown away slightly.

"Come! My friend! Pikachu!" He cried ut the name of a Pikachu as lo and behold, once it touched his hand, he then thrust it forward, shooting out a smaller beam. As if he had special magic of his own, that beam hit the ground, rapidly forming a familiar figure of a friendly Pokemon.

"Pikachu!" He summoned a Pikachu.

"Huh?!" The guards grouped together as this colourful and strange man had summoned a Pokemon from the skies themselves. They would've at least expected a Flying-Type to appear from the skies. "D-Did he just create a Pokemon?"

"No! He summoned it!"

"But that's a pretty stupid choice though...We have a lot of Golurks. He just has a Pikachu." One guard pointed out how much of a disadvantage this was. Pikachu was an Electric-Type after all and all of them were Ground-Types.

"Oh, yeah. Good point. Golurk, apprehend him. And I guess the Pikachu too. Shadow Punch!"

"Golurk!" The Golurk had all extended their arms by turning them into shadows that had great reach. Easy for both physical combat and restraining someone.

"It's best not to underestimate those that are small! Go, my friend! Unleash your Water Stream!"

"Pika...Pika!" And by what he meant Surf. This Pikachu had access to Surf. Pikachu jumped into the air, but instead of summoning some water, he had suddenly used the water in the surrounding area of all things. As if he could manipulate water itself, he pulled the water from the Gorebyss Cove to his arms, using it as his own power. "Chu-Pi!"

Pikachu had then unleashed the water that he controlled, sending a strong stream of it. The stream had overpowered the shadow arms, drowning them out as the Golurk were then blasted by this alternate variation of Surf.

"G-Gol!" The Golurk had been carried away by the stream of water, taking super-effective damage as the guards were in danger of being carried by the stream as well

"Quick, Golurk! Earthquake!"

"Golurk!" Some of them Golurk managed to withstand the stream before then smashing their hands on the ground. The Chimchar were loving this as a battle had broken out. Golden shockwaves broke through the stream just to try and reach Pikachu.

"I think not! My friend! Light Speed!"

"Pikachu!" He meant Extreme Speed, which is what this Pikachu also had. Pikachu took off, utilizing his speed to the fullest. IN a flash, Pikachu had a yellow flash around his body before he then moved at the ferocity of a lightning bolt. He moved so fast that he managed to pass through some of the shockwaves before they could register, evading them.

"Hah! They're Ghost-Types, so that's still pointless! Dynamic Punch!"

"Lurk!" The Golurk came together for one big Dynamic Punch, fixating int on Pikachu, who managed to avoid their Earthquake surprisingly with just one Extreme Speed.

"So you say? Pikachu! Show them a big wave! Water Stream!"

"Pikachu....!" Pikachu stopped in front of the Golurk, looking up at their Dynamic Punches. The moment they came down, Pikachu suddenly put his hands up. The fists of the Golurk crashed down on Pikachu's hands, but they were surprisingly held back.

The guards couldn't believe their eyes. Dynamic Punch had been held back by a Pikachu, who wasn't even using an attack. At least, until now. Once he had a hold of their arms, he wagged his tail, using it to manipulate the water this time instead of his arms. A bigger wave was incoming from different directions. And the guards were within range.

"This is the big finish!" Galaxy Master roared, pointing ot the sky as Pikachu managed to crash each stream into the guards and the Golurk. The Golurk received the worst of it all, receiving another super-effective hit as the stream transformed into a whirlpool, finally carrying the guards.

"Oh! Aaaaaah!" The guards were sucked into the whirlpool with their Pokemon, receiving a turbulent ride. Pikachu did a stylish backfliped that resulted in him posing right after he stuck a landing.


"That's game." Galaxy Master declared this battle over. And indeed, it was.

The power behind that Surf was stellar as the guards felt dizzy right afterwards. Their Golurks had also fainted in the process with water dripping all over them. The Travel Sphere remained intact, immune to water. Galaxy Master walked up to retrieve the Travel Sphere, officially claiming it after his big victory.

"Well done, my electrifying friend. I believe this is the start of a great team-up." Galaxy Master said to Pikachu, who had excitedly jumped onto his shoulder.

"Pika-Pikachu! Pika!"

"Ooh, I Know! How about this addition?" The man in the costume had then waved his arm around, summoning a red cape around Pikachu to give him that superhero flare. "Now, you're really showing power."


"This is one of many. But for now, this mission is a success! We got a Travel Sphere!" He raised the sphere into the sky as Pikachu celebrated with him.


"Why you..." A guard said, crawling over Golurk. "You'll hear from this from Princess Celestia..."

"I think not. I'll be taking this now. As for you all...hmm...I suppose I can only leave you here. You are the law of this world after all. Come, Pikachu! There's more for us to do!" Galaxy Master's work here was done. His exit was similar to his entrance. He became a body of light again and this time, Pikachu became one as well.

With a flash, they were gone, leaving behind the guards and the Golurk to lay there defeated. They groaned before having the Chimchar hop over with curiosity.

"Chimchar?" The Chimchar patted the guards on the head, surrounding them and their Golurks. Total defeat by a mysterious man and his Pikachuthat came from the skies. It was amusing to the Chimchar despite what had happened.

And of course, Galaxy Master was sent by the Rift, who was obviously behind all of this. The Rift secretively peeked through the clouds, watching how the Galaxy Master was already off to a strong start. This was all part of his plan and vendetta against Ash. It was a unique way to start his revenge but every revenge, no matter how bizarre, are always filled with rage and animosity. Including something as campy as this.

"He's off to a great start. This is the best approach I could've thought of. Just you wait, Ash Ketchum. I'll ruin everything you have by something that you created."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 833 End.

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