• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ponyville newcomers

Ponyville. Day.

"I didn't think through..." Sunset Shimmer said with a disgruntled look on her face. Currently, she was at the home of Aria and Sonata alongside Adagio who had also found herself in this scenario.

"Of course you didn't...Because of you, I'm in this pathetic place..." Adagio growled.

"Isn't this great?!" Sonata pulled both Adagio and Sunset together with a hug. "Adagio's finally here in Ponyville!"

"I don't wanna be here!" Adagio exclaimed. "But this lunatic keeps following me because of trust issues!"

"Can you blame me?!" Sunset twitched. "I'm also here because Equestria's in danger of an invasion, ya know! And we're supposed to be working together!"

"I could be out there preparing, but instead I'm here. How did I even get here in the first place?" Adagio facehoofed.

"Well..." Sonata stood up, recalling how they got here. "On the last day of the festival, you two got really excited and started partying like crazy! And you partied so hard that you both fell asleep on the floor, so Aria and I had to carry you back here."

"Oh...right." Both Sunset and Adagio said.

"I blame you for that. Getting me into it and everything." Adagio pointed her hoof at Sunset.

"Heh. Or maybe you were just genuinely having fun at that last moment, ya know?" Sunset let out a cocky smirk which agitated Adagio.

"Why you...!"

"Can you three keep it down?" Aria spoke. "Popplio's training and she needs all the focus she can get."


"I shouldn't be here...Especially with Twilight Sparkle and her precious little friends! I should be um.." Adagio bit her lip. "Somewhere....!"

"But where? The wild?" Sonata said. "Oh, do you have a super-secret base somewhere?!"

"Ssh!" Aria hushed them.

"Well...no." Adagio lowered her head. "The only place I stick around the longest is the Changeling Hive. But that place doesn't exist anymore because of Ghetsis."

"Sounds to me like you're better off here." Sonata slid in with a wide grin. "Ponyville's super comfortable and cosy and feels like home."

"It's not my home though..." Adagio crossed her hooves. "But this bed is pretty cosy."

"Right?" Sonata squeed. "And if you live here with us, we can be an entire family!"

"Mmrgh..." Adagio grumbled.

"I know you don't like everypony here...or mostly Twilight and Sunset, but please?" Sonata gave puppy-dog eyes to her big sister. "At least stay for a while and make your mind up?"

"My mind is already made up." Adagio chided. "I don't want to spend another second in this place and that's final."

"Then where are you gonna go? The Faye Mountains? Cause if so, you're gonna have to get used to all the love and happiness there. And you're not a fan of it, are you?"

"Kh!" Adagio growled. But Aria was right. Aria always knew what to say to really get Adagio going.

"And you're definitely not thinking of roaming the world. Ghetsis and Empress Twilight are gonna come for you too, you know that?" Aria picked Popplio up. "If they even find you, you might end up getting a worse result than the previous Changeling Hive."

"Aria's right. And we don't want that!" Sonata shook her head. Adagio listened to Aria's words, realizing that she made an amazing point.

If Adagio were to roam the world right now, there is a good possibility that Ghetsis and Empress Twilight will deal with her. They know that she's conspiring to work against them. The only reason she hasn't been caught yet is that she's been around a plethora of people, ponies, Pokemon and other species during the Pokemon Festival.

"I hate it when you're right..." Adagio sighed, knowing that it was too dangerous to go alone. "Fine! I'll stay with you, but as long as I don't get to be all buddy-buddy with anyone here. I've got one goal and that's to perfect my plan for when the 2 months finally arrive, got it?"

"You can count on us!" Sonata saluted. "We'll keep you safe here until this whole invasion thing blows over!"

"But you never know...you might like it here." Aria nudged Adagio.

"Hmph," Adagio remarked. "At least the bed is comfy..."

"What about you, Sunny?" Sonata asked.

"Hm? Well...it's only 2 months and I'm here so...I guess I can do a lot of catching up with what I've missed in Equestria. Besides, the Pokemon Festival kinda made me realize how much more Pokemon stuff there is here."

"You all go and do whatever you want. I'm sitting here with my Kricketot and planning things through."

"Sounds boring." Sonata wrapped her hoof around Adagio's neck. "But you can always look outside the window. There's something sweet always happening here. Like right now!" She moved Adagio to the window to show her what event was taking place right now.

Outside, Ash was taking part in a Pokemon World Championships match against a random trainer. It was Pikachu against a Dodrio.

"Dodrio! Use Tri Attack!" The trainer commanded.

"Dodrio!" Dodrio opened its beaks and positioned its heads so that each beak became a corner in the shape of a triangle. An orb of energy then formed inside Dodrio's beaks, the right one was coloured green, the top one indigo and the left one red. Once the triangle started to turn indigo, The Triple Bird Pokemon fired the triple triangles towards Pikachu with different effects.

"Here it comes! Advance with Quick Attack!" Ash pointed.

"Pika!" Pikachu bolted forward in a burst of speed with after images and a white light coming out of him. The Electric Mouse Pokemon moved at blinding speeds, zigzagging past the three triangles.

"Now sweep and strike with Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Once Pikachu got past the Tri Attack and close enough to Dodrio with Quick Attack, he turned his tail into iron, sweeping it as he knocked the Triple Bird Pokemon off its feet.

"D-Do?!" Dodrio gasped as it was about to fall flat on its three faces.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu then followed up with one more Iron Tail by doing a backflip, hitting the middle head while Dodrio was falling over, forcing the Normal-Flying-Type back up with the tail to the head.

"Drio!" Dodrio was then sent into the air because of the Iron Tail uppercut.

"Now! Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu surrounded himself in an aura of lightning ready to blast it upwards.

"Quick, Dodrio! Use Payback!"

"Do!" Dodrio, while airborne, had a black aura around it as it sent black and red tendrils of darkness from above as they were powered up because of the damage dealt previously.

"Chu!" Pikachu then sent 100,000 volts of electricity upwards as the volts clashed with the tendrils as they were both going at it like whips. Thunderbolt managed to overpower Payback with superior power behind it as Dodrio's eyes collectively widened when seeing that it was about to be hit head-on.

"Dodrio!" Dodrio had been struck by Thunderbolt from below, feeling 100,000 volts shock it. With some super-effective damage, Dodrio fell to the ground, fainted and defeated. "D-Dodrio..."

"Dodrio is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! Thus the victor is Contestant Ash!" The Rotomdrone said.

"Alright!" Ash and Pikachu pumped their fists in the air.


"Nice-Nice! Ash!" Pinkie waved around a flag of Ash's face along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were a part of the Ash Ketchum Fan Club.

"Yay!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Based on the results of this battle, the Pokemon World Championships rankings will be updated!" The Rotomdrone flew off, leaving this world.

Ash looked at his Rotomphone, seeing that his rank had gone up because of this victory. He and Pikachu high-fived each other because of it. The trainer that Ash defeated went up to him and Pikachu, congratulating him and shaking hands with Ash.

"See? How fun was that?!" Sonata shook Adagio.

"I mean, it was pretty impressive to look at..." Adagio slowly nodded. "But that's not enough to convince me to head out."

"Suit yourself! I'm heading out!" Sonata immediately took off like a rocket, leaving the house while Aria and her Popplio were off to practice singing some more.

"Well...I can do some catching up with Twilight." Sunset hopped off the bed. "You're not gonna do anything with that jar, are you?"

"Would you just forget about the jar for once..." Adagio groaned.

"Alright, alright." With those last words, Sunset Shimmer walked outside to Ponyville, leaving just Adagio and Kricketot now, alone.

Twilight's Castle.

"Go!" Twilight exclaimed as she was currently teaching Cold Colt more magic and to better improve himself. The sooner they can learn how to open up gateways, the better.

"Okay!" Cold, who strained less with his magic, but still strained, either way, was able to now levitate not just himself but other objects surrounding him. He lifted a bookcase, table, and even all of Twilight's Pokemon as well as Twilight herself off the floor with his magic. The doors were even being affected as they were opening and closing rapidly.

"Good job!" Twilight congratulated as Cold placed everything back down, exhaling after using his magic. "You've gotten really good being able to lift so much!"

"Thanks!" Cold grinned.

"Alright now, how about we focus on casting spells. That'll get you closer to opening gateways...Hopefully. This Rift magic is still so confusing to me."

"No need to worry." Cold tapped his horn. "You can count on me."

"Twilight!" Along came a new visitor, opening up the door. That visitor was Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset!" Twilight gasped as she ran over, hugging her fellow student of Celestia. "You came to Ponyville?"

"Yeah. Well, not by choice. I was kinda carried here because I got fell asleep and everything. But I'm gonna be here for a while until that invasion blows over."

"Oh pretty..." Cold gushed at Sunset Shimmer.

"Who's the kid?" Sunset pointed her hoof at Cold Colt.

"Oh, this is Cold Colt. Currently one of my two students and the one pony here who has the potential to open gateways."

"For real?!" Sunset's ears and mane shot up. "He does?! This little guy?"

"Mhm! He's a Rift Pony. Created and made out of Rift Energy." Twilight explained. "He's our ace in the hole for opening the gateways. Until he learns it that is."

"Yeah, that's me." Cold leaned on the wall to act cool, but he just looked adorable to the eyes of Twilight and Sunset.

"That's actually pretty nifty. How until he learns how to do it?" Sunset asked Twilight.

"Well, his magic potential is great in its own right and so far he's able to levitate a few or more objects around him. And next to that, since he's got some Rift magic in his horn, things can get unpredictable a lot of the times."

"Unpredictable?" Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"His Rift Magic is what we're trying to work on the most. One zap of it and things just spiral out of control. Like when Ash was hit by it. He was split into 6 different Ash's!"


"Oh yeah. I can do anything but uh...not on purpose." Cold scrunched his face. "Before, I could only cause problems cause that's why I was made. But thanks to Togetic's Joy Dust, I've got some good luck. Still can't properly control it though."

"We were just about to do that now actually. You can watch if you want."

"Oh, sure. I'd like to see some Rift magic occur."

"Great! Alright, Cold. Let's work on that Rift Magic. The switch-up trick's gonna work again in this."


"It's a little trick Cold and I came up with together. We use normal magic first and then next Rift magic. And then after that, it's back to normal magic, Rift magic and so on. It's a good way to find some balance." Twilight explained it.

"Yeah." Cold nodded. "It works out great. I used to get really nervous when going for Rift magic, even with Togetic's good luck, but that trick really helps a lot."

"Okay. Let's see it then."

Cold was about to show off what he could do with his Rift Magic as Twilight and everyone stood back. Nyx, Cocoa and Rosestar poked their heads through the door, noticing that another Rift session was about to take place. Knowing that and the hijinks that seem to occur in this castle during this session, they left the door, finding a place to hide.

Cold closed his eyes as he lit his horn up with cosmic energy. Rift Magic had a distinct look to normal magic because of the space-like aura that it holds. Cold's entire body was also surrounded by that same energy as his hooves left the floor.

The entire room was darkened up because of the cosmic energy that was emanating out of Cold as a small little wind pressure was being kicked up as well. The little colt's eyes opened as they were flashing and out of his horn, a beam of cosmic magic was shot out.

But the beam of magic didn't hit anything to trigger a spell. Instead, it went off in the middle of the air midway with pulses coming out. Once it went off, the Rift magic ended up transforming the floor and even the outside of Ponyville's ground into soap. Of all things.

"Soap?!" Twilight and Sunset gasped as they were now standing on a floor of soap. Surprisingly, they weren't falling through it, but Twilight was cautious as she flew up.

Twilight's castle, from the upper floor to the lower floor was full of nothing but soap as well as Ponyville. Naturally, the residents were greatly confused by this but also somewhat amused, especially Ash, Pinkie and Sonata since it was fun to stand and walk on a soap ground.

"Woops." Cold made a poker face, realizing what he had just done to the area.

"Uh...G-Good job, Cold. That's yet another fairly big feat of yours." Twilight grinned. "But uh...can you turn it back to normal, please?"

"Ninetales!" Ninetales was surfing on the soap with Minccy.


"After they finish having their fun," said Twilight.

Back with Adagio, she looked out the window to see how everything on the ground had been turned to soap all of a sudden. Without warning as well.

Not only that, but the house she was in had its floor turned into a soapy sea. She stayed on the bed, unsure if she wanted to make contact with the floor anymore.

"What's with all the soap?!" Adagio yelled.

"Tot!" Kricketot jumped out of Adagio's mane, deciding to interact with the soap instead of avoiding it.

"Kricketot, no!" Adagio gasped, fearing for the safety of her partner. But there was no need to worry as Kricketot was laying on his back on the soap without falling through.

"Kricketot!" The Cricket Pokemon swam on the floor of soap while on his back, finding it fun and having the time of his life.

"Oh..." Adagio was surprised that this wasn't dangerous at all. She thought for sure that Kricketot would just fall right through the floor somehow. But not all.

The siren decided to try and interact with the soap as she gently placed her hoof on it. Once she did, it gave her a somewhat nostalgic feeling. Like she was back home at the sea of sirens. Adagio then got off the bed, putting all her hooves on the soap.

"Hm. Not bad." Adagio was impressed as she laid on her back too, finding the soap to be comfortable. Just like Kricketot, she started swimming around in it too, finding enjoyment out of it. Little things in life are capable of making Adagio feel happy as that golden light came out of her once more. It seems to only show up when Adagio is experiencing or giving happiness to others.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot jumped around in the soap before landing on Adagio's stomach.

"Oof!" Adagio's eyes widened as she didn't expect the impact to be a bit hard from a little Kricketot. "You little...!"

"Tot!" Kricketot hugged Adagio's face, quickly making the siren happy once more.

"Aw..." Gushing at her partner, Adagio patted Kricketot on the head as she hugged him back. Once she did, the golden light got brighter afterwards.

In fact, her light became so bright and potent that it reached outside of the house. And when it did reach the outside, it immediately affected the nearest ponies and Pokemon.

A sense of comfort and warmth was given to the nearby ponies and Pokemon because of the golden light. Their minds were being cleared all of a sudden as they felt most of their worries fade away.

"Hm...Something feels amazing..." Lyra sighed.

"Yeah..." Bon Bon nodded in response.

"Oh! My bruise is healing!" Silver Spoon noticed that the bruise that was on her hoof was being healed by the golden light with ease. "Sweet!"

"Where's it coming from? Pretty comfortable, if you ask me," Ash said as he was taking in this light.


"I think it's coming from there." Spike pointed over at Aria and Sonata's house.


"Our home?" Aria and Sonata both said.

The source of the wonderful light had been found. Everypony was able to spot where it was coming from because of how wide and vibrant it was. Sonata swam over to her home, wondering what was generating that much light. And when she got there, opening the door, she saw that Adagio was the one creating it.

"Adagio!? It's you?!" Sonata exclaimed as everypony was alerted by Adagio's name.

"Gh!" Adagio winced as her golden light faded away once Sonata called her name and basically made the entire town aware of her existence here. Once that was done, that comfortable feeling was gone.

Adagio slowly opened the door as she glared at Sonata with upset eyes for blowing her cover. And Sonata laughed nervously, knowing that she messed up.


"Adagio? How long have you been here?" Fluttershy asked.

"Too long if you ask me..." Adagio grizzled her fangs. "Way to blow my cover, Sonata."

"Sorry..." Sonata pouted.

"Were you the one making that super pretty and feel good light, Adagio?" said Pinkie Pie.

"What light?" Adagio narrowed her eyes.

"You didn't notice?" Sonata spoke in a confused tone. "It's all bright and gold and it was super wide!" She spread her hooves out. "And it was coming straight from you."

"Hm. Well, I didn't see any light." Adagio shook her head.

"You mean you can't see it?!" Sonata gasped before getting in Adagio's face. "Then how come we can see it?!"

"I don't know!" Adagio yelled back. "But now that you all know that I'm here, I don't want any of you getting in my business or talking to me apart from my sisters."

"What about Sunny?" Sonata brought Sunset up.

"Gr!" Adagio growled. "Her too if she stays away from me! By the time these 2 months blow over, I'm out of here and I never want to see you all or this town ever again, got it?!" Adagio slammed the door in front of Sonata, startling everyone.

"Sheesh...What a grump," said Cranky.

"Oh, it's fine!" Sonata shrugged it off. "Adagio may be harsh, but she's super nice when you get to know her. You should see her when she's with Kricketot! So cute! Right, Ash?"

"She does have a great bond with Kricketot. And she's not that bad, ya know." Ash nodded.


"You seriously trust her, Ash?" Lyra asked.

"Mhm." Ash gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah well, friendly or not, If she wants to be left alone then that's her choice." Amethyst Star backed away from the house. "But some more of that golden light would be nice."

"It healed my bruise see?" Silver Spoon showed it to Diamond Tiara. "I think it's some sort of healing light too."

"Ooh..." Diamond Tiara gawked.

"If Adagio's here then...We should get to know her better!" Pinkie Pie climbed up Ash's shoulder.

"Oh, um, maybe it's best we left her alone." Fluttershy chimed in. "I mean, she wants to be alone after all so we can respect her privacy? Plus, it might be dangerous to get involved."

"Hah!" Cranky wheezed as he walked off. "Like Pinkie Pie will let her have privacy..."

"Well..." Pinkie thought about it for a moment. "It'd be nice to talk to her some more but I'll stay back for a while."

"Adagio just needs some time that's all." Sonata flailed her hoof. "But honest! She's great! Even if she doesn't show it..."

Adagio had heard everything from the outside was she wanted to permanently close her ears off from all this talk about her. She didn't want anypony's company aside from her sisters. Adagio, wanting to forget about this, curled up on the bed with her Kricketot, deciding to get some more sleep.

"I hate them all." She murmured as Kricketot climbed up on her head, entering her large mane as Adagio took a nap.


Sunset came into the house with Aria and Sonata, slowly opening the door to make sure that they don't wake up Adagio.

"Good work today, Popplio," Aria whispered to her partner.


"Is she still asleep?" Sonata uttered. "I thought she was going to make some plans for the rest of the day."

"After the last day of the festival, it's no wonder she'd fall asleep again. I've never seen her so active before." Aria whispered as she quietly closed the door. But Adagio could hear them since she was about to wake up. But she kept her eyes closed for a bit more rest."

"She looks kinda peaceful when asleep, huh?" Sunset looked at Adagio's peaceful sleeping.

"Sure does." Sonata nodded. "But she'd look even more peaceful if she wasn't so grumpy all the time."

"Can you blame her?" Aria patted Popplio on the head. "After what happened years ago, if I were still in her position, I'd be surly for a really long time. Especially against ponies."

"Why? What happened years ago?" Sunset asked as the atmosphere in the room changed from that question. Aria and Sonata paused after hearing those words.

"Well..." Sonata twiddled with her hooves.

"I'll say something, don't worry, Sonata. And I'll make it quick and simple." Aria placed Popplio down. She stood up, swivelling around to face Sunset as she was confident enough to tell her the truth. "You see...Adagio hates ponies because of what they did to our species. And our mother."

"Huh?" Sunset sat down, ready to listen in on this. Adagio's ears twitched after hearing what Aria was about to say.

"Our mother and the rest of our species were all sent or driven away by seven ponies one day. While the three of us were younger back then. We saw how these portals were being opened up to send the other sirens away. It was a totally one-sided battle the whole way through. They were either lured into it, tricked or knocked back through the portals. And each time they were sent through it the portals would close on them."

"That's the same way you came to the human world, right?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, years later. But not before seeing our own mother fall into one as well. She stopped attacking to protect us from harm and to just get us to safety away from the portals. It was really scary. Seeing mom like that and everything. She managed to save us but ended up getting caught by a portal as we watched. And the last thing we got from her was her pendant. The one that Adagio wears."

"Your mother's pendant?" Sunset looked over at Adagio's neck.

"Mom..." Sonata whimpered when Aria broke the story down to Sunset Shimmer.

"And then, years later, we were found by those same seven ponies and you know how it ends. Just like our mom and everyone else, we were sent to the human world. But ever since then, we've never found our mom. Or any other siren at all."


"I-I didn't know that. "Sunset rubbed her hoof. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." Aria was strong enough to hold back her tears but Sonata wasn't. "It's not your fault anyway, so don't blame yourself for something you didn't do."

"Still...I didn't know that you lost your mother and species like that and never found them. And I guess that's the main reason why Adagio hates ponies, right?"

"No other reason. But, even if she hates ponies, we don't. We hate those seven ponies for what they did. But we don't hate you at all. Or anypony here even. After all, you didn't cause it anyway."

"And you're all so super nice too!" Sonata dashed over to Sunset, hugging her.

"Having friends and being here kinda changed everything. We've never been so happy before because of this and we've even managed to keep on living without disharmony. It's an odd feeling for sure. But one we never knew we needed."

"Popplio!" Popplio hopped into Aria's hooves.

"But...we still miss our mother." Aria's tone changed. "If we could see her again, if she's still around, that'd be great. Greater than anything really."

"And everyone else too. If they're out there somewhere in the human world, then maybe one day, we can see each other again." Sonata smiled.

"Hm." Sunset nodded. "I understand. I can see why Adagio hates us now. If I had known-"

"Nopony else could've known." Aria shook her head. "Well, Celestia knows now. And Chrysalis too I think. So I guess it's becoming more common."

"Hmm..." Sunset looked over at Adagio, seeing her in a vastly different light. "Well, I should probably get some sleep myself right now."

"Same here. I'm spent..." Sonata yawned as she climbed on the bed.

"Don't take up too much space this time, okay?" Aria said to Sonata.

"Pssh! I don't take up space!" She babbled back as the two of them were getting up to their usual bickering once more. They all decided to rest up until tomorrow while Adagio had received everything. Including Sunset's words.

Minutes later, Sunset, Aria and Sonata had put themselves to sleep as the moon had risen finally. The night had arrived. Adagio was awake at this time as she got off the bed with her Kricketot also being asleep.

Adagio was not going to do anything during the night. Instead, after hearing the conversation between her sisters and Sunset Shimmer, the young siren could only do one thing.

She started tearing up as she wiped her eyes, sniffling and trying to keep it down so that her sisters and Pokemon could sleep. But, similar to Adagio a few minutes ago, Sunset could hear Adagio's sniffling and whimpering from her eyes as she had one eye awake. The young unicorn then heard Adagio say one word while she tried to hold back her tears.

"Mom," Adagio whimpered.

Hearing that, Sunset turned around, closing her eyes as she felt great empathy for Adagio. She went back to sleep, leaving Adagio to herself now.

But she wasn't the only one feeling a certain emotion. Adagio had gained something new as well. From how Aria said she doesn't hate all ponies, just those seven ponies specifically and Sunset's apology even if she didn't need to apologize for anything, the entire conversation made Adagio aware that her hatred for all ponies might be a bit erroneous.

After all, she actually did not hate all ponies. There were three major exceptions in the form of Celestia, Sunlight and Eventide, who Adagio was thinking about right now. But her hatred for them was still there.

She still held bitterness to them all and especially those seven who she hates more than even Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. But strangely, her disdain for Twilight and Sunset was somewhat weakening. And the final word that also hit Adagio was how Aria said that she and Sonata have found happiness here. And that happiness is how they were somehow still living on.

Adagio shook her head, trying to ignore everything she had just heard. But at this point, everything around her was changing. From Celestia, Sunlight, Eventide, Chrysalis and even to an extent Ash and Rarity, Adagio was no longer the vengeful and cruel siren she was. And she knew it.

"Forget it," Adagio said as she walked outside of the house to clear her head.

When she came outside, she could see how everypony here were just smiling and having fun with their friends, family and Pokemon. Seeing how happy they were, took Adagio back to Aria's comment on ponies overall. Even after what she did here in Ponyville and how ruthless she battled in the Canterlot Tournament, Adagio was not hated, despite her own hatred for the ponies.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu came to Adagio, holding some food in his hand.

"Hm?" Adagio looked down at Pikachu.

"Pika?" He offered his food to her.

"You're giving me some...?"


"Pikachu's full and can't eat anymore." Ash walked up to Adagio. "And so am I too. I'm stuffed!"

"Hm...Thanks." Adagio used her magic to take the food from Pikachu's hand.

"Alright, buddy. Let's head home now."

"Pikachu." Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder, ready to leave.

"See ya soon!" Ash and Pikachu waved goodbye to Adagio, returning back to their world by passing through the gateway to Pallet Town.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 362 End.

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