• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Box of 100 Demons

The Human World. Near the Big City. Afternoon.

One of the 100 Demons from the box had been summoned. This time by Sweet Fang's personal choice. Out of the box, another demon had been unleashed with the vampires standing back, watching the lights flair.

A bawl in the atmosphere, a whisper of wind, and suddenly, a frightening organism of terror and smoke had emerged. Two ravenous eyes stared with a hollow dread as another bawl escaped from its mouth. A lush head of hair adorns its chunky head, which itself is glowing faintly in the dark. Four legs easily carried its diabolical body as it resembled a mixture of a spider and a centaur.

"A splendid choice, Sweet Fang." Opal chuckled. "This demon will dive into the memories of that girl. All it has to do is find the design of the book. Once found, all we need to do is look for a copy of the book. That way, we shall know which one to grab."

"Oh, really?" Spectrum scratched her mane. "It just has to look at the book cover? Nice. Makes things way easier."

"Not exactly." Opal thought otherwise. "They managed to fend off one of the demons and succeeded in their mission. These humans are not as weak as we thought. At least, the humans in this world. But we will be assisting this demon with our newly gained Pokemon."

"It's getting late too." Sweet Fang looked at the sky, noticing the afternoon sun emanating its orange glow. "Once it's nightfall, we'll be sitting pretty."

"Sitting glamorously, Sweet Fang. Nightfall is where we and demons shine the most." Opal's soft smile soon turned into a sinister one. She and every other vampire knew that to them, there was no better time than nighttime. Not just because it was easy to live in, but because of the benefits.

The late afternoon had come and soon nightfall would too. The vampires set off with this Four-legged Smoke Demon coming along with them. Even with the book destroyed, Twilight was still a target.

Out in the forest.

After having a dire struggle against one of the 100 Demons, Twilight and her friends were ready to head home. The book had been destroyed, eliminating all chances of the vampires receiving information about Yveltal. Everything from the book was burnt up thanks to Litleo's Inferno.

Right now, Twilight's Xtransceiver was ringing. It was from Ash. Answering it, Ash's face came into view as he was currently making his way to the Unova Region.

"Twilight. Are you okay? Is everyone okay?" Ash asked.

"Hey, Ash. You caught us at the best time after the worst time." Twilight chuckled, sitting on a log with all of her friends gathering to see him. "We went through something. One of those 100 Demons showed up again. I think the vampires are here. But we managed to make it."

"It got close though." Sunset leaned in. "Those things are just terrifying. And there's a 100 of them in total?"

"It's great that you managed to make it. Did you keep the book safe by the way?"

"We destroyed it." Rarity revealed. "It was too much of a burden so it's nothing but ashes, Ash."

"Totally for the best. I suggested we do it first ya know." Rainbow Dash intervened. "With no book to grab, they can't learn about that Y-Yva-" Rainbow Dash scrunched her face, trying to pronounce Yveltal's name. "Whatever it's called."

"But since those vampires are still around and that one demon managed to get away, I just have a bad feeling of what's about to come next." Sunset Shimmer shuddered.

"Those vampires won't come for us though. Right?" Fluttershy asked. "The book's gone after all."

"Foolish young girls. Don't get so complacent." Chrysalis, who was alongside Ash, approaching the Unova region, chimed in.

"What is that?!" Twilight and her friends pulled back upon seeing Chrysalis for the first time. Sunset Shimmer was the exemption. A changeling was seen before their very eyes. "It's actually beautiful!" Immediately, they saw the beauty in Chrysalis' Purity Form.

"You truly do resemble your Equestrian counterparts. Somewhat uncanny..." Chrysalis observed. "But as I was saying, my mother already told me about the vampires. They shall not stop until their goal is achieved. And those demons that they have at their disposal are certainly extensions to that."

"But we stopped it," said Twilight. "The demon flew away after losing."

"Foolish child." Just then, joining them on this escapade and throwing them off even more than Chrysalis was her mother, Mellifera.

"AAAAAH!" All of them screamed. Including Sunset Shimmer. Her face caught them off guard, scaring them as opposed to Chrysalis.

"Oh, please. The demon was probably scarier." Mellifera groaned. "As I was saying...with the Box of 100 Demons, they have their ways. Especially one demon that could involve you. Tell me, girl. Did you open the book?"

"I did. Why's that?" Twilight asked. "Is it bad?"

"No matter what...they have something in that box for you. The name of that chest is known as 'The Box of the 100 Demons.'"

"A chest that holds demons that originated from Tartarus itself. Some even from the darkest depths of it. 100 of them were locked up long ago due to how the horrors that they could display and unleash upon the world. Even I can't help but fear some of those horrific monstrosities inside of it. Each demon in there can do many things. One of which will potentially be used on you. A demon that can read your mind."

"My mind?!"

"That is merely an understatement that I made." Mellifera shook her head. "It will dive into your memories and perfectly capture what you had witnessed in the past. "I hope for your sake, you didn't read about that Yveltal Pokemon."

"I did..." Twilight sighed. "I might've screwed up there..."

"It's okay, Twilight. I screwed up too." Ash replied. "But we're not gonna let it knock us around. If they're gonna bring a demon for your mind, then you just have to make sure that doesn't happen."

"He's right. We can still leave before they find us." Rarity uttered. "Although, I'm starting to believe that even heading home won't be the safest place to be. Especially with how late it's getting.

"Hm. To think, I could've chimed in and avoided this." Sombra showed his shadowy avatar, revealing himself to Twilight and the others for the first time. "But this is all the more amusing."

"Wait...Sombra, you knew?!" Ash turned to Sombra.

"Of course I did. I've performed this trick before." Sombra chuckle.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Ash grumbled. Sombra simply smirked, knowing what he had done before then returning back into Ash, laughing afterwards. Ash wasn't too surprised as Sombra would do this and probably at another instance if given the chance. "Just hold on! We'll be right there!" Ash sped up, immediately hanging up the call.

"Ash!" Twilight tried speaking to him once more but he was already gone. "Why does he rush a lot?" Oh well...Let's get back home."

"Aren't you scared that the vampires might come after you?" Pinkie asked, sliding over to Twilight.

"Yeah. Maybe we should come with you, Twilight. Just in case." Applejack suggested that all of them shouldn't head to their respective homes. Protection for Twilight was her first priority with all of her friends being in the same place.

"I am scared. Terrified even." Twilight's arms felt chilly. Even her voice was starting to tremble. How could she not be afraid of this? "And that would be nice of you girls to do that. It could be a sleepover but...not as pleasant."

"That's why we'll be there." To reassure Twilight, Sunset gave her word that they would all be beside. Twilight looked at her friends. Human, Pokemon and dog respectively. Her fears were still present and their response to the terrifying force known as Midnight Sparkle still lurked within. But there was some ease to it.

Knowing that Ash would arrive and that Sunset and everyone else would be there for her weakened her fears. "Thanks, everyone. But maybe we shouldn't go to my home. They'll come for me there first. I think we should go somewhere else."

"Somewhere else? Hmmm..." Sunset Shimmer thought about it for a moment. She lived in an apartment, much like her counterpart in this world. By looking at her friends, it was hard to say if they could all fit in.

"Heh." But then, Applejack found a big enough place with her eyes flaring. "I got someplace big..."

Unova. Eindoak Town. Late Afternoon.

They had arrived at Eindoak Town, where the gateway to the Human World awaits. It was a 2 hour trip to Eindoak thanks to Dragonite's aerial speed. Taking a plane or a boat was just asking for a delay.

The people and Pokemon of Eindoak were used to seeing Ash show up here fairly frequently. Especially Carlita. Carlita was currently inside her home, opening the window to soon notice Ash's presence at this time. Carlita, for years, never expected to see Ash for a while. If ever again. But ever since the Sea Temple event plus the existence of this gateway, he was becoming a common face.

"So, I pass through and my appearance will become that of a human..." Chrysalis already knew of the effect that would occur on her. A human is what she would appear like the moment she enters.

"Yeah. But getting to Twilight and everyone matters more right now," said Ash as he already advanced alongside Pikachu.

"Mother. Aren't you coming?" Chrysalis noticed that Mellifera stood away from them. In fact, she stood at a corner of one of the buildings, avoiding the humans and Pokemon whilst in the shadows.

"No. I'd rather not. Especially if it means becoming a human." Mellifera refused, shuddering at her potential human form. All too vile for her. "Go. I have already given you my warning. The vampires could also know of my betrayal to them."

"I see. Well..." Chrysalis held her breath before exhaling. "Thank for you helping us, mother. As Changeling Queen, I allow you to leave freely." With that, Chrysalis could send her mother off. She was grateful for what she had done. This was the first time Mellifera had ever done something like this for Chrysalis in so long.

They passed through the gateway, entering another world. Mellifera could leave. These were the last words she gave her daughter without her even being there to hear them.

"Never before have I wished you luck, mainly due to the potential that you carry, my little larva. But good luck." Mellifera spoke before then departing. However, that was promptly postponed once she turned around, bumping into the chest of none other than Carlita. "Gah!"

"Hey there." Carlita winked, startling the old changeling. "Whoops. Sorry about that."

"You insolent brat!" Mellifera almost fell on her back with her horn glowing. "Catching me off guard at such an old age?!"

"My bad!" Carlita continued her apology, putting her hands together. "I just saw you talking with Ash and..."

"Hmph." Mellifera lowered her magic, not having the strength or patience to try anything on Carlita. "It is none of your business. That is all I'll say to you."

"Are you sure? They went through that gateway for something. Especially that one pony that was pretty bright to look at."

"Her name is Chrysalis. A changeling. Not a pony. And she is my daughter. I'd rather you not try and bother her. My daughter is on a crucial mission."

"If Ash is on a mission, then I gotta chime in!" Carlita was ready to rush over to the gateway, already choosing to enter the Human World without a second thought.

"Did you not hear me?!" Mellifera held her back. "You aren't trying to disrupt my daughter, are you? Her mission against the vampires is nothing that a young girl such as yourself should start bolting off to, especially when she needs all of the focus that she can get."

"Vampires?" Carlita squinted. "Ah, that's it?"

"Do you not hear yourself? Are you not aware of the terrifying force known as the vampire?"

"Oh, I am." Carlita shrugged. "Dragons are way scarier though. I'm Ash's friend so I'm pretty sure I'm eligible to chime in. You're his friend too, aren't you?"

"Absolutely not." Mellifera grizzled her teeth. "But...since you are his friend and you show no fear of the vampires, who am I to stop you? Everyone in this world is seemingly reckless so far."

"Sweet! I'll tell your daughter I met you." Carlita chuckled before being dropped by Mellifera. Mellifera saw no point in trying to restrain Carlita. She simply shook her head, realizing that she was starting to get into the matters of humans. Something she certainly did not enjoy.

"I need a rest," Mellifera called it a day, heading home. As for Carlita, being the adventurous spirit that she was, was heading slightly far from home. A part of her did wish that she could go along. But the fear of the Dread Leauge was present. And certainly powerful enough to say otherwise.

The Human World. Canterlot Town. Sweet Apple Acres. Late Afternoon.

Everyone stayed over at Applejack's home, specifically in the barn. This would be the place for them to stay for a bit until they could get past their vampire problem. Which could be soon. The lights within the house of the Apples had been turned off. Curtains had been draped with windows being closed.

Apple Bloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith were the ones to do so whilst Applejack locked the barn. She backed away from the door before taking her hat off. "We'll be safe here. I hope. And if things get wild, we can use the secret exit."

"Secret exit?" Pinkie Pie repeated.

"Right in the corner of those hay bales. Straight to the basement. Apple Bloom made that." Applejack showed them this secret exit, although, it was being blocked off by the hay and some cows too.

"This place looks unsuspecting. I'll wager that it'll keep us safe. Not sure how long though." Sunset Shimmer sat down, wondering how long it would take. Perhaps throughout the entire night or even until tomorrow comes. She was hoping for it to be fairly soon.

"That creepy lady creature on the Xtransceiver said those vampires are relentless. They'll keep at it for...I don't know how long. But I bet they won't be doing much when they meet my Pokemon. But Staraptor's still hurt. Pangoro's fine though."

"Let's uh...not engage with them." Sunset slid over. "If we keep quiet and don't do anything, we'll be safe. The book's been destroyed and they've probably known about that right now. We just wait until they leave and make ourselves secretive."

"And if they don't then you know what's up..." Rainbow Dash wiggled her eyebrows, holding up Pangoro's Poke Ball.

"My house is first." Twilight huddled up. "You don't think they'll trash it when they get there? Will they?"

"It's okay, Twilight." Showing comfort, Fluttershy placed her hand on Twilight's back. Spike and Hisuian Zorua hopped out of her bag to be held by their trainer. "If they do, we'll fix it for you."

"Besides, you've got a way to deal with those vampires, don't ya?" Applejack nudged her.

"Oh, right. I do!" Twilight gasped as Applejack's words kicked her mind into high gear. "My Luxio! His Electric-Type attacks have enough light to affect the vampires. The previous vampires couldn't do much when Luxio gave off light."

"Then that's what we can use. If they do find us, then it won't just be Luxio that'll stop them and send them running." Sunset then dug into her jacket pocket, holding out three Poke Balls. "It'll be my Pokemon too. I doubt they've got much of an answer to fire."

"And my Rapidash too. She won't listen to me, but if I send her out, her always active flames might do the trick. They're always moving." Twilight smiled, holding out Rapidash's Poke Ball. "So, if they come..."

"We have all the light we need." Sunset finished her sentence.

"I'll let Granny and the others know to let 'em have all the light if they show up here." Applejack got up to leave the barn for a bit. Indeed. The vampires had a common weakness that anyone could use. Luxio's electricity and the light he gives off were already superb at staving them off. Fire-Types were presumably just as good. But for now, all they had to do was wait as the sun was setting.

Out in the forest. Late Afternoon.

Elsewhere, upon entering the Human World, Ash and Chrysalis searched for Twilight and her friends. Chrysalis' appearance allowed her to remain tall. This time, she was taller than Ash instead of him being one inch taller. As for her outfit, Chrysalis could not get used to the suit she was wearing. She looked like she was going to work at an office with what she was given upon entering it.

"Is this what some humans have to wear? It's an annoyance on my neck!" Chrysalis tugged on the collar of the suit along with the tie, hating it already. Anthophilia appeared as a baby as expected, resting inside of Ash's bag this time with her head poking out.

"Yeah, ties can be pretty tough." Ash chuckled. "But you can change it, right?"

"Oh. I suppose I can." Chrysalis could still feel her magic active in this world. Knowing this, she had used it to transform the tie. It had now become a necklace. A better fit for her. "Much better."

"Hold on." Ash came to a screeching halt along with Pikachu. Chrysalis and Ribombee soon halted the moment those two did first. Everything stayed silent. Ash and Pikachu could feel something. So could Chrysalis. In fact, she sensed it more so than Ash and Pikachu.

Anthophilia started squirming as an uneasy sensation was passing through the atmosphere. Chrysalis' magic reacted to this horrible feeling with her eyes glowing. Ash and she drew two conclusions to mind. Vampires or one of the 100 Demons.

A demon was the answer as that virulent feeling came from one of them. The spider-centaur-like demon with a smoke body was nearby. It moved through the trees, contaminating them with its smoke while also heading for one only destination. Civilization.

"I can sense it, Ash," Chrysalis said as Anthophilia was starting to cry. Her magic didn't take kindly to this horrible feeling. "So can Anthophilia. That way!"

"Got it! We'll intercept it before it can-" However, the moment that Ash was ready to bolt off, the inevitable blockade had arrived.

"Gotcha!" Startling Ash and emerging from the dim shadows crafted by the effects of the afternoon sun was Spectrum Shade. She was the first to appear. And she appeared with flair as she zoomed through the air, leaving behind a trail of colours representing her mane.

Her fangs revealed themselves to Ash with her wings spreading out. Her eyes also gained a vibrant glow upon her arrival. It wasn't just her. She and other vampires had arrived.

Surrounding, Ash, Chrysalis, Pikachu, Ribombee and Anthophilia, it did not take long for the vampires to find them. Ash was already known for stopping some of the vampires before and Chrysalis was only known due to her relation to Mellifera.

"They knew we were coming?" said Ash.

"Vampires have enhanced senses. That includes scent and hearing. Either one of the two helped in them finding us." Chrysalis explained.

"Sure did." Spectrum nodded in response. "Opal left us to you while she and the others handle things. We know why you're here. Heard about what happened?"

"The book has been destroyed. Your biggest lead on Yveltal is no more." Chrysalis answered. "But...that won't stop you."

"You're right about that. We've got a demon to sort that problem out. But that's beside the point. You!" Spectrum then vigorously aimed her hoof at Ash as all the vampires revealed their Poke Balls. All of them had summoned them via magic or were already carrying them. "Ash Ketchum. Big-name back in our world. Even the Lich Queen knows about that and we're all so secret too."

"Gee thanks." Ash took that as a compliment.

"Shaping up to be a legendary hero. Well, maybe not for long. Because when I think about it, I'll be a Legendary Vampire if I beat you. Just imagine that!" Spectrum chuckled, picturing herself as a legend for being the famous Ash Ketchum, revered across Equestria and the world.

"Sounds interesting." Ash grinned. "You wanna reach that status, then you just have to beat me."

"I like your attitude." Spectrum grinned back.

"We shouldn't waste time with them, Ash." Chrysalis leaned in. "That demon mother spoke of could be on the move right now. Leave them to me."

"To you, Chrysalis?" Ash gasped.


"For using my mother to use me, I'll put an end to this grudge before it can worsen." Chrysalis faced the vampires with a menacing grin that was akin to her old form before she became pure. "Besides...they chose to stay in these forms. They're too cute to be a threat to me."

"What did you say?! Cute?!" The vampires collectively bellowed after being called cute.

"Well, you got it, Chrysalis." Ash had full faith in her, grabbing his bag while Anthophilia was still inside. The vampires were ready to unleash their Pokemon, only to be postponed by both Pikachu and Chrysalis.

"Pikachu!" While running, Pikachu emanated the electricity from his body, causing light to emerge. Perfect against the vampires. But Chrysalis went above that. The brightness of her Purity Form was not just for appeal. With her hands out, she snapped her fingers, causing a powerful flash of light from her magic to erupt.

This shined brighter than Pikachu's electricity, worsening things for the vampires. All except for Spectrum. Much like how she was seen showing up at swift speeds, she managed to fly away at great speeds. Not only that, but she had used her colours which appeared to be darker shades of the rainbow. These dimmer rainbow colours had been used to mask her as she took cover from the light. The rest of her fellow vampires weren't so lucky as Spectrum saw Ash bolt away.

The speedy vampire squinted her eyes as the light from Chrysalis had ended, giving Ash and Pikachu enough time to leave the area. The vampires would all have to be occupied with Chrysalis and Ribombee, denied the opportunity to go after Ash. All except for Spectrum, who was in pursuit. The vampires sent out their Poke Balls, facing off against Chrysalis.

It didn't take long for Ash to see that Spectrum was after him. He looked up, spotting the vampire zooming through the air and soon soaring downwards. "Yikes, she's fast! Pikachu, Electroweb!"

"Pikachu-Pi!" Pikachu hopped over Ash, summing an orb of electricity on his tail. The orb was thrown before then transforming into a web. However, Spectrum had a response to this. Instead of flying to the side, she chose to be flashy and stylish. The vampire did so by turning herself into a bat.

With a smaller body, Spectrum Shade managed to pass through the net and its open holes, performing a stylish spin in the process. After passing through one of the holes in Electroweb, the vampire pony reverted to her pony form in a flash. Or rather, a coating of dim rainbows as that was her motif.

Spectrum then landed in front of Ash and Pikachu, sliding to the ground. She flipped her mane afterwards, loving to put on a show. Albeit small. "How did you like that?"

"Not bad." Ash couldn't help but compliment her. That was indeed stylish.

"Thanks. But anyway! Let's see if this Pokemon can be just as flashy as yours truly! Here goes!" Summoning the Poke Ball out of thin air, Spectrum finally used her Pokemon. For the first time as well. Emerging out of the ball was none other than a Machoke.


"So, you've got a Pokemon of your own? Does every vampire have one?" Ash asked with Pikachu staring Machoke in the eyes.

"Yeah, but it's all so new. We just got them yesterday. Thanks to Opal's amazing way of charming others, these Pokemon were caught without too much trouble." Spectrum explained. "Only had an hour to get to know what this Machoke can do. And I'm gonna use it to the fullest. Machoke! Crush them both with Dynamic Punch!"

"Machoke!" Machoke approached with a glowing first, making the first move.

"Wish I could enjoy this, but I've got friends to reach! Pikachu, let's make this quick with Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu lunged into the air, already being above Machoke. Machoke looked up as 100,000 volts had been unleashed. Responding to that was a swing of Machoke's fist as the two attacks had collided, properly initiating this Pokemon Battle.

Canterlot Town. Late Afternoon.

Searching for Twilight, Opal Vivacity, Sweet Fang and a few more vampires had arrived at Canterlot. Of course, they stayed hidden as always, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Along with the demon.

That same demon was stationery, masking itself within the shadows with the vampires while everything was still public even at this time. Even if the moon were to set, there would still be some movement. Albeit minimal. They watched as the sun continued to set as the moon was beginning to rear itself. The clouds and their orange aesthetic started fading away for the dark blue clouds.

"She lives in one of these houses, no doubt," Opal spoke. "Now, how are we to find her, I wonder? I wish to get this over with and have a nice sleep tonight. But then waking up 3 hours later for a snack."

"Leave that to me, Opal." Sweet Fang stepped up. Her body left the shadows, right on time for the dark blue skies and the clouds to start granting the vampires a chance to be out in the open without protection. A tiny bit of sunshine pierced through the clouds with Sweet Fang squinting. She had then turned into a bat, a common creature in this world. Although, fairly odd to see one in a town.

The vampire bat pony hovered over the town, gazing at the residents and how many of them were currently indoors during these late hours. Sweet Fang wouldn't go for the indoors as she chose to keep it outside. She spotted on human walking further away from everyone else, giving her the opportunity to strike.

She approached the young man walking through the street, distanced from others to be noticed so far. Except in the eyes of Sweet Fang. Once she approached him, the vampire bat pony reverted to her original form, choosing not to be discreet in front of him.

"Hm? Gah!" It didn't take long for the civilian to only be caught off guard by Sweet Fang, but also caught a split-second of her transforming.

"Hey there!" Sweet Fang giggled, ginning before showing her ferocious fangs. The young man had no idea what he was looking at. A seemingly adorable creature that resembled a pony. Albeit, certainly not the kind of pony he's ever seen before.

"What are you?!"

"Don't worry about that. I just need to ask you something." Then, Sweet Fang's most noticeable fang, which was in front, started glowing pink. She looked into the eyes of the young man, soon eradicating his fears and confusion. His eyes widened before having their colours change to a crimson red. The civilian became entranced and frozen in place, unable to react widely like he was before. "Did you happen to see some girls pass by around here?"

"I did..." He nodded as Sweet Fang had him under his control by the usage of her voice.

"Hm. Maybe I should be more specific..." Sweet Fang pondered. "Tell me this then! Did you see 7 girls earlier?"

"7 of them yes." He spoke with a zombie-like tone.

"Great! Did you see where they went?"


"Hmmrgh. Nah, you won't work. Pretend you never saw." Sweet Fang deemed him useless, fluttering away before breaking his mind control. The young man was free, holding his head afterwards. His teeth even felt a sting afterwards. Once it was all over, he had no recollection of what happened.

Sweet Fang could see that she needed to try this same approach on others. But with extra efficiency, if she wanted to find Twilight. And luckily for her, this town had many residents to make it work. Transforming into a bat once more, Sweet Fang was about to get busy.

Out in the forest.

"Dual Chop!"

"Machoke!" Ash and Spectrum's battle continued. Machoke approached with both its arms glowing, raising them in front of Pikachu.

"Quick Attack!"

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu's eyes flared as he had used the lightning speed of Quick Attack to run underneath Machoke. Right on time to avoid its downward chop.

"Now, Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu was behind Machoke, giving it a hard metal strike to its muscular back right after it had failed to land Dual Chop.


"Not looking pretty for me..." Spectrum growled, thinking quick on her hooves. "This'll do the trick!" Her eyes focused on Ash as she had then unleashed her signature dim rainbows via the usage of her wings, similar to how the pegasi from Pegalysium use their magic.

A streak of low saturated and contrasted rainbows approached Ash, aiming to throw his game off. Machoke noticed the streak pass by and soon Pikachu did as well. The stream of dark rainbows was not hard to miss at all.

"Choke!" However, immediately stopping this was Machoke, who had cut the rainbow in half with Dual Chop, much to the surprise of Spectrum Shade. They were prevented from touching Ash.

"W-What the?!" Naturally, Spectrum Shade was blown back by this. "What are you doing?! I thought you were on my side?!"


"Heh. Ya see..." Ash held his hat. "Machoke's an honourable Pokemon. All Fighting-Types are. It loves a fair battle the most, so anything like that's a big no for them."


"Honour? Are you kidding me?" Not exactly what she wanted to hear. Spectrum shook her head as her sneak attacks were essentially forfeited. "I guess that makes sense. Fine! I'll beat you the regular way then! Dynamic Punch!"

"Machoke!" Machoke ran in for one more Dynamic Punch.

"Sorry! But I've got my friends to reach! Thunderbolt!"

"Pika-Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu jumped towards Machoke once more with Thunderbolt surrounding his body. The two of them clashed once more with 100,000 volts meeting with Machoke's fist. However, it was clear who had the advantage. Pikachu and his years of battling against Ash dwarfed Spectrum's limited time with Machoke.

Thunderbolt broke through the energy of Dynamic Punch before then shocking Machoke's entire body with a sparking fury. Machoke was blown back by this with an outburst of electricity happening afterwards. "M-Machoke!" Machoke cried out, sliding on the ground.

"No way!" Spectrum pulled back as the intensity of the electricity startled her. Her weakness to light popped up once more as Spectrum almost fell over.

"Machoke..." Machoke had fainted. Not quite on par with Pikachu.

"That's that." Ash declared this over with Pikachu running back to his partner's shoulder. "You could grow some more as a trainer. But I gotta help my friends!" Ash bid his farewell as he and Pikachu wasted no time, continuing on their way to civilization.

"I don't think so..." But even with this defeat, Spectrum wouldn't just give up. She returned Machoke, hating that she had lost so easily. But it was to be expected against a more experienced trainer. With the moon starting to show within the clouds, a smile graced Spectrum's face which removed her frown.

The perfect time. Nightfall had come. Just what she and every vampire were waiting for. Her eyes gained a mystic glow before eyeing Ash down. "You aren't going anywhere. Not with the timing."

And with the moon being revealed, all vampires benefited from this. Especially the ones against Chrysalis. Speaking of Chrysalis, her Purity form generated light and magic strong enough to repel the vampires. They were unable to get close for even a second.

Chrysalis yawned, keeping herself safe with this barrier of magic which was also bright enough to emit a powerful light source. No matter what, the vampires could do nothing against Chrysalis.

"No fair! The moon's out and we're still having trouble!" One vampire groaned.

"Even with your advantage, it won't help you." Chrysalis shook her head. "The moment you interfered with my family was the moment you lost. Farewell." Chrysalis deemed this over as she intensified the barrier and its light. It had expanded, encompassing the vampires instead of just blocking them.

The vampires all screeched in pain and fear as they all instinctively and collectively transformed to flee. They could not handle the light. Some of them ended up passing out from it while others barely managed to escape. But even their escape was not guaranteed. Not by Chrysalis but by someone else.

When flying out of fear from Chrysalis' light, the vampires had bumped into someone without them paying attention. Only natural when they're afraid. And the one they bumped into was Carlita, who had startled someone else once more.

"Oh! My bad! It happened again!" Carlita apologized as she looked down at the vampire ponies. Due to being affected by Chrysalis' light, crashing into Carlita was the finishing blow. Not on purpose though. "Ugh...Uh..." Carlita wasn't sure of what to make of this, witnessing the passed out vampires before then spotting more of them up ahead.

Chrysalis lowered the magical barrier, dusting herself as Carlita soon came into her view. Carlita recognized her appearance to match that of Chrysalis' changeling form. Only in humanoid form. She found Mellifera's daughter, no doubt.

Sweet Apple Acres. Nightfall.

Twilight and her friends started doing normal activities to kill their boredom. They had been in here for a while with Pinkie Pie having enough food to go around. Eating so much made her yawn with Rainbow ash laying her back on the wall. Luxio was on guard duty, watching through a hole in the barn, keeping an eye out for any vampires. Hisuian Zorua and Spike were asleep next to each other with Fluttershy holding them near her lap. All of the cows were asleep too, perfectly unbothered.

It was all peaceful now. And they still had the secret exit to utilize. Waiting for it all to die down was their best approach. But this peace would not last.

"Lux! Luxio!" Luxio's eyes narrowed as he cried out to his friends. Rainbow Dash banged her head on the wall with Pinkie Pie being woken up.

"What is it, Luxio?! Is it them?!" Twilight got up.

"Luxio!" But it was worse than that. Luxi growled with him moving aside, allowing Twilight to see what had riled him up. It was worse than just vampires. An overwhelming sight graced Twilight's eyes and glasses.

Everyone in town was here. Outside and away from their homes. But noticeably, they all had that same red glow the young man had. Twilight took a closer look to see this red glow as there were so many of them that they practically made a light show from it during this dim time.

This was because of Sweet Fang. She did indeed go above and beyond. Not controlling one person, but instead, controlling the entire town. All of them were under her influence all thanks to her sweet mouth.

Sweet Fang chuckled as Opal, the other vampires and the demon appeared beside her, causing Twilight to back away. This was the only place that no one was currently being controlled, making Sweet Apple Acres the obvious prime target.

"We are in trouble..." That was all Twilight could say as it was worse than they could've imagined. The entire town, now on the side of the vampires, were against them. And that demon was only the worst of what was to come.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 760 End.

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