• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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One Adamant King

Pegalysium. Sky Monarch. Late afternoon.

Empress Twilight Sparkle had arrived at Pegalysium. But for once, she wasn't here to invade or attack. All she wanted was to speak with the rulers of this place.

And by entering those doors with some guards by her side. King Paramount and Queen Luminary agreed to speak with her, allowing the Empress to enter the palace. However, upon entering, the Empress already filled the air with an ominous aura. And why wouldn't she?

Plus, the fact that she had an eyepatch didn't really make her seem welcoming at all. The guards of Pegalysium led the alicorn to the main throne room, allowing her to witness the two rulers. Paramount and Luminary. Even when walking, she acted like she was the biggest pony in this palace or city. The Pegalysium Soldiers already had a bad feeling about this. A gut feeling really.

"Your Majesties. Empress Twilight Sparkle is here." A guard said before leaving the room, standing by the door with other guards inside of the throne room.

"Welcome. It's nice to see another alicorn here." Queen Luminary greeted the Empress. "And an Empress as well."

"Charmed." The Empress replied with a neutral feeling. "Glad you could invite me here. Quite generous and welcoming for a pony you've never seen before, hm?"

"We're welcomed to have any guests over for a discussion," replied King Paramount. After all, being shrouded from other parts of this world, we were curious anyway. Unless that guest in question proves to be an issue." He then narrowed his eyes, already having a bad feeling about the Empress. Empress Twilight narrowed her eyes back at the king as well.

"D-Dear..." Luminary hushed, hoping that this situation would not take a turn for the worst. "Ahem. What have you come to talk to us about? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna already came for matters involving the existence of our nation, the Rift and Pokemon."

"About that. What do you know about the Rift?" Empress Twilight seated herself.

"Soon, all I need to know. I already have some with me." Paramount showcased this by coating his body in Rift aura. He was already abundant with blue, so the colours of the Rift went well with him.

"Y-You have it?!" This shocked the Empress. She was expecting them to find the Rift enigmatic and beyond their understanding or control. However, Paramount disproved this by gaining control of it. Very soon, he won't find it to be too enigmatic.

"Certainly. I plan to use this magic to prevent absolute destruction from the Pokemon and their actions. That is if Princess Celestia and her friends can prove me wrong."

"Celestia..." Empress Twilight growled, moving her head to the side after hearing that name. Celestia had angered her so much that all she could feel was scorn when that name is brought up. "Aside from that, I'm here with parts of my Empire to speak about a bit of a union."

"Union?" Paramount and Luminary repeated.

"Yes. You see, I was made aware of Pegalysium from one of my loyal subjects, Skyblue Shine. Frankly, it made sense that I wouldn't know of it. Even in my own universe. Exclusive locations and all. If it sounds plausible and acceptable to you all, I would like to-"

"Hold it." Paramount paused. "Why would you want to form a union with us even during our first meeting?" He narrowed his eyes. Empress Twilight shuddered for a bit as she feared that Paramount might easily see through her. "I'm sorry. But even with this encounter, we cannot casually accept an alliance with someone we've just met."

"I'm afraid my husband is right. It's all too sudden, you see." Luminary shrugged.

"Tch. I suppose I was getting ahead of myself." The Empress smirked.

"Now that I think about it. You said Empire, didn't you? Tell me. Are you responsible for the invasion last month?" Paramount asked, putting the Empress in a rougher spot. Empress Twilight could see that King Paramount was very intellectual.

She thought she could work some mind games on the king but with how perceptive he is, that might be impossible. The Empress' soldiers were also feeling nervous. Something about King Paramount just terrified them. The Empress now knew that King Paramount was an imposing force as she couldn't help but admit to this.

"Yes. That was me." She admitted to being the cause of the invasion as Luminary and the Pegalysium guards gasped. But Empress Twilight had a follow-up. "However! I wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the circumstances!"

"And what would those be?

"Princess Celestia and her Equestria refused to be a part of my empire in the first place. Before we even met, they objected to my universe. Deeming me a threat. And to be fair, I am a threat. However, my way of Friendship apparently conflicts with their way. Other events occurred, leading to that invasion. But now, I'm here to work around that."

"There is no workaround." Paramount stood up. "An invasion is unacceptable. No matter what. What makes you think we'll just ignore that? The fact that you attempted to conquer this world speaks volumes, doesn't it?"

"My, what a king you are." Empress Twilight's eye twitched. "Won't even hear me out? Yes, I invaded this world. But honestly, I would've let Pegalysium off the hook. After all, I was only aiming for Equestria after their denial. I would've spared or allied with your world."

"And I'm to assume you would've gone easy on us? Would you really have not come for us even if you hadn't known of our existence?" Paramount questioned her further. "Deciding to conquer another nation due to them denying whatever your ideals were is utterly despicable."

"Tch!" Empress Twilight growled, seeing that it was practically impossible to convince the king. And there was no luck with Luminary with how she shared the same views as her husband.

"Feel lucky for yourself. Since this is our first encounter between your empire and ours, I will ask you to leave instead of placing you within confinement. But I trust that eventually, Princess Celestia and Equestria will get to that. Whatever you came here for, you won't get it. That much is sure. Now leave."

"Hmph. Fine." Empress Twilight sat up as she and her soldiers were ready to leave. "Here I thought we could have a civil discussion. You're quite the charmer, aren't you, king? Fine. But, how about we make a deal or promise before I leave?"

"And what's that?" Luminary asked.

"That whole Pokemon destroying the universe debacle? I'm not sure how that'll happen, but if I can prevent it and keep away from your nation, will that suffice?"

"I've already put my faith and trust in Princess Celestia and Equestria. Why should I put my trust in you?" Paramount walked up to the Empress as they both gazed at each other with blazing eyes.

"Touché." Empress Twilight was impressed yet again. King Paramount is a hard nut to crack and convince. "Just watch. Then you'll be convinced, your majesty."

With that, Empress Twilight would leave with her soldiers. The atmosphere of the throne room was tense, just like how it was with the first meeting between Princess Celestia and King Paramount. Empress Twilight smirked while the king kept a straight and serious face.

"I'm worried about this just becoming an arguing room..." Luminary sighed as Paramount gave her a comforting pat, causing the queen to smile. The guards had heard everything. They always do. However, one guard definitely heard it all. A bit too much.

This guard then walked over to the dungeons. Not to check up on any prisoners or anything. But for something else. The guard looked behind, making sure nopony was watching him. The coast was clear for him. He found a spot in the dungeon that he could stand by.

After doing so, the guard pulled out a shell of all things. But this shell could not only float, the guard could even use it for one purpose. Communication. He spoke into the shell.

"There has been the appearance of a third alicorn, Grand Judge." In truth, this was another member of the Indigo Alliance, posing as a Pegalysium Guard. A spy. "Just like the previous two alicorns."

He was sending information towards the Indigo Alliance. From everything within the palace and its ongoings. After all, King Paramount believes in the Indigo Alliance and wishes to put an end to them. And the Indigo Alliance were against that possibility. The king holds all the power in Pegalysium after all, next to the queen.

After that, a voice came through the shell, responding to the spy's information. The spy then nodded in confirmation after receiving that message. "I'll continue to stand by."

Pegalysium. Out in the fields. Nightfall.

By this point, Ash and the others were ready to head back after their time at Feathercoast. The Rocketship, owned by Team Rocket, was waiting. The islands hadn't moved today. Thankfully. So the locations were still in one spot.

But before they could leave, someone had to come and see them. Two of them really. Garnet and Kaleidoscope. Out of everypony in Pegalysium, they were the most intrigued with Pokemon. Well, Shooting Star as well.

"Wait!" Garnet cried out as they soared over the trees, appearing before the group. Here in Pegalysium, the pegasi are faster than normal. Living in just the skies and nowhere else helped them adapt to have better speed. "Don't go just yet!"

"Hm? What's up?" Ash asked.

"Before you leave...We talked with Mayor Umbra," said Garnet. "We told her if we could come and see the Pokemon World for ourselves."

"And?" Fluttershy and the others leaned forward.

"She said no." Garnet and Kaleidoscope lowered their heads with that disappointing news. "But!" They both exclaimed at the same time. "She said it was okay for you all to come by next time anytime. So when you do, can you teach us more than Pokemon? I'll take you to the Sky Monarch next time too for Prince Shooting Star."

"Works for us." Ash nodded to that.


"And Twilight. Bring me anything to learn more about Equestria, okay?" Kaleidoscope asked her new History Buddy as they've dubbed it.

"I sure will. Show me more of Pegalysium too." Twilight giggled as they gave each other a high hoof.

"Oh, I've got that covered. Here." Kaleidoscope revealed something out of her bag. Just what Twilight wanted. A comprehensive history book about Pegalysium. One of many. And it was all for the Princess of Friendship.

"Oh! Thanks, Kaleidoscope!" Twilight held the book before giving a bright smile. All the Pokemon had entered the ship, flooding it with their abundance. It was time for Ash and the others to leave as well. But now, they were free to come to Pegalysium at any time.

"Say hi to Princess Celestia and Passion for me! Garnet waved her hoof, saying her final goodbyes as they all entered the ship. After that, James started the Rocketship. The ship had ascended from the ground, taking to the skies as Garnet and Kaleidoscope could see the group waving through the front window.

And that was that. The ship flew off, heading back to Equestria. Garnet and Kaleidoscope could head home themselves. But not before Garnet had a few ideas running through her head.

"You know...maybe we could convince the mayor a bit more. And then she might let us had down there."

"Eh...I don't know." Kaleidoscope shook her head. "She seemed very final about it, didn't she?"

"Yeah. But can you imagine how many Pokemon are out there? Or what Equestria or even the Pokemon World is like?" Garnet spread her hooves out, looking at the night sky while imagining the scope and scale of both Equestria and the Pokemon World. "It could be unlike anything we've ever seen before!"

"It definitely could. But our ancestors never wanted us to interact with Pegalysium? I can show you the exhibit where that is if you want."

"I've already seen it. Besides, it's been generations and centuries." Garnet shrugged. "I'm sure that rule isn't so big and important anymore. I mean, we just got a bunch of visitors recently that found our nation. Besides, what's stopping us?

"The Sky Monarch? Kaleidoscope answered as she and Garnet trotted away.

"Well...yeah. But the king sends troops down for more resources, doesn't he? I'm sure he's cool with it. He's fine with most things. He came to my birthday once, ya know."

"He came to mine first. Even dressed up all silly for it." Kaleidoscope replied with a smirk, making Garnet puff her cheeks.

"You were a year younger than me then, so he was less mature!" Garnet exclaimed as she and Kaleidoscope had their banter. They tend to have it a lot as best friends. It's only natural anyway.

However, as they made their way home for their town's 400th anniversary, the Indigo Alliance, a few of the members, hid beneath the shadows. They weren't looking at Garnet or Kaleidoscope. Instead, it was directly at the Rocketship. They had one thing in mind.

Jade Skies.

Since they found out Jade was connected to the Rift, making her an entire walking Rift supply, the goal was to capture her for the Indigo Alliance and nothing else. The pegasi then vanished into the shadows once they laid their eyes on the Rocketship.

They weren't going to personally follow the ship. That meant leaving Pegalysium itself.

Equestria. Ponyville. SugarCube Corner.

After that second visit, everyone returned. Ash, Goh and Chloe returned to Kanto in the Pokemon World while others just went to bed, ready for tomorrow.

Unfortunately for Jade, no source of her origin in Pegalysium could be found. However, Jade wasn't too bothered by it. But it was hard to tell whether she was upset or not.

"Sorry we couldn't find anything about where you came from, Jade. Maybe next time when we visit Pegalysium, we can find out something."

"It's fine, Pinkie. Besides. I kinda made up my mind a long time ago."

"You did?" Pinkie tilted her head whilst eating a cupcake beside Mew, Spinda and the rest of the Slurpuff.

"Even if I can't find my original home, you and everypony here have given me a new one. Mr and Mrs Cake are like parents to me, and I see Cold as a little brother too. So I guess I have new family and friends now. And I'm happy with that." Jade said everything on her mind and how she truly felt to Pinkie Pie.

And for once, Jade was able to form a smile."I'm glad to stay here."

"Oh, Jade!" Pinkie Pie teared up while creating some cupcakes with the crumbs flying out. Mew, Spinda and the Slurpuff also couldn't help but tear up as well from that.

"Come on." Jade suddenly walked past Pinkie Pie, aiming for the outside. "I want to show you something at night. If we hurry, we can still catch it."

"Catch what?"

"One time, Maud caught a Minior. A lot of them. She had all of the Minior fly across the sky and create a great looking sight. Cold, Absol and I see it sometimes at night. I want to show you that sight again in the sky."

"Oooh! Sounds good to me!" Pinkie Pie bounced along, eager to see one of Jade's favourite past times. She rarely has many, but now she's gaining more as time goes on. She led Pinkie Pie, Mew and Spinda outside with the Slurpuff staying behind.

Already, Cold and Absol were out late at night as always. One can't ever get tired and the other chooses not to sleep. Cold waved over at Jade and Pinkie Pie as he knew today was that day. To see the Minior fly by once more. Absol even finds some enjoyment from it. It eases him down.

If they wanted to see this sight, Lapras Lake was the place to be. After they arrived at Lapras Lake, they were just on time to see the Minior sight. Some Pokemon at Lapras Lake even take the time to see this.

They looked up at the night sky, waiting for the Core Form Minior to arrive. And they wouldn't have to wait any longer. Because they had arrived and in wonderful numbers too. Places where Minior fall from the night sky are few and far between, with Alola being one of the precious few. But, now Equestria has it. 100 Minior could be seen flying across the sky, creating red and white streaks in their Core Forms.

But they wouldn't just casually fly around in the sky. The Meteor Pokemon knew that they are fairly popular for stargazing. And for a good reason. So, to live up to this, the Minior would make randomized patterns in the night sky with their red and white streaks.

And so they did. Immediately, the 100 Minior formed an entire galaxy from the movements. Not on the scale of a real galaxy, but it was fairly huge considering how many streaks there were. Pinkie Pie and the others in Lapras Lake gawked at this pattern as the Minior kept going.

After forming a region, they crossed streams with their streaks, forming a Mobius Strip while having white streaks move across the Mobius Strip. Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves while Cold made some popcorn appear with his Rift Magic, allowing him to eat and enjoy the view.

The calming sight of the night sky and Minior patterns allowed some Pokemon to sleep through it. They do have a calming aura. And for the second time in a row in one night, Jade smiled once more. She rarely smiles back to back. But being with great friends, seeing the night sky a deciding where her place in this world was is just enough to make this Rift Pony smile.

And she was glad.

However, near Lapras Lake, standing at a far distance, was the Indigo Alliance. Four members in total. They had followed the Rocketship, leaving Pegalysium and ending up in this part of Equestria. Their eyes watched Jade Skies as they observed the area. They had one goal.

To come and capture Jade.

However, not all of the Pokemon were asleep. There was the threat of Absol, the Lapras, a few other Pokemon Types and the Sharpedo which are now allies of Lapras Lake and Ponyville. This number difference was too risky for them to grab Jade and get out of here. To send this information, one of the pegasi spoke into that same communication shell.

"Grand Judge. There are too many of these Pokemon here. What should we do?"

"Don't engage them now. Wait for another time and then take your chance. We can't afford to let anyone suspect a thing. Especially those guests from before."

"Yes, Grand Judge." So it was. The pegasi disappeared into the shadows, having a new approach. They would wait for the day when Jade was vulnerable and by her lonesome. Or at least with little crowds. And then, by that time, they will strike and grab their target.

But even if Jade wasn't aware of this, she was just enjoying life as it was for her. Confusing at the start, but with a great friend like Pinkie Pie and everyone else, not anymore. She truly felt at peace now.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 511 End.

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