• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Poisonous Cure

Ponyville, Human Visit Event.

"So you finally have something to help em. I'll get Fluttershy to know!" Applejack went to find her friend.

Fluttershy was mixed in with the crowd. Her attention had been grabbed Applejack. "Oh. What is it Applejack?"

"Better come see this. Roy's here with the cure for our petrified problem."

"REALLY?!" Fluttershy bellowed, scaring the people around her. She was too happy after hearing this good news. She pushed through the crowd, heading over to Roy who was standing there with Swalot. "Is it true?! You have a cure?!"

"Y-Yeah. But hold on. Let me explain everything." Roy sat down on a chair near a table. "I recently found out that Poison-Types can actually melt away the petrified state. Whether they're literal rocks or just stuck in motion, the acidic aura the Pokemon give off are very potent."

"Poison-Types... That's why Grimer was the only one to break free of the petrification." Fluttershy called back to when she saw Grimer. The one Pokemon who freed itself.

"Mhm. Swalot here is of the same category too. Inside Swalot are special enzymes that can dissolve anything. It also sweats toxic fluids from its follicles."

"That's great! Then we can use Swalot to free every Pokemon there!" Fluttershy said with a wide smile on her face.

"Yeah. But there's a huge obstacle and issue." Roy had stopped her smile as she and Applejack leaned in. "You see. At the end of the day, they are still Poison-Types and their poison is very potent. I've managed to used Swalot's toxic and place it in an antidote. But it's a risky attempt. If you were to give any Pokemon this antidote, there is a good chance the poison will destroy them. Ending their life."

Fluttershy and Applejack froze at what they had just heard. This didn't sound like good news at all.

"That's why I came to you to tell you this. There's only one way to make sure that antidote doesn't harm the Pokemon. By finding something to negate the deadly poison while still recovering the Pokemon."

"Is there something that can?!" Fluttershy voice became desperate for a good answer.

"Thankfully there is. But it's hard to come by. See... to negate poison effect I'll have to find specific nectar. The Pokemon that produce can give off a lot however, their nectar won't be potent enough. It has to be nectar that is so rich it can bypass the poison."

"So where are you going to find this nectar?" AJ asked.

"That's the problem. This is why I came to you. I was hoping that your world would have some magic that makes nectar much more powerful. You think you can help with that?"

"I hope so. Maybe Twilight does have a spell that can do that. I want to save these Pokemon as fast as I can! Remedy Roy. Can you please give me the antidote?"

"I can give you the first one I've made. Be very careful with it." Roy had lent them the antidote as it was placed in a syringe. Fluttershy had taken it with her.

"I will. Thank you so much, Remedy Roy!"

"I'll leave you to it. If there's any major change or it works, just come to me and I'll be here." Roy had bid his farewell, returning Swalot to its Pokeball. "And remember! It has to negate the poison!" His final words as he had disappeared over the horizon.

"Alright. Let's make this count. We're going to get Twilight to make the nectar the strongest it can be!" Fluttershy exclaimed with determination in her voice.

"Uh. One question. Where are we gonna find nectar?" Applejack asked.

"Some Pokemon can provide it. I'm sure that we can find a Combee that can help us."

Whilst Fluttershy and Applejack set out to find some nectar, Ash was sitting around a table, eating away with Pikachu, Riolu, Gengar, Dragonite and Pinkie Pie along with Rainbow Dash and her Pokemon. If Whirlipede can eat that is.

They were devouring the food without no signs of stopping. Ash and Rainbow did it since they believe that food gets you pumped for a battle and Pinkie does it just because.

"Man. With this visit event going so well, I can't wait for the Pokemon Festival. That's the one I'm most psyched for. There might even be Pokemon I've never seen before." Ash said, holding a piece of meat in his hands.


"I hear it's gonna spread across all over Equestria. So it'll be everywhere!" Pinkie replied with her mouth full.

"I'm more excited about catching the Pokemon there! I want my team to get even bigger!" Rainbow Dash commented while drinking some cider. "That way I'll have the best team imaginable!"

They had finished the entire food on this table, feeling full as they patted their bellies, letting out a relaxed sigh. Then, Ash had noticed Goh and Raboot had arrived too. They had already previously visited this world but never really explored it like Ash.

"Hey, Goh! Over here!" Ash called for his friend. Goh and Raboot raced over to see them.

"Hey, Ash. This visit thing is going pretty well huh?"

"You know it. It gets me more excited for the Pokemon Festival next week."

"Pokemon Festival?!" Goh leaned forward on the table. "Will there be tons of Pokemon?!"

"Well yeah. It is a festival for Pokemon after all."

"Awesome! I can't believe I almost missed out on this! I should start coming here more often!"


Meanwhile, with Twilight, she was still teaching the humans about her world. It was a long teaching session, only a few of them actually fell asleep. Luckily she was almost finished.

"Then, with all of their might, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeated Sombra, however, Sombra took the Crystal Empire down with him in the process, making the empire vanish. So. I hope everyone's been keeping track late-" She looked over to all the humans as some of them were half asleep. "Ooops. Guess I may have gone on for too long huh?"

"No, it's cool." A human replied falling off his chair.

"Well if anyone wants to continue hearing me go on about our world I'd be glad-" And just like that, half of them zipped out of Golden Oak Library, decreasing the number of people inside. "Actually. I think I'll just leave it here. But I can give you all these books so that you can learn more." Twilight used her magic to grab specific books about Equestrian lore. The humans weren't really up for it, but they couldn't say no to Twilight's cute face so they took it anyways. "Remember to bring it back, please."

Once they all left, now Twilight had to decide what to do next. She sat down near the board where she gave off all that lore. Her Eevee Eve had gone over to her, sitting on her hooves.

"Hey Eve." She petted her head. She looked outside the window, seeing all the humans and ponies getting along. From what she saw, they weren't so different from each other. They all have the same personalities, talk the same, react the same way. This made Twilight appreciate humans more. She already did thanks to guys like Ash and Hollow, but seeing them all come together was a step up. And it's going to be tough when eventually the worlds return back to normal. But that silence was broken when Fluttershy and Applejack entered Golden Oak. Alongside them was a Combee they got from the Pokemon House.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Fluttershy? Applejack? What is it?"

"We need you to do something for us. It's urgent!"

"What? Tell me."

"Can you please enhance this nectar?" Fluttershy showed the antidote with the poison inside along with a jar of nectar.

"Enhancing nectar?" Twilight tilted her head, confused on what she just said.

"You see, Twilight." Applejack stepped up. "Remedy Roy came over and found a cure."

"That's great!"

"But... the cure's got poison in it. And the only way to make the antidote work without hurting those little critters is to have some nectar. Strong nectar even."

"It's the only way they'll be healed without their life being put in danger." Fluttershy commented.

"Okay. I got it. But enhancing nectar? Is there a spell for enhancing flavors?" Twilight went through her books, looking through the E category. She came across one that might help. Enhancing magic. "Aha. This might work. Alright. Bring the antidote and nectar over to me."

Fluttershy handed over the nectar and the antidote. At first glance, this seemed like it would be a simple task. Just add the nectar in the poison and enhance it. Easy enough. So Twilight took the nectar and used her magic to enhance it.

But it was at this moment that they remember that Pokemon poison and nectar is far different from regular poison and nectar. Once the nectar touched the poison, the magic went awry, causing a potent explosion that knocked everypony and Pokemon back. The aftermath was unexpected. The nectar and poison did mix but not in the way they expected. It created some sort of poisonous sweet mess that was spreading across the library.

"What is that?!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"I don't know! I thought I could just enhance it and we'd be done!" Twilight put up a barrier around her friends and Pokemon. The purple and yellow slime were melting away the floor and walls, almost reaching the books. "NOT MY BOOKS! We have to do something!" Twilight had concentrated all her magic to push back the poisonous sweet slime, vaporizing it. She let out a deep breath as a potential disaster was avoided. "That was close."

"How did that happen? Weren't you supposed to just enhance it not make it almost destroy us?" Applejack asked.

"I thought I could. But this poison and nectar... it's more powerful than I imagined." Twilight walked over to the syringe which was still there.

"That's Pokemon for you. But we need to try again. Please Twilight." Fluttershy pleaded.

"I know. I just have to figure out how to make sure it doesn't blow up in our faces this time. This might take some time, but I'll try as much as I can!"

"Thank you so much Twilight. Really!" Fluttershy kept on thanking her friend.

"Alright. Let's get this started." So the attempts began. Twilight kept finding new ways to try and enhance the nectar without having a dangerous result. They have many failures. One where the nectar had trapped them, the other were the poison almost became sentient and many more results that involved nectar and poison spreading everywhere. Soon, Golden Oaks was filled with poison and nectar stains everywhere. Combee had fallen asleep after giving off so much nectar to them all.

Now they were down to their final nectar. And the poison wasn't going anywhere.

"Alright. Last one." Twilight said with her mane all messy. "After so many failures... I think I found a way past it."

"You have?" Both Fluttershy and Applejack said.

"Yes. If Pokemon nectar and poison is much more potent than the average ones. Then by theory, we might be able to bypass the bad result with another Pokemon. Fluttershy. Does your Audino have a move that can do that?"

"Well. From what Ash told me Audino knows Safeguard, Hyper Beam, Draining Kiss and Refresh." Fluttershy explained her moves.

"Wait a second. What was that last move?"


"Hold on! Twilight went through her Pokemon books, finding the one where it had moves. She flipped to the Normal-Type Category, heading to the R section and finding refresh. "Aha! Refresh. A move used to heal status effects such as poison, paralysis and burn. This is it!"

"You think that move might be the one we need, Twilight?" Applejack commented.

"Definitely! If we can get Audino to use refresh on the poison the moment the nectar hits, it might finally negate nullify the poison! Fluttershy. You go and get Audino."

"On it!" Fluttershy flew out of the library.

"We've got one shot at this. Let's make it count."

Returning with Audino, the big test was about to occur.

"Alright, Audi. I'm counting on you." Fluttershy said to her Pokemon.


"Okay. We're all good to go Twilight."

"Excellent. Now..." Twilight used her magic to hold both the syringe and the nectar. "Use it at the right moment..." The nectar was dripping down, ready to fall on the poison. Applejack was quaking as she was anticipating another bad result. Fluttershy was sweating bullets as Twilight had never felt so much stress before in her entire life. Then, the nectar fell from the jar. Audino saw that sweet sweet flavor dropped as it unleashed a green and pink aura that spread across the room. At that same time, Twilight had powered up the nectar in the process.

The aura of refresh engulfed the nectar and poison the moment they connected, causing the aftermath to be safe. Nothing blew up in their faces this time. No slime, no monster, no destruction, nothing. Applejack, Eevee and Minccino hid behind the bed as she peeked her head out.

"D-Did it work ya'll?"

"Let's find out." Twilight picked up the syringe as it had the nectar mixed in with potion. "It's there. It's really there!" Twilight gained a smile on her face, but none bigger than Fluttershy's.

"IT WORKED! YES!" Fluttershy flew around the room.

"Now let's test it out. We'll find the first few Pokemon to use it on!" Twilight exclaimed. The gang set out to the Pokemon house, ready to use this newly found antidote. The Pokemon that would be injected with it were Kecleon, Nincada, Dunsparce and Cherrim.

Twilight held the syringe over Cherrim, ready to inject the Blossom Pokemon.

"Wait!" Fluttershy had suddenly stopped them. "What if the poison is still potent in there. What if..." Fluttershy was having second thoughts. She was thinking about the worst-case scenario. But Audino had held her close, guaranteeing her that it'll be okay. And if the poison does end up reaching them, she can just heal them. "You're right. Thanks Audi. Do it Twilight."

"Right." Twilight had finally injected it. It struck Cherrim's petals as the antidote flowed through the magical blood of the Blossom Pokemon. Pulling the syringe out left a hole in its petals.

That's when it happened. Cherrim could move its eyes once more. It petals started to jitter as it bounced up.

"Cherrim!" The happy and bouncy Cherrim had returned to its normal state, no longer petrified anymore. It bounced around like it normally does, happy to be back to normal. Fluttershy teared up as the antidote had worked.

"I-It... worked... It actually worked!" She hugged her Audino.

"Woowee. Had me nervous there." Applejack said. "Now let's get some of them back to their chippy selves."

"Okay!" Twilight injected the Kecleon, Nincada and Dunsparce, using the last of it. It wasn't a big antidote it was a very small portion at the end of the day.

Kecleon shifted into darker colors showing that it was healthy as it climbed up a tree. Nincada hopped around, glad to be back as Dunsparce just slithered away. It was happy though.

"We did it. Though there wasn't much of the antidote left. We're out girls." Twilight dropped the syringe.

"That's okay! We now have a perfect cure! And we can go and give Roy the good news!" Fluttershy pulled Twilight, Audino and Applejack in, hugging them all. "Thank you so much! Thank you all!"

"No problem. Now let's go get some more shall we?" Twilight said.

With the cure for the petrified Pokemon found, things are looking up for everypony and the Pokemon. It took some tries and some days but they got around it. The biggest mystery is why a Krookodile did this in the first place, and how was it able to unleash a status effect that hadn't been heard of for billions of years? A mystery that is yet to be discovered as the journey continues.

Chapter 79 End.

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