• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unleash the Magic

Canterlot High. Afternoon.

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu was previously with Fluttershy at the Friendship Games. He, unfortunately, could not help stop the sudden Abomasnow attack since he was stuck within the ice much like everyone else. Iron Tail could not be used due to this interruption. But thanks to Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash, that issue had solved instantly.

Pikachu had reunited with Ash, hopping onto his shoulder as Fluttershy had returned him. Ash had just got done cleaning the rubble on the outside, unaware of what happened on the field.

"Hey, buddy. Good to see you. What was all that snow about back there?" He asked.


"You missed it, Ash. A lot happened," said Fluttershy. "Another Pokemon showed up causing trouble. But it's over now thanks to Sunset and Rainbow."

"Man. A ton happened huh? And I didn't get to see it." Ash sighed as he was too busy cleaning up rubble. A shame really.

"Maybe next time." Fluttershy chuckled before walking off. "See you at the last event, you two!"


"Pikachu!" They waved goodbye. But once they both waved, Pikachu decided to notify Ash about something important. Something involving Twilight. And it wasn't about the portal. He tugged on Ash's shirt while also using his nose to track Twilight.

"What's up, buddy?" Ash asked as Pikachu hopped off his shoulder. The Mouse Pokemon would lead the way with Ash following him. Being that Twilight was her friend, Pikachu had to be there for her especially after all that has happened.

Ash looked outside the window to see Sunset Shimmer's Pokemon using their flames to melt away the ice from the field. He got a good look at the view itself and how much ice there was. Even the combination of Sunset Shimmer's Fire-Types would take some time to melt the ice left behind by Abomasnow.

Everyone was else was heading outside for the final event. Pikachu could sense that Twilight was with them on the outside instead of the inside. He then hopped on Ash's shoulder, pointing ahead. "Pika-Pika."

"Hm?" Ash looked ahead to where Pikachu was pointing at. And in that direction, she saw Twilight, straying away from the group while holding her locket. "Twilight?" Ash said before Twilight disappeared out of view once the crowd number grew." You're trying to tell me something about Twilight, huh buddy. What happened while I was gone?"


Now for the final event of the Friendship Games to commence. Announcing as always was Dean Cadence, but Vice Principal Luna would chime in for a bit. The crowd was cheering loudly despite everything that had happened prior to this. Excitement does overtake danger sometimes.

"Since the score's tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games," said Cadence.

"Somewhere on campus, a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins." Luna held two flags representing both schools.

"And as soon as our teams are ready, we'll begin." Cadence chimed in.

"I don't feel like playing these games anymore." Fluttershy sighed.

"But we have to play. This is the last event!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening." scoffed Rarity.

"And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight." Sunset rubbed the back of her hair before having Braixen come up to her. She rubbed Braixen on the head to try and make herself feel better, but it wasn't quite panning out. Her Fletchinder landed on her shoulder while Litleo rubbed against her leg to comfort her.


"Especially since she obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did. She's actually really nice." Fluttershy said, also patting Braixen. There was an awkward silence that filled the air for a few moments.

"Let's just get through this last event and prove we're not a bunch of cheaters. Then you can go over and apologize." But Applejack figured that ending the games and wrapping things up would do better than just sulking around.

It wasn't just them either. Principal Cinch was aiming to end this, but not without a little extra. She and the rest of her students gathered, facing Twilight who was standing on her lonesome.

"I know I'm asking you to beat a team that isn't playing fair, but Canterlot High must be made to understand that even with magic at their disposal, beating Crystal Prep is simply not an option," spoke Abacus Cinch.

"What if they grow wings again?" Sugarcoat asked. "Or some Pokemon just pops out of nowhere?"

"A fair question. Though I believe we can now fight fire with fire. I've seen what your device can do, Twilight. Containing magical energy is fine, but have you considered releasing it?" Cinch asked Twilight, focusing on the locket.

"But I don't even understand how it works." Twilight shook her head.

"But you'd like to. And since our opponents have already used it to stay competitive, I see no reason why we shouldn't do the same. Unless, of course, you have no interest in Everton. Though, honestly, I think there's more knowledge packed in that little device than any independent study program could offer."

After all that Cinch said, she started convincing Twilight. Convincing her to unleash all of the magic gathered from the portal, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and some Pokemon. The magic within the locket from Sunset's friends was already potent enough. But with the power of Pokemon Magic, it might be far greater than anyone can expect.

Harnessing this much magical power would not only win Crystal Prep the Friendship Games and dominate it completely, but it could do so much more for Twilight and possibly Cinch the most. Her fellow students and principal started convincing her. And due to Twilight's vulnerable spirit, this was easier said than done. Intimidation has gotten to her before and it was certainly getting to her now.

A chance like this won't come again at all. Not for Twilight. Crystal Prep had only one aim. To see Canterlot High fall to bits by winning with any means necessary. Even if it involves magic or Pokemon.

Backed into a corner, Twilight submitted. She figured that if the magic was just used this one time in the Friendship Games at the last event, she wouldn't have to use it ever again. And then, she would get this problem off her back for good.

"If both teams are ready..." Both Luna and Cadence spoke, building up the tension as Twilight was ready to open the locket and unleash the magic. Sunset eyed down Twilight and the locket, seeing her hand on it. Zorua and Spike popped their heads out of the bags as Zorua sensed an ominous shift in the atmosphere with the wind blowing. And with Twilight beginning to open the locket, Sunset ran over as quick as she could to stop it. "The last event of the Friendship Games begins...Now!"

But it was too late. She had opened the locket unleashed it all. And it was unleashed with heavy force packed behind it. A violent surge of purple magic started building up before exploding with a thunderous outburst. It blew off Twilight's hair tie, making her hair resemble her Equestria counterpart. Everyone else was knocked on their feet as the magic explosion had then inverted, flying back into the orb that it originated from.

Everyone watched as Twilight started ascending into the air. The device had been dropped but the orb stayed, being held in front of Twilight's hand as she had no control of this. At least, not yet. Twilight looked around to see the confusion and fear on everyone's faces, unsure of how to stop this at all.

The orb expanded before consuming her. "Help...Ahh!" She cried out for help, holding her arm out to try and break free with tears flying out. A bloodcurdling scream followed with smoke as well as she was now one with the orb.

The magic of not just Equestria but Pokemon Magic AKA Infinity Energy had filled her. She had transcended as the orb flashed black for a moment before combusting. Her transformation resulted in her eyes glowing white along with a makeover of new clothes, an alternate hairstyle and practically a complete revamp of her appearance.

"Twilight?!" Zorua and Spike gasped.


"Hahaha!" Her entire tone had changed once being imbued with this magic. Now, Twilight was a combination of Equestrian and Pokemon magic merged into one, similar to the Equestrian forms of certain Pokemon like Axew. At this rate, she had chosen the name of Midnight Sparkle for herself. "You were right!" She faced Sunset Shimmer. "I didn't understand magic before, but I do now!"

With the aura of magic on her forehead, a horn had appeared. She had tapped into the might of Fire-Types with flames sparking out along with Psychic-Type energy. Midnight held her arm out, firing a light blue beam that had obliterated the Canterlot High horse statue.

First Ghetsis damaged the mirror portal from the other side and now Midnight Sparkle had obliterated the statue portal from this side. Mainly the horse. The rest was still intact. And after blasting the horse statue, space had been interacted with afterwards. Midnight had opened a portal to Equestria. And it was smack-dab in Ponyville.

"Equestria!" Sunset gawked. The result of Midnight's actions opened this portal formed magical cracks that moved across the ground. Flames started sparking out of the cracks along with purple lights.

Midnight then turned to Sunset and her friends, right another beam to open a portal below them. The group safely ran off before that could happen, but the portal had been opened either way. And this time, it led to the skies. The students all started screaming, running in fear as this far surpassed the terror that was Abomasnow.

And Midnight kept going, unleashing portals through Equestria constantly without little time to take a break. Many familiar locations were appearing along with the view of ponies. Some ponies and Pokemon even noticed the arrival of portals from a far distance. They were still recognizable.

Cinch was also getting out here as soon as she could, not wanting in part of this. Sunny Flare noticed Cinch walking back slowly. "Hey! Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere to avoid that... monster! And I suggest you do the same!" She raised a good point. No one wanted to be caught up in this mess for the sake of their own lives.

"Twilight, you can't do this!" Sunset cried out.

Why not?! There's a whole other world..no...multiple worlds right there and everywhere else possible, and it's just filled with magic! I can have the power of magic and Pokemon to explore thoroughly!" She then fired another beam, opening yet another portal as this one almost hit Celestia, Luna and Cadence.

"But you're destroying this world to get it!"

"So what? There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!" Her voice echoed before tapping into some Infinity Energy from both Normal and Fire to boost herself. She then decided to go for one massive portal, firing it down below. Everyone scattered as the radius of this blast was tremendous. Once it hit the ground with flames surrounding it, the shockwave blew some of the students back while also opening the biggest portal yet, leading to another aerial location.

This aerial location was Pegalysium. She was truly unlocking every possible location in Equestria with the newfound magic she had obtained. Sunset Shimmer was also knocked off her feet from this. But her little fall ended up landing her next to the cause of all of this. The locket.

Meanwhile, the ground was breaking apart with cracks and shatters as the portal was only expanding further. One student was about to fall through the portal to Pegalysium from a high height, but Applejack managed to grab her. The student was now dangling between both worlds at this point. "Don't let go!" Applejack cried out.

The competitors of Crystal Prep observed the chaotic scene around them. So many students, from Canterlot High and their own, were in grave danger. The only ones putting effort to save others were Sunset's friends. Seeing as their fellow students were in danger, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet decided to help out as well.

"Twilight!" Just then, as Midnightwas blasting portals through space, she heard the familiar voice of Ash. Right below her, Ash and Pikachu were there. And alongside them too was Zorua, latching onto Ash's shoulder.

"Ash?" Midnightnoticed the view of her closest friends. The ones that she has spent time with and gotten to know them. She paused for a moment, but the magic had gotten to her greatly. It was too overwhelming to resist. "Like my new look? I look pretty in this, don't I?" Her tone shifted. "With this, we can go wherever we want and see what kind of magic we can find!"

"Not like this!" Ash exclaimed.

"Are you sure?! Aren't you the one who wanted to go on as many adventures as you wanted to? This is your dream come true apart from that Pokemon Master thing!" She spread her arms out. "Plus, we can continue working together like before. Learning about Pokemon non-stop."


"Twilight, you're scaring me!" Zorua whimpered. This was one of the few times that she would show herself to the public out in the open. However, most of the public couldn't see her since they were running for their lives. So Zorua was still an obscurity to many.

"Ah, you're a Ghost you'll get used to it!" Midnight scoffed before unleashing another beam to open a portal. This one was aimed right at Braixen, who was helping others at the moment.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu leapt of Ash's shoulder, facing the incoming beam of magic. He unleashed 100,000 volts that clashed with the beam of magic, quickly cancelling it out. But before Thunderbolt could disappear, Midnight Sparkle ended up absorbing the electricity for herself.

Meanwhile, as Rarity was trying to save two people from falling through to Pegalysium, she ended up slipping due to the shattered ground. But as she fell, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest grabbed her. The other two had held onto Rarity as to not fall to the Sea Cloud. Indigo and Lemon ended up saving all three of them.

That's when the locket started humming, glowing a bit. Sunset turned to face the rest of her friends, noticing something. When Fluttershy was helped up, her body started glowing. And the same went for Rarity after she was saved by Crystal Prep's students. And then for Applejack, Pinkie Pie before ending with Rainbow Dash. The magic inside of them was being exuded once more.

Sunset realized what this meant. And after coming to this realization, she faced Twilight in the air once more. "This isn't the way! I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want! I've been where you are, I've made the same mistake you're making! I put on a crown and, just like you, I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained! I thought it could get me everything I wanted!"

"Oh, you're wrong. Unlike you, I can have everything I want!" Midnight cackled before crossing her arms, showing a potent disposition with blue lightning of Infinity Energy sparking behind her. After absorbing Thunderbolt, she tapped into its strength.

Lightning bolts rained down with Twilight raising her arms as it also ended up opening portals at lightning-speeds, showing more and more locations to Equestria. One lightning bolt almost struck Sunset, but Ash pulled her out of the way as soon as she could.

"See? I've practically become my own Pokemon in a sense! Coupled with magic! I'm a perfect hybrid right now, capable of gaining whatever I want, whenever I want!"

"No, you can't. Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone! True magic comes from honesty!" Just then, she raised the locket as it reacted to the magic of her friends as Applejack's magic rose. "Loyalty!" Next was Rainbow Dash. "Laughter!" Then Pinkie Pie. "Generosity!" Followed by Rarity. "Kindness!" And finished with Fluttershy.

5 rays of light were shot into the locket for Sunset Shimmer to absorb. But also extra light from her Braixen too, absorbing what she had to offer as well. Now it was 6. All 6 of them were absorbed as Sunset ascended into the air. "I understand you, Twilight, and I want to show you the most important magic of all..."

She then closed the locket, throwing it onto the ground before five colourful lights and a burst of Infinity Energy Fire enveloped her. She had emerged as a new entity, much like Midnight Sparkle. But this could be called something else. The polar opposite to Midnight Sparkle.

Daydream Shimmer.

"The Magic of Friendship!" Daydream then put her arms out, shooting out light rays that had sealed off the

"Tch! Whatever!" Twilight scoffed before having multiple Infinity Energy auras surround her. That was one advantage she had. And a great shift from the original timeline. She wanted Sunset out of the way as she rained down more lightning bolts, coupled with Rocks that were gathered from the Rock-Type via the Cranidos that appeared in the afternoon.

"!" Sunset looked up to see the incoming bolts and giant boulders that were threatening to crush everyone. Acting quickly, she blew away the rocks with her magic while holding the lightning bolts in place before they could smite someone.

But as she held the lightning bolts, Twilight then held her hand out, using Psychic from the Psybeam of Braixen she stole. A Psychic wave came out from both her hand and horn, smiting Daydream Shimmer.

"Sunset!" Rainbow Dash and the others cried out after seeing their friend take a hit. Twilight then swiped her arm, creating a flash of light that had confounded everyone who had seen it. Daydream closed her eyes as the light then became physical, knocking her away.

"The Magic of Friendship doesn't mean anything when I have the power of Pokemon by my side!" Twilight cackled as Daydream held her head. That almost knocked the wind out of her.

"Sunset! Are you okay?!" Ash asked.



"I'm fine. T-That was a bit surprising though..." Sunset said after being taken aback by that flash.

"Besides!" Twilight exclaimed with her voice booming through the air. "I already have friends of my own! Isn't that right, Ash?" She then descended, holding her hand out to Ash. "You're the one I'm the most grateful for. I don't know where I would be without you."

"You are my friend. But I can't stand to see my friends hurt each other." Ash said as Twilight pulled back. "Especially when they're like this."

"What happened to being a Pokemon Master? The World's StrongestTrainer?! Don't you want all the power you can have at your fingertips?!"

"That's not what being a Pokemon Master is." He replied. "It's something more than just being the strongest ever."

You don't need these friends at all!" Midnight then fired a ray of light towards Sunset to try and take her out of the equation.

Daydream held her hand out to put up a quick barrier, protecting herself from harm. Daydream then pushed the ray away before finally, getting her footing. Midnight then tapped into the Infinity Energy of Normal, sending something akin to Hyper Beam as all she needed to do was point at Sunset Shimmer.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu jumped into the air, hardening his tail and using it as a deflector. He smashed his tail onto the Hyper Beam, trying to reflect. "P-Pika...!"

"I got you, Pikachu!" But Daydream would assist him thankfully. She put her hand on his back, sharing some of her magic to help boost Pikachu.

"Pika!" Pikachu managed to reflect it, sending it flying to the sky. Midnight looked up as her Hyper Beam equivalent had blown up, separating the dark clouds that filled the area.

"Tch!" Midnight was starting to get agitated as she wanted to end this so that she could explore all magical possibilities as soon as possible. She then made her way towards Daydream Shimmer. However, standing in the way were Rainbow Dash and the rest of Sunset's friends. "Move!" But that didn't matter as she just used telekinesis to force them all away, separating them from each other as they fell to the ground.

Daydream and Midnight then locked hands before having a small magical clash. It was clear that thanks to the power of multiple Pokemon, Midnight had the advantage. Daydream did have her friends to help her get through this, but it was powerful due to all of the magic Midnight had obtained.

"You're not strong-willed enough to keep this power for yourself!" Midnight bellowed. "You should keep it and use it to its fullest potential! Otherwise, it's just a waste!"

"I didn't keep the magic I had before forever! And I didn't think about going back to it for a second!" Daydream replied.

"That's why you're weak! Like so!" Midnight smirked as she overpowered Daydream's arms. By using Electric, she caused an instant lightning bolt to come raining down on Daydream. Daydream was struck with 50,000 volts worth of electricity, crying out afterwards.

"Ugh!" Daydream cried out as she lost her grip. With her body being shocked, Midnight attacked, using the magic that had been gathered from the Abomasnow that attacked the Friendship Games an hour ago. She had used the power of Ice, gradually freezing Daydream's body to put her in an ice prison. Daydream grounded, closing her eyes as she used the heat of Braixen to melt away the ice.

Daydream shivered as Midnight then forced her away with a ray of light while she was still affected by the cold. The ray carried Daydream all the way to a massive pile of rubble made from the lightning bolts that came crashing down earlier. The ray then made an outburst of light blue colours.

Once Daydream Shimmer was temporarily out of the way, Midnight had used another part of Abomasnow's power, summoning massive vines from the ground. The vines emerged at violent speeds, wrapping around the others with a vicious disposition. Now no one could escape.

"Sorry about this, Twilight. Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

"Pika-Pika!" Moving at lightning speeds, Pikachu swiftly tackled Midnight, but not too hard. That was still her friend. But it certainly grabbed Midnight's attention.

"Ow!" She cried out before facing Ash and Pikachu. "Some friend you are!" Agitated, she used teleportation to appear in front of Ash. "I thought I could trust you, Ash!" She then grabbed Ash by the shift, flying into the air with him.



"Ash!" Everyone gasped. Midnight now had Ash within her grasp with the dark clouds forming once more. Ash was now within her grasp. Daydream had just recovered from the rubble with Braixen running to her side. Braixen used Fire Spin to burn away the vines as Pikachu used Iron Tail to cut them.

"It's not too late, Ash! How about I give you my power and we can do everything together? Or, if you want to ride solo and go your own path, that's not a bad idea either!" Midnight said with maniacal eyes.

"I wouldn't go solo. Never for a second." Ash growled. "But I wouldn't want to do everything with you like this."

"Why not?!" Midnight exclaimed before eruptions of fire burst out of the ground. The flames spread, threatening to burn everything down. "I thought we were friends!"

"We are friends. No matter what. You remind me of another Twilight I know. Empress Twilight. And I don't wanna see you turn out like her."

"Like I will!"

"You're getting pretty close. Besides, I can't become a Pokemon Master with all of this happening!"

"Then how?!" She shook Ash. "You're one of the few friends I have! I wanna see you succeed! I can make you become a Pokemon Master with all this magic! Why abandon that chance?!"

"Because I can't become a Pokemon Master without all of my friends. There's a bunch you can't do by yourself. And if you do, you'd just end up being alone. But you'll never be alone with friends by your side and you can do so much that you can never do before. And I want to see my friends help me there. Without you, Twilight, I can't become a Pokemon Master."

"I..!" Twilight twitched as her strong friendship with Ash was starting to show itself as her eyes were slowly reverting to normal.

"Twilight!" Spike and Zorua barked from below with Midnight looking down. But all this overwhelming power was getting to her, fighting against the bond she had with her friends.



"Sorry, Twilight! But I gotta get my real friend back!" Ash then placed her hands on her shoulders, deciding on the one thing that could counteract this corrupting magic.


Ash exuded Aura from his body, coating Midnight in it. This was her first time feeling Aura. And it responded to the corrupted magic like two stars burning up against each other. "Grr...!" Midnight growled as the corrupted side of her was resisting.

"Your turn, Sunset!" Ash cried out, giving Daydream the call to take this chance.

"Got it!" Daydream then put her arms together, forming the best magical ray she could. She then aimed the golden ray, sending it towards Midnight Sparkle.

"!" Midnight then turned her head, firing a magic ray from her eyes to try and stop this. Her beam met with Daydream's as they entered a beam struggle. Midnight then tapped in the skies, summoning a gigantic thunderbolt that threatened to smite everyone here.

"Pika...!" But Pikachu wouldn't allow that. He was aiming to absorb it. But he needed some height. Braixen was there to help out. Braixen used Fire Spin, creating a tunnel of flames for Pikachu to travel through. Pikachu moved at lightning speeds with Quick Attack, passing through the spiralling flames as he gained a higher height. But it wasn't enough due to how high Midnight was.

"Pikachu!" But Zorua had something to help him with. She had used one of the few moves she had. Extrasensory. By tapping into Psychic, she pushed Pikachu further with her mental prowess.

After reaching high into the air, Pikachu took the lightning bolt for himself, saving everyone. And not only did he take it, but he also absorbed its power for himself, much like he's done before in the past.

"PIka...Chuu...!" Pikachu then unleashed a Thunderbolt that packed 150000 volts inside of it as he combined with Ash's Aura and Daydream's ray.

"N-Noooooooo!" She cried out in defeat as a combination of Aura, Magic and Electricity had consumed her in a bright light. Everything faded to white for Midnight's eyes.

But she wasn't harmed. Not at all. Even Thunderbolt did not ham her despite how much power it had. That was because it become one with Ash and Daydream's Aura and Magic. Midnight opened her eyes as she was inside of this bright like. Sort of a white void.

And within the white void were Ash, Pikachu and Daydream, all floating there. Well, really, Daydream was helping carry Ash since he could fly. And Pikachu stayed on Ash's shoulder as always.

"You three..." Midnight uttered with a slight shudder. Tears also formed in her eyes.

"Take our hand, Twilight," said Daydream. Let us show you there's another way. Just like someone once did for me."

"Pika." Pikachu ran on Ash and Daydream's arm, also holding his own arm out, despite how small it may be. "Pikachu."

She saw the arms of her two friends. But now, she had a new friend to make. Midnight then grabbed all three of their hands. And once she did so, a combination of blue and yellow swarmed around her, burning away the corrupted magic from her.

Everyone looked up to see a radiant pillar of light diminishing. And out of this light, the four of them had emerged as everything returned to normal. Twilight and Sunset were back to their original selves. Ash felt a bit dazed, almost having Delayed Aura Ataxia hit him, but he managed.

"I am so sorry... I didn't mean for any of this to happen..." Twilight whimpered.

"No need to worry," said Ash. "A ton of magic can be a lot for anyone to hold. You're not alone in that."


"It's okay. Going by my own experiences, they'll forgive you." Sunset was right about that.

"Twilight!" Happy to see her trainer back to normal, Zorua leapt through the air along with Spike. Twilight held her arms out to hug both of them.

"You look a bit out of it, Ash. Are you okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Yeah. Just Ataxia again." Ash nodded. "But man, that was awesome! You like transformed! Both of you! Wish I got a cool transformation too one day."

"Thanks for sticking by with me, Ash." Twilight went up to him, holding Zorua and Spike. "I forgot that we were both friends and I almost forced you to do something you didn't want to. And Sunset. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused all of you friends. And your school."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it too much." Ash patted her on the back. "No matter how long time goes on, you'll never forget the great friends that were by your side. Plus, you've made new friends too. Isn't that right, Sunset?"

"Good words, Ash." Sunset nodded in agreement. To show her gratitude, Twilight ended up hugging both Ash and Sunset with her final tears showing. Her hug was surprisingly powerful as they both had their eyes expand. "Ough! Y-You're welcome...!" Sunset groaned.

After all that was said and done, Cinch went up to Celestia to discuss everything that had happened. "Principal Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games! Clearly, CHS has had an unfair advantage for quite some time! And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!" She angrily said.

"I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all." Celestia shrugged, looking at the bright side of this.

"At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game." Sugarcoat was straightforward as always.

"Wow!" Pinkie gasped, appearing behind Sugarcoat. "That's a lot to take in when you say it all at once."

"That's ridiculous!" Cinch scoffed.

"Wait, what happened?" Ash scratched his hair, trying to process all he's heard.

"Actually, we're all to blame." In came Sour Sweet, speaking sweetly. "Mostly it was her." But she then turned sour, pointing her thumb at Cinch.

"Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!"

"Oh, that's not too bad. After all, we live in a Pokemon World now, don't we?" Celestia smirked. "I'm sure the school board will think this is just ordinary, isn't it?"

"Ordinary? Not to this extent. Not when I have a potential candidate for a Pokemon Teacher by my side to live up to these claims. Isn't that right, Ash Ketchum?" Cinch then turned to Ash as everyone looked at him.

"Hm?" Ash looked around. "Don't know about that. I mean, I'm just some kid from Kanto! A whole new world!" He laughed. "But I guess no one's heard about my world, right?"


"Ugh." Cinch facepalmed before dragging her face on her eyes. "My reputation might as well be erased from existence."

"Hey don't sweat it." Ash went up to Cinch. "Even if they believe it or not, it's not gonna be the end of the world."


"Is the concept of anger devoid from you, Ash?" Luna asked as everyone wondered why Ash wasn't as mad at Cinch as everyone else. Or at least upset with her.

"I know a friend just like her. A few of them. One's even over at Eindoak which isn't too far. Besides, don't take it too hard, yeah? I can always help keep your reputation up in a better way."

"By becoming a teacher at my school?!" Cinch gasped.

"Uh, Nah. I don't think I'm fit to be a full-time teacher. But I can still help, either way. Plus, we've got some more Pokemon to catch, don't we?"

"It's worth a try anyway." Cinch sighed afterwards, losing the chance to have Ash work at her school for extra reputation via an experienced Pokemon Trainer.

"Well, I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected, but given what we've all just been through, I think it's fair to declare us all winners," Celestia said as everyone cheered. It was over and it finished with a bang.

It all came to an end as Twilight was sitting on the stairs of Canterlot High, holding Spike. Zorua was inside her bag, still nervous to show herself to everyone else.

"I guess that was one way to finish up your time at Crystal Prep" Cadence came up to Twilight, sitting next to her. Pretty sure Cinch will be fast-tracking your application after all of that."

"I've been thinking about it and... I'm not so sure now is the time for me to apply to Everton." Twilight shook her head.


"I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time. Besides, I've got some amazing and fun friends to help me with that." She then looked at Ash, Sunset and the others.

"So, you're staying at Crystal Prep?"

"Well, it seems the Ash, Pikachu students here at CHS know an awful lot about the subject. I don't suppose..." Twilight lingered on her sentence, giving a slight suggestion via eye contact.

"You could transfer to this school instead." Cadence finished her sentence.

"Really?!" Twilight sounded happy about that.

You'd certainly be missed at Crystal Prep. But I think that's a great idea! I'll be sure to speak to Principal Celestia about it right away."

"So, Ash." Rainbow Dash spoke to Ash. "How come you didn't tell us you had magic?"

"That wasn't magic. That was Aura. Didn't Sunset tell you about it?" He replied.

"Uh...I didn't know too much about Aura except for how you fainted with it. Is it magic or not, I've been wondering about that." Sunset questioned.

"It's something alright. The life force of my world. Everyone's got it. Even you guys. Mine's just super big!" He spread his arms out. "But your magic's just as big too, ya know. But uh...I wish I could fly with Aura..." He then lowered his head, wishing for the power of flight.


"Speaking of magic, I think I may have figured out how magic works in this world." Sunset stepped forward. "We pony up when we're showing the truest part of ourselves. I was so busy waiting for someone else to give me the answers that I gave up looking for them myself. I'm sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like Applejack said, Princess Twilight has her own problems to worry about in Equestria. We can't expect her to always be around to help us."

"But maybe I can be?" Joining their conversation was Twilight who had Celestia by her side.

"It seems we have a new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!" Celestia announced, already accepting Twilight.

"I'm not sure how much help I could be. But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance."

"I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home. And uh..." Celestia leaned over, nudging Ash. "We could always fill one more slot with a lucky student, right?"

"Pass." Ash passed on this suggestion, much like how he passed on CInch's teacher suggestion.

"Eh, worth a shot." Celestia shrugged.

"Don't worry, Principal Celestia. We sure can." Sunset said as Pinkie pulled everyone in for a group hug.

"I gotta get going right now." Ash then separated, walking off. "It's been a fun day here. Pretty long too."

"Where are you going, Ash?" Twilight asked.

"I've got a lot of stuff let to do. Hang out with Indigo and Lemon, Find a Sea Temple and a whole bunch of other stuff next year." Sorry if I'm too busy to try and hang out with you guys. But I can always come over and help you with Pokemon like always Twilight."

"I'd love that!" Twilight squeed. "And what was that place you said we can go to? Eindoak?"

"Ein-what?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Yeah. Just between Castelia and Nimbasa. See you guys next week there!" Ash then said his last words before and Pikachu left, heading off on to another adventure as always.

The next day.

A day later, the Twilight from Equestria had shown up. A bit too late. One day late as she breathed in and out. Espeon was with her as always.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner!" Twilight exclaimed. "There was this Desire that was on the loose! It thought that everything happening is a complicated game - and this was due to a substance star problem between two scientists. That's when everything became silly and it a predicted solar flare - but it's not what was expected. Instead what- it's a long story! And weird too! It was the strangest thing I've ever seen so far!"

But as soon as she showed up, she saw her human counter having a picnic with Sunset Shimmer. There was a long pause as they both glared at each other. This wasn't Twilight's first time seeing her human self. Or any version of herself really.

"But you know..." Twilight then backed up into the portal which was still functioning. The horse was just the decoration after all. "I-II come back later."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 596 End.

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