• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Upstart Trainer Rainbow Dash

"The time has come to Rainbow Dash!" Ash was talking to Rainbow Dash. It seemed important.

"What time?" She asked.

"Time for you to learn how to really become a Pokemon Trainer!"

"Pikachu!" Twilight and the other girls were sitting around in her home, watching this.

"You already have your main Pokemon with you. Its time to head out there and catch em."

"Awesome! But where do we start?"

"I heard that some grass type pokemon have been around Saddle Lake. Along with water types as well." Fluttershy explained.

"Then we can head there. I bet there are some Pokemon that would make great friends."

"Sweet! But how am I gonna carry enough Pokeballs to catch them?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I prepared for just that darling. Rarity got out a rainbow patterned jacket with a blue cap that had a rainbow in the middle along with a bag fit for pokeballs along with a spot for a Pokedex. She placed them clothing on Rainbow Dash as she looked ready to go out and catch 'em all already. "Marvelous. You look so fetching in that."

"I feel young in these.." Rainbow Dash said with an unimpressed face.

"Aren't you? They really bring out the youth in a pony." Rarity replied.

"Rainbow. We'll be with you and help you with your new career as a trainer." Twilight said to her multicoloured friend.

"Okay. I'm ready!"

As the gang set out to Saddle Lake, leaving the Golden Oaks Library, an intruder had snuck in when they left. Malamar. He was here to grab something to advance his dark plans. However, Mincinno who was the only one left in the library noticed Malamar. Mincinno went up to the evil pokemon, attempting to get it out of here since its intruding. But Malamar doesn't have time for this little rodent. So it uses psychic to get the little thing out of the way, dumping Mincinno out of the library. Malamar then went over all the books in here to see what he could grab. Until he decided that he'll just grab as much as he wants. So he uses psychic to lift 12 books as he felt his job here was done. He floated out of the library with the books around him as Mincinno saw him levitate away. What was she gonna tell Twilight?

At Saddle Lake. Here dwelled grass, water and some flying type pokemon that have made it their home ever since the two worlds mixed.

"Is it me or is the humidity here much more intense now?" Applejack asked.

"Ever since pokemon came to this world, some of them have been altering the weather and atmosphere just from their presence alone." Twilight explained.

"Ooh! What's that Pokemon?" Rainbow spotted a Rufflet, sitting on a tree. Rainbow Dash got out her Pokedex as it scanned the Rufflet.

"Rufflet. The Eaglet Pokemon. Rufflet hasn't yet learned to control its aggressive impulses. Because of this, they will challenge anything, even those that outclasses it in every way. The more a Rufflet is defeated, the stronger they become, making it a persistent Pokemon." The Pokedex explained to the pony trainer.

"Oh sweet! That's my kind of Pokemon!" Rainbow got out Whirlipede's Pokeball, ready to catch Rufflet. Rufflet turned its attention to Rainbow, accepting her challenge as it jumped down from the tree.


"Here goes! Whirlipede!" She sent out her partner pokemon Whirlipede out. Rufflet had no hesitation in it as it immediately flew towards Whirlipede going in for an attack. "It's coming towards me! What do I do?!" Rainbow Dash didn't know how to battle with Pokemon.

"Look at your Whirlipede's data! Tell it to use the moves it knows!" Ash yelled. Rufflet had used a wing attack, hitting its wing onto Whirlipede knowing the round pokemon back. Rainbow Dash got some moves down from the data. So now she was ready. "Whirlipede! Use Rollout!" Whirlipede had listened to her for the first time as the Curlipede Pokemon began spinning itself. It rolled over to Rufflet, knocking it back, but it wasn't enough to deal with a pokemon as stubborn as it. Rufflet then used peck aggressively on Whirlipede, obviously irritating it with its non-stop pecking. And it was dealing a lot of damage due to their types.

"Quit pecking my pokemon punk! Whirlipede! Double Edge!" Whirlipede had suddenly rolled back a bit, rushing in and using the full force of its strength to hit Rufflet, sending both of them flying as they hit some trees. Rufflet had fainted as Whirlipede managed to barely hang in there thanks to its body.

"Now's my chance!" Rainbow Dash got out a Pokeball, going in for the capture. "Go Pokeball!" She threw it at the fainted Rufflet as it hit it, sending out that red light that engulfed the pokemon. Rufflet was pulled in as the ball began to shake.

1.. 2.. 3. Got it!

"I did it.."

"Great work Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy congratulated her along with everypony else.


"Awesome! I caught a Rufflet! Now let's see what this little fella is all about." She let Rufflet out as it was semi-awake. Still recovering a bit from the faint. "Hey, there little guy." Rainbow Dash lowered herself to get to Rufflet's height. Rufflet got a good look at its new trainer. "I hear you wanna get stronger don't ya? Well, good news! So do I! So what do ya say? Partners?" Rainbow Dash put her hoof out for a shake. Rufflet didn't turn this down for a second. She won the battle fair and square so she's his trainer now. He jumped up, pecking her hoof as a sign of agreement and bond.

"How sweet! I can already tell you two will make great friends in no time." Fluttershy said with glee.

"Awesome job Rainbow. Now you've got yourself a team!" Ash congratulated her. "If you're gonna make it big as a trainer, you're gonna have to join in gym battles on the other side."

"Gym battles? Like Brawly?"

"Exactly. You can choose whichever region you wanna go through. Of course.. it does mean you're gonna be pretty far from home."

"Pssh. Big deal. I can get to wherever in your world and my world in a few seconds flat. Anyways. What's next?"

"Well you can either keep finding new pokemon or you can start your gym battle." Ash gave her two options to continue her journey.

"I'll start a gym battle. I think I'm pretty ready ya know."

"Wish we could have gym's here in Equestria. But that'd probably take a long time." Twilight said.

"Well, that wish is about to come, true missy!" All of a sudden, out of nowhere. BigTime Ben was here. Back in this world.

"BigTime Ben?" Applejack said, remembering him from a while back.

"That's right. The one and only. And young missy I can proudly say that I.. BigTime Ben have agreed with Mayor Mare.. to start the first official Pokemon League in not just Ponyville but Equestria!"

"REALLY?" They all said in surprise.

"Yes really. With agreements from Princess Celestia as well of course. I tell you, this world is gonna know the joys of the pokemon league. I can see it now. Not only people but ponies participating. Who knows. Ponies may have a unique way of battling compared to us. Much like an Oranguru. Hehe!"

"But that would take a long time though, wouldn't it? Building all of that?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Heh. Young missy, that's why we have Pokemon. Us humans would take years to make something that grand. But with the help of rock, psychic, steel and even normal type pokemon. It'll be done in let's say... Two weeks! Oh.. technically 1 because I made the recommendation two days ago. Hehe."

"This guy's a bit of a weirdo.." Pinkie Pie silently said to Applejack.

"But he does have a charm to him." Applejack quietly replied.

"So my little ponies. You can rest assured that league is coming. Oh well. I'm off now. Other places for me to be." BigTime Ben walked off, returning to whichever direction he came from.

"Sweet! But uh.. what's the Pokemon League?" Rainbow asked Ash.

"Hehe. Glad you asked. The Pokemon League. Only the biggest competition in our world! It's a top-level tournament where trainers battle against other trainers who are highly ranked. The way to enter them is by collecting all eight gym badges whenever you win a gym battle. Man, it's just such a thrilling experience! Makes me wanna go through some past ones again!" Ash got excited about thinking of all those fun tournament's he's been in. Rainbow Dash as well. She could see herself now. Facing off against a super tough trainer. And she has an intense battle with them and their pokemon, and ultimately comes out victorious.

"Oh my Celestia! If that's the case! Imagine all the things I could sell in that league." Rarity was thinking about how everypony would love her fashion at the league. People lining up to wear something, whether they were cheering on their favourite trainer or just want to look good. Or just to make Rarity more world-known.

"1 week huh? I can wait." Rainbow Dash said.

"Then how about we use that 1 week to learn to bond more with your Pokemon," Fluttershy suggested.


"I'm sure that you can learn a lot from each other in that amount of time don't you?"

"She's right you know," Ash said.

"HM.. fine."

At Fluttershy's cottage, Rufflet and Whirlipede were out of their Pokeballs, hanging out. Some Pokemon were in Fluttershy's cottage as well. It seemed that she had more than any other pony currently. Fluttershy had these Pokemon here because she decided to learn more about them and care for them as well.

"Now. Let's start by getting to know Rufflet, shall we?"

"We already know what this little guy's all about. He'll take on anypony! No matter the odds!" Rainbow said.

"Yes. But how about the rest?"

"The rest?"

"Maybe you could learn to understand what Rufflet eats. After all, he is yours now, so you have to know what he likes. Along with Whirlipede... if he has a mouth."

"How can you tell that they are both he's..?"

"Fluttershy does raise a good point ya know! Everypony's gotta know what they love to eat. Or they'd be nothing but bones!" Pinkie replied.

"Alright. What do you guys like to eat?" She asked them both.

"Rufflet! Ruff!"


"Uhh.." Rainbow didn't have a clue what they just said.

"Rufflet says that berries are its favourite to eat. And Whirlipede said it doesn't have a mouth." Fluttershy translated. She had also been learning to speak Pokemon ever since the mix. As they were talking, there was some light banging on the door. Applejack who was the closest to the door heard this. She opened it up as it was Mincinno, who was going around everywhere looking for them, panting over and over again.

"Uh, Twilight. Your little vermin friend's here. And they look tired too." Twilight turned around seeing her trusty cleaner.

"Minccy, what's wrong?"

"Minccy?" Rainbow Dash questioned. Did she nickname it?

"Mincinno. Cin! Cin! Cin!" Mincinno was moving about, trying to mimic Malamar's look with a weird face and lifting its arms and waving it around like it had psychic powers.

"She says... When you all were gone, a creepy huge squid-like pokemon came through the window of the library and took away some of your books with psychic powers." Fluttershy translated.

"Say what?!" Twilight was surprised to hear this. Why would a Pokemon take her books?

"A creepy huge squid-like pokemon..?" Ash thought for a bit on which Pokemon fit that description. And that's when it hit. "Malamar!"

"Malamar?" They all said.

"Malamar.. they're the most devious pokemon I know. On one of my journeys, a Malamar attempted to try and take over the world. Those pokemon are the cruellest of them all."

"Seriously?! I thought all Pokemon were good inside! Like ready-made cotton candy." Pinkie said.

"All of them are yeah. But there's something about Malamar that makes them so different."

"If it took my books, then its probably planning to take over the world by using some of their knowledge."

"Can Pokemon even use magic?" Rarity asked.

"Some yeah, mainly fairy types."

"We'd better hurry. Who knows what it could be doing!" The gang all ran out of the cottage as Rainbow returned her pokemon to their balls.

Deep in Malamar's lair, the cruel pokemon had already made good progress on its dark plans. The mane from a unicorn. A piece of a dragon fang. The element of magic and a small piece of Darkrai. All the ingredients Malamar needs. And with spells in his disposal, its all set in motion.

Now its world domination plan begins.

Chapter 12 End.

Author's Note:

Bet ya can't guess what Rainbow's team may end up looking like in the future.

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