• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Story for a little sister: Part 1

Canterlot. Morning.

"Hey, there~" Celestia entered Luna's room while whistling. She was currently facing Luna, who was sick, unfortunately. "Feeling better?"

"No." Luna. sniffled while resting comfortably in her bed. A cold is what she came down with. A very nasty one too. "That's the last time I try and lick a Vanilluxe. I thought mother and father said that I wouldn't experience something like sickness or any harm due to the spell they put on me. Why is this happening?"

"I'm afraid sicknesses were exempt from that, Luna." Celestia squeed.

"Arcanine." Arcanine was providing heat for Luna by constantly staying by her side. Luna also had some of her Fire-Type Pokemon.

"But don't worry. Your big sister is here to keep you company." Celestia used her magic to bring over a chair, sitting down on it while having a book with her. "With a story!"

"A story? Of what kind?" She sniffled.

"It's a fantasy adventure with all sorts of mystical elements. You know the usual. Mother and father used to read this to us back then and-"

"SIster. We're in a fantasy world. Reading this would be tedious, don't you think?" Luna interrupted as Celestia scrunched her face.

"True, true...but how about..." Celestia thought of a way to spice up the story. "We add Pokemon into the mix! And ourselves in the story?"

"...Go on." Luna's interest was now piqued with that idea.

"Right." Celestia cleared her throat, ready to begin the story. "Once upon a time, in the distant past. Following the adventures of some of the noblest group there is."

A small town. Day.

This town greatly resembled Ponyville. For obvious reasons. All of it was told in the view of Celestia. Although, this town looked a bit older. Living in this town was a pony identical to Twilight. In fact, her name was Twilight as she sat in her room with two of her friends, looking at a book. These friends resembled Applejack and Fluttershy. Same names too.

Twilight was a unicorn in this story instead of an alicorn. She had the role of a villager here. So did Applejack and Fluttershy as their roles were identical to the ones in real life. They even had the same Pokemon with them.

"See. Look at this," Twilight spoke, pointing her hoof at the book. "Somewhere out there, a Thunder Creature and a Creature Master located underneath two mountains. How does that sound?"

"Not pleasant." Fluttershy shook her head. "It sounds like it would be horrible underneath two of them at the same time."

"You're showing us this, why?" Applejack asked.

"Apparently, this is meant to be a sign. When the shooting stars burst to the north and the moon shines blue, that's when the bell of freedom resounds in the night sky and allow these two to arrive."

"That's...really ominous." Fluttershy shuddered. "Is it meant to be ominous?"

"More like hopeful. I looked outside to see the stars move in new directions. That means they're going to awaken soon. Probably today. Or tomorrow. Depends."

"Sounds mighty fine and all. But why?" Applejack questioned further.

"Well..." Twilight thought for a moment before shifting her eyes. "I-I'm not really sure. There's no danger around Equestria recently apart from some dangerous creatures. They should only appear when they're needed the most."

"There's that one creep far south. What's his name? Dark Lord Ghetsis." Applejack raised her hoof, imagining this world's version of Ghetsis. "He ain't bother us here that much but he sure bothers everywhere else."

"If that's the case, then should we be worried?" Fluttershy gulped. "Something bad is coming this way, right?"

"Nothing bad's gonna happen, Fluttershy." Applejack shook her head. "Never in Crossville anyway."

"Right. Sorry for the scare, Fluttershy." Twilight squeed. "But anyway, let's get ready for today's royal visit. It's not often that the Princess' pass by here."

"They showed up last year, didn't they?" said Fluttershy. "Oh! Do you think this time we'll get to see more of the Gardevoir and Arcanine? They're my favourite!" She gushed at the thought of meeting those two Pokemon.

"Can't be late then." Twilight opened the door to the outside. "Let's go."

The trio made their way outside with their Pokemon beside them. Already, every citizen was patiently waiting for the princesses to arrive. And in this story, not only were there Pokemon but humans as well. The name Crossville made a lot of sense now.

Speaking of princesses, they had arrived. In a chariot of course. The town welcomed them with applauding cheers. Fireworks, courtesy of some Fire-Type Pokemon had gone off. And this story had its own Pinkie Pie who was the cause of the fireworks and planning the welcome party. She was a baker even in this story.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Second time this year, princesses! Welcome back!" Rarity was also a part of this story, looking over from home with Sweetie Belle Her role in this was an Armourer, making armours for everyone.

"This time, she has to at least try this one." Rarity held up an armour that looked like Cobalion. "The princess never stops talking about him."

"Oh, I'm sure she will." Pinkie Pie nudged Rarity as she, Twilight, Fluttershy and Applejack had gathered. Only one was missing which was Rainbow Dash. About Rainbow Dash, she was just above the clouds, relaxing and watching over.

Within the carriages, Celestia and Luna had taken the role of princesses. As to be expected with a story being narrated by Celestia herself. The two sisters had their Pokemon beside them while also having an extra guest in the form of Adagio. Celestia included her in this story.

"Look at how lively they are today. More than last year." Celestia looked around. "And that was our first time here."

"Hm-hm." Luna nodded. "When can we meet some of the locals here? We barely spent an hour last time."

"It's a bit dangerous at the moment. Dark Lord Ghetsis is more active than ever." Celestia replied.

"What do you mean by that?" Adagio asked.

"Look." Celestia then aimed her hoof at the azure sky, causing her sister and student to look in the same direction. "You see? The Serene Star's been moving further north, even showing its sparkle during the day. That is a great sign for all of us but a horrible sign for Ghetsis. It means that something greater than him is coming, signalling his end."

"Is that what that is?" Adagio narrowed her eyes. "Didn't think a star would tell all of that. So, someone can put a halt to Ghetsis' empire? That easily?"

"With some assistance of course. But they'll have something significant to display. We will have to wait and see when that day comes. And hopefully, Ghetsis doesn't show up." Celestia explained.

Except he did.

Appearing in the skies in great numbers were the forces of Ghetsis. And in this story, they were Team Plasma. Or rather, the Guild Plasma. They even had their Plasma Frigate although it looked older in this story. Their ship hovered above the skies, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Guild Plasma!" Everyone gasped as many of the grunts were dropped from above. Not only that but magic rays from the ship were sent down, attacking the town as the citizens started screaming. Celestia, Luna and Adagio looked outside to see the guild attacking the town.

But more importantly, the one inside of the ship and orchestrating this whole attack was Dark Lord Ghetsis himself. He came into view for everyone by standing on the tip of the ship.

"Ghetsis!" Celestia exclaimed.

"Ghetsis?!" Everyone else repeated.

"Crossville. You all may not know why I'm here. Except for maybe you, princess." Ghetsis looked to the two princesses. "But something's coming. Something that I can't afford to let happen at all."

"Scared of the Thunder Creature and Creature Master awakening?!" Celestia bellowed.

"Not just that. A seer prophesied that another princess would be born, aside from the one of love. That third princess will give me equal trouble as the Thunder Creature and Creature Master. No matter what, that will never become a reality."

"Why come here then?!" roared Luna.

"Because the seer told me that the next one is residing somewhere in this town. So, I've come to erase that potential princess by taking all of her potential magic." But don't worry. Both of you aren't exempt. I still want your magic for myself, using you both as an endless power source."

Right as he said that, Guild Plasma had barged into multiple homes with their Pokemon, not wasting any time to obliterate this future princess. Many were running in fear from this attack, witnessing buildings damaged with rubble and material flying all over the place.

Some tried retaliating with their Pokemon, only for the Guild of Plasma to greatly outnumber them in every way. Thankfully, the princesses had guards that do something. Especially the ones carrying the chariot plus the princesses themselves.

The Golurk had emerged from what seemed to be an old-school Poke Ball. One that was crafted of magical wood for authenticity. "Golurk!"

The Golurk emerged, protecting everyone as the giants they were. They encountered the opposing Pokemon, engaging in a rigorous battle with them.

"Passion! Come to me!" Celestia got off the chariot as Passion had appeared out of thin air via teleportation. She was ready to fight alongside her best friend.


"Come forth, Aurorus!" As for Luna, she had sent out Aurorus for assistance.


Can Darkrai be in this story?


"Pardon?" Celestia looked to Luna.

"Darkrai." She sniffled as Passion gave her some hot tea. "Can he be in this story?"

"Oh. I was hoping to save Darkrai for something important but...sure." Celestia shrugged. "This is all for you anyway. Now. An immediate feud began in the town against the Two Sisters and Guild Plasma. However, Guild Plasma not only had the number advantage but also the horrifying power that Dark Lord Ghetsis had with him." She continued the story.

"Garde...Voir!" Passion had used Dazzling Gleam, striking every Dark-Type she could with this attack. However, they kept coming in large numbers. Celestia also used her magic to push back as many as she could while Adagio stayed in the chariot, hiding.

Aurorus was able to freeze some of them, only for the Fire-Types or those that had Fire-Type moves to melt them away and go on the offensive without relenting.

Some of the Pokemon snuck up from behind, attempting to strike while the princesses and their Pokemon weren't looking. But also sneaking up from behind was Darkrai. He had emerged from the shadows, manipulating them and grabbing the enemies by surprise. He was even able to put some of them to sleep.

That's when Ghetsis stepped in. And this story, he had his Hydreigon with him. Ghetsis rid on the back of his Hydreigon as a ride as the Brutal Pokemon descended But not before breathing down fire from above.

"Hydreigon!" Hydreigon's flames had immediately scorched the grass and tree with unbelievably destructive power. The Brutal Pokemon was also approaching Celestia and Luna.

Meanwhile, Twilight had entered her home, grabbing all of the valuables she could find so that they can be safe. AKA her books. Espeon was doing the same, knowing how important they were to Twilight. There was a safe room somewhere in this town, mainly where the mayor was.

"Let me just get the last ones and-" But as she was about to get the last batch of her books, bursting through her room was a Team Plasma grunt with a Salazzle.


"That one's a unicorn. They say that unicorns have a higher chance to become princesses." The grunt said, narrowing her eyes over at Twilight. But she wasn't alone. More had shown up in this one home. Not only that, but some of them had got Twilight's parents. Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

"Mom! Dad!" Twilight gasped after seeing her parents being held captive. They were both unicorns so they were prime targets. "Eve! Stop them!"

"Espeon!" Acting quickly, Espeon went for the grunts to try and save the two unicorns. Only for a group Drapion to get in their way. They used their tails to grab the Sun Pokemon, slamming her against the wall. "Eon!"

"Sala!" Salazzle went for Twilight, using Flame Burst to try and burn the young unicorn.

"E-Espeon!" Espeon quickly recovered, using Shadow Ball to intercept the attack, saving Twilight. The Drapion then faced Espeon, slamming her aside with Poison Tail.

"Eve!" Twilight caught Espeon in her hooves with her face immediately warping into that of fear. And as she caught Espeon, another Drapion appeared from behind.

Terrified, Twilight closed her eyes, holding her partner close to her as she had used her magic. But in this moment of fear and worry, her magic skyrocketed suddenly. So much so that as she went to cast a field of magic while ducking, the field expanded to an astronomical size.

The field had blown away the grunts and their Pokemon. But also acting as sort of a failsafe for her parents as it did not affect them or Eve. But it certainly affected the house. Twilight's magic expanded to the point where it not only consumed the house but also blew it apart.

And Ghetsis saw this. This expanse of magic was unnatural for a unicorn. He also noticed how it did not come from either of the princesses. He had found the next princess.

"There you are. Hydreigon. Hide a Draco Meteor in the sky." Ghetsis said before redirecting Hydreigon towards Twilight's now destroyed home. Celestia also saw this. It was impossible to ignore something of that scale. Twilight gasped, realizing how the area around her had changed. She was unaware of what she had done before noticing her mother and father.

"Mom! Dad! Are you okay?!" Twilight went to her parents.

"Oh..." Night Light held his head. "We're fine, Twilight."

"Twilight! Over here!" Applejack cried out from afar. Grabbing the attention of her friend, Applejack waved her hoof to one of the safe rooms in this town. The mayor wasn't the only one with a safe room. Twilight, Eve and her parents saw this, quickly making their way towards Applejack's location.

There were already some ponies within the safe room. Ghetsis followed them, only to be stopped by Celestia, Passion and now the involvement of Arcanine.

"Hoh. So you've seen it too." Ghetsis spoke. "You know that unicorn over there is the next one. That kind of magic doesn't come naturally for any unicorn."

"I do. And you certainly aren't getting close to her." Celestia replied whilst Arcanine snarled at Hydreigon.

"Hm. Well, they will." Ghetsis pointed at the sky, averting Celestia's direction. That's when Draco Meteor had come into play. Raining down from the sky were gigantic meteors of draconic energy in great numbers.

Celestia gasped as the town was met with a violent barrage of destructive meteors that cause even further damage. Celestia and Luna acted quickly, using their magic to put a large shield around the town. Their magic combined made one impressively large shield that could defend the town from such destructive fury. Passion had helped by also putting up her own shield.

"Now, Colress." Just what Ghetsis wanted. Appearing from a far distance, Colress had used a device that acted similarly to J's arm cannon. Except this one was a large cannon.

"With pleasure," Colress said as the cannon had fired a beam that went straight for Celestia, Luna and Passion while they were trying to hold the Draco Meteors away.

"Arca!" Arcanine, Darkrai and Aurorus got in the way, using Ice Beam, Flamethrower and Dark Pulse. However, much to their dismay, those three attacks did not stop the beam as it had overpowered them. The trio gasped as they were struck. But once they were hit, they weren't harmed Instead, they were turned to stone. Much like J's device.

"Passion! Arcanine!" Celestia gasped.

"Darkrai! Aurorus!" So did Luna. They soon realized how defenceless they were now. They had to deal with the meteors via their shields and were unable to stop the incoming cannon. Colress charged it up as it was ready to be unleashed once more.

"Wait. I thought we were the main characters?"


"Oh. Sorry." Celestia squeed. "This is how it originally goes and how the story can work out. Just with new additions. You don't mind that, do you, Luna?"

"Mrrgh..." Luna grumbled before pulling a Darkrai plush over to her. She held the plush close to her before putting the sheets further over her. "Fine, alright. Continue."

"Ahem." Celestia resumed, picking up from where she left off. "The potent weapon of Guild Plasma was highly volatile and seemingly impossible to stop. As the princesses stood there, too busy fending off the meteors, they were unfortunately turned to stone. The safe room had been damaged due to the destruction the meteors brought. Only a few managed to escape. Among those few were 6 ponies.

Celestia and Luna had been struck, becoming petrified like their partners. And the same went for the citizens who were unfortunately turned to stone and could not escape in time. Ghetsis wanted all of their magic for himself, so they were all being taken to the Plasma Frigate.

As for the town, it was a wreck now. Thanks to Hydreigon and Guild Plasma. The protection that the princesses had made only did so much. Adagio peeked her head out of the chariot as she had witnessed the carnage. She had also seen her mentor in a petrified state while being taken away.

"Oh..." She said while hiding back in the chariot. "Great. So much for being a prime student." She started speaking to herself in the chariot. She felt guilty that she hid and gave no assistance to her teacher. "It's fine. It's fine. No need to panic yet. Just need to find some help."

She gulped as the Plasma Frigate was ready to take off. Adagio looked around for any sign of help. But there was none. The streets were empty. Seeing as there was no current choice, Adagio made one of her own. She used her siren wings to fly right for the Plasma Frigate. An attempt to save her teacher. Right before it could leave the town itself, Adagio hopped onto the back of the ship, hitching a ride.

As for those 6, they hid behind large piles of rubble. They were this story's variation of the Mane 6. Twilight poked her head out, seeing that the coast was clear. Plus, the Plasma Frigate had just left.

"What just happened?" Pinkie Pie said.

"I believe we've been ransacked, invaded and defeated." Rarity lowered her head. "All in just 5 minutes."

"Gah! If I had some time, I would've thrashed them all!" Rainbow Dash roared before blowing away the rubble. The remaining citizens came out of hiding, seeing their damaged town.

"What now?" Twilight lowered her head as her mother came over.

"Don't worry, Twilight." Velvet said. "This is a sign that the Thunder Creature and Creature Master will awaken and stop Dark Lord Ghetsis, right? Perhaps today."

"Plus, you saved us back there. How did you let out so much magic?" Night Light asked.

"I'm...not sure." A confused Twilight shrugged. "It was in the heat of the moment I guess. I've never used that much before."

"Aaaaaah!" Just then, Applejack and Rarity screeched before realizing something off. Since mostly every citizen had been taken, that also meant their little sisters as they were nowhere to be found.

Some of the citizens also screeched as members of their family were gone too. Obviously, this caused great panic and worry as their family and even friends would have their magic taken away.

But then, as all seemed put into a spur of anarchy, something started glowing on the ground. Twilight turned her focus to the golden light pulsating below. The young unicorn leaned in, squinting her eyes at this pulse. But the moment she got close, the pulse erupted a golden light that forced Twilight back.

Everyone gasped, gazing at the sight of this pillar. They thought it was another attack from Guild. But instead, it was a projection of one of the princesses. Celestia.

"Princess Celestia?!" Twilight screeched with an agape mouth. "You're okay?!"

"Not quite." The project spoke with an echoing voice. "This is the only spell I can use while petrified. But it's enough for me to warn you about this."

"Warn us about what?" Fluttershy asked.

"As you know, Dark Lord Ghetsis came here to find the newest and fourth princess. So that he can absorb her magic before she can become an alicorn. But, he believes that he's destroyed the fourth princess, calling this invasion a success. When in truth, she's still here."

"Really? Where?" Pinkie Pie looked around. "Who is it?"

"It's you." Celestia pointed her hoof at Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle."

"Me?!" Twilight pulled back.

"Oh, that makes sense now." Her parents said swiftly while nodding in unison. Everyone else looked at Twilight, surprised that she was the fourth alicorn. It didn't add up to them, but that expanse of magic explained a lot.

"Ghetsis believes he's destroyed you. But not at all. There's still a chance for the fourth alicorn to show up since you're still around."

"Wait, hold on! Why me?!" Twilight pointed her hoof at herself. "I've never heard of something like this! Wasn't today supposed to be for the Thunder Creature and Creature Master."

"About that. You will have to find those two under the dual mountains. They will assist you in rescuing us and stopping Ghetsis."

"How cool is that, Twilight?!" Rainbow Dash nudged Twilight. "You're like, a destiny pony now!"

"Yeah! Lucky you!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Uhh..." Twilight was having a hard time processing this. There certainly wasn't a mixup. That massive magic field spoke for itself. She then looked at her surroundings, the destruction that Guild Plasma had left. Not only that but how her friends were missing important individuals. Relatives and more friends. Twilight didn't like the idea of heading out there, putting herself in danger. But if it was for her friends and loved ones, she would gladly do so.

"Okay." She took a deep breath before exhaling. "I'll do it. Where do I need to go to reach these mountains?"

"The two mountains that they're located at are the Aura Peaks. Far north. That's where you will find them. For a quicker way to reach them, seek the assistance of the Great Dragon Spike that rests in the Dragon Isle. Hopefully, this isn't too much to process."

"It's not. I got it all, princess. Don't worry. I'll come and save you and everyone else soon."

"I know you will. I will continue giving you advice along the way and-"

"Wait. What about me?" Luna paused the story again.


"Can I not cast the same spell as well?"

"Oh, right." Celestia chuckled nervously as Passion brought over some food for them all. "Sorry about that. But how are you enjoying the story so far?"

"It's...achoo!" A sneeze came out. "Good. I hope it's not too long. Can we skip ahead?"

"Ah, I'm afraid I can't do that. It's not the longest story out there, but it takes time, Luna." Celestia held the book out as Luna grumbled with her ears flopping. "But, we can probably simplify and shorten a few things here and there!" Celestia found an alternative. All for the sake of her younger sister.

"Yay," Luna said with a smile.

"Ahem. Alright." Celestia was ready to simplify the journey towards Spike. "The projections of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna guided Twilight Sparkle. However, she would not be alone in this endeavour. She had her friends. From Espeon to Rainbow Dash and the others. They could not let their friend go at it alone with such a perilous journey."

East. Out in the mountains.

"Thanks for coming along with me, you all." Twilight looked at her five friends. "Not sure I could get through this with little help. My Pokemon plus all of you make an army almost."

"Don't sweat it, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said. "Any chance to help out is all for us. Plus we might even become legends after this!" Stars arrived in her eyes.

"You helped us in the past. It's only right if we help you too." Fluttershy spoke while being carried by her Audino. "But, are we close to the Great Dragon yet?"

"Audino." Audino was obviously the method of tracking down any noise. Plus, Slurpuff's nose could be a great factor in this too.

"What about the third princess? Princess Cadence?" Rarity asked. "Has Guild Plasma gone after her yet?"

"Hopefully not. My brother won't like that one bit." Twilight shook her head. "He has a bit of a huge crush on her. But I don't see it."

"You never know." Pinkie Pie bounced past Twilight. "Love is unpredictable. Just like the Pokemon. Ooh! What do you think the Thunder Creature and Creature Master are like?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Rainbow Dash flew to her side, clearing her throat. "They'll be really strong and unbeatable, wouldn't they? Probably dress all cool like too?"

"If he's a Creature Master, then wouldn't he understand all Pokemon without issue?" Fluttershy chimed in, imagining what this legendary individual would be. "He's probably met all of them."

"Someone of legendary status would have to look dashing right? Hats are a fantastic look." Rarity came in with her own imagination. "You can agree with that, right, Applejack?"

"Eeyup." Applejack nodded. "About that Pokemon too. If it's an Electric-Type, it'd better be important. I mean, I don't know much important Electric Pokemon. Do I?"

"In any case, whoever this Thunder Creature and Creature Master may be, we'll need their help more than ever for this. So, how close are we to the Great Dra-"

Just as Twilight spoke, she had bumped into something that caused her to fall on her back. "Oof!"

"Espeon?" Espeon looked over at her partner before noticing a massive shadow loom over. "Eon?!"

"Oh!" Rainbow Dash and the others gasped before noticing what was in front of them. The most dangerous Pokemon in all the land, holding the most destructive power.


And in this case, Salamence and Druddigon were the ones standing before them, stomping on the ground and causing a mild earthquake. The group froze at the sight of the two dragons before being met with a potent roar from them.



"As the jour-"

"Wait it's ending?" Luna interrupted.


"Hm?" Celestia looked over as a response.

"You were about to say something along the lines of 'As the journey continues. Is that really where it's ending."

"Oh. My mistake." Celestia chuckled with her wings flapping. "I don't know what came over me. That came out of nowhere. Ahem. Ignore that. Anyway, let's continue."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 558 End.

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